I'm Fine

  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ snuff;

    “What?” Taehyung said, his blood boiling. “From now on, promise me you’ll have one of us with you, okay?” He said, clenching his fists. He was very protective over Nari and Solar, but mostly Nari. He knew Yoongi was the same way with Solar, so he tried not to step on his hyung’s toes. He looked at Jimin and when Jungkook came back, he pushed Jimin into Jungkook before going over beside Nari. “Please, Nari?”
    Solar cake back a moment later and saw Tae and Nari having a moment, so she scooted over beside Jungkook, feeling him lean his head against her shoulder. Once Namjoon and Hoseok came back, Jin made sure everyone was good before pulling away from the gas station and out onto the highway.
    February 4th, 2019 at 02:45am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "If it means you're now my personal bodyguard, then I promise," Nari joked, even though she knew it wasn't the right time. She let out a sigh, then looked up at him, "I'm sorry, Oppa. I usually try, but I left so abruptly that I didn't even think about calling any of you." She started picking at the hole in Taehyung's jeans and rested her head on his shoulder. "Are you cold?" she asked, changing the subject.
    Yoongi woke up when Hobi and Joon got back into the truck, as loudly as the possibly could. He wasn't able to go back to sleep when Jin started driving, and instead turned around to look at the background to see Jungkook leaning his head on Solar. He wondered why she didn't want to sit in the cab between Joon and him, where it was warm...and safe.

    "Be careful driving, Jin," Yoongi pleaded to his hyung.

    "Hey look, no hands," Jin said, letting go of the steering wheel for a second.

    "Jin-Hyung," Joon scolded, causing Jin to grab the steering wheel again while laughing.
    February 4th, 2019 at 03:03am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ snuff;

    “Be careful Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung has precious goods in the bed of the truck.” Hobi chuckled. He could feel Yoongi glaring at him.

    Jin chuckled. “Are we talking about Solar?” He smirked, looking in the rear view mirror at Yoongi.

    “Why don’t you just try asking her out again, Yoon?” Jin suggested.

    Everyone knew Yoongi had feelings for Solar and vice versa. “Just because it didn’t work out the first time, doesn’t mean it won’t work out this time.”
    “I’m fine.” Tae smiled. “Just keep yourself warm.” He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. He looked over at the others, seeing them asleep now.

    “Get some sleep, Nari. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” Tae said.
    February 4th, 2019 at 03:20am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari ignored Taehyung and put part of her blanket over his legs before she let her eyes closed. She was still really tired, but now excited for their trip. "Don't let me miss the sunrise, Tae," she mumbled as she started to drift off.
    "She won't come anywhere near me like that," Yoongi said, "Not until I change, and I don't plan on it," he wanted them to drop the subject, and continue the rest of the trip in silence. "I'd ask you guys to be quiet, but Hoseok's here," he joked...kind of. Hoseok turned around and squinted his eyes at him. Slowly, his seat started backing up towards Yoongi, removing a lot of his leg space.

    "What the hell are you doing, pabo," Yoongi hissed.

    "You don't need all of that leg room with those little legs," Hoseok turned back around, and Yoongi lightly kicked his chair.
    February 4th, 2019 at 03:28am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ snuff;

    “We love a lovers quarrel.” Jin snickered. Joon also laughed, looking at Yoongi, “you can put your legs on my lap, hyung, if that’ll make you feel better.” He smiled, his dimples showing.

    Jin turned up some music, focusing on the road ahead as he drove. He hummed to the song that was playing and noticed Hoseok had fallen asleep out of the corner of his eye.
    “I promise to wake you up, Nari.” Taehyung chuckled as he held her close. He looked over at Solar, Jungkook and Jimin, who were still sleeping. It brought a smile to his face, sleep seemed to be the only time whenever everyone was actually happy.

    They had nothing to stress about and could dream of a better future. Tae sighed softly as he felt the cool breeze on his face, he looked up, watching the stars. He wondered if his mom was looking down at him, at least he hoped she was.
    February 4th, 2019 at 03:33am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari never really dreamed, probably because she never slept deeply enough. She yearned for the day where she could lay down in a bed and really get to sleep. Because of this, she still had a lot of things bothering her subconsciously. The cold also prevented her from getting the sleep she really needed, but she still took advantage of this time to rest.

    She wondered if her mom had overdosed yet, or if she ran out of pills yet and moved on to heroin. She worried about what she'd walk in on the next time she went home.
    Yoongi glared at Namjoon, and for his own entertainment, he kicked off his shoes and put his feet in Joon's lap. He rested his back against the door, letting his head fall to the side against the back of the seat.

    "Why don't you rub them while you're down there," he grinned and Namjoon became tight-lipped, trying not to breath through his nose.
    February 4th, 2019 at 03:58am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Jin coughed a couple times and rolled the window down, “Jesus Christ, Yoongi. For the sake of everyone, please put your damn shoes back on.” He said, rolling Joon’s window down, since the poor boy looked like he was suffering.

    “No thanks, hyung.” Joon said, pushing Yoongi’s feet off of his lap, turning his head to breathe in the cool breeze from outside.
    February 4th, 2019 at 05:08am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Yoongi's grin expanded, pleased with himself before scooting back around and putting his shoes back on. He was still cramped by Hoseok's seat, so he reached around to the side of it to press the button that moved it forward. When he was sure Joon and Jin weren't paying attention, he leaned his side against the back of the seat and looked out of the back window to see Solar. He'd hoped she wasn't thinking about her pig ex-boyfriend.

    The beach would be good for all of them.
    February 4th, 2019 at 05:59pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Tae noticed the sky getting lighter, sunrise was coming. He gently shook Nari. “Nari, irs almost sunrise.” He whispered softly, shaking her until she was awake. He smiled, “Hey, I woke you up just in time.”

    Solar was also waking up now, looking around. She sniffed the air, she could smell the coast and knew they were almost to the beach. She turned slightly, seeing the beach come into view.

    “Sunrise on the beach? Beautiful.” Solar smiled. Taehyung smiled, “Yeah.” He smiled, giving Solar a soft smile.
    February 4th, 2019 at 06:19pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari didn't open her eyes right away when Taehyung woke her up. At first, she had forgotten about their impromptu trip to the beach, but the ache in her back from sitting in the bed of the truck for a couple of hours was quick to remind her. Her head was still resting on Taehyung's shoulder as he softly shook her, and she could now smell salt in the breeze as they drove. They were close. Despite the grogginess, her eyes fluttered open. The horizon that they were getting farther from was dark, but the sky was just a little more light as it went up, meaning they were driving in the direction of the sunrise. She hoped they would be there soon so they wouldn't miss the sun peak up over the water. That was her favorite part.

    She looked up at Tae and smiled at him. "Good morning, Oppa." She looked over him, seeing that Solar was also awake. "Good morning, Unnie!" Despite the aching, she did feel well rested, and ready to enjoy a day with her friends at the beach. A strong breeze flew by, causing Nari to sink further under her blanket.
    Yoongi could see the beach in front of them, a very dim light creeping across the horizon that they traveled towards. They would be there in time for the sunrise, and he smiled. He hadn't been awake this early in the longest time, but it was definitely worth it. This was what he had needed to clear his head. It wouldn't change everything, but at least he had a day where he didn't have to care about anything except his friends. He looked in the back again to look at her, and saw Taehyung and Nari cuddled up in a corner. His head shot around at the guys in the cab. "Why are you guys making fun of me about Solar when you got this going on in the back?" he used his thumb to point back there.

    "Everybody knows they take care of eachother," Joon said, not even looking in the back, "but we know you love Solar, even if you don't know." Yoongi rolled his eyes, and looked through the front windshield as they approached the beach.
    February 4th, 2019 at 07:25pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Jin arrived to the beach just as the sun was peeking over the water. Everyone jumped out, moving to the side of the truck to watch it. “This is the most beautiful part.” Jin said, looking at his friends. “Yeah.” Jungkook smiled.

    He then smirked and pinched Jimin’s arm before running off as Jimin chased after him. “And there they go.” Jin sighed, watching the two boys, Jimin tackled Jungkook as they started rolling around, laughing and having the time of their life.

    Solar smiled, looking over at Yoongi. “I guess we should go join them?” She asked the rest of the group.

    “Let’s go.” Joon smirked and ran to join Jungkook and Jimin.

    Taehyung smirked, slipping his arm around Nari’s shoulder as they continued to watch the sky change colors.
    February 4th, 2019 at 09:44pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Yoongi laughed as he ruffled up Solar's pink hair, and then ran away towards their friends that wrestled around with each other. He kicked his shoes off on the way, loving how the cool sand felt on his bare feet. He looked behind him to see if Solar had chased him, but ended up tripping over Jungkook and Jimin. "Shit," he said, falling to the ground. Namjoon took this opportunity to sit on him, likely payback from Yoongi putting his bare feet on him in the truck.
    Nari leaned into Taehyung, captivated by the colors that started spreading throughout the sky. "It's beautiful," she commented quietly, wishing the sky could always look that this, but glad it didn't because then it wouldn't be so special. She wondered if they'd stay here long enough to see the sunset, too, but was happy just to have this moment. Suddenly, none of her worries bothered her. Nothing could ruin this day.
    February 4th, 2019 at 10:14pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Solar giggled and chased after Yoongi, watching as he tripped over Jungkook and then laughing again as Namjoon sat on him. Solar walked over and sat down in front of Yoongi. “It seems you’re trapped.” She giggled.

    “That’s payback for him putting his stinky feet on Joon’s lap.” Jin laughed as he walked over with Hoseok.
    “I guess we should go join everyone else.” Taehyung chuckled as they walked away from the truck. He sat down and pulled Nari to him as she sat beside him.
    February 4th, 2019 at 10:43pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "And for calling me annoying," Hobi added, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes.

    "I didn't call you annoying, I just said you talked a lot," he protested, pushing Joon off of him, and then jumping on top of him in return. He began wresting with Joon, realizing too late that he was much stronger than him.
    Nari sat and watched the guys wrestle while sitting next to Taehyung, laughing at the fight that broke out between Namjoon and Yoongi. She wanted to join in on the fun as well, so she squeezed the end of Taes nose before running off and jumping onto the two. "Hello Oppas!" she exclaimed enthusiastically.
    February 4th, 2019 at 11:31pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Solar giggled as Nari soon joined the dog pile, followed by Jungkook and Jimin. Yoongi was screaming out that he was being crushed, but it just made everyone laugh harder.

    Taehyung chuckled as he walked over. “Poor Yoongi hyung.” He said, shaking his head. Solar giggled. “What snacks did you guys get? I’m getting kind of hungry.” She said, watching the dog pile slowly disperse.
    February 4th, 2019 at 11:49pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Unnie, I have some seaweed in my bag," Nari yelled from underneath Jungkook and Jimi, "You're welcome to it if you want."

    "What did you get me, Kookie?" Yoongi asked, also feeling a little hungry as he waited for the group to get off of him.

    "I got you some fruit, Yoongi-hyung," Jungkook said, getting off of the pile, "It's in the back of the truck, I'll go get it for you."

    The group started walking towards the truck, ready to dig into their snacks, but Nari wanted to go into the water. She took off her shoes and socks, and rolled up her jeans, before walking over to where the water sneaked up along the shoreline and then fell back. Her toes sunk into the wet sand, and she closed her eyes so she could focus on the breeze.
    February 5th, 2019 at 02:49am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Solar went to Nari’s bag and pulled out the dry salted seaweed snack. She opened the bag as she went to sit down on the sand, digging into the bag and sighing contently. She watched Nari, smiling as the younger girl stood by the water.

    Soon, Taehyung joined Nari, offering her a piece of his snack. “It’s so nice here.” He said and looked over at her.
    February 5th, 2019 at 02:53am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "It's nice anywhere that isn't in Seoul, Taehyung-Oppa," Nari joked, looking up at him. Lately, Tae had been taking more care of her than usual; she didn't know if it was because of what was going on with his family, hers, or if there was another reason. Either way, she was beginning to feel things for him she wasn't necessarily ready to feel. These unwelcome emotions filled her head, threatening the comfort of her friendship with him.

    As she looked at him, she wondered what he was thinking, if his dad haunted his thoughts even though they stood here, watching the beautiful sun continue to rise.
    Yoongi reached down and grabbed the bag of snacks from Solar. "Sorry, but Kookie got me fruit. It was well intentioned, but I survive off of Soju so I need more sugar," he shrugged down at her as he ate the salted snacks from the bag, and then smiled at her. He'd always had fun joking around with her, especially teasing her. He walked away with the bag, seeing if she'd follow.
    February 5th, 2019 at 03:05am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Taehyung dmiled, “ain’t that the damn truth.” He said, as he looked over at her. “At least you’re here to make me feel better.” He grinned at her and then turned his attention back to the view in front of him.
    “Yoongi oppa!” Solar said and got up, running after him. “Give them back!” She whined, trying to grab the bag from him. He was slightly taller, so she had to stand on her tip toes, but still couldn’t reach them.
    February 5th, 2019 at 03:30am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "You can't say things like that," she said, under her breath as she looked at the sand. When Taehyung said things like that, she didn't know what she felt. She knew what she wanted to feel, but her heart pulled her in a different direction from that. She looked back out at the water, wishing that he hadn't said anything at all, but wanting him to say everything at the same time.
    Yoongi laughed as Solar jumped around him, trying to get the snacks back. "If only you weren't so tiny," he joked. Behind Solar, he saw Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok looking at them with smirks on their face. His smile fell from his face, and he handed the bag back to her. He coughed into his fist before he walked away without saying anything.
    February 5th, 2019 at 03:45am