The Wicked Horse

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    A small sigh escaped from Sky as she was told that she was to sleep in the crib. The thing didn't look comfortable in the least bit, and when he set her in it. Her suspicions were correct. The thing wasn't comfortable, not to mention it made her feel even more like a baby. Which she hated because she knew that she wasn't.

    "I won't hurt myself laying in a normal bed, Damien," Sky mumbled as she watched him walk out of the room to get the cloth for her eyes. Crossing her arms over her chest, Sky huffed. She just couldn't find a way to argue with him on anything. This was all so freaking stupid. She wanted to stop this, she needed to find a way to stop this. So, the question now is how to get this to end. Slowly, an idea started to form in Sky's head. She'll play along, get on Damien's good side. Surely he'd reward her for being good more since he gave her the sippy cup instead of that bottle. Right? Surely, he'd give up if she made it boring by listening to him all the time.

    So, trying to stick with her plan, Sky let Damien wipe her eyes for her when he came back with the cloth. It really did feel good on her eyes. An when he told her to hold it, she did. "Thank you." She mumbled quietly.

    Slowly drifting to sleep, Sky jumped a little in surprise as she felt something plastic brushing against her lips. Then, as she heard Damien's voice, Sky removed the cloth from her eyes a little to see what he was trying to force her to take. She relaxed as she realized it was just a pacifier. Sky took the paci without any fuss and put the warm cloth back on her eyes. Letting out a small sigh as she turned to her side and started to fall asleep. Sucking on the pacifier that was in her mouth as she tried to act cute to make Damien happy.
    December 31st, 2019 at 10:19pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien smoothed down Sky's hair one more time, his eyes sweeping over her form. "You're so beautiful, princess," he murmured softly. He smiled before turning around, heading out of the room. He closed the door, pulling out his phone as he started down the stairs. He pulled up the app on his phone, watching Sky in her crib. His smile only grew as he watched her, feeling his heart bursting with joy. It was so nice to finally have what he craved for and it was with who he wanted it to be, which was the most important thing to him.

    He decided to clean up the kitchen, not wanting to take up too much attention away from Sky when she finally did wake up. He decided he was going to give her a bit of extra time to sleep giving what she had dealt with. Once he was finished, Damien dropped down on the couch and stretched out, emitting a low groan of his own. Truth be told, he was feeling quite tired himself. He didn't realize just how tired he was until he had a moment to relax. Setting his alarm for an hour later, Damien decided it was alright if he took a nap as well.

    When his alarm went off, Damien groaned. He was reluctant to get up but he knew if he let Sky sleep for too long, she wasn't going to end up sleeping tonight and that wasn't something that he wanted to deal with. He stood and started up the stairs, giving a gentle knock on the door before he opened it.

    "Come on, sweet girl," Damien cooed, reaching down to run his fingers through her hair in an attempt to gently wake her. "You have to get up now. But I promise it'll be fun. Daddy has some colouring books set out for you and you can watch a big kid movie. We're going to watch the Harry Potter movies. Isn't that exciting?" He asked as he lowered the side of the crib.

    "Just let Daddy check your diaper and then we can get on with the fun things, hm?"
    January 1st, 2020 at 02:29am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Breathing in through her nose, Sky let out a small sigh around the pacifier that she somehow still had in her mouth. Her bright green eyes slowly blinked open as she heard Damien's voice. It took her a moment to realize that he was standing over her, and when she did she rolled onto her back. "What kinda coloring books?" Sky mumbled around her pacifier as she raised her hands to rub her eyes, getting the sleep crusties away.

    Then she lowered her arms and rested her hands on her stomach as he mentioned wanting to check her diaper. "I'm a big girl, I didn't wet the diaper in my sleep," Sky mumbled quietly, and then lightly sucked on the pacifier in her mouth. For some reason, she was starting to enjoy having the thing in her mouth. It was sorta relaxing and fun to chew on. Almost like a flavorless gum or something.

    "Can we just go to color and watch the movie?" Sky asked quietly as she moved to sit up on her own instead of waiting to see if Damien wanted to help her up. She was still old enough to move around on her own, no matter if Damien thought so or not in his delusional moments. Thinking it'd make him feel good, Sky held her arms out for Damien to pick her up, because something told her that he wouldn't let her walk to the damn living room on her own. "I just want to watch movies and color."
    January 1st, 2020 at 03:50am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Well, princess colouring books, of course! For my princess," Damien teased. He leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. He gave Sky a stern look when she said she was a big girl. Damien let out a small laugh as he shook his head. "It's okay, baby. I'm sure you are but I need to make sure. Can't have you sitting in a wet diaper. That's how you get rashes and I don't want you to feel yucky," he explained. Damien's hand slid between her thighs, pressing against her crotch. When Damien was satisfied that she was dry, he reached into the crib to lift her up. He didn't mind that she had sat up on her own. So long as she didn't try anything else, like walking. She was little, after all!

    Damien started humming as he walked her toward the stairs, his grip tightening as he headed down them. "What do you want to watch?" He asked as he knelt down long enough to set her down on the floor. Damien reached into the drawer on the coffee table and pulled out the colouring books that he had for her. He set them down before pulling out the big box of crayons that he had gotten her, one of the 96 colour options. Only the best for his little girl.

    "Now, princess. What movie do you want to watch? Cinderella? Snow White? Pocahantas? Mulan?" Damien rattled off the names of the movies that he remembered, sure that he was forgetting a few but he was sure she would like at least a few of the options that he had given her.
    January 1st, 2020 at 04:34am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    To her annoyance, Damien still insisted on checking her diaper. Sky frowned at that fact and couldn't stop the blush that appeared as Damien's hand pressed against her crotch. Her thighs itching to press together to get his hand closer to her. She didn't though, and it honestly took some will power on her part.

    So, to let her annoyance at being called little still, Sky just settled for letting out a small huff around the pacifier that was still in her mouth. Her arms moved to hold onto Damien when he picked her up. Sky refused to look towards Damien the whole time he carried her down and set her down on the floor. Her eyes instead shifting to the coloring books that he had gotten for her. Princess ones from Disney. Although she didn't mind, since she liked Disney movies and princesses, Sky really hoped that he had gotten her a cooler assortment. Like maybe some with dragons, or maybe from the movie Nemo, but this will do.

    "You dwad we'd wat airry potta." Sky mumbled around her pacifier as she looked up at Damien. A small frown on her lips. Did he change his mind about the movie or something? Maybe he had said it as a mistake? Oh, she hoped not. The Harry Potter movies were some of her favorite movies.
    January 1st, 2020 at 06:41am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    {I DEFINITELY FORGOT I SAID HARRY POTTER FIRST. i was tired last night. i'm sorry lmfao }

    Damien decided it was best to keep the pacifier with Skyy. She didn't seem to mind it. In fact, he noticed that she was sucking on it a bit. It warmed his heart because it showed that she was willing to be the little that he wanted from her. He smiled slightly as he waited for Sky's answer, raising an eyebrow when she started to protest his offer. He let out a small laugh as he nodded, leaning down to squeeze her hand. "That's right, Daddy did promise we'd watch Harry Potter. Didn't he?" He spoke softly, reaching down to ruffle her hair. "We'll watch Harry Potter. Daddy'll always keep his promises to you princess."

    Standing, Damien made his way over to the television stand. He pulled out the first Harry Potter before popping it into his playstation. Damien grabbed the controller and moved over to the couch while he waited for the system to boot up. He smiled as he took a moment just to watch the young girl that was colouring in front of him.

    He turned on the movie before relaxing back in his seat. Damien pulled out his phone, deciding to scroll through facebook and send whatever emails he needed to. While he didn't have to go into work, he still needed to be able to communicate with his staff. Especially since the manager had up and quit on him.
    January 1st, 2020 at 11:27pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    A small sigh of relief escaped through Sky's nose as Damien remembered what he had told her. She was relieved that she didn't have to watch baby movies as well as color. Dressing as one was bad enough, honestly. She nodded her head slowly as he told her they could. Slowly pulling her hand away from his and resting her hands in her lap when he tried to squeeze her hand.

    "Tank wo." Sky mumbled quietly as she watched Damien set up the movie. Her bright green eyes moving to look at the crayons that we in front of her. She hated coloring with crayons, they were chunky and never seemed to color in nicely. She liked color pencils more. Especially the ones with the erasers. Those were quite nice.

    Moving to sit on her knees, Sky opened the coloring book and started to flip through it. Only stopping when it got to a page of Mulan. Pulling the crayon box on its side, Sky started to outline the image in the colors that she decided to use. Then stopping periodically to look towards the screen to watch the movie when it got to the good parts. "Can we wat the twy wizword cop next?" Sky mumbled quietly as she looked towards Damien as the movie got towards the end.

    (It's all good!)
    January 2nd, 2020 at 03:29am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "You're welcome, princess," Damien answered, smiling as he glanced back at Sky. He was proud that she seemed to have been coming so far in such a short amount of time. He hadn't wanted to punish her earlier but it seemed that now that he had, Sky seemed to be more open to what was happening. Or she at least realized that he was the one that was in charge. Her time with him would be a whole heck of a lot easier if she just obeyed him.

    Damien looked up when Sky spoke, raising an eyebrow as he listened to her intently. He nodded his head. "If that's what you want to watch, of course we can," he agreed in a low voice. "After that, I think it'll be time for lunch. How does chicken nuggets and fries sound? Hm?" Damien offered. He didn't always cook junk food but since Sky had been behaving so well, he felt like he could afford to spoil the little girl a bit.

    When the movie finished, Damien was quick to put in the fourth movie before turning to Sky. "Do you need anthing baby? Are you thirsty?" He asked, looking down at her. He wanted to make sure she was taken care of before he settled back down on the couch.
    January 2nd, 2020 at 07:57pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    The edged of Sky's lips twitched upwards as Damien agreed to watch the Tri-Wizard Cup next. That was Sky's favorite movie of the series. Well, that and the two half-blood prince movies. "Dino tiken nugs?" Sky asked around her pacifier and nodded her head like she already knew the answer to her question. Her heat turned towards the TV as the movie's ending part came on. Her full attention to it instead of Damien and whatever he could be saying to her.

    Setting the crayons down, and pushing the coloring book away from her. Sky folded her arms on the coffee table before resting her head on her arms. Her full attention on the screen as Damien puts in the next movie. She had forgotten that she was wearing a diaper and onesie that Damien forced her into. Not to mention she was still sucking on the pacifier that he wanted her to suck on. She hadn't spit it out yet for fear of him getting mad, so until he took it from her, she'd continue to chew and suck on it.

    When asked if she was thirsty, Sky stiffened slightly. If she drank something, then she'd have to pee and if she had to pee. Then Damien would force her to pee the diaper. An there was only so much that Sky could accept from Damien. "No, I not thisty." Sky mumbled quietly as she looked towards the movie that was playing on the screen. Not wanting to miss the part where Harry gets forced to participate in the competition. Or that hot Russian guy who picks Hermoney as his partner.
    January 2nd, 2020 at 09:51pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien couldn't help but chuckle at Sky's question, nodding his head as he reached out to ruffle her hair. "Of course. Only the best for my princess," he teased. He had every intention of just sitting down and relaxing for the rest of the movie but now, with the way that Sky had stiffened when he asked if she was thirsty, it made him a bit suspicious. He couldn't help it. It was always a good thing to read between the lines when you had a little one, sometimes they were shy or too afraid to tell you what was really on their mind. Damien knew that.

    "Baby, you haven't had anything to drink since you woke up from your nap. Are you sure?" Damien asked, raising an eyebrow as he tilted his head to the side. "I want you to at least take one good sip of your water. Gotta keep you nice and healthy, don't we?" He teased softly, despite the edge to his tone that dared Sky to disobey him. He never wanted to punish her, especially over something so small but it all depended on how Sky behaved.

    When the movie was close to finishing, Damien headed into the kitchen to preheat the oven and start getting lunch started so that they could eat as soon as the movie was over with. When the food was done, Damien stepped back into the kitchen. He leaned down to pick Sky up before heading toward the kitchen. He pulled out the pacifier from her lips, pushing it into his pocket. "How was your movie, princess?"
    January 2nd, 2020 at 10:39pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Looking back towards Damien, Sky was glad that she had the pacifier in her mouth. Or else she was sure that her frown would be on full display for Damien to see and get mad at her for. "Willee, am, not thursy." Sky mumbled quietly, trying to sound as honest as she possibly could. Although, when he forced the bottle on her, Sky relented and took a quick sip from it before looking towards the movie.

    Throughout the rest of the movie, Sky didn't pay any attnetion to Damien. She was too focused on the movie. The world could be ending, and Sky would be too absorbed in the movie to notice.

    Then, as Damien picked her up, Sky gasped in surprise and nearly dropped the pacifier. Barely catching it with her lips. "Nugs er don?" Sky mumbled, in surprise, not even realizing that Damien had made them lunch while the movie played. When the pacifier was finally pulled from her mouth, Sky ran her tongue over her lips. She hadn't realized how thirsty she actually was not that the pacifier was gone.

    "It was good, Tri-wizard cup is one of my favorites from the Harry Potter series." Sky told Damien as he carried her to the Kitchen."What's, what's going on after lunch? Do you have any meetings? Do you need to write emails or something?" Sky asked, wondering if he'd leave her alone for a bit so that she could act like her normal self and use a normal glass for water, maybe put some pants on and play a game or two.
    January 2nd, 2020 at 10:56pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Yes, princess. The nuggets are done," Damien answered as he carried her into the kitchen. He was quick to set her down and start dishing up her food, completely with ketchup for her to dip her nuggets into. He smiled as he glanced toward her, raising an eyebrow as he walked over toward the counter where she was. He set her plate down in front of her before nodding toward the food. "What did you want to drink with it? I have apple juice, water, and iced tea," he offered the three options that he thought was acceptable for her. He didn't want her having too much sugar or caffeine.

    Damien's smile only grew as he returned with her chosen drink in the sippy cup, his plate of food in his hand. "No, I don't. I managed to get everything done while you watched your movies. Just like I promised you yesterday, I cleared up the next few days so that you and I can spend time together. I don't want you worrying about being alone. You deserve the best, princess," he praised softly.

    He grabbed a fry and ate it, leaning against the counter opposite of her. "You've been so good today, baby. So Daddy," Damien paused to take a sip of his water. "Was thinking that I could reward you with something you want to do. As long as it's within reason... so what does my favourite princess want to do?" Damien asked, tilting his head to the side.
    January 6th, 2020 at 04:50am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Here he went again, wanting to force her to drink something. Sky slowly ran her tongue over her lips. She really didn't want to drink anything and be forced to pee herself again, but she was thirsty. "Can I have some iced tea?" Sky asked quietly, when Damien asked, her gaze looking down at her food as she started to pick at it and nibble. She was starting to get annoyed with all of this. Especially when he gave her the damn sippy cup again.

    Grabbing onto the cup, Sky took a few large sips of her tea once Damien brought it to her. Thankful for the drink. She didn't realize how thirsty she was till she lowered the cup and realized she had drunk half of the cup already. Glancing up, Sky couldn't help but purse her lips as Damien started to tell her he wouldn't be busy and wanted to spend time with her. Before, she'd be excited because that meant they could go to the beach or shopping or something. Now though, she had no idea what Damien could have up his sleeve.

    "Can I dress my age?" Sky mumbled quietly as she looked down at the dino chicken nuggets that she was given on a child plate. She was feeling more and more degraded as she was made to use these things. She didn't like it. "Dad got me a camera for my last birthday, I want to take pictures at the beach. But I'm not wearing this there."
    January 11th, 2020 at 03:16pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien hummed as he considered his options, tilting his head to the side as he studied Sky. She had asked... nicely but he didn't quite like the way that she had put it. His face scrunched a bit as he thought about it, deciding that what he had in mind for the day could be accomplished at the same time. If only Sky agreed to behave while they were out in public, Damien didn't see why they both couldn't get something that they wanted today.

    "I suppose you can," Damien paused, running his tongue along his bottom lip. Just at the thought alone, he couldn't help but be excited. His gaze darkened a bit as he leaned forward, studying Sky for a moment. "If you promise to behave," he added with a firm nod of his head. There was going to be no room for argument when he told her what he wanted out of her. How today went was all up to Sky.

    "I want to stop at the store when we leave here and so long as you don't do anything bad, we can go to the beach. Otherwise, we'll come right back here and figure out what we need to do from there. Am I understood?" Damien asked, raising an eyebrow. He wondered just how well she would adapt. Would she be upset when they went to the store he wanted to stop at or would she do as she was told?
    January 12th, 2020 at 09:27pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    To be honest, Sky had all but expected for Damien to tell her no. That he wanted her to stay in this weird little outfit. That he wanted to keep her in the stupid diaper, and that he wanted to keep babying her for some odd reason. So, when he agreed that she could, Sky couldn't help but perk up. Her eyebrows raised in surprise as she looked at the older man. Overjoyed to finally feel like a normal person once more.

    Then, he hit her with that damn sentence. It was like she deflated. He wanted something from her in return, of course, he would. Sky's shoulder's lowered as she glanced down at her nuggets and started to pick at her food once more. Finishing her food as she waited for Damien to tell her what the but was for.

    "When have I ever done anything bad?" Sky asked quietly as she looked up towards Damien. Her normal sassy little sarcastic self peeking through. Then, wanting to cover up her little bit of teasing and rebellion, Sky batted her eyelashes at him and nodded her head. "I'll behave." She said quietly, doing her best to offer Damien a small smile. Although, she was worried about what store he wanted to go to, and how he wanted her to behave, she was just excited to be able to just get out and do something other than acting like a damn baby.
    January 12th, 2020 at 09:41pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Just when you mouthed off... when you decided to be bad and I had to spank you. I think you know that you tend to get yourself in trouble, princess. Especially with that cute little mouth of yours," Damien added. He was more amused than maybe he should have been so he decided to let her sassy little comment slide. He figured that if he managed to get her in and out of the store without Sky throwing any sort of tantrum, that was him winning for the day.

    His face softened a bit as he straightened, taking their plates to the sink once Sky had finished eating. "I don't want to have to punish you, for the record. I don't like it any more than you do. I don't like seeing you cry or be upset so please... do be good," Damien asked her, his voice far more gentle than it had been even just a moment ago.

    Damien moved to her, reaching out to lift her off of the stool. He settled her on his hip before he turned, heading for the stairs. "Do you need to go before you get ready?" He asked, looking down at her. He gave her an encouraging smile, hopeful that it would help her to relax when she did have to go to the bathroom. There was no need for her to feel ashamed about it.
    January 12th, 2020 at 10:08pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    An just like that, like a light switch being flicked, Damien reminded Sky of her punishment. What he had done to her this morning. Not even a couple of hours ago. In that damn playroom that he's forced her into sleeping in. Her lips pursed into a thin line her eyes looking down and to the side as she tried to not let herself think about how fucked up this all is.

    "I'll be good." Sky said quietly as she glanced back towards Damien as he took their plates to the sink. She didn't complain in the least bit as he picked up like a damn child once more. She had hoped that since she'd be able to wear her normal clothing, that he'd allow for her to act her age as well, but no. He wanted to carry her and was pretty sure he was going to force her to let him help her get dressed.

    When he asked if she had to pee, Sky couldn't help but to slightly stiffen. She did have to pee, but she really didn't want to use the diaper. It was to embarrassing. "No, I don't have to." Sky said quietly as she rested her head against his shoulder. "I'll be fine." What she really hoped, was to find a public bathroom to sneak into when Damien wasn't paying attention to her. That, or by god she'd pee in the freaking ocean if she had to. Anything to not have to use the diaper.
    January 12th, 2020 at 10:23pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien's eyes narrowed when Sky stiffened in his arms. He wasn't dumb, he knew how to read Sky better than she probably wanted to admit. it wasn't surprising that he was able to tell she was lying. He scoffed as he set her down on the changing table, moving to stand between her legs as he looked down at her. "Sky, babygirl, why are you trying to lie to me? You know that I've known you since you were a baby. I know you better than you think," he added. He reached up, giving her nose a light tap before he raised an eyebrow.

    "Once you go, I'll clean you up and then you can get dressed so we can leave. You want to go to the beach, don't you?" Damien asked, his voice dropping a bit. His voice was hard as he spoke, daring Sky to try and argue with him. It was the last thing that he wanted but if she wasn't going to do as she was told, then that was the way it was going to have to be.

    Damien cleared his throat, his attention focused solely on Sky. His thumbs starting brushing back and forth on her thighs, humming under his breathe. "Do you want Daddy to turn around while you go? Are you embarrassed? Is that what this is about, princess?"
    January 12th, 2020 at 11:08pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    As soon as she was placed on that damn changing table, Sky's lips set into a small frown. Her bright green eyes watched as Damien moved between her legs. No matter how much she wanted to close them, she knew that he'd just get madder at her. She was already scared that he'd spank her again and refuse to let her go out to the beach for ling to him.

    So, when he mentioned turning around, Sky nodded her head quickly. A small sniffle escaping from her because she hated this so much. "Y-yes." She squeaked out, raising an arm to rub her eyes as she fought to keep herself from balling her eyes out to Damien about how embarrassing it was to pee in front of someone in a diaper. "I-I don't like being watched." She told him. "It's weird and uncomfortable." She hoped that her honesty wouldn't upset Damien, but she needed to get her words out. She was an almost adult forced to revert to things that she couldn't remember doing as a child.

    "So please." Sky sniffled slightly as she felt like she was about to break down for having to explain why she doesn't like peeing in the diaper. "Turn, turn around." Sky sniffled, covering her face with her hands in embarrassment. The feeling of his thumbs rubbing her thighs wasn't helping, and Sky could feel herself wanting to start wiggling away from the feeling. Her bladder starting to take to the feeling of the touch as a stimulant to release.

    In her mind, Sky prayed that Damien turned around. She prayed that this would be over quickly. She prayed because, with the added pressure of being upset, Sky couldn't help it as she peed, and hopefully, Damien hadn't been watching her as she did so.
    January 12th, 2020 at 11:25pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Damien couldn't help the smile that broke out on his features as Sky started to explain to him what she was embarrassed. He wasn't the least bit surprised about it but he was proud of her for having the courage to tell him. He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before he turned away, just as Sky had asked him to. He didn't move more than a step away, waiting until Sky let otu a little noise before he turned back to her.

    He was quick to help her lay back and work on taking her diaper off. Damien cleaned her but didn't reach for another diaper, knowing the fight he would have to go through to get her to behave in public with a diaper on wasn't worth it. Not yet, anyway. Eventually, he would have her at that point. He was sure of it but until then, Damien would push as hard as he thought he was able to get away with.

    Damien reached out to help Sky sit up, his smile remaining on his face. "Daddy's proud of you for telling him what was wrong. I know it was probably hard for you but you did very good. Maybe we can get an ice cream when we're at the beach as a reward, hm?" He suggested softly. "Would you like that?" He asked, tilting his head to the side as he pulled the onesie up and over her head. Damien lifted her off of the table before setting her down. "Go on. Go get dressed, meet me downstairs in five minutes. Okay?"
    January 12th, 2020 at 11:37pm