Rescue Me

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    01223 / Acoria


    Axel Mcfarlane
    July 24th, 2019 at 08:37pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    Revolutionary Co, leaders in the medical research department. They are the most innovative company out there. They own hospitals, host multiple research conventions as well as charities to help those less unfortunate get the health care that they deserve. That is all on the outside. It's what the normal human population all believes. Thinking that this is the company that will one day save them all. What they don't know though, is that this company has a darker side to it.

    One hundred and forty years ago, Revolutionary Co sent out hunters of the supernatural kind to find something spectacular. A werewolf, surely, with that creatures enhanced speed, strength, and reflexes, they could use that to help the world. Right? Right, The hunter managed to track down a small pack off the coast of Atlanta and catch a few of their members.

    Once the few new test subjects were brought in. The doctors got to work, they took blood samples, urine samples, whatever they could retrieve from their test subjects. They were making medical breakthroughs. They were learning things that they never even imagined would be possible. Then, it happened.

    The stock market crashed. Everyone was becoming broke. People were losing their jobs and Revolutionary Co was on the verge of closing its doors and losing all that it had managed to find.

    That is until a member of their chair board proposed an idea. It was volatile. Selling someone, it was already hard enough that they were using these things as test subjects. It was disgraceful, but, they had to do it. They went through certain channels and found a few people willing to buy one of their test subjects. That was the companies the first taste of real money in a long time and soon. They craved more, especially when they learned that more people wanted younger wolves, ones that would listen to them. That'd act as their protectors. There object of wealth, a perfect pet and a perfect lover if they deemed so as well.

    Today, Revolutionary Co owns around four facilities that house this underground breeding project of theirs. Testing gene quality of their wolves and pairing the best ones together to retrieve the best pups. Nothing but the best is wanted for their clientele. Beauty is praised, as well as good health in their wolves, so they try and keep their gene pools as clean as possible. Of course, the occasional slip up occurs because they want a certain look requested sometimes, but otherwise, the company cherishes their vast wealth that they receive from their wolves.

    With all of that being said, a new breeding pair was just decided upon. A wild male was brought in recently. The doctors had given the okay for him to be breedable since his genes would help keep the gene pools existing clear of diseases. So, they matched his high qualities of strength, appearances, and lack of health issues with a captive-bred female who's just come of age to breed.

    The sound of a cartwheeling down the hall echoed slightly. It's front wheels emitting a loud squeaking sound every so often. The person pushing the cart whistled as they moved along, passing the white walls and grey doors as they went. Only to stop at a door that had 201 on it. Reaching into his pocket, the man grabbed some sort of spray bottle and held a finger over the top. Then, he quickly opened the door and sounded the spray. It emitted a loud louse that'll cause any wolf in the area to become incapacitated for a couple of moments.

    With the inhabitant inside of the room not able to do much, the man who was wheeling the cart opened the door wider before going back to his cart. Opening the bottom of the cart revealed a young girl who seemed to be asleep. She was dressed in barely anything, just a white sports bra and a pair of boy shorts. Being as careful as he could, the man picked up the girl and took her into the room. The man ignored the wolf on the ground as he set the girl on the bed and then left. Locking the door behind himself.
    July 24th, 2019 at 09:24pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Axel had never been as infuriated as he was when one of his closest friends challenged him for the position that he held. Axel would be the alpha when his father passed away, he had been born into it but he had learned well. He had learned what to do, how to lead his people, and he thought that his pack cared greatly for him. They seemed to take his opinion as importantly as his father's. When his father wasn't around, they turned to him as if he was already their alpha. It made him proud to know that he inspired his people and reminded them to fight against the people that were trying to enslave them. That they had to continue fighting against the violent humans that sought to breed them like they were nothing more than animals. Because in a human's eyes, wolves were nothing short of animals that should be controlled and bred and sold and enslaved.

    His friend had challenged him and Axel had taken it, despite how hurt he felt. There wasn't a chance in Hell that Axel could deny the challenge because if he did, then his pack would think him weak. Would think he was a coward that was unable to lead them in times of war. Axel couldn't afford that to happen, couldn't let his reputation crumble like that.

    Axel had won the fight but just barely, unable to even rise to his feet. He was weak and defeated, unable to keep up with them when his pack was attacked by a group of Revolutionary Co soldiers, intent on bringing back any wolves that they could get. His people were angry to lose Axel but as he was dragged back to their facility, Axel found that he was thankful. He didn't want to go but if anyone had to go, Axel was glad it was him. He was going to suffer but at least his people didn't have to also suffer. It was horribly painful, dragged on and it seemed like every waking moment, another test was being performed. Axel didn't know what the purpose of half of them were but he had no choice but to go along with what he was forced into.

    The worst part came when they came around to take him from his cell. The noise that tore through him, that completely incapacitated him. That forced him onto his knees, slumped against whatever surface was closest to him. The mattress, the wall, the floor. Whatever he was close to. It didn't matter.

    Axel's cell door opened and before he could even react, he crumbled to the floor as a small groan sounded from his lips. He felt like he was going to die The pain seemed to course through every fibre of his being. It tore through him and he couldn't even make sense of what was happening in front of him. He paid no mind to the worker that placed a small girl in front of him before leaving the room entirely. His eyes squeezed shut as he bit back a groan, trying to ignore the pain that was working its way through his body.

    Blinking, Axel slowly raised to a sitting position. His breathes came in ragged bursts as his eyes roamed the room, finally settling on the girl on his bed. His eyes narrowed as his nostrils flared.

    "Who are you?" Axel growled, his back stiff as he refused to budge from his spot. he was fixated on the idea of the girl being some form of punishment or a test for him. "Get out," he growled, his nails digging into the ground beneath him.
    July 29th, 2019 at 05:17am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Tranquilization was a common thing for the captive wolves in the facility. From a young age, the wolves were tranquilized to make them easier to deal with. It allowed for them to be transported easily, to run tests on, to perform body exams as well as just about anything that one could think of to do. It just made things for humans safer and put their sick minds at ease.

    This time, it seemed like the sedation that 01223 was given dissipated at the correct time as the soundwave's effect wore off. A small sigh escaped from the young female before she slowly opened her eyes. Her bright green eyes becoming visible as she slowly took in her surroundings. She didn't know where she was, it didn't smell like a room that she had been in before. This was new, this was dangerous. How was she supposed to act?

    A gasp escaped from the young girl as her eyes widened and she quickly shifted her gaze towards the voice she heard. Acting quick, 01223 sat up and scooted as far from the male as she could. Keeping her gaze on the man the whole time as her hands grasped onto the mattress that she was sitting on.

    "M-my number's 01223." 01223 rushed out as the man asked her questions. Her obedience being obvious as she didn't try and dodge any of the things he was asking her. "I-I can't. I'll get in trouble. The masters won't like it if I try and escape. Bad dogs do that, I'm not a bad dog. I'm good." 01223 mumbled the last bit quietly as she lowered her gaze to her bare legs before looking towards the side before she looked around the room that she had woken up in. Her lips moving into a slight frown as she tried to figure out why she had been put into this room instead of back in her room.

    Then, it seemed to hit 01223 like a brick as her eyes widened and cheeks turned a bright pink color. They wanted them to breed, she had just reached the age mark to start breeding and he was supposed to be her first partner. The male who didn't seem the least bit friendly was to be the one who impregnated her for the first time. The mere thought sent a small shiver to roam down her spine. This was too soon, why couldn't they have chosen a more relaxed male to be her first partner.

    Slowly, 01223 ran her tongue over her lips as she tried to calm her nerves. She still fidgetted slightly as she looked towards the male. Her eyes moving downwards each time out of respect for the male in front of her as well as because of her fear. "Um, uh." She mumbled quietly, gulping as she tried to think of how to get more comfortable with the male in front of her. She had no contact with a male that wasn't a master before. So, how was she supposed to react?

    "What's your number?" 01223 asked, figuring that was a safe question since all captive-born wolves had a number to go by.
    July 30th, 2019 at 03:59am