His Obsession

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    Charlotte 'Charlie' Mercer


    Hector Romano
    January 14th, 2020 at 01:13am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    It was a huge shock to Charlotte when she found out that Angela's father was the leader of the Cartel in New York. Her father was always so nice. He also made the best tamales she's ever had. Whenever they had a sleepover at Angela's house, her dad would always make sure that the girls had all the snacks that they could want, and would even let them watch rated R movies when they were younger. He was an amazing dad to Angela, he was always so attentive. So kind, charlie could remember hearing Angela talking about how her dad was her best friend.

    Sadly, when the Romano house was raided, Angela got caught in some crossfire and was killed. It was devastating news to hear, especially since just a couple of years ago, Charlie heard that her mother was killed in a car accident. They never caught the person who killed her. It must be so heartbreaking being all alone. Sure, the man was a criminal, but Charlotte was sure that it wasn't an act when Mr.Romano was nice to those around him. Right? He was human after all.

    A small sigh escaped from Charlie as she walked down the darkening streets of New York. A plastic bag with the logo of a popular Chinese restaurant on the sides in her right hand. Charlotte was on her way home from studying at the library. Her astronomy teacher wanted the class to do a paper on a planet of their choosing for their Junior year project. An with Charlotte failing most of the class, she needed to get the best grade she could get on this paper. So, she chose Polaris, the north star. Since her dad forgot to pay the internet bill because of his busy schedule, Charlie had to go to the library to get her work done.

    Taking a turn to the right, Charlie started to walk through a dark alley that was a short cut to the apartment. She had taken it many times when she was younger, it was the path that she and Angela would always take on their way home from school. So, Charlie wasn't scared of the dark path. Nor was she susceptible to the feeling of being watched. Which made it all the easier for the person hiding in wait to grab her. Charlotte didn't even have time to scream as she felt the hand move around her mouth to silence her. All she managed was a small squeak as she dropped her dinner and felt a small poke in the side of her neck before she passed out.
    January 14th, 2020 at 01:34am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Hector had never thought that it would come down to this. He never thought that Charlotte's father would actually be able to figure out that he was the one in charge of the local cartel. After all, they had been clueless as to who he was for the better part of ten years. Even when they started piecing together the truth, it still took them years before they were able to actually do anything about it because Hector always managed to stay one step ahead of them. Including when they tried to raid one of his warehouses - Hector had escaped and started hatching a plan almost immediately. He needed to get revenge, he needed to show Charlotte's father why coming after him wasn't a good idea. It didn't take long for him to figure out what he was going to do. Charlotte was the key to proving his point.

    His thoughts drifted as he hummed to himself, moving back and forth throughout the kitchen as he cooked breakfast for the two of them. They were in a remote cabin where he knew they wouldn't be disturbed. No one would find them and even if they did, Hector wasn't worried in the least. He had guards posted around the outside of the property, that were on high alert in case any potential threats came wondering their way.

    Hector heard the bedroom door open upstairs and he grinned to himself. He wondered what he was about to see - Charlotte had been left upstairs, naked beneath the covers on the bed. He couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking, was she afraid? He was almost certain she would be but how she responded to what was about to happen would determine how her time here was. Either she could enjoy her time with Hector or she could end up hating it. Either way, Hector knew that he was going to enjoy himself and that was all that mattered to him.

    He would get what he'd always wanted - one way or another.
    January 17th, 2020 at 06:18pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    The first thing that started to come to Charlotte was the amazing smell of home-cooked food. It's been a while since she's smelled something so good. Usually, she'd pick up food after school for her and her dad. He was so busy with his new job, he often forgot to cook. Maybe, just maybe, he finally caught a break in his case and managed to find some time to make them something to eat? It'd be nice, as Charlie was getting kinda tired of eating take-out almost every day for the past few months.

    A tired groan escaped from Charlotte as she stretched her legs. Feeling the soft material of the silky soft sheets as they brushed against her bare skin causing a small smile to break across her lips. Wait, bare legs? Silk sheets? Charlotte's eyes snapped open at the though and she quickly sat up. Gasping as the cool air on the room hit her breasts. Her bright green eyes looked around the room in a panic as she hugged the blanket to herself.

    "Wha-what?" Charlie mumbled quietly as she looked around. The room was decently sized, and the bed was pretty nicely sized. Glancing towards the window, Charlie could feel her blood run cold. Trees, she saw trees. That's something that you don't see in New York. Let alone a forest of them.

    Feeling quite panicked, Charlie slowly slipped off of the bed. Doing her best to not disturb whoever had taken her, or could be in the weird place with her. Charlie held the blanket wrapped around herself as she walked towards the closet. Her mouth hung open at the sight of the lingerie that was in there. There was no way that she'd wear any of that stuff. So, she closed the closet once more and made her way towards the door. She couldn't hear anyone moving around outside, so maybe the smell of food was from earlier?

    Trying to be optimistic that whoever had taken her had left her to do whatever, Charlie slowly opened the door and walked out. She still held the blanket wrapped around her bare body as she closed the door and walked down the hallway. Her eyes looking for any signs that could help her figure things out, but she saw nothing. As Charlotte made it to the end of the hall, she froze at the sight of a tall man across the kitchen cooking. "M-Mr.Romano?" Charlotte murmured, and then without even thinking, bolted towards the closest door that looked like it'd lead her outside.
    January 17th, 2020 at 06:36pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Hector raised an eyebrow when he looked up, unable to hide his amusement when he noticed that Charlie had a blanket wrapped around her body. It was almost laughable because he knew that he had already seen her naked form. He hadn't explored nearly as much as he had wanted to but he was looking forward to it. "Charlotte," he greeted her softly, giving a gentle nod of his head. He was relaxed as he watched her, waiting for her to react to the situation. It was no surprise at all to him when she bolted toward the door that led out onto the kitchen deck where a table and chairs sat for them to be able to enjoy the outdoors while they would eat. Hector sighed as he hung his head, running his hand through his hair. Why? Did she really think that he was going to let her leave, just like that? He knew she wasn't stupid.

    He set the spatula down and turned the skillet off, knowing the hashbrowns that he'd been cooking would be fine as he turned to follow after Charlotte. The deck that was right off of the kitchen didn't have stairs to get down so he wasn't worried that she would Hector crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side as he studied Charlotte's form as she stood on the deck. "Charlotte, why don't you come inside? You're only going to get sick if you stay out here, dressed like that," he advised in a low voice. Hector took a step outside, moving to the side to open the doorway up for Charlotte.

    When Charlotte didn't move as quickly as he would have liked, Hector scowled. He stalked toward her, reaching out to grip her upper arm harshly. "Do we really need to do this, like this? Because I don't want to," Hector spoke gently, despite his grip on her arm. He looked down to her, his gaze taking on a hard edge as he shook his head.

    "Why don't you come inside so we can eat? I made us a nice breakfast. Then we can discuss what's going on. Or... or you can make this more difficult if you want to. I suppose that's up to you," Hector said, his grip tightening a bit onher arm. It was a warning that she needed to make her choice very carefully.
    January 17th, 2020 at 08:45pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    The sight that met Charlotte's sight when she got outside stopped her. It was beautiful out here. The fresh air, the trees, the sun shining over everything so lightly. An, there was no way for her to escape. No stairs, no opening to the railing to the deck. Nothing. She was trapped on the deck, with a man who was supposedly a murderer behind her.

    As Hector's voice came from the doorway, Charlie's eyes widened as she turned towards him. Her lips pursed together as she backed up till her back hit the railing. She was not happy, she did not want to go inside with him. Charlie saw the news, this guy ran a drug ring, he was the head of a Cartel. He was dangerous, and he wanted her to have breakfast with him?

    "N-no," Charlie mumbled quietly, although her words were more of a whisper on the wind. When Hector came close to her and gripped her arm, Charlie squeaked and tried to flinch from his touch to no avail. Her bright green eyes clenched shut as she listened to him, trying to not let his words scare her too much.

    Although, when his grip on her arm tightened, Charlie let out a small squeak. "O-Okay. Okay, I'll come inside." Charlie mumbled quietly and allowed for Hector to drag her inside. Doing her best to keep her hold on the blanket as she walked to the table. Charlie brought the blanket closer to herself as she sat down, her eyes focused on the table.
    January 17th, 2020 at 08:57pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Hector's shoulders relaxed almost immediately when Charlie agreed to come back inside. He knew that she would, one way or another. There was no other option for her to take and he was relieved that she had figured that out. His hand slid down her arm and drifted to her lower back where he led her inside, his hand planted rather firmly. It wasn't until they stepped back into the home that his hand dropped entirely. He shut the door behind them, a little smirk on his lips as he made his way back over to the hashbrowns he'd left in the pan. Just as he had expected, they were perfectly finished off.

    He plated food for the pair of them before he turned back to the table she was at. Hector set the plates down before raising an eyebrow as he decided that they both needed drinks. "What would you want to drink? I have water, milk, tea, and orange juice," he offered as he moved to pour himself a glass of orange juice.

    Hector nodded, pouring what she asked for. He joined her at the table, setting the drinks down before he leaned back in his seat. Hector fixed Charlie with a firm look, tilting his head to the side. "So, I'm sure that you've... heard about what your father recently discovered," he paused as he tilted his head to the side. Hector started cutting up his waffle before he continnued to speak, "that is why you're here. I'm not.. going to kill you. If that's what you're worried about. But there are things that I'm going to require of you. This can either be pleasant or... not.. for you. Either way, it's going to happen. So what happens from here on out, depends on you a lot, I suppose."
    January 18th, 2020 at 10:40pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    This was so weird. Being in a house with her best friend's dad. Charlotte had always been with her friend when they were around him. Back before it was known that he was a freaking criminal. A leader of a criminal organization. A man who's killed and hurt people, a man who's torn people's families apart. This was weird and unnatural. He was acting like nothing was wrong, and that she was just over for Sunday breakfast or something.

    "U-um, orange juice," Charlotte said quietly as she watched Hector as he turned his back to her to pour the drink. Her bright green eyes looking over the table. It was packed with things that smelled amazing, hashbrowns, bacon, sausage, waffles, and biscuits. Was Hector trying to impress Charlie or something? She didn't know, and she didn't care. Although, seeing as there was a knife for the butter, Charlie thought it wise to have something on her to protect herself. So, before Hector came back, she grabbed the butter knife and hid it under her blanket with the rest of her body.

    When Hector came back with the drinks, Charlotte muttered a small thank you. Her gaze looking down as she picked up her fork and started to push food around the plate. Her head hurt a little and her stomach was a little upset, so the food wasn't as appetizing to her then it usually would be. Glancing up as Hector started to speak, Charlie's lips instantly deepened their frown. "Require of me?" She murmured quietly, arching an eyebrow in confusion. "If you're not going to kill me, then what am I here for? Ransom? You know my dad, he's not a rich man." Charlotte told him, her eyes going down to her plate as she took a bite of the hashbrowns, not wanting to look at the man who she used to admire for being such a cool guy.
    January 18th, 2020 at 11:34pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    When Hector looked up from his plate and realized that the butter knife was missing from the table, he let out a disappointed sigh and shook his head. He looked up, sticking a piece of the waffle into his mouth. He chewed as he studied her, shaking his head at the mention of a ransom. Hector only spoke after taking a sip of his juice. "No, darling. That isn't why you're here. Your father is not the brightest," he paused, his eyes narrowing. "The apple apparently doesn't fall very far from the tree either. Put the knife back on the table, Charlotte. You don't want to make your situation worse, do you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. His voice was hard as he spoke, daring her to disobey what he'd just asked her to do. Hector was not a man that was used to being told no, it would be foolish of Charlie to do anything other than exactly what she was told.

    Whether Charlotte listened or not, Hector continued to eat calmly. He wasn't the least bit concerned about the knife she had. He was a man that had murdered more than he cared to count at this point. He knew how to defend himself, especially against a teenage girl who probably didn't even know how to yield the knife she had in her possession at the moment.

    "I have questions I'm going to ask you. Your answers will determine how... easy things are for you. You can either lie or tell the truth, it doesn't really affect whether anything happens. Because they will, regardless," Hector explained. He looked back up to Charlotte, taking a sip of his orange juice. "Are you a virgin? How much have you experimented before?" He asked in a low voice, a bit too eager to hear her answer.
    January 19th, 2020 at 12:08am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    When Hector started to talk about her dad, Charlie did everything in her power to not snap. He was a bright man, he was a damn detective! His passion was to salve crimes and save people! He was the one who wasn't the brightest. Then, a scowl appeared on Charlie's face as he mentioned her and the damn knife. How the man caught on so quickly that she had the knife, she didn't know. An even though her scowl was a dead give away, Charlie pretended to play dumb and ignore his request.

    Raising the glass of orange juice to her lips, Charlotte was planning to just ignore Hector and the rest of his stupid little requests. She was a stubborn girl and she didn't plan on telling him anything about the investigations that her dad had going on. Although, when he asked about private information, Charlie almost snorted her orange juice.

    Lowering her glass, Charlotte let out a couple of coughs to clear her lungs. The corners of her eyes watering from breathing in the liquid. "E-excuse me?" Charlie mumbled, not sure she had heard him correctly. "What?" She looked up towards the man across from her, waiting for him to repeat the question to see if she had heard him correctly.

    When he did, Charlotte's cheeks turned a bright pink color. "I-I don't see how that's any of your concern Mr.Romano," Charlie mumbled quietly, fidgeting slightly in her chair as she looked down at her plate. Was he planning to sell her into sex trafficking? Was that why he was asking? Maybe he wanted to know so he could con her virginity to the highest bigger? She remembered hearing about some guy in Asia bought an American teen virginity and it was all over the news for a week or so.
    January 19th, 2020 at 12:34am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Hector looked up from his plate when Charlie answered him. He bit back a sigh as he set the fork and knife down that he had been using before wordlessly wiping off his mouth with a paper towel. He taped his fingers against the table as he leaned back, studying the young girl with a stern frown. "Charlotte. I asked you a question. I'm sure that it's not hard to figure out that I don't tend to repeat myself. Now, because I understand that you might not know these things just yet and... given your relationship with my daughter, I do want to be as kind to you as I can. So, given that, I will ask my questions once more. If you do not answer properly, I have no choice but to proceed," he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

    "Have you ever slept with someone before? How experienced are you? Is there... anything that you particularly enjoy? Or, don't?" Hector asked, raising an eyebrow. He waited for several beats of silence, only to shake his head when Charlotte didn't answer as quickly or properly as he would have preferred.

    Hector crossed his hands on the table, studying Charlotte as he ground his teeth together. "Charlotte. The videos that I send to your father are either going to be something you can enjoy or... that you seriously won't enjoy. I don't want to make it unpleasant on you but if you want to be like this, then, it's going to be the latter. This is all up to you. One last time. Which option are you going to pick? The easy or the hard way?"
    January 19th, 2020 at 01:19am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    As Hector repeated his question. Asking for information that was private and only for Charlie herself to know. It was embarrassing, she didn't want to talk about this sort of stuff. especially with her best friends father! An yet, it was seeming like she had no choice. He was forcing her to answer him. Rather she wanted to or not, she was supposed to answer him. "I-I'm a virgin," Charlotte mumbled quietly. Her eyes clenched shut as she started to answer Hector's questions. Not wanting to look in his general direction as she spoke. "I-I've only kissed one guy before. An-an I don't know what I'd enjoy or not. I-I've never really looked into that sort of stuff."

    At the mention of videos, Charlotte's eyes snapped open and she looked up towards Hector. Stunned that he had even mentioned something like that. "V-videos?" Charlie mumbled her hold on the knife under her blanket cloak tightening slightly. "W-what are you talking about? What is going on here Mr.Romano?" Charlie asked, ignoring the look that was on his face. He was annoyed, it was easy to see, but to be honest, Charlie didn't really care at the moment.

    "I'm an innocent in all of this!" Charlie stood up from her chair and glared across the table towards Hector. "If you want to do something, then do it to my dad. He's the one who's a cop, I'm just his daughter. YOUR daughter's best friend!" Charlie stated, hoping that those words would get through to Hector. "I'm not going to play whatever sick game this is, Mr.Romano. I'm going home, now where are my clothes and my phone." Charlie's bright green eyes glared at the man across the table. Ready to start swinging that butter knife that she's still holding onto under her blanket.
    January 19th, 2020 at 01:40am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Whatever willpower that Hector had been using went right out the window when Charlie stood and started yelling at him. He simply sat there and let her finish, looking as bored as he possibly could have. "Are you done?" He asked in a low voice, cocking his head to the side. He cleared his throat as he reached into his pocket, producing a knife from his own pocket. He pressed a button on the side and the blade shot out from the handle, curved and jagged. Hector was silent as he set it down on the table. "Do you want to compare knives? Because we can," he said with a bitter sounding laugh. To him, Hector knew how this was going to go. He was a well respected and feared man, for a reason. A teenage girl was nothing to him.

    "You are the most important thing to your father. He didn't want to listen when I told him to back off. Repeatedly. So guess what? You're going to be how I get to your father. One way or another," Hector spoke calmly. He sat up straight before pushing to hs feet. He shook his head, not even bothering to grab the knife he'd set down as he stepped around the table, toward her.

    "Put the knife down, Charlie. I can make you enjoy this. Or you can hate every last moment of it. What do you prefer? Hm?" Hector asked. He didn't want to force her to but he was going to take whatever he wanted. It didn't matter - Hector wasn't someone who was ever told no. He took several steps forward, staring at Charlie. "Or do you want me to make this worse on you? I can send your father a video of you squirming, desperate on my cock or you can be screaming and crying, begging for it to stop. The ball's in your court, princess."
    January 19th, 2020 at 03:39am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    She thought she had gotten through to him. Charlie thought that spouting facts to Hector that he would see the error to his ways and back down. Let her go and settle the damn score between the two men by themselves. Leaving her out of this. Letting her go back to her normal life. Letting her act like none of this was happening. Like this never even happened, but. When Hector brought out his own knife, Charlie froze. Her gaze stayed focused on his own knife, one that was sharper and definitely a lot more dangerous.

    Pursing her lips together into a thin line. Charlotte didn't dare make a move as she stayed standing. Her gaze still focused on the knife that was on the table, but Hector's words were hitting her like a ton of bricks. She had no choice, she was trapped. She could either have her father's heartbreak into a million tiny peaces by having him see her being forced or, he could get some resolve by seeing that she was at least alive and see that Hector wasn't going to hurt her. It was a sick choice, one that Charlie was sure going to kick her in the ass one way or another.

    Slowly, with a shaky hand, Charlie set her knife onto the table as well. Her hand lingering on the cool metal for a moment before completely releasing it and moving her hand to grab onto her blanket once more. "I-I'll be good," Charlie mumbled quietly as she slowly turned towards Hector. Her eyes started to water ever so slightly as she looked up at him. "W-what do you want me to do?" She asked quietly.
    January 19th, 2020 at 03:56am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Hector gave Charlie a thin smile when she relinquished the knife that she had been holding onto. He hadn't thought she would be foolish enough to attempt it in the first place so he was surprised, to say the least. But at least he had convinced her to let go of it, without getting herself hurt. That wasn't part of his little plan and he would have been rather upset if it happened because then how was he going to get to play with her? He had been obsessed with her for years and now that he was finally getting the chance, Hector wasn't about to let go of the chance. He was all too eager to find out what she tasted like.. How she'd sound as she begged for his cock.

    "I want you to go upstairs. Back to the room you were in. Pick any of the outfits in the closet and put it on. After, you can lay back on the bed and relax as much as possible. I'll give you five minutes, after that. I'm coming in. Whether you're ready or not," Hector added with a shrug of his shoulders. He smirked at the panic that he watched flash across Charlotte's features. "Time starts now," he said as he began to gather the plates on the table.

    Hector didn't bother to watch Charlotte head for the stairs as he began to load the dishes into the dishwasher. Once he was finished, Hector headed for the stairs with every intention of taking what was finally his. He stopped in his bedroom where he grabbed a camera and stand, wanting to send a video of their first time to her father. It was going to be the first of many that he received.
    January 19th, 2020 at 10:38pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    All of the colors felt like it was draining from Charlie's face as she listened to Hector. She couldn't believe he was asking her to do that, already. She had just agreed to listen to him. Wouldn't he want to take things slow? To ween her into whatever he was going to do to her? Not.

    Opening her mouth to ask Hector a question, Charlie quickly shut it. Timed, he was timing her? Sucking in a deep breath, Charlie held onto her blanket cloak and turned away from the older man and hurried up the stairs that she had decided earlier. Taking two at a time, not wanting to waste to much time and deal with whatever else Hector had in mind for her if she didn't make it in that room in time.

    Closing the door behind her, Charlie had half the mind to try and lock it to keep Hector out. Except, there was no lock on the door handle. Leaving her vulnerable to the man who had kidnapped her. Scowling at the fact, Charlotte tossed her blanket onto the foot of the bed and walked over towards the dreaded closet. Her hands slightly shook as she opened the double doors. Laying eyes on the vast amount of outfits that filled it. Ranging from lingerie sets in multiple colors to leather outfits, to even sexy Halloween costumes. The closet was stocked with things that were surprisingly in her size as well. How Hector knew what her sizes for things were, she didn't want to know.

    Not wanting to dwell on what to wear for Hector, Charlie picked out an outfit at random. Hating every minute of it. The bra barely covered her breasts, her crotch was barely covered, and the material was practically see-through in most places. It was horrible. Still, though, Charlie had no choice, so once she was dressed in that ridiculous outfit, she moved towards the bed and laid down on her back. Her hands moving to rest on her stomach as she waited to the inevitable. Her eyes closing as she tried to relax for the last few moments before her sanity was shattered.

    Then, as she heard the door open, Charlie couldn't help her reflexes as she sat up to see who was coming into the room. Only to frown as she watched Hector bringing in a camera and a stand. She had hoped that he was joking when he talked about videos, but it seemed like he wasn't.
    January 19th, 2020 at 11:45pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Hector didn't look toward Charlotte as he set up the camera. He knew that the young girl was likely nervous and he wanted to give her as much time as he could to help her adjust. There was no getting out of this situation and he hoped that Charlotte had figured that out. He hoped that she would listen to what she was told to do from here on out because while he didn't want to hurt her, Hector wasn't above it. He was a man that was used to various ways to torture and, well, get his way. Charlotte would be smart to do as she was told in that regard.

    When he finally had the camera set up, Hector straightened before he turned toward Charlotte finally. He smirked, his eyes roaming hungrily over her form. He was quiet for several moments before he looked up, his eyes meeting hers. "I am going to be very clear about my expectations, sweetheart. I don't want to have to repeat myself or have to hurt you because you're not doing as you're told. So please, for the both of us, do as you're told. Okay?"

    Hector reached out, brushing her hair out of her face. He smiled as he cupped her cheek, brushing his thumb over her skin. "I've wanted you for so long, darling. I never thought I would get the chance to call you mine... you'll see what I can provide for you. You're never going to want for a single thing when you're with me," he purred. His grin grew a bit more twisted as he looked down at her. "But there is one thing I want from you."

    He stepped closer to the bed until his knees were against the bedframe. "Do you want to know what it is?" Hector was all too eager to tell her because he couldn't wait to hear that word slip from her lips as she writhed on his cock.

    "I don't want to hear my name when we're together like this. I want you to call me Daddy. Am I clear?" He asked, tilting his head to the side as he studied her form. Hector was soaking in just about everything that he could about this, he wanted to remember everything that happened here.
    January 23rd, 2020 at 02:39am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    The nerves that filled Charlotte's stomach from this whole thing seemed to get worst. She could feel her palms getting a little clammy as Hector set the camera up. The lights turning on as he pressed buttons. Charlie gulped nervously as she crossed her legs and rested her hands in her lap. Trying to at least hide her lower half slightly since her top half was pretty much exposed already.

    Then when he turned towards her, it felt like the breath in Charlotte's lungs froze. This was it, this was where she was going to be forced to be with a man she didn't love. All to prove to her father that she was alive at least and that Hector wasn't planning to kill her so soon. Slowly, Charlie licked over her lips as Hector spoke. Her mouth feeling a little bit dry as she listened to him. "O-Okay," Charlie said quietly, her gaze glancing towards the camera for a moment before looking back up towards the older man.

    The feeling of his fingers through her hair felt so soft. Almost like what her dad would do when he tried to comfort her. An action that now seemed to cause Charlie to be a little wary, not sure how to take the action. Especially when his hand cupped her face and forced her to look at him. Her bright green eyes took in his expression. From Hector's dark eyes to those twisted lips. This man used to seem so gently, but now. Now he just seemed like a monster.

    A look of shock soon appeared on Charlie's face as she heard Hector's command for her. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times before she pursed her lips together. "W-why?" She asked quietly, confusion slipping into her tone as she didn't understand the need for her to call him such. "Why Daddy? Why not master, Your Majesty, or something?"
    January 23rd, 2020 at 03:04am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Hector felt a shudder run down his spine when Charlie asked why. It wasn't even that the question irritated him because, in truth, it didn't. But the way that word sounded coming out of her lips made his cock twitch. "Because. If there's one thing that your precious father is going to hate, it's that. Or... watching what I'm going to send him. He probably won't like that very much either. But you will. You're going to enjoy this, even if you don't want to."

    He had been debating on what he wanted to do - did he want to send Charlie's father a video of him breaking her or did he want to show her the girl losing herself to the pleasure? Hector had debated with himself but then he decided that he could do both. Reaching behind himself, Hector pressed the 'record' button and wordlessly stepped back over to her. "Just relax, darling. You'll be okay," he comforted her in a low voice.

    "Why don't you take my cock out? Touch it? Explore," Hector pressed, continuing to run his fingers through his hair. He was trying to be as kind and caring as he knew how to. He didn't want to hurt her but if Charlotte decided to act out, then all bets were off. He smirked as he glanced toward the camera. From the position he was standing, it was clear that he was turned on.

    "It's going to make you feel real good, princess. Aren't you at least a little bit curious?" Hector asked. He reached down, gripping her wrist gently as he pulled her hand toward his waistband. It was all the encouragement that he hoped that he had to give her. He wasn't going to wait forever for her to engage herself in what was going on between them.
    January 23rd, 2020 at 03:33am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Any sort of confusion or curiosity that Charlie could have had in her, disappeared. Just like that, with a snap of the fingers. Hector took everything and turned into something dark and weird. Reminding her that this was all to get back at her dad. All because her dad was a cop and Hector was a freaking crime lord. It just showed that good people get hurt just as much as bad people. That life isn't fair.

    Feeling Hector's hand on her wrist caused Charlie to jump. She had zoned out, getting lost in her thoughts. She didn't want to do this, she just wanted to go home. She wanted to go back to a simpler time, not. Not this. Charlie didn't want to be a part of this. This was weird, this shouldn't be happening to her. She was a good kid, Charlie's never skipped a day of school in her life. She does her chores without complaining. She even does the grocery shopping at home so that her dad could sleep in on his days off. She was a good girl, she was always the good girl.

    Her hand was shaky as Charlie reached forward. "Y-yes, Daddy," Charlie said quietly, not paying attention to the camera that was on. She fiddled with the belt for a few moments before unhooking it, then she pulled it out of a few of the loops so that it was easier to open the front of Hector's pants. Then, Charlie unbuttoned Hector's jeans and unzipped him. That was when Charlie froze. Did she just reach into his pants and grab him? Did she pull his pants down until he was free? She had no idea.

    Glancing up nervously, Charlie opened her mouth to ask Hector how to take him out. Then he closed her mouth and looked back towards his crotch. Too scared to look at him in her confused state. So, instead, Charlie did what she thought was the right way. She reached out and pulled his pants down lightly, then with her shaky hands, she pulled his boxers down. Springing his rather impressive erection free. The mere size of it caused Charlie to freeze in her movements.

    "Y-your huge." She mumbled, not meaning to speak her thoughts before her cheeks turned a light pink as she realized that she did. Still not looking towards Hector's face, Charlie reached out with a shaky hand and ran a finger along the bottom of his cock. Shivering at the odd texture of him. Her fingers trailed over the top of him next. Feeling the top of the base and then moving towards his tip where she circled around it with a light touch before moving back towards his base before she pulled her hand away. "Is, is that good?" She asked quietly, finally looking up towards Hector's eyes. Not sure if he wanted her to keep touching him or not.
    January 23rd, 2020 at 03:59am