remember who i am.

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    "Would you knock it off with the complaining. God, you sound like a broken record." David said, then let out a sigh as he slowly shook his head. A sigh escaped from David as he closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. "You aren't going anywhere Lily, you're going to be safe here. I promise."

    Pulling out a pair of scissors from his back pocket, David walked into the bathroom with Bailey. Not a word left his lips as he moved to stand in front of the young girl and then slowly bent over so that he could look her in the face. "I'm going to dye your hair after I cut it. So stay still unless you want to go bald." He told her as he reached out and took a small amount of her hair into his hand.

    Pulling it out straight, David brought the scissors over and lined it up with just below her shoulder. Then, he started to slowly start cutting her hair. The sound of the scissors being the only sound that came from the room as David concentrated. Then, once he was done, David grinned as he held up the couple of inches that he cut off to show Bailey,

    "One section down, a couple more to go," David told her, a dark smirk slowly growing on his lips as he placed the strand of hair he cut in her hand. "Hold it, I don't need this clogging the drains." He told her as he started to collect some more hair and start cutting it as he had done before.

    Before he knew it, David was done, and Bailey's hair was a couple of inches shorter. She looked younger as well. "Later tonight before you go to sleep, we'll come back in here to dye your hair." He said, talking like it was Bailey's idea to cut her hair. "Here." He said as he picked up a small garbage can that was in the bathroom. "Now that it's all cut, you can throw the hair in here. I'll burn it with your other things later." He told her as he stood up straight.

    "Now, do you want to watch your favorite movie? I managed to get The Godfather on DVD." David said, offering a small smile as he held out a hand for Lily to take. "I'll be nice and even make us some popcorn." He told her, although he wasn't sure how much she'll eat as the sedatives in her system were sure to not do well with her stomach since this was her first time taking them.
    July 5th, 2019 at 05:43pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey felt her throat go dry as David called her Lily again, telling her that she was never going to leave her. She closed her eyes tightly, her heart dropping as she began to realize the full gravity of the situation. Her body tended as David stood in front of her, wanting to avert her gaze but she wasn’t brave enough to as he kneeled in front of her.

    “O-Okay,” Bailey mumbled, knowing full well that she didn’t want to go bald. She had no idea what David was going to do to her hair but she certainly didn’t want him to have to shave her head. Bailey held up a shaky hand when he told her to hold the cut hair, refusing to look up when he held it up as if it was a prized possession.

    Bailey only looked up long enough to throw her hair away, her heart thudding as David talked about dyeing her hair. She wanted to argue with him, she knew she did, but she didn’t dare open her mouth. David hadn’t hurt her yet but she didn’t want to push his buttons and risk angering him.

    Her brows pulled together at the mention of her favourite movie. Bailey has never even seen the Godfather. She gave the tiniest nod of her head, figuring that was what David wanted to do and that she didn’t really have the choice to argue him on it.

    Reluctantly, Bailey took his hand and followed him out of the bathroom. She stopped when they neared the bedroom door, looking up to him with a slight frown. “C-Can I put some clothes on? Please?”
    July 5th, 2019 at 07:35pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    It would be a lie if David said he wasn't excited to watch The Godfather with Lily again. It's been years since they've watched it. He knew that this wasn't his original Lily, no, she was far gone, but. He planned on making this Lily, just as beautiful and perfect as the one who owned his heart. She will become his perfect Little Flower.

    Turning when he heard Lily speak up, David couldn't help but purse his lips. He thought over what she said for a moment before answering her. "No, Lily always liked to relax in a robe at home, she said it let her body breath and that wearing clothes always made her feel trapped and you will now feel that way. Got it?" David said, the last bit a rhetoric question as he really didn't care if she understood or not because she eventually would.

    With that being said and done, David pulled his new Lily out of the bedroom and into the small living room. "Go sit, and don't you dare think about going anywhere else. There's an alarm set, so if you open the front or back door, the alarm will go off." David said as he glanced over towards Lily. "It won't contact the police or anyone, it'll just be really loud and annoying." He told her.

    Then, turning around, David went to the TV that he had and got to work hooking up his DVD player and grabbed the remote as he stood up. "I want you to do your best to memorize the movie, Lily knew every line, word for word." He told her as he walked to the couch and took a seat. His arm moving to rest behind her shoulders.
    July 5th, 2019 at 10:46pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Pulling the robe closer to her body, Bailey felt rather naked. She wished that she could hide further away from David but he seemed rather intent on watching a movie with her. She didn't think that she had any sort of say in the matter because the more he spoke, the more Bailey was realizing no argument that she made could possibly matter. He was telling her how to feel and what to think. Bailey wasn't sure she wanted to know what would happen if she argued further with him.

    Bailey followed David into the living room, her eyes flicking to the front door. She wondered if David had told the truth, were they really in the middle of nowhere? Would she be able to get help? She wondered that if she tried to reach out to someone, if they would even believe her. The chief of police was the one that had kidnapped her, he was someone who stood for justice and protection and... not what was being put on Bailey's shoulders right now.

    Inching toward the couch, Bailey sank onto it. Her head hung as she stared at her lap, pulling her knees up to her chest. She wrapped her arms around her legs, keeping the bottom of the robe pressed to the back of her thighs so there wasn't anything that David could catch a glimpse of. She couldn't cover herself any more than she already was.

    Bailey flinched as David raised his arm and set it behind her. She inched further away from him, until she was pressing herself into the arm on the other side of the couch. She didn't even respond to David's instruction, her eyes still trained on the floor in front of her. She was starting to not feel so good. Bailey wondered if it was just because she was nervous and afraid of what was going on, that was her only logical idea. She hadn't even thought about the drugs that David had snuck into her system.
    July 5th, 2019 at 11:03pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    A flicker of annoyance raised in David as he got no response from Lily. He liked it when she listened to him. Gave him a yes sir or a no sir at least. That was what Lily always gave him, even when she was mad at him. She'd respond with those simple words so that they stayed on speaking terms. No matter how mad they were with each other, he'd respond with a yes ma'am or a no ma'am, and she'd do the vice versa.

    Opening his mouth, David turned his head to look towards Lily and tell her what she needs to say to him but stopped as he noticed that she was starting to slump in her place. A small smile slowly started to pull on his lips. "Good girl." He said quietly. "Relax, breathe." He told her as he reached over and started to slowly run his fingers through her hair. "Breathe, relax. You're home now Lily. I'll make you so happy. I promise."

    Once David was sure that the sedative was really kicking it, which took about another ten minutes or so, he stood up. Turning towards Lily, he leaned over and picked her up gently and moved her so that she was laying down on the couch. Then, he went to the TV and turned the movie off and instead put something else on. A home movie, that was all footage of a young girl about her age and had dark hair.

    "That's Lily Reese, that is who you are now. You are Lily Reese, you are my Little Flower." David said as he looked towards his new Lily that was laying on the couch with no ability to move.

    After a moment, David slowly pulled his plain white shirt off and pushed his pants down. Leaving him in his briefs. Walking towards Lily, David scootched her over a little bit and laid behind her. Then, he pulled her back so that her back was pressed flat against him. His slowly hardening erection pressing easily against her ass. "You are Lily Reese, you are my Little Flower. You are Lily Reese, you are my little flower." He murmured as he slowly slid a hand into her robe. His fingers slowly moved to grasp one of her breasts. Then, he slowly started to tease one of her nipples. At first, he'd just brush his fingers over it, then he gently grabs it between his pointer and thumb and teasingly pulls it and twirl it between the fingers. Then, he'd do the same thing with the other breast.

    "You are Lily Reese, you are my Little Flower." He told her as he kept the movie playing on the TV. Having it repeated a few times as he continued to play with her breasts and repeat the same phrase into her ear.
    July 5th, 2019 at 11:25pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey tensed as David spoke, his fingers running through her hair. She wanted to pull away from him but that seemed like so much effort. She whimpered, closing her eyes as tightly as she could. "P-Plea-" she tried to speak, not able to even form the whole word as David lifted her from the couch. She slumped against his chest, groaning as her laid her down on the couch. Her head rolled to the side, her brows pulling together as David continued to speak. She wasn't Lily, why couldn't he simply understand that?

    Her fingers slowly tightened around the material of her robe, trying to convince her body to move. Bailey let out a small noise of protest when she realize that she couldn't do anything more than watch as David started to undress. Panic flooded through her system as tears pricked the corners of her eyes. "S-Stop," she forced the word out, her breathe catching in the back of her throat as David pushed her to the side and laid down behind her.

    A choked sob fell from her throat as she felt his erection press against her. Goosebumps raised over her skin as David continued to whisper to her, her eyes widening again as his hands started to explore. Please. No. Stop. Pleasestop. The words raced through her mind but she couldn't bring herself to speak, not sure whether it was the fear that had stopped her from being able to speak. A lone tear fell down her cheek as David teased her nipple.

    "N-No," Bailey forced the word out, grimacing as she started to lift her hand. It was taking everything out of her even as she tried to push David's hand away. It was barely even a pressure on his wrist but she was trying, desperate to get David to stop touching her but there was nothing she could do but lay there as he did what he wanted.
    July 5th, 2019 at 11:54pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    It brought a small smile to David's lips as he watched Bailey raising her hand to try and push him away. "You're such a spirited young girl Lily." He said as he pinched her nipple with his nails in retaliation of her trying to push his hand away from her bouncy breasts.

    Then, he slowly obliged her and pulled his hand free from the robe. He gently grabbed the hand that she was using to push him away and bought it to his lips. Kissing each knuckle as he savored the soft skin on her hand. "So sweet and pure." He mumbled against her skin as he moved her hand to rest against her side.

    "Who are you?" David asked as he looked down at her sleepy looking face, taking in the expressions that could show what she was thinking. Then, as he saw the tear on her cheek, David couldn't help but to smile slightly at the sight and lean over to press a small kiss over the tear that was escaping.

    "It's alright. I'm here, you don't need to be so scared. Alright?" David said as he pressed another kiss to her temple. "We are sweethearts, after all, we have an eternity to love each other." He said, then started to hum as he started to place light kissed along her jaw ever so slightly and then made his way down her neck where he'd stop and gently nip. "I'm not going to take you yet Lily, I don't want to get the couch messy. So, once you're a good girl, we'll do all of the stuff you used to enjoy. Alright?"

    After saying that, David slowly pulled away from his new love and moved so that he was on top of her. "That doesn't mean that I can't explore you, refamiliarize myself with you." He said as he sat up after straddling her and undid her robe. Allowing for her whole body to be exposed to him. "You look so soft." He told her as he slowly brought his hands down, running them down her sides before moving them both to her chest. They filled his hands and that fact caused him to grin. "Maybe you are, the perfect size." He said, teasingly as he sent her a wink.
    July 6th, 2019 at 12:09am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey was so, so frustrated with herself as she tried to push David away. She knew that she was trying as hard as she could but it didn't matter, no matter how hard she tried to push David away or try to defend herself, her body seemed to work against her. Whimpering as he kissed her hand. It was revolting, she could feel her disgust rising. She wanted to curl in on herself and hide away from him.

    Blinking hard a few times, Bailey looked up to David as he asked who she was. She swallowed, knowing fully well what answer David wanted. She wasn't a stupid girl but she wasn't Lily! "B-Ba-Bailey," she forced her name out, letting out a breathless sigh as she finished speaking. She gave the tiniest shake of her head that she could as David spoke about how they had forever together, how they could love each other for the rest of their lives.

    The only relief she received was when David said that he wasn't going to take her now. Bailey didn't want him to ever take her. Clamping her eyes shut as David maneuvered them around, Bailey let out a small whimper as he pulled her robe open. She wanted to beg David to stop so badly but every time she opened her mouth to speak, Bailey's energy seemed to disappear. She let out an indignant noise as David cupped her breasts.

    "S-St-Stop," Bailey managed to speak, trying to squirm away from him. She tried as hard as she could to twist away from his touch but all she did was contort her body just enough that she could press her thighs slightly closer together as if it was the only thing she could to protect herself.
    July 6th, 2019 at 12:41am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    All of this squirming and speaking back to him was really starting to get to David. He was alright with her squirming, but each time she spoke back to him, the more he became annoyed and wanted nothing more than to strangle the little bitch until she was blue in the face and not moving anymore.

    Actually, that was a good idea. A dark smirk slowly formed on David's lips as he pulled his hands away from her chest. "You've been a bad girl Lily." David said as he pressed one hand at the side of her head and the other against her throat. "Do you know what happens to bad girls?" He asked as he eyed her for a few moments, daring her to try and speak to him.

    Then, after the few seconds were over, he started to press into her neck. "They get punished." He told her as he started to restrict her breathing. "My Little Flower's been a bad girl, nothing but a thorn in my side." He said as he pressed harder, almost completely stopping all air from being able to get into her lungs. He stayed like that for a few more moments before he allowed for his hand to release her throat for a few seconds before repeating the movement.

    After repeatedly choking her a few times, David stopped and planted the hand that had been choking her at the side of her head. "Now, what is your name?" He asked, his voice deep as he dared her to go against him. Wanting her to try and defy him his right to have her become his beautiful Lily.
    July 6th, 2019 at 12:58am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey's eyes fluttered as David's fingers teased around her throat. Her mind was so fuzzy, she didn't think that there was even a possibility of David choking her. "N-Nnno," she stumbled over the word, wincing as David's grip tightened around her throat. She wheezed, trying to raise her hands to claw at his throat but the most that she could do was try and wrap her fingers around his to even attempt to pull his fingers off of her neck.

    Each time that David let go of her throat, Bailey would drag in a few, sharp breathes before his grip would tighten all over again. bailey let out a dry sob as he let go of her, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as David cradled her head. Her head was swimming as she struggled to breathe, her body slumping forward slightly. She didn't know how she was even supposed to speak, the only thing that she could think about was breathing. It didn't help that her entire body was just so slow to respond, that each breathe seemed to be taking forever.

    Bailey tried to push herself further into the couch cushions, wincing as she tried to find the words that David wanted her to say. She didn't like the idea of saying that but she didn't think she could handle being choked again. Her head was swimming as she opened her mouth to speak. "L-Lily.." she whimpered. "P-Plea... se," she managed to choke out, looking up to him. Her fear and confusion was beyond obvious.

    She knew she was supposed to apologize, she at least hoped it would make David not hurt her like that again. "'M.. 'm so-sosorry," she stumbled over her words, dragging in a ragged breathe.
    July 6th, 2019 at 01:24am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Finally, it seemed like things were finally starting to work out for them. Lily was starting to come around. Slowly, but she was coming around, which was good. Slow and steady won the race after all.

    "Good girl, I knew you'd come around." David said as he leaned down and pressed a small kiss to her lips as a reward. "Say your name again for me my little flower, I want you to say it as loud as you can." David grinned as he stayed hovering above her. Looking her in the eyes as he wated for her to speak. He didn't care how long it took, he wanted her to get that in her mind, she was Lily, Reese and that her whole life was no longer a thing.

    After a few more moments, a small sigh escaped from David. He had them watching that home movie for quite a while now. As well as wasting time by choking her, so it was starting to get a little bit late. Yet, he didn't want to stop here for the night. No, he wanted to take thing a little bit further. He wanted her to really get it through her mind.

    Then, a small idea formed in David's mind as he easily moved to stand up. Leaning over, he picked up the young girl and brought her back to her bedroom. Not caring that her robe fell to the ground as he walked. Then, he set her down on the bed and once again cuffed her to the hook above the bed. "I'll be right back." He told her as he went to get some headphones for her. That way, she could listen to nothing but him telling her that her name was now Lily.
    July 6th, 2019 at 01:50am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey jolted when David leaned down and kissed her but she didn't have the energy to move away from him, as much as she wanted to. She looked up to him, unable to stop her tears from falling as David demanded she speak that name again. She wasn't Lily, she wasn't. Lily! Bailey hated the idea of simply giving in to him but it wasn't hard for her to realize that she had no choice in this situation. "L-Lily..." she trailed off, gasping as David stood and lifted her into his arms suddenly.

    She pouted as the robe fell away from her. Bailey lifted her head to watch it disappear from sight before she was laid back on the bed in the room she remembered waking up in. Lifting her eyes as much as she could, Bailey watched with a small frown as David cuffed her to the book just beyond her pillows. Without the robe and being restrained, she was completely defenseless.

    Bailey closed her eyes, pressing her thighs together as much as possible. She didn't know what David had gone off to grab but she was afraid of what he planned to do to her. He'd already cut her hair and touched her and... just the thought was enough to send a shiver down her spine. Her body slumped and she had nearly fallen asleep because of the drugs in her system. Groaning as hse opened her eyes, Bailey frowned as David produced a pair of headphones.

    "P-Ple..Please," Bailey croaked, not even knowing what she was begging him for at this point. She just didn't want to be hurt again.
    July 6th, 2019 at 02:08am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    "Shh." David shushed Lily, trying to calm her down. Reaching forward, David lightly brushed his knuckled against her cheek. All the while still shushing her to try and get her to calm down the best that he could. He hated that she was crying, it didn't look good on her and it really broke his heart.

    "I'm not going to hurt you," David said as he easily put the headphones on her. Nothing was playing through the headphones yes, so she could still hear him through them. "It's a little early to go to bed, but you look tired." He told her, raising his voice a little bit so that she could hear him through the headphones.

    Then, he reached over to the phone that he had brought with him when he went to get the headphones. David clicked a few things on his phone and then eventually, some voice tracks started to play through the headphones. Repeating her name, Lily Reese, as well as a few other facts about herself.

    The best way to memorize things was often by hearing them repeatedly. Which was why David had done those sort of recordings a while ago. He knew he'd find a way to capture Bailey. He didn't know how, or when, but he knew he was going to have her. Rather he had to go through harder means and drug her to get her to come with him, or offer her a fake job. He knew she was going to become his.

    "I'll see you in the morning," David said, trying to be loud enough for her to hear him. Leaning down, David pressed his lips against hers in a loving kiss. Using his tongue to tease her lips before he pulled away and eyed the, debating to go back in for another taste of her, but he ultimately decided against it as he slowly stood and turned to leave the room. Then, as he turned her light off, David sent her a small smirk before he closed the door, encasing her in pure blackness. With how voice through the headphones being the only thing she'd get as comfort.
    July 6th, 2019 at 03:05am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Briefly, Bailey remembered David's promise to dye her hair after the shower. Maybe he had forgotten... maybe he wouldn't do that at all. She felt an odd sense of relief but she pushed it away, a sinking feeling replaced the relief because she knew that it was useless. While she only really knew David as the chief of police, she only knew him as the man who'd imprisoned her. All because he wanted her to become his Lily, his little flower.

    Bailey closed her eyes as David put the headphones on her. She wanted to turn away from him, she wanted to argue but she didn't dare do it. Her throat was a bit sore from being choked earlier. Each time that she took a breathe, her throat throbbed slightly as a reminder of what David had done to her. What he was capable of. If he was willing to choke her, Bailey didn't want to know what else he'd be ready to do to her.

    Tugging on her hands when the recordings started to play, Bailey frowned as David spoke over the recordings. She didn't really understand what he'd said but it was obvious that he was leaving her alone for the night. Bailey whimpered as David retreated, his little smirk causing her heart to skip a bit. Eventually, Bailey managed to fall asleep despite the recording that was playing. At some point in the middle of the night, Bailey had bumped it off of her head as she twisted and turned in ehr sleep.
    July 6th, 2019 at 03:16am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Waking up was like a habit for David. He usually did morning shifts at work, so when he had the day off he'd usually get up at seven in the morning anyways. Today was no different. After he had left Lily alone in her room, he had grabbed a beer and thought about all of the things that they needed to do. She was close to Lily in appearance, but some things were wrong.

    Take for instance, when she walked, Lily had more of sway to her walk. Whereas Bailey's walk was more straight-backed. That just wasn't acceptable to David, he wanted her to look walk and especially talk like his beautiful flower.

    Which was why, after his morning coffee, that David rushed towards Lily's room and opened the door as quietly as he could? When he saw that she wasn't wearing the headphones though, a deep frown slowly appeared on his lips. It took almost everything in him to not go over to her and start choking her again like last night.

    Moving over towards Lily, David leaned over her and started to gently shake her shoulder to wake her up. "What's your name?" He asked, his voice quiet so that he didn't completely startle the young girl. Depending on how she'd reply would decide on how he reacts. If she replied Lily, then she'd get a good morning kiss. If she replied that god awful name that she had before coming here, then he'd have no choice but to slap the shit out of her.
    July 6th, 2019 at 03:34am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey jerked awake as David shook her shoulder, looking around wildly for a moment. When she realized that the dream hadn't been a dream at all - but that it was reality. That David had kidnapped her and truly had her locked to a bed in his cabin, God only knew where. She was completely naked in front of a man that was nearly old enough to be her father. That thought alone was enough to spark an anger in her.

    Her eyes narrowed as she looked up to him. "I already told you," Bailey hissed through gritted teeth, giving a tug on her wrists despite knowing there was nowhere she could go. "I'm Baile-" she didn't even finish saying her name before David's hand connected with her cheek. She cried out, instantly turning and trying to protect herslef. THe only thing that she was really able to do though was pull her legs up to try to protect her chest.

    "L-Lily," Bailey muttered, letting out a small sob as she tried to push herself away from him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me," she rushed out the words, her body beginning to shake as she closed her eyes. "My name is Lily!" She cried louder this time. It was the only thing that she knew that david wanted to hear from her and she was hopeful that it would help calm David's anger.
    July 6th, 2019 at 03:51am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Everything went red with anger as David heard the beginning of the wrong name. He hated that he had to punish her so brutally, but, it had to be done. She needed to get it through her pretty little head that her name was now and for the rest of her life, be Lily.

    Thankfully, it seemed that she caught on and that he'd not have to punish her two times in a row. "Good girl," David said as he offered her a small smile. "You're catching on quick, girl," David said as he patted her head and then got up without saying a single thing to her as he walked towards the bathroom.

    While he was in the bathroom, David got the things to dye her hair together. The mixing bowl for the dye, the gloves he'd need and something to use to spill on her hair to wash the dye off. "Alright, it looks like my hair salon is open for business," David said as he walked back towards Lily and took the chains off of the wall. He helped Lily up and pushed her towards the bathroom.

    "On your knees in front of the tub." He told her as he grabbed the container he was going to use to wash her hair. "We forgot to do this last night, so we're going to do it before breakfast," David said as he pushed her forward once she was kneeling before the tub. David waited til Lily was leaning over the tub, smirking a little as he pushed her a little further and saw her nipples brushing the cold metal edge of the tub.

    Then, he tore his gaze from the stiffening nubs and turned the water on to a lukewarm setting and started to wash her hair quickly. David stood over Lily, with one leg on each of her sides as he wetted her hair and ran the shampoo through her hair, and dug his nails in a little as he scrubbed her scalp lightly. Then, he rinses her hair for her before he put the gloves on and started to massage the dye into her hair.
    July 6th, 2019 at 04:13am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey was just relieved when David praised her. She didn't necessarily care that she had seemingly made him happy but at least he wasn't hitting her again. That was the only thing that she was thankful for because she was sure that otherwise, she would be crying harder than she already was. Tears welled in her eyes as David spoke about dyeing her hair. She wanted to protest but if her real name angered David so much, she didn't think that she wanted to find out what trying to fight him on something would do. It wasn't like she could really do anything, her hands were restrained above her head and she was completely naked - defenseless against whatever David did to her.

    Her head hung as she inched toward the bathroom, gulping as she lowered herself to the floor. Bailey hung her head, reluctantly leaning over the edge of the tub. She listened to him speak but didn't dare respond to him. She didn't trust her voice, afraid that it would either crack or that she would yell at him and end up getting herself in even more trouble than she already found herself in.

    Gasping as she was forced forward, Bailey raised her arms and was quick to cover her breasts as she arched away from the cool metal of the tub. She shrunk forward, trying to make herself appear as small as possible as David stood behind her. She tried to ignore his touch as much as possible, tears welling in her eyes. Bailey was tired of crying but it seemed like it was the only thing that she had done over the past day.

    She closed her eyes, her nose scrunching at the smell of the dye. The only thing that really gave her relief was that her arms weren't stretched above her head now, her shoulders could relax a bit from the knots in her shoulders. Bailey hated feeling so exposed to David, his touch made her skin crawl. She closed his eyes as tightly as she could, just wishing that she could be anywhere but here.
    July 6th, 2019 at 05:01am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    It was nice that Lily wasn't fighting him on dying her hair. It made things a whole lot easier. "Look at me Lily, I have to get your eyebrows," David said as he pulled his hands away from her hair so that he didn't get anything into her eyes on accident. He waited patiently for her to comply before he held her head still with the clean side of his gloves and started to rub the dye into her eyebrows.

    "Good girl," David said as he finished rubbing the dye in. "Now, we need to let this stuff set in for a little bit." He told her as he backed up a little bit. "Come on, we're going to have some breakfast while we wait." He said as he reached down and grabbed her hand, forcing her to stand and follow him, or face having some arm pain for a few days.

    Next, David pulled Lily out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Ignoring any of her please to have something to wear. "You're going to be getting wet in a little bit, it'd be pointless anyway." He'd say as he pointed towards the kitchen table. "Lily, sit. I'll make us something." He said as he headed into the Kitchen to make them some waffles that he had in the freezer.

    As he put them in the toaster, David glanced behind his shoulder at the young girl. "Stop trying to hide your tits too. I've seen and touched them already." He told her, his tone gruff as he stared at the bouncy mounds that she possessed.
    July 6th, 2019 at 05:22am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey swallowed the lump that formed in her throat when David instructed her to look up. She didn't want to look at him, she didn't want to see him. Her stomach twisted into an uncomfortable knot as she exhaled, reluctantly looking up. She closed her eyes, trying to convince herself to relax as David rubbed the dye into her eyebrows. His praise just made her skin crawl, she wanted to move away from him but there was nowhere to go. David stood behind her and the tub was directly in front of her.

    She took David's hand, doing her best to keep her chest covered as she followed David out of the bathroom. Her head was lowered, frowning as he started to leave the bedroom without so much as giving her a robe to put on her shoulders. "D-David," she stuttered his name, looking around with a small frown. "Can I have my.. robe?" Bailey had a feeling that if she asked for clothes, that it would be be pointless but she hoped that if she asked for her robe, that it might help get her way. Bailey would have preferred something that was a bit more modest but she doubted she could get more out of him.

    Her shoulders sagged as David motioned her toward the kitchen table. She kept her head lowered, inching toward the table where she sat quickly. Bailey wrapped her arms around her chest, wishing nothing more than that she could hide herself away. Being so exposed made her feel dirty. Bailey let out a small sob as David told her to stop covering herself, her grip tightening on her sides. She shook her head frantically, curling in on herself as she lifted her legs up to set her feet on the edge of the chair.

    "I-I'm.. cold," Bailey forced the lie. She was hopeful that if she tried to play David's sympathy, that he might be a bit more reasonable with letting her put some clothes on. She wasn't sure if it would actually matter to him but she hoped it would be enough that he'd at least stop demanding she lower her arms.
    July 6th, 2019 at 11:36pm