i'll follow you down

  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    So just call me, you know I will be waiting
    For you as you walk towards that redemption sound
    You know I'll be the stillness when you're shaking
    And when you fall overboard, I'll follow you down

    Ashton Irwin x Slytherin x Elara Spencer x Hufflepuff
    Calum Hood x Hufflepuff x Astoria Wood x Slytherin
    Luke Hemmings x Slytherin x Emily Compton x Gryffindor
    Michael Clifford x Ravenclaw x Ella Marshal x Ravenclaw
    Isaac Lahey x Gryffindor x Nysa Haywood x Ravenclaw
    Stiles Stilinski x Gryffindor x Callie Reeves x Gryffindor
    Scott McCall x Gryffindor x Mia Westfall x Slytherin
    Derek Hale x Ravenclaw x Daisy Jones x Hufflepuff
    Harry Styles x Hufflepuff x Clara York x Slytherin
    Louis Tomlinson x Slytherin x Adela Oliver x Gryffindor
    Fred Weasley x Gryffindor x Alice Lovell x Gryffindor
    George Weasley x Gryffindor x Jennie Young x Slytherin
    David Lassiter x Order Member x Aria Lovecraft x Slytherin
    Remus Lupin x Order Member x Abbie Finch x Slytherin
    Dean Winchester x Professor x Dawn Prescott x Ravenclaw
    Sam Winchester x Professor x Sophie Thomas x Hufflepuff
    Draco Malfoy x Slytherin x Lore Aritza x Ravenclaw
    Yoongi Min x Ravenclaw x Queenie Brooke x Hufflepuff
    Taeyhung Kim x Hufflepuff x Delia Bellerose x Hufflepuff
    Namjoon Kim x Ravenclaw x Ruby Sampson x Hufflepuff
    June 11th, 2019 at 01:27am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Sam hadn’t expected to be given the opportunity to return to Hogwarts - especially as an Astronomy professor. But, when the opportunity had presented itself in the form of Albus Dumbledore paying a visit to him personally, he couldn’t even dream of saying no - not to Albus and not to himself. The fact that his own brother had agreed to taking a job as a professor as well was even more reason to agree and, when he walked into the Great Hall for the first time in years, he was even more certain that he’d made the right choice. His eyes took in the enchanted ceiling and he’d always been amazed by it when he was younger - looking at it now, he knew that was something that certainly hadn’t changed, especially considering his love of the stars and constellations and stories behind each one. Being able to look at the night sky through the enchantment while eating dinner would make dinner all that much more wonderful, he was sure; it always had when he was younger. Making his way up to the table where the professors sat, he smiled, nodding to Albus before he moved to find a seat next to his brother, admittedly glad that they’d be entering into this new adventure together. “Are you looking forward to teaching?” he asked, looking to Dean as he arched a brow before he offered a small grin, “Gotta admit, I’m glad I don’t have your job.”

    As Elara walked into the Great Hall, she found herself almost dreading the year. The entirety of the Wizarding World was aware that the Dark Lord was making his return, that he was up to something, and being at the school during such times just felt like an attempt to ignore the looming dangers. Outside of the Dark Lord, there was a whole other issue: Ashton Irwin, the Slytherin git who often bullied many of her friends. Of course, he all but ignored her existence, even when she stood up for her friends, and that just made her blood boil more, and Elara didn’t want to deal with another year of holding back from hexing the boy when it was the least that he deserved for his cruelty to others. It was even worse when she knew that she held feelings for him that were quite opposite from what she wanted to feel for him. Sighing with the thought, Elara found herself sinking into a seat at the Hufflepuff table, not really wanting to socialize or to think of Ashton any further. Even with trying to will herself not to think of him, though, she found herself wondering how his summer had gone and whether anything at all had changed about him over the summer. She made a slight face with the thought, but willed her attention to the front of the Great Hall, fighting every urge in her to search the Slytherin table for Ashton’s face.

    Calum made his way into the Great Hall quietly, peering around a bit as he headed to the Hufflepuff table, mostly searching for Michael and Namjoon. He knew he wouldn’t really get to speak to either of them until dinner started after the Sorting ceremony and the welcoming speech, but he also wasn’t very close to anybody else. As he searched for them, though, his gaze found a very specific Slytherin, Astoria Wood, who always seemed to attract the attention of a whole room - and, in Calum’s opinion, she deserved it, because she was absolutely gorgeous. Any time his gaze went to her, he always found it nearly impossible to tear his gaze away, too mesmerized by her to even want to, but he was also very aware that she’d never look at him the same. After all, she could have any boy she ever wanted and, as popular as she was, as gorgeous and fantastic as she was, Calum was hyper-aware that it would never be him. Ducking his head with the thought, he tried not to be too bothered with the realization, but it had his heart aching in a way that he didn’t really want to admit was possible - in a way that he hadn’t even known was possible until he’d fallen for Astoria in the first place. Shifting, he gave up on searching the Great Hall for his friends, too worried that his gaze would gravitate back to Astoria, and he sat down, trying to get comfortable amongst the rest of his Hufflepuff peers.

    Emily wasn’t looking forward to the school year, for many reasons - all of which included Luke Hemmings, an awful Slytherin boy who just didn’t know when to stop. Scoffing with the thought, she sank into a seat at the Gryffindor table, swearing that she wouldn’t let herself look towards the Slytherin table. After all, she didn’t have a reason to seek out Luke - at least, that was what she told herself. But, she knew the truth; she knew she was practically enchanted by him, even when he absolutely didn’t deserve it, and she had no reason to be as in love with him as she was. After all, he’d never done anything kind for her, he’d never been kind to her, and her attraction to him was something that she couldn’t really wrap her mind around, but she did her best not to think about it most days, because it just reminded her that he was an awful person who would never look at her the way that she looked at him. Making a face with the thought, she leaned to rest her elbow on the table, leaning her head into her hand, her gaze going to the professors’ table, determined to keep her gaze there, never daring to let her gaze wander, because she knew exactly where it would go.

    Stiles grinned broadly as he entered the Great Hall with his friends, his arm sliding around Callie’s shoulders almost naturally as he peered around. “Think this year will be a great one? Worth experiencing?” he asked in a hum, looking towards his friends, but his gaze settling on Callie more than anything. For as long as he’d known her, Callie had always been the person his gaze, his heart searched for, always yearning for her presence beside him because he just always knew that that was where she belonged. She’d been his best friend for the longest time, having been there while he was coming into his magic - after all, with his mother, who’d been the witch in the family, dead, his father didn’t even know where to begin in helping him with him - and he’d found himself always relying on Callie. At the same time, he was always there for her, too; they were inseparable, they always had been, and it became even more prominent when they’d come to Hogwarts. As they got older, though, his feelings for her had deepened, in a way that wasn’t ‘just friends.’ In fact, all he really wanted was to call her his in a way that nobody else could, but he’d found it hard to bring it up openly with the concern that it could ruin the dynamic they already had - after all, while they flirted with each other, he wasn’t sure if her side of it was just playful or serious, and he was worried that she didn’t see him the way he saw her. “Maybe we’ll have a ton of new experiences, hm?”

    With it being her last year, Dawn was determined to end her Hogwarts’ student career with a bang. A small grin on her face with the thought, she made her way into the Great Hall. Admittedly, she wasn’t entirely sure how she’d manage to accomplish such a feat - she wasn’t even sure what she would do, - but determination coursed through her veins and she was never one to back down from a challenge, especially when it was a challenge presented by herself. Once she was sitting down, she peered around, debating silently, thinking, until her gaze landed on a man sitting at the professors’ table and she found herself watching him from where she was, surprised. Was he a new professor? Since when did Hogwarts bring in Professors like him? Almost licking over her lips with the thought, she found it easy to make her decision: he was her target for the year, and she’d be damned if she ended the year without pushing him to every limit that she could. A small smirk formed on her lips with the thought and she straightened, her determination growing; she was legal, after all, so there was nothing wrong with it, and she wanted him, so dammit, she’d find a way to get him.

    Michael made his way into the Great Hall with his fellow Ravenclaws, grinning broadly, his arms behind his neck as he walked, his eyes taking in his surroundings. He’d spent much of the train ride to Hogwarts catching up with Calum and Namjoon, but they’d parted a little before the train had even come to a stop because Namjoon, as popular as he was, had gone to spend time with some of the other students, and Michael had needed to go help somebody with their luggage, of which the glasp had been broken, and they’d had to spell it fixed. He caught sight of Calum when he walked in, but he could see Calum’s gaze was elsewhere - he was well aware of Calum’s attraction to a certain Slytherin, but Michael never mentioned it. As he moved to sit down, he rested his hands on the table and peered around before realizing who was sat beside him - Ella Marshall, a Ravenclaw who was just too good to be true. Not only was she the most beautiful thing to exist, but, judging from the many times he’d seen high marks on reports and such when passing her table in each class they shared, she was quite intelligent, too, and Michael always found himself silently admiring her and her brilliance. There were many times he wanted to mention it, but he’d come to realize quite fast that the girl was shy and he never wanted to put her in a position where she felt stressed. Still, he offered a smile. “Ella, hello,” he greeted gently, “Did you enjoy your summer?”

    Nysa found herself sitting at the Ravenclaw table a bit before most of the rest of the students, because she’d been eager to relax, and she’d wanted to take in everybody who entered the Great Hall, finding herself enjoying people watching. At least, that was what she would tell anybody who asked, but most of her was hoping to get a glimpse of a Gryffindor by the name of Isaac Lahey, because she was sure that, once the tables started to get crowded, it would be hard to spot him amongst the crowd. She’d always found herself curious about the boy, and she had no qualms admitting it, but she did find it hard to admit that she felt more than just curiosity for him - not because of him, but because she didn’t want to seem superficial for her feelings, and she certainly didn’t want to put him in an uncomfortable position when he likely didn’t even know her. He always seemed like his mind was elsewhere, after all, distracted or busy, especially with catching up, she’d noticed. She wasn’t sure why he always seemed to fall behind - he seemed quite smart, after all, - and she certainly didn’t pry, but that just made her all the more curious about him. Chewing on her lip with the thought, she couldn’t help but smile, her heart easing a bit when she finally spotted him, and she ducked her head, relieved that she’d at least gotten to see him.

    Namjoon was looking forward to the beginning of term - not just because he got to catch up with all of his friends, but because it meant he’d get to see Ruby Sampson, a wondrous Hufflepuff who’d caught his eye when they’d first met. He’d never mentioned it, never brought it up, never even admitted it aloud, but he’d fallen harder for the Hufflepuff girl with each passing year and, the more time that passed, the more he tried to gather whatever bravery he could in order to act on his feelings for her. But, with how quiet she was, he was worried that she wouldn’t feel the same about somebody like him, that she wouldn’t return the feelings of somebody who was highly opposite of her. Regardless, he knew there wasn’t really any harm in admiring her, whether she ever came to realize his feelings or not - despite the huge part of him deeply hoping that she would return them. Seeing Michael, he made his way over to sit by his friend, arching a brow when he realized he was talking to the girl next to him, Ella, and he offered an amused look but didn’t interrupt, instead peering around. As he peered around, his gaze so easily drifted to the girl his heart belonged to and, silently, he found himself watching her, taking in all her movements, wanting to just relish in the sight of her as much as he could.

    Lore found a spot to sit the moment she got to the Ravenclaw table, and she leaned forward, her arms resting against the table as she let herself relax, smiling softly to herself as she took in the sight of all the familiar faces. She’d be lying if her heart didn’t race when her gaze fell on Draco Malfoy, though - and she knew that it was useless to feel the way she did about him, and likely idiotic. After all, he was a bully, cruel to anybody who he saw as lesser, lower, than him. But, as long as she’d known him, he’d never actually been cruel to her, and she often found herself wondering and hoping that there was more to him than just the Slytherin Prince. There just had to be. Chewing on her lip with the thought, she looked away when she saw any movement from him, worried about being caught looking at him, not wanting to provoke him to act out in any way, or to prove her hopes wrong. No, she preferred to hold onto that hope, no matter how worthless it might be; she wanted to believe in him, more than she wanted to believe in anything. It was an odd feeling, an odd wish, to acknowledge, but it was better than blindly disliking him for things he’d never even done to her.

    Derek walked into the Great Hall with his girlfriend, his arm around her waist, and he held her close, grinning down at her, so easily amazed by Daisy Jones - he always was. They’d spent the whole trip back to Hogwarts together, catching up, and yet it didn’t seem like enough; no amount of time was ever enough, in Derek’s opinion, of course, but he still wished that he could spend every second possible in her presence. “I’m definitely not looking forward to parting from you to head to our separate tables,” he admitted quietly, pressing his forehead to hers, not even caring that they were out in the open, surrounded by an entire Great Hall full of students, or that the teachers at the front were likely watching them. No, all Derek cared about was Daisy and being near her, wanting to relish in every ounce of her presence that he could, always loving when she was nearby, because it put his heart at ease, and he could never thank her enough for that. “I’ll come join you at your table the moment the welcome back speech is over, if you want?” He arched a brow in curiosity, only wanting to do whatever it took to make her happy, but also just wanting to spend as much time with her as he could before they had to part from one another to go to their separate common rooms until at least breakfast the next morning. Grinning with the thought, he couldn’t help but to lean forward to kiss her for a moment. “I love you,” he reminded quietly.

    Mia hadn’t expected her summer to go as well as it had - and she certainly hadn’t expected it to change her outlook on somebody like Scott McCall. But, when they’d ended up working at the same place over the summer, she’d found herself getting closer to him, enjoying the chats they had, opening up to him in ways she’d never opened up to anybody. She’d even spent many nights at his house, where his mother welcomed her with open arms, the two having become aware of her home situation - both of her parents were in Azkaban for their crimes and she wanted nothing to do with either of them, and she had no real links to her extended family. In all honesty, she couldn’t thank the McCall family enough for looking past her family’s background and just accepting her for her, and she was mostly grateful to Scott for being so quick to just let her be a part of his life. As she took her seat at the Slytherin table, she found herself looking towards the Gryffindor table for him, and she offered a smile when she finally saw him, her heart setting aflame with the sight of him; they hadn’t been apart for long, but it still felt so good to just see him again, but she looked away to avoid anybody noticing.

    Louis smirked to himself as he entered the Great Hall with his friends, peering towards them. “Come on, you lot, quit dawdling,” he called out to them, not wanting to waste any time. After all, once he was in the Great Hall and he could settle, his eyes could seek out the girl who always seemed to hold his attention - and his affection, - Adela Oliver. Despite the fact that she was a Gryffindor, Louis had fallen in love with her from the moment his eyes ever met hers. While he could never tell her that, he could at least admit it to himself, and, for now, he wanted to believe that it was enough. There was a sort of competition between the two, where he was always doing everything he could to beat her at everything she went after, but it was mostly to get her attention, for her to acknowledge him, and because getting involved in the things that she took an interest in made him feel a little closer to her, and that was the most that he could allow himself. With the thought, as he took a seat at the Slytherin table, his gaze wandered the Great Hall, falling to the Gryffindor table and searching every face until it settled on Adela, and he could feel his heart settle, eased just by the sight of her, and he couldn’t help but to constantly find himself thanking Merlin that somebody as spectacular as her existed. He just wished that he could tell her as much, but instead, he found himself looking away to avoid being caught staring.

    Clara rolled her eyes when she heard Louis’ words, and she scoffed quietly as she moved past him. “Maybe keep moving instead of stopping to tell us something like that,” she said easily, moving to sit down easily, “Keep being bossy and see where it gets you.” She frowned to herself, but her gaze searched the room, her thoughts wandering. As much as she tried to fall into the normalcy of friendship, she couldn’t bring herself to let herself care much for it. After all, her parents had always told her that she was better off without friends or relationships, and that she could only trust herself, and she fully believed that. But, showing that off wouldn’t do her any good; she had no intention of making herself a target, so she’d decided to at least put up the facade of wanting friends, of making friends, and she had faith that she was making the right decision in that case. Despite being quite aware of this, though, she knew that a certain Harry Styles tended to get under her skin, the Hufflepuff boy somehow making it hard for her to really want to keep that belief. Any time she felt herself slipping, though, she forced herself to be ten times worse, especially towards him, and she convinced herself that she felt no guilt for it. It was just easier that way.

    Remus had spent much of the summer with the Finch family, having been assigned to protect them since Abbie - a previous student of his who, while he didn’t want to admit it, currently held a very fond spot in his heart - had an older brother who had gotten found out as an Order member. Because of this, Remus had had a chat with Dumbledore to request that Abbie be granted the opportunity to return to school at a later time than the rest of the students, in order to keep her safe. It’d be easier to protect her on a mostly deserted train than it would have been on a fully packed train, especially within the confines of a train compartment. Of course, he was quite aware of what this meant, too - that they would have most of the train alone together, that they’d share a compartment together (after all, he couldn’t suggest she be in a separate compartment when it could mean that she would be in danger should Death Eaters try to hi-jack the train,) and that there wouldn’t be an immense amount of space between them. Regardless, as the Hogwarts Express was coming up on the tracks, he offered a smile down at Abbie, watching the beautiful young witch for a few moments. “It looks like our ride is here,” he informed her, waiting for the train to come to a stop before he carefully picked up the luggage and led the way onto the train, “Come along, then. I’m sure we’ll be leaving in no time.”

    Aria was mildly surprised that, somehow, she was being able to head to Hogwarts later than the majority of the rest of the Hogwarts students, but she definitely wasn’t about to complain about it. As she waited next to David, she shifted a few times while they waited on the Hogwarts Express, and she could spot Abbie Finch further down with their old professor, Professor Lupin. She didn’t question their presence and didn’t bring it up to David, not sure that she’d get any answers about it either way, and she peered along the tracks while she waited before she peered up at David for a few moments, mostly just taking him in. David Lassiter had surprised her at every turn - he’d made it his mission to protect her and her family, and she couldn’t find it possible to thank him enough for that. More than that, though, she’d found it quite easy to open up to him, to talk to him about her concerns or her hopes, and, since meeting him, she’d found it easy to relax around him, trusting him so easily, but she wasn’t sure if part of it was because she found herself enamored by him or not. Shaking the thought from her head, she could hear the train approaching and she perked up a bit. “Finally,” she chimed out happily, smiling before boarding the train when it came to a stop, and she looked over her shoulder at him. “Come on, we shouldn’t hold up the train, David!”

    George had, admittedly, been a little surprised when the Young family requested him to come teach Dexter Young how to play Quidditch before his first year at Hogwarts. Still, George hadn’t wasted any time in accepting the job offer, partially for the pay, but mostly because he liked the idea that he might get a few chances to spend time with a certain Jennie Young. They’d both enjoyed Quidditch when they’d attended Hogwarts, and he’d enjoyed playing against her during the times that their teams played against each other. But, George had always hoped that there would be more than just friendly rivalry between them; Jennie had occupied his heart in ways that nobody else had ever managed to, and he often beat himself up for not admitting such things to her. Because she worked with her father at the Ministry, he hadn’t had a chance to tell her yet, either, despite coming over so often throughout the summer to train Dexter. And, now that the summer had ended and Dexter had left for Hogwarts that day, George worried that he may never have the right opportunity. He’d stopped by the Young’s family home to get his pay, but he was taking his time with leaving, hoping to see even just a glimpse of Jennie before he left. As the time ticked away, though, he was realizing it was getting later and he wondered if he should just cut his losses and he offered the Young family matriarch a smile before he excused himself to head to the door to leave.

    Alice wasn’t sure what to think of the situation that she was in. She’d grown up, practically raised by the Weasleys, and a certain Fred Weasley had taken over her heart without even realizing it, and she’d loved him for as long as she could remember. But, her parents had arranged a marriage with somebody else - some bloke named Wes Maxley - and the very thought of marrying somebody she didn’t love was downright miserable, but it as worse when she knew that the man that she truly loved was mere feet away from her most days. Pouting with the thought, she busied herself with cleaning up Fred and George’s shop, Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, as she and Fred prepared the shop for closing time. As she was finishing up, her gaze went over to Fred and she found herself watching him while she could, taking him in, before she made her way over to the counter to lean against it, relaxing for a few moments. “Almost done there, Freddie?” she asked teasingly, offering a small grin, “Who knew you could be so slow?” She arched a playful eyebrow, mostly just wanting to be around him for as long as she could before she’d have to face reality, not too eager to leave the confines of the shop she loved, or the presence of the man she loved.

    Yoongi wasn’t sure what had gone wrong. He’d done everything that he’d been told to do, everything it took to keep his family safe, and yet he’d still gotten caught up in the blast. He couldn’t really understand what had led him to that moment, but with his links to the Death Eaters, what else could he have really expected? So long as his family was safe, he didn’t really care what happened to him, though. When he was being taken to St. Mungo’s, though, his mind wasn’t on his family at all. It was on his girlfriend, Queenie, who worked at St. Mungo’s. What would she be told? What could he tell her? How was he supposed to explain his injuries? His heart ached with the thought, because he didn’t want to lie to her, but he knew that he couldn’t tell her what was going on; he couldn’t tell her that he was involved with the Death Eaters worried that she wouldn’t look at him the same. Despite how new their relationship was, Yoongi knew, deep in his soul, that Queenie was what he wanted, who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her love if she ever found out the truth. As the thoughts flitted through his mind, he could feel himself being wheeled into St. Mungo’s, and he cringed with each bump, his eyes not quite open, but aware of every ache, every injury, and all the voices around him - and he found himself hoping that he wouldn’t hear Queenie’s, that she wouldn’t see him like this.

    Delia had sworn to herself that she didn’t want to be a part of the Wizarding World anymore, that she wanted to explore the other half of her bloodline more, that she wanted to travel in the muggle world and make a difference there. But, with news of the Dark Lord rising spreading around, she knew she needed to get involved - after all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named wasn’t just a danger to witches and wizards, he’d been a danger to muggles in the past, too. But, returning to the Wizarding World came with its own problems. As she wandered through Diagon Alley, she found herself thinking back to the last time she’d been there, shopping for school with her boyfriend at the time, Taehyung. There was a deep part of her that would let herself acknowledge, on occasion, just how much she missed him, but their lives had been leading different paths, and she knew that there was no way to change any of that. Breathing out quietly with the thought, she tried to focus on finding somewhere to stay for the night until she could find a permanent residence in the Wizarding World after her absence.
    June 13th, 2019 at 03:02pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Sophie had quickly found her seat in the Great Hall, beside Calum, Harry and Ruby, although she didn't bother to greet them, not wanting to mingle with any of her friends. The summer had been difficult, and all she wanted was to take the feast as an opportunity to rest her whirling thoughts and hopefully find some peace within the familiar stone walls of the castle. Sophie's parents had separated over the summer, and it had taken a toll on the girl, whether or not she wanted to admit it openly. It had been a painful experience. Her father wanted to pledge allegiance to the Death Eaters, while she and her mother wanted nothing to do with the evil lot that wanted to cause nothing but harm and divition among the wizarding community. His excuse was that it would keep them all safe if they became what they so dearly despised, but Sophie had made an important realisation: she would rather die than ever offer aid to the Death Eaters. Looking at her empty plate, Sophie lifted her gaze to look to the teachers table, wanting to see if there were any new professors stepping up this year - and she was pleasantly surprised when a man with kind eyes and a soft smile, speaking to someone beside him, had caught her eye.

    Dean hadn't been the best student during his time at Hogwarts, and he certainly didn't expect to have Minerva McGonagall, a woman he so greatly admired (and somewhat feared), stood on his doorstep, asking if she could come in and if he had any custard creams and Yorkshire Tea. Luckily, Dean had both, and as they spoke well into the afternoon; Minerva had an offer upon her departure: return to Hogwarts as a professor of Care of Magical Creatures. Without a moment of hesitance, Dean had accepted the offer. He wanted to return to the place he'd considered a safe haven, a place where he and his younger brother were safe, a place where their father couldn't touch them - the best part of all was the Sam had been offered a job too, and Dean was certain that this was destiny repaying a debt it owed the brothers for the first eleven years of their lives. Walking into the Great Hall, with its incredible enchanted ceiling and feeling of familiarity and home, Dean could feel his heart swell, happy that he'd accepted the offer presented to him. Walking to the teacher's table, Dean offered his old teachers a smile and a nod, and it wasn't long before Sam had joined him. Looking to his brother, Dean grinned. "I'm excited as hell." Dean confirmed quietly, sipping from his goblet, dressed smartly for the occasion, eager to make a good first impression. "Are you?" Dean asked, although he snorted with laughter as he heard his brother's words. "The same could be said for you. At least I can ruffle some literal feathers." Dean nudged Sam playfully. "This place really is home, huh?"

    Astoria hadn't bothered to hang behind to wait for her friends after departing the Hogwarts Express. The September air was already far too cold for her liking and her shoes were getting soggy from the rain that had greeted the returning fleet of students after a long travel. Ensuring her strawberry blonde hair had been tied into the perfect bun, Astoria had neatened her tie before she allowed herself to grace the Great Hall with her presence; the familiar feeling of being watched almost breaking her confident strut; but it was like her Father had told her - they were simply admiring. Still, as Astoria sat down, her eyes swept quickly among some familiar faces, but nobody had stood out to her, except one - Calum Hood, a Hufflepuff boy that never seemed to stop gawping at her. She'd bitten her tongue more than once, refraining from telling him to pick his jaw up from the floor. Astoria was flattered, truly, that someone as innocent as Calum found her attractive, but he wasn't her type. He was a muggleborn, and there was absolutely no way in Hell the two would be compatible. They were probably worlds apart in each aspect of their life, anyway. Astoria's parents were high ranking in the Ministry of Magic, where Calum's parents, supposedly, were too poor to even buy the boy some new robes, and while Astoria's family had high hopes for her, she imagined that Calum's family would accept what he would give, a luckluster performance. Sipping her pumpkin juice with the thought, Astoria pulled her gaze from Calum as her group of friends, boisterous and over confident, came tumbling into the Great Hall - it was about time, too.

    Ashton Irwin tried his hardest to live up to the expectations of the Slytherin house, but it was so incredibly difficult when his heart belonged to a Hufflepuff. He'd met Elara during their First Year of Hogwarts, and almost instantly, she'd captured his heart with bright eyes and wide smile and melodic giggle that Ashton had, admittedly, memorised. They were so young then, too young to know love, but as Ashton grew, his heart had told him that it was Elara, she was was the one he wanted, blood status and house royalty be damned. But still, Ashton knew that keeping up appearances was important, especially with Draco Malfoy and Louis Tomlinson as friends; and that's why he bullied those that his friends considered less than desirable, less than dirt, less than deserving to live. But the one person he couldn't bring himself to murmur a cruel word to was the same person he was so desperately in love with, so instead, he chose to pretend that Elara just wasn't there at all, although he could smell her perfume, hear her voice when she stood up for those she cared for, and Ashton, god damn it, he loved the way she sounded annoyed, or how her brows furrowed in anger, but he couldn't acknowledge her - he couldn't put her in harm's way, he would never forgive himself. Following Louis closely, Ashton rolled his eyes playfully with his words. "Oi, Tommo, what's the rush mate?" Ashton asked, adjusting his green and silver tie to perfection, knowing that perfection was expected, pride was a big part of the Slytherin rulebook. Following Louis into the Great Hall, Ashton offered Clara a small smile, but his attention was soon brought to the body of students, and his gaze searched the Hufflepuff table for Elara, and as soon as he spotted her - although relieved to see her there - he adjusted his gaze quickly, feeling his heart beat a little faster. "Come now, I'm starving."

    Ella Marshall tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she flicked through the pages of a book she'd been reading during the train journey. It hadn't been the best book she'd read, but still, it was something to pass the time. She was only on the last two chapters and she was eager to finish this book so she could start the next. Summer had been difficult, to say the least, and Ella was happy to have some sort of escape that she could confide in. Biting her lip with the thought, Ella blinked when she felt someone sit beside her, and lifting her gaze, Ella blinked in surprise when she saw Michael Clifford. Focusing her attention back to her book, Ella exhaled anxiously, shifting a little in her seat. Michael bloody Clifford, of all people, sitting beside someone like her. Michael was the polar opposite of Ella, confident, colourful and happy, and Ella had always admired those traits within him. He was truly something remarkable, and she'd developed somewhat of a crush on the boy, knowing that nothing would ever come of it because they were simply too different. When Michael's voice, light and carefree, caught her attention, Ella lifted her gaze once more, her cheeks burning a little. "Hi, Michael." Ella greeted quietly. "It was okay, how was yours?" But before she could get a reply, Ella returned her attention to her book, trying to ignore her racing heart.

    Luke Hemmings had a wonderful summer, truly. His family had travelled the coastline of England, and his niece was old enough now to enjoy the sights. Luke knew that, as a Slytherin, he had certain attitudes to uphold, but seeing the three year old take in the world with such a welcoming approach, he couldn't help but wonder just how lovely the world would be if everyone could see through the eyes of a child. But, at the very least, Luke could recognise his own hypocricy, because as soon as he'd boarded the Hogwarts Express, he turned cold, unforgiving and ruthless towards those that didn't deserve to be boarding that train with him. Mudbloods were a stain on the wizarding world, and Luke knew that there were forces readying to rid the world of their kind - and that thought made Luke a little nervous, because if there was someone that was certainly going to get caught in the crossfire, it was going to be Emily Compton, a Gryffindor beauty that Luke had, shamefully, fallen head over heels in love with during their first year - no one knew apart from his two brothers, Luke didn't dare speak it aloud otherwise - and in a desperate attempt to make the love he felt for Emily evaporate around him instead of settling within his chest like a planted seed, Luke decided that making her hate him was the easiest route to take, and so she had become the main target in his pathetic attacks, but Luke's heart had been purposefully guarded, and although he wanted to release it from it's prison and hand it to Emily, he was afraid of the consequence that the both of them would face. It was easier this way. Shoving his hands into his pockets as he followed Louis and Ashton, Luke's eyes instantly fell to the Gryffindor table, and he smirked as he saw Emily, wondering what hell he could unleash on her this year to put the final nail in the coffin.

    Callie was pulled from her thoughts of gratitude for Hogwarts when she felt Stiles' arm around her shoulders, and leaning into his embrace, Callie's gaze fell upon him, finally tearing away from the enchanted ceiling, still so incredibly beautiful thanks to the ingenuity of Professor Dumbledore. Wrapping an arm around Stiles' middle, Callie hummed with thought, her smile widening. "Absolutely." She nodded. "There's nothing about this school that isn't worth experiencing." Callie pointed out teasingly. "What do you think, Stiles?" And Callie wondered, because she knew that discovering his magic had been a little frightening for the boy, because his mother - the wonderful woman who had passed down her abilities to him - had passed away before he'd gotten acceptance letter, and Noah Stilinski struggled with coming to terms with Stiles' gift. Tightening her grip around him with the thought, Callie cuddled further into Stiles; her best friend since she was two years old. Her own mother had always joked that the two were destined for one another, and Callie was beginning to believe it herself. Every day, Callie fell even further in love with the idiot that was Stiles Stilinski, and she knew, though she couldn't confess just yet, that he was the one she wanted for the rest of her life. "Hopefully those new experiences will be entirely good." She shrugged, pulling away from Stiles to sit down as they approached the Gryffindor table. "Earth to Emily?" Callie teased, looking to their friend with amusement, shifting closer to Stiles as he sat down.

    Scott McCall had the most interesting summer - actually, it was probably his best summer he'd ever had, because his world had grown a little brighter thanks to Mia Westfall. Scott almost couldn't believe it, how quickly circumstances changed. He'd gotten a summer job in Ollivander's, and as fate had it, so did Mia, and Scott found himself so easily connecting with her, like he'd known her all of his life. He'd told her things that he'd never of told anyone else, and in return, Mia had trusted Scott with things he was certain she'd never told anyone. As their friendship progressed, Scott could admit that his feelings for Mia had as well, and he knew he was beginning to fall for the girl that had brought so much light to his life in such a short amount of time - and as Scott had boarded the Hogwarts Express that morning, his mother had given him some advice: don't let Mia down, be there for her. Scott had known from that moment that his mother had cottoned on to her son's feelings towards the Slytherin, but Scott was determined to follow that advice as closely as he could. Following Stiles and Callie into the Great Hall, Scott's gaze fell so effortlessly to the Slytherin table, and like a beacon of hope, he found Mia so easily within the bodies of students. Offering her a small wave as he sat down beside Emily, Scott's gaze lingered for a moment longer than he'd intended because just the sight of her was enchanting. "I think this year is going to be brilliant." Scott smiled softly, and he knew it would be, because he had Mia.

    Daisy followed Derek's lead into the Great Hall with confidence, cuddled into his warm embrace, never wanting to pull away from the man she knew she was meant to be with for the rest of her life. People had told them again and again that their young love wouldn't last, and yet, just over three years into their relationship and the flame hadn't began to falter, not once. Smiling up at Derek with the thought, Daisy shifted closer, although she'd practically been sat on his lap for the whole journey from Kings Cross. "You've had me to yourself all afternoon," Daisy grinned, her voice just as quiet, although teasing, turning to face him as she prepared to say her quick goodbyes, certain they'd reunite before the feast was over. Pressing a sweet kiss to Derek's lips, Daisy smiled against his lips, her hands moving to rest at the sides of his neck. "Oh, please do. I'll miss you far too much to wait that long." Daisy pouted slightly. "But I'm willing to bet Hufflepuff will get far more students than Ravenclaw this year, so I'll save you a seat." She teased, returning his kiss, not at all caring that they were surrounded by students and teachers, because when Daisy was around Derek, her heart and soul only saw him. "I love you too, darling." Daisy murmured into his lips, pressing another kiss to his cheek before pulling away reluctantly.

    Isaac Lahey followed behind his friends silently, his gaze focused on the ground instead of the students surrounding him, greeting each other with hugs and laughter after a long summer apart. Ensuring the sleeves of his robes were concealing his bruises from his friends and any other prying eyes. Just breathe, Isaac Looking upwards, Isaac's gaze fell to the Ravenclaw table, where he was certain he'd just caught Nysa Haywood, a beauty he'd had a crush on for the longest time, look away from him. You're okay, nothing can hurt you here. Ducking his head once more, Isaac frowned to himself as he imagined the possibilities - his robes were a little scruffy, and his hair was certainly unkempt, did she find him repulsive? Everybody else seemed to, but the thought of Nysa, of all people, one of the most wonderful people to ever grace the hallways of Hogwarts, finding Isaac repulsive hurt him in a way he couldn't describe. Tugging his lower lip between his teeth, Isaac sat at the other side of Emily, listening to the conversation of his friends, his gaze focused on the empty plate in front of him, his stomach growling violently in anticipation. Isaac couldn't remember when his last hot meal was, and making a mental note to eat as much as he could, Isaac exhaled, running his fingers through his curls, wincing as his sore shoulder protested against the movement.

    Ruby Sampson sat quietly, watching passing students reunite with their friends after a long summer apart, although her mind was entirely elsewhere: it was on Namjoon Kim, a handsome Ravenclaw boy who Ruby had so easily fallen for. She couldn't help herself, she loved school, she loved learning, but she was at the age of discovery, and he was certainly something worth discovering. Twirling a strand of golden hair around her finger at the thought, Ruby's gaze finally shifted to where her curiosity was nagging at her to go; and when her eyes fell to the Ravenclaw table, she felt her cheeks heat up into a blush when she realised Namjoon was looking right at her. Ducking her head quickly, Ruby bit her lip and focused on the knife and fork in front of her, wondering why the gorgeous man would even spare her a second glance. Relieved that she had broken the contact, Ruby shifted to look to Harry and Calum, raising her eyebrows as Harry sat down. "Where have you been?" She asked quietly to Harry.

    The expectations placed on Draco Malfoy's shoulders by his father and his allegiance of Death Eaters had felt a lot heavier recently, and as he was welcomed to a new school year by the sight of Hogwarts, standing tall upon it's rocky perch, he knew that he had a lot to do this year, and he must succeed - but, if there was a beacon of hope within his darkest times, it was Lore Aritza. She was a Ravenclaw, intelligent beyond their years, and so incredibly beautiful that Draco was sure he'd never witnessed a beauty like hers. Of course, he could never admit this aloud, but he'd always admired her - Lore seemed to radiate a welcoming energy that Draco found so inviting, something he'd never experienced, something he found himself wanting to experience more. Draco had never considered himself someone who would find love, but he'd found it within Lore, but he knew that the circumstance, the timing, just wasn't in his favour. With any luck, one day, it would be. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, Draco Malfoy kept up the appearance of a proud Slytherin by straightening out his robes as he walked into the Great Hall, anxiety dancing through his chest, shoving his way in between Derek and Daisy to ensure that every ounce of attention was on him, because if people were looking, then Lore might look his way, too. Sitting at the Slytherin table, Draco took a moment to allow his gaze to sweep over the Great Hall, knowing he was only looking for one person in particular - and when he found her, he felt his heart seem to calm within his ribcage, ensuring him that she was safe, she was present, and she was there. Thank God.

    Adela was excited to be bringing in a new academic year at Hogwarts. She'd spent all summer practicing spells, re-reading books until the pages were practically memorised, and ensuring that she had every ounce of knowledge for what was expected of them during their Sixth year - but Adela knew that one person would ruin all of her hard work, and that was Louis Tomlinson, the handsome Slytherin who always had to one up Adela in everything she attempted. It was infuriating - he'd never worked hard a day in his life, he had always depended on his family's wealth to get him where he needed to be, and yet Louis bloody Tomlinson always felt the need to show off. But, Adela couldn't complain, not really. As much as Louis frustrated her to no end, she had stupidly fallen for the boy with mischief in his smile and wonder in his eyes, and that was entirely her own fault. They'd met during their first year, and the moment Adela's eyes had found him, she knew that she was a goner. It was the worst thing in the world, wanting someone that you couldn't have, and Adela was certain it was a pain she would know for a long time to come. Sitting on the other side of Stiles Stilinski, Adela smiled at her friends, ignoring the sound of Louis' obnoxious voice. "Hello, you lot."

    Harry's mother had told him before he started his first year at Hogwarts School that kindness was an essential tool to a happy life, and the theory had been proven, except for one particular person, a Slytherin, to no surprise - Clara York. She was the most beautiful girl Harry had ever laid eyes on, but she was a closed book, someone to be approached carefully even by her peers, someone to be feared by those who weren't lucky enough to know her. She was respected, and Harry knew that he had no right to be curious about her, but damn it, he was. He wanted to know what others didn't, he wanted to know what exactly made Clara so incredibly Clara. She was beautiful, but cold as ice, and Harry was asking for trouble, because all he wanted was to know her better, make her see that there was another side to the world in which she lived. But of course, they were worlds away, and Harry couldn't express this to anyone, besides Michael, Namjoon and Calum. Running a hand through his short, unkempt curls as he tried to push Clara from his mind, Harry was quick to find the Hufflepuff table, taking a seat next to Calum, almost certain he could hear Louis Tomlinson's voice. Clara was always within that clique of entitled Slytherin brats, and as gorgeous as he found her, Harry didn't want to be bullied on the first evening back, he wanted to give the welcomed students a good representation of the school. "Alright, Cal?" Harry patted his friend's shoulder, and hearing Ruby's voice, Harry grinned. "Oh, surely I didn't take that long."

    Abbie had always felt like Hogwarts was the place she could feel the safest, and yet, this year, returning had a completely different feeling to it. The usual buzz of excitement that usually resided within the pit of her stomach was absent, replaced by anxiety - would anyone know about what had happened over the summer? Biting her lip with the thought, Abbie shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. Aaron had long since gone into hiding to protect himself, and Abbie had to stay at Grimmauld Place - not only for her own safety, but for the safety of her parents, two muggles who were none the wiser. Running a hand through her blonde ponytail to try and ease her own worries, her gaze fell to Remus Lupin, her old Defence Against the Dark Arts professor and the man assigned to protect her from those who wanted her impure blood spilled. Studying the werewolf cautiously, Abbie exhaled out a steady breath. She'd had a crush on Remus for as long as she could remember, and over the summer, her feelings had only become stronger, and it frightened her a little - and now, she was going to be stuck within a train carriage with the man. As his voice, soothing and calm, pulled Abbie from her thoughts, she looked to the Hogwarts locomotive and nodded, following him on board. "We won't be arriving until about midnight, even later."

    David Lassiter's summer had been an interesting one, to say the least. Working for the Order had always been such an honour, fighting the fight of equality for every witch and wizard to live freely among the wizarding world, blood status be damned - but the thing that had made it so interesting, so much better than usual, was that he had stumbled across Aria. Their initial meeting had been under false accusations, the Lovecraft family the first to be questioned on where their loyalty lay, but when David had brought his concerns back to Albus Dumbledore, they'd both agreed that the family were innocent, and David had made it his mission to protect them from further questioning, from Order members or otherwise, that pesky Lucius Malfoy included. Aria had been the one that had made the whole summer enjoyable; David found it so easy to talk to the beauty, and he listened to every concern and hope she had, to every word she spoke, because he loved the sound of her voice and he wanted her to be reassured that whatever would happen, he would keep her safe. It was a promise he intended to keep. Focusing his gaze onto her with the thought, David smiled as he saw Aria looking to him. "What're you looking at?" David teased, nudging her gently. Hearing the Hogwarts Express on the tracks though, David's grin only broadened, admittedly excited to have some alone time with Aria on the journey. Picking up Aria's luggage, David listened to her speak, laughing to himself. "I've never met anyone that was excited to be returning to school, Aria!" David joked, following her into the carriage. "Any compartment will do, love. Just make sure you're comfortable."

    Jennie Young could honestly say she already missed Hogwarts dearly. She knew that working in the Ministry was considered the only job suitable for a member of the Young family, but Jennie wanted so much more than what her parents had encouraged her to follow - she hadn't even had time to say goodbye to Dexter that morning, before he left to Kings Cross to begin the journey that Jennie knew he'd love. Hogwarts was an incredible place, Jennie didn't know anyone who didn't enjoy their time there. Working for the Ministry had kept her busy; Jennie hadn't even had time to mount a broom and practice the skills she knew so well - but when Dexter had claimed that he wanted to learn to play Quidditch like his big sister, Jennie put in a good word for George Weasley for tutoring. George had attended school with Jennie, a prankster by nature, a true Gryffindor if Jennie ever did know one; but he was so much more than that. He was exceptionally talented at Quidditch and somewhere in their seven years of friendly rivalry, Jennie had fallen for him, and she was devastated that she'd been unable to see him at all over the summer. Pushing the thoughts from her mind, knowing that, more than likely, nothing would come of her feelings, Jennie pushed open the front door. "Hello?" She called, pausing when she came face to face with the boy who'd been running back and forth through her thoughts. "Oh," Jennie smiled. "George, hello."

    Fred Weasley still couldn't quite believe that Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes was as successful as it had become, it really was a dream come true; but cleaning up after a long day of retail was a bother. But, in all those annoying little details, Fred lifted his gaze to look to the one thing - or, the one girl - that kept his head steady on his shoulders: Alice Lovell, but he couldn't help but grin when he saw that her gaze had already focused on him. Fred had known Alice since they were young, his own parents having practically raised her when the Lovell elders didn't have the time to dedicate to their daughter; and the two had grown up to be inseperable. Even now, after leaving Hogwarts, the two remained close as can be. But Fred wanted to get closer, knowing that the beauty held his heart in her hands; not that he'd ever ask for it back. He loved falling in love with her. He loved loving her. "Oi," Fred grinned with Alice's teasing, shaking his head in amusement, red hair unkempt after a busy day. "I'll dock your pay if you carry on." Fred teased. He knew he could use magic to clean the shop, but the best thing about taking his time was spending it with Alice. "How's that bloke you're with?" Fred asked suddenly, eyebrows raised in curiosity. "What was he called, Wes?" Fred couldn't keep the look of disgust from his face, but he stuck his tongue out, just wanting to tease Alice. Smirk soon appearing on his lips, Fred tried to look innocent as he put away the duster. "Your Mum said he was thinking of a summer wedding. Do you have a say in this at all?" And although Fred was teasing, he was only doing so to stop his jealousy from taking over. He didn't want Alice's heart to belong to anyone other than him, but her parents seemed to have different plans.

    Queenie was grateful that the late afternoon shift at St Mungo's had been an easy one - even the emergency response crew had time to enjoy a cup of tea, until the alarm was raised that there had been a blast near Hogsmeade; probably the work of Death Eaters, desperate to rise to power once more. Queenie had suspected there would be a lot more casualties as the group tried to take back what was once theirs, but what she hadn't suspected was that her boyfriend, Yoongi, would be one of them. She'd waited with baited breath, the support of her coworkers being the strength Queenie had needed to remain on her feet, although her tears had maintained a steady flow, she'd managed to hold herself together; until she saw Yoongi being wheeled in, slightly bloody and clearly in pain. "Oh god," Queenie breathed, her voice breaking as she rushed to him, not even waiting for permission. "Yoongi!" She sniffled, at his side the moment his gurney came to a halt. "Oh my God, Yoongi," Queenie sniffled, gently pushing her boyfriend's hair from his face. Their relationship was still so new, despite the two of them having known each other throughout their time at Hogwarts, but Queenie knew, she just knew, that it was Yoongi she was meant to be with - she couldn't see herself with anyone else. "What on Earth happened, love?"

    Taeyhung, when he'd heard of the blast in Hogsmeade, had been one of the first Aurors on the scene, having been close enough to apparate with no trouble. There were three wizards pronounced dead on the scene, another four sent to St Mungo's, and no sign of Death Eaters, even after questioning at The Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes. Running his hand through his dishevelled hair, Taeyhung could feel his chest constrict in anxiety. The attacks were getting closer to Hogwarts School each time, and then there were murders in small wizarding communities, it was all becoming too much, the Dark Lord was succeeding with his purge and Taeyhung knew that was bad news for everyone - and with that thought, Taeyhung's mind had fallen to Delia, his girlfriend from school. They'd made foolish promises of forever, and they didn't last, but he wondered, wherever she was in the world, if she was safe and happy. When his thoughts troubled him, his mind often escaped to Delia, because she had always been the person that mattered the most to him. Exhaling with the thought, Taeyhung pushed open the squeaky door to the Leaky Cauldron. "Good evening, Tom." Taeyhung greeted the bar-tender with a nod, having rented a room in the Leaky Cauldron while his deal for a small cottage in Hogsmeade was being finalised. If only he had Delia to share his new home with. Frowning at the thought, Taeyhung sat down. "A coffee please, mate." And grabbing a copy of the Daily Prophet, Taeyhung frowned as he saw the name Rita Skeeter. "The last person I wanted to see today." He murmured to himself with a frown, throwing the paper back down onto the table.
    June 16th, 2019 at 12:42am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Sam offered an amused look when he heard Dean’s words, and he nodded slightly. “I am, too, honestly,” he confirmed easily, shrugging slightly, “It feels surreal being back here after all this time, though.” But, it was wonderful, too - Hogwarts had always been a bright piece of his past, and he was grateful for the opportunity to be somewhere that had been a safe haven, and he hoped that he could help students through problems like his professors had been able to help him. He didn’t want to just be there to teach, he wanted to be there to help students, too, to be somebody they could trust and rely on. Shaking his head when he heard Dean’s jokes, he grinned slightly. “Just don’t pick on those feathered creatures too much,” he joked lightly in response before nodding in agreement to his brother’s words, because Dean was right. Hogwarts had been their home from the moment they stepped through the doors their First Year so long ago. “You’re right,” he admitted, peering around for a moment, “It’s always been home.” He smiled, then, his smile soft as memories flooded through him. “It’s good to be home in that case.” The moment the words left his lips, though, he felt eyes on him and he almost convinced himself that of course eyes were on him, anybody would have noticed that he was a new professor, but he let his curiosity get the best of him, his gaze searching for anybody whose eyes might be on him before his gaze settled on a girl who was watching him - a gorgeous girl at that, - and he found himself watching her in surprise, taking her in, wanting to know who she was.

    Dawn watched the professor who’d caught her eye from where she was, never daring to take her gaze away, almost worried that doing so would cause him to disappear - and she couldn’t risk that, could she? Not when she’d made him her personal goal. Smirking slightly with the thought, she let herself just relish in the sight of him, mentally thinking of ways to drive him up a wall. She knew, of course, that it would likely all just be a fantasy, stuck and lost in her mind, that it may never come to fruition, but she could still hope and she could still be determined. After all, she couldn’t just give up so easily just because he was a professor. With her intentions perfectly clear in her mind, she knew that she had to at least try and she’d be damned if she didn’t. A part of her hoped for more, of course, that something else could build between them rather than just a mere conquest, but she could only focus on one thing at a time right now and, for now, that one thing was that she merely wanted the professor. For now, that was enough to her, and, happy, pleased, with the decision she’d made, she leaned forward against the table to relax while she could.

    Calum blinked when he realized that Astoria caught him looking at her and he quickly dropped his gaze, too worried about how she might react to really brave the idea of watching her for any longer. The last thing he wanted was to make Astoria hate him; after all, he knew that he would never deserve somebody as gorgeous as her, and he was sure that any amount of attention from him likely insulted her in some way, and that was the last thing he wanted. Either way, he lifted his gaze when he heard Harry’s voice and, blinking, he looked to his friend, slowly processing his words before he shook his head slightly, registering his and Ruby’s presence only then. “Sorry, yeah, I’m alright,” he assured, offering a weak smile before he shrugged slightly, “Just a little distracted, that’s all, it’s no big deal.” After all, there was no point in divulging the truth - it wasn’t as though anything would come of his feelings for Astoria, after all, and he was well aware of that, to the point that it left an ache in his chest, reminding him just how unworthy he was of Astoria. “But Ruby’s right.” He tried to perk up, arching an amused brow, wanting to assure his friends that all was well. “You were running a little late. Anything you’d like to fill us in on?” Mostly, though, he was trying to get the attention off of himself, certain that he wouldn’t be able to hide from the pressure of his insecurities for too long if his friends pried too much, but he could never fault them for worrying, because it just proved that they cared, and he was grateful to them for that.

    Elara leaned forward against the Hufflepuff table, attempting to relax, attempting to brush off any desire to look for Ashton, swearing that he wasn’t worth it. She kept drilling the thought into her head, determined to remind herself that he was just any other jerk who wanted to bully those he considered were lesser than him. He wasn’t worth a single moment of thought - it was what she wanted to believe, because it was how Ashton allowed himself to be portrayed. And, while she knew that people weren’t always what they appeared, that many people were many masks, the very thought just made it worse, because, if that was the case, would she ever really know the real Ashton? If such a thing ever even existed. Scoffing with the thought, she tried to push the thought away, because it didn’t do her any use - after all, she didn’t even know Ashton as it was; he made a point of ignoring her existence, perhaps it was better that she just accept that and return the favor. With the thought, though, she dared a glance over towards the Slytherin table, her eyes finding Ashton so easily and, immediately, she wanted to chastise herself for seeking him out in the first place, but she couldn’t help but to watch him, just for a few moments, taking him in. How could somebody so handsome be so damn cruel? Breathing out a sigh with the thought, she tore her gaze away again, trying to focus her attention elsewhere.

    Michael watched Ella with mild concern when he heard the anxious exhale of breath that escaped Ella, his expression softening when she shifted, and he hoped that he wasn’t making her uncomfortable - it was the last thing he wanted, even. Still, while he waited for her to speak - and he waited patiently, not wanting to push her to talk to him if she didn’t want to, never wanting to pressure her in any way, ever, - he took her in, admiring her silently, allowing himself to acknowledge how truly wonderful she was. Her very existence made it worth being alive, in his opinion, and he wondered if she knew it, if she knew that just the sight of her sent such happiness through people. And, if merely the sight of her could cause such a reaction, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to know her personally, to have her return the adoration, the love, he felt for her, and his heart swelled with the thought, even though he wasn’t sure she would ever love him in return. But just the idea of it was enough for him to have hope, and he held tightly to that feeling, because hope was a magical thing, almost as strong as love was. When she finally spoke, though, Michael grinned broadly, his heart swelling the moment her voice reached his ears, and he couldn’t help but to enjoy the sound of her voice. “I’m glad to hear that,” he told her honestly, nodding slowly, watching her. “Mine was alright. I spent it mostly with family and my dogs, nothing too exciting happened, but sometimes that’s just as great as adventures happening.”

    Emily had found herself lost in her thoughts, in her annoyance with Luke and his behavior and his existence, and she wondered whether thinking about it was even really worth it. Luke had been an asshole from their first year, after all, so it wasn’t a surprise that he got worse every year, coming back even crueller after each summer, and it made her all the more frustrated. Still determined to not even spare a glance towards the boy, she only broke free from her thoughts when she heard Callie’s voice and, blinking, she looked over, trying to process what Callie was saying, why she’d been trying to get her attention, and what of the conversation she had missed. “What?” she asked, looking between her group of friends, arching a brow before she shook her head. “Sorry, I heard absolutely none of that, I was kind of preoccupied.” She made a face, but didn’t go into an explanation, not sure what her friends would think if she admitted to dwelling on the likes of Luke Hemmings, of all people. Watching them for a moment, she arched a brow, examining them with mild confusion and curiosity, but she watched Callie and Stiles with amusement, fond of their friendship - and anybody who saw them knew that there was more there, but she never mentioned it. “So, what were you lot talking about?” Admittedly, she wasn’t sure whether she was actually interested or whether she was trying to distract herself, but she’d take what she could get.

    Stiles felt a grin beginning to spread across his features when he felt Callie's arm around him, his grin broadened when he registered that she was leaning into his embrace. "I think you're both right," he said in response to Callie and Scott, nodding, because he had high hopes for the school year and he found himself looking forward to every moment of it, certain that many surprises were in store for all of them - and he, personally, absolutely couldn't wait to experience everything that the school year would have to offer them. Each year, he found himself more and more fascinated by the wizarding world, by magic, by everything that the world had to offer, and every opportunity that magic presented before him and his friends. Feeling Callie cuddle into his side, he was pulled from his thoughts and, with a fond smile, he found himself peering down at the girl who'd held his heart for as long as he could remember, finding that she amazed him even more than Hogwarts or the wizarding world or magic ever could - and he couldn't thank her enough for merely existing, much less for being in his life. "I think we'll be amazed by anything this year may throw at us. And I'm even more sure we'll overcome it all together." He squeezed Callie gently with the thought before sitting beside her when she pulled away from him. "But, for now, I guess we just have to wait and see." Even though he absolutely hated waiting - he wasn't one for patience, preferring to jump right in. "Either way, it'll be worth it, for sure."

    Mia listened quietly to the other Slytherins speak, but her mind was elsewhere, so she didn’t bother getting involved with the conversations going on around her. Instead, her gaze went towards Scott once more, her focus on the boy, and she smiled slightly when she saw the wave Scott offered her. She raised her hand carefully in a half-wave once she was sure none of her friends were paying attention - the last thing she needed was for them to ask questions about it or for them to target Scott for any reason - and she took him in from the distance she was from him, just glad to see him there, glad that he was in her line of sight. Ducking her head slightly with the thought, she chewed on her lip, hopeful that this year could be different from the ones before; she’d allowed Scott to see different sides to her, sides that her friends had never witnessed, and she’d trusted him with things she’d never even dream of telling her Slytherin friends. She wasn’t really sure what it was about Scott that made her so willing to speak to him, to open up to him, to trust him, but she knew that he meant a lot to her already, and she knew that she was falling for him more and more with each passing day, and she really didn’t want to lose that feeling, swearing she’d never felt anything better.

    Derek allowed a quiet laugh to pass his lips when he heard Daisy’s words, and he grinned down at her. “Call me selfish, I can’t help it,” he teased lightly, holding her closer to himself, his hands at her hips as he rubbed her hips gently, just relishing in the feeling of her so close to him, swearing nothing in the world was better than having her as his. When he felt her kiss, he smirked happily, leaning into the kiss while it lasted, although he never truly wanted it to end, he never wanted to part from her, knowing that wherever she was was where he wanted to be, always. When he processed what she said, he couldn’t help the slight mischievous grin that formed on his features, but before he could say what he wanted to say, Draco Malfoy - the bloody, pompous git - pushed his way between them, and Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Watch where you’re going, Malfoy,” he called with annoyance, but the moment his gaze settled back on Daisy, he felt the annoyance seep away, because she seemed to wipe away any negative feeling that built up within him. It was just another thing that made her so wonderful, and he loved her for it. When she started to move away, he reached to grab her hand, tugging her back gently, remembering the idea that had passed through his mind before Draco had gotten in the way, and he offered a small, teasing smirk as he took her in. “You know, we could always simply ditch the Sorting Ceremony, love,” he mentioned quietly, leaning to brush his lips against hers, almost in a way to tempt her, “Find a little area where we can just be alone, just the two of us, where we don’t have to part from each other? Hm? What do you say?”

    Nysa chewed on her lip in thought, trying to come up with anything she could to get closer to Isaac, to learn more about him, to just help him in whatever way she could. Her heart ached for the boy, though she still found herself wondering what he was going through, worrying about him, and she hoped that she could positively affect his life somehow, if she allowed herself the chance to do that. With the thought in her mind, she made a decision then that she would do whatever she could to approach Isaac later and offer her help, at least with school, wanting to be some kind of positive influence for the boy, but also just wanting to get to know him, to discover more about the feelings she harbored for him. With how timid he seemed to be, she made a mental note to be careful about it and to not press anything, never wanting to make him feel stressed, and she swore that, if he declined her offer, she’d accept it, she’d respect whatever decision he made. After all, he may simply find her odd for approaching him with the offer to help him with school when she hadn’t really spoken to him much through the years they’d both attended Hogwarts - and not because she didn’t want to, but simply because she could never seem to find the chance, never wanting to interrupt his time with the friends he already had, never wanting to forcibly insert herself into his life.

    Namjoon idly listened to Michael and Ella speaking, amusement on his features, but he still didn’t interrupt them, quite aware that Michael felt an attraction to the girl, and certain that the girl was interested in Michael in return. That wasn’t his business to get in just yet, though - no, his business revolved around Ruby, and he didn’t quite take his gaze away from the beauty for too long, finding it too easy to watch her, swearing that he could take her in all day without a single concern or without any guilt. Everything about the girl was perfection and he swore that no sight could ever compare to her - nothing stood a chance against her, and he stood strongly by that opinion, believing in it wholly. When he saw that her gaze had wandered over to where he was, he couldn’t help but to perk up a bit, a small smirk forming on his lips, that smirk broadening a bit when he saw the blush on her features from where he was - was he the cause of it? He hoped so, he really did. He couldn’t think of any other reason that she would blush so suddenly, after all, unless she’d caught somebody else looking at her. A quick survey of the area around him proved to him that nobody else was watching Ruby the way that he was, though, so he allowed the hope that he caused the blush to rest in his chest, holding onto it, because if he was capable of that from this distance, perhaps he stood a chance with the gorgeous girl. Relaxing with the thought, his smirk still in place, he leaned to relax against the table, still watching her, unashamed of himself.

    Lore’s gaze immediately went to Draco from where she was, his presence seeming to demand acknowledgment and attention, and she had no qualms in giving that to him, even if everybody she knew believed he didn’t deserve it. As she examined him, though, she noticed that, even from where she was, even from the distance between them, he looked stressed and tired, and her heart twisted with sympathy for him, and she found herself wondering what was wrong. Her expression softened, but she offered a weak smile when she was sure his gaze went to her - even if she was just imagining it, she didn’t want to ignore it in case she hadn’t. She found herself wishing that there was something, anything, that she could do for him, but she wasn’t sure that there was - or that he would accept anything she could try to do for him, anyway. After all, he was a proud Slytherin, a pureblood whose entire family seemed to hate any impure stain on the wizarding world, and she wasn’t sure he would give a half-blood the time of day. That didn’t stop her from wishing, though, even if she knew it may be pointless, useless even, and, chewing on her lip, she looked back towards the professor table, taking in the new faces, but not paying too much attention, her mind still swirling with thoughts of Draco.

    Louis made a face towards Ashton and shook his head. “Dunno what you’re talking about, I’d just rather get the best seats at the table,” he said easily, covering for his real intention to see Adela and take her in easily. Usually, he could get away with it quite easily - and, in the times that somebody noticed, he’d easily cover up with a lie about trying to think of more ways to ruin the girl’s life. After all, that was what everybody believed his intention was, even Adela, and it was the easiest excuse to go with, the excuse that all of his friends would believe. “I don’t think the batch of First Years this year is all that big, so it may end up being a quick Sorting Ceremony.” He shrugged slightly, examining his friends for a few moments, though his gaze tore away, locking onto Adela fairly easily. Spotting her sitting beside Stiles Stilinski, he scoffed quietly to himself, rolling his eyes. Of course, he knew that Stilinski seemed to have something going on with Callie Reeves, but that didn’t stop the jealousy that burned through his chest like angry fire. After all, jealousy didn’t follow logic, and he’d learned this over time since the moment he began falling for Adela in the first place. “Let’s just hope we get more students to add to the Slytherin House than any of the other Houses.” At this point, he’d say anything to distract himself from Adela, and he knew this, even if he wasn’t quite invested in the conversation that he was trying to start with his friends. They didn’t need to know that, though; they didn’t need to know that his mind was too focused on Adela to really care about what they had to say right now.

    Clara offered a small nod when she saw the offered smile from Ashton, but her thoughts easily gravitated back to Harry. As much as she told herself to not feel anything at all for the boy, she’d felt herself centering more and more on the boy with each passing year. Of course, she would never admit this to herself, much less aloud to anybody she knew - she had no reason to confess such things, after all. From where she was, she was certain she could hear his voice and, quietly, she scoffed to herself, trying to force herself to block him out and, moreover, ensuring that she didn’t dare even glance over towards him. She had plenty of practice in the area, but it got more and more difficult with each year, especially with her growing feelings. But, she’d always been quite good at pretending, and that’s the skill she tended to lean on the most when it came to the likes of Harry Styles - pretending he didn’t matter, pretending she wanted nothing to do with him, pretending he was beneath her. And, for the most part, it worked, because it reminded her of who she was, and it made her more determined to keep up the act all the more. “I hope the Sorting Ceremony ends quickly, I’m already bored,” she huffed quietly, looking towards her ‘friends’ with a frown, “And the sooner it’s over, the sooner we can eat and get out of here.” And away from Harry Styles’s presence.

    Remus listened to Abbie’s melodic voice, nodding slowly as the weight of her statement settled in his mind - they’d have a long journey together, and they hadn’t actually been alone, just the two of them, ever since he accepted the assignment of protecting her. With the knowledge, he wasn’t entirely sure whether his thoughts were just racing naturally or if he had genuine reason for thinking the things that he started thinking as they climbed onto the train. “That’s true,” he confirmed, offering a smile over at her, “It gives us plenty of time to relax until we arrive at Hogwarts, though.” But, a part of him was certain that, the longer he was alone with her, the more his thoughts would float more towards less innocent possibilities than simply relaxing. Clearing his throat to try to rid himself of these thoughts, he nodded to one of the compartments that they passed. “How about that one, Abbie?” He looked to her, offering a smile, wanting to leave the choice up to her, wanting her to feel safe and comfortable, because he was sure that facing this year at Hogwarts was already stressing her enough, weighing on the poor girl’s shoulders in a way that he wished he could relieve her of. All he wanted was to make things easier for her, for her to be happy and comfortable and safe, and he was determined to do everything he could to ensure that was the case, afraid of the emotions he might feel if something happened to her, especially if he could prevent it.

    Aria blinked slowly when David caught her looking at him, and she made a face, ignoring the blush that was threatening to force its way onto her cheeks. “Nothing in particular,” she chimed in response, nudging him in return before she focused on finding a compartment, not wanting to admit to her growing attraction to the man - after all, she wasn’t sure how he would react. He could just see her as any other teenager, and she had no interest in pressing the matter and having her self-esteem crushed or to have to view David in a different light. “There’s nothing wrong with being excited for school, David!” she called back in a hum as she searched the compartments, trying to find one she preferred - she had the whole train to choose from, but she still wanted to be comfortable. “You can’t honestly say that there were never classes you couldn’t wait to be back inside when you were a student, that there weren’t things you were interested in learning?” Arching a brow, she peered over her shoulder at him, offering a grin. “Or maybe you were one of those students who ditched every class.” Shrugging, she found a compartment and turned to face him, resting her hands on either side of the compartment doorway as she took him in, tilting her head slightly. “What about this one?” It was the same as any other compartment, she was well aware that, and she knew that David had left the decision up to her, but she wanted him to be comfortable, too.

    As George had made his way to leave, he’d been surprised to come face-to-face with the very woman he’d been wanting to see for the whole summer. He knew, of course, that this was his chance - he could admit his feelings, he could invite her to dinner, her could suggest they spend time together, catch up, especially since he hadn’t seen her the whole summer, but instead, he found himself too focused on her voice, too focused on taking her in, to really process any of the things that he wanted to do, any of the things that he knew he now had the chance to do, now that she was there. “Jennie, hi,” he greeted eventually, worried his voice gave away how nervous he suddenly was - Jennie had always had such an effect on him, affecting him to his core, to the point that his usually boisterous, confident self, became calmer, more attentive, but the only thing he wanted to pay attention to, the only person he wanted to pay attention to, was Jennie, always, and he wished that he could tell her every thought he had of her, every affection he held for her. “Fancy seeing you here.” For a moment, he wanted to punch himself in the face, because ‘She lives here, George, where else would she be at this time?’ but, in his defense, throughout the entire summer that he’d come and gone from there, he hadn’t come across her until today. Just the sight of her put his heart at ease, though, and, honestly, he couldn’t thank her enough for that. “Busy day at the Ministry?” He arched a brow as he examined her, just wanting to talk to her, not at all wanting to part from her, not for as long as he could avoid it, even if he was making an absolute fool of himself.

    Alice grinned over at Fred as she listened to him, having always found comfort in his voice, in him, and she arched an amused brow as she watched him. "You wouldn't really do that to me, would you?" she asked jokingly, tilting her head to the side, just admiring him in the moments that she could allow herself to do so. As she heard Fred ask about Wes, though, she couldn't help but to make a face as she pulled herself up to sit on the counter, leaning back on the palms of her hands. "Yes, Wes. I wouldn't exactly say that I'm with him," she reminded, having no qualms in ever revealing the truth to Fred; she'd told him how much she hated the whole arrangement from the very beginning. "I don't really know how he is. I can't really bring myself to care. He's a good guy, sure, but I just… I don't want to be forced to be with somebody. I wanna be with who I wanna be with." And she wanted to be with Fred, more than anything, but she knew that just wasn't possible, not with the arrangement her parents had set up - and, even if it was, she wasn't sure whether Fred felt the same way for her that she felt for him, or whether he ever had. In that moment, all she wanted was to confess all of that to him, but she couldn't, not when she was engaged to somebody else, regardless of how much she detested the whole idea of marrying Wes, a man she could never love, a man she could never trust with her heart, especially when her love, her heart, everything belonged to Fred. She made a face, though, soon pouting. "My mother's doing everything she can to make everything perfect for him."

    Yoongi wanted to swear aloud when he heard Queenie's voice, his heart sinking with the knowledge that he was causing her so much distress - and moreover, that he had two choices, either to tell her the truth and risk her hating him forever, or lie to her and live with the knowledge that he'd lied to the woman he loved. Neither option was perfect, and he wasn't sure which choice to make, deciding instead to bide his time for now. "I'll be just fine, love, promise," he assured her quietly, despite the aches and pain he felt. The last thing he wanted was to make things any worse for her, though. He knew, though, that if it ever came out that he was involved with Death Eaters, people may lash out at Queenie, they may accuse her of being involved as well, they may even blame her, see her differently than the wonderful, kind woman that she was, and that made Yoongi's heart sink all the more. "It was a blast, I wasn't too close." He made sure to choose his words carefully, still not sure about which option would be the better choice to go with, which choice would hurt Queenie the least. The thought that he may be the cause of any pain for Queenie, ever, cut Yoongi to his core, but what else could he do? What choice did he really have anymore? Every choice he'd made would blow up in his face, and he hated it. "Don't cry for me, love." And, despite the pain he felt, he reached his hand up to cup her face, his thumb running over her cheek gently in an attempt to soothe her in any way that he could. "I'll be fixed up in no time and we'll forget all about this."

    Delia couldn't help but to notice the changes that Diagon Alley had endured - everything seemed grimmer, hopeless, the life of the area seemingly stripped away. It was difficult to accept, but the sight of it made the concern in the pit of her stomach all that much more pronounced, and she was almost grateful that she'd given herself the opportunity to return, because she wanted to fix this. She was doubtful that she could play too huge of a role - she was certainly out of practice when it came to witchcraft, anyway, - but if times were this dark for an area like Diagon Alley, she couldn't stand by and do nothing and, besides, when would that darkness spread? How much longer before the Dark Lord decided that he was tired of waiting? Breathing out quietly, she tried to focus on something brighter and, just as her thoughts fluttered to Taehyung, she made her way into the Leaky Cauldron - with the understanding that the Leaky Cauldron usually had rooms available, - only to pause in her steps when she spotted the man not too far away. Her heart seemed to come to a standstill as she took him in from afar, every memory of him and their relationship rushing through her at a speed that nearly left her dizzy. Chewing on her lip, she wondered how the years had treated him and, moreover, if he held any resentment towards her. Hearing him speak, she offered an amused look, deciding it was a great chance to open a conversation, and she made her way over. "Now, that's just cruel, Tae," she complained with a playful pout, "I just got here, after all."
    June 19th, 2019 at 04:25pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Sophie felt her cheeks heat up as the professor she'd been gawping at caught her eye, and she immediately ducked her head, trying to tune in to the conversations going on around her, anything that she could contribute to to distract her mind from the handsome man sat at the table of the most respected witches and wizards in the community. Finding that the conversations were moving too fast for Sophie's distracted mind to keep up with, her eyes fell, once more, upon her empty plate, and she wondered if the ceremony would be starting soon, feeling her stomach rumble in disapproval of the long wait. All she wanted was to return to some stability - the kind that only Hogwarts could provide. Perhaps some routine would help lift her from her pathetic pit of sorrow.

    Dean noticed Sam's amused look and rolled his eyes, trying to hide his own amusement. There was something so liberating about being back at Hogwarts, and knowing that he got to influence young minds just as the way his own teachers had done with him was still so surreal - he was almost unsure if he was deserving of the opportunity. Being brought back to the present by Sam's teasing, Dean grinned. "I'll try not to, but hey, if you hear of a Hippogriff on the loose, that wasn't me." Dean winked, taking a sip from his goblet, but as Dean took in the sight of the returning students, he couldn't help the way his heart settled in his chest, because Hogwarts really was so incredible - it had been the best time of Dean's life. "It really is good to be home." Dean confirmed quietly, although his thoughts were interrupted when his gaze fell upon a student, looking right at him, and damn it, Dean knew he shouldn't find possible students so attractive, beautiful even, but the way she smirked had Dean intrigued about what she thought of him already - she'd clearly decided on something. Biting his lip a little bit, Dean pulled himself from his thoughts as she pulled away first, and Dean couldn't help but hope that he'd see her in one of his classes. Taking another sip from his goblet to busy his hands, Dean cleared his throat, looking to Dumbledore as the man stood to his feet.

    Astoria noticed how quickly Calum had dropped his gaze and she couldn't help but feel a little relieved, because even though Slytherins craved attention, his attention made Astoria a little anxious, as though she was expected to do something wonderful, and she just didn't appreciate that kind of pressure. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, Astoria smiled as her friends approached. "Took you lot long enough," Astoria teased. "I was being stared at by Calum Hood, a little uncomfortable without someone to distract me." And although Astoria always wanted to make her friends laugh, she couldn't help but feel as though she was being a little too cruel to Calum - he seemed sweet, he really did, but Astoria knew that he, quite simply, didn't belong in her world, and perhaps, in another life, he'd of been a Slytherin and they would of fit together quite nicely, but this life just wasn't in his favour. Taking another sip of pumpkin juice, Astoria couldn't quite understand why she wanted to look to Calum once more, but she did, and seeing him speak to his friends, to smile so genuinely them and speak so easily, Astoria couldn't help the smallest rush of happiness that seeped through her, and pushing it to the side, she turned to focus on her own friends, leaning onto the table with her own smile.

    Ashton confidently lead his group of friends to the Slytherin table, trying his hardest to not indulge his needs and glance over to the Hufflepuff table once more, but knowing that Elara was among the students there was almost intoxicating to him, the sight of her enough to get him completely love drunk, but that was a side that he just couldn't reveal to his friends, fearing that they'd target Elara and her friends more than they already did. His lips forming a line at the thought, Ashton sat down, resting his chin in his palm with boredom, and he decided, just this once, to look to the Hufflepuff table, while his friends were distracted - they couldn't chastise him if they didn't catch him looking. Allowing his gaze to fall upon the beauty that wore a tie of gold and black, Ashton couldn't help but feel hurt soak into his bones because the one girl that made his world so much more brighter wasn't looking to him, and Ashton knew, he understood that he was being selfish, but there was something so incredible about Elara; Ashton wished that he could discover more of her, and show her the side of him that he kept hidden in return. Ashton lacked someone to trust in his life, and although his friends were constant, he didn't want to show them the side of Ashton that cried when his father left home, the side that wondered each and every day what he did wrong and how his mother, working desperately hard at the ministry to keep her family afloat, was going to help the family survive another year. Frowning bitterly with the thought, Ashton took a sip of pumpkin juice, trying to push the thought to the back of his mind that if Elara knew, she'd consider him pathetic, weak, undeserving of magic. "I hope this ceremony bloody hurries up." Ashton huffed, like a spoilt child. "And I hope those ugly little elves in the kitchen have prepared good food."

    Ella tried to focus on the words on the pages of the book she was holding so dearly, but having Michael beside her was so much of a distraction that the letters just seemed to dance around the page, almost encouraging her to focus on the boy. Giving in, Ella closed her book with a gentle thud, and as Michael spoke, Ella toyed nervously with the ends of her dark hair, but the sound of Michael's voice brought comfort to her in a way she couldn't describe, and Ella wondered why she'd never taken the time to appreciate the melodic sound before? Taking in his words, Ella smiled softly - how could someone like Michael not be adventurous? "I can't imagine you sitting still for more than five minutes, Michael." Ella teased softly, and although her voice was barely above a murmur, she was genuine with her words. "But I'm glad you had a good summer, it sounds like it was quite relaxing for you." Ella offered him a small smile, looking anywhere but at his face, trying to find an excuse to avoid any further conversation, but with the way Michael was looking at her, she was certain she had been roped into a full conversation and not just pleasantries while waiting for the sorting ceremony to begin - but Ella didn't mind all that much, it was nice to find out more about the boy she'd fallen so hopelessly in love with; because even if he didn't return her feelings, she could at least find out a little more about him.

    Luke sat down at the Slytherin table with a sense of pride that he seemed to resent more and more as each moment passed. Of course, being a Slytherin was considered an honour in the Hemmings family, with the serpent running through their veins for generations, and Luke was glad that he hadn't been the one to break the chain, but he could only hope that his niece would, and although he never did admit that out loud, Luke prayed every day that she wouldn't fall into the clutches of the ideology that he had. Taking a sip of his pumpkin juice, Luke took a Bertie Bott's flavoured bean from the small box hidden in the pocket of his robes, still rather proud of himself that he managed to sneak the treats past Filch, the filthy caretaker. Trying to listen to his friends, Luke's gaze drifted once more to the Gryffindor table, and when he caught sight of Emily, now speaking to her friends, Luke couldn't help but to feel a little bitter that her attention wasn't on him, but he'd take what he could get and he knew that he had all night to think of some good ways to make the girl wish she'd never been born for the first semester of school. "You know what," Luke grinned. "I think this year is going to be a good one, lads. I can feel it." Luke wasn't entirely certain that was true, but he had to uphold his usual attitude, and as he studied Emily for a long moment, memorising her appearance, he could credit the feeling of optimism to her; because as much as he pretended not to like her, being in her presence was more than enough to make Luke feel like life was worth living.

    Callie got comfortable within her seat as she heard Stiles' promise of facing whatever their sixth year had to throw at them, and she couldn't help but to smile fondly at him, shifting so she was closer to him, their thighs touching beneath the table, because as much as Callie would never admit it out loud, Stiles brought her comfort that she couldn't explain. He was all that she'd known, and attending Hogwarts with him was the best experience she could ask for, because she could never imagine life without the positive force that was Stiles Stilinski. He was all that she wanted in life, and she was determined to keep him. "It'll be incredible, I'm sure." Callie promised her friends, resting her hand on top of Stiles', appreciating the warmth he provided. "It just feels so good to be back though, doesn't it?" Callie looked to Emily then, grinning with her friend's distraction, whatever that distraction was. "Nice to see you back to earth." She teased, snuggling further into Stiles. "We were talking about how good this year is going to be - are you feeling positive?" Callie asked with a soft smile, wondering what Emily had gotten so distracted by.

    Scott listened to his friends speak, and although he was grateful to be surrounded by people who cared for him, all his heart and mind seemed to focus on was Mia, and when she lifted her hand carefully to wave to him, Scott's first reaction was to smile, his heart beating in his chest with joy because Mia knew he existed and he had fallen for her in a way that had happened quickly, but had been the best experience Scott could ask for. Biting his lip with the thought, Scott rested his elbow upon the table, his chin in his palm as he tried to join in with the conversation going on around him, but still, having Mia within his sight was comforting, because it meant she was safe from everything bad that was happening outside in the wide world; and with Mia's parents in Azkaban, Scott couldn't help but wonder if there was anyone who would try to find her with nothing but cruel intentions. Shoulders tensing at the thought, Scott tried to push it to the back of his mind, because if anyone or anything tried to harm Mia, he would fight until his last breath to ensure she was kept safe. And although he'd never considered himself the type to fall in love so quickly, having seen his own mother scorned by love, Scott knew that making an exception for Mia was a good decision, like something in the stars was telling him that it was right, written into his destiny long before he'd arrived to the world - although Mia didn't associate with good people, Scott knew that she was a good person, and he was proud that he knew that side of her, proud that she trusted him enough to open up. She wasn't as cruel as she'd seemed before; she wasn't cruel at all. "I'm hungry," Scott complained.

    Daisy grinned as she felt Derek's hands rest upon her hips, and she couldn't deny that his touch was the one thing she had become so addicted to, she was certain she couldn't live without it - without him and the familiarity of his existence, the comfortable love they'd fallen into. "Just admit it, Hale," Daisy murmured into Derek's lips, feeling his smirk and giggling, nipping at his lip teasingly. "You just want me all to yourself." Daisy pulled away then, knowing that they must of looked like a lovesick couple too caught up in each other to pay attention to their surroundings, and when Draco Malfoy shoved his way between them, Daisy rolled her eyes, completely in sync with her boyfriend. "Prat." She called out with annoyance, moving just that little bit closer to Derek, knowing that she had to part from him soon, but not wanting to, not at all. When Derek grabbed her hand, however, Daisy felt her anxiety evaporate into the air around her, and she was grateful that Derek was always so incredibly calming. Studying him for a long moment, Daisy raised her eyebrows in silent questioning, wondering just why that devilish smirk took place of his usual kind smile. "Oh?" Daisy grinned against Derek's lips as they brushed against hers. "And if I say yes?" Daisy smirked, peering up at Derek.

    Isaac listened closely to his friends as they spoke of a good year approaching, and Isaac wondered if that would come to fruition; if it really would be a good year. He couldn't help but worry - his grades were slipping and he knew that the moment his father found out, he would be punished, and Isaac really didn't want to face another night, bound in chains and sobbing until his body ran out of water to form tears. Tensing with the thought, Isaac decided that listening intently was all he intended to do, because he was sure that if he was to open his mouth and speak, his voice would be hoarse. Looking to the teacher's table, Isaac felt relief when he saw Albus Dumbledore stand to his feet, because it meant that he was about to welcome the returning students and introduce the Sorting Hat, sat on a rickety old stool. Isaac remembered the first time he wore that hat; how, when it spoke, it caused him to jerk in fear - and yet, the relief he felt when he'd been sorted into Gryffindor was unmatched, because he was joining the house of the brave, something Isaac never felt he was. Biting his lip, Isaac rested his chin in his palm, watching his friends fondly because he was glad to have them in his life, but he wondered what it was like to have Nysa in his life. Taking a sip of pumpkin juice to soothe his throat, Isaac cleared his throat. "Maybe this year will be a good one after all." He looked to Emily. "At least we've got each other, eh?"

    Ruby listened to Harry speaking with an amused smile, twirling a strand of blonde hair carelessly around her finger as she tried not to indulge herself and give another glance in Namjoon's direction; although she could feel his gaze burn into her in the most incredible way. She hadn't missed how he'd smirked in her direction, or how he seemed to perk up when his eyes met hers, and Ruby couldn't help but wonder what had gone through the boy's mind. With the thought, Ruby looked to Namjoon once more, surprised to find that he was still looking to her, and biting her lip, Ruby studied him for a long moment, having completely tuned out Harry's complaining about the Slytherin group that he claimed to dislike so much, and seeing that Namjoon still wore his prideful smirk, Ruby tucked her hair behind her ear and tried to push the hope that he liked her in the way that she liked him to the back of her mind. Namjoon was handsome and incredibly popular, while Ruby was almost the exact opposite - why would he be interested in her anyway? Ducking her head with the thought, Ruby focused on Harry and Calum again.

    Draco, although he was surrounded by his friends, fellow Slytherins connected by everything but blood, had never felt so alone, and once again, he began to look for the one person who granted him a moment of peace. He was grateful that Lore possessed the ability of magic, because he wasn't sure who he'd turn to for solace if she didn't attend Hogwarts. Seeing the weak smile she offered to him, Draco attempted to return it, but the burdens that rested on his mind were far too heavy for him to be truly happy. His mission had been made clear over the summer, and Draco had it memorised. There was so much more to his attendance this year than learning, and he'd be damned if Harry Potter or his silly friends got in the way. Ducking his head with the thought, the blonde Slytherin boy rested his hands upon his lap, something his mother had taught him about table manners, and when Draco noticed that Lore had torn her gaze away from him, he couldn't help but feel the stab of hurt that punctured his chest, something that the heir to the Malfoy name just wasn't used to. As Draco listened to his friends, he reached to take a sip of pumpkin juice, hands trembling slightly. Let's just hope we get more students to add to the Slytherin House. Draco hid his frown with the goblet, certain that the last thing the wizarding world needed was more stuck up Slytherins who wanted nothing more than to gain points than learn the incredible world around them - Draco would do anything to be a normal student who had time to take in magic. "Let's only hope." He murmured.

    Adela listened to her friends with a small smile, tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear. "This year should be our most challenging year yet," she spoke softly. "Who knows, I think we're going to have a lot of fun, make a lot of memories." And with her own words, Adela couldn't help but to lift her gaze to look for the face she'd already had memorised perfectly, and when she'd spotted him, she couldn't help but to cherish the sight for a long moment, angering herself in the process. Louis was, despite his ego and arrogance, truly something to behold, and although Adela knew that he'd never belong to her, she could at least make the most of memorising him while he was free. When Albus Dumbledore stood to his feet, Adela finally pried her gaze away from the boy she claimed to despise, ignoring the way her heart fluttered with the sight of his obnoxious face, and decided to focus her attention entirely on the headmaster, Adela shifted in her seat, shifting closer to Stiles and Callie so she could hear a little better, reminding herself not to look at the Slytherin table.

    Harry made himself comfortable as he listened to Calum's teasing, and he offered his friend a smile, dimples etched into his cheeks as he neatened out his Hufflepuff tie, curls falling into his face once more, despite his earlier attempt at taming his wild hair. "Well, I was a few strides behind the Slytherin lot and I was trying to eavesdrop." Harry admitted with a light shrug of his shoulders, not at all ashamed of his confession as he leaned to pick up his goblet of pumpkin juice, taking a sip. "I'm fed up of them pretending like they're so important." Harry murmured with a frown, although his bitter attitude all came from the fact he yearned so desperately for someone he could never have - the girl who held his heart within her hands and crushed it within her palm whenever she offered him a glare or a cruel word. "I'm dying to find out what makes them so mean, surely not every Slytherin is the same." And Harry knew that was probably wishful thinking; every Slytherin he had come across seemed to behave exactly the same, and the fact that Clara behaved in such a way frustrated him to no end, he couldn't help but wonder if there was another side to her. "But that doesn't matter, I'm here now." Harry grinned, dimples deepening as his smile broadened. "Anyway, how did summer go for you lot?" Harry began to steer the conversation away from Clara and the other Slytherins, knowing that she would surround his senses so easily, and he tried his hardest to keep his gaze on Calum and Elara, who seemed to be off in her own little world. "Elara, how about you?"

    Abbie closed the carriage door behind her as she stepped a little further into safety - it wasn't much, but it was better than being out in the open where anyone could of been watching and plotting. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, Abbie exhaled nervously, following Remus closely, not wanting to part from him. A large part of her anxiety, Abbie acknowledged quietly, was that the long journey to Hogwarts would be the longest time she would spend alone with Remus since she moved to Grimmauld Place, and he occupied her thoughts in the best way. Trying not to allow those thoughts to take over, Abbie saw the small smile the older man offered and returned it with ease, nodding with his words. "Absolutely." And although Abbie thought of many ways they could relax, she couldn't help but indulge the thoughts for a moment, because she was certain Remus wasn't thinking the same thing, he probably only saw her as an ex student and someone young and foolish. "Here will be wonderful, thank you, Remus." Abbie nodded, sliding open the compartment door and peering in, almost afraid someone would be hiding there, ready to jump out and attack. "Come on then," she smiled, shrugging off her jacket before sitting down, putting her feet up on the seats opposite. "This is cosy."

    David almost couldn't hold back his amusement when he saw the face Aria pulled when he'd caught her looking his way, but he still couldn't help but find her so incredibly gorgeous, and David wondered if his attraction to her was forbidden under any hidden rules that the Order had, but it had been his best kept secret so far. What made David a little nervous, however, was that the journey to Hogwarts was going to be a long one, and even then, David had to escort Aria to her head of house to ensure that she was in safe hands. How was he going to keep his thoughts from running wild when he was going to be sat in a small compartment with the beauty for hours? Biting his lip, David was soon pulled back to the present when Aria spoke, her voice so enchanting that David swore he could listen to her speak all day. "Are you sure?" David teased. "Maybe I have something on my face..." He teased, following Aria onto the locomotive. "Aria," David placed her luggage down, pulling it along instead. "When I was in school, I didn't know a single soul excited to be back, only to look at Severus Snape's dumb face." David teased, trying not to look at Aria's bum as she walked. "However, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures were a different story." David was sure though, when Aria, with her bright eyes and charming smile, peered back at him, he couldn't help but smile in return. "I did not ditch!" David stuck out his tongue. "I was a good student!" Laughing to himself, David paused when he saw Aria had chosen a compartment, and as she turned to face him, tilting her head and looking to him with innocent eyes, David was almost sure he held his breath for a long moment. "This one is wonderful, love. Let's get comfortable then, yeah?"

    Jennie studied George carefully as he seemed to get lost in his thoughts, shrugging off her jacket and hanging it on the coat rack, amused by George's silence, considering how, when they were in school, he was quite the opposite. But still, Jennie could admit to herself that this side of him was just as attractive - although Jennie found every little thing about George so enthralling, she was sure that she would be in love with any side of him she discovered. "Hi," Jennie greeted back with a smile, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she tried not to smile too fondly, not wanting George, or her parents, to cotton on to how she felt for the Weasley boy. Giggling with George's words, Jennie nodded. "I know, I've missed being home. Work's been incredibly busy, I almost didn't recognise the house." And although that wasn't the entire truth, she didn't want George to feel embarrassed by his words. Why was he so nervous? Studying him with the thought, Jennie wondered if being in a Slytherin household made George feel out of place, something Jennie hoped he didn't feel - he would always be accepted by her. Blinking with his words though, Jennie nodded. "Exceptionally busy." Jennie shrugged gently. "Actually, your father invited us over for dinner tomorrow." Jennie smiled, absolutely adoring Arthur Weasley. "He's such a kind man, you must be so proud." Jennie smiled. "How did Dexter take to flying?"

    Fred couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth when Alice teased him in return. Their friendship had always been so natural, Fred could never imagine his life without Alice - he knew for certain that he never would of gotten to where he was in his life now without Alice's guidance and reassurance, because he trusted her above all else. "I don't know," Fred teased. "Maybe, maybe not." He shrugged his shoulders teasingly, but as Alice sat on the counter, leaning back on the palms of her hands, Fred studied her for a long moment, trying not to let his thoughts run rampant within his mind about the possibilities. Approaching Alice as she spoke, Fred nodded in understanding - Alice had always been so free spirited, having to love someone on command must of been the most difficult thing in the world. Placing his hands gently on her waist, Fred stood between Alice's legs, innocently at first, peering up at her. "He seems like a right prat to me," Fred grinned cheekily, although he was telling the truth, despite his teasing nature. He'd caught glimpses of the man, and he seemed nice enough, but he wasn't good enough for Alice and her perfection, she simply shone brightly while Wes merely existed in his little boring bubble, and that's what got Fred so riled up in the first place. Wes wasn't right for someone so wonderful, but he was. He couldn't admit that out loud, his fear of Alice not returning his feelings driving his courage, but still, he knew that Alice would be good beside him - they both saw the world through the same lens, and Fred felt that was what was important in love. "I know your Mum's doing her best, but why is she only trying to please him?" Fred pulled a face then. "Wouldn't a Halloween wedding be much more fun?" Fred teased, squeezing around Alice's waist teasingly.

    Queenie ran her fingers through Yoongi's hair as she listened to his reassurances, studying his face for any sign of discomfort. Yoongi could be so difficult to read sometimes, but it was a skill that Queenie had learned quickly. Still, hearing his voice, knowing that, despite minor injuries, he was alive; made Queenie count her blessings. She couldn't bear the thought of losing the man she had pictured her future with. Queenie's eyebrows furrowed with Yoongi's explanation, but she decided against pressing him for further details, because Yoongi only ever lied if there was a good reason to. "Okay..." Queenie sighed, leaning into her lover's touch as he cupped her cheek, nuzzling gently into his hand. "How can I forget this, Yoongi? They could of killed you, I -" Queenie sniffled, tears burning behind her eyelids. "I could of lost you, Yoongi." Sighing quietly, Queenie leaned to press a sweet kiss to Yoongi's forehead gently, being sure to not hurt him, never wanting to hurt him. "You know you're probably going to be questioned by Aurors, right?" Queenie frowned. "Do you want me to tell them that they can come back later? I'm sure you'll be in overnight for examination." Queenie rested her forehead to Yoongi's, gently cupping his cheek.

    Taeyhung paused when he heard a familiar voice, one that he could so easily identify as Delia - the most wonderful girl who Taeyhung had the honour of falling in love with. Turning in his chair to confirm if it was really her, Taeyhung couldn't help the wide smile that spread so easily across his features when he recognised the woman before him. "Delia!" He laughed, almost in disbelief, standing to his feet to get a better look at her. The years in which she hadn't been by his side hadn't changed her at all, and Taeyhung's heart swelled happily with the fact that she was still the same. "God, look at you..." Taeyhung grinned. "Still as beautiful as ever. What brings you to Diagon Alley?" And with his question, Taeyhung worried that something had happened to her family, such wonderful people who had cared for him as their own when he and Delia were together. "So, you just gonna stand there pouting, or are you gonna hug me?" Taeyhung could feel the happiness that Delia always brought with her surround him, and he could admit, at least to himself for now, that his world got a lot brighter with his ex girlfriend around. "Are you joining me for a coffee? My treat." Taeyhung smiled, wanting an excuse to spend more time with her, catch up on what he'd missed out on, even if it had to be as friends for now.
    July 13th, 2019 at 11:20pm