When the Last Petal Falls

  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    April 18th, 2019 at 06:06pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Anais spent every day she was locked up in her grimy prison cell wishing she had never been stupid enough to go looking for this castle. She had never believed it to be more than a fairytale, just a story to tell young children, but her curiosity always got the best of her. Anais thought she wouldve just came across an abandoned, falling apart castle, and while the castle did need some love and care, it most certainly was not abandoned.

    The memory of that night was still so fresh, it had only been about four nights ago, after all. The forest around her had changed so drastically, as if with just one step she went back in time. One moment she was surrounded by lush green everywhere she looked, tall and proud trees and birds singing over head... The next minute, it was like the beautiful day had switched to a stormy night. The blue sky instantly became dark and gloomy thunder clouds roll in, the green shrubs and tall trees started to look dead, like in the middle of winter and their branches reached out like claws to grab her, trying to stop her from reaching the castle, but she did anyway.

    Anais shook her head, not wanting to relieve the moment again, though she could still see the beast's face, large teeth gnashing at her out of nowhere as he swept her up and brought her into the castle, bringing her to where she was now. She got up off the small pallet lying on the floor and reached out to the bars of her room. "Hello? Are you going to keep me in here forever?" She called out often but was never met with an answer.

    A soft sound of clinking could be heard from the stairs and, peeking out as far as she could, Anais could see little flames on a candle stand, just sitting on the floor at the top of the stairs. "Weird." She let out in a breath and sat back on the cold floor.
    Zacky sat perched outside on the castle walls, his eyes just sweeping over the dark and quiet forest that surrounded his home. Not a day passed that he didnt regret coming to Matt's party hundreds of years ago. Zacky was a noble prince of an outlying kingdom, come to visit his friend Matt on his birthday, the night that wicked witch appeared and cursed them all. Even though Zacky didnt belong there, he wasnt spared from the witch's black magic and was cursed to roam these castle walls as a beast, just like his friend.

    Resentment and hatred had overcame him not long after that fateful night. He had his mind set that trying to break the curse was just a waste of time, fruitless. The witch had made it almost impossible for anyone to find their castle and had written them out of the history books. What fair maiden was just going to waltz up to their castle, through that storm, anyway?

    At least, that was his mindset until one night, a young girl did just walk up on their doorstep. Matt had been vigilant and swept the girl up before he had even suspected a thing, but he didnt agree with him locking her up... How was that going to break the curse?

    Still, now he sat out here every night, his eyes constantly sweeping through the forest, hoping perhaps that unfortunate girl had a friend who would come looking for her, or someone else who had learned of the castle would be curious enough to come exploring to find it... It seemed like a hopeless cause, but all this beast had was time.
    April 18th, 2019 at 06:47pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    It was a Friday night and the little town of Gordes in France, and the young people were out and about drinking, and partying. Rhea on the other hand was in the local book store trying to find a new book to read since she finished the one that she purchased last week. Finding the book that she found interesting, she took it to the front to checkout and paid for the book. Once leaving the book store, began walking her way back to her dormitory room, but she was stopped in her tracks by Brian Haner Jr, the biggest playboy in all of Gordes.

    Brian is a local, where Rhea is a small town American girl who is on a study abroad program through her college. She met Brian within the first couple days of her arrival at a house party that the students of the local university had thrown for her and her fellow classmates. Rhea knew that Brian was a playboy before he even spoke a word to her. And when she said no to his advances, he took it as a challenge to pursue her, but Rhea shuts him down every time. Rhea didn't understand why Brian was so persistent in sleeping with her. Not that Rhea didn't believe that she was not beautiful, but she knew that she wasn't his type and he definitely wasn't her type either.

    Just like the other times, Brian is still persistent, even when she said no. However this time, he grabbed her. "Brian let me go!" She screamed as she struggled to get out of his hold. Finally, getting out of his grip, Rhea ran as fast as she could to get away from Brian.
    Matt ignored the girl's pleads as he paced back and forth. He had thought about letting the girl go many times as he hated having her locked up like this. However, he couldn't trust her to not tell the villagers about what he did to her. The villagers would surely come over to hunt him and Zacky down, and he didn't want to cause any more harm to his friend, especially since he was the cause for his and Zacky's beast transformation.

    "Shut up!" He yelled at the girl after her pleads got too much. "You will never leave, since I don't trust you to not go back and tell you villager friends. You and I both know they are waiting to have the moment to get their hands on me and my friend." He growled as he was now standing in front of the girl, the bars of the cage were the only thing that separated the two. "All you humans only want to do is get back at me and my friend for a lie that has been told for over 100 years." He growled lowly and looked into the girls eyes. He could see the fear in her eyes and deep down he felt a little bad for scaring the poor girl, but he had to instill the fear in her.
    April 20th, 2019 at 08:55pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Anais was shocked when she actually received a response to her calls, even if it wasn't the response she was hoping for. "Villagers?" She muttered, knitting her brows together. This castle and all who resided inside of it seemed to be stuck back in time. She grabbed the bars between her fists, she wasn't afraid to close the distance between herself and this beast. "All I want is to return to my school, so my friends and family don't worry about me! No one even knows this place exists, it was just supposed to be a fairy tale! You're not supposed to be real!"

    She looked up at the beast, seeing the saliva that was dripping off of his sharp canine fangs. His eyes were glazed over and dark, but with bits of hazel shining through. She knew arguing with this monster to let her out wasn't going to get her anywhere. "You can't keep me locked up in this cage for ever!"

    Out of the corner of her, Anais could see that the candlestick she had noticed from earlier had shifted positions, seemingly had moved all on its own. What was going on here?
    Zacky's ears twitched, being able to hear the commotion going on in the east wing tower, where he knew Matt had that poor girl locked up. It seemed he was finally speaking to her and it wasn't going well, because all Zacky could hear was yelling. Where they both really doomed to this Hell for an eternity? Forced to wander this crumbling castle until their deaths? It had been months since Zacky had entered the east wing to gaze upon the rose that the witch had left behind. There weren't many petals left and who knew how many had fallen since he had visited it. All he knew was that their time was running out. They needed to find a way to break the spell.

    He returned his attention to the forest, the storm clouds were still thundering and crackling above his head and the rain was beginning to pour down from the sky. Zacky moved away from his perch, scaling the castle until his paws touched the wet ground. He was ready to give up his watch for the night, turning his back on the forest as he took the steps up to the large grand doors of the castle. Just as his time was slipping away from him, so was his hope of ever finding a girl he could possibly make love him.

    @ Lee.Wonho
    May 2nd, 2019 at 05:58pm