A Long Fall

  • Raine thought about what he had that he could give her to kill time. "Yeah, give me a moment." He said as he got up. He grabbed some books he had, and set them on the table beside of her. He set the tv remote on the table as well. "You can watch whatever you want if you decide to watch tv." He said, giving her a small smile. He was kind of worried about not taking her to a doctor. He knew that was not a conversation that they needed to revisit. He just hoped that this didn't go badly.

    "Would you like some more water? Maybe a snack or something." He offered. He just wanted to make her comfortable. Something seemed different about her though. She wasn't like other people.

    @ BearGirl
    January 15th, 2020 at 07:13am
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    As the human set down the books on the bedside table, a soft smile came over her lips. She knew that the human world had changed a lot since she had last been down but she was glad to see that some things still stayed the same. Though when he set down a long black thing on the table beside the books, a puzzled look came over her face. Valentina lifted her head up and looked at Raine. She could watch something? What was she watching? And she certainly had no idea what a TV was.

    Valentina was quiet for a long moment before she gave Raine a small nod. "Yes, some more water would be really nice, thank you. And, if it is not a bother, a snack as well. But don't go out of your way," She told him with a gentle smile. She did want both of those things, but Valentina also wanted to mess with the strange long item to see what it did without Raine there.
    January 18th, 2020 at 02:18am
  • Raine nodded, "Okay." He said. He got to his feet and walked out of the bedroom. He went to the kitchen, then started to put a snack together. He got her a glass of water, then returned to the room. He stood in the doorway for a moment, watching her mess with the remote. Did she not know how it worked? "Are you okay?" He asked her, smiling a little. He walked inside, setting the snack down on the table near her with the water. He took the tv remote from her and turned the tv on. He looked over at her, seeing her look a little surprised by it. Something didn't feel right with this.

    @ BearGirl
    January 20th, 2020 at 06:25pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    Valentina grew tense as the human walked in and caught her fiddling with the black object. She watched him closely as he took it from her hands and worked it correctly. Though as the strange flat black object suddenly burst with life, it caused Valentina to jump a bit. Her eyes grew wide and a look of surprise came over her face. Her head turned to the side after a moment, trying to hide her shock but she had a feeling it was already too late.

    "I don't feel well but I am sure I will be healthy soon," Valentina told him gently. It was true. She still was burning up but that meant she was healing.
    January 22nd, 2020 at 03:47am
  • Raine watched as she jumped, then set down the remote, "What have you never seen a T.V. before?" He teased her, laughing a little. It was hard to believe that she had never seen a tv. Maybe she grew up in a sheltered family or something like that. She did seem to be a little innocent. He stared at her, crossing his arms. Something really was different about her. "I think that if you aren't better in a few days that you should see a doctor. It might help." He suggested. He sat down on the side of the bed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you plan to ever tell me what happened?" He asked. Maybe it wasn't his business, but he couldn't help but be curious. Most people would have wanted to go to the hospital or the police. It was weird that she didn't want to do either of those things. Were the people that hurt her still out there? It was a good possibility that they might still be looking for her.

    @ BearGirl
    January 29th, 2020 at 06:19pm
  • @ XXGhostyXX

    There was a long moment of hesitation from Valentina before she shook her head. "No, I have not. There are no... tee-vees where I am from." Since she couldn't lie, and since Raine had already figured out the truth, it seemed better to just be honest at that point and hope what she said wasn't all that odd. "I will not see a doctor. I promise I will be back to normal soon, please do not worry about it." Slowly, Valentina turned her head and looked up at the man. It was clear that he had such a good heart but she hoped he wouldn't get too curious about her.

    The angel let out a small sigh as he asked her again what had happened to her. She kept her mouth closed, unsure of what to say. Telling this human the whole truth would only get him into trouble but telling him nothing...what if he went to the local authorities? She needed time to figure out how to phrase things in a way it wasn't a lie and would satisfy him. "If you really want to know, I will tell you, but not today."
    February 2nd, 2020 at 12:41am