At the Edge of the World

  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    @ katahdin

    Egon was sitting in the back of the tavern at a table with his back pressed firmly up against the wall. His shoulders were tense and his head was lowered slightly, his eyes trained on the table in front of him. He wasn't sure how long he had been sitting there, lost in his own thoughts. He kept hearing her voice in his head speaking about destiny and Geralt and the princess being bound together. Was that the only reason he could have for staying with her? Destiny?

    She doesn't want you to leave... The man wasn't pulled from his insufferable thoughts until Anfrih had found him and come to sit down at the opposite side of the table. Egon gazed up at her, noting how the color had partially returned to her face and she didn't look on the verge of passing out where she sat.

    "Feeling better, I see?" Egon was happy to see it, though he wasn't to happy about the idea of having to ride out in the rain. It could be worse.... He could've had to have left last night during the worst of the storm. "You look comfortable, anyway." A chuckle escaped from the witcher as he eyed his shirt that draped over her small torso.
    Verris wasn't expecting the witcher's touch, the few times they had met he had never reached out to embrace her. It was definitely making her decision harder, her heart pounding in her chest as if begging her to rethink her choice. She grabbed Geralt's hand, not wanting him go part from her. "This is the best place I can learn and I think I've found someone I can trust here..." She enjoyed the way his thumb raked over her soft skin, "I'm not even sure why you're worried about me."

    Anfrih, she could understand being worried She had also been worried for her friend, it passed through her head every night that something terrible might've happened to her after she had left. Verris couldn't understand why Geralt seemed to care so much. Looking down at the floor, almost ashamed to look up at him, Verris was swimming in confusing thoughts. Never had she expected to be the one refusing him. She didn't want to be, but she had to.
    January 23rd, 2020 at 08:12am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    Anfrih offered the dark haired Witcher a small smile when he finally looked up at her, shrugging slightly as she sipped from her mug of water. "I think my fever broke while I was asleep, although I don't really know how long that was." She admitted, not really having a sense of what time it was, between being delirious this morning and the storm blocking out the sun. She blushed faintly as he said she looked comfortable, looking down to adjust the ties holding the collar of the shirt together, making sure that they were secure so that the shirt didn't slip any further down her shoulders than it already was.

    "My shirt and jacket were still wet when I checked them.. I hope you don't mind if I borrow this longer." She murmured as her stormy eyes met his again, frowning a bit. "You can go upstairs and rest properly, if you'd like. I don't mind sitting down here for a while, or sleeping by the fire if I need to." She offered, finishing the water in her mug before setting it down. She stared down at the cup in her hand, tracing one of her fingers around the rim as she thought over what she might say next.

    "When I woke up, and you weren't in the room, I thought you might have taken my coin and horse and left.." She admitted softly, refusing to lift her eyes from the mug to meet his. "And I was scared. It was like when I was in the dungeons after the beatings, all I really had were my thoughts, and they'd always wander back to you, and how I never properly said goodbye that day in the gardens.. I was terrified that I'd die and never get the chance to say goodbye."
    "It's my duty to protect you. You're my responsibility, Verris." Geralt explained softly, bright amber eyes focused on their joined hands. "Destiny is a funny thing.. Avoiding it is useless, in the long run." He sighed, gaze meeting hers once more. He didn't trust anyone on this island, especially not with Verris. She was too naive, thinking that they'd just let her walk out once she'd been properly trained, that they'd let her go without a fight.

    "I'm not leaving this territory without you, Verris." He stated simply, finally releasing her hand. "Even if I have to wait for your training to be completed, I won't leave until you come with me. I don't really want to have to face your friend if I don't have you." He chuckled softly, attempting to lighten the mood a bit, but he was serious about not leaving the islands without her.
    January 23rd, 2020 at 05:36pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    "Keep it as long as you need." Egon picked up the tankard in front of him, taking a long sip before slamming it back down on the table. He had to refrain from letting himself stare at her soft skin, the way it was glowing under the light from the torches on the walls. Instead, he let his eyes scan the room to make sure no one was staring at them.

    "I thought you might have taken my coin and horse and left..." Egon's head instantly snapped back to stare at her and he tried to interrupt her, to argue, but when she kept speaking, he quieted down. He swallowed his ego, tilting his head to the side and stared at the floor for a moment. He could feel his eyes burning, it tore him up inside to know she would think of him in that way, even if only for a moment. What could he expect, he was a witcher... Looking back to the table, Egon leaned forward and grabbed her hand away from her glass, holding it tightly in his. "We never have to worry about saying goodbye to each other again, if we don't want to."

    He flicked his eyes up to meet hers, they seemed so gray in this lighting, but they were glassy and reflected the storm clouds in them. "And, I am a little offended," he forced a smile, trying to lighten the mood as best he could, "I'd never steal your horse." He laughed, joking about stealing her coin. He would never do either, but if he could get a smile out of her, the joke was worth it. "If anything, I saved your coin. I got him down on the price of the room." He pulled his hand away momentarily to grab her coin bag for his pocket, tossing it down on the table in front of her.
    The girl was still hesitant on if she could believe Geralt, a seed of doubt still planted in the back of her mind. Her hand dropped and she quickly clasped her hands together, blowing a strand of dark brown hair out of her face. "You don't want to face Anfrih." She teased him, glancing up at him with her steel-blue eyes, "She'd knock you on your ass before anything." Verris pulled her hands behind her back, a little smile playing at her lips when Geralt mentioned staying in the isles around Aretuza... It gave her a bad idea, but if she knew Geralt would be so close to her, she wouldn't miss out on the opportunity to spend more time with him, even if that meant breaking out in the middle of the night.

    "You seem much different than when I last saw you." She laughed, looking up at him. He was much more forthcoming, much wordier. Suddenly, she was overwhelmed with the sense that they were being watched. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Tissaia passing by the entrance, locking eyes with her instantly. Her teacher looked nervous. Verris turned her head back to Geralt, "hopefully I can leave with you soon."

    @ katahdin
    January 23rd, 2020 at 06:10pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    Anfrih looked up at him in surprise when at his words, brows furrowing. "Egon..." She breathed, trying to figure out what to say as she held onto his hand tightly. She didn't ever want to say goodbye to him again, but she knew that that was an impossible wish. "You're a Witcher. I'm a.. I'm nobody. You travel around the continent fighting monsters for a living, and before now I'd never left Redania. I.. I can't ask you to stay, and I can't ask you to bring me along. Neither option is fair to you." She murmured, slowly pulling her hand back from his.

    She cracked a small smile at his joke, shaking her head a little as he pulled the coin purse out and set it on the table. "I didn't think you'd actually do it.. But I didn't know where you were, and that was the first thing that popped into my head." She laughed soflty, picking a few silver pieces out of the bag before standing. "I'm going to get something to eat, would you like anything?" She asked, picking up her mug. After hearing his answer she walked over to the bar, asking for another mug of water and a bowl of stew for herself, and a few pieces of bread for her and Egon to share. Once the innkeep had given her everything she returned to the table, offering a faint smile as she sat down, grabbing a piece of bread to take a small bite. "It's been ages since I last had a decent meal.." she admitted softly, trying to pace herself and not eat too quickly, despite being practically starved.
    Geralt chuckled as she confirmed his suspicions about the redheaded warrior, knowing that it would be a tough fight for him to win. "I'm sure she could. I'm not even sure Egon could keep her from beating me senseless if given the chance." He said, watching her carefully. He was happy to see that she was feeling well enough to tease him, having been worried that he'd find her beaten and broken. But he could tell that she was still hesitant around him, and he could only really blame himself for that.

    He sighed when she pointed out that he'd changed, looking around the garden as he thought over her words. He didnt think he'd changed that much. Just his opinion of the whole Law of Surprise situation. And he didn't know why he was so talkative around her. He supposed he could chalk it up to nerves from being in a place filled with mages. "Hmm.." he shrugged, looking in the direction Verris had, spotting her teacher lingering in the doorway. He turned back to Verris when she spoke, nodding with another sigh. "Alright.. But if I think you're in danger, I'm coming to get you. Alright, princess?"
    January 23rd, 2020 at 06:35pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Egon could feel every muscle in his back tense and tighten as she defied him, but if he had any say in it, they would never say goodbye again- at least not for good. He watched as she rose from her seat, grabbing up the pieces of silver in her head and disappearing into the crowd. Relaxing, and letting out a deep sigh, he felt his shoulders slouch and he looked out the window. The sky was still a dark gray, storm clouds still seemed to be rolling in, but the rain was definitely lightening up. He hoped his horse was doing fine out in the stable, perhaps he had enough coin to buy the beast a carrot. Lightning struck the ground and instantaneously Egon's thoughts moved on to his friend. He hoped Geralt had found the princess by now, and that she was safe. He hoped they were both safe.

    He heard the clinking of a dish being set down and he turned his head to greet Anfrih. He reached out grabbed a bit of the bread, breaking off a piece before throwing it into his mouth. Laughing as he chewed, Egon tried to remember the last actual meal he had. All of his dinners usually consisted of whatever he caught out in the woods and was able to cook up. He usually found himself to stingy to buy anything to eat, unless it was for his horse. He'd shell out a few pretty coppers for some carrots. "I'm surprised they fed you anything in that dungeon." Egon finished his bread and let his eyes roam back to the window. "Do you want to brave the storm tonight or wait until morning?"
    "I will be okay." She moved in closer to him to conceal her lips from prying eyes. "I will see you soon." Geralt surely thought she meant when her business here was concluded, but Verris meant way sooner than he thought. "Tell Anfrih I will see her soon, as well." Even though she felt nervous around the witcher and wasn't completely sure she could trust him, she grabbed his hand one more time, just wanting to feel his touch once more. It had been the warmest thing she had felt in a long time.

    "Verris." Tissaia called from the entrance, annoyed that she couldn't tell what they were speaking of. "We have things to attend to."

    Swallowing, Verris just nodded in her teacher's direction, before looking up at Geralt and stepping away from him. "Soon." She repeated, before walking away from him, disappearing back inside of the academy.

    @ katahdin
    January 23rd, 2020 at 06:51pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    Anfrih could tell that he wasn't happy with her answer, but it was the truth. She couldn't be a burden to him by tagging along while he hunted down monsters, and she couldn't ask him to stay in one place forever. Maybe they'd see each other every few years for a while, but realistically there'd be one day where they said goodbye for the last time. She hummed a little as she ate, eyes flickering nervously to the window every time there was a crack of lightening and thunder. She hoped that Geralt wasn't in any danger, and that he'd found Verris and gotten her to safety by now.

    "They didn't." She mumbled around a mouthful of bread and stew, swallowing before continuing. I had to steal it from my neighbors when they weren't looking. Most of the time it was just their scraps of whatever they didn't eat." She shrugged a little before digging back into her stew, not really wanting to talk about it. She looked up again when he asked if she wanted to leave tonight, considering it for a moment before a loud crack of thunder settled her mind.

    "You've already paid for the room for another night, wouldn't want to waste the coin." She pointed out with a little smile. "You can take the bed, too. I'm feeling much better today." She decided, knowing that he'd probably argue with her about it anyway. "I can tell your back is sore from sleeping in the chair. Can't have the Witcher in no shape to fight."
    Geralt frowned a bit as she stepped close to speak to him, although he realized quickly it was because he didn't want prying eyes to overhear their conversation. Squeezing her hand he gave a little nod, understanding that she probably meant to call him back here occasionally so that they could speak, not thinking that she'd risk coming to see him. He glared in the direction of Tissaia when she ordered Verris away, releasing her hand reluctantly as he watched her scurry off with her teacher.

    Soon after he was led out of Aretuza, after which he headed back to the small village he'd been staying in to wait for Egon and Anfrih to arrive, assuming they would do so soon. Although, given the girls condition when she had arrived at the tavern, he wouldn't have been surprised if they were a few days behind him.
    January 23rd, 2020 at 07:06pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    "A witcher is always in shape to fight." He licked his bottom lip, crossing his arms over his chest as he relaxed back against the wall. He was in no position to argue with her over the sleeping arrangements. They could speak about that later in the evening, but for now, Egon couldn't stop contemplating her words about destiny. "We don't have to say goodbye." It came out in a whisper, almost as if Egon didn't want her to hear him.

    It was true that a witcher could not stay in one place for long, they only had one job they could do and that was to slay monsters. The only way for them to earn a living was to deal with the beasts that mortal men could not, but where would Anfrih go? She couldn't return home to Redania- well, she could, but he was sure she wouldn't. Not after how they had treated her. Would she seek to join the guard of another kingdom? He couldn't see her doing that either. "After all, what am I supposed to do? Let you leave from me without knowing where you go?" He sat as still as stone, not moving an inch as he looked to catch her eye. "If we say goodbye, what would you do? Say this princess stays with Geralt, you'll go off on your own? Why?"

    He wasn't exactly sure what he was trying to hint at. Egon wasn't sure if he would want to take up a girl as a travel companion, but Anfrih wasn't just some girl. He had seen how tough she was, how she could handle herself in a fight, the way she carried a sword... He wouldn't be opposed to the idea.

    @ katahdin
    January 23rd, 2020 at 07:21pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    Anfrih kept her eyes glued to her stew, stirring her spoon through it as she tried to avoid his gaze, contemplating his question. She couldn't go back to Redania, wouldn't. And she didn't think she'd be happy as a guard anywhere else. She thought she might be happiest with him, but she knew it was foolish of her to think that way. He was a Witcher, she was no one, why would he want her traveling with him?

    "The last time we saw each other, you said that Geralt would only take Verris with him for one reason..." She murmured softly, finally lifting her head to meet his gaze. "Is that reason why you want me to come with you?" She didn't want to think that that was the only reason her bothered talking to her, that he only wanted to keep her with him so that she could be his whore and warm his bed every night. She couldn't live that way, her feelings toward him, whatever they were, were stronger than that, and she'd die the day he got tired of her and left her behind. She looked back down at her stew to try to hide the storm of emotions behind her eyes, shoveling stew into her mouth in the hopes she wouldn't have to talk about it anymore.
    January 23rd, 2020 at 07:47pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Egon tensed, a frown plastered across his face. She had remembered that remark, hmm? "I could just stop at a brothel for that." He rose to his feet, not needing to say anymore. His tongue had gotten him into far worse trouble in the past, but it seemed he still needed to learn when to shut his mouth. He picked up his tankard from the table before slamming back the rest of the drink inside. "I need to go feed my horse." He sat the tankard down, before moving away from the table, hoping the space between them would allow the tension to disappear. He had been wrong to say that to her back in Redania, he had been wrong to speak of Geralt in that manner... It wasn't helping anyone, now was it?

    He moved through the maze of tables, feeling the glares and looks of disgusts on people's faces as he passed by them. He paid no mind to their disgusting comments they whispered under their breath, he had heard them all before. Moving to the counter, he dug around his pocket for the few single coppers he had left, tossing them to the barkeep and asking for some carrots in return. He was met with two, and he couldn't help the way his nose wrinkled up and he snatched the carrots from the man in anger. It wasn't a surprise he was being overcharged for two carrots, knowing damn well he paid enough for at least four. Egon knew better than to cause a scene inside of the tavern, not wanting them to get kicked out into the storm... and he had shorted the man on the room.

    Turning with a loud sigh, he stomped outside into the rain. The rain chilled him to the bone, finding its way into his armor however it could. He stomped through the mud towards the stable, trying not to let Anfrih bother him. Would he really have to talk her into staying with him, if he decided that was best? The worry ran from his mind as he stepped into the stable, pleased to see his gray companion still resting where he had left him. Moving over to him, Egon ran his hand down the horse's mane, before patting him on the back of the head and raising a carrot to his mouth. "I'm sure you're just as hungry."

    @ katahdin
    January 23rd, 2020 at 08:02pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    Anfrih tensed as he stood and quickly drank the rest of his ale before stomping off to feed his horse. She waited until she heard the door slam to signal that he was gone before letting her shoulders relax, staring down at her stew with a sigh. She hadn't meant to upset him, but every time she asked him something he never gave her a straight answer, and it was frustrating. She just wanted to know what he was thinking, know why he was so reluctant to leave her behind, but every time she asked she seemed to only piss him off.

    Once she'd forced herself to eat the rest of her meal she stood and headed upstair to the room, tugging Egon's shirt off before pulling on her own damp shirt and jacket. She figured it would be best if they parted ways now, and it made no sense to wait for her clothes to dry fully before heading out into the storm only to get soaked again. Once she finished dressing she grabbed her things and headed downstairs to settle everything with the innkeep, before heading out into the rain, tugging her cloak around her tightly to try to keep herself dry for as long as possible. She nearly ran into Egon as she walked into the dark stable, looking up at him with wide eyes before she realized it was just him.

    "I'm sorry... I decided I'd go back to Redania. You were right, Verris will be safe with Geralt, and she won't need or want me trying to follow her around. I settled everything with the innkeeper and paid for you to have a meal later, so don't worry about it." She explained quickly, nervous about how he'd react. She knew he'd be angry, but she hoped maybe if she spoke quickly enough they could get the argument over faster.
    January 23rd, 2020 at 10:57pm
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Egon's horse had heard Anfrih coming before he had. His companion huffed, hitting Egon in the side of the face with his nostril and then neighed when Anfrih entered the stable. The witcher turned around to face the girl, feeling like he should apologize for just storming out on her in the tavern. Sometimes, the loneliness was to much for the man to take and wondering why he had to come up with a reason for Anfrih to travel with him didn't do him any favors.

    He began to speak, but was silenced when Anfrih surprised him with her words. All the witcher heard was that she planned to return to Redania, after that, it had all become muffled background noise. He moved away from his horse and towards hers, hoping his body could serve as a barricade between the girl and her means of escape. "Redania?" He sounded baffled and he was. "Redania? Where you just came from, beaten and bruised to a pulp? No." He said it with such dictation he himself almost wondered where he got off thinking he could tell her what to do.

    "Anfrih, I want you to come with me. Why is that so hard to do?" The witcher held his arms out, feeling more vulnerable than he had in a long time. "and Verris won't need you? She can never return to Redania, Anfrih. I'm sure your friend wishes nothing more than to see you. Let me take you to her." Egon was on the verge of begging, saying anything he thought he could to get her to change her mind. It would be madness for her to return home to Redania, the kingdom that didn't give two shits if she was alive or dead. They didn't want her, so why did she want to return?

    @ katahdin
    January 24th, 2020 at 12:47am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    Anfrih frowned, staring up at him as he stepped toward her, blocking her from getting to her horse. Her only way out was to go back into the storm, and that wasn't something she really wanted to do. She looked away from him when he asked why she wanted to go back to Redania, why she was refusing to go with him. She turned back to look at him after a few moments of thought, fidgeting anxiously with the clasp of her cloak.

    "I don't have anywhere else to go.. At least I know Redania, and I can settle down in some village outside of the city and live a long life." She had no illusions about it being a happy one, though. She sighed, looking back at him with a frown. Her chest felt tight, like her heart was about to leap out her throat as she looked at him with his arms spread, so vulnerable. "I.. I want to come with you, Egon. I do. But I'm afraid I'll just be a burden, and that you'll leave me behind somewhere once you get tired of me." She admitted softly, biting her lip as she looked away, too afraid to meet his eyes.
    January 24th, 2020 at 01:50am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    "I would never leave you anywhere I wasn't sure was safe and without intent to return." He could at least promise her that. He couldn't promise that they would never separate, like if he deemed something to dangerous... Egon would always feel the need to put her safety first and right now, he believed she was safest with him.

    He stepped towards Anfrih, stopping only a few inches away from her. "But you were going to leave without telling me?" His voice came out in a hush, barely above a whisper. If he hadn't been out in the stable, would she have just mounted her horse and rode off into the storm? All alone?

    "I need an answer, Anfrih. Are you staying with me or going? I want you to stay, but you have to make your own choices." He stepped out of the way from in front of her horse and back over to his own. Egon looked over at her, her long hair wet from the rain was sticking to her pale face. She looked broken down, but Egon wouldn't stop her if she really wanted to leave.

    @ katahdin
    January 24th, 2020 at 05:30am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    Anfrih felt her knees go weak at his promise, turning to lock her stormy grey eyes on his. She knew he was telling the truth, knew he wouldn't lie to her about something like that, even if her insecurities tried to tell her otherwise. She sucked in a breath as he stepped forward, staring up at him as he asked if she really would have left without telling him. She looked down guiltily, although she hesitantly reached out to brush her fingers against his, as if asking permission to hold his hands. She wanted to hold them and never let go, if he'd let her.

    "No.. I wouldn't have left without telling you.." she whispered softly as he stepped away, moving her hands back to her sides. Looking up at he moved back to his horse she frowned, shaking her head almost as soon as he started speaking.

    "I want to stay with you." She blurted, a faint blush heating up her cheeks as she took a nervous step toward him. "If you want me to stay, I'll stay. I promise." She bit her lip as she looked up at him, reaching up to brush a rain soaked curl away from his eyes.
    January 24th, 2020 at 06:07am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Egon couldn't seem to wash the bad taste from his mouth just yet. Looking down at Anfrih, he just blinked a few times and then dropped his head before turning back to his horse. "I think we should get going. If we stay another night, the storm may wash away Geralt's scent and I won't be able to track him." The witcher tightened the saddle on his horse, knowing he needed to say something to the girl. When he was sure the saddle was secure, he turned back to see her still standing in the same spot.

    He reached out to touch her shoulder, his large hand gripping the fabric of her shirt and using it to pull her closer to him. He couldn't find the words to say to let her know he was relieved with her decision, happy that he wouldn't have watch her ride out into the storm alone. His free hand found hers and he gently intertwined their fingers, knowing that was what she had wanted.

    "If we leave now, you could see Verris by the morning." He let himself linger against her for a moment before he backed up, grabbing the reins to his horse. It was a bigger surprise to Egon to realize just how much he wanted her to stay, how much it hurt to just think about her leaving ... How it had angered him so deeply to think she would just leave while his back was turned... Part of him didn't know how to understand it.

    @ katahdin
    January 24th, 2020 at 06:24am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    Anfrih frowned a little as he turned away from her but nodded, looking over at her own horse. Part of her wanted to tell him to forget about Geralt and Verris, wanted to beg him to stay at the tavern with her for the rest of the night just so she could keep talking to him, but she understood his concern, and she knew she'd regret not trying to find Verris and Geralt. It didn't help that she was still exhausted, and the thought of riding a horse for who knew how many days straight after her weeks of riding made her want to scream. But she knew he was antsy to get on the move, probably because he wasn't used to being in one place for so long, on account of being a Witcher.

    She looked up at him as he placed his hand on her shoulder and twined their fingers together with his other, stepping closer as she felt him tug her shirt. She rested her free hand lightly against his chest. She was reminded of that day in the garden, where she'd been so sure that he was going to kiss her only to watch him leave. She closed her eyes for a few moments, savoring the feeling of his hand in hers before stepping away when he did, moving over to her own horse, a light grey speckled mare. "I can go get the rest of your things for you from the room if you'd like.. And I paid for another meal, you should eat."
    January 24th, 2020 at 07:17am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Egon shook his head to the offer of a meal, "Not hungry." While he was worried about the rain covering Geralt's tracks from his senses, the witcher also just wanted to ride. He knew that when he was atop his horse, riding forward with the world passing by him, he wouldn't feel obligated to think about anything or than focusing on tracking his friend.

    "I will ready our horses." He offered, before turning to face his horse again. "All I left in the room was a bag and my swords." The witcher wasn't meaning to come off as cold, and he was sure he would apologize for it later. It wasn't true that witcher's couldn't feel emotion, it was that they had been trained to push them down to the point of being able to completely ignore them. Egon was having a bit of trouble remembering that training at the current moment. It had been so long since he felt anything this intensely, he wasn't sure how to process it. He was sad, angry, happy.... all at once, and it felt absolutely impossible.

    Moving to Anfrih's horse, he began to saddling up the beauty, trying to focus on the lighter spots of her coat. Not much was working in the way of distraction. Straightening the saddle, the horse moved to bump him on the head with her own. He moved his hand to push the horse's face away, grunting as he rubbed the top of his head. "Trying to help me, huh?" Egon growled, before being forced to crack a smile. He turned away from the horse and leaned against the wall of the stable, waiting for Anfrih to return.

    @ katahdin
    January 25th, 2020 at 12:35am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    Anfrih couldn't help but frown as he began to give her the cold shoulder, nodding a bit at his instructions to gather the last of his things from the room. She tried not to let it bother her as she headed back out into the rain to return to the tavern. Once inside she headed upstairs to grab the remainder of his things before heading back down, stopping at the bar to ask the innkeep for some food that they could take with them, particularly carrots for the horses. Once she had tucked those away in his bag she headed back out to the stable, huffing a little as she shook the water from her cloak, before moving over to his horse to give him his things.

    "That should be everything." She said, offering him a faint smile before heading back over to her horse, giving her nose a little scratch before grabbing her reins. She was glad to be going with him, but something felt off, like neither of them were saying what they really wanted to. It hurt a bit that he'd stopped acting so warmly to her, but she decided to just assume it was because he was anxious to get on the road.
    January 25th, 2020 at 01:40am
  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Egon hoisted himself up onto the horse, tapping his feet against the horse's sides to get the creature to trot towards the exit of the stable. Looking over his shoulder, he waited for Anfrih before they headed out into the cold storm. Egon pulled his cloak tighter around his neck, before grabbing the reins tightly in his fists and cracking them hard to get to the horse to run at a steady pace. The witcher had to focus hard on the trail before them to pick up his friend's scent, but he could still sense it, even if only partially. It would be enough to follow the Geralt's path.

    The ride took a whole day and into the night, stopping only a handful of times to let their horses rest and enjoy a carrot. Egon noticed they were heading slightly back in the direction of Redania and he could only hope that his friend hadn't returned to that blasted place in search of clues. He knew how he was acting towards Anfrih and the last thing he wanted was for them to ride close enough to her home that she would change her mind. When the pair were back on the road, Egon was relieved when they began to head more east, towards Temeria rather than continuing head north.

    The two reached the Isles of Thanedd under the cover of nightfall and Egon tracked Geralt's every step to an inn in Loxia. It was a city on the lowest level of the isle. It was mostly a tourist attraction, people would travel here to see the elven architecture or to look upon the great palace of Garstang. Very, very few had been permitted past Loxia, beyond to Aretuza and Garstang, however.

    Egon was relieved to find that Geralt's trail ended here, and he was sure his friend waited somewhere inside. "Ready to see Verris again?" The witcher finally turned to Anfrih, speaking to her for the first time after what felt like days. He hopped down from his horse and allowing the beast to enter the stable without being tied up. He trusted his horse, it wouldn't run anywhere.

    @ katahdin
    January 25th, 2020 at 03:48am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ dezzy

    By the time they reached the inn in Loxia where Geralt's trail ended Anfrih felt just as awful as she had when she'd finally found Geralt and Egon after riding for weeks. Her legs felt like pudding when she finally dismounted her horse, hiding the soft whimper that escaped her as she stretched. The only plus side was that it wasn't raining anymore.

    She looked over at Egon when he finally spoke after days of not saying anything to her other than discussing simple directions, leading her horse into the stable after him, although she took the time to make sure that hers was properly tied up. She nodded a little at his question, letting out a soft sigh as she patted her horse's neck before following him over to the inn. "I hope she's alright.." she murmured, following the Witcher into the inn.

    Geralt was seated toward the back corner of the tavern, away from prying eyes. He was still upset that Verris had refused to come with him immediately, but could understand wanting to get the best training she could receive. But he didn't trust the mages at Aretuza for a second, and had been coming up with all sorts of plans to break Verris out if need be. The white haired Witcher looked up as Anfrih and Egon approached, glad that they had at least made it here safely and in once piece. He sighed at the girl's frown, knowing she wouldn't be happy to hear that her friend still wasn't in his care.

    "Where's Verris?" Anfrih asked, looking around the tavern, hoping maybe she'd just wandered off somewhere and would be back soon."

    "Your friend is still on Aretuza. Apparently she possesses quite a bit of magic, and so she's training to become a mage." Geralt explained simply, looking at Egon. "She's refused to come with me until her training is done. So I'm waiting here."
    January 25th, 2020 at 04:51am