Opposites Attract

  • "I don't think you know how these guys are. You realize if I say something then i will become the victim." He said, shrugging. He had never felt right about bullying people, but he knew that he didn't want to be on the other end of it either. "I do care though. There is a reason between teasing people and hitting them. They shouldn't be actually pushing you and stuff like that." He said. He had always been one to tease, but he wasn't one to put his hands on someone like that. He leaned against the counter, watching as she cooked her food. Ryan didn't expect her to just let him hang out with her.

    @ katahdin
    September 7th, 2019 at 06:33pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Finley frowned a bit as she listened to him, staring at the counter as she nodded. He had a point. If he said anything against them, he'd just become their next target. "Then.. Then why go out of your way to apologize if you're afraid of them getting upset with you too?" She asked with a little frown, jumping a bit when she was startled by her timer going off, before hurrying around the kitchen to finish making her lunch, which was a grilled cheese with rice and some sauteed veggies.

    Once everything was perfectly placed on her plate and the pots and pans she'd used to cook washed she took a seat on a stool by the counter to eat, eyes studying him curiously while she ate her sandwich.
    September 7th, 2019 at 06:54pm
  • Ryan shrugged, "Because I feel bad about how things are going." He said as he watched her sit down to eat. He rubbed the back or his neck. "Are you sure that you are okay?" He asked as he stepped towards where she was eating. He knew that she was kind of shy and he understood why.

    @ katahdin
    September 7th, 2019 at 11:08pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Finley frowned a bit as he stepped closer, nodding a little as he asked if she was alright. She held up her hand to show him how her fingers weren't swollen anymore wiggling them as if to prove she was alright, although the bruising still looked like it hurt.

    "See? I don't need ice anymore, so I'm fine." She said as she took a large bite from her sandwich, humming happily at the taste as she looked at him, thinking it was odd for him to be so concerned about something she considered to be normal.
    September 7th, 2019 at 11:13pm
  • Ryan threw his hand up in surrender. "Fine. I was just trying to make sure you were okay." He said as he looked at his watch. "I have to get going. I guess i will see you around." He said as he got up. "Enjoy your evening." He said as he walked out and headed back to the school.

    Once Ryan got to school he walked into this Biology class, frowning when the teacher told him he was paired up with Finley for the new project. "Fantastic." He muttered as he sat down next to his friend. He crossed his arms as he leaned back against his chair.

    @ katahdin
    September 8th, 2019 at 07:42pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    "Bye. Have a nice day." She called as he left, spending the rest of her afternoon tidying up the house and doing her homework, two of her favorite things. When she got to school the next day and found out she was paired with Ryan for her Biology project she frowned, attempting to get out of it by saying she could do the project alone, although her teacher told her the decision was final, and she nervously went to take her seat before class officially started, hoping that they could come up with something easy and quick.

    She barely glanced up from her notebook when Ryan and his friends entered, busy looking over her notes from previous classes and writing down possible project ideas for them to do.
    September 8th, 2019 at 07:50pm
  • Ryan laughed as he shoved his friend as they walked into the room. He knew that he had to work with Finley today and he had a feeling that she was not going to be happy about it. He smirked as he sat down next to her. "You thought you were going to get rid of me didn't you?" He teased her. He pulled his notebook up and looked up as the teacher began class. He had always been good at school. While most of his friends didn't care about there grades, he did.

    @ katahdin
    September 8th, 2019 at 08:19pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Finley glanced over at him as he spoke, a little frown on her lips. "Yes.. But now your friends will never leave me alone.." she murmured as she looked back down at her notebook as their teacher began to lecture. Her notes were perfect, including little diagrams and drawings here and there. It was obvious that she was smart, and did well in class. The only reason her grades tended to suffer was because of the bullying, as she often skipped class to avoid it instead of saying anything to her teachers.

    Once their teacher was finished explaining the basic requirements for the project and gave them class time to discuss their projects in their groups Finley glanced over at him again, clearing her throat a little before speaking. "I can do it on my own.. Just tell me what sort of project you want, and I'll do it, and give you the notes for the presentation a week before so you can practice.. That's what I did the last time I got paired with one of your friends.." she explained softly, frowning a little at the memory.
    September 8th, 2019 at 08:24pm
  • Ryan looked at her and shook his head. "Yea we aren't doing it that way." He said as he scooted a little closer to her. "I actually have some idea on how we can do this. Since everyone else is just going to do the basic stuff we should go an actual scale model of it." He said. Ryan had always been an overachiever. He surprisingly didn't get made fun of for it. He loved being popular and good at sports, but he really only did it so it looked good on college applications.

    "Come to my place after school." He said as he wrote down his address. He slid it to her. "Um..you can stay for dinner if you want. This will probably be a lengthy thing." He said.

    @ katahdin
    September 8th, 2019 at 09:34pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Finley blinked in surprise as she listened to him talk about what they should do for the project, nodding a little in agreement as she wrote down some of their ideas in her notebook. "That could work.. Where will we get the supplies, though?" She asked with a little frown. Her mother left her a certain amount of cash every month to pay for groceries, but it was still a tight budget, and she wasn't sure she'd be able to spare any on supplies.

    She frowned when he told her to come to his house after school, nervously taking the address from him before glancing around to see if his friends were paying attention, worried they'd overhear and turn it into some kind of prank. "A-Are you sure..?"
    September 8th, 2019 at 09:39pm
  • Ryan put his stuff in his bag, "My parents will swing the money for supplies." He said as he zipped his bag shut. He gave her a small smile, "Yea I am sure. I hope you like salmon because that is what my mom said she was making for dinner tonight." He said as the bell rang. He got up and then walked out with his friends. He hoped that she would actually come over to work on the project.

    @ katahdin
    September 8th, 2019 at 09:50pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Finley was nervous about going to his house that afternoon, but knew she'd have to in order to finish the project and get a good grade. The rest of the day went as usual, with Ryan's friends harassing her every chance they got, and by the time the last bell of the day rang she had already packed her stuff into her locker and was headed out of the building, holding Ryan's address in her hands.

    She got lost once, so it took her a bit to get there, but she made it to his house not long after school got out. She wasn't sure if Ryan was home, or if he were at practice, and she was too nervous to knock on the door, so she decided to sit on a nearby bench and wait for him to show up, fiddling with her fingers anxiously as she tried to calm her nerves.
    September 8th, 2019 at 09:58pm
  • Ryan's mom pulled into the driveway, seeing Finley, sitting on the bench on their porch. She got out, grabbing her two bags of groceries before walking onto the porch. "Can I help you sweetie?" She asked as she unlocked the door. She nodded when she heard she was waiting for Ryan. "Well, Ry won't be home for another fifteen minutes. Why don't you come inside and wait?" She asked as she opened the door. She stepped inside and went into the kitchen, setting the stuff down. "Oh I'm sorry. What was your name again? I'm Nora." She said, offering her hand to the girl.

    @ katahdin
    September 8th, 2019 at 10:11pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Finley looked up when his mother arrived, trying to keep from panicking too much as she answer her questions, nodding a little when his mother invited her inside. "Thank you... Oh, I'm Finley, nice to meet you." She offered the woman a nervous smile as she offered her her hand, shaking her head a little. "Oh, um.. I.. I-I don't really.." she gestured to her hand, hoping she'd understand what she meant.
    September 8th, 2019 at 10:25pm
  • Nora nodded, "Oh a neat freak. I get it." She said. "Don't worry about it. Ryan's dad doesn't like people touching him either." She said as she started to unpack the groceries. "I guess as a doctor you learn how disgusting other people can be." She joked, laughing a little. "Can I get you something to drink?" She asked.

    @ katahdin
    September 8th, 2019 at 10:35pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Finley smiled sheepishly when she seemed to understand, although she wouldn't have used the term 'neat freak'. She shook her head a little when asked if she wanted something to drink, nervously taking a seat when she was offered one. "No, I'm fine.. I don't want to impose."
    September 8th, 2019 at 10:40pm
  • Nora looked at her, "So, how do you know Ryan. Are you a girlfriend I am getting surprised with?" She asked. She finished putting the stuff away then got some veggies out to start a salad.

    @ katahdin
    September 8th, 2019 at 10:44pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Finley's cheeks heated up in embarrassment when she asked if she was Ryan's girlfriend, quickly shaking her head. "N-No! We're just lab partners. We have to do a project, and he told me to come here tonight to help him with it.. I-I think he's going out with a cheerleader or something.." she explained with a little shrug, still embarrassed at the thought. No one would ever want to date her, especially not Ryan.

    After clearing her throat she stood, leaving her backpack in the chair as she nervously moved over to the counter. "Do.. Do you want help?"
    September 8th, 2019 at 10:47pm
  • Nora looked at her, "Oh lab partners okay." She said, smiling. "I don't think he is with anyone. Last I heard from him he broke up with that Melanie girl, but what do I know." She said shrugging. She got out an extra cutting board and gave it to Finley. "You can help me chop some stuff up if you want." She said, giving her some vegetables. She looked over as the front door opened and Ryan came through it.

    Ryan walked in, "I'm home." He called from the foyer. He walked into the kitchen, his bag over his shoulder. "Mom, are you seriously making her help?" He asked, shaking his head.

    Nora smiled, "Hey, she offered." She said as she walked over to her son. "But you are here now." She said, kissing his cheek. "And you are gross. Go shower " She said, nudging him.

    Ryan rolled his eyes, "Alright, Alright." He said. He moved over to Finley and took one of the pieces of tomato she had chopped. "I will go get cleaned up and then we can start." He said, looking down at her. He popped the piece of tomato into his mouth before he walked off to shower.

    @ katahdin
    September 8th, 2019 at 10:57pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Finley took her job cutting up the vegetables very seriously, making sure everything was cut perfectly evenly. Even if she was going a bit slower than his mom probably wanted, Finley couldn't help but try to make sure everything was perfect. She barely noticed when Ryan came into the kitchen, only looking up as he came and took a piece of tomato from the pile she had been cutting, tensing a little as she shied away from him. Not only did she not like that he'd taken a tomato from her pile without washing his hands, but she didn't like the idea of being so close to him when he was dirty.

    She had to resist the urge to throw everything away and start over, chewing on her lip to try to keep from focusing on it.
    September 8th, 2019 at 11:05pm