remember who i am.

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Just as Bailey mentioned that she was cold, the waffle maker dinged and the waffles popped up. "Then eat something warm. It'll get your mind off of it." David said as he put two waffles on each of their plates. Then, he got to work on pouring some syrup and put some butter on them.

    "Eat, Lily," David said as he placed her plate in front of her and sat down next to her. His eyes were down on the plate as he started to cut into the warm goodness. Then, as he took his first bite of the sweet treat, he glanced over towards Lily. "You better not waste any of that." He warned her as he took another bite. "Money doesn't grow on trees, and those are your favorite anyways. Chocolate chip."

    In his room, David actually had a notebook that was filled with all of the things that Lily liked and didn't like. Her habits and cute little quirks. She was the love of his life, and when he lost her. Well, he wrote everything down so that he didn't forget anything about her.

    "Once we're done eating, that dye should be ready to wash out." David started as he focused down on his food. "Then we're going to start focusing on your walk. You don't walk like My Little Flower. That needs to change." He told her as he raised his eyes and looked at the girl next to him. "You're going to learn quickly, got it?"
    July 7th, 2019 at 05:10am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey could only bring herself to nod her head when David spoke. She wasn't feeling particularly hungry if she was being truthful but she was sure that she would regret it if she didn't eat. She was quiet as she ate, her attention focused on her plate. She leaned forward just enough that she could take small bites of her food, her heart racing at the mention of chocolate chip waffles being her favourite. She just preferred sugar waffles but she wasn't about to mention that. She didn't want to know how he'd react if she tried to argue - like he'd reacted when she said her real name earlier. Her cheek still throbbed slightly from it.

    She nodded again when he mentioned the hair dye before her head snapped up, a frown on her face. Bailey tilted her head to the side slightly, unable to mask her confusion as much as she knew it was probably bad to question him on just about anything. He had already touched her, he'd slapped her, she was sure he was just a step away from hurting her even worse.

    "I-I.. b-but, how? I j-just.. I can't just.. w-walk different?" Bailey stuttered, wincing at just how pathetic she sounded. She knew that she did, she couldn't even say more than a word or two without stumbling over syllables. "'m sorry. Pleas.e.. please don't be mad," Bailey whispered the last part, shying away from David
    July 7th, 2019 at 05:26am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Bringing his last bite to his lips. David looked towards Lily and just arched an eyebrow. "Why would I be mad about that? It's an honest question." He said as he ate his last bite and put his fork down before pushing his plate away a little bit.

    "Practice, it'll be a lot of practice, but it's doable," David said as he grabbed his glass of orange juice and leaned back in his chair a little bit as he started to sip his drink. "You might not be able to get it right in one learning session, but you'll eventually get it with time. It's like riding a bike. You'll make mistakes, but once you get it down, you'll be excited." He told her, shrugging his shoulders like changing something so big about a person was no big deal.

    "Are you done eating?" David asked, changing the topic like it was no big deal. Standing up, David picked up his plate and waited for Lily to give him her plate so that he could take them to the sink. Then, he'd turn towards Lily and motion for her to stand up. "Come on, we got to wash that out of your hair." He told her as he walked forward and put an arm around her waist to walk her back to the bathroom.

    "On your knees in front of the tub again." He told her. Waiting for her to listen before he started getting the water to the right temperature again.
    July 7th, 2019 at 06:00pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey could only bring herself to shrug her shoulders when David asked her a question. She wasn't brave enough to answer him with the truth, afraid of how he'd react if she said she thought he was crazy, that she was incredibly afraid of him. Listening to him, she swallowed as she looked around the room. Anywhere but at David. The idea of trying to change something so fundamental about herself was completely outrageous to her but she would do whatever he told her to, she knew that. What other choice did she have?

    "Yes," Bailey answered David in a quiet voice. She'd eaten most of her plate but then they had started talking and she realized the predicament that she was in and her mind started racing all over again. Her appetite was gone just like that. She flexed her toes, watching them move as David moved around the kitchen.

    She stood hesitantly when David motioned to her, her entire body tensing as David wrapped an arm around her waist. Bailey's breathe hitched and she had to fight against every one of her instincts to pull away from David. He wanted her to be someone that loved him, she knew that. The only thing she felt about him was fear and disgust, about as far from love as she possibly could be. Bailey let out a shaky breathe as she stood in front of the tub, hesitant to even lower herself to her knees in front of David.

    It meant her skin crawl. Bailey felt completely disgusted and small as David started washing the dye out of her hair. Her face scrunched and her eyes were closed as he did so she didn't get anything in her eyes. Bailey's arms were wrapped as tightly around her torso as she could, trying to protect as much of her modesty as she possibly could.

    When David finished with her hair, Bailey forced herself to stand. She pressed herself as close to the tub as she could, wanting to create as much distance between David and herself as possible. "C-Can I.. get dressed now? B-Be-Before we st-start," Bailey stuttered, her head lowered as she tried to force back the wave of sadness that washed over her. She didn't want to be here, she didn't want to be dyeing her hair or learning how to walk 'properly' or anything but she couldn't stop any of it. There was no chance at her stopping David from doing whatever he wanted to.
    July 7th, 2019 at 10:07pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Once he was sure that he had gotten all of the dye out of her hair and eyebrows, David stepped back. A small smile played along his lips as he looked at the wet hair. It looked a little darker than how he would have liked for it to be, but that might be because it was wet. He also hoped that it'd get a bit lighter with time as well.

    "Yes, some clothing should be in the dresser," David said as he walked out of the bedroom with Lily behind him. "Pick something comfortable, then come into the living room." He instructed her as he walked out of the bedroom, leaving the door open. Then, he walked out of the kitchen and turned right where the living room was.

    Walking over towards the TV, David put in a DVD. The coloration of it all screamed old, but on closer expectation, one could easily see that it was a home movie from years ago. It showed a younger David as he pointed the camera at himself. He made a face in the camera, trying to be cool and then he pointed the camera on something else for a while before having it face a girl who was walking towards him. Then, he paused the video on the part where it started to show her.

    "You almost ready?" David asked as he moved to sit down on the couch and held onto the remote. "Stand at the edge of the rug." He instructed Lily once she came into the living room. "Now, pay attention. I want you to see how she walks. I'm going to only show you a few times, but I want you to really focus. Alright?" He didn't wait for her to reply as he started to show her the part where she was walking. Then, he'd rewind the video and show her again. Doing this about three more times before he turned his full attention towards his new Little Flower.

    "Now, you try and mimic her." David motioned for her to walk across the rug in the same fashion as the girl on the screen.
    July 7th, 2019 at 10:53pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey almost cried at the sense of relief that washed over her when David agreed that she could dress. She was quick to move over to the dresser, eager to get dressed. Her eagerness was short lived though because every piece of clothing that she pulled out seemed like it was even more revealing than the last thing she looked at. Her shoulders sagged as she let out a shaky breathe, eventually settling on a pair of shorts and a tank top that hugged her curves. It ended just below her belly button, she wished it was longer but it was the least revealing thing that she had in the dresser. Other things were lace and shorter even than what she wore at the moment.

    Hanging her head, Bailey refused to even look up as she started into the living room. She didn't want to do any of this but just as she was told to, Bailey came to a stop by the edge of the rug. Her toes were just barely on it, her breathe caught in the back of her throat. Bailey exhaled as she looked up, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall as David instructed her to pay attention. She nodded, sniffling as she tried to force back that panic that grew inside of her.

    Bailey watched the video, hardly paying attention until the movie played for the third time. She had wanted to believe that David wasn't actually going to follow through on this but by the second time he rewound the video, Bailey realized he wasn't going to play around with something like this. Squirming, Bailey played with the edges of her shorts.

    Grimacing when David told her to try, Bailey tried to remember what she'd just watched. She slouched slightly, forcing her arms down to her sides as she did her best to walk in the same way the girl on the video had. Her cheeks burned as shame settled on her shoulders. Bailey chewed on the inside of her lip, trying to relax enough that she wasn't as rigid as she was normally.
    July 7th, 2019 at 11:19pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    A small hum escaped from David as he leaned back in his chair. His right hand raising and gently rubbing against his lips as he watched his girl doing as she was told. His eyes scanned her from head to toe. Nodding his head ever so slightly before he scowled. "No." He told her, his hand moving from rubbing his chin to clenching into a fist on the couch.

    "Wrong, all wrong." He told her as he sat up a little bit straighter. "Her shoulders are a little bit higher, and her back isn't as slouched. It's about a half a degree straighter." David said, explaining it to her, hoping that it'd help her out. "Now, try again," He said as he relaxed in his seat once again, motioning for her to continue with her little display for him.

    With narrowed eyes, David watched Lily as she practiced walking correctly. The way her body strained to move correctly. The way that it fought the new way that she was to be moving. The way that it rebelled against her. "Again," David said as he motioned with his hand to walk the way he had explained the other way. "Again." He told her again, wanting her to keep practicing. To get the hang of walking like his true Lily. "What's your name?" He asked as he motioned with her name to keep walking for him. His eyes watching her every movement.

    Then, he stood up, a deep scowl on his face as he had enough of her mess up for the moment. He grabbed her arm and tossed her towards the couch. "You piece of shit, you can't even walk right can you?" He breathed out as he forced her to lean against the couch with her ass in the air. He didn't wait for her to ask him what he was doing or to beg for him to stop. He pulled down her pants and underwear, then he pulled off his belt and folded it. "You do wrong, you get punished." He told her as he whipped her bare ass. "Who are you?" He asked, waiting for her to reply, and when she wasn't fast enough he whipped her again.

    The whip came fast and hard, sure to leave a few whelts behind, but none of them opened skin. "Now pull your pants up and try again. Or do you want to be whipped some more?" His words were a threat, but he wasn't against using it on her again if he had to.
    July 8th, 2019 at 12:29am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey's frown only deepened, her eyes flicking to David when he simply said 'no'. She gulped when she noticed the fist that he'd made. She drew in a shaky breathe, listening intently to his instructions. She gave another nod of her head, chewing on the inside of her lip as she straightened just a bit. It was hard for Bailey to keep her body in the same position because it wasn't natural for her. She'd take a step or two before her body straightened further and she had to think about what she was even supposed to do.

    "Lily," Bailey answered in a tiny voice when David asked what her name was. She frowned as she smoothed down the material of her shirt, forcing her feet in front of her. Her cheeks burned, dread filling her as David stood. She took a small step backward, gasping as David threw her backward. Her eyes widened, pushing herself backward against the couch as David neared her.

    "I-I'm trying!" Bailey cried out, shaking her head as she struggled against David's grip as he pinned her against the couch. She reached back, trying to smack his hand away as she twisted and turned. "Please. I'm sorr-" Bailey's words were lost as David whipped her with the belt. She cried out, flailing slightly. Whimpering, Bailey clutched at the couch beneath her. Her lips were parted as Bailey sobbed, a few tears falling down her cheeks. Humiliation washed over her at the idea of being whipped with David's belt.

    Bailey sniffled at his question, dragging in a deep breathe to answer him. Before she could, David had whipped her again. Yelping, Bailey reached back and tried to cover her ass as she cried into the couch. Frantically shaking her head as she stood, Bailey's entire body was shaking as she pulled up her shorts.

    Her bottom lip wobbled as she sniffled, trying to calm down enough so that she could focus on walking properly. Bailey forced herself to take a few deep breathes as she squared her shoulders a bit more, wincing as she took a step forward. She said a silent prayer that she was walking at least a bit better, her legs shaking slightly as she moved. Bailey stopped on the other side of the rug, her stomach twisted into a firm knot as she stared at the floor in front of him.
    July 8th, 2019 at 12:44am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Not a word escaped from David as he watched the crying mess of a girl get off of the floor and put her shorts back on. His eyes going momentarily to the pink marks on her ass before they were covered. He might have hit her a few too many times, he wasn't sure. It's been a while since he had to whip someone to get them to listen to him.

    As Lily went to her spot at the edge, David sat down where he had just whipped her and watched. His eyes going towards her wobbly legs, then towards her shoulders. A small nod was all he'd give her every now and again. She was putting in an effort at least this time, he could see that. "Again." Was all David would say though, she wasn't ready for any sort of praise. That would come later if he decided to.

    "Again." David had Lily practice her walking a few more times. Wanting to get her to walk through the pain. Wanting to get used to doing the movements naturally. She still didn't have it down, but he feared that she'd be too tired from the whipping to continue moving around for much longer.

    Then, after about ten minutes of having her walking back and forth, David stood up." Alright." He said as he turned towards Lily. "You look like you're in pain, so I'm going to give you a decision." He told her, then held two of his fingers up. "Two options, nothing more." He gave her a look that told her to not push him. "One, you can take your shorts and underwear off and keep practicing. The material looks like it's rubbing your welts and is uncomfortable. Two, we can call it a day on walking and you can go lay down while I apply oitment to your welts to help sooth the sting." He explained, then let the two options sink in for her to decide on what she would prefer. "Choose."
    July 8th, 2019 at 12:58am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey continued to walk the same path, back and forth as she tried to perfect the way that David wanted her to walk. She kept her head lowered, sniffling every now and then as she moved. Clutching her hands in front of her, it got to the point that Bailey would simply turn around and start walking again before David even told her to.

    Her head snapped up when David stood, taking a tiny step backward. Bailey knew there was nowhere for her to run but still, it made her feel the slightest bit better. Chewing on the inside of her lip as she listened to David's offer, she felt her heart sink. Neither sounded like it was something that she wanted a part of but she knew that she didn't want David touching her. The idea of him trying to soothe her after whipping her made her skin crawl. He'd still be looking at her naked bottom half, except he'd be touching her too.

    Exhaling, Bailey reached into the waistband of her short. She figured she didn't need to actually answer him, her actions were enough of an answer. Bailey pushed her shorts and underwear down her legs before she stepped out of them. She kicked them to the side as she stood back up. Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, Bailey held her hands in front of her pussy to shield herself as much as she could.

    Bailey would continue walking as long as she needed to; if it meant that David would simply sit there and watch it. As long as he didn't touch her, Bailey would always choose that option.
    July 8th, 2019 at 01:16am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    As Lily made her choice, a small smirk slowly found it's way onto the lips of the chief. "Good choice." He told her as he sat back in his seat and crossed one leg over the other as he enjoyed the show of Lily stripping down in front of him. An, to be honest, this Lily looked like she had a better body then his original, but he wouldn't voice that out loud of course.

    As Lily started to walk back and forth again, David's eyes watched everything. He watched her every move, making sure that she didn't mess up anymore "Move the hands, Lily. Blocking yourself is hurting your posture." David said after a few moments of watching her walk. She was getting the walk down, but keeping it down will prove to be a problem that they'll have to work to overcome.

    "If you don't want another whipping, move the hands," David said when Lily took to long to do as he asked her. His eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he watched the girl. His temper slowly raising as he waited for her to comply. "Your lips are part of a normal human body, there isn't anything to be ashamed of. Have you ever explored your body before? Do you know how everything works?" He asked, wanting to actually know the answer to his questions.

    "Well?" David asked as he held up a hand, wanting her to stop walking and talk to him. "Are you not comfortable with your body?" He added on, leaning forward and clasping his hands together as he waited for an answer.
    July 8th, 2019 at 01:43am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    The color drained from Bailey's face at David's order, her eyes widening in panic as she looked up to him. Her lips parted as she shook her head, taking a small step away from David. Her eyes dropped to the floor again, David's threat making her whimper. She curled her shoulders inward, trying to shield herself as she moved her hands. They were in front of her thighs but she spread her fingers, still trying to find a way to conceal herself from his gaze.

    Bailey shook her head almost immediately. "N-No," she mumbled, closing her eyes. Her cheeks were a bright red at this point, just talking about touching herself made her feel so dirty. It was taboo, something she'd never even thought about. Bailey nodded at his second question. Well, she couldn't be sure that she knew how everything worked but she thought she did, at least.

    It wasn't until his last question that fear shot through her. Bailey knew the answer to that question but she wasn't so sure she wanted to tell David the truth. Her ass still stung from being whipped but she was afraid the truth would cause him to hurt her all over again. Bailey flinched as David snapped at her for an answer. She whimpered, turning away from him slightly to try and shield herself from David.

    "I don't want... to be looked at," Bailey answered finally, her stomach flip flopping. She took another step away from him, her eyes flicking toward where her bedroom was. Panic had surged through her as she started to run toward the door, just wanting to get away from David. She spun around, moving to swing the door closed. Bailey tensed as David shoved at the door, stopping her from being able to lock the door.

    "Leave me alone!" Bailey cried, shaking her head as she did her best to keep the door closed. Her feet slid against the floor and she let out a small sob. "Please!"
    July 8th, 2019 at 01:56am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    All of the answers that Lily was giving him seemed to be about what he was expecting. She was just as pure and innocent as to when he first met his Lily. She didn't really know anything when they first got together either. They had traveled down the road of sex together, exploring each others body together. High and normal, both were quite fun experiences.

    Although, his anger seemed to levitate to a rather high level as she turned and ran from him. Shooting up from his spot on the couch, David ran towards the room he had given Lily. Slamming into the door like a linebacker and pushing against it.

    It wasn't that hard to push the door open. He probably had a few good pounds on her and he also worked out quite a bit. "You stupid little whore." David seethed out as he moved towards her. His hands clenching into fists as he approached her.

    Then, before she could move anymore, he quickly grabbed her arm and threw her onto the bed. Then, acting quick, he cuffed her wrists to the hook behind the bed. Then, he sat on her legs as he grabbed some rope from her nightstand, having kept things there in case of emergencies. "I wasn't going to do anything, but now I'm going to show you what it's like to really explore." He told her as he hooked her legs to the bed so that she was spread out.

    "You ready Little Flower?"
    July 8th, 2019 at 02:17am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey yelped as David shoved the door open, tumbling backward with the force. She winced as she hit the ground, trying to move away from David as quickly as she could. She'd only moved a few inches before he was upon her. Bailey tried to pull her arm out of his grip, whimpering as he threw her toward the bed. Her eyes widened, her fear evident as David tied her wrists above her head before he produced a piece of rope.

    "N-No! David, please!" Bailey all but shouted. She kicked her legs, trying uselessly to keep him from being able to secure her legs to the bottom corners of the bed. His words sent a chill down her spine and she continued to thrash around, desperate to break free so that she could protect herself but there was no way for her to get free.

    Tears pricked the corners of her eyes and before she even knew it, they were falling. Bailey sobbed as she tried to close her legs, her thighs straining to close more than a few inches. It did nothing to conceal her, the rope was just long enough that it allowed her to straighten her legs but her calves were kept far apart. Sniffling, Bailey shook her head as David moved between her thighs

    "P-Pl-Please! David, please. No, don't touch me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ran. I won't do it again, I swear!" Bailey was shouting the words, trying to keep her voice from cracking long enough that she could speak. She whimpered as she felt his hand on her thigh, jerking away from his touch. "please," she croaked,
    July 8th, 2019 at 02:33am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Every word that left Lily's lips went unanswered as David ignored her. His hands rested on her thighs, feeling her soft skin. Enjoying how flexible she was with her youthful skin elasticity. "So nice to be young, huh?" David said, musing himself as he ran his hands up and down her legs slowly, his thumbs drawing out and rubbing the insides of her thighs as he did so.

    Then he slowly dipped his right hand between her legs as he looked at her. "These are your pussy's lips." He said as he looked at Lily's face as he allowed for two of his fingers to tease the seals to her enchanged shrine. "They tickle when you tease them, don't they?" He asked, waiting for her to answer him. "Don't they?" He pressed, then scowled as he went on.

    "Your chit in here." David said as he kept his gaze on her, not even needing to look down to know he was right. "An if you pinch it like so." He watched her reaction to her teasing her clit. "You'll react just like that. Imagine when it'd feel like if you were completely aroused." He said, smirking as he imagined her moaning his name.

    Then, he moved his pointer finger to his favorite part of the human body. "You know your virgina is here, right?" He asked, making sure she was listening as he played anatomy 101 with her body. "You'll feel tight pressure your first time, but the more you fuck, the more it'll feel good."
    July 8th, 2019 at 03:12am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Please," Bailey wheezed, shaking her head as his fingers brushed against her center. She strained against the ropes, unable to stop the shiver that ran down her spine. She didn't want to react to him but she'd never been touched before. There was nothing she could do to stop her body from reacting. Her mind hated this, sure, but her body welcomed it. Bailey clamped her eyes shut, refusing to answer his question. Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes.

    Her breathe caught in the back of her throat as his finger teased her clit. No. God, please, no. Bailey sobbed, shaking her head. Her fingers stretched toward him as if she could reach David and she could push him away if she just could. She gasped, jerking as David pinched her. Bailey didn't bother trying to quiet her cries because she didn't think she'd be able to, even if she wanted to.

    Shaking her head frantically, Bailey did her best to pull away from him. She moved a few centimeters but she couldn't really get much movement with her arms restrained above her. "D-David, pleas.e Please. d-donooo," Bailey cried, her chest heaving with each breathe that she took. "n-not.. not like this. Please," Bailey begged, hopeful that she could convince him to stop touching her if she played to his sympathy. Bailey didn't know if it would work or not but it was the only thing she could think of that might make him stop.
    July 8th, 2019 at 03:26am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    All of these little sounds that escaped from Lily were conflicting in David's mind. He enjoyed being able to show her what it was like to know one's body, but he also hated that she didn't like it. Maybe he should have drugged her again before trying to show her what it was like to be touched and fool with one's body.

    Pursuing his lips, David contemplated for a moment before he simply stopped what he was doing. Her crying about everything wasn't going to help anyone. Especially with her weakened confidence. "Not like this?" He asked, repeating what she had said to him. His finger lightly teased her entrance as he watched her face. His right eyebrow arching as he watched her for a few moments.

    "How should I do it then? How should I show you that it's not a bad thing to know your body. An that you shouldn't be ashamed of it. You're beautiful you know." David said as he pulled his hand back and rested it on her thigh. "What do you want Lily?" David asked, looking at the girl as he waited to hear what she wanted him to do.
    July 8th, 2019 at 04:25am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey whimpered as his fingers teased against her entrance. She tried helplessly to pull herself away from his touch, looking up to the ceiling above her head. She felt so vulnerable, she just wanted to disappear. Bailey wished that she was back home, that she had never gone to that party and that she'd never taken a drink of alcohol at that party. She wished so many things were different.

    His words made her tense, unease coursing through all over again. Bailey didn't want him showing her any of this again. She regretted running from David because she was left wondering if she had just done as David had told her, if she wouldn't be in this position for them. Clamping her eyes shut, Bailey felt her stomach drop as he looked at her. She could feel his eyes on her and it made her skin crawl.

    "P-Please.. I'm not ready," Bailey tried to reason with David. It seemed like she'd made some sort of progress so it gave her a bit of hope that that would continue. "I'm sorry. 'm sorry, please," Bailey wished she knew what she was supposed to say that would make David happy enough not to keep touching her but she didn't know if there was anything that could make it better. After all - he seemed more than pleased to be touching her young body.
    July 8th, 2019 at 04:43am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    After a few moments, David completely pulled away from the crying mess on the bed. He wasn't doing this to scar the girl for life. No, he was going this to get her comfortable being touched. He wanted her to enjoy it. He wanted her to want it. Crying about it isn't going to help with anything, so. He listened to her and just stopped.

    Pulling his hands away, David put his hands in his lap as he looked at Lily. He didn't say anything for a couple of moments. He just allowed her to cry her eyes out if she pleased. He really didn't care.

    "What is your full name?" David asked as he watched the tears run down her cheeks. Leaning over, David wiped them off of her cheeks. "Who do you love?" David asked, this time asking a question he hadn't asked her yet. He wondered if she'd actually answer him. If she didn't, he'd go back to teasing her folds, if she answered both correctly. Then he'd leave her alone for the rest of the night. It all depends on how she'd respond.
    July 8th, 2019 at 05:01am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Bailey managed to start calming down when David pulled away from her. She was still openly sobbing but it wasn't the sort of sobs that shook her entire body any more. Instead, her chest just rose and fell as she cried. She hiccuped, trying to force herself to calm down. Her heart was still racing so hard she was sure that it was going to beat out of her chest. She flinched as David wiped away her tears, twisting her face away from his touch as if she could go anywhere.

    "L-Lily R-Re-Reese," she stumbled over her words, knowing what name that David wanted to hear. It made her skin crawl, calling herself by a different name entirely. Bailey was catching on though. If she answered David's questions in a way that pleased him, David seemed to be kinder to her. His second question though, she had been completely unprepared for. It sent her reeling as she tried to gather her thoughts.

    "You," Bailey mumbled, wincing at the word that fell from her mouth. She didn't want to pretend to love David but if it made him stop, Bailey thought it was better to lie than to suffer him touching her.
    July 8th, 2019 at 05:43am