Fate & Fur

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    -Skipping three weeks later-

    The week after the mating ceremony had been intense. To the point, actually, where Bailey wondered if she would ever feel normal again. All they did was cling to each other and make love. And, if they weren't doing either of those then Bailey was either crying or on the edge of tears. Even having Aiden leave her side to get a glass of water felt like it was too much to bear. Though when the week came to a close, she felt somewhat close to normal. It still felt weird to have him leave her side but it was no longer the end of the world to see him go. Though the love and connection she felt was undoubtedly there. Just the thought of Aiden brought a smile to her face and the question of if she should seek him out.

    It was now three weeks later though and Bailey was attached to love of her life as he was trying to get ready to leave to see the pack. She was on his back, her arms and legs wrapped around his torso. Her head laid against his shoulder and her lips pressing a gentle kiss against the back of his jaw. "What time are you going to be back?" Bailey asked him before she pressed a little kiss against his neck. "I won't let go until you tell me." She said with a little giggle. "And you have to promise to be back right on time. Not even a minute late."
    May 1st, 2020 at 03:01am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Aiden had never been happier. The week after the bonding ceremony he and Bailey barely left their room, only leaning to bathe and eat, which were usually quick and hurried processes. He loved Bailey dearly, and couldn't let her out of his sight most of the time. By the end of the week things had somewhat gone back to normal, but he still didn't feel right leaving her alone in the few weeks after, instead just staying home with her and enjoying their time together, while also beginning to plan their wedding. He finally needed to go back to the pack house though, especially since he needed to get them on the same page about wedding preparations, but he was definitely worried about leaving Bailey behind.

    He chuckled as he carried her around on his back as he gathered his things, one arm supporting her while the other grabbed what he needed. "I should only be an hour or so max. So 3ish? And I promise that I won't be late, but I'll text you if I get caught up in something." He reassured her, giving her thigh a squeeze, humming happily as she kissed his neck.
    May 1st, 2020 at 03:27am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    "If you're late, you better come back with ice cream," Bailey murmured happily agaisnt his skin. She let out a small hum, determining that she was satisfied with his answer. An hour wasn't so bad and he was just going to the pack. "I think I'll take a small nap when you're gone then," It took a long moment before Bailey was able to convince herself to slide off of his back.

    Landing om her feet, Bailey grabbed the wedding binder that they had made. It had everything they decided on, which wasn't too difficult since they were so in sync. Plus, the wedding didn't have a 200 person guest list which made thinge A LOT easier. "Bring this with you so they know what's happening," Bailey told him as she placed the binder in his hands.
    May 1st, 2020 at 03:56am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Aiden chuckled, nodding a little as he squeezed her again. "Alright, I'll bring ice cream back if I'm late. Or maybe even if I'm not." He teased, moving toward the living room so he could set her down by the couch. "A nap would be good. We were up late last night." He teased when she finally slid off his back, turning to kiss her quickly before he turned to finish gathering his things.

    He turned to take the binder from her with a smile, nodding a little. "Plus it'll help them keep on track, since I'm sure if we hadn't already outlined everything we want they'd have a field day." He grinned, giving her hands a squeeze as he kissed her cheek. "I'll be back in an hour. I love you, be safe." He said, kissing her one more time before forcing himself to leave, hurrying down to his car to head to the pack house, wanting to hurry back as soon as he could.
    May 1st, 2020 at 06:23am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    Bailey let out a small hum as she watched him leave. It was a bit sad to watch him go, especially after all of the time they had spent together the last few weeks. But Aiden did have responsibilities. So, turning back to the apartment, Bailey made her way into the bedroom to lay down for a bit. She was a bit tired after all of the late nights they were having.

    It was only about thirty minutes later that Bailey started to wake from her nap. She felt something weird pressing against her leg. Almost...fluffy? Her mind shifted to Aiden's wolf form. There were times he wanted to sleep in it but....well it wasn't that often that Aiden did so. Slowly opening her eyes, Bailey glanced down but when she didn't see Aiden, she threw open the blankets and started screaming as pure dread filled her.
    May 2nd, 2020 at 02:59am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Aiden had only been at the pack house for maybe twenty minutes when he felt overwhelmed with panic, tensing as his eyes went wide. He'd been discussing a rumor that some of his pack members had heard about Sandra being in the area and reaching out to her former pack, and he was instructing everyone to be vigilant and keep him up to date if they heard or saw anything. But feeling Bailey's overwhelming fear after just hearing that the wolf who'd tried to kill her might be back caused him to panic, and after quickly excusing himself he rushed out to his car. James followed him to ask what was wrong, and ended up climbing into the car too after hearing Aiden's worry, and then they were speeding back to the apartment as fast as possible.

    Rushing up the stairs Aiden could barely focus on anything other than Bailey's fear, hurriedly pushing open the door as he looked around in panic. "Bailey? Bailey, are you alright?" He asked, hurrying through the rooms to find her, James trailing along. He didn't smell Sandra or anything dangerous, but he couldn't be too sure.
    May 2nd, 2020 at 03:58am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    The apartment was in a bit disarray by the time Aiden had gotten back. Things were here and there and open boxes were also set up. Bailey was currently in the bathroom, standing on the sink counter with a broom in her hand. A panicked look was in her eyes as she was hovering over the side of the toilet, looking down. She almost jumped when Aiden came rushing in and she quickly saw James behind him. "STOP!" Bailey yelled out at them. "There's a mouse! A mouse!"

    Her focus went immediately to the side of the toilet again where she brought the broom down, trying to either kill or scare the mouse away. Though as she did that, it climbed up the side and leaped at Bailey. The woman screamed out in terror and in an attempt to dodge it, tripped over her own feet and started to fall towards the ground face forward.
    May 2nd, 2020 at 04:20am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Aiden's eyes widened as he found Bailey perched on the sink, feeling almost instant relief when she said it was just a mouse. He quickly stepped forward to catch her when she fell, scooping her into his arms as he hurriedly carried her from the bathroom, passing her broom to James, who nodded a little in understanding before heading into the bathroom and shutting the door so he could deal with the mouse.

    Aiden carried Bailey to the couch, sitting down with her in his lap as he buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent. "I was so worried, Bails... I thought... I thought the worst.." He mumbled into her skin, tugging her closer, almost clinging to her. "I could feel how scared you were, and I was terrified."
    May 2nd, 2020 at 04:35am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    As Aiden caught her, Bailey clung onto Aiden. Both because she was afraid to hit the ground but also because she was afraid of the mouse getting her. Though she hadn't been ready to be whisked out of the bathroom. The woman letting out a little gasp as the broom was taken from her and suddenly being hurried out. Not that she mind, Bailey had not been enjoying her time with the house.

    Though while her heart was racing still having the encounter she had been having, confusion was rising up in her based on how Aiden was talking and acting. She loosened her arms and lightly ran her fingers through his hair as Aiden spoke into her neck. Bailey felt how he was clinging to her. "I... I'm sorry, I don't understand." Bailey said softly. "Did something happen? Why are you so upset, love?" One hand moved to the back of his neck and lightly brushed against the skin there.
    May 2nd, 2020 at 04:50am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Aiden's arms tightened around her as she ran her fingers through his hair, closing his eyes as he breathed in her scent, willing himself to calm down. "I could feel how scared you were, Bails.. Through the bond. And someone at the pack house had thought they'd heard a rumour about Sandra coming back and we'd been in the middle of discussing that, and then I felt how terrified you were and I just thought the worst. I was so scared something was wrong, and that I wouldn't get back in time to help.."

    He let out a shaky sigh before looking up at her, ignoring the commotion and swearing coming from the bathroom as James dealt with the mouse. He studied her face worriedly, leaning his head into her hands. "...You can't feel my emotions, can you?"
    May 2nd, 2020 at 05:54am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    The frown on Bailey's face deepened and a shot of fear went through Bailey as Aiden mentioned Sandra. Even hearing that name for a moment was overwhelming to her. Though it seemed that they had something else they needed to discuss before Bailey really went into the questions about Sandra being back...And she didn't mind pushing it off a bit either. Things has been going so well lately, to think that it might all turn sour was too much for her to bear.

    "I didn't mean to frighten you, Aiden," Bailey whispered gently as her hand slid down and lightly pressed against the side of his face. "I was just fighting a mouse and I..." She let out a small sigh before continuing. "But to answer your question...I can feel you. I know that is what this feeling is in my body. It is you, and the love that we both have. I feel the deep connection but I..I suppose I can't feel your emotions. I didn't know that you were scared..." Her frown deepened. "I thought I felt the bond, same as you."
    May 3rd, 2020 at 04:46am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Aiden frowned up at Bailey as she spoke, leaning his head into her hands as he tugged her closer, giving her a little reassuring squeeze when he felt her get scared at the mention of Sandra. He shook his head a little as she began to apologise, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "You have nothing to apologize for, Bailey. It's not your fault." He reassured her, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he held her close, letting out a little sigh as she spoke more about the bond.

    "I feel you too. The deep connection, the love we share, but I can also feel your emotions. It's likely because I'm a wolf, and often times that's part of it when it does happen... I had no way of knowing you couldn't feel my emotions up until now, since before this we were both just happy.. I guess I didn't even realize I could feel your emotions. I thought I was probably just picking up on things from being around you, not because I could actually feel them.." he sighed, nuzzling his nose into her neck. "I love you so much, Bails.. I'll always keep you safe, and I'll always try to make you happy."
    May 3rd, 2020 at 07:02am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    Turning her head slowly, Bailey pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek. "I love you too, Aiden," She whispered before leaning down and laying her head on his shoulder with a little sigh. She did wish that she could feel his emotions as much as he could feel hers. Though their connection was already so strong, it was hard to imagine adding another layer to it. "It is a little sad that I can't feel you like you feel me but... although it may be a little strange at first I think it will be a good thing that you can at least sense my emotions. You'll always know that I am safe."

    As Bailey was lightly hugging Aiden tighter, the door to the bathroom swung open. "I got him!" James said victoriously as he headed out, holding a trash bag with something squirming inside of it. Bailey's nose scrunched up and pressed hard against Aiden, not wanting the mouse to get any closer to her. "Thank you, James. Can you please take it out of here? Once you come back up, we can discuss what I can make you for dinner as a thank you."
    May 4th, 2020 at 03:13am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    "I wish you could feel it too.." Aiden murmured, sighing as he lifted his head up to look at her. "But I think you might have been too overwhelmed if you could feel my emotions too, so in some way I'm glad that you can't." He sighed, pressing a kiss to her forehead before looking up as James carried the mouse out of the bathroom, holding Bailey a bit tighter as she curled further into his arms to get away from the creature.

    "Glad to see you didn't get bested, James." He teased as the younger wolf left the apartment to get rid of the mouse, looking down at Bailey as she offered to make James dinner, a little pout on his lips. "I don't like sharing you, even if it is dinner for our son.." he murmured as he tucked his face back into her neck, sighing against her skin.
    May 4th, 2020 at 04:25am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    Bailey gave a small nod in agreement. "You are probably right. I can't imagine what our first week would have been like if I felt all of your feelings too. I might have just been comatose." She responded, letting out a small hum as he pressed a kiss against her forehead. Though as Aiden started to pout, Bailey looked up to look over his face. Though before she really could, Aiden's face was burying into her neck. So, instead, Bailey reached up and started to run her fingers through his hair again. "I think you'll make it through it." Bailey teased gently. "Especially after I had to suffer almost a whole hour without you."

    She leaned into Aiden a bit more. "But seriously, we should thank James after he came here and then got rid of the mouse." Bailey pressed a gentle kiss against the top of his head.

    After letting a moment of silence pass over them, Bailey circled back to the Sandra situation. "So.... Sandra is back?" She asked him, worry spreading through her chest.
    May 6th, 2020 at 05:00am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    "Wasn't even a full hour.. I came home early." Aiden pouted, squeezing her in his arms as he held her for a moment, before nodding and sighing when she said that they needed to thank James. "I know.. He insisted on coming, and it's been a while, and he said he missed you." He smiled a little as he lifted his head to look at him, leaning back against the couch with her.

    He frowned a little when she brought up Sandra again, especially when he felt how worried she became. He tugged her close, cradling her against his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair. "It's just a rumour.. I'm going to have it investigated though. I'm not going to stop until I find out whether it's just a mistake or if she's actually here. And I won't leave you alone, I promise. And if I can't be here with you I'll have someone else stay with you, or bring you to the pack house."
    May 6th, 2020 at 05:19am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    “I guess it has been a while since I have seen anyone.” Bailey murmured softly. Though she didn’t really mind that was the case. She was enjoying her time with Aiden. But going to see everyone at the pack house would be better than just holing up at the apartment all day everyday. “I miss him too,” Bailey whispered back gently. “I’ve liked our little paradise here but I think it’s time to start popping in. I want to see everyone.”

    The smile on her face dropped a bit and was soon replaced with a frown. She had been hoping it was nothing. That someone was jut worried with no real reason. And although rumors could be nothing, Bailey wished this was nothing at all. Her face buried deep into his chest as her breath wavered for a moment. “I’ll go to the pack house with you. I don’t want you to leave my side. I just want you, Aiden.”
    May 6th, 2020 at 05:34am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Aiden smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "They miss you too.. They were asking about you today, and I keep getting texts asking when we'll both be over. They understand that being newly bonded can be.. a lot, but they also miss us, and now that they can be involved in the wedding they want to see both of us." He explained. He knew that the pack house could be overwhelming for her, but he was relieved that she wanted to go visit, knowing the pack would look up to her as his mate.

    Aiden nodded, nuzzling his face into her hair as he held her close. "It's alright, I won't leave you, Bailey. I promise." He murmured, pressing a kiss to her head. "I'll keep you safe, I swear. Nothing will happen to you."
    May 6th, 2020 at 06:11am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin

    Bailey let out a little hum in response, glad to hear that the pack wanted to see her and was asking for her. Of course, she knew that they liked her but hearing so was always nice. Though her eyes closed as Aiden nuzzled his face into her hair and promised to keep her safe. "I know you will," Bailey whispered to him. "There is no one I feel safer with." She felt better knowing that Aiden would be with her during this potential threat.

    As James walked back into the apartment, Bailey opened her eyes and glanced over at the man. A gentle smile came over her lips. "Go wash your hands and let's talk about dinner." Leaning down, Bailey pressed a gentle kiss against Aiden's forehead before sliding out of his arms and off of the couch. She looked back at Aiden lovingly for a moment before walking into the kitchen and looking through the fridge. "What are you thinking tonight, James?"
    May 7th, 2020 at 05:15am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ BearGirl

    Aiden smiled as she snuggled into him, although he pouted a little when she kissed his forehead and got up as James returned, slouching a bit in his seat as he pouted a bit. "James will eat anything, even if he doesn't like it. He's a sucker to please people." Aiden chuckled, standing as James gave him a half glare from the kitchen sink where he was washing his hands.

    "No fair, Aiden.. That's not even true. I always like Bailey's cooking." He said, smiling a bit as Bailey came to the kitchen as well and began to look through the fridge, drying his hands on a towel before moving out of her way to sit at the counter. "I'm fine eating whatever you feel like making, Bailey. I don't want to inconvenience you. I can also just head back to the pack house, since I'm just glad you're alright, and that it was only a pesky mouse."
    May 7th, 2020 at 06:15am