The Immortal War

  • @ sun spirit

    Jonathan nodded as Cat agreed to omelettes, beginning to pull out the eggs and milk before pulling out an onion and some other vegetables that they had, as well as some cheese. "I liked them too. I think we have everything that we put in them last time. I can cut the vegetables for you to cook, and then make toast?" He suggested, smiling over at her as she tended to Daisy.
    Florence pouted a little as he hugged her close but still said that he was going to get up, her arms loosening a bit after a few moments, giving a little nod. "Alright.. But you have to come right back, promise?" She asked, looking up at him.
    June 24th, 2020 at 03:57am
  • @ katahdin

    "That sounds great." Cat glanced back at her husband with a smile as she set down Daisy's fresh water. They'd both eased up a lot on trying to cook whole meals for each other on their own since moving in, since they always wanted to help each other anyway and both enjoyed cooking. There were some exceptions, but she'd learned to let Jonathan help some, such as cutting up vegetables for her, when she took the lead on meals, and he'd done the same. "Do you want anything in particular to drink with breakfast?" She was already moving to fill her kettle with water for her morning cup of tea. If Florence came over, she had it well before Jonathan woke, but having slept in, this was her first opportunity to make it.
    Fuck, she was so cute. Skylar smiled as Florence reluctantly agreed he could get up, pressing a kiss to her lips. "I promise," he assured her, then kissed her once more because he couldn't resist before unwrapping his arms from around her and getting up to retrieve his phone from where he left it yesterday on the dresser. Once he had it in his hands, he returned right back to the bed and pulled his girlfriend back into his arms, just as he'd promised he would do. "See? I'm a man of my word."
    June 24th, 2020 at 04:40am
  • @ sun spirit

    Jonathan smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she moved past him to get to her tea kettle as he moved to the cutting board to begin prepping the vegetables for their breakfast. "I'll have tea, since you're making some. I can always grab some juice from the fridge as well. I think we have a couple different kinds, but I don't remember what." He said, starting with the bell peppers first, since he wanted to cut the onion last.
    Florence pouted a little bit less after he kissed her, giving a little nod when he promised that he'd come back and happily kissed him again. She still reluctantly rolled off of him so that he could get up and get his phone, watching as he moved over to the dresser to get it before returning, after which she promptly snuggled back into his arms, hooking her leg over his hip again for good measure. "I'm glad you keep your promises."
    June 24th, 2020 at 05:27am
  • @ katahdin

    Since Jonathan said he wanted tea as well, Cat put extra water in her kettle and then set it to heat, humming as he mentioned juice. "I know we definitely have orange juice and lemonade--which isn't really juice--since I made both of those myself. And there's either apple or grape juice too, but I can't remember which." She walked over to the fridge and opened it up to look, pushing a couple of things around. "Actually, I was wrong on both guesses apparently. There's only the orange juice and the lemonade."
    Skylar chuckled softly as Florence hooked her leg over him once they'd settled in again, as if afraid he'd jump up and run off, kissing the top of her head as he held her close. "Of course I do! It's all I've got going for me," he joked, not quite shifting to start pulling up information on beaches yet since, much like Florence, he was enjoying snuggle time and wasn't quite ready for it to end.
    June 24th, 2020 at 05:47am
  • @ sun spirit

    "I might have lemonade. I don't know how you stand grape juice, though, so I'm glad that's gone." Jonathan teased, although he was partially serious. Once all the vegetables were prepped he set them on a plate by the stove for her to use as needed, grabbing the bag of cheese to have at the ready. "I await your commands." He grinned, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
    Florence kept her arms wrapped around him, pressing a few kisses to his chest before kissing up his neck to his lips. "You have more going for you than just keeping your promises. You're very handsome, and you're nice. And I love you. And those are all good things." She offered him a little smile, snuggling further into his arms.
    June 24th, 2020 at 06:10am
  • @ katahdin

    Cat chuckled as she closed the fridge and walked over to Jonathan where he was cutting vegetables. “Don’t worry, we can get more for you the next time we go shopping,” she said, leaning in to kiss his cheek, and seeing he was nearly done, moved to prep the pan and eggs for the first omelette. She smiled when he came over with the vegetables and cheese, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his lips as she took the bag of cheese from him. “Thank you. I think I’ve got it from here. Why don’t you make our tea and set the table? I like a little honey in mine, if you don’t mind.”
    Skylar tightened his arms around Florence, holding her close as she kissed him told him what she thought he had going for him, smiling as she listed loving him. “I think the last one is the best thing,” he confided, pressing a kiss to her neck. With the way she was curled up into him, it was the easiest place to reach currently. “And for the record, I love you too, lots and lots and lots.”
    June 24th, 2020 at 05:31pm
  • @ sun spirit

    Jonathan smiled, happily returning her kiss as he passed everything over to her, giving a little nod when she suggested that he set the table and finish making their tea. "Alright. If you need anything though, don't be afraid to ask. I wouldn't want to be a bad assistant." He teased, pressing one more kiss to her lips before moving to grab plates and silverware and glasses and set up the table, returning to make their tea once that was finished. "Which tea do you want?" He asked, pulling out a couple different boxes from the cabinet where she kept her stash.
    Florence returned his smile as she looked at him, nodding in agreement when he said that her loving him was the best of all the qualities she had listed. "I think it's the best too. You have more than just what I said, but I think those were the most important." She blinked a little in surprise when he kissed her neck, surprised both by the action and by how good it felt. She let out a pleasant little hum as she snuggled closer, blushing as she realized what she was doing and pulling back a little. "I love you too, lots and lots and lots.." she repeated sheepishly.
    June 24th, 2020 at 09:53pm
  • @ katahdin

    Cat smiled, returning Jonathan's kiss, and bumped her hip against his before he moved away. "You could never," she assured him, focusing on the omelette as he moved to set the table for them. When one was almost ready, she got up on her toes to pull down a plate to set the omelettes on, putting the finished one on the plate once it was ready and then starting the second. As he asked about which tea she wanted, she hesitated for a moment, humming in thought. "I think I'll go with the spicy chai this morning please."
    Skylar chuckled as Florence agreed with him. "Well, I'm glad I have multiple qualities that you like and that the good outweighs the bad. Probably. It seems like it, at least." He gave her a smile that turned into a puzzled look when she suddenly blushed and acted odd after he'd kissed her. "Something wrong, Flor? Should... Should I not do that again?" She'd acted like she liked it at first, but he was second-guessing himself now. "I'll just find us a beach with tide pools that you won't burn at instead."
    June 27th, 2020 at 02:46am
  • @ sun spirit

    Jonathan chuckled a bit as she bumped her hip against his, pressing a kiss to the top of her forehead before leaving her to cook them their breakfast. When he returned from setting the table it was to make her tea, nodding when she asked for the spicy chai. "Coming right up. With honey, yes?" He asked as he set the bag in the mug he knew she liked and pouring the hot water in, humming as he went along. He made himself some earl grey, adding a bit of milk and sugar for himself before taking a sip.
    Florence blushed as he asked if anything was wrong, shaking her head quickly. "N-No, you can do it again, I don't mind.. I.. It.. I-It felt nice.." she admitted sheepishly, glancing up at him shyly as she bit her lip, quickly looking away after a moment.
    June 27th, 2020 at 05:12am
  • @ katahdin

    "Mmhmm. Just a little bit," Cat confirmed, smiling over at him. She finished up the second omelette while he made their tea and moved it over to the plate with the other one. "Time to eat." She looked over to see if he needed any help with the tea, but there was a spoon in his mug, and it looked like he was stirring honey into hers. "Thank you," she said, leaning in and kissing his cheek. She managed to steal her tea from him as she did so, taking a sip and then humming happily as she picked up the plate with the omelettes in her other hand and starting towards the dining room with both before Jonathan could try to take either away from her.
    Skylar had already started to lift his phone, prepared to back off even at the thought of making Florence uncomfortable, but he lowered it again when she denied that anything was wrong and admitted to the kiss feeling nice. "Oh." Skylar felt his cheeks warm. "Oh, well..." God, what was he getting so worked up about? "I mean, do-do you want me to?"
    June 27th, 2020 at 05:26am
  • @ sun spirit

    Jonathan nodded, careful to not add too much honey before stirring it in, smiling over at her when she kissed his cheek and thanked him for making the tea. "You did most of the work, making the omelettes." He smiled, opening his mouth to protest her carrying everything, although he gave her a look as he followed her to the table, taking his seat after pulling out her chair. "Thank you for breakfast, Cat."
    Florence's blush only brightened when she noticed him blushing, hiding her face in his chest, shaking her head a little as he paused, expecting him to say something weird or apologizing for something again. But she stopped when he asked if she wanted him to do it again, feeling like her face must be on fire and beet red, and even though she knew she ought to look at him, she couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes. "I.. I-I don't know. You don't have to if you don't want to. We can just look for beaches."
    June 27th, 2020 at 06:21am
  • @ katahdin

    Cat gave Jonathan a little smile as she glanced back and saw the look he gave her, though she was already at the table by then and was setting the omelettes between their places at the table and her tea at one of the seats. "Thank you for helping. And more importantly--for my tea. It tastes perfect," she responded, leaning in to kiss his cheek before she sat down, reaching to take another sip of her tea first and foremost and letting Jonathan pick which omelette he wanted first.
    As Florence hid her face, Skylar squeezed her gently in the hopes that it might help her feel a little better, though he wasn't sure it would, especially given the conversation and how awkward they both seemed to be. "O-okay. Umm, let's just look for beaches then. It isn't that I don't want to or anything, just so you know though. It's just... we're both getting a little panicky and bad things tend to happen when we get panicky so maybe beach stuff will make it better. And maybe we can come back to this later and not be panicky. I-I mean, if you want to." He made himself stop there, pressing his nose into her hair and inwardly groaning at himself.
    June 27th, 2020 at 06:40am
  • @ sun spirit

    "Oh, I'm glad. I was very worried that I'd put too much honey in and mess it up somehow. I'm glad I didn't, though, and that it's tolerable." Jonathan smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek after she kissed his, helping to put one of the omelettes on her plate before claiming the other for himself. "I still think you did the more important work, making breakfast. But I'll take your appreciation anyway." He grinned before digging into his food.
    Florence could feel herself panicking more and more as he spoke even though he was trying to reassure her that it was fine and they didn't need to be panicking. She tried to will herself to calm down as he tucked his face into her hair, but after a moment she wiggled herself from his arms, her cheeks still flushed red as she stood and paced a bit, leaning down to pick up Hiss when he ran up to her. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to panic and ruin everything.. I-I'll go make lunch or something while you look for beaches, if you still want to go. I'd understand if you didn't want to, I-I wouldn't want to go if I were you.. Plus Hiss I need to give Hide his breakfast.. I-I'm sorry.." she mumbled, hurrying out of the room before he could say anything. She felt awful for having ruined everything, and now she was sure he wouldn't want to go to the beach with her anymore.
    June 29th, 2020 at 05:40am
  • @ katahdin

    Cat smiled as Jonathan kissed her cheek and despite her attempt to let him pick which omelette he wanted first, put one on her plate before he picked his. "No, it's perfect, and tea is definitely more important than breakfast. Always," she told him with a little grin, taking a few more sips. She was used to having tea before breakfast usually anyway, and it seemed like more of a crime to let her tea get cold than it did to let the omelette cool a little, though she was glad to see Jonathan digging into his, clearly enjoying it.
    Skylar hoped explaining himself and what he hoped to accomplish by giving them a bit to calm down might help things before they could get bad as they always did, and for a moment, it seemed like maybe he’d actually done it, but then suddenly Florence was getting up and pacing and picking up Hiss and then talking at him. “Wait, Flor—“ he started, knowing he’d fucked up again, despite his best attempt not to this time, and as she ran, he was quick to chase her, catching up with her in the living room and taking her hand to keep her from running even farther. “Flor, wait. Of course I still want to go to the beach with you! I was the one who ruined the first time, and I want you to have fun and to spend time with you this time and answer all the questions you ask me if you have them. And you didn’t do anything wrong at all, and I’m not upset or anything because you’re panicking because it’s perfectly reasonable and okay and all that that you’re panicking. I’m panicking, even though I’ve been trying really hard not to, and I shouldn’t be. I mean, I’m the one who’s had relationships before and all that, but this is all new to you and I know you get nervous when I get nervous, but it works the same way around and I don’t know how to stop it or make it better and I didn’t want this to happen, where one of us runs away and all that, so I thought maybe if we just stopped the whole kissing thing and just cuddled and looked at beaches for a while, maybe we’d both stop panicking and things would get calm again and then we could kiss some more if you wanted to, and I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was upset by your panicking or trying to push you away or didn’t want to go on our date or any of that. I love you, Flor, and I’m sorry I’m such a fuck-up.”
    September 8th, 2020 at 04:56am
  • @ sun spirit

    Jonathan smiled at her as she claimed that tea was more important than breakfast, chuckling as he leaned over to peck her lips. "I'll gladly make you tea every day if you want." He brushed a strand of hair away from her face before digging into his omelette, smiling over at her when he noticed her drinking her tea. "It's good, right? I didn't mess anything up, did I?" He asked, wanting to make sure. "Oh, and have we decided what we wanted to do today?"
    Florence had gotten as far as the couch, having paused to set Hiss on the back of the couch so she could make breakfast or shower or do almost anything to keep herself busy. She tensed a little in surprise when Skylar was suddenly there behind her and grabbing onto her arm to keep her from running off. She looked up at him sheepishly as he began to speak, a bright blush heating up her cheeks still. "Skylar.." She started, frowning as he cut her off as he began to talk about he was panicking because she was panicking, how he felt like he was fucking up and ruining everything because he was the one who'd been in relationships before and it was his responsibility to stay calm. She was quick to shake her head as he called himself a fuck-up, standing up on her toes to press a loving kiss to his lips, hands moving to gently cup his cheeks. She let the kiss linger for quite a bit, hoping that it would help calm him down, and when she finally pulled away it was just enough so that she could look at him, her breath still tickling his skin. "You're not a fuck-up, Skylar.. You're perfect, and wonderful, and more than I could ever ask for or deserve."
    September 8th, 2020 at 06:44am
  • @ katahdin

    Cat smiled against his lips, reaching out to take his free hand in hers. “You’d have to start getting up earlier to do that,” she teased. “I’m usually finished with my tea well before you wake. How’s the omelette by the way? Okay?” After a couple more sips, she finally set her tea down and picked up her fork to take thee first bite of her omelette. She paused, fork mid-air, as Jonathan asked if they’d decided what to do though. “I don’t think so. We got caught up in the wedding and forgot to think about what we wanted to do after. We should probably think about baby stuff though, right? Or maybe we shouldn’t. It’s probably too soon.” As much as she wanted to be excited, she couldn’t shake the fear that she’d miscarry, no matter Jonathan’s assurances. Feeling her stomach knot at the thought and her appetite dissipate, she set down her fork and picked up her tea again. “Maybe we could start that project I’ve been planning, of categorizing all the magical objects everyone has and writing it all down so no one has to wonder what things do and won’t accidentally touch anything dangerous. We can go ahead and write down everything I remember here, which is more than I knew two months ago, and then slowly work through the rest. We never settled on how many I could look at a day though, now that I’m recording visions again and can do more.”
    As Florence blushed, Skylar was sure she’d start word-vomiting too and things would only get worse, so he forced himself to keep going and get everything out, his shoulders slumping a bit at he got to the end and apologized for being a fuck-up, waiting to see what Florence would do—probably take something he’d said badly wrong and run, even though he didn’t want that and was trying to make sure it didn’t happen. Thee last thing he expected was a kiss though. A nice one. He kissed her back, glad she didn’t him, reaching out and pulling her a little closer as the kiss lingered and continued. He looked a little stupefied when it eventually ended and Florence spoke softly, laughing a little at her words. “Flor, I really honestly love you so much and I’m touched that you think so highly of me, but I’m the definition of fuck-up. I can’t get anything right. I almost got Cat killed in about ten different ways and I made you miserable for so long and almost ruined things with us… I just… I’m trying to fix it and be better with you and I can’t even get that right.”
    September 8th, 2020 at 08:57pm
  • @ sun spirit

    Jonathan chuckled a bit as she teased him about waking up earlier if he wanted to make their tea, shaking his head a bit. "Hm, you might be right. Waking up early doesn't sound all that appealing, even if it means that I can make you your tea." He teased, leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek before he continued to eat. He nodded along with her suggestions as she spoke, but when she suddenly went quiet he looked up from his meal, frowning as he rubbed her arm soothingly. "Hey, it's not too soon, not at all. I think looking over the magical objects is a good idea, and we can also try to look up some information about Immortals getting pregnant, so we ca make sure we know as much as we can and what we might expect. Does that sound ok?" He soothed, offering her a reassuring smile. "Nothing bad is going to happen, alright? Flor and Skylar and I aren't going to let anything bad happen to you or our baby."
    Florence's cheeks were still flushed red as their lips parted, happily leaning into his arms as he pulled her closer, her fingers gently brushing against his cheeks and along his jaw hoping it might soothe him a bit. She was quick to shake her head as he continued to insist that he was a fuck-up, pressing another loving kiss to his lips. "I'm going to keep kissing you until you stop thinking like that, no matter how long it takes." She murmured in warning, kissing him again for good measure. "I love you so, so much, Skylar, and you're absolutely not a fuck-up. I can't get things right either. It's just as much my fault Cat got hurt, and I shouldn't have been so scared and cowardly and just said something when I was miserable instead of just letting things go on. And I'm the one who keeps ruining every good moment we have by getting flustered and embarrassed. If anything I'm the fuck-up, you've done nothing wrong." She murmured, resting her forehead against his with a little sigh.
    September 21st, 2020 at 04:15am
  • @ katahdin

    After the scare they’d had early on that Florence and Skylar together had somehow miraculously come to their rescue on, Jonathan had reached new levels of over-protective that rivaled even his concerns when they’d been worried about April attacking anyone left alone. He didn’t want her to be alone or even to get out of bed hardly, to the point that he’d insisted on bringing her art supplies into their bedroom so she’d only have to move a few feet to a stool if she had a vision or just wanted to paint. She didn’t complain—much—even if getting up to bake before her husband woke (or at any time unsupervised) was forbidden, because even if some of the rules Jonathan set seemed excessive, she didn’t want to lose their baby. And if it was because she’d been selfish, she’d never forgive herself. Still, there were things she didn’t always adhere to as strictly when Jonathan was gone, like writing to Skylar or Florence to stay with her (if he didn’t contact one of them himself before he left) or staying away from eating too many of the desserts she craved, and with him absent more than he’d been since preventing the apocalypse, you’d think she’d be grateful for those hours of freedom, but she was uneasy about it instead.

    It wasn’t that she spent most of that time by herself, not wanting to impose of Florence and Skylar, who were doing really well and spending lots of time together themselves or that she thought Jonathan didn’t love her anymore or anything like that… It was more of a bad feeling, one she’d been fighting since he’d reached out to April to help with their project of categorizing their magical objects. He’d found one that he thought might belong to War and had surprised her by reaching out to April. Cat hadn’t wanted to be there or see April, wasn’t even sure she’d ever be comfortable being in the same room as the other immortal again, but after that, Jonathan had started acting odd, and in the past couple of weeks, he’d started visiting April with increasing frequency. He wouldn’t talk to her, tried to deny that anything was wrong, and she had a bad feeling about the whole situation.

    A situation that Cat had tried to explain to Florence as they baked cookies together. She’d barely been in the kitchen since the scare almost four months ago, but thankfully, Florence could always be persuaded to bake with her, even if she had to promise to sit at the table and have Florence bring what she needed to her. With only three months left to go before the baby was due, she had a sizable baby bump and a child that expressed its gratefulness for frosting by pushing against her with its little fist—or foot. But despite not being able to go to a doctor to find out what gender the baby was because of her status as an immortal, Cat had become fond of teasing Jonathan by addressing the baby as Giovanni Jr. “So that’s what’s been going on since I saw you last week… It’s gotten better, rather than worse, and I’m afraid whatever’s going on is bad and Jonathan’s hiding it from me because he’s trying not to stress me out. He hasn’t said anything to you about it, has he?” She asked as she finished relating what had been happening to Florence, who sat across from her, decorating cookies. There were more in the oven that were nearly ready to come out, since Cat had gone a bit overboard, particularly in how much chocolate had gone into them, and since frosting was always Florence’s contribution to their baking time when they made cookies or cakes, Cat sat with a bowl of frosting and a spoon, happily snacking as she spoke. She had to now—before her husband came back and took her frosting away.
    September 26th, 2020 at 01:22am
  • @ sun spirit

    Florence frowned a bit as Cat explained how strangely Jonathan had been acting recently, shaking her head a little. "No, he hasn't said anything to me.. To be honest, we haven't really talked much lately, since he's always been busy either with you and the baby or helping April with something. And I know Skylar and I haven't exactly been around either.." She added almost sheepishly, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. They'd tried to keep their habit of having girl time at least once a week, but it felt like they barely saw each other anymore. She knew Cat didn't blame her for it, but she still felt guilty. She also knew Skylar would probably feel guilty as well for neglecting Cat when she was pregnant, but since talking and getting on the same page about everything, she and Skylar had hardly spent a moment away from each other. "Maybe I could ask him about it when he gets back..?" she offered, smiling a little as she watched Cat eat another spoonful of frosting. "I'm pretty sure that a doctor would encourage that you eat more vegetables and less sweets."

    As they were speaking Jonathan teleported into his and Cat's room, returning from April's home. Their conversation hadn't exactly been helpful, especially considering they'd been stuck like this for nearly two months now. The day he'd brought a few of the magical artifacts over to April's to have her help identify them they'd accidentally broken some sort of magical seals that had been keeping Famine and Pestilence trapped. April had seemed to luck out getting Famine, who could be a bit crude at times but wasn't an overall jerk, while Pestilence was one of the worst beings he'd ever encountered, and he desperately wanted to get him out of his head. He didn't dare tell Cat, knowing she'd only worry and with the scare they'd had earlier in her pregnancy, there was no way he was going to risk giving her anything else to stress about, on top of not wanting Pestilence anywhere near her. He'd quickly learned that when Pestilence took control of his body he said and did very bad things, and he didn't want to risk hurting Cat or their baby. Luckily when he'd taken control he'd been around April, who had very quickly incapacitated him until Jonathan had been able to take over again, and ever since they'd been trying to figure out how to get him out.

    They'd failed to come up with a plan once again, so sighing Jonathan changed clothes before making his way out to the kitchen where Florence and Cat were sitting, offering Florence a polite smile before giving his wife a look when he saw what she was eating. "I hope that you've only had a little of that." He said, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips, which unsurprisingly tasted of frosting.
    September 26th, 2020 at 04:08am
  • @ katahdin

    Cat hadn’t had much hope that Florence would know anything she didn’t, but she’d thought it was worth a shot asking, even if the other woman just told her that it wasn’t anything bad and not to worry. As Florence mentioned that she hadn’t really seen much of Jonathan recently and why though, Cat gave her friend an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Flor. I’ll try to convince him to go see you soon, or maybe we can all have dinner or something. I know you probably miss him. And don’t worry about not being over as much. You were only here so often before the wedding because of your nightmares and then because you were worried about Sky. I’m glad the reason you aren’t here as much is because you’re happy. Besides, we still see each other pretty regularly,” she said, offering Florence a reassuring smile. She hesitated at the offer to ask Jonathan was going going on with him though. “Would you be okay with that? I don’t want to put you in an awkward position, and if he tells you, he might make you promise not to tell me…”

    Cat laughed as Florence got onto her about eating more vegetables—of which she ate plenty, even though Flor wasn’t around when that happened since they always baked together—but just as she was about to tell her that she sounded like Jonathan, she felt him walking up behind her courtesy of the bond they’d accidentally established months ago and unsuccessfully tried to pretend that she hadn’t just been balancing a bowl of frosting on her baby bump and slowly eating it, returning the look he gave her with an innocent smile before she returned his kiss. “Not too much,” she agreed. “This is still my first bowl, and I haven’t eaten any of the cookies we made, even though I made them extra unhealthy,” she teased, popping another spoonful of frosting into her mouth and curling her arm protectively around the bowl.
    September 26th, 2020 at 04:39am