Keep Your Fangs To Yourself!

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    As Ari spoke, Gio's mind started to race. Thoughts and feelings he wasn't accustomed to were flowing this way and that. What the fuck was he supposed to tell her? Everything was wrong, he had wronged her in the worst fucking way possible. He was the one who had fucking hurt her. He broke their promise. He had bitten her, ripped open her flesh, and drank from her. Something she didn't want. Something he was fucking forced to do. Drugged by his own damn people. Forced to become the monster that she thought that he was.

    slowly, Gio blinked and shifted his gaze towards the Princess once more. His eyes widening as he watched her. His heart speeding up as he felt her anxiety. She was in so much discomfort. So much pain. He could feel it, down to his fucking bones. She wanted to rid herself of him. Of his mark, of everything that had to fucking do with him. She was going to hurt herself, damage herself beyond belief. All because of him. It was his fault, he was a monster. He was a destroyer of all things good. Fuck.

    Then, it was like a fucking tidal wave washed over him. Slamming into him and pushing his body up against a cliff. Over and cucking over again. Like there was no end in sight, he was going crazy with pain and rage and fear and. "Aria?" Gio asked, his voice soft as he looked at the girl. His eyes widening as he watched her freaking out on the hospital bed. "Aria calm down!" Gio said loudly, trying to get her attention. Reaching over, he tries to hold her wrists down as extra percussion. "You need to calm down. You're hurt. You'll reopen your wound." He tried to reason with her. Help her, begging her through the bond to calm down.

    Hearing the machine's acting up, two nurses rush into the room. They start talking, but Gio isn't hearing anything. He's focused on Aria, trying to speak to her. To get her to calm down, to focus on something other then the pain. Then, he felt the strong arms of his bodyguards as they grab his arms. Pulling him away from the girl so that the nurses and other medical staff could come forward. So that they could help Aria. "Aria." He said her name quietly, begging almost. "Aria!" An then he was out of the room. Away from the girl he had broken into a million pieces. Shattered into nothing but fine dust. "Fuck." He mumbled as he felt like his world was crashing around him. Turning everything to what they were trying to stop.
    October 24th, 2020 at 05:11am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    As Arielle was pulling on the restraints, asking for help, it all started to rush back to her. And it hit her like a train. Pinned against the wall, begging for it to stop, the sick feeling in her body, the fangs in her neck. It all started to feel like it was happening again. Pinned down, Gio hovering over her. The panic rising in her. Arielle felt horribly sick. A way of nausea came over her at her memory. But it was not alone as it was paired nicely with rage. She wanted the bite out of her skin. It felt like it was some horrible disease inflicting her body. Arielle felt so comfortable to her core knowing that it was there. Which caused her to start to thrash to, once again, try to rip it out. But she was restrained hard against the bed. So she started to scream.

    "GET IT OUT!" Arielle yelled at the top of her lungs. Despite her throat being rough, it came through clearly. "I DON'T WANT IT. GET IT OFF OF ME. RIP IT OUT. Just fucking kill me, PLEASE, I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS!" She continued to thrash against the bed, no care for her safety even coming to mind. Once his hands wrapped around her wrists, big chucky tears ran down her face. "YOU FUCKER! YOU PROMISED! YOU FUCKING PROMISE! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! IHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOU!"

    The moment Giovanni was off of her and the nurses were over Arielle, she started to beg them to rip out the bite or kill her. Though the nurses did neither, instead drugging up Arielle again, needing her to calm down in the meantime.
    -A few weeks later-

    After the outburst at the hospital, Prince Giovanni was told not to return for they feared he would set back the patient. Though it was a few weeks later and now Arielle was being brought back to the castle where Giovanni and his family lived. There had been serious discussion on sending the young princess home but it was ultimately decided no, mostly due to the council rejecting the an idea now that the two were bonded. They were determined to turn the two into love birds despite, what they called 'Princess Arielle's temporary and random psychological break down.

    But the doctors determined that she could go home. They had gotten her as far as they could with just a few weeks. Arielle no longer needed the hospital level amount of drugs to stay calm. Instead, they sent her home with a pill bottle. And after the first week, the princess no longer tried to rip, cut or tear the bite out. Though there was an incident where she almost cut it out with a scalpel. Although it was clear to the staff that she was not in a good place, they at least felt safe in saying that she was not a danger to herself. But before they allowed her to leave the hospital, the doctor did inject some hospital quantity of medicine, the man having known that she would probably see the prince when she arrived.

    When the car rolled to a stop in front of the door, the butler opened the door to the car and assisted Arielle out before leading her into the house. The woman's head was slightly drooped as she headed inside, and unlike what she used to wear, there was now a thick ribbon around her neck to hide the bites. As well as a soft, plush teddy bear in her hand that the doctor wanted her to use when she was upset or mad.
    October 24th, 2020 at 06:06am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    When people get discharged from the hospital, usually their family brings them shit. Right? Like a get well card, or something stupid like that. At least, what's what Gio saw on movies with some of the girls he saw for a few weeks before dumping. They always wanted all of that sappy shit, something that'd get your tear-jerking and opening up. Wanting to get into your head and find the real you. Ugh, women were overly emotional. Gio wasn't like that, nor was he going to get anything for Ari as she arrived back at the palace. It wasn't his right, after all, she fucking hated him with her whole fucking being.

    A small grumble escaped from Gio as he walked around what's usually Ari's room. Getting shit together. A random movie his friend's girlfriends told him about was on the large TV that was in her room. Ready to be played and cause everyone watching it to cry and talk about their feelings. Hell, Gio even had rose petals spread along her bed. Trying to seem like he was being romantic or something. He wasn't, he just didn't want her mad and was trying to get her to find what he was doing nice. Then, his eyes glance towards the small end table next to the bed where a square box of chocolate strawberries sat open. Ready for whoever to want them, to come and feast.

    "I really hope I'm not making a fool of myself," Gio mumbled as his enhanced hearing picked up the sound of approaching footsteps. Not wanting to spook the girl once more, Gio went to the door before she'd arrive and opened it. Then stepped to the side. Wanting the first thing she lays her eyes on to be the room that he tried to decorate sorta and not him. Hell, the freaking lavender candles scent was also a nice touch and that was last fucking minute.

    Clearing his throat, Gio kept his head to the side. Taking in the room, waiting for Ari to come towards her room and probably go off on him no less. She was probably going to tear him another fucking new one but you know what. Fuck it, she needed to hear him out.
    October 24th, 2020 at 09:23pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Arielle had been thankful that no one came to meet her at the door when she arrived back to the castle. She had been scared that the King and Queen would welcome her back, or worse that Giovanni would be there. But no, they allowed her to arrive back from a littl over three-week stay at the hospital with no warm welcome. Normally, Arielle would be horribly upset that no one cared enough to do so but she was grateful. Arielle hated it here. She hated the people too.

    As she walked through the halls with the butler gently leading her there, Arielle started to rub her face and head. She didn't care for the medicine that they kept giving her. The way it fogged up her brain and her thoughts. The way it gave her nausea... But there was one thing good about it and that was that it made the sharpness of her emotions go away. She could still feel them, a bit, but it mostly made her numb. But now all she wanted to do was lay down in her bed before calling her parents and begging them to let her go home. Arielle didn't think she could take anymore. They had broken her. And here, all there was around her were monsters. Even those who seemed nice only pretended to be so. Her grasp on the bear tightened for a moment. She would get her revenge. Break him like he broke her. Make things even and then head home. Or, if she couldn't go home, somewhere safe.

    When the door opened by itself, Arielle didn't even notice, assuming that the butler had done so before leaving her along. Though her head lifted up and she started to look around the room, confusion coming over her. Why did her room look like a honeymooner's suite? God, these vampires were fucking weird. Did they think this was a way to welcome someone home? To wish them better? And who just left burning candles alone? Sure it smelled nice but were they trying to burn her room down?

    She hadn't even gotten a chance to walk into the room when she heard a throat clear. Arielle slowly looked to the side of the door to see that Gio was standing there. The shock caused her to stumble back a few steps as her eyes went wide. The first thing that rushed through her body was fear. Why was he here? What did he want from her? Another bite? The thought caused a shudder to run down her spine. Please, not another bite.

    Her grip on the bear tightened immensely and she immediately stood up straighter. The rage inside of her was quick to mix with the fear when the shock of seeing him had dissipated. Though both emotions were flowing inside of her. Even with the medicine, she felt them strongly. "Go. Away." Her jaw was clenched as she growled at him. Arielle didn't want to be dealing with this right now. or ever. She never wanted to see him again. Plus, The medicine they had given her made her feel generally unwell and tired. But if he didn't walk away, she was ready to fight.
    October 24th, 2020 at 11:42pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    She looked dazed, out of her mind. What the hell were they pumping her within the hospital? Ari looked like she was a walking zombie. Narrowing his eyebrows when Ari seemed to have not noticed him in the slightest caused a small irk of annoyance to form inside of him. So, a clear of his throat was his announcement of his arrival and well. Shit only seemed to do down from there. The bond inside of them ignited and the inside of his own head pounded with the feeling of adrenaline. OF fear, of loathe. Shit.

    Raising his hands up in defense, Gio slowly gulped as he watched Arielle. It was extremely clear that she wanted him gone. Not just because of her words but, well, because of the feelings inside of her were as clear as fucking day for him. Gio could tell he wasn't welcome as soon as he had cleared his throat.

    "We need to talk, Arielle," Gio said quietly, trying to keep his tone calm. Quiet meant less threatening. Slow speaking allowed for words to settle in more than speaking at a normal octive and speed. "I didn't want to bite you. I was drugged, I was forced into this just as much as you." Gio's voice was soft. Hoping that she'd be able to hear and feel that he was really sorry and uneasy about everything that was going on at the moment. "Please, sit down and let me talk." Gio slowly moved one of his hands and motioned for her to sit down on her bed. Wanting to try and get into a comfortable position with her before he told her everything. Every. Fucking. Thing. That was going on, that had led up to this shitty mess that they were in. Why he had bitten her and what this meant for them moving forward.
    October 25th, 2020 at 12:03am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    The moment Giovanni started to speak, Arielle was shaking her head. She didn't want to talk, didn't want to listen. What he had to say, whatever it was, no longer mattered to her. Nothing about Giovanni mattered anymore. He had crossed a line. A line he had promised not to cross. A line that Arielle explained again and again why it was important to her. And although he was talking, none of it was heard. She was so lost in her head. Between the hurt feelings and medicine, Arielle couldn't concentrate. Not that she thought it would matter anyway.

    Her hands were clutching onto the bear, trying to take her anger out on it as the physician had told her. She started to pull on it, hard. But she ended up accidentally ripping the head off of the stuffed animal. And the moment it was ripped into two, the head and body were getting flung across the room, hitting Giovanni. "GO AWAY!" Arielle screeched at him. Arielle was quick to go into the room, keeping her distance as far away from Giovanni as she could. Though once she was further from the door than he, Arielle started to grab whatever was near her. At first, it was just the blankets and pillows that were close to her, causing the rose petals to fly all of the place. Then she grabbed the tv remote, chucking it at his face which was quickly followed by one of the lit candles.

    When Giovanni still refused to leave after having a fucking candle thrown at him, Arielle found some stubborn fury in her which overcame some of the fear that had settled in. Although she was afraid, Arielle marched right up to the vampire and started swinging. Her hits weren't very hard, partly because she was human but also because the medicine slowed her down. Arielle was still pounding her fists into his chest, trying to push him out, trying to knock the man over or, at least, do something. "I. Don't. Want. To. Talk. To. You." Arielle said in between each hit. Though, unlike before tears were now streaming down her face. "This is not happening again. Not again. WERE NOT TOGETHER!" Arielle swung up and aimed right for his face.
    October 25th, 2020 at 02:28am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    To think that so much anger and pain could fit inside of a little human blew Giovanni's mind. Watching Arielle tearing the head off of that little bear she was carrying. To so uncaringly throw the covers and pillows all around. Ruining everything that he had done to try and make her feel better. To try and show that he really was trying to show her that he was a good guy and not this fucking monster that she thought that he was.

    Then, the bitch started to freaking throw things at him. A remote, a lit candle that he had to stomp out when it hit the ground so that it didn't catch anything on fire. An he was more than likely going to get an earful from his mother when she sees that scorch mark on the ground. Raising his gaze, Gio had to blink in surprise as Ari moved towards him and started to swing at him. "Hey!" Gio said, and kept repeating the word as he softly swatted her hands away from his chest. Trying to get ahold of her wrists to hold her still. To get her to calm down and freaking listen to him. To have a conversation.

    When a fit landed on his bottom lip though. It was shocking. Who would have thought that a human would have the ability to land a mean right hook to a vampire's damn lip? Gio's head turned to the side, not from the force really but more because it was instinctual to turn his head so that he wouldn't of gotten hit again in the same spot. The scent of iron hit him before he realized the taste. Blood, and not just any blood, but his own. One of his fangs had scraped along his lip when she had punched him. Resulting in a small growl to escape from Gio as his eyes momentarily went black and then back to normal in the blink of an eye. Then, it was like a switch went off.

    Turning his head back forward, Gio glared down at Arielle and quickly reached his hands out with his enhanced reflexes and caught her wrists and held them behind her back as he glared down at her. Moving forward so that they were chest to chest. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." He seethed, then put her hands into one of his and used his new free one to cover her mouth. Not caring if she tried to bite him or anything else. "I didn't want to bite your fucking neck, girl I was fucking drugged and was sent after you like a fucking animal. I am as much a victim in this who fucking shit show as you are. So stop this stupid pity party because I'm not giving you one. You can cry boo-hoo all you want, but don't take it the fuck out on me. I didn't do anything besides go crazy from being shot up like a lab rat. They fucked me up, I've been going through fucking drug withdrawals alone while you lay comfortably in a hospital bed with people tending to you. I was locked in my fucking room for the past week, screaming my fucking head off from the searing pain that's shooting through my veins right now. So shut up and act like a damn adult already."

    Releasing her wrists, Gio gave Ari a small shove so that she'd stumble away from him. His right hand moving up and slowly wiping the blood off of his lip. It was already healed, thankfully. Otherwise, he'd be going even more insane.
    October 25th, 2020 at 04:43am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    All of the anger left Arielle's body the moment Giovanni got a hold of her. Immediately, she tried to pull out of his grasp but was unable to. It was like she was reliving it all again. The way he just could so easily take what he wanted. It terrified her. Though now she could do nothing else but panic and listen. Panic that Giovanni was going to do something. And listen to his story about how he apparently had it worse off. About how supposedly someone else drugged him up and made him bite her.

    Arielle didn't know if she believed him, didn't know what to think about what he was telling her. For all she could really think about was the way he was holding onto her and the way rage was just flowing off of him. And with the medicine, she had been given, most of her emotions were pushed down hard. This was one of the few times she felt something strong. The rage was gone and it was just simply fear. Though when Giovanni pushed her back, not even the thought of catching herself came to mind. The woman just fell to the ground and curled up. Arielle grabbed onto the hood of her sweatshirt and slowly pulled it down over her head and face.

    At this point, she wasn't sure what to do. She couldn't fight him on a good day, which today definitely was not. The thought of telling him to leave and to start screaming crossed her mind again but she was starting to think it was a bad idea to anger him more. Who knew what Giovanni would do. And she didn't want him to scream at her again. Though she didn't understand the point of any of this. Her eyes closed tightly as she tried to get past the numbness of her head to think. She didn't ask him for anything. Never asked him to join her 'pity party'. And Arielle didn't even want to attack until after Giovanni refused to leave her space. The state of her room when she came in was... weird. As for his reasoning for the bite, it didn't even make any sense. None of this made sense. It sounded so.....fake. So why was there the smallest part of her that felt like it was the truth?

    Arielle reached up and started to lightly pull at where the bite mark was. Why didn't the nurses just kill her at the hospital? At least she wouldn't have to deal with this. "Is that all you wanted?" Arielle whispered, her voice coming out flat now as another wave of numbness came over. "To say that?" Her mouth closed for a moment before continuing on. "I'm sorry that you've been in so much pain. It's not fair..." Although she said it, Arielle wasn't actually sorry. All she wanted in that moment was for the prince to calm down and fuck off. And she figured saying that might do it. Still, she was not convinced that what he said was true. But if all he wanted was his own 'pity party', Arielle would give it to make him go away.
    October 26th, 2020 at 03:13am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    A small rumble escaped from Gio's chest as he watched Arielle acting so damn weak. Like she was fucking broken. Where the fuck had her fighting spirit gone, where was the girl who had power and wanted to change shit? Fuck, this girl and her pity party were really starting to piss him off uncontrollably. "Damn it, Ari." Gio mumbled as he slowly shook his head as he looked down at her. "I feel that you don't mean it. So don't lie to my fucking face." He said as he kneeled down so that he was at her level once more.

    Stretching out his right arm, Giovanni pulled up the sleeve on his shirt until it was above his elbow. It was there, right between the bend of his arm that three dark spots could be seen. The flesh around it was a flamed red, almost like a bad rash. "This is from being shot up with Zalmon. It's the shit that makes a Vampire go into bloodlust. It's like heroin to humans. Once we get one hit, we crave it and the fucking withdrawals are fucking terrible." Giovanni pulled his sleeve down once he was sure that the Princess had seen the shit he had one through. "Do some research. You'll be shocked at the results about it."

    Standing up, Gio snorted and looked away from the Princess on the floor. "Is that all I wanted to say?" Gio repeated, then let out a small chuckle. "No sweetheart, it's not." He shoved his hands into his pockets as he glared down at her. "I wanted to tell you to get your act together. You're strong and resilient, although. You were. You're just another weak human now it seems." Gio snorted again. "You were kinda cool, I thought you were different but now, you're just the same. A useless human." Turning around, Gio started to head towards the door.
    October 26th, 2020 at 03:19pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Arielle rolled her eyes under her hood once Giovanni started to walk out of the room. Such an asshole. Though that wasn't anything new. And she wasn't going to give him the rise that he wanted from her at this point. He was still a killing machine and she currently had nothing to stop that. It wasn't fair for him to judge her. Giovanni never knew what it felt to be helpless as a prince in a species with no predators. And clearly he had no sympathy for those who were.

    Admittedly, she had lost it when she saw him but that didn't care her plans. Arielle was going to get her revenge and get out of here. Slowly, the woman got back onto her feet and headed to the door of the bedroom, closing and locking it before pushing a dresser in front of it. She needed to be more careful than she was before. The last thing she wanted was to get attacked again. As for the revenge... well Arielle was going to have to find out if what he said was true. Cause, if it was, her victim needed to change. Giovanni might not realize it but he might have just saved himself from her wrath. Even if it was true though, she still wanted nothing to do with him. But the research and her next steps would have to be planned after she slept the medicine off. As much as Arielle had been enjoying the numbness, the fogginess, the nausea, and the weakness would not do for what she wanted to do.
    -Two Days Later-
    It had taken longer than Arielle wanted to sleep off the medication. But she supposed that about a month worth of drugging was hard to get out of one's system. But, she was now in a place where she could move forward without her head in the clouds. And while she had been awake the day before, Arielle was able to do enough research to discover that Giovanni's excuse was plausible. Now she just wanted to confirm if it was true, and who did it. If Giovanni was telling the truth, then her plan had to change. If not, then she could move forward.

    Arielle dressed and showered before heading over to the dresser, moving it out of the way. She hadn't left her room since she came back and despite the few knockings or calls through her door, no one had cared enough to venture inside to unlock it and move the dresser. Once she was out of her room, Arielle did her best to move around without running into any blood suckers. Not because she was up to anything wrong but now she wanted as much distance as possible. First place on the list, the council member's area in the castle. Perhaps she could find some proof there. It was unlikely they would hide the truth since so many wanted the bite to happen. It was so stupid, Arielle didn't feel different at all afterward.

    When she got to the meeting room, Arielle glanced through the hallway before sneaking in. She was pretty sure no one had seen her.
    October 26th, 2020 at 06:47pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    Shoving his hands into his pockets, Giovanni walked around the castle's garden. His eyes were focused ahead as he listened to music that blared through his earbuds. Not really paying attention to the words though. No, he was a little too preoccupied thinking about a certain little human. She was nervous about something. He could feel it through the bond. Maybe a little bit bold feeling as well? He wasn't sure. All Gio knew, what that she was probably up to no good.

    Not his business though! So, he was going to continue his little walk in the garden. Just enjoying the fresh air and the scenery that the plants offered him. He wasn't allowed out of the castle becasue of being shut up with that shit and because he was grounded. Both being kept from the press thankfully. And since he's known for his outings, Gio's parents made sure that the press and people thought he went on vacation out of the Kingdom. Which was why he wasn't showing up to social events.

    Stepping under a large tree in the middle of the garden, Gio moved and sat under the trunk. His back pressing against it and his eyes closing. Rest, he needed rest. That shit may be out of his system mostly, but fuck. He could still feel the exhaustion that it caused him.
    October 26th, 2020 at 08:29pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    While in the meeting room, Arielle wasn't able to find anything of importance. Though when she opened a side door to their file and storage room, that was a different matter. There were plenty of meeting minutes and important documents in there but she was only interested in the ones that would prove if Giovanni was a dirty liar or not. And, with some digging, she was able to find a drawer the Zalmon that Giovanni had been talking about. Suspicious, but not proof. However, when she found the meeting minutes that specifically discussed forcing the bite and who was responsible for ensuring that it occurred, Arielle was convinced. It was the damn council and they were even so high on their horse that they thought it didn't matter to put it down on paper! Perhaps her and the prince were the only two who disagreed but she was ready to cause Hell.

    Arielle grabbed the Zalmon and the paper. With the Zalmon, she shoved the bottle into her dress as to not be found with it. The paper on the other hand, she had been folding up...that is until she heard a rustling at the door. Panic set in and Arielle knew that she had to get out without getting caught. That was the only door out but... her eyes swiveled to the window. Well, that would be her exit then. Arielle opened it up and was quick to get onto the sill. She glanced down. Two stories above... but if she moved across the ledge, she could get to the tree and climb down.

    The woman took a deep breath, clutching the paper tightly as she got down to the edge and closed the window behind her. She pressed her back against the ledge and slowly moved along it, doing her best to keep her balance. Which she was able to do. Though when she reached out to grab the tree branch, Arielle was able to grab it but quickly lost her footing. Her grip strength saved her but she was swinging from the tree, gasping from surprising before taking in a deep breath. She was okay. Still quite high but Arielle could climb this tree. She pulled herself up onto the branch and slowly shimmied down it until she got to the truck, at which point, she climbed down and then jumped off once she was close enough to the ground.

    She immediately started to look around, hoping that no one had seen what she just did. Though her eyes went wide when they landed on Giovanni... who was under the tree she just used to climb out from a two-story window. Arielle's grasp on the paper tightened. The fear and rage that had been directed at Giovanni had been redirected severely, now knowing that he had been out of control. But Arielle still didn't like him at that moment and wanted to keep him away.

    "Bitch," Arielle said to him, scrunching her nose at Giovanni before shifting on her feet with the plan of scurrying off.
    October 26th, 2020 at 08:47pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    A nap under the large tree sounded so nice, the light breeze. The smell of summer and the sound of birds. Not that he could hear anything over the sound of his music blaring through the buds in his ears. The taste of Ink by The Used played, causing the Prince to nod his head as he listened to the song. Then, a leaf lanced on his face and caused Gio to open his eyes. Confusion was obvious on his face as he raised a hand and picked up the leaf. "Odd," Gio mumbled and then looked up. It wasn't time for the leaves to be changing.

    Although, when he spotted something out of the ordinary, it felt like Gio was seeing things. "What the fuck?" He mumbled, standing up so that Arielle didn't step on him as she climbed down from the tree. Turning his music off, Gio pocketed his earbuds and watched Ari. Amusement dancing in his eyes as he felt her excitement and triumph of having gotten away with whatever the fuck she had been doing.

    "Uh." Was all Giovanni was able to say as he stared at Ari as she landed on the ground. Feeling like he looked just as surprised as to how she did when she laid eyes on him. "Hey!" Gio said, and then scowled. Snapping out of his confused state when she swore at him. No one disrespected Gio and got away with it. So, using his enhanced speed and power, Gio managed to reach Ari and grab onto her wrist. He held on tightly as he reached out to plush the paper from her hand. "What do you go here, Princess?" Gio asked, tilting his head to the side. "Or, shall I say little thief?" He arched an eyebrow, wanting to see how she'd react.
    October 26th, 2020 at 10:17pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    The hairs on the back of her neck stood up straight as Giovanni grabbed onto her wrist. Once again, the fear was rising up in her. Although she now knew that he hadn't meant to bite her, she still didn't like him grabbing her or touching her really. It felt too much like he was going to do something again. It was a deeply uncomfortable and unsettling feeling. So she tried her best to pull out of his grasp but when that didn't work, she glared up at him. "Let me go," Arielle growled.

    Though when he didn't immediately do so, and she notice him reaching for the paper in her hand, Arielle was quick to slap the man across the face. Her eyes widen at the feeling that came against her own cheek when she hit his. It... felt like she had gotten slapped but without any of the pain that was associated with it. Her free hand raised up to her cheek but she was still trying to pull the one he was holding onto out of his grasp. "What did you do?" Arielle hissed, not understand what occurred with her face.

    "If you want to talk, fine, Giovanni but stop grabbing onto me. I don't like it. You're making me uncomfortable and you're not going to enjoy it if I have to start carrying around a stake for you to fucking understand what no means." Arielle held on tighter to the paper in her hand as she said it, not really wanting him to see what she was up to.
    October 27th, 2020 at 12:44am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    Stunned silence filled the air as Giovanni stared at Arielle with wide eyes. Completely thrown off by the fact that she had freaking slapped him. In public no less. "I didn't do anything to you, Princess" Giovanni hissed and then brought his free hand to his cheek, giving up on trying to grab the paper out of Arielle's hand. It was obvious whatever it was, was important, so ripping it in the process was out of the question.

    "That was the force of the bond," Gio said as he pointed at the side of his neck and tapped the spot where he had bit Ari on himself. There was no fucking way he was going to touch her scare. Who knows what she'd do to him. "Once you're bonded, you can feel the other's emotional state as well as some physical things." He told her. Letting go of Ari's wrist, Gip picked the back of his hand and looked to see how Arielle would react.

    "So anyway, what's that?" Gio asked, nodding his head towards the paper once more. There was no way he was going to just let her walk away with it. "Tell me, or I'll have you locked up for attempting to sell of secret information on the Kingdom." Gio crossed his hands over his chest. His eyes narrowing as he waited patiently for Arielle to spill the beans or risk being locked up somewhere where she'd never see the rays of daylight again.
    October 27th, 2020 at 01:06am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    "Are you fucking kidding me." Arielle said with a groan as Giovanni started to explain the bond to her. The woman reached up and started to rub her face once her hand was finally free from his grasp. "As though things couldn't have been any worse." She mumbled under her breath before dropping her hands and taking in a deep breath. Though her eyes narrowed a bit as she looked at him. "So you can feel what I am feeling? You have been able to feel my emotional state this whole time?"

    The woman closed her eyes for a moment, clearly growing frustrated with the idea that Giovanni knew, the whole time how she was feeling. It was especially worse when she thought over what had happened only two days ago. He had felt her anger and fear and still stayed in the room. Still yelled at her and grabbed her. God, what a fucking asshole. Though it at least explained the foreign feeling that had been sitting in her chest. Supposedly, that was Giovanni. Gross.

    "You're a real fucking asshole, Giovanni." Arielle said as she opened up the paper so the man could read but not touch. It was clear that it was the meeting minutes from the council on forcing the bond and who was in charge of it. Once she was sure that he had a close enough look, Arielle shut it and moved to shove it in her dress to hide. "Happy now? You saw what I had. You're not as big as a monster that that I had thought you were. Now can I go or are you going to tell on me?"

    Arielle's arms folded in front of her body, both to mimic Giovanni in his ridiculousness but also to keep her arms close enough to make it harder for Gio to grab onto her again.
    October 27th, 2020 at 01:47am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    Tilting his head to the side, Gio couldn't help but to snort. "What, have you gone deaf? Of fucking course. I just explained that to you." Gio rolled his eyes at Arielle as he slowly shook his head. Annoyed that she was still being a bitch about everything. That she still didn't want to fucking listen to him.

    "You know, a proper Princess wouldn't be allowing such foul language to slip past her lips," Giovanni said and narrowed his eyes as he leaned forward and read what was written on the piece of paper that she had stolen. Then, it felt like his whole world went cold. His undead heart started to slow and Gio started to feel like he was suffocating. Shit. "Those fucking bastards," Gio mumbled, his head shaving ever so slightly, not sure what he was going to do.

    All that Gio could remember of that night, was that he was caught off guard somehow. Had a bag over his head and shoved into a cold room. He had assumed it was a cellar, a coup of some sort and he was going to be killed, but this. To think that people who worked for his father shot him up, in the fucking throne room and then sent him in after Ari? Shit, fuck, damn.

    Blinking as Ari's voice registered in front of Gio, a small scowl appeared upon the Prince's face. "What's going to fucking happen is that you're going to have a talk with me in private, and we're going to fucking find out what happaned."
    October 27th, 2020 at 02:12am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    "No, Giovanni. I won't. I don't want to be alone with you. And we are not working together on this. This isn't some...situation where we are going to team up and you're going to push me around and tell me what to do." Arielle's arms tightened around her body. "I understand that it's not really your fault for what happened but I don't want to be around you. There's nothing I can do if you lose control again. And it's not fair that you think I should just be okay with that."

    "And to make matters worse, you've known how I felt this whole time. Even two days ago! You felt what I felt and still pushed yourself on me. Refused to leave even when I asked you to. Then, you grabbed me, you yelled at me and called me names. And I know I wasn't acting my best but you fucking knew why and you felt why. This just proves that you only think about yourself and that you are a fucking asshole."

    Arielle took a few small steps back, hoping that the man wasn't going to charge at her. Though she was only taking a few at a time so she could see what he would do first instead of running away again. She really didn't want him to grab her. "You have no respect for me. Or my situation. Or my feelings." She tightened her grip on her arms. "I get that what happened wasn't your fault but I'm not okay with it and I am not okay with you. I..."

    Arielle hesitated for a moment before looking back up at him. "I'm sorry about what they did to you and the pain it caused you. It's not fair. But I don't want to be around you until I know I am safe. And that includes you actually respecting me. I am not a rag doll for you to grab, throw around and yell at" Unlike the day before, Arielle's words were true, feeling sorry about what Giovanni had gone through because of this as well.
    October 27th, 2020 at 03:12am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    Slowly, Giovanni started to shake his head. His eyes rolling in annoyance. This girl was so stuck up and stuck in her own little world sometimes that he was surprised she wasn't delusional. "Do you ever stop yelling at other people?" Gio asked, looking at the girl with slight annoyance. "Do you ever just, give up on your high and mighty attitude? Because just because you're royalty, doesn't give you the right to be one of the biggest bitches in the world."

    "Your highness?" A guard called, breaking Gio from his annoyance. "What?" Gio asked as he turned, giving Arielle his back. Having had enough of the girl and her high and might attitude. Gio uncrossed his arms and moved towards the men who were coming his way. From the looks on their faces, he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. "His Majesty has requested your presence." The guard said, and then the two stepped aside for Gio to walk. "Did he say what for?" Gio asked, to which, the two just glanced at Arielle before looking towards the crown prince once more. "No, your highness. He did not."

    A small sigh escaped from Gio and he rolled his eyes. "Of course not," Gio mumbled and then started to walk towards the throne room. The fucking throne room. To go and see what his father had to say to him that was so important that he couldn't of just call him on his phone or something. Confidence oozed from Gio as he walked, not giving away anything that he was feeling on the outside, but on the inside, his annoyance burned like a flame, only to be extinguished by a flood as he entered the throne room and saw both of his parents sitting on the throne. Expressions grim and unhappy.

    "Prince Giovanni." Gio's father said, causing a bad taste to fill his mouth. His father never called him Prince, informal settings like this. It was always Crown Prince Giovanni for publicity reasons. "It seems I have given you one too many chances. What with the women, partying and buying of luxurious things with the people's tax money. It seems that my had has been pulled one too many times." Confusion washed over Gio and then it felt like his stomach fell out from under him. The guards who had escorted him to the throne room out a hand on his should each and forced him to kneel as his father spoke. The man not saying a thing as his heir was handled roughly. Then, he looked back towards his father as he continued to speak. "I have given you too much freedom, not enough rules to follow. The drugs were the last straw, boy." Boy. His father never called him that, not since he was a little brat getting in trouble for sticking his hand in the cookie jar one too many times.

    Gio felt like his whole world was crashing down on him, "I've never done drugs." Gio said quietly and then flinched as his father stood up from his throne and stormed down the few steps and tossed pictures down on the ground at Gio. Shock washed over the Prince and he felt like he was going to throw up. Leaning forward, Gio rested his hands on the ground as he took a closer look at the pictures. They were of him, sitting on his father's throne. A needle stuck in his arm as he held onto it, rather he was shoving it into his arm or not, he wasn't sure."What the hell?" Gio mumbled, and looked at the other incriminating evidence pictures. "What the hell indeed, boy." His father turned around and headed back to the throne. His cape swishing behind himself.
    "D-dad, I swear. I can explain this." It was a slip of the tongue, a moment of weakness. How long had it been since Gio actually called his father dad instead of His Majesty, in a public setting? The King scowled, "I am your king and you will address me as such, boy." Gio felt his face turn ashen at the tone he was given. His father never talked to him with such distaste before. Raising his hand, Gio's father motioned for the guards to help Gio stand.

    "From here on out, you are no longer my son, nor my heir." The Kind said, loud enough for those in attendance to hear. Although it wasn't many since it was a rash meeting, but that didn't mean this news wasn't going to spread like wildfire. "You are hereby banned from my Palace's. Now get him out of my sight." He was shooed away like a stray dog, by his own father. That had to be the worst thing to feel in the whole world. The guards that were beside Gio each grabbed onto his upper arm and started to lead him out of the throne room. Gio, being who he was. Did his best to hold his head up high, to not show any sign of defeat, just like the man who cast him out taught him to do all those fucking years ago.

    "The queen has authorized a place for you to stay on the Eastside, as well as access to one of your cars and a monthly allowance." The guard on his right said as they walked through the halls. "You may have fallen from the King's grace, but your mother, The Queen, is still looking out for you. Think yourself lucky, because you could have been sentenced to death for taking drugs on the royal throne." Gio said nothing, he didn't have anything to say. Stepping out of the Palace, Gio saw his dark blue Porsche. "The address for your new place should be on the seat." Gio made a small hum sound as he walked towards the door, but something caused him to look towards the Palace once more. His whole body went rigid as he looked in the doorway. His half brother stood by the door. Looking smug as fuck. What the fuck was he doing here? He's never been allowed in the Palace before.
    October 27th, 2020 at 03:39pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Arielle was quiet as she watched Giovanni make his way off to the throne room. It wasn't all that odd for the parents of royalty to call their children in when there was a matter of state to discuss. There was a possibility that all the King wanted was to bestow more responsibilities to Gio, or talk about some that he already had. Though she was certainly happy to see him go. It meant she could scurry off and take care of the drug and paper that was currently down in her dress. Besides, Giovanni has been a real fucking asshole. It was a little ridiculous that he didn't understand why she didn't want to be grabbed or have him force his presence on her.

    But she didn't even make it out of the gardens when a guard walked up to Arielle and told her that the King wished to speak to her. Although she did not want to, Arielle, of course, agreed and followed the guard. Though she was not brought to the throne room bur rather to the man's office where she was left to wait. Some confusion was rising in her but that quickly changed when she noticed other emotions stirring in her. That must be Gio. They didn't feel like her own but she could notice that they were there. Feeling confused, helpless and alone? What the Hell was going on?

    The young woman had to wait a bit longer than she would have wanted but when the King walked in, she was quick onto her feet and curtsying to the man. "Your highness," Arielle said but the man was quick to wave it off. "Let's skip the formalities, there is something that we must discuss." With that, Arielle sat down and watched as he came in and sat down at the other side of the desk. The King then proceeded to explain that Giovanni had been disowned and was no longer heir due to a newfound drug addiction.

    "I am sorry, I do not understand. Surely Princ-" Arielle started but the King was quick to interrupt her.

    "He is no longer a prince, nor my son. And, I can assure you, that I have hard evidence that this is the truth. Due to this, your marriage arrangement with him is null and void. I will be speaking with the King and Queen to discuss changing your engagement to my new heir, who is my other son. I believe that your parents will accept this for our peace agreement but thought I would tell you as you will hear the news soon concerning the ex-heir. Please do not be concerned. I believe you will enjoy this new arrangement more than the last as Jax is not the partier or arrogant. He will not put you in danger like had occurred not too long ago with the party."

    "And the bond, sir?" Arielle asked, though this time her voice was much quieter. This was all happening so fast and she didn't know how to feel about it.

    "We will wait until your current bond has faded and form a new one with Jax. I apologize for all the trouble, Princess Arielle. I hope to introduce you to my new heir soon."

    After this, they had a short conversation concerning how Arielle was feeling now that she was back from the hospital, and asking if there was anything if he could do for her. Arielle was sure he was just trying to ensure that Arielle would be...amiable during the engagement change. When the conversation was over, she was quick to head off to her room. What was up with the insanity in the vampire kingdom? Were they always this chaotic?
    October 27th, 2020 at 05:37pm