Erase Me

  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Yoongi was taken aback that the new girl dared to say no to him. He gave her a displeased look before putting his bag on the back of his chair and sitting down. He scooted his chair to the complete opposite end of the table, to exaggerate the point that he didn't really care to sit next to her. "Just make sure you don't talk to me," he said sternly.
    Seung didn't look up at the boy who was mocking her. "I see you haven't gotten all the shitty human being out of your personality. But that's okay, I hear it's a little bit more difficult," She continued to read through the class book, which went over the experiment they would be doing in class that day.
    February 6th, 2019 at 05:26am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “I don’t talk to dogs anyways.” Zuri said, flipping some of her hair, before looking back down at her notebook. She usually wasn’t this forward but this guy deserved it after he embarrassed her sister this morning.
    “Is that the best you got?” Taehyung laughed slightly, shaking his head. “I’ve heard better comebacks from a two year old.” He snorted, as he propped his feet up on the table, leaning back in his chair.
    February 6th, 2019 at 05:59am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    “I don’t talk to dogs anyways,” Yoongi silently mocked in a high pitched voice. He didn’t know why she bothered him so much, but she did. Every chance he got, he snuck a peak at her just to glare.

    The teacher entered the room, explaining today’s work. Working with clay; he had actually been excited for this. He was going to make a little sculpture of Taehyung on the toilet so he could proudly display it in their room.
    “You are like a two year old,” Seung said before using her foot to tip the assholes chair back. She smiled, pleased with herself as she heard him hit the floor.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:12am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Zuri rolled her eyes, before looking over at him. She glared right back whenever he glared at her and then paid him no more attention. She was more interested in today’s assignment.
    “What the fuck was that for?!” Taehyung jumped back up, luckily, it was just the two of them still. He picked his chair up and looked at the girl. “Mind yourself or I will make your semester a living hell.” He threatened.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:17am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Yoongi chuckled to himself, smiling a big gummy smile, as he pushed and pulled at the clay. He had a basic mold of Taehyungs body on the toilet, and as he told everybody who looked at it, it wasn’t done.

    “What the hell is that, new girl?” He looked at the girls work in progress, “A flying piece of poop?”
    “You achieve that just by being near me, and by the way, I can tell that Gucci is fake.” She gave him a look of disapproval over his bag. “And why don’t you mind yourself.”

    The teacher came in now. “Class, today’s assignment has changed. This week, you will be doing group projects. These will require extra work out of class, so there will be no homework. Also, so you don’t have to worry about choosing partners, I’ve chosen them for you. Look at the person next to you, and say hello!

    “You’ve got to be fucking kidding,” Seung mumbled under her breath.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:34am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “You’re really going to judge my model when yours looks like something that a cat vomited up.” Zuri rolled her eyes, ignoring him as she went back to working on her clay piece.

    She was going to make her sister a bowl for all of her hair accessories.
    “Oh, this is just great.” Taehyung rolled his eyes. He raised his hand, “Mrs. Cho, can I have another partner?” He asked. “No, Mr. Kim, you can not.” Mrs. Cho said. Taehyung pouted and crossed his arms like a child.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:41am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "It's not done," he exclaimed, not paying her any more attention than he already had. He was silent for the rest of class, until all of the students had to put their clay models in the back. They'd get to work on them some more tomorrow before the teacher put them in the kiln. He waited for the new girl to leave the classroom before he picked up what she had made and threw it in the trash.
    Seung was the one who went to the front of the class to grab the sheet with their assigned project on it. Each group had something different. They had gotten color-change chemistry, that had various experiments using pH balance. Without showing the boy the paper, she sat down and began looking through her book and taking notes. When the bell rang, she left without saying a word to him. If he wanted a good grade, he could learn how to be a little more nice to her, and even apologize. If not, she'd do the work herself, and let Mrs. Cho know just that.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:50am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Zuri went to meet her sister at her class. They didn’t have another class for about an hour, so they could go to the library to study or do homework. She wanted to tell her sister about the boy in her class, being the same one who spilled his breakfast on her that morning.
    Taehyung rollef his eyes when he saw how immature the girl was being. He was glad when the bell rang and he grabbed his stuff as he walked out of the classroom. He was already over today and it was only 11am.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:15am
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    Yoongi walked back to his room, now intending to skip second period and sleep in. This morning had put a sour taste in his mouth and the last thing he needed was to run into one of those two banshees again.
    Seung met up with Zuri at the library, now feeling bad for how she had treated that boy. She didn’t even know his name but was now stooping down to his level. Even though she hated it, she knew she’d have to apologize. This troubled her deeply, know that this would validate his actions.

    She groaned at the thought.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:37am
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Taehyung headed back to his and Yoongi’s room. “Hey.” He said as he walked in and threw his bag down before sitting down.
    Zuri looked up, “Hey, what’s troubling you, sis?” She asked her as she read the expression on her sister’s face. They sat down in the back of the library as Zuri put her bag down.
    February 6th, 2019 at 04:22pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Wait until you see the thing I'm making in art class," Yoongi snickered "Urine for a treat. I can see your face will be flushed." He didn't want to give attention to those two girls anymore, or show his friends that he had been bothered by them.

    "Hey, what's that bump on your head?" Yoongi asked, seeing a large lump under Teahyungs hair.
    "One of those guys is in my first period. I've started stooping to their level and I know I'm going to need to apologize, even though I don't want to." Seung huffed before putting her forehead against the table. "He my partner for a science project this week."

    "Well, well, well," she picked up to turn her head around, seeing the guy from this morning that had snatched the plate from her, another guy behind her. They both had their hands in their pockets. She rolled her eyes and looked at Zuri.
    February 6th, 2019 at 05:19pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “Ah, that girl you dumped your breakfast on, she’s my lab partner in science and she pushed me out of my chair.” Tae said, touching his forehead. “Ow..” he winced, “I didn’t even notice that until you said something.”
    “I have that guy who dumped his food on you in my art class. He got mad because I wouldn’t move seats.” Zuri said and then looked up whenever two of the other boys appeared.

    “We figured you two would be afraid of us by now but I guess not.” The other boy said, looking down at the two girls.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:12pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Who are these girls," Yoongi muttered, grabbing a can of rice tea from the mini fridge at the end of his bed. "We're going to have to plan something to make them run with their tail between their legs." Yoongi sat on his bed, crossing his legs, and began to think as he sipped on his drink. They weren't easily intimidated, that was for sure. They weren't easily embarrassed.

    Yoongi got a huge smile on his face. "I have an idea."
    "Being mean doesn't make you scary," Seung shrugged, "It just makes you an asshole. There's no reason for us to be scared. It's clear everybody else sees that, and if you looked beyond your own childish ego, you'd have seen nobody laughed besides your group this morning when I had your friends eggs in my hair."

    The guy looked like he didn't really know what to say, and instead walked away, his friend in tow.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:22pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “Tell me.” Taehyung said, grabbing a carton of banana milk from the fridge. He sat down on his own bed, after grabbing an ice pack, placing it on his forehead.
    Zuri giggled as the two guys walked away. “That’ll teach them.” She said. She wasn’t going to let these assholes ruin her school year. She’d jusf ignore them or if they could learn to get along, maybe she’d befriend them.
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:38pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Well, Tae," Yoongi said, sipping on his tea, "They don't get embarrassed, they don't get scared, but I bet they can get their hearts broken. Let's show them a side of these Bangtan Boys that nobody has ever seen. But we can't tell the others, their confusion is vital to making this authentic." Yoongi got a big smile on his face now, "And when we get them to tell us they love us, that's when we shit all over their hearts. They'll probably leave after that."
    "I hope so. I don't have time for this," Seung sighed, making sure the two were gone and that they weren't bringing in their reserves. "What's your next class again? I have Lit, which I'm pretty excited for."
    February 6th, 2019 at 06:51pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Taehyung smiled, “I knew we called you a genius for a reason. I love it.” Tae smirked. “So, when do we put this plan into action, genius hyung?” He chuckled. He was excited now, he couldn’t wait to break that blue haired girl’s heart.
    “Math. And you know I suck, so I might need you to tutor me again.” Zuri sighed. She wasn’t good at math and science, like Seung was. Zuri was good at history and English, and art. Art was her outlet for every bad thing in her life.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:08pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "We'll get to work tomorrow. Put on your best apologetic face in the morning when you have class. Show her the Taehyung that your parents think you are," Yoongi advised. He threw his can in the trash before grabbing his bag, and leaving the room. Now he was determined, even though he had to go sit through history class.
    Seung started packing up her books, reading to get to go to her next class. They only had four in the day, so after Lit, there was lunch, and then she was halfway done with the day. "I'll see you later. If you're having any issues we'll go over your homework after my dance class." She used one arm to hug Zuri before throwing her bag over her shoulder and leaving the library.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:18pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    Taehyung smiled, excited for tomorrow. He finished his banana milk before throwing the carton away and grabbing his bag for his next class, art. He would concentrate on being the good boy his parents thought he was while he was in art. He wouldn’t fuck this up.
    “Bye!” Zuri sighed as she grabbed her things and headed out of the library, heading to her calculus class. She noticed the boy who had been in the library with his friend but didn’t pay him any attention. She grabbed a seat in the back and sat down, ready to get this dreaded class over with.
    February 6th, 2019 at 07:30pm
  • jungshook

    jungshook (100)

    United States
    @ yoongisgummysmile

    "Namjoon," Yoongi said, sitting down next to his friend, "Did you do last night's homework?"

    "I did it in class," Joon said simply, as if he didn't know Yoongi was about to ask to copy it.

    "So...I didn't," he smiled at his friend, hoping that he would catch the hint. Namjoon rolled his eyes as he slid his notebook over to Yoongi. Yoongi wasn't dumb, and was very capable of doing his homework. In fact, he often did, but lately he'd been sleeping like shit, so homework had not been important to him.
    "Hi," Seung heard a cheerful voice from behind her. She looked around to see who it was, immediately recognizing him from that group's table this morning and the library. Suddenly, she became very suspicious."I'm Hoseok."

    "Pleasure," Seung blew him off, not really caring to talk to him.

    "I'm sorry for my hyungs. They've...been through a lot, and become a huge burden to other students with their attitudes." He explained

    "I guess that couldn't be closer to the truth," Seung said, not looking back at him.

    "I'd like to apologize for them, because they won't. I hate how they've started acting, but...they're my family. But please, when we're in this class, think of me as a friend." Seung looked around at him now, and he had what seemed to be a genuine smile on his face.

    "I'm Seung."
    February 6th, 2019 at 08:11pm
  • kyos-riceball

    kyos-riceball (100)

    United States
    @ Taehyung

    “Hi.” Zuri heard someone behind her. She turned and saw one of the boys from this morning. Zuri sighed and didn’t reply.

    “Listen, I just want to apologize for my friends, especially for what Yoongi did to your sister.” The boy said.

    “He can apologize to her.” Zuri said.

    “He won’t so I’m doing it for him. I’m Jimin.” The boy said, giving her a smile.

    “Zuri.” She quickly said before turning around.

    She didn’t care who he was, she didn’t believe his apology for a second, either.
    Taehyung sat down in his art class, deciding the best way to apologize to the blue haired girl would be to make her something. That was his goal for this class.
    February 6th, 2019 at 08:20pm