hungover you

  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Florence frowned as Bex led her downstairs, not overly excited about this. She looked up as Jonathan fell in step beside her, giving him a good shove as he teased her. "Don't be a prick." She mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest as they walked outside, wishing she'd brought a jacket.
    Axel had to try not to drool as he saw Bexley, but he was glad that Jonathan's little outburst gave him the opportunity to look away and not think about how nice she'd look without those clothes on. She was his sister's best friend, he could never do anything like that with her, even if he wanted to.
    September 28th, 2019 at 04:42pm
  • When they got to the party Jonathan walked in and glanced around at the people partying. He looked at Axel, knowing that it wouldn't be long until he disappeared. He looked over at Florence, "So, you want something like water to drink?" He asked her. He really wasn't sure what he was going to get her to do to.
    Bexley walked in into the party and glanced around. She was about to talk to Florence when she heard someone call her name. She looked over to see her friend Amber coming towards her. Amber smiled as she came over to her, "Hey Bex." She said, hugging her. Bexley smiled a little as she gave her a small hug back. Amber pulled away, "You should come play beer pong with me." She said. Bexley glanced over at Florence and remembered her saying that she should go off and have fun. She looked back at Amber, "Sure." She said. She looked at Florence, "I will be back." She said as Amber started to pull her away.

    @ katahdin
    September 28th, 2019 at 05:12pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Florence took in the party with wide eyes, sticking close to Jonathan as her brother disappeared into the crowd. She nodded at Bex when she said she'd be back later, turning to look at Jonathan as he offered to get her something to drink. "Alright, that sounds fine.." she was caught off guard when someone bumped into her, sending her into Jonathan's arms.
    Axel had immediately gone to find himself a strong drink, downing it in a few gulps before grabbing another as he was invited to play beer pong with one of his friends. He grinned a little as he saw Bex on the other team, giving her a little wave as he sipped his drink.
    September 28th, 2019 at 05:33pm
  • Jonathan chuckled as she staggered into him. "Yeah, get used to that." He said. He walked with her through the crowd, then got her a drink, offering it to her. He got himself water and opened it, taking a swig of it. "You look tenser than you did before we got here." He said, laughing.
    Bexley smiled as she took a sip of her drink as she talked with her friend. She glanced over, seeing that Axel was playing against her. She smiled at him, then began to play the game with him. She clearly was in her element as she partied with her friends. She did it a lot when she wasn't with Florence. She smiled as she and her friend won. "Man, I thought you were better at this than that Axel." She teased him.

    @ katahdin
    September 28th, 2019 at 05:49pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Florence thanked him for the water, sticking close as she sipped at it. "I.. I don't really like crowds.. the first home I was in was overcrowded, there was never any room to do anything, to breathe.." she sighed, tensing even more when a few guys came up and asked her if she wanted to dance, hungry eyes raking over her body.
    Luca laughed as his team lost, drinking the last of the beer he was supposed to. "I let you win, I was being nice." He grinned, winking at her. He'd had enough to drink to make him bold. "You wanna dance?" He asked, reaching a hand out to gently brush his fingers against her bare waist.
    September 28th, 2019 at 06:33pm
  • Jonathan glared at the guys, "Sorry guys she doesn't dance." He said before he led her away with him. "Look you need to relax. I will keep you safe." He said.
    Bexley shook her head, "Yeah right. You just can't admit that you lost." She said. She looked up at him when he asked her to dance, feeling his fingers against his skin. Deep down she had always had a crush on Luca. Florence would kill her if she messed around with him though. The alcohol was fogging her brain though and she honestly just wanted to have fun. She nodded, "Yeah, let's dance." She said. She finished her drink before she went to dance with him.

    @ katahdin
    September 28th, 2019 at 08:42pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Florence stuck close to his side as he led her away from the guys, one of her arms looping through his to keep close to him in the crowd as she took a sip from her water. "Ok.. I don't want to keep you from having fun, though."
    Luca grinned a little as she agreed to dance, finishing his drink before leading her to where most of the dancing was happening. "I'm glad." He said as he led her into the crowd, pulling her close as they began dancing.
    September 28th, 2019 at 09:14pm
  • Jonathan rolled his eyes playfully, "Look if I wasn't having fun I would tell you. So relax. Maybe you should have a drink to loosen up." He said, shrugging. He knew she probably wouldn't do that though.
    Bexley smiled as they danced together. She laughed with him, feeling the alcohol make her feel better. She had always had fun with Luca. She looked up at him as they finished dancing. "Let's get more drinks." She said.

    @ katahdin
    September 28th, 2019 at 09:26pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Florence looked up at him as he said that he wasn't having fun, shrugging a little in return when he offered her a drink. "Luca wouldn't like it.." She murmured, looking up at him. "Maybe..? Maybe he wouldn't know?"
    Luca laughed as they danced, keeping her close so that some other guy didn't come and steal her away. He nodded when she suggested they get more drinks, following her through the crowd to the kitchen.
    September 28th, 2019 at 09:36pm
  • Jonathan offered her a drink of his drink. "Nah, I think he is busy." He said, motioning over to Luca with Bexley in the kitchen. "I'm sure he is just being nice." He said.

    Bexley smiled as she poured them shots. She offered him one, "We need to dot his more often." She said as she threw her shot back with him.

    @ katahdin
    September 29th, 2019 at 12:38am
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Florence glanced toward the kitchen when he pointed out Luca and Bex, a small frown on her face. She shook her head a little at the thought, though. They were just talking, being friends, that's all. She carefully took the cup from him when he offered, scrunching up her nose a bit at the smell before taking a little sip, which only ended in her coughing as the sip of unfamiliar liquid burned her throat. "How.. How can you stand that?" She coughed as she looked up at him, as if he'd tried to poison her. Truth be told, the smell of alcohol dug up unpleasant memories, ones that she hadn't even shared with Luca, ones that she certainly wasn't going to share with Jonathan.
    Luca thanked her for the shot, clinking their glasses together before throwing back his shot, nodding in agreement as he moved to pour another for each of them. "We should. It's fun partying with you, Bex."
    September 29th, 2019 at 03:17am
  • Jonathan chuckled as she scrunched up her face. He took the cup back from her. "Maybe try this." He said as he poured her something sweet. He handed it to her then took a sip of his drink.


    Bexley smiled as she took he shot glass from him. "It's fun partying with you too." She said as she held her glass up to his. "To us." She said, before throwing her shot back with him.

    @ katahdin
    September 29th, 2019 at 03:23am
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Florence looked up at him as she took the cup from him, taking a little sip before nodding. "This is better.." she murmured, sticking close to his side as the guys from earlier brushed past, pressing herself into his side in order to avoid having to touch them. She blushed a bit as she looked up at him, stepping back once they'd gone. "Sorry... I.. I don't want them touching me.."
    Luca chuckled. "To us." He clinked his glass with hers before talking the shot before laughing as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "So, more shots or more dancing?"
    September 29th, 2019 at 03:30am
  • Jonathan looked at her, "Don't worry about them. I could kick their asses." He said. He took a swig of his drink and watched her. "Why don't we go sit down?" He asked.


    Bexley looked at him, "One more shot and then more dancing." She said. She turned a little, letting his arm stay around her as she poured more shots. She handed him his before she tossed her shot back with him. Bexley walked with him to the dance floor, then started to dance with him again.

    @ katahdin
    September 29th, 2019 at 03:35am
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Florence nodded a little at his offer, taking another sip of her drink to try to calm herself down. "Yeah.. That sounds nice.."
    Axel laughed, taking the shot with her before he followed her to the dance floor, happily dancing with her again. His hands rested on her waist the entire time, fingers digging into her bare skin slightly as he kept her close.
    September 29th, 2019 at 03:41am
  • Bexley smiled as she danced with him. After they dance for awhile she walked with him through the crowd. She looked over when she noticed her friend beside her. Bexley looked at Luca, "I will find you later." She said, letting her friend lead her away.


    Jonathan sat on the couch with her then leaned back against it. He noticed Luca coming towards them so he quickly took her drink and chugged it down for her, tossing the cup. He smiled at his friend. "Having fun?" He asked.

    @ katahdin
    September 29th, 2019 at 03:45am
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Luca had a wonderful time dancing with her, and was about to ask if maybe she wanted to get out of here for a while when she said she was going to go off with a friend, nodding as he squeezed one of her hands. "Right. Later." He grinned before heading over to where Jonathan and his sister sat on the couch.
    Florence sat down on the couch next to him, sticking close to his side, frowning in surprise when he quickly grabbed her drink and chugged it, about to protest when she noticed Luca, smiling as her brother sat down next to them. "Hi Luca, do you like the party?"

    Luca nodded, ruffling his sister's hair as he smiled, but looked at how close the two were sitting to each other. "I am having fun. What about you, Florence?"
    September 29th, 2019 at 03:53am
  • Jonathan chuckled, "Oh she is having a great time with me." He said. He watched as a few people walked past them. Jonathan looked at Luca, "Where did Bexley go?" He asked him.


    Bexley stood outside with her friends, drinking some tequila, laughing as she staggered a little. She hadn't drank so much in a long time. She sat on the stairs of the back porch with her friend after a bit, smiling as she listened to her talk.

    @ katahdin
    September 29th, 2019 at 03:57am
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Florence smiled in agreement and nodded, looking at her brother when Jonathan asked where Bexley had gone, glancing around the crowded room to try to see her. "Is she ok?"

    Luca nodded. "Yeah, she just went off with some friends, said she'd meet back up with us later." He said, leaning back against the couch as he took a sip of his drink. "And I hope she's not having too much fun with you, Jon." He said, casting his friend a warning glare.
    September 29th, 2019 at 04:06am
  • Jonathan rolled his eyes a little at Luca's comment. "Florence please tell Luca we are having the appropriate amount of fun." He said, chuckling. He looked at his best friend and smiled.

    Bexley came inside with her friend, finally finding Luca and Florence. "Hey guys!" She said, smiling. She sat down next to Luca. "What are you guys doing?" She slurred.

    @ katahdin
    September 29th, 2019 at 04:11am