Lost At Sea

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    The realization was washing over Charlotte's face, Nate could see it. He could see everything that was flashing behind those eyes that he often found himself staring at when he was younger. Eyes that knew the true him and had seen things that only he could imagine. Charlotte looked far more broken now than when she had first appeared on this ship.

    A small sigh escaped from Nate as he listened to Charlotte. His gaze traveling down to the rings that were placed back onto his desk. His prized possessions. The things that were causing all of this. "Char, wait," Nate said as he looked up towards the younger woman. His eyes showing how exhausted he was. How he was stressed far beyond his years.

    "Please do not stress about any of this. I really am sorry, about everything." Nate said, staying in his chair. Not trusting himself to stand, as he could imagine himself moving towards the woman and wrapping his arms around her waist. Not wanting to let her escape from his embrace ever again. "Everything that's happened, is in the past now. We can't change it." Nate slowly licked over his lips as he watched the young women back.

    "Please, Char." Nate's tone was quiet. "I'd really like for us to act like adults and just, start over." He knew she'd probably hate that idea, that she'd be even madder at him for asking her to start over. But, it was all they could do, there was so much history that was destroyed because of him, because of both of them. They needed some sort of renewal in their friendship. "Please?" Nate asked once more, his tone on the verge of begging.
    May 17th, 2019 at 05:23pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    "I'm sorry," Charlotte whispered her tone still as even as before but now drenched in despair. She was quick to slide out of the room and close the door behind her. The woman turned, looking at the ship, a slight panic setting in as the lady tried to decide where to hide. While her room would be the preferred place, it would be too easy for Nate to find her. Right now, all she wanted was a place to go without the worry of interruption. 

    After a quick look around the deck, Charlotte could see that it was abandoned. It was late and most of the crew were either drinking or sleeping. With a sharp breath, the woman quickly went to the side of the ship to where the dinghies were kept. She jumped over the side and climbed down before sliding under the tarp that was wrapped over the top of it. The anxiousness that was rising up stopped Charlotte from thinking over her current plan. In the least, it would be safe enough and probably was a good enough hiding spot for the night as long as they didn't run into rough water. 

    Once safely hidden in the dinghy and laying down on the hard wood, tears immediately started to slide down her cheeks. Everything in that moment felt so surreal to Charlotte. And the weird waves of emotion that came over her just made Charlotte feel lost. One moment, it was like she was crying for joy, the next from pain and then another second it was from the pure frustration of her life.

    Though even with everything going on, Charlotte determined she would figure out what to do about Nathan before she left her new little hiding spot. But perhaps that decision would be best left for the morning... Hopefully with a clear mind. Today's news had been too overwhelming. 

    May 20th, 2019 at 08:58pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Shifting so that he was now slouching in his chair. Nate brought his hands up and ran them over his face tiredly. A small groan escaped from him as well as the familiar click of his door sounded through the room. The emptiness of the room sent chills down his spine, chills that not even his scotch could ward off. Char really did a number on him, and they had barely even talked about the past. "That woman still has so much control over me." He murmured to himself before getting up from his chair and making his way to the door.

    As Nate exited his office, he looked both ways down the hall. No sign of Charlotte, she must of all but ran from him after she left his office. The thought of having such an impact on Char really pulled at Nate's heartstrings. He hated that he caused her so much pain. Sure, he knew he'd be doing that, but he figured he'd never have to deal with the repercussions. That she'd go on and live a nice life. Filled with all of the things that she enjoyed, not with a broken heart and a need to run for her life.

    Licking his lips nervously, Nate looked both ways once more before he started to head towards Charlotte's room. He did his best to act normal, having his hands at his sides as he walked. His eyes shifting around ever so slightly as he looked for the only female on his boat. He didn't want the men to catch on that he was looking for the girl. He didn't need them thinking that Char had betrayed them somehow and needed to be taken care of. After all, drunk pirates can get a little out of hand sometimes.

    A scowl appeared on Nate's face as he went to her room and found that she was not there. The fact that she was not in her room so late at night made him a little nervous. It wasn't safe for her to be out at night. Sure, they might be on a boat that was out at sea, but there were still men on this boat. Men that may be loyal to Nate, but still haven't seen or had a woman in months. Just the thought that one of his men finding the young woman caused a sense of urgency to rush through his veins. He needed to find her. Nate needed to make sure that Char was alright, that she wasn't so upset with him that she'd try and jump overboard.

    "Damnit, Car. Where are you." Nate mumbled as he explored his ship. Looking where he thought she might have gone. Grabbing one of the lanterns, Nate adventured onto the deck. The moon's light was casting a nice glow onto the ships surface, but it was still quite dark out. Especially once a cloud came by and disrupted everything.

    Heavy boot-clad feet walked along with the ship. Nate's dark eyes looking under and over things. Looking for any sign of his missing friend. He was growing more and more frantic as time seemed to past.

    It wasn't til his second time walking around the deck, that he noticed something a little odd at the side of the boat. Moving over, Nate grabbed the tarp that was on one of the dingy's that was slightly flapping in the wind and pulled it up a little more. Looking down into the small boat, Nate breathed a sigh of relief as he noticed Charlotte laying on the floor of it. The tear streaks that glistened in the moonlight obvious to him. "There you are, I've been looking all over for you." Nate murmured as he easily swung his legs over the edge of the ship and climbed into the dingy. "You had me worried sick when you just left," Nate told her as he knelt down.

    It was almost like a natural instinct as Nate reached out and wiped away a stray tear that was falling. "Why are you crying? I'm here, you're here. We should be happy Char, not thinking about the past." Nate said as he slowly pulled over the tarp and placed the lantern a bit ahead of him as he moved to lay on his side. His arm propped up and his head resting in his hand. "Come here," Nate said, using his free hand to beckon her into his chest for a hug.
    May 21st, 2019 at 05:14am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Before Charlotte fully registered what she was doing, the woman reached out and slapped Nate hard across the face. She was quick to then scramble up into a sitting position, her back pressing against the dinghy. Looking back up at the ship, the desire to run was burning deep in her eyes. The woman didn't feel ready for any of this. But now Nate was in front of her and there was no escaping.

    Her eyes dropped back down, looking the man in the eyes. With her emotions now in charge, Charlotte started to just blurt out everything that was going through her mind. As she spoke, her voice was filled with frustration and sorrow. "You don't just get to do that anymore!" Charlotte snapped at him. "You can't just come find me and act like you care about me. You don't get to tell me how I should feel. Tell me what I should or shouldn't be thinking about." Charlotte reached over and shoved Nate, taking her anger out on him. "You're not in charge of me anymore!"

    "You're the one who ran away from me! You abandoned me and you just want me to ignore that in an instant for you? Pretend like that never happened right after I found out? I thought you were dead, Nate." Charlotte pounded her fists against his chest. Though after a few hits, her anger dissipated and only sorrow was there. "You don't know what it was like for me or anyone else. You don't even know what happened once you were gone. Father started to punish me because I - And everything else happened, and.. I felt so alone." Her hands slid down from his chest, her head dropped.

    "I can't pretend none of it happened. I can't just let go of the past. I-It's not something you can fix with a brand new hairdo and some clothes or something I can ignore. You can't just pull me from the ocean and think you saved me. You didn't save me. There's nothing you can do to make it okay. They broke me, Nate. I'm broken."

    As those words left Charlotte, her bottom lip started to quiver. Her tears started to run faster down her cheeks as she grabbed onto her dress tightly. It only took a split second for Charlotte to launch herself at Nate. Her arms wrapped around him tightly in a hug, almost suffocatingly tight. Charlotte's face buried into his chest for a moment before sliding into the crook of his neck.  Her fingers buried into the fabric of his tunic, having no plans of letting go of the friend she had lost. "Promise me you won't leave me again."
    May 21st, 2019 at 02:30pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    The pain in his chest was just as stinging as the pain Nate was feeling in his cheek. Every word that left Charlotte's lips. Every tear that rolled down her cheek, broke his heart more and more. She was messed up because of him. Char was broken, because of him. He had hurt her and he really didn't deserve anything from her. She had every right to hate him. She had every right to want him dead. She was in the right, and he knew he needed to fix it. Somehow, some way. He will fix everything between them. No matter how long it takes.

    "Charlotte," Nate said quietly as he sat up as well, allowing for her to hit his chest and get all of her anger and sorrow out. Letting her release the feelings that she's been keeping locked up for so many years. "I'm sorry, I really am." He said, his tone quiet as he took the pounding to his chest.

    It was like instinct when Charlotte lauched at him, his arms moved around her waist. Pulling her in as close to him as possible. Nate didn't care how tight she was holding him. He didn't care that she was still crying and getting his shirt wet, but again, he didn't care. All that mattered right now to Nate was that Charlotte was here. With him, in his arms. Where she belonged. She belonged to him.

    "I will never leave you again, I promise." He murmured as he buried his face into her shoulder as well. His eyes closing as he held onto her just as tight, wanting nothing more than to keep Charlotte in his arms. "I'm so, so freaking sorry," Nate mumbled quietly as he slowly pulled away from the hug. His eyes focused down at Charlotte's eyes. They were red and puffy. She was so broken, Nate wasn't sure that he'd ever been able to help her be who she used to be. If she'll ever be like her old self.

    Slowly, Nate moved his hands down and gently cupped Charlotte's cheeks. His thumbs slowly wiped away the tears that were still leaking from her eyes. "I will never leave you again. I'm here, for the long run. I promise." He told her, his tone quiet as he leaned down and pressed a small kiss to her forehead. Then he pulled back slightly before dipping down and pressing a light kiss to her lips. His eyes were closed and he was sure he could feel the wind and the sea stop moving as he did so. The world was allowing him to catch this moment and savored every second of it. This is how things should have been. With Char in his arms, for many, many years to come.
    May 22nd, 2019 at 05:00pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    A huge wave of relief moved over Charlotte as he promised to never leave. She let in a huge breath of air as if she hadn't been able to breathe for years. It was unbelievable how much better the girl felt just from hearing that, how much pain she was able to forget temporarily. Finally, Charlotte had someone she might be able to trust. Someone who might actually do right by her. Who wouldn't purposely hurt her anymore. His betrayal was fresh in her mind but, unlike the others, Charlotte could feel the possibility that Nate was being truthful.

    As Nate pulled away from her embrace, Charlotte's hand slid down from his back and grabbed onto the front of his shirt. She wasn't anywhere close to wanting to let go. She had her friend back. Somehow, he was back in her life and Charlotte prayed to God that this wouldn't be some horrid trick on her. It was clear that he had changed, but she still hoped that the good parts of Nate were still there. 

    As his hands moved up to her face and gently cupped her cheeks, Charlotte closed her eyes. Her grip on his lightened as he started to wipe the tears from her eyes. The crying slowed down as Nate pressed his lips against her forehead. It felt like a lifetime since someone had taken care of her like this. Though as Nate pressed his lips against hers, Charlotte hesitated for a moment before gently kissing him back. It felt unfair that she had to wait so long to kiss him, and that it had to be like this. 

    It was only a few seconds before Charlotte pulled her lips away from his. She looked up at the man for a moment before sliding more so into his lap and rewrapping her arms around him. Once again, her face pressing into his neck as she hugged him tight to her. "I'm still mad at you." Charlotte whispered to Nate. Though in the next breathe, she continued. "but I missed you so much."
    May 22nd, 2019 at 11:08pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Sugar, that's what Charlotte's lips reminded Nate of. She was as sweet as sugar and as addicting as those cookies her parent's chef used to make for them when they were younger. So warm and soft, sweet and addicting. It was just like what Nate had imagined kissing her would be like.

    As Charlotte came more into his lap, his hands moved from being wrapped around her waist. To resting at her sides as he held her close to him. Hugging her once more, just enjoying the feeling of her pressing against him like when they were younger.

    Slowly, Nate closed his eyes as he rested his head back against the dingy. His right hand slowly moved to slowly run up and down Charlotte's back in a soothing fashion. "I don't think anything going to change that for a while," Nate said quietly, his lips moving into a slight frown. "It was a terrible move on me to just leave." A small sigh escaped from Nate as he continued to speak. "I should have left a letter, should have talked to you first, or something. I'm so sorry Char." His right hand moved up from rubbing her back and started to play with her hair instead.

    Lowering his gaze, Nate looked down at Charlotte. Pressed up against him like a lover, not like a best friend. They were of the opposite sex, so to say that this wasn't turning Nate on a bit would be an understatement, but, he was doing his best to keep himself from thinking of Char in that way. He didn't need another reason to hate him. "I've missed you so much, Char," Nate mumbled quietly, as he used the hand that was on her waist to wrap around her and pull her closer to his body once more. The hand that was playing with her hair gently gripped it and held her in place as he leaned down to catch her lips in one more kiss. He knew he was pushing his luck, but, she was so damn addicting.

    As Nate pulled back this time, he couldn't help but release a small sigh. His breath brushing against her soft skin. "Once we get out of the dingy, do you want everyone to know who you are? Or, do you want to stay Marina?"
    May 23rd, 2019 at 02:32am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Charlotte moved her head slightly so she was looking back up at Nate. The words that left his lips made the girl feel slightly better about the situation, but not by much. As she really thought about it, she knew it was probably for the best that Nate happened to leave before things turned for the worst. He would probably see her different if he knew everything. And, who knew what the old Nate would have done if he stayed. "You should have." She agreed. "But I should have figured out that your jokes about leaving weren't really jokes..."

    As Nate gently held her close, Charlotte kissed him back for the short kiss. She liked the way he kissed her a lot. The way he held her too. It made her feel warm inside and caused a light blush to move along her face. As his warm breath came over her cool cheek, Charlotte light out a small hum. Her hands slid from around him to Nate's face. Now her fingers gently sliding along his cold skin. Charlotte wanted a moment to go over him. There was a lot that had changed but his eyes were still the same. 

    "I want to be Marina." She whispered to him. "I don't want the others knowing," There were a lot of reasons for her request. Though, the most prominent one being her fear of her location, and the fact she was still alive, getting back to the people she was hiding from. Plus, Charlotte didn't want to be Charlotte anymore. If she was really getting the chance to be someone else, the woman would take it. 

    Slowly, Charlotte started to peel herself away from Nate. Her hands moved from his face but her hand found his. She didn't want to leave Nate's embrace but Charlotte was getting cold with how the wind was blowing. "Can we move somewhere warm?"
    May 23rd, 2019 at 03:46pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    The feeling of Charlotte's body pressed against his was like a dream. She was so warm and her skin was so soft. Sure, Char had always had soft skin, but it's been ages since Nate's been able to hold her. To hug her, to just hold her hand and be around her. Like when they were kids before they had to act their ages and not be as close as they would have liked to of been.

    A small sigh escaped from Nate as he listened to Char's request. It was getting cold out, but, he wasn't ready to let Charlotte go. He wanted her to stay with him for a bit longer. "Alright." He said quietly, gently squeezing her hands as she grabbed onto his. "We can go somewhere warmer." He told her, bringing her right hand up to his lips and pressed a light kiss to it before he stood up and helped Char stand up as well as back onto the ship.

    Looking both ways, Nate made sure that there was no one around before he placed a arm around Charlette's waist. "This way." He told her as he started to lead her back into the ship. Leading her down a hall that most of the crew didn't dare venture as it led to his bedroom. An no one dared to disturb the captain's rest. The only one who was allowed down the hall that led to his bedroom was his first mate, and the man barely, if at all, came to ask the Captain for advice.

    "It should be warmer and quiet in here." Nate said as he opened the door to his room and motioned for Char to step inside first. Then, he'd follow her inside, closing the door so that they had privacy. "Sorry that it's not exactly the most welcoming place." Nate said as he glanced towards Charlotte, wondering what she must be thinking. They grew up with so much wealth and privleges, and now. They were reduced to this sort of shabby place.
    May 24th, 2019 at 04:56am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Charlotte walked into the bedroom, taking a moment to look around the room. Though, as Nate spoke, she turned back to him, a half smile on her lips. "It's warm and you're here. That's all that really matters." She gently took Nate's hand and slid her fingers in with his. He was right that his room wasn't particularly welcoming, but neither was the room that she had been staying in. And the young woman knew that most ships weren't that way. They were built for purposes that typically didn't involve lavish rooms.

    For a moment, the young woman hesitated before moving into Nate. Her body pressed against his as she dropped her head against his shoulder. Her hand gently squeezed his. Her free hand moved up and grabbed onto his shirt, lightly tugging on it to keep him close. Though her head then moved back and her hands came up to the captain's face. Gingerly, she cupped his face as her fingers trailed along his features. Her eyes now focusing on his face almost intensely. Her fingers starting from his forehead, to his eyes and noes. Gently tracing over Nate's lips before running her fingers lightly over the man's beard.

    "I'm sorry." Charlotte whispered as her hands dropped down onto his chest. "I still can't believe that you're alive and in front of me. I just feel like I much be dreaming or sick." Charlotte's hands dropped back down to her side before she took a small step back. "But it is you, and you are here." Her smile to him grew a little before she turned away from Nate. Once again her eyes shifting over his room. Now she was taking a few steps away from the man as she looked closer at the items that were in there. She wanted to know who her friend had become.

    After slowly sliding her shoes off in the corner of the room, Charlotte headed over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. She wasn't quite sure what to do now. They were inside, in his room. It was warm and she was just swimming in the fact that any of this had happened to them. But now what? Did he want to talk more? And was Nate thinking she would stay the night with him or did they come here because it was quiet? Charlotte wanted to try to take things one step at a step, and she figured that the current decision was step one. "What should we do now?"
    May 27th, 2019 at 06:03am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Slowly, Nate leaned back against his door. His eyes closed as he felt Charlotte's hands roaming him. Holding his hand, feeling his facial features, his eyes. Her touch was enough to ignite warmth with in him that he hadn't felt in a while. A feeling that only a woman could ignite inside of him, and yet. He had never felt it so intense then he had at the moment. With Char in the room with him.

    "You don't need to apologize to me," Nate said quietly, his eyes slowly opening. He stayed in his spot by the door. Watching Charlotte as she took everything in, watching her every movement like a true analyst would before making a move that could sink a ship in seconds if he chose wrong.

    After a moment, a small sigh escaped from Nate as he took his shoes off as well. Then, he headed over towards the bed, taking his shirt off in the process. "It's a bedroom, Char. What do people tend to do in them?" Nate asked, offering her a teasing smile before he laid down on his comfortable bed and patted the spot next to him. "Let's just hang out." He told her, as he laid his arm out for her to be able to come and snuggle close to him if she wished to.

    Once Charlotte made her decision on how she'd like to relax with him. Nate would lean to the other side for a moment and pull a small book out from his bedside table. "Here." He'd say, handing her the book before laying comfortably on the bed. His eyes looking up at the ceiling. "That stays a secret between up though." He told her, closing his eyes as he waited for the young girl to start reading through the diary of notes that he had secretly been writing to her for years, but had been to chicken to send in case he was caught.
    May 30th, 2019 at 04:53am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    A gentle smile moved over the woman's face as Nate opened his arms and motioned her to come to him. She turned around and slid into his arms, cuddling close to him. Her face gentle pressed against her chest as she started to relax again. What they were doing was, in their old world, highly inappropriate. Unmarried men and woman weren't allowed to share the same bed or do anything improper. Though, despite what had been drilled into her about being a lady, everything about this felt right. All she really wanted to do was be close to him.

    "I promise I won't say a word." As Nate handed her the book, her eyes glanced down at it. She was curious as to what it could be, what he might have for her to read. It was easy enough to tell that it was no normal book. What it looked like was a journal. Slowly, Charlotte shifted so there was enough room for the journal between them. Just so she could read while staying close to Nate. What could it be that Nate wanted her to read?

    Once the journal was opened, Charlotte immediately knew what it was. It only took the first few words, Dear Charlotte. She flipped through the pages, seeing that there were letters upon letters in there. Immediately, Charlotte could feel her heart starting to pound against her chest. "Oh, Nate." Charlotte said in a bit of disbelief. Though, it made her incredibly happy to know that he was thinking about her all those years.

    Flipping back to the first page, Charlotte started to read the words he wrote to her. She could see how he tried to explain what he had done, see how much he missed her. Though, she could also see what he had done in all of his travels, Nate having included where he had gone and what he had done. It all put a smile on her lips. Though, soon, her exhaustion overtook her. She fell asleep still holding the journal.
    May 31st, 2019 at 10:03pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    It had been a couple of days since Louis had come out to Charlotte about being Nate. He hated it, but he kept to his word for her, acting like the indifferent pirate captain he was when they first met. He made no action to treat her differently in front of the men. Only when they were alone would he dare utter her name or sweet words to calm her if he accidentally angered her.

    Today, they had docked in some town in the south called Loche. It's a neutral territory, from what Louis could remember at least. He hadn't been to the town in a while, but, something about it felt off. The town was usually quite busy during the day, he could have sworn he'd always heard laughter when he pulled his ships into its docks. Something wasn't right and that made him nervous.

    "Marina," Louis called out, glancing behind himself before he glanced behind himself to see if his best friend was coming. "Come, we're going into town." He turned back around to hop off of the boat that was docked near a dock. Then, he turned around, ready to help her land safely. In reality, though, he just wanted to hold her for a moment, to feel her close to him.

    Once Louis was sure that Marina was stable enough to stand alone, he let her go and started to walk ahead. His arms at his side as he casually glanced around like he just sighed seeing. "Something seems amiss, so keep your eyes out. There could be bandits here or something." He warned as he motioned for Marina to move closer to him for protection.

    Slowly, as they walked into the town, the familiar smell of wood-burning ovens and freshly baked bread started to fill Louis' nose. "Nothing like the smell of a hot meal to catch you off guard at a time when you want to be on guard." He said, chuckling softly as he glanced down at Marina. "Maybe we should grab something to eat and then find you a weapon of your own. You can't be my Apprentice without a weapon."
    May 31st, 2019 at 10:58pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Marina let out a light laugh at Nate's words. "Now that is not true, Captain. I could be your apprentice without a weapon. It just makes you feel better that I have one." She moved a few paces in front of Louis before turning in front of him and walking backwards so she was facing the man. "Just be honest Louis and say that you care about me." Her eyes were bright as she spoke these words to him, a knowing smile on her lips as well.

    The last couple of days had truly brought Charlotte back up. She had been so low for so long. Having Nate by her side again had lifted her spirits, showed her that there was something worth living for. The smallest things Nate did brought a smile to her face for hours. How Nate spoke to her, being able to stay in his room at night, the way he kissed her.... She just felt truly happy again.

    "But, food is something that I could agree to." After looking around for a quick moment, Marina moved back in line by his side, gently brushing her fingers against his. She was glad that Nate had made her his apprentice. It made things a lot easier, being able to stay by his side throughout the day. Marina knew she would just go seek him out anyways, so having a reason for the other pirates to point at made sense. Plus, the lady was beginning to enjoy learning about the thing that Nate cared so much about. Things just making more sense the more he taught her.

    The only thing that felt difficult was having to keep her distance when others were around. Marina knew it was for the best, she didn't want the other pirates finding out who she was. But she did always having the constant desire to be close to Nate. And it was certainly for the best as she didn't want the crew to start rumors, on board or otherwise. Still, being a single woman on ship had its own challenges.

    Running her hands through her short hair, Marina pointed out one of the taverns. "Should we eat there?"
    June 1st, 2019 at 03:40am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    An arch of a brow was all Louis managed to give Marina as a reaction. He really enjoyed spending this time with her, especially since she was more of her giggly self. "When you put it like that, why do I imagine you stabbing me in the back with a sword?" He asked, winking at her so that she was sure to know he was teasing her. Louis knew that Marina was a novice with a sword, and he was itching to try and teach her a bit more. Like when they were younger.

    Nates dark eyes eyed the younger woman as she moved in front of him. Her teasing words and actions were enough to cause Nate to want to move forward and just wrap his arms around her. To press his lips to hers, to stop her from sprouting her teasing non-sense.

    "You just like to spend my money." Louis teased as he brushed his fingers back against Marina's as well. "But if that's the place you choose to eat at, then so be it," Louis said, motioning for her to lead the way towards the Tavern. Then, he'd act like the gentleman he was not any longer by opening the door for her.

    The delicious smell of freshly cooked food wafered through the tavern, causing Louis' stomach to do a small grumble. "Definitely going to taste better than whatever our cook could possibly make," Louis said quietly so that only Marina could hear. Then, he motioned for her to find them a seat before following her.
    June 1st, 2019 at 03:24pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Marina let out a small hum as she followed Louis to the tavern. Once inside, she could see that it was almost full. Many men were sitting around their tables, eating and drinking the day away. Though, there was one thing she noticed that the woman found rather odd. It wasn't as loud as a tavern aught to be. Instead, they were all speaking quietly among themselves. Sometimes, men switching tables to speak to others. 

    The woman glanced back at Louis for a moment, wondering if he had found it odd as well. It seemed that something must have happened. Though none of them paid her or Louis any mind when they came in. In the least, it seemed safe for the two of them to be there. Whatever was occurring had nothing to do with the pirate captain or his apprentice.

    Marina headed over to one of the few empty tables, deciding to take the seats beside the window to the tavern. The woman sat down, shifting her dress for a moment before relaxing against the wooden chair. She was trying her best to seem a little less noble-like. Over the last few days, Marina attempted to stop sitting properly as it was a dead give away. Though even when she slumped a little, she always slipped back to perfect posture. 

    Almost right as Marina sat down, the barmaid came over to their table. After a quick rundown of what the tavern was cooking, Marina ordered her food, asking for a drink as well. After Louis ordered, the woman headed back to the kitchen and Marina leaned in to whisper to Louis. "What do you think is happening here?"
    June 3rd, 2019 at 04:49pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Keeping his eyes open, Louis used his eyes to scan the place as he followed after Marina. His ears picking up only hush whispers as they passed a few people. He couldn't quite pick up what they were saying though, but, whatever it could be, was something that worried him.

    As they got to their seats, Louis sat down across from Marina and rested his elbows on the table. His fingers interlacing as he rested his mouth against the sides of his hands. A sign that he was in deep thought. "I don't know." He told Marina honestly, then cast a quick glance towards the men. "Whatever it is though. I don't like it."

    As the barmaid came around once more to put their drinks down, Louis leaned back. He paid the woman no mind as he grabbed his drink once it was placed on the table. He was a pirate, not a gentleman. The only woman he'd dare be kind to be the one that was in front of him. "Once we eat, we should head back to the ship and leave," Louis said after he set his drink back on the table.

    Leaning back in his seat, Louis crossed one leg over the other lazily. His right hand rested against his cheek as his elbow rested against the windowsill. His eyes cast a lazy glance towards the window, and they froze. "Shit." He mused quietly as he saw two men patroling walk past the tavern. "No way." He mumbled, his eyes catching the patch on their arms that told of what division they belonged to.

    Shifting his gaze towards Marina, Louis eyed the girl for a moment more before reaching forward and messing her hair up a little bit. Making it look like she hadn't brushed it and so that it was parted differently. "Shh." He mouthed in case she tried to stop him, then motioned out the window with a flinch of his head. "Keep your head down and don't raise any suspicion." He told her as he went back to sitting how he was, leaned back and his elbow on the window still. A bored look taking over his once worried expression.
    June 3rd, 2019 at 09:55pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Glancing out of the window, Marina went rigid. She saw the guards and immediately knew what the patches on their arm represented. Her hands slipped under the table as she looked down and away from the window. Trying to seem as she was preoccupied with the patrons in the bar. Her fingers fiddling nervously in her lap. This was horrifying. "Can we please leave now." She whimpered quietly to him. 

    Though before Louis was able to respond, a few of the guards walked into the tavern. Marina closed her eyes tightly and started to pray under her breath. She just had to keep reminding herself that they weren't there for her. The guards didn't know she was alive, didn't know where she was. Her best case scenario is that they already thought she was dead. 

    The rest of the tavern grew quiet at the men started around the room. Marina glanced up for a moment, peering through her hair to see what they were up to. One of them went up to the barmaid and spoke while the others moved around, peering at each person. The girl's eyes dropped on two of the guards and Marina could feel her heart beating faster. She reached out and grabbed onto Louis' arm, hard. Her nails digging in a bit. 

    "They will know." Marina whispered before motioning her head to one man at the bar and the other roaming around through the tables. Those two had escorted her before. They knew what Charlotte looked like and a new haircut and clothes wasn't going to hide her well enough. Marina turned her head away so she was glancing out of the window, making it harder for them to see her face. She didn't know what to do. It felt like they were trapped. 
    June 4th, 2019 at 08:29pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl
    Fear seemed to radiate off of Marina like waves in a storm. He knew she was terrified if her words weren't a dead giveaway. Then her actions were and Louis knew that he needed to do something about it, and quick before they were found out by the guards that were looking about the tavern. They were looking for someone, but he didn't know who. Nor did he want to.

    Without saying anything, Louis reached a hand out and gently cupped Marina's cheek that wasn't near the window. Then, he leaned in and pressed his forehead against hers. "Stop freaking out." He murmured quietly and then pressed a light kiss to her lips. His forehead resting against hers afterward.

    "You're so pretty, I could eat you up." He murmured quietly when he noticed one of the people sitting in the tavern looking at them. Then leaned his head down so that he could place another small kiss against her lips. The man quickly looked away when he saw the young couple kiss, giving them some privacy.

    "I love you, I can't wait to make you mine." Louis whispered quietly, then leaned forward to press another kiss to Marina's lips before hearing a man clear his throat. Shifting his gaze from the woman across from him, Louis kept his hand on her cheek, preventing her from being seen. The man glared at Louis before speaking. "Get a room, this a public establishment." He said before leaving them be, motioning for his friend to follow him as they made their way to the door.

    Then, once the two brutes were gone, Louis quickly stood up and grabbed onto Marina's hand. "Let's go." He said as he pulled her not so gently towards the back doors of the place, wanting to get out with a few eyes on them as possible.
    June 4th, 2019 at 08:57pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95
    Slowly, Charlotte started to calm down as Nate worked his magic on her. Her grip on his arm lightened, her face leaned into his hand and against his forehead lightly. The sweet words Nate whispered to her and his gentle kisses made the woman feel safe. Made her remember who she was with. As long as Nate was by her side, everything would be okay. He knew how to make things better. 

    A little giggle even managed to escape her as Nate told Charlotte that he loved her. So when Charlotte was able to hear the man clearing his throat, despite the fear that rose up in her again, the girl was calm enough to look relaxed and follow Louis' lead. She stayed still as he spoke to the solider and did so until Louis grabbed onto her hand and pulled Marina onto her feet, heading quickly towards the back door. 

    Marina held onto Louis' hand tightly as they headed out of the tavern and onto the back street. It was time to get back to the ship and leave port as soon as possible. Marina supposed that was why the tavern had been so quiet, the town must have been taken over recently. She followed Louis through the streets as they quickly - but not quite running - moved about to get back to the docks. Marina continued to follow Louis' lead, letting him pull her wherever he wanted. 

    "They will be patrolling the streets. We need to be careful where we head to." She warned him as their backroad hit a dead end. Everything would lead to the main road, which Marina was sure they wouldn't want to be. The soldiers were sure to be patrolling there, and it seemed the two pirates were just lucky not to hit them during the time they were heading down. If they were careful, they would be able to hit that time again. 
    June 5th, 2019 at 06:48pm