The Wicked Horse

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Raising her head, Sky looked at Damien in confusion. Not sure what he was talking about. "Uh um. yes sir?" She asked quietly, hoping that was what he wanted to hear from her. Then, she looked back down at her food and tried to focus on it instead. Pancakes were one of her favorite things to eat. Whenever she got into a argument with her father, he used to make them for her to cheer her up or she'd do the same for him. Although, she never got how his always seemed to taste so much better.

    When Damien started to touch her once more, it was a reflex for Sky to freeze. Her whole body tensing as she felt her nerves telling her to push him away. That she didn't want that again. Even though it felt really good Her bright green eyes raised and looked towards Damien as he spoke. Her bottom lip quivering slightly as she did her best to not let him know how uncomfortable she was feeling at the moment. So, with all it took inside of Sky. She just nodded her answer to him. Then looked back to her plate as she tried to relax her body under his touch.

    Sky did her best to ignore Damien as she focused on her food. Finishing it slowly so that she could savor the sweet taste of the syrup that was on her pancakes. Then, she glanced towards the milk when it was mentioned and frowned a little. The only real emotion she's shown besides her fear and confusion. She hated milk, she usually had to have chocolate or strawberry milk if she was going to drink the stuff. "Can't I have orange juice instead?" She asked quietly, voicing her thoughts on the matter instead of thinking them like she meant to.

    It took a moment for Sky to realize what she had said and quickly tried to patch things up. Shutting her eyes tightly, Sky reached forward and grabbed the milk. She shivered at the bland taste and did her best to chug the gross white stuff, not noticing that a few drops slid out of the side of her mouth as she drank. Then, once it was gone. Sky took in some deep breaths through her mouth and sighed as she set the now empty glass down onto the table.
    December 28th, 2019 at 12:33am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien scowled when Sky asked for orange juice instead. He shook his head immediately, his eyes narrowing. "No. I poured you milk, that is what you will have. You need to drink milk so you can grow big and strong, princess. Do I really need to teach you that, too?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow. He sighed as he shook his head, watching as Sky decided it was the best option just to drink the milk. She was right - she definitely didn't want him to grab a bottle and force her to drink it, did she? He would but if he could get her to do things willingly for a bit, Damien knew the rest would be easier.

    He sighed as he noticed the milk that had slid out of her mouth. Damien shook his head as he stood, pushing his stool out of the way. He grabbed her wrist, pulling her toward the kitchen sink. "Come here, princess. Daddy'll clean you up and then we can go brush those teeth and you can go to bed. How does that sound?" He suggested. He reached out, grabbed a paper towel. Wetting it a bit, Damien wiped off her chin before stepping back to inspect his work. Damien smiled proudly when he decided that it was good.

    "Come on. Let's go," he encouraged her as he led her up the stairs, making sure to hold her hand. Damien glanced over to her before nodding toward the main bathroom that she used. "Grab your toothbrush and meet me in my bathroom. Okay?" Damien spoke, deciding he would give her a chance to behave and do as she was told.

    Damien turned, heading into his room and then over into his bathroom. He started brushing his teeth while he waited for Sky to join him. If she hadn't joined him by the time he finished, he was going to go find her and she wouldn't like what happened.
    December 28th, 2019 at 02:31am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    When Damien grabbed onto her wrist, Sky couldn't help but flinch slightly. Scared that he was going to hit her or something, but then a look of confusion came across her face. "Daddy?" She mimicked, not sure if she had heard him correctly. What was Damien getting at? Sky stopped walking when they neared the sink and watched with confusion as he wetted a towel and started to wipe her mouth without even saying anything.

    Once he was done, Sky blinked at him in confusion. She really had no idea what he was doing. She followed him up the stairs and frowned slightly as he held her hand like she was a little kid. "Okay." She said quietly when he told her to grab her brush. Sky watched Damien for a couple of moments, waiting for him to disappear into his room before going to the bathroom.

    Having drank that whole glass of milk, Sky's bladder was feeling a little full, plus milk sometimes ran through her so she really had to pee. So, after doing her business and washing her hands Sky grabbed her toothbrush and headed towards Damien's room. "Damien?" Sky called out quietly before walking into his room. Truthfully she had never been in his room before, so this was new to her. Slowly, turning to her right, she walked towards where she supposed the bathroom was and pushed the door open a little bit to reveal the older man.

    "I'm here." She said quietly as she walked towards the sink to brush her teeth.
    December 28th, 2019 at 02:58am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien looked up when he heard his name, offering Sky a gentle smile when she appeared in the doorway to his bathroom. He was admittedly a bit surprised when she showed up of her own accord but that was a good thing. It meant that she was at least able to listen to what she was told, a bit. Damien didn't want to have to start from square one on training her to do basic things if he didn't have to. Though, he mused that Sky learning she couldn't do things for herself would certainly be something new that she would have to adjust to.

    Rinsing out his mouth, Damien turned toward Sky. He motioned toward the counter before he patted it with his hand. "Come on, sit," he instructed her. When he realized she was just a bit too short for her to be able to get up there on his own, Damien was admittedly quite relieved. He lifted her up before he turned to wet her toothbrush and squeeze a bit of toothpaste onto it.

    When he turned back to Sky, he wasn't the least bit surprised by the look on her face. "Open your mouth, Sky. I need to brush your teeth," he spoke, setting his hand on her thigh. Damien squeezed a bit, as a warning that she needed to do as she was told. "Don't make me repeat myself. I don't like that and you know that, princess."
    December 28th, 2019 at 03:25am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    It was a bit confusing to Sky that Damien wanted her to sit on the counter. Still though, she listened and moved forward to hop onto the counter. She may only be four foot eight, but she was still able to hop onto things. An she was more then ready to do that, when Damien helped her onto the counter like a child. Which in turn caused a small pout to appear on her lips. She did not like being treated like a kid. Especially after what they had just done together.

    When he told her to open her mouth, Sky's pout turned into a frown. She wasn't sure that she liked where this was going. "I am more then capable to brush my own teeth Damien." Sky said as she reached out to grab her toothbrush back from the older man. Her lips turning into a small frown as it was taken out of her reach. She didn't pay any attention to the hand that was on her thigh. She didn't care at the moment. She was a big girl, she could do this on her own.

    "I can brush my teeth on my own you know. I've been doing do for years." She said, sarcasm in her words as she stopped trying to reach for her brush and crossed her arms over her chest. An annoyed look on her face since she couldn't grab her toothbrush from Damien.
    December 28th, 2019 at 03:34am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien's face morphed from a kind, gentle smile into an unforgiving scowl that would have normally caused Sky to realize her mistake. And it was still quite likely that she had realized it by now but frankly, with the way she tried to continue arguing with him, Damien didn't care one way or another what her opinion was. She was going to have to learn that listening to him was very important. He shook his head, his eyes narrowing as he reached up to grip her chin.

    His grip tightening, it became obvious that his temper was spiking. "No, Sky. You are not big enough to brush your teeth. Do you understand or do I need to repeat myself again?" He demanded, scowling as he glared down at her. "Daddy doesn't like repeating himself, Sky," he snapped, trying to reign in his temper but he couldn't seem to.

    When Sky still refused to open her mouth, Damien let out an angry sounding sigh. He shook his head as he let go of her chin. Instead, he slapped her, giving her a stern look. "Do I need to punish you? Again?" He asked with a huff. "Because I wanted us to be able to go to bed and relax together. Why do you have to make everything so difficult, princess?"
    December 28th, 2019 at 05:09am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    A surprised look appeared on Sky's face as her head turned to the side from the slap. She's never been slapped before. Not by her dad, not by anyone in school, hell Damien never even slapped her when she annoyed him. Until now that is. The prickly feeling of the slap started to surface as the shock of being slapped slowly evaporated and tears started to prick at the corner of her eyes.

    "Ow." She mumbled quietly, allowing for a small sniffle to escape from her as her bright green eyes lowered. "Sorry." She mumbled, even though she didn't know why she had apologized in the first place. Damien was the one who was being weird. "I-I'll be good." She mumbled quietly and then closed her eyes as she tilted her head back a little bit as she opened her mouth so that he could brush her teeth for her.

    This whole thing felt weird to Sky. Damien called himself her daddy again, and he was acting weird. She wondered if he had drunk something weird or maybe smoked something when she wasn't looking. Hopefully, this will be all over once morning came. As Damien finished brushing her teeth for her, Sky reached over for the glass of water on the counter so that she could rinse her mouth out. Then stopped and glanced towards Damien. "Can, can I rinse my mouth out?" She asked quietly, hoping that she wouldn't have to taste the minty foam in her mouth for much longer.
    December 28th, 2019 at 05:25am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien didn't want to have to punish Sky for any reason but there was no way in hell that he was going to let her disrespect him continuously. It had been one thing when they were just uncle and niece but now there was so much more between them. He would hold her accountable for any and everything that she did wrong. Sky needed to learn sooner rather than later that Damien was the one in charge. What he said, went. There was no getting around that.

    His features softened when Sky decided it was best to obey what he had told her to do. That was more like it. It made him far more happy, being able to care for her. Show her that she didn't have to be so nervous or afraid or have to think about adult things. She didn't have to make decisions or control things. She could just be happy and to be cared for, loved in the way she should be. Damien hummed to himself as he brushed her teeth, pulling away once he was satisfied.

    Damien nodded when she asked if she could rinse her mouth out. "Good girl. Make sure you don't swallow any of it, it'll upset your tummy and we don't want that, do we?" He teased softly. Once he was satisfied that they were both ready for bed, Damien reached forward to help her off of the counter. "Let's go to sleep now. How's that sound?"
    December 29th, 2019 at 03:48am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    It was the weirdest thing to have someone else brushing her teeth for her. She wasn't sure if she liked having Damien do that, or not. It was late though, so she didn't want to dwell on that too much. So once she got the okay to rinse her mouth out, Sky took the chance and did so. She filled her mouth with the water and swished it around a couple of times before she was satisfied that it was alright.

    "I know better then to swallow it." Sky said quietly as she accepted the help off of the counter. "That sounds good but." Sky stopped speaking for a moment as she hesitated on saying what she wanted to know. "You, you don't mean for me to sleep in here with you, do you?" She asked quietly. A little iffy about sharing the bed with the man who had just taken advantage of her and was now treating her like a little child.

    Slowly, Sky looked down to her bare feet and shifted back and forth nervously. "It's just, cooler in my room and easier for me to sleep." Sky clearified for Damien, incase he got mad that she didn't want to sleep in here with him. "Plus, I have my glass of water next to my bed already." She mumbled, blushing a little at the fact that she still slept with a glass of water next to her bed incase she woke up and was thirsty. It also gave her something to focus on if she had a bad dream or was just to warm that night.
    December 29th, 2019 at 04:03am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    A little grin settled on Damien's features as he shook his head. He leaned forward, kissing Sky's forehead before he relaxed back. "Of course I mean for you to sleep in here with me. How else will I know if you wake up and need me?" He asked, nearly sounding confused. He knew he was just playing with her but he would manipulate her in whatever way that he needed to. He would have a little girl of his own and he knew that Sky would love it, once she was comfortable in her position.

    Damien's hand settled on Sky's lower back as he led her out of the room, nodding toward his bed. "I'll grab your glass of water. And I'll turn down the thermostat. You get settled into bed, princess," he encouraged her. He nodded toward the bed before turning, heading out of the room and over to Sky's. He grabbed her glass of water before returning to his room, running his tongue over his bottom lip as he studied her form.

    Once he set her glass on the nightstand on her side of the bed, Damien moved to climb under the covers. He reached out, sliding his arm beneath her shoulders so he could pull Sky flush against his side. He stared to run his fingers through her hair, already beginning to relax. "Good girl. Just relax and go to sleep," He praised, kissing the side of her head.
    December 29th, 2019 at 10:01pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    This whole thing was confusing to her so Sky had nothing else to say to Damien. She couldn't win any argument. He had a rely for everything she said. So, when he told her to go lay in the bed, she listened. Getting under the covers and having her back facing the way that he would be laying, not wanting to see him in the least bit.

    Closing her eyes, Sky willed herself to forget everything. To pretend that Damien hadn't just taken advantage of her in the living room, that he wasn't treating her like a little kid. That he wasn't calling himself Daddy or being weird in other ways. It almost worked too, until she felt the bed shift and Damien pulling her to his side, causing her to roll onto her back slightly and have her body curling towards his.

    Sky's eyes opened and widened a little in surprise and a bit of fear. Although, with his words and his actions, she willed herself to listen. Closing her eyes as she tried to sleep. A surprisingly, sleep came pretty quick.

    The next morning, Sky let out a small sigh as she felt herself waking up. Her legs stretched out and she opened her mouth in a yawn. She slept pretty deeply and it felt refreshing. So slowly, she popped her eyes open ever so slightly as she readied herself for the day. Only to widen then and jump as she realized that she was using Damien's shoulder as a pillow and that she was curled against him.
    December 30th, 2019 at 02:03am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien was relieved when Sky fell asleep in hardly any time at all. It gave him hope that she would listen to him and start to love what he wanted from her. It wasn't like he wanted to do this to hurt her. All he wanted to do was care for her and show her proper love. He didn't want her having to worry about the stresses of adulthood when she was with him. Just the thought warmed his heart. Continuing to play with her hair as she drifted off to sleep, it wasn't long before he fell asleep.

    He woke a bit before Sky but he was content to lay in bed with her, playing with her hair and enjoying the time he had with her in his arms. He knew that today was going to be hard because he knew when she woke and started to figure out what he wanted from her, she was probably going to be uncomfortable. Maybe even angry. Damien wondered if he eased her into it that she would be a bit more open to it. Either way, it was happening. Whether Sky wanted it to or not.

    When Sky started to wake, Damien met her with a brilliant smile. "Morning, princess," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead. He moved to sit up, looking down at her with a smile. "What do you want for breakfast? You want cereal? Or oatmeal? Or do you want some hashbrowns with bacon?" He offered, tilting his head to the side. "But you have to make sure you have some milk, remember," he said.

    Damien pushed the covers off of him and he was qucik to stand, reaching out to scoop Sky up in his arms. He turned to carry her downstairs, not so much as giving her the option to walk down herself.
    December 30th, 2019 at 03:27am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    The bright mood that Damien was in really threw Sky off. She couldn't pin point if he was trying to act like his usual self or if whatever he had taken last night was still in his system or something. "Uh, morning." She said quietly. Then she raised a hand to rub her still tired eyes as she watched Damien's movements warily. He never really was a morning person before so the fact that he was now, confused Sky.

    "Um, hashbrowns and bacon sound good to me." Sky said quietly, and a little quick because that was one of her favorite things to have in the morning besides her pancakes. Then, a small frown appeared on her lips at the mention of milk, but didn't argue. At least, not yet. She'll have a say if he makes her drink the damn stuff at dinner as well.

    Moving her arms, Sky was about to stand up when Damien picked her up so easily. "I-I can walk." Sky said quietly as she moved to hold onto Damien's shirt as he carried her towards the Kitchen. "Please put me down." Sky mumbled quietly, a light blush appearing on her cheeks. She didn't like being held, it made her feel even smaller then how she actually was.
    December 30th, 2019 at 03:45am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien's face dropped when Sky started to protest being carried down to the kitchen. He let out a disappointed sigh as he shook his head, looking down to her. "Princess, you're too small to walk on your own. But it's okay. Daddy's here and he's going to take good care of you. Just like he promised you he would," he reassured her, keeping his tone light despite the frustration he was beginning to feel. he wanted to give her another chance before he lashed out at her. After all, she still had a lot to learn.

    He only set her down on one of the stools in the kitchen once they were inside but he didn't move away from her. "I'm going to get you some milk and I expect you to drink it. After you finish it, you can have a glass of whatever you want. Juice or water, no soda," he added with a firm nod of his head. He wasn't going to let her drink something that was so bad for her.

    Damien stepped around the counter and reached into the back of his glass cabinet where he pulled out a bottle. he didn't bother looking at her for her reaction as he stepped over to the fridge to fill it with cold milk. Turning back around to her, Damien gave her a gentle smile as he set it down. "Drink, princess. Please? For me."
    December 30th, 2019 at 04:09am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Pursing her lips together, Sky gave up. She couldn't take it. She just wouldn't win. So, instead of saying anything else to him she just turned her head away from him and allowed for him to take her to the kitchen. She was beginning to seriously think he was on something, maybe last night he had hurt his head or something?

    Once in the Kitchen, Sky felt a sense of relief wash over her as she was set down on the stool. A blank look was all she gave him when he told her that she had to drink the damn milk once more. Her bright green eyes moved with him as he walked around to where he kept the glasses. Her mouth turning into a frown and slightly parting as she saw the bottle. "Uh." She mumbled quietly as she watched Damien walk around the kitchen with a baby bottle.

    "Thank you?" Sky said quietly as she eyed the bottle that he set in front of her. She looked between Damien and the bottle for a couple of moments before slowly reaching out and taking the bottle. She glanced at Damien once more before she brought the nipple to her mouth and started to drink the milk that was inside of the bottle. Her eyes closing as she had to suck on the thing to get the liquid out of it, acting like a real baby which was freaking embarrassing.

    Once done, Sky let out a long sigh because she had chugged the gross ass milk and set the bottle onto the table. "Now can I have some orange juice?" She asked as she looked to Damien, hoping that he'd allow her to have something to get the gross taste of milk out of her mouth.
    December 30th, 2019 at 04:21am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien started to pull the bacon and hashbrowns out of the freezer. He glanced over his shoulder, a smile settling on his features when he noticed that Sky had taken the bottle without complaining about it. He was surprised to say the least but relieved because if she took the bottle, would she continue to be open to what he was going to be introducing to her today? Damien turned away from her and started to heat up oil in a frying pan for the hashbrowns.

    He looked up when she spoke, raising an eyebrow when she asked for juice. "Did you finish all of your milk like a big girl?" Damien asked, reaching forward to pick up the bottle. He shook it and was seemingly satisfied that she had. He turned away from her to rinse the bottle out before deciding to add the orange juice to the bottle. Damien turned back to her with a smile, holding it out to her.

    "What do you say?" Damien asked, raising an eyebrow. When Sky thanked him, Damien nodded before he took a step closer to the breakfast bar. "Thank you, Daddy," he reminded her gently. He leaned down long enough to kiss the top of her head before returning to the stove. He poured the hashbrowns into the pan before he grabbed another frying pan to heat it for the bacon.

    "Do you want caramelized bacon or just regular?" Damien called, glancing over to her. He could make either but he would leave it up to her. He hoped that if he offered her a nice breakfast that she would be open when he presented her with the room that he had always kept locked, whenever Sky visited. She had always asked about it but he always skirted around the truth, like he had with his work.
    December 30th, 2019 at 04:38am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    This was beginning to be too much. First, he wanted to brush her teeth for her. Then, he had to carry her to the damn kitchen and now he wanted her to drink from a baby bottle and call him daddy? What the hell was going on? This little game was really getting out of hand it seemed. "Normal bacon." Sky said quietly, not looking towards her slowly going crazy uncle as she unscrewed the top of the baby bottle and started to drink from the bottle like it was glass instead of a bottle.

    When she lowered the bottle, Sky froze. Having been caught red-handed drinking like a normal person, she didn't know what to do. He'd get bad at her, wouldn't he? Wait, why was she worried about what he would think? Glancing between Damien and the bottle, and then back again, Sky gulped nervously. "Uh, it was clogged." She lied, her voice quiet as she spoke. "I think some of the plastic on the drinking part came off and plugged it." Sky slowly set the bottle onto the counter and pushed the bottle away from her and towards where Damien was.

    Then, Sky looked down nervously, not sure if her little lie would of gotten her in more trouble or not with Damien. An why she would even care if the first place, she didn't really know. An she was to scared to ask him. "Sorry, Damien," Sky mumbled quietly.
    December 30th, 2019 at 04:51am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien had just set bacon down in the pan and stirred the hashbrown when he turned to ask Sky if she wanted eggs with breakfast. What he saw completely distracted him though because he watched Sky drink from the bottle without the nipple attached. His face dropped, a deep scowl forming on his features as he took a step forward. He shook his head at the lie she told, his eyes narrowing. Sky must have forgotten he'd known her since she was a baby. She couldn't lie to him, he'd know the moment that she tried to.

    He sighed as he shook his head, reaching up to rub his eyes for a moment before he dropped his hand. "First you do something you know you're not supposed to and then you can't even refer to me properly? Baby girl, I'm disappointed in you," he chastised her. he stepped over to her and picked up the bottle, glaring at her as he reattached the nipple.

    "But i don't want you to worry. We'll eat first before we deal with your punishment," Damien said as he turned away from her. He, seeing that the food was done. He plated it for both of them, lifting out a plate that had separate areas for all of the food. Damien gave her this plate, pulling out a baby fork to hand to her. "Don't want you hurting yourself with a big fork now do we, princess?" He asked as he took a bite of his hasbrowns.
    December 30th, 2019 at 05:19am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    It felt like time had stopped as Damien walked towards her. Sky's eyes widened as she felt herself momentarily stop breathing. What was Damien going to do again? Choke her? Slap her again? Sky gulped as she waited for either of them to happen. So when he just glared at her and put the nipple back on, Sky felt utterly confused. He didn't hurt her? He just chastised her. Was this some sort of mind game?

    Then there it was. The threat of her punishment. "Kay." Sky said quietly. Deflating completely because she had no idea what was going on. Damien was acting so weird. She took the baby fork and the plate and started to eat. The pictures of paw patrol characters looking back at her as she ate. Feeling utterly humiliated having to use such childish things. Sky glanced up towards Damien for a moment before looking away as she grabbed the bottle again and finished her juice.

    Once Sky was done, She put her fork down. Normally she'd go and wash her dishes and put them on the drying rack, but not now. She was too nervous to try and get up. So instead, she just sat on her stool and looked out the kitchen window as she waited for Damien to finish so that they could move on from this huge stew of embarrassment.
    December 30th, 2019 at 05:28am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien finished up his food, standing quickly. He smiled at Sky, reaching out to take her plate and form from her. He turned away from her, rinsing off the dishes before setting them in the sink. He could leave them for now and come back to them to finish cleaning them fully. He cleared his throat as he turned back to her, raising an eyebrow. "Now. Have you thought about apologizing to Daddy for lying? For being so disrespectful?" He asked, leaning against the edge of the counter opposite of Sky.

    He was quiet, giving her a moment to consider before deciding that Sky was taking too long. She probably wasn't really apologetic and he certainly wasn't going to take a half-assed apology that wasn't genuine. Damien let out a sigh as he moved around the corner, coming to a stop in front of her. "Come here, princess," he said, reaching out to pick up Sky. He set her on his hip, carrying her toward the stairs.

    "I'm only going to explain this once, princess. Do not make me repeat myself," he said, pausing in front of her nursery room door. "I expect you to love and respect me in this room. If you're mean or you do anything I don't like, you will be punished. If you listen to me and behave... it won't be an issue. Okay?" He asked, looking down at her with an encouraging smile. "Are you ready, princess?"
    December 30th, 2019 at 10:44pm