I'm Fine

  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “Why not? I’m just being honest.” Taehyung said, looking down at her. He hoped he didn’t hurt her feelings or crossed a line. “Does it bother you when I say things like that? If so, I’ll stop.” He said, even though he didn’t want too. He loved comforting Nari but he didn’t want her to be upset.
    Solar frowned as she wondered why Yoongi’s mood changed all of a sudden. She walked back over to where he was now sitting on a log. She sat down beside him, offering him the bag. “Yoongi, oppa, What’s wrong?” She asked, hoping he’d tell her but knowing he probably wouldn’t.
    February 5th, 2019 at 04:11am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari desperately wanted to tell him why, but at the same time, didn’t want to burden him with those thoughts when he had so much going on. She knew he relied on their friendship, and didn’t want to take that away from him. “Don’t,” she said, confusing herself. Don’t say those things? Don’t stop? She wasn’t sure. She reached up and gently squeezed his arm, smiling up at him, before walking away to get her shoes.
    “I just have a headache,” Yoongi lied. Why were his friends so stupid? If he had liked Solar, he would have done something about it. Still, he wanted to make it clear. “Just because you pulled me from my apartment doesn’t make you my savior and it doesn’t mean there’s anything between us.” His words had been cold, but nothing she wasn’t used to from him. There was a reason they didn’t work out from the start.
    February 5th, 2019 at 05:10am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Taehyung made a face, “Don’t what, Nari? That doesn’t really answer my question. Don’t say those things? Don’t stop? Which one?” He asked as he followed after her. He was so confused at this point. He had feelings for her but he was never good at expressing them, he had been on the verge of doing so, so many times, but he always chickened out.

    He didn’t think Nari deserved to date someone like him, let alone befriend him, the latter of which she did anyways, but he constantly felt like he was letting her down.
    Solar wasn’t shocked by Yoongi’s words, but they still hurt nonetheless. She looked down, “you know, the way you treat me isn’t fair. I do so much for you, I’m always the one whose there when you’re drunk out of your mind or when you’re vomiting up from drinking so much...I always take care of you, when I don’t really have to. You treat me like shit, oppa..and I don’t know why. If it’s because of the whole trying to date thing when we were in middle school, I can’t help that. I can’t help that I had feelings for you then..” she turned her head whenever she felt tears prick her eyes.

    She didn’t say anything else and instead got up, leaving the bag of snacks for Yoongi, as she walked away to go see what Hoseok and Namjoon were up to.
    February 5th, 2019 at 05:17am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari felt a flare of frustration rip through her when she turned around to face Taehyung, "I don't know, Tae. I don't know what I'm feeling, or what you're feeling. I just know that I feel something and I don't know what it is," she plopped down and started wiping the sand off her feet before pulling her socks on, "You weren't even supposed to hear that, so just forget I said anything. I don't want to ruin today." She made sure there was no sand on her feet or socks before putting on her shoes. One thing she did know was that she didn't want to talk about this anymore, that she felt scared that her relationship with Tae would be ruined.

    Without looking at him, she got back up and walked over to the rest of their friends. When she got to the truck, she looked at Solar, seeing that her eyes were a little red. She pulled her to the side so Joon and Hobi couldn't hear. "Unnie, what's wrong?" She had hoped it had nothing to do with Yoongi, but also knew it probably did.
    Yoongi watched Solar walk away from him, feeling unfazed. As if this was the first time she cried over him, or the first time he strongly disappointed her. He grabbed the bag of seaweed as he walked over Taehyung, concerned upon seeing him after talking with Nari. He couldn't tell if he looked hurt or confused. Without saying a word, he offered the open bag to Taehyung. What problem couldn't food fix?
    February 5th, 2019 at 05:55pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Tae sighed and looked at Yoongi before sticking his hand in the bag and grabbing some seaweed. “Thanks, hyung.” He said quietly as he munched on the dried salted snack.

    “Girls, am I Right?” Tae sighed, reaching for the bottle of water he had with him.
    “It’s just Yoongi..” Solar said, wiping her face. “Just being an asshole as usual.” She sighed, grabbing some pocky that Hoseok offered her. She bit off one end of the chocolate covered stick as she sighed.
    February 5th, 2019 at 06:22pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari lightly patted Solar's cheeks, and then used her thumbs to pull the corners of her mouth up into a smile. "Don't let that jerk make you cry when we're at such a beautiful place. He's just being sour because we drug him away from a day of drinking."
    Yoongi squinted his eyes at Taehyung, a smirk on his face. "Wait, so you're telling me," he pointed back and forth between Taehyung and Nari, "there is something going on?" In the truck when he had tried to avert the guys' attention away from him and Solar to Tae and Nari, he had just been joking around. Now, it sort of made sense, but this is the first time where it seemed like there was tension between them.
    February 5th, 2019 at 06:43pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “I know but I really like him, Nari. But ever since it didn’t work out between us, he’s always had some sort of resentment towards me.” Solar sighed softly as she looked back over at Tae and Yoongi who were talking softly.
    “I guess so? I mean, I like her a lot but I don’t think she feels the same.” Tae sighed. “I’ve tried so many times to tell her how I really feel but I always chicken out..” he sighed as he looked down.
    February 5th, 2019 at 07:23pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari looked over at Taehyung, knowing how Solar felt, kind of. At least Solar knew how she felt, meanwhile Nari was a pathetic soup of emotions.

    "Unnie, can I tell you something? It must absolutely remain a secret." She loved telling her friend her secrets, especially since Solar was the only girl friend that she had. Maybe some girl talk would get her mind off of Yoongi.
    Yoongi scoffed, throwing a piece a snack in his mouth, "You really are as dumb as you look." Yoongi could see how Nari was around him, he'd bet his whole life that she was in love with him. He wasn't about to tell Taehyung that, though. He would let him figure it out himself.
    February 5th, 2019 at 08:33pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “Of course.” Solar said, looking over at Nari. “I’m all ears.” She said, grabbing some more snacks. Luckily the rest of the boys were off doing god knows what, leaving the two girls in the bed of the pickup.
    Taehyung looked at Yoongi, “that was harsh, hyung! I am not dumb.” He pouted as he looked at the smaller but older boy. He sighed, “what should I do?”
    February 5th, 2019 at 09:18pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari curled up into a blanket, not because she was cold, but out of habit. "Things are starting to feel different around Taehyung-Oppa. It's the opposite of Yoongi-Oppa is to you, he's really sweet to me, he always takes care of me, and I'm starting to feel a little confused. I don't know how I feel about it. Things were so comfortable but now I have big dumb feelings," she started eating out of Solar's bag. She looked over at Taehyung, who was now talking to Yoongi.

    "Aish," she exclaimed, tugging on the arm of Solar's shirt. "What do you think they're talking about?"
    "If that girl isn't in love with you, that means I need to stop drinking because I'm hallucinating," Yoongi said, wishing he had some Soju. Some Soju would make today perfect for sure. "It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do something. He wasn't about to ask for advice about Solar.

    "You know there's nothing going on between Solar and me, right?" He had to reassure himself that the guys didn't really believe there was something going on between them. Yoongi couldn't have feelings for her, because he knew she'd be right there for him when she deserved much better.
    February 5th, 2019 at 09:45pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “I’m sorry Nari. I know how you feel, kind of. Only mine is one sided, but I think Taehyung oppa cares about you a lot. I was listening to you two talk this morning and he seems so sincere and concerned for your safety and well being.” Solar explained.

    “Maybe you should bring it up to him?” She asked.
    “If Solar was in love with you, I’d be the one hallucinating. You treat her like shit, hyung, no offense. I can’t see why she would ever have feelings for you.” Taehyung sighed. “But I wish you weren’t so mean to her, she can actually handle your drunk ass, you should be grateful.” He added.
    February 5th, 2019 at 11:15pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Bring it up to him?" The thought almost made Nari choke, but realized she might be overreacting a little bit. "It's obvious the only logical course of action is to avoid him until my dumb feelings go away and once their gone we can pick up where we left off - a comfortable, weird-free friendship." Nari was proud of this plan, thinking it through as she stuffed her face with snacks. "You should do the same to Yoongi-Oppa. He'll never love anybody as much as a bottle of Soju, and you deserve better."
    "I'm mean to everybody, stupid," Yoongi looked out at the water, "I'm happy she doesn't like me. That means she won't be let down to realize time and time again that I don't like her either."
    February 6th, 2019 at 05:21am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “What if he likes you, though?” Solar asked Nari. “Like what if he really, really likes you, romantically.” She said. “I think he does, just from observing how cautious he is with you, compared to how he is with me.” She said.
    “You say that now but I bet if someone else tries to steal her heart, you’ll get all jealous and start throwing a pity party.” Taehyung said.
    February 6th, 2019 at 05:57am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    “He is just gentle and kind, I doubt it means anything. Plus, he was there when shit started going down with my mom and my dad abandoned us. He probably thinks of me as a little sister,” she stopped looking in Tae’s direction. “I’m sure if he felt that way he would say something. But I’m setting up boundaries until he does.”

    Nari didn’t want to talk about the boys anymore, and instead wanted to have fun at the beach. “Hey, Unnie, I bet you can’t catch me,” she gently tugged on Solars hair before jumping out of the bed of the truck and running towards the water, kicking her shoes and socks back off in the process. The water would be a lot more warm by now.
    “Jealous my ass, if someone else wants her, they can have her. Why don’t you try, maybe she’ll leave me alone for onc,” Yoongi didn’t want to talk about Solar anymore, didn’t even want to think about her. “Why don’t you confess your love to girl Taehyung or whatever,” he handed Tae the bag before walking off to go talk to the other guys.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:19am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “You know Tae, he’s shy. Knowing him, he’s probably tried plenty of times but chickened out.” Solar said and then jumped up whenever Nari ran off towards the water.

    Solar followed her, taking her shoes and socks off before following her into the water, grabbing onto her as they both fell into the waves, laughing.
    “Because I’m not interested in Solar.” Taehyung rolled his eyes and watched Yoongi walk off. He also got up and went to go see what Jungkook and Jimin were doing, before looking out to the ocean, seeing Nari and Solar splashing each other. He smiled, watching the interaction between the two girls. “They’re living their best lives.” Jimin chuckled, also watching.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:28am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari let out a scream as Solar tackled her into the water, which had still been a little more cold than she anticipated. "It's cold! It's cold!" she squealed, but despite the temperature of the water, was still enjoying herself. She got back on her feet, now in waist-deep water, and began splashing at Solar. It hadn't mattered anymore what happened between her and Taehyung, now she was having fun.
    Yoongi gave Teahyung a look as he approached the guys. "I thought what we were talking about was out there," he nodded towards the water. when Jimin and Jungkook looked at him strangely, he smiled at them. "Taehyung has a thing for Solar," he said loudly so Namjoon and Jin could hear. "Not me though."
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:54am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Solar giggled as she splashed Nari back. A wave knocked them down again but they were right back up splashing each other after a moment or two. “Okay, I’m tired now.” Solar said, trying to catch her breath, as she walked out of the water and sat down on the beach.
    “No I don’t.” Taehyung said. “Hyung, you’re the only one who has a crush on Solar, or else you wouldn’t be denying it constantly.” Jungkook laughed.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:12am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari shivered violently as she left the water, the breeze making her feel even more cold. She slowly walked up the the truck, holding herself on the way. She grabbed her blanket, and wrapped it around her before strategically getting her pants and shirt off without all the guys seeing her undress. Keeping the blanket wrapped around her, she draped the sopping close over the side of the truck so they could dry.

    She walked back over to where Solar was and sat down next to her, more snacks in hand.
    “Okay,” Yoongi made air quotations with his fingers as he said the word and sat down, grabbing his own bottle of water. What are you guys gonna do when we go back to the city.

    “I have to work,” Joon said. Everybody knew he hated his job, but it meant he could eat.

    “School,” Jungkook sighed. It wasn’t the weekend, meaning he was skipping class today.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:33am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Nari shivered violently as she left the water, the breeze making her feel even more cold. She slowly walked up the the truck, holding herself on the way. She grabbed her blanket, and wrapped it around her before strategically getting her pants and shirt off without all the guys seeing her undress. Keeping the blanket wrapped around her, she draped the sopping close over the side of the truck so they could dry.

    She walked back over to where Solar was and sat down next to her, more snacks in hand.
    “Okay,” Yoongi made air quotations with his fingers as he said the word and sat down, grabbing his own bottle of water. "What are you guys gonna do when we go back to the city."

    “I have to work,” Joon said. Everybody knew he hated his job, but it meant he could eat.

    “School,” Jungkook sighed. It wasn’t the weekend, meaning he was skipping class today.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:33am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Solar went up to the truck and went around to the other side so she could pull her clothes off. She rung them out before hanging them on the side of the truck and grabbing one of Jin’s sweatshirts that was long enough to cover her underwear.

    She pulled it on and then followed Nari back down to the dry part of the beach, taking some snacks out of her bag.
    “My parents want me to come work at the restaurant for a couple days.” Jin sighed.

    “Jimin and I have a dance class.” Hoseok said.

    “What about you, Tae?” Jimin asked Taehyung.

    “No idea yet..” Tae shrugged before everyone looked at Yoongi.

    No one even had to ask, they knew what Yoongi’s plan was for when they got back, even though none of them approved.
    February 6th, 2019 at 04:18pm