
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Jasper flew around frantically for hours looking for her, although he crashed countless times, until he finally fell to the ground in exhaustion, his wings torn and battered. Fortunately for him, a few guards on patrol found the prince and brought him back to the tree, the healers working quickly to mend his wings and injuries. They easily healed the bruises and scrapes on his body, although the burn was a bit trickier, and after hours of intense magic use they burn was little more than a faint scar, although only time would tell how Jasper's vision was affect, as the man had remained unconscious for the entire healing. His parents were obviously worried, and sent out a few guards to look for Emberly, hoping to find her and have her explain what had happened to their son. But the guards didn't find her that night, and the patrols that were sent out the next day didn't find her either. It was like she'd vanished.
    Meredith smiled and followed him out onto the balcony, taking a seat on the bench as she looked around with wide eyes, watching the petals fall and the wood grow around her. She turned back to him when he was suddenly kneeling in front of her, her eyes widening as she covered her mouth with her hand in shock, nodding quickly. "Of course.. Of course I'll marry you, Leo." She murmured, tears of joy leaking down her cheeks as she looked at him as he slid the ring into her finger. "It's beautiful."
    November 10th, 2019 at 10:00pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Emberly had ended up sleeping in an old nest covered by leaves. When the morning came she looked through the leaves at the sky through the tree. She was aching and hungry. She figured by now she was on her own. Jasper wasn't coming for her. He was angry and had written her off and she couldn't blame him, everything he had believed about her where a child's dream and she just didn't match up with that. Emberly sighed as she sat up and yawned her wings stretching out. She was pretty sure it had been a squirrels nest as she crawled out of it. She sighed and started down the tree. After a while she moved from the base of the tree to the river to get a drink. She washed her face and cleaned up her hair from the twiggs and such. When there was nothing more that could be done she looked around for nuts or flowers that might be edible before she would start her trek back to the tree, or where she assumed the tree was. She was so turned around she could be going the wrong way for all she knew.
    Leo beamed as she agreed and he kissed her deeply. He let the tree return back to itself and grinned. "I will show you more of my form manipulation another time, come on let's get to the library." he said and smiled walking out with her watching as she looked at the ring on her finger. "Do you like it?" he asked her. "We could always make you a different one." he said softly. He just wanted her to be happy here with her life. Leo walked into the library. "The library is huge." he whispered to her. "Just be careful in here if you are alone not to get lost but if you do just shot the librarians will find you even if simply to tell you that you are being to loud." he winked at her and smiled.
    November 10th, 2019 at 11:47pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    When Jasper woke in the morning the first thing he wanted to do was go back out and look for Emberly. However, both his parents and the healers would not let him leave, the healers insisting that he needed to rest. "I don't need to rest, I need to find Emberly!" He shouted angrily at his parents after they explained for what felt like the thousandth time that they had guards searching for her, and that he was supposed to stay at the tree and heal. "I have to find Emberly! She needs me!" He yelled at his parents, attempting to get passed the guards again.

    With a scowl his father used his magic to force his son back into bed, giving him a hard look. "We have people looking for her, Jasper. She will be found, and brought back to the tree. And I'm not so sure if she feels the same way as you, considering what she did to your face and that she's evaded our guards for so long." Jasper frowned up at his father, shoulders slumping as his words sunk in. He stared out the window with a frown while his mother fussed over getting him settled into bed before the was left alone to wallow in his bad mood. Maybe his father was right. She didn't need him. She'd be fine on her own, and once she was safely back at the tree, she could choose whatever she wanted to do to make her happy, whether that was staying here at the tree, or going back to her village.
    Meredith smiled as he began to lead her to the library, admiring her ring as she leaned into his arms as they walked. She shook her head when he asked if she wanted a different one, pressing a loving kiss to his lips. "No, it's perfect, Leo. I love it." She smiled, pressing another kiss to his lips as he led her into the library, looking around in awe. "Woah..." She murmured, giggling a little when he told her to be careful not to get lost. "I'll be careful." She whispered, squeezing his hand as she smiled up at him.
    November 11th, 2019 at 12:02am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Emberly was running from a bird and dived into a little hole. The bird pecked at the hole and Emberly screamed twisting this way and that way to try and avoid the bird. She bumped her head and she cursed finally kicking the bird's beak and it flew off. Emberly lay there her hand on her head as she waited for her breathing to return to normal. She whimpered and closed her eyes. "Jasper." she whispered wishing he was here with her to help her, to sooth her. She missed him and felt terrible about how they left things. Emberly felt legs over her back and she sprang from the hole as a spider crawled out after her and she screamed at how large it was and she started down the tree glad when she was away from the spider. She had never liked spiders but now she was terrified, it didn't help that they where just as big or bigger than her. Emberly sighed as she stated back towards her path through the forest. She wondered if Jasper had come looking for her if at this point he would be able to find her. Emberly moved back to the river and decided to tie a ribbon of her her shirt to a cattail that pointed in the direction she was heading. She bit her lip and rubbed her eyes. "Find me Jasper." she whispered and headed back onto her path with a sigh. she had to be close now right?
    Leo grinned and revealed in Meredith's kisses. He was about to take her to his favorite part of the library when a librarian tapped on his shoulder and he turned to the woman. She whispered to him and he frowned. Leo looked at Meredith and kissed her hands. "Meredith I need to leave you here for a bit. My parents have Jasper under lock down and I need to go see what is going on." he said and kissed her cheek. "This is Reanna. Please stay with her and enjoy the library I will be back for you as soon as I can figure out what is going on." he said and kissed Meredith's cheek.
    November 11th, 2019 at 12:19am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Meredith's smile disappeared as a librarian arrived to speak with Leo, frowning as she watched the two, worrying that perhaps she'd done something wrong, or that something bad had happened elsewhere. She nodded a little when Leo said he had to leave her, squeezing his hands nervously as he explained the situation, worried for his brother. "Alright.. Be safe, ok?" She murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek before reluctantly releasing his hands to let him leave, turning to Reanna once he was gone. "Hello.. I'm Meredith.." She introduced herself nervously, having never met another Fae outside of Leo and his parents.
    When Leo arrived at Jasper's room the Fae was out of bed again, pacing around in front of the window, looking out whenever he heard a noise, as if expecting it to be Emberly. He turned when his brother came in, eyes a bit wide, wings fluttering anxiously as he looked at his brother. "Leo, you have to help me get out of her. I have to find her, she's out there all on her own, she doesn't know how to use her magic, and she can't fly yet. She's in danger, and I have to go find her before something bad happens to her." He explained desperately as he looked at his brother, clearly upset. "Please, you have to help me, Leo.. I... I don't know what I'll do if anything happens to her while I'm just sitting here."
    November 11th, 2019 at 05:17am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Reanna smiled and introduced herself again. "What do you like to read?" she asked softly. Prince Leo had left his princess in her care and to Reanna that meant se was to be the personal escort until he returned to her.
    Leo walked into his brothers room finally and frowned. His brother was frantic and if there wasn't a guard outside the balcony he would have flown off by now. Leo sighed. "Get dressed then Jasper, how are your wings?" he asked. "Will they carry you and her?" he asked. He took a piece of paper writing a quick note for Meredith and then using his form manipulation powers to make it transform into something that could quickly get to Meredith and give her the message that Juniper was missing and he was going with his brother to find her. He was sure Reanna would help her back to her room. H had left her with someone he cold trust, he wouldn't have left otherwise. Leo placed the little creature that would turn back to paper at Meredith's touch, outside the door. He closed the door and waited to make sure his brother was truly ready and prepared. He grabbed a bag putting some salve and pain potions that had been for Leo and Emberly into the bag. They had no idea what they would find but Leo would not leave his brother in his time of need. "What happened Jasper? What did you do?" he asked seeing the scar on his chin that if his brother frew a short beard would cover most of it leaving the tip of the scar showing. Leo walked to the balcony looking out and calling the guard in. "My brother is delusional go and fetch Artemis, We need a potion." he said and once the guard left slipped out with Jasper into the pending dusk.
    At this point Meredith had given up trying to get anywhere and had made a small camp her hands warming to the small fire she had set up. She sighed and closed her eyes. Maybe she should just set up here and call this her new home, learn her magic on her own and how to fight off or scare off larger animals. She could make a little house. It would be a lot of work but if she was going to be here for a long time it would be worth it. As she sat there the very idea of it all made her choke up and start to sob. She hugged her knees as she buried her face.
    November 11th, 2019 at 02:24pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Meredith looked around the library as Reanna asked what she liked to read, looking back at her after a moment. "I've only read a few books before, on medicine and healing.. But I'd like to learn about your history, if I can. Although, I don't know how to read Latin, so I might have to start there." She smiled sheepishly, hoping the librarian didn't think she was a fool. She frowned when she saw the little paper bird flutter over to her, watching as it landed in her hand and transformed back into the note Leo had written. She frowned as she read it over, holding onto it tightly as she grew worried. "Leo's helping his brother look for Emberly, and said I should return to our room.. I'm sorry for troubling you for nothing." She frowned.
    "I got angry and yelled at her.. Said some things I shouldn't have. But then she hit me, which I deserved, but she used her magic, and I didn't expect it, and burned half of my face. I couldn't see to find her, and kept running into things and damaged my wings... My vision is still a little blurry, but I'll be fine." He spoke as he dressed, grabbing the bag Leo prepared for him before heading out onto the balcony with him. "My wings are fine. We have to find her." He said before launching off the balcony, flying quickly through the woods back toward where he'd left her, looking for any sign that she'd been there. When he saw the ribbon tied to the cattail he called Leo over, pointing it out before taking off, hurrying through the branches as he called for Emberly. He nearly brushed the little light at the base of a tree off as his vision playing tricks, but as he grew closer he realized it was a fire, and when he recognized the mess of red hair he dove down as quickly as he could, nearly spraining an ankle as he landed and rushed to Emberly, wrapping her tightly in his arms as he cried in relief. "You're alive. Thank the gods you're alive."
    November 11th, 2019 at 03:23pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Reanna nodded in understanding. "Okay, you you wait just a moment I can send you with some books you might find interesting and helpful." she said and smiled gently. "You where no bother Meredith. Let me make sure you get out of the library fine, do you know your way back to your room from the entrance?" she asked her. Reanna took the books that another Fae brought her hand handed them to Meredith. "Prince Leo is kind and talented you should have no worries." she soothed as she started to show her out of the library. "Although if you need someone to listen I work here most evenings and the other librarians know where to find me if you needed me." she offered knowing it was lonely here.
    Leo sighed as he listened to his brother tell him what happened. "She probably didn't realize she was using magic Jasper. She is very close to her emotions, it will be something you will need to be aware of when speaking with her, and... other things." he said wondering if his brother and Emberly would be able to makeup to get to that point. When Jasper pushed from the balcony into the air Leo followed. They were flying to the river nd he realized she could have gone anywhere. They were flying over the river up to where it seemed it might head back to the tree but it turned and Leo was worried they were going the wrong way when Jasper flew to a cattail. He landed with his brother. She was a determined things and had gotten far on foot. He was looking it over wondering what it meant to have this little piece of fabric on this particular cattail but he turned and just barely got back into the air to keep up with his brother. "Jasper." he called worried about the frantic state his brother was in as the night was setting in. When his brother picked up speed Leo saw the fire too and flew after her. She was so small there in the woods alone and it looked like she was crying as she hugged herself. Leo landed as his brother rushed over and he sighed smiling softly at the reunion. He would have to talk to the captain about how to search for someone lost in the forest. This should have never been an issue.
    Emberly was being dragged up and felt arms around her before she heard Jasper and she clung to him her eyes blinking rapidly. Was it possible? "J-Jasper?" she whispered and whimpered before burying her face in the crook of his neck. She clung to him sobbing. It shouldn't be possible that he was here. He had left her here. When the tears stopped flowing so hard and she didn't hiccup every time she opened her mouth she pulled back to look at his face. "You are here... are you still angry with me?" she asked her tear stained face with smudges of dirt on her cheek looked up at him. Her hair was wild with twigs and her shirt a mess from where she had ribbed fabric to make the signal. She was shaking and looked up at him with tender and vulnerable eyes.
    November 12th, 2019 at 05:07am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Meredith blushed faintly as Reanna said that Leo was talented and that he'd be fine, nodding a little at her reassurance. She smiled when she brought her the books, thanking her softly as they headed back toward the entrance to the library. "I should be able to find my way back. Thank you, Reanna. I'll make sure to return these when I'm finished." She promised before wishing the Fae a good day and returning to her room. She curled up in bed with the books, attempting to read a few, and although they were interesting, she kept getting distracted as she waited for Leo to return, growing more worried the later it got. Eventually she tidied up the room and took a quick bath before dressing for bed, deciding it was probably better to try to get some sleep, although she didn't rest well without Leo around.
    Jasper held Emberly to him, afraid she'd disappear again if he didn't. He shook his head quickly as she asked if he was angry, cupping her cheeks in his hands as he looked the poor girl over, looking for any obvious sign of injury. "No. Never." He promised, pulling her back into a tight hug as he buried his face in her neck, holding her tightly as he worked to calm down. Once he was calm enough to fly he had Leo put out her fire before lifting her into his arms to fly back to the tree, going as quickly as he could. He wanted her back and safe in her room as soon as possible, and even though he hated to admit it, his wings were aching from the strain, and he wanted to rest.
    November 12th, 2019 at 06:33am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Leo followed Jasper back to the tree. When they landed at the tree he went to talk to the guards so they could call of the search for his brother and Emberly. In the morning he would talk to the search parties about how to track more effectively. Jasper yawned as he headed back to his room content that Emberly and Jasper where safe together. They didn't need him to stop by and say goodnight. He went to his room and smiled closing the door softly seeing Meredith in bed. He undressed in the dark and pulled on his pajamas. He slipped into the bed and curled up with Meredith.
    Emberly clung silenly to Jasper the entire way back to the tree. She was slightly off but had made great progress in getting back. Emberly held still feeling the strain in his body it took to carry her. When they set down on her porch to her room and still didn't let go. She needed a bath and food and water and rest but she didn't want to leave Jasper. Not with things had been all this time. She wanted to make up to tell him she cared for him but wasn't in love with him yet and just needed a little longer if he could be patient with her but if he asked her to marry him she would say yes because he was right his parents would have married him off without thoughts of his feelings. Her mother had given up finding anyone long ago but if she had thought someone for a moment would marry her she would have arranged it too. Emberly hadn't thought he wanted her hand unless he had her heart but she didn't know anything anymore. Emberly was still trembling in Jasper's arms. When Emberly pulled back long enough to look at him she noticed the scar that hadn't been there. Had she done that? She shuttered. Of course she had. She was angry when she had struck him and not she started to sob for a different reason. "I am so sorry Jasper." she clung to him shanking hard as she sobbed into his shirt. She had hurt him.
    November 12th, 2019 at 01:41pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Meredith stirred when she heard him enter the room, waking when she felt someone move into bed with her. After a brief moment of panic she realized it was Leo, and she happily curled into his arms, wrapping her own around him tightly. "I was worried about you... It was dark, and I worried you wouldn't find your way back.." she admitted softly, voice barley above a whisper as she shifted closer, resting her hand over his mark.
    Jasper was relieved when they finally returned to the tree, his wings dropping tiredly as he walked with her into her room. He'd planned on setting her down, but it seemed she didn't want to, and that was fine with him. He walked to her bathroom and began to draw a bath for her, knowing a long soak would do her good. He frowned as he heard her begin to cry again, looking down as he gently wiped her tears away. "Don't cry, my love.. It was all my fault, I shouldn't have yelled at you, and said those horrible things. I didn't mean it, really." He sighed, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead
    November 12th, 2019 at 06:10pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Leo smiled as Meredith woke and snuggled into him. "I know this forest very well Meredith. You do not need to worry about me." he said and pressed his hand to hers over his mark. Leo kissed her softly. "Did you at least stay at the library a while instead of come back here alone?" he asked hoping she had spent some time absorbed in a book instead of worrying about him but if he knew her she hadn't, she had come back here to worry.
    Emberly looked up at him as his fingers brushed the tears away. "I didn't mean to hurt you Jasper I was just so angry." she shook her head. "I didn't realize I was using magic." she said and traced her fingers over the scar. The things they could do with magic was amazing. He told her he hadn't meant what he said and she looked at him sad. "Will you give me just a little more time then Jasper? I want to give you my heart not just my hand." she said and sniffled. "I want to love you, not who I thought you were as a child. I want to spend time with you so when people ask me about you I know you, not just that you love me but everything else too." Emberly sniffed and let him set her down but she didn't let go of him.
    November 13th, 2019 at 12:47am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Meredith kissed him back gently, gently letting her fingers brush over his cheek. "No, I came back here... But Reanna gave me some books to take with me, and I tried reading a few, but I couldn't concentrate." She admitted softly, pressing another kiss to his lips as she curled closer. "I don't like it when you're gone.. I feel better when you're around."
    Jasper leaned his head into her touch as she traced over his scar, closing his eyes. "I deserved it, for how I'd treated you." He murmured, pressing a kiss to the inside of her palm before setting her down so that she could bathe. He paused though when she still clung to him, and asked him for more time, nodding as he pulled her into a tight hug. "Of course, Emberly." He murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as he held her close. "You need to bathe and eat and rest. I'll have someone bring you a meal while you're in the tub, and a potion to help you get a good night's sleep."
    November 13th, 2019 at 12:55am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Leo nodded. He smiled softly knowing Reanna had done everything she could to make sure Meredith was take care of. Leo nodded as she said she liked him better near. That could very well be a part of their bonding but it could also just be her preference. He would have to keep an eye out for it. He knew the desire to join their bodies together was getting stronger everyday. He kissed Meredith back and rubbed the back of her arms. "I know my love. I feel better with you around too." he said softly.
    Emberly nodded as he agreed and then instructed her to take care of herself. "Please... won't you stay with me tonight?" she asked. She didn't mean the bath but she meant that he sleep over. She didn't know how she was going to do sleeping tonight and wanted Jasper there in case things went awry. "Just to sleep?" she asked him and bit her lip gently. She knew she needed all he had said but she was afraid to let him out of her sight for long.
    November 13th, 2019 at 01:20am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Meredith smiled softly as he rubbed her arms, resting her head comfortably against his chest with a content sigh as she snuggled closer, closing her eyes. "We should sleep, and then tomorrow we can go back to the library, and we can talk about our wedding, or whatever you want to do." She sighed happily, her hand still resting over his mark as she drifted off to sleep.
    Jasper nodded as she asked him to stay, pressing another kiss to her forehead. "Of course. I need to go to my room to get some things, but I'll be back after, and wait out there while you bathe, alright?" He asked, slowly releasing her once she said that was ok before heading out of her room. He changed into his pajamas once at his room, taking the medicine the healers had given him before returning to Emberly's room once he'd made sure to order dinner for them both. He relaxed on her bed with a tired sigh while he waited for her to finish bathing, dozing off in the meantime.
    November 13th, 2019 at 01:34am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Leo grinned. "I would love that." he said and knew they could talk about plans for the day in the morning and the work he needed to fit into the day as well. Leo kissed her head and listened to her fall asleep before he held her closer and closed his eyes. He was glad he had helped his brother find Emberly he couldn't imagine having been away from Meredith knowing she wa so vulnerable all alone. He fell into a dreamless sleep with Meredith secure in his arms.
    Embelry cleaned up and let herself relax until her face wasn't red anymore. Then she picked out a nightgown and dressed. She brushed her hair out before heading back to her room. She was nearly silent coming back in and was watching Jasper dozing on her bed. She moved over to him and ran her fingers through his hair. His wings weren't shimmering brightly like they normally did. He had really been hurt and it had been her fault. She sat on the edge of the bed as his eyes opened she smiled softly. "Hey you hungry?" she asked noticing yet again he had waited for her to eat. Emberly looked into his eyes wondering if it was the love for her that filtered into them when he saw her or was it disappointment that she wasn't who he had thought she was. Emberly fluttered a kiss over his injured cheek then moved over to the table and sat. She wondered if she was truly the same as he thought she would be when he had listened to her in the forest or if she was different?
    November 13th, 2019 at 04:51am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Meredith slept soundly through the night curled up in his arms, feeling safe and secure. Her dreams were odd, but by the time she woke and saw Leo still asleep next to her she'd forgotten them, smiling sleepily as she stretched out her limbs with a soft groan before curling back up under the blankets, looking around the room curiously. She had so many questions about how things worked in the kingdom, but figured her questions were better left for later, when she could ask Reanna. She did have some questions about marriage and the bond though that she planned on asking Leo about when he woke up, especially considering how anxious she had been when he'd left her. If she couldn't stand to be away from him for a few hours, what would it be like if he had to leave for days?
    Jasper's eyes fluttered open when he felt Emberly sit next to him on the bed, running his hand over his face with a tired sigh, nodding a little when she asked if he was hungry. "Yes.. Sorry for falling asleep, the medicine the healers are having me take makes me tired, always has. But dinner is already at the table, and I brought a couple different potions incase you're feeling unwell." He explained as he stood, smiling a bit as she kissed his cheek. She looked lovely in her nightgown, but he didn't want to say anything, in case she took it the wrong way. Sitting down he dug into his meal, clearly hungry after such a long and stressful day, but he could only imagine how she was feeling after having been lost for days. "I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner. My parents wouldn't let me leave the tree. Leo had to help me sneak out." He explained softly once he'd finished eating, sitting back in his seat while he waited for her to finish, eyes looking her over in concern, making sure she wasn't injured. "Are you sure you're alright? I can have a healer look you over if you're feeling unwell."
    November 13th, 2019 at 06:13am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Leo woke not to much later and blinked looking around for Meredith his smile lifting his lips as he found her. He reached over and ran a hand through her hair. "Good morning my love." he said and sat up. "How did you sleep?" he asked her and stretched out. He ran a hand through his hair and heard the knock at the door grinning. They were spot on as always and he walked over getting breakfast from the door. He took it to the table and set it down stretching again. He sat at the table looking at Meredith. :You where up early this morning." he said.
    Emberly shook her head. "No need to be sorry." she said and bit her lip when he suggested a potion for her as well. She took a long drink of water and then focused back on the food. Jasper apologized again for not finding her sooner and she shook her head."Please don't worry I am fine now." She looked down looking sad. "I had thought... I had thought you were angry with me and left me there... I am relieved to find that is not true." she bit her lip."I only scraped up my knee pretty bad but it's stopped bleeding by now." she said and shook her head. "I am fine Jasper. Thank you though." She knew she would need to tell him of her time in the forest alone but not tonight. Tonight she just wanted to make sure they were okay then sleep. "Tell me what I did to you." she said her eyebrows wrinkling in worry. She hadn't meant to hurt him but now she needed to know what she had done.
    November 13th, 2019 at 02:07pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Meredith smiled as Leo woke, happily kissing him back, humming as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Good morning, Leo. I slept well. And I only woke up a few minutes before you, I wouldn't call that early." She giggled as she sat up, the straps of her nightgown slipping down her shoulders as she stretched, watching him as he got breakfast set up. "Leo?" She asked after a while, blushing as she realized she'd been staring at him again. "Why is it that all I can think about is kissing you?" She blushed brighter at the question, frowning in embarrassment. "I mean, I like it when I kiss you, but it's a bit weird when it's the only thing I can think about... Is that just part of the bond, or being Fae?"
    Jasper frowned when she said she'd scraped her knee, moving out of his seat to kneel by hers, gently taking her leg to inspect the wound. "It's easy for Fae wounds to get infected, especially if they're not at least treated within a few hours." He explained, relieved that the wound was at least clean after Emberly's bath, but the redness around it worried him. He grabbed a container of salve from the table and carefully applied it to the wound before wrapping it in gauze, hoping that by morning the signs of infection would be gone. He still held her leg in his hands when she asked him to tell her what her hit had done to him, keeping his eyes on her bandaged leg as his fingers gently brushed along her calf. "It burned... The healers said half of my face was burned quite badly when the guards found me, and I couldn't see out of my eye. But I still tried to find you, and ended up injuring my wings and the rest of me flying into rocks and trees and bushes trying to find you. The healers fixed everything up though, and except for my sight from that eye being a little blurry and a bit of a scar on my face, I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt, I promise." He reassured her, looking up at her finally.
    November 13th, 2019 at 10:41pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ katahdin
    Leo grinned. He watched her his eyes trailing to the shoulder that the strap fell from. He looked back at her face as she called his name. He listened and smiled moving over to her and rubbed her arms. He looked down into her eyes feeling guilty though he really had no reason to since he had every intention of making this right to Meredith. "It's part of the bonding since we haven't consummated the bond yet it is digging at our souls to try and connect us. It's a dangerous line to walk. We really need to marry and consummate our bond and we will have better control of our bond." he kissed her lightly. "I am sorry Meredith it is my own fault for allowing the bond before you fully understood. It is as much a physical change as it is an emotional decision." he said and soothed her hair back. "You are not alone in your desires Meredith. I want you as badly as you want me." he said hoping it would give her some comfort to know he was in the same situation.
    Emberly blushed as Jasper came over to her and looked at her knee. She felt his hands on the tender skin behind her knee and leg and it made her shiver. She closed her eyes trying not to move afraid of her own reaction. She knew she tended to be more drawn to lust before she was love but it was important to her that she not do that to Jasper. He explained about Fae wounds and when he stopped moving she opened her eyes looking down at him with clouded eyes. When he told her what she had done injuring him she felt the tears welling up behind her eyes again and she blinked it away not wanting to worry Jasper. When he looked up at her promising she ran her hands into his hair. "I still hurt you Jasper and your parents I am sure will ask about what happened and admitting that I ruined their son's sight and scared his face is not the way I wanted to introduce myself to them, or my abilities. I wanted to show them I could make a good queen when it came time for that." she said and pushed his hair back her forehead moving down to his and running her hands down his back.
    November 14th, 2019 at 03:43am