I'm Fine

  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "We should get our own place," Nari looked at Solar, resting her chin on her knees, which had been brought tight into her chest, "I'll get a job so I can pay half, we'll always have groceries, the guys can crash at our place instead of on crappy sofas in the freezing cold. She started getting carried away with the dream, but why did it have to be just a dream.
    Yoongi felt that his friends had been disinterested in what he would be doing, leaving him with nothing else to say. He pulled his lighter out of his pocket and started flickering it on and letting it burn as long as possible.

    "Doesn't your thumb get hot doing that, hyung?" Jimin asked. Yoongi shrugged.
    February 6th, 2019 at 05:43pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “That’s not a bad idea. I have some money saved up from the two jobs I work, we can go house searching when we go back to town. But let’s keep it between us, that way we can surprise the boys.” Solar smiled, looking over at her friends.
    “I’m sure it does.” Seokjin said, watching Yoongi. “Yoongi, why don’t you come to the restaurant with me? We can always use the help and everyone knows you’re one of the best cooks, well, next to me of course.” He said, hoping Yoongi would take the offer.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:09pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "We can throw a housewarming party! But for them! It can be the new spot," Nari smiled at her unnie, excited that now she had something to look forward to. "Do you think you can get one of the places you work to hire me?"
    "I..." Yoongi was unsure what to say, "Can I have some time to think about it?" Yoongi knew he was unreliable at best, Jin knew that too, so he wasn't sure why he offered the job in the first place. But, having a job meant he wouldn't have to sell his music for rent. He thought about the song he had been working on, and the beautiful melody he had been making. For the first time, he really, really did not want to sell it.

    He had been touched by his hyung's offer, just scared that he would become more of a disappointment than he already felt.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:27pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “Yeah! Also, I’m sure the flower shop will hire you. I’m usually the only one working so they would appreciate the help, especially since it gets busy around the important holidays.” Solar said. “I’ll message my boss when we get back and ask him.” She smiled.
    “Of course, you know my parents love you, you’re their favorite, besides me of course.” Jin smiled. A chorus of “hey!”’s rung out between the remaining five boys as they pouted, causing Jin to laugh his windshield wiper laugh that everyone loved.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:42pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Yes! I'm so excited for this, Solar," Nari squealed excitedly, leaning against her friend. She would have hugged her, but it was important that her blanket stayed wrapped around her. She looked at Solar, who was wearing Jin's sweater, which she'd thought was a good idea. She got up and walked back to the truck, peering in the back for stray sweatshirts. She found Jungkook's and grabbed it, hoping none of the guys saw her. She shuffled back through the sand, plopping down next to Solar, and put on the sweatshirt.
    Yoongi looked over at the girls, just checking on them. He noticed Solar wearing Jin's sweatshirt, and began side-eyeing him. "Actually, hyung, I'd love to take you up on that offer."
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:58pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Solar smiled. “Me too! I would say the morgue, but I know your fear of blood and well, dead people in general.” She giggled. “And don’t ask me again, how I manage to do that, because I don’t even know how I manage it sometimes.” She said. She looked over at the boys, “I wonder what they’re talking about?”
    “Excellent! I’ll text my parents when we get back to town. They’ll probably want you to come in tonight with me, if you can?” Seokjin smiled. “I can’t wait to get a job.” Jungkook sighed. “You’re five, you don’t need a job.” Jimin teased Kook.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:05pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "I don't question how you do that as much as I do how you eat afterwards, or sleep," Nari said, shivering in disgust at the idea of working with dead people. "Should we get gifts for the guys? I'm already thinking of furniture," she was enthusiastic about the idea of having a place just for her and her friends, away from her mother.
    "We should find Tae a job," Namjoon offered, "I can put a word in for you at the gas station. We're really short, so you'll get a lot of hours."
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:11pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Solar nodded. “We can look at some of those fancy catalogues.” She smiled. “We might have to sleep on mattresses until we can afford some things, but it’ll be okay. We can do this.” She said, leaning her head on Nari’s shoulder.
    Taehyung smiled, “Thanks hyung, I’d love that.” He said. “Is anyone else getting hungry for real food?” Hoseok asked. “Me.” Tae and Jimin said together. “I think it might be time to head back in to town and grab some lunch at that sushi bar we all love.” Seokjin said.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:33pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "At this point, I'll sleep on the floor as long as it's inside a building with heating," Nari joked. She was happy she had brought this up to Solar, and for the first time in a long time, she had something to work towards and look forward to instead of just crashing at their spot when shit got tough.
    Yoongi perked up when food was mentioned. "What about the girls?" He asked.

    "What about them? They'll come too," Jin said, confused.

    "Their clothes are hung out all over the truck drying," he pointed out, seeing them all look.

    "They're naked?" Jungkook asked, his face growing more red.

    "Yes, maknae, and it looks like Nari is wearing your sweatshirt," Hoseok snickered, causing Jungkook's face to become even more red.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:56pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “Right? Same. Anything to get away from my abusive dad.” Solar sighed as she looked back at the guys. “Jungkook is embarrassed.” She giggled. “Should we go see what’s up?” She asked Nari.
    “Aw, hyung, Solar is wearing your sweatshirt. You must be proud.” Hoseok teased Seokjin.

    “I bet their clothes are dry now.” Joon said.

    “Or they could just stay like that.” Jimin said, “Ow!” He cried out whenever Taehyung punched his arm. “Shut up.” He hissed.
    February 6th, 2019 at 08:05pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "I just remembered that I brought a few changes of clothes," Nari and Solar had been the same size, so the extra clothes she brought would fit her perfectly, "We don't have to hang around in their clothes, now." She said, realizing that Jungkook was probably red in the face because she was only wearing his sweatshirt. "But before that..." She grabbed Solar's hand, dragging her over to the guys, so they could sit on either side of the youngest and tease him.
    Yoongi was now side-eyeing Jungkook as Solar and Nari teased him, "Put some damn clothes on," he said, looking away and taking a sip of water. He could see Jin looking at Solar in a way he'd never looked at her before. Yoongi didn't care, it was no skin off his back.
    February 6th, 2019 at 08:28pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “Go get dressed, we’re going back into town to eat.” Joon told the girls with a smile, chuckling while he watched Jungkook get even more red in the face, refusing to look at either of his noona’s, who sat on either side of him.

    “Where at?” Solar asked. “Sushi.” Joon said, seeing the girls smile.

    They got up and ran to the truck to get changed and Jungkook finally let out a breath. “You okay, Kook.” Hoseok and Jimin were chuckling.
    February 6th, 2019 at 08:50pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Just take deep breaths," Jimin patted Jungkook on the back, trying to help him regain composure. Yoongi laughed, finding the youngest of the group getting flustered by the girls.

    Nari handed Solar a bundle of dry clothes from her bag, happy she carried it around. "I hope they aren't looking over here because I feel like Jungkook's head will explode if he sees a belly button." Nari joked, looking at the guys before changing to make sure they couldn't see the two girls. She had felt a lot better once she changed, and handed Jungkook is sweater back.

    "Jungkook, your sweater has gotten more action than you ever have," Hoseok joked, and Jungkook glared at him.
    February 6th, 2019 at 08:57pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Solar changed before folding Jin’s sweatshirt and giving it back to him. She punched Hobi’s arm, “be nice. He’s still our baby.” She said, hearing Hobi whine and rub his arm.

    “So, Sushi time?” Joon asked.

    “Sushi time. Joon, you drive. I want to nap.” Seokjin said, handing Namjoon his keys.

    The group started walking back to the truck, Solar decided to sit inside this time instead of in the back. “Yoongi oppa, sit with me.” She said with a smile as she climbed into the backseat.
    February 6th, 2019 at 09:08pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Forget about it," Yoongi grumbled as he climbed into the bed of the truck. Why was she still trying to be nice to him? He thought he had made himself clear. He didn't look through the back window at her to see if she was looking at him, but instead looked at Teahyung, who was in the back with him. "Girls, am I right?" he had mocked Tae from their talk earlier.

    Nari collected all of the wet clothes hanging on the truck, putting them in her bag and climbing in the back seat with Solar. If Yoongi was going to treat her like crap, Nari would be right there to help comfort her. Lately, Yoongi had been getting on her nerves with this push and pull game he'd been playing with Solar. He looked back at Yoongi, wanting to glare at him, and saw Taehyung. She started feeling bad for blowing him off earlier, wondering if he was still having fun. She hoped he was.
    February 6th, 2019 at 09:21pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Hoseok also climbed in the back, sitting on the opposite side of Solar. Solar sighed as she leaned back into the seat. She was so close to giving up on Yoongi but she knew deep down, her kind personality wouldn’t let her. She wanted to say something but Hoseok was right there and since he was Yoongi’s best friend, she was afraid it’d get back to him, so she kept quiet.
    “Yeah. Why didn’t you sit with her though? She asked.” Taehyung said, seeing Nari look at them. He offered her a smile but she didn’t return it. Taehyung sighed and laid back against the window.

    “Yoongi hyung is just terrible with hiding his feelings.” Jungkook said, he and Jimin wrapped up in the blanket, huddling for warmth.
    February 6th, 2019 at 09:33pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Because I didn't want to, Taehyung," Yoongi said sternly, "How come you didn't sit with Nari?" He wanted to show Tae how annoying questions like those were, but also noticed that he hadn't made one attempt to talk to Nari since their conversation. It seemed like he missed his chance because the two girls seemed inseparable at this point. He shrugged now, not wanting to talk about Solar anymore.
    Nari mocked Jin, who snored in the passenger seat up front. It was obvious he was tired, and they couldn't blame him. After being awake all day yesterday, working with his parents, he drove them all out here without any rest.

    'Hobi-Oppa, do you know what Yoongi-Oppa is being so foul?" Nari asked, wondering if there was anything going on besides the drinking.
    February 6th, 2019 at 09:54pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “Because she’s sitting with Solar and Hoseok.” Taehyung shrugged. He got the clue and stopped asking him about Solar. “So, you get to be a fancy chef now.” He chuckled, patting Yoongi on the back.
    “No idea, kiddo.” Hoseok knew he didn’t want to be with Solar but he wasn’t about to say that with her sitting right there. He decided to change the subject, “what are you two going to do when we get back?” He asked. “Work.” Solar sighed.
    February 6th, 2019 at 11:35pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Once the inside of the cab became quiet, Nari turned around to look at Taehyung, who was talking with Yoongi. She rested the side of her head against the head rest, just watching him talk. The way he spoke to his hyungs made her smile, and she was happy he had so many people who cared for him. She'd always thought Taehyung was attractive, but now so more than ever. When she thought he was going to look at her, she quickly turned her head, hoping he didn't know she was looking at him.
    "Yeah," Yoongi pictured himself with a huge white chef's hate, making himself laugh, "Imagine that. And you, filling up gas." He nudged Taehyung with his elbow.
    February 7th, 2019 at 12:49am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Solar had fallen asleep again, her head resting on Hobi’s shoulder who was also sleeping, his head resting against the window.
    “Nah, I’m going to see if I can work inside the store, behind the counter. Joon can pump the gas.” Taehyung chuckled. But if he had to pump gas also, he wouldn’t complain, a job is a job.
    February 7th, 2019 at 01:06am