quiet, always.

  • Sophia let out a content sigh as Henry clipped the necklace into place around her neck. She couldn't help the smile that broke across her features, her fingers reaching up to brush her fingers across the diamonds. It wasn't until Henry commented about her dress choice that her smile fell, her gaze dropping to the vanity in front of her. Her stomach twisted as an uneasy feeling settled on her shoulders but still, Sophia found herself nodding her head. A feeling told her that even if she told Henry no, his voice would have dipped and told her to change anyway. Sophia had learned that over the past few days that if she wanted to do something on her own that he didn't approve of for one reason or not, Henry wouldn't allow it.

    She smoothed down the material of her dress, hesitating for a moment before she pushed to her feet. Sophia twisted around before making her way toward her closet, trying to push down the feeling of not being enough. Sophia dragged in a deep breath, lifting her head when Henry produced one of her dresses from the closet. While Sophia liked it, she had always preferred a dress that could let her breathe and be free. There was always the time and place to be dressed up but a simple breakfast and shopping trip didn't have to be it, did it?

    Already tugged her dress down her body, Sophia dropped the dress over the back of her chair at the vanity. Sophia reached for the dress that Henry had picked out, quick to pull it over her head. "I don't... wear heels a lot. I don't like them, I'm unstable.." she trailed off, trying to explain why to Henry so he could see why. it wasn't just that she was trying to disagree with him. "I have nude flats though. Plus, if we're doing a lot of walking.. my feet won't hurt with the flats."
    April 8th, 2020 at 06:00am
  • Henry frowned, turning back towards her closet and pulling out a pair of nude wedges. They were sleek and would add a few inches to her height, even if they weren't exactly what Henry had in mind. "Heels." He demanded, holding the shoes out to Sophia to take once she had pulled the new dress on. "They'll make your legs look nice," he smirked, sliding his hands into his trouser pockets once she was sliding the shoes on.

    Being his omega meant she had a certain standard to meet, a certain way she had to look and act, whether she liked it or not. And Henry could tell Sophia was wasn't liking it, the way her scent soured. It didn't matter to Henry, there wouldn't be any arguing about it. "There. Gorgeous." He smiled, stepping up to her side and wrapping his arm around her waist. "You'll just have to get used to them," his voice dipped as the smile fell from his face. Henry led Sophia out of her bedroom and down the hall to the elevator.

    Henry had a car waiting for them to take the pair downtown, to a little hole in the wall outdoor breakfast cafe. It wasn't the hottest spot downtown, but it had been one Rose had loved and introduced him to. Henry helped Sophia out of the car after him, taking them over to a table to sit and wait for a waitress. Henry hadn't been saying much, instead thinking about how Sophia could be beneficial to the business. There were times when bait came in handy, and even now he could think about a certain Russian assassin that had been spotted working with his enemies. A situation that highly concerned him.

    Sitting down at their table, he looked over at her and forced himself to focus. He picked up a menu on the table and relaxed back in his seat, "get whatever you want."

    @ castle.
    April 8th, 2020 at 06:24am
  • Sophia stared at the wedges that Henry held out to her, hesitating as she chewed on her bottom lip. She wanted to argue with him and if this had been even a week ago with her father around to protect her, Sophia would have. But her father wasn't here and Sophia was sure that if she tried to put up more of a fight, that it wouldn't go well. Her shoulders sagged as she took the wedges from Henry before slipping her feet into them. Sophia's first few steps were uneasy as she moved toward Henry. Her body tensed as she listened to him speak. All she could convince herself to do was nod, her arm sliding into his as they rode the elevator down to the parking garage. Sophia was almost relieved they were leaving the hotel because then the employees wouldn't see her. Wouldn't be able to smell Henry all over her.

    Admittedly more intrigued than she had thought she would be, Sophia glanced around the little restaurant as they stepped inside. She felt so out of place with how dressed up they were and she nearly wanted to point that out but Henry had been so quiet. She didn't even want to point that out to him, deciding the disagreement it could cause wouldn't be worth it.

    "I've never been here before," Sophia commented softly. She glanced down to the menu, immediately picking out an order of southern biscuits and gravy. It was one of her favourite meals and she wasn't afraid to admit it. Ordering her food when the waitress appeared, Sophia thanked her before turning back toward Henry. "You.. don't have to spoil me with gifts. I appreciate them but they don't matter as much as getting to spend time with you." Sophia was trying to pretend like this was a normal relationship, not something that had happened against her will.
    April 8th, 2020 at 06:48am
  • Henry dropped the menu back down onto the table, already decided on what he'd order. The same thing he always ordered from this little bistro, they had amazing breakfast sandwiches. "You'll love it. It's delicious." It wasn't very long before a perky little beta came up to their table to take their order. "Just a bacon and egg sandwich and a cup of coffee for me and," and he glanced towards Sophia before she ordered her biscuits and gravy.

    The waitress smiled and took their menus away, mentioning their food would be right out. Henry watched her walk away, before glancing around the patio, before his eyes fell back to Sophia. He tilted his head at her confession of enjoying spending time with him, his brow raising almost as if he questioned it, but he wouldn't mention that now. "Of course I have to spoil you with gifts." Henry chuckled, wondering what kind of alpha he'd be if he didn't. "I'm a wealthy man, what would that say about me if I didn't spoil my omega?"

    Henry was a powerful and feared alpha. He had his hands in money laundering and illegal weaponry, on top of now acquiring her father's business which was nothing but buying and selling drugs all day and night and pushing them all over the east coast. All of that made him filthy rich and he enjoyed spending it on nice clothing and even nicer gifts for his omega. Just like him, she had to look like a million bucks, always.

    @ castle.
    April 8th, 2020 at 04:43pm
  • sophia's face fell at Henry's reasoning that he had to shower her with gifts. To her, she didn't understand why it was so necessary. The gifts didn't mean much at all if she didn't have memories of Henry. That was something that her father had understood and Sophia had been incredibly thankful for that. She hadn't realized how important it was until now as she sat opposite Henry. She blinked back the tears that threatened to fill her eyes, an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. "I know.. I just.. I'd rather have memories with you. Gifts are nice but.. but they don't mean as much," her face scrunched slightly. She knew her scent was turning but she was hopeful that she could reason with Henry.

    "You mean more to me than the gifts. That's all I mean, alpha," Sophia's shoulders sagged when she finished speaking because she seemed to realize that this wasn't going to be a battle that she could win. She settled her hands in her lap, her fingers twisting together as she started to bounce her leg.

    Sophia fell quiet, chewing on her bottom lip as they waited for their food. There was so much that she wanted to say but she couldn't bring herself to say anything. Sophia was uneasy, Henry's scent morphing from what had become something she knew so intimately. "Sorry," was all she could force from her lips, her attention focused on the table between them.
    April 8th, 2020 at 08:34pm
  • Henry narrowed his gaze as he watched Sophia's face scrunch up, her best attempt to hold back the tears. He knew what she was trying to get at, but still, he couldn't help how it annoyed him. Had she not been as happy with the necklace as she had let on to be? "You can have both," Henry tried to relax his stiffening muscles, keeping the smile on his face as he looked past Sophia, seeing the waitress bringing their food.

    Their plates were sat down in front of them, along with their coffee and Henry was quick to send the waitress away. "We're making memories right now, aren't we?" Henry didn't quite understand Sophia. He was still the man who had killed her father, and plenty more had died before him. Henry was a man who wasn't afraid to kill to get what he wanted and despite taking everything away from her, she wanted to make memories with him? She was speaking like she loved him, and the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. It was surprising to see just what claiming an omega could do.

    It was hard for him to love, or rather to show love. Henry found the easiest and most appreciated way was just by giving lavish, expensive gifts. Sophia would have to accept that, because she certainly wasn't going to hear him talk about his feelings or wear his heart on his sleeve. Henry reached across the table for the creamer and poured some into his coffee, "What's brought this on?" He couldn't help but ask, his brow pulling together as he picked up a spoon to stir his coffee. "Why are you so upset now?"

    @ castle.
    April 8th, 2020 at 08:57pm
  • Sophia lifted her gaze, forcing a smile to her face when the beta reappeared with their plates. "Thank you," she spoke gently, bowing her head when the beta set her food down. Sophia suddenly found that she wasn't very hungry at all, Henry's disapproval enough to sour her mood completely. She reached for her fork and cut a piece from the biscuit before taking a bite. She nearly groaned at the taste, Henry had been right. The food was delicious. Her first bite in and Sophia already knew she needed to come back here. And soon, if she had it her way.

    Henry's question caused her stomach to twist and she shrugged her shoulders, unsure if she wanted to answer him or not. Sophia wasn't sure what the right or wrong answer was and she certainly didn't want to cause a scene in public. Even with her father, that had been a huge no-no. "Memories are forever. People aren't," she finally forced the words from her mouth. Sophia's mother was still a sensitive subject, nearly fifteen years later.

    "And you're my alpha," Sophia supplied. Her voice was meek as she glanced toward Henry's plate. She wanted to look up to him, to read his facial expression but she was afraid of what she would see there. Would Henry be angry or frustrated with what Sophia wanted from their relationship? Not that it mattered at all, Henry was the alpha and he was the one in charge. Sophia would be lucky if she had a say in much at all.
    April 9th, 2020 at 02:52am
  • Henry found his own appetite had disappeared, a sour taste in his mouth from their conversation. He picked up his coffee and brought it to his lips, trying to focus solely on the bitter taste rather than how his scent was turning. It was written all over his face how annoyed the alpha had become, though he was trying to contain it. Why would she have brought up such a conversation in public, and why had he been dumb enough to ask her for more? Sitting the coffee cup back down on the table, Henry sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.

    It might've also been his paranoia, worrying about the situation with the Russian assassin, but Sophia's words almost felt like a threat. He had proper cause to worry, he had murdered her father so she had reason to want to get rid of him. Letting his eyes flick across the table to meet hers, he decided she would have to be his bait for the meeting.

    "Hurry up and eat, omega." Henry decided to put the conversation to bed, shoving his plate away on the table before turning back to his coffee. He couldn't allow himself to get too close to Sophia to where it blinded him, to where he would foolishly trust her. Just because he had laid a claim to her, that didn't automatically ensure she would be loyal to him.

    @ castle.
    April 9th, 2020 at 05:11am
  • Sophia couldn't shake the feeling of unease she felt when Henry pushed his plate of food away. She swallowed, trying to ignore it as best as she could as she looked up to meet his gaze. The look on his face was enough to make her blood run cold as she opened her mouth to apologize. Sophia had no clue what she had done wrong but it was clear that she had done something. Even if she hadn't met his eyes, Sophia would have been able to tell by the way his scent changed.

    Home. That was the only place Sophia wanted to be at the moment. She wanted to push her food away and get up and leave. Sophia wanted to be wrapped in her nest where she hoped she would be safe. But Henry had already hurt her in her nest so what would stop him from doing it again? Sophia knew the answer to that question. Nothing would stop him if Henry wanted to hurt her.

    Managing to eat another few bites of her food because Sophia decided she couldn't stomach any more, Sophia pushed the unfinished plate away from her. She hung her head, chewing on the inside of her lip. "Can we.. can we just.. Go home? Please?" Going home was a terrifying idea because no one would stop Henry there. But in public, Henry wouldn't hurt her, surely. Sophia dragged in a deep breath. "I don't want to go shopping."
    April 9th, 2020 at 05:23am
  • Henry looked up when Sophia's plate was shoved forward and she began to speak again. He wasn't surprised that she was asking to go home. The mood was ruined. Pushing his chair away from the table, he stood and pulled his wallet from his pocket. Tossing down more than enough money to pay for the meal and tip, Henry shoved his hands in his pockets and began to walk away. "Lets go, omega."

    What had Henry been thinking? Claiming the daughter of the man he had murdered as his omega, as if that was a good idea. All because of her scent... All because she reminded him of Rose... Even now, her scent was able to keep him calm enough, even if it was slightly soured by her own fears.

    He gave in to her wishes, taking her back to the hotel. Neither one of them would have had a good time had he had forced her to continue with their shopping plans. Leading her through the lobby, he guided her towards the elevator with his hand resting on the small of her back. "Why'd you have to act like that?" Henry questioned her once they were alone inside the elevator. He was embarrassed by how their breakfast had gone, how his scent had changed so drastically in public. He crossed his arms over his chest, not sure what kind of an answer he expected. An apology?

    The doors opened and he grabbed Sophia by the wrist, dragging her out of the elevator and towards her bedroom.

    @ castle.
    April 9th, 2020 at 06:45am
  • Sophia turned to follow after Henry, keeping her head lowered as they made their way out of the restaurant. She hated the sense of failure she felt. Henry was disappointed in her, upset with her and every part of her felt like it was wrong. Sophia wanted to make it up to Henry but she had no clue how she was even supposed to do that. She had never been with an alpha before and her father was a beta. Where was she supposed to gain experience?

    Relieved when she realized Henry was leading them back to the hotel, Sophia thought to thank him but decided not to speak. She didn’t want to risk pushing her luck more than she already had. It wasn’t until they were alone in the elevator and Henry had spoken that Sophia lifted her head. She shrank away from him, the glare he had fixed her with was enough to make goosebumps race down her arms.

    Lost in her own thoughts, Sophia didnt react until Henry was dragging her out of the elevator. “I-I’m sorry... I didn’t... I shouldn’t have ruined today,” she found herself apologizing instead of trying to explain herself, her omega simply wanting to please Henry. He was her alpha, her world. Even if she didn’t want him to be. Biting down on the inside of her lip as she stepped into her room, Sophia glanced back to him. “Did you.. d-did you want to come inside?” Sophia knew how it would go if they were alone. She would present while apologizing, telling him just how badly all she cared about was making him happy.
    April 9th, 2020 at 06:54am
  • "But you did," Henry cut her off, stopping only once they were at her door. He pushed it open, watching as she eagerly slipped by him, to go hide away in her room. Henry stood in the door way, one hand firmly placed against the wood as she invited him in. His omega just kept surprising him. Figuring she had wanted to be alone, Henry had expected her to disappear the moment her bedroom door was opened. There was no hiding from him, and he knew her invitation was only her doing what she thought was the right thing.

    Stepping inside, Henry shut the door closed behind him and raised an eyebrow towards her as he glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "If you want to speak about such... emotional things, you do so only in private." Why she thought that was a good idea for breakfast, he'd never understand. She had almost been in tears over her meal, and it embarrassed Henry to no end imagining someone had noticed. Raking his figures through his perfectly styled hair, he lowered his arms back to his sides and allowed his jacket to slide off his shoulders.
    Henry draped it across one of the chairs in her room, toeing off his shoes as he did his best to get comfortable. Anything to help him relax. Could he really be surprised and upset that his omega had been wearing her heart on her sleeve? That's what they all did, they were all so emotional... Even Rose. Just thinking about his one true omega had managed to calm his anger, before his eyes flicked back up to Sophia. "I'm not going anywhere, for a long time." He assured her, pushing away from the chair he leaned on to close the distance between the two of them. His hand was placed by her neck, his thumb stroking over the beautiful diamonds in the necklace. "but when I'm gone, if you're left all alone, you will have memories and gifts to remember me by." Henry hated speaking of his death, but moreso, hated the thought of dying and leaving his omega all alone in the world.

    @ castle.
    April 9th, 2020 at 06:05pm
  • Sophia's shoulders pulled together as she reached behind herself to bring down the zipper on the back of her dress. She listened to Henry speak. She had already been so upset with herself that she knew Henry's harsh words would force tears to burn her eyes. Turning her back to him, Sophia wished that she could have told Henry the truth. All she could think about was her mother being ripped away from her and now her father as well. She had no siblings to speak of and even the men that she had affectionately called uncle were gone. Sophia felt alone even as she stood in a room with the alpha who had claimed her. She wondered if she would feel better if she could simply do one thing right by Henry.

    Shrugging her dress down her body, Sophia only turned back to face Henry when his fingers brushed against her neck. Gulping as she looked up to him, Sophia kicked her wedges off before taking the slight step forward until she was right against Henry's chest. Her gaze dropped from his down to Henry's chest where she felt slightly more comfortable. Sophia wanted to feel comfortable telling him things but she wasn't so sure she should. Would he care if she did?

    "I lost my mother when I was young. Quickly, unexpected. Daddy was.. he thought it important to create memories. Gifts don't... they can't replace memories with people. Memories last and they mean more," Sophia explained. Her voice caught but she managed to keep sobs from forming. Her shoulders started to shake slightly but still, she raised her hand to push her bra strap from her shoulder, one at a time. Her breath caught when her bra fell from her body but she didn't reach to stop it.

    "Where.. where did you want me? The bed? My nest?" Sophia hated the idea of Henry taking her in her nest just as much as she had their first time but she realized Henry enjoyed it for some reason and she knew she would never deny him.
    April 9th, 2020 at 08:45pm
  • Henry's lips parted as he looked down to Sophia, his brow raising in surprise as she went right on to offering herself up to him. He couldn't play dumb and pretend like it wasn't obvious she was upset and hurt. And of course she'd be. The loss of her father was still fresh and now she was only hurting herself further by dragging up more bad thoughts, lost memories of her mother. And he wasn't helping. How could he help with that? Scowling, Henry wrapped his arms around Sophia's shoulder and pressed her gently against his chest.

    He took her to the bed, motioning for her to get comfortable as he unbuttoned his shirt. As annoyed and angry as he was, he felt a slight hint of guilt, regret. Not for killing her father, no, but rather for the way he had acted towards her. Henry looked up at Sophia, his eyes roaming over her body as he pulled his shirt from his torso. She looked so soft and fragile among her blankets, her skin pale and unblemished save for the bite that she wore on her collar. Henry had claimed her because she had reminded him so much of Rose, but still, he was worried he couldn't trust her.

    Pushing his trousers down his legs, Henry left his boxers on and climbed into the bed next to her. "Come here, omega." He called for her, opening his arms for her to crawl into. If she wanted so badly to make memories with him, was she already so willing to just submit and be loyal to him? It was impossible to think she was already over her father's death, but was she already able to forgive him for it? All because she was claimed? He wasn't sure what to think. Henry wrapped his arms around Sophia and ran his fingers through her hair, allowing her scent to keep him calm.

    @ castle.
    April 9th, 2020 at 09:12pm
  • Sophia wanted no part in sleeping with Henry right now. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and her face be buried into his neck for some sort of comfort but she was sure Henry would want more from her. Her submission was everything in their relationship and she knew that it would make Henry happy. That mattered more to her than her being upset. Sophia wouldn't ever admit to it but she was surprised when Henry's arm pulled her into his chest. She sighed, melting into his form as Henry led her over to her bed. Nodding her head, she tugged her panties down her legs before dropping them off the side of the bed. It was only then that she started to shuffle the blankets around until she was comfortable.

    She started to turn onto her back, expecting Henry to want more from her. When all he did was settle back and open his arms for her, Sophia frowned the slightest bit. She wasn't about to question him though. Sophia rushed into his side, her face buried into his neck as she snuggled into him. Sophia remembered all too well how horrible their first time had been but this was different. She was sure it was because she was claimed, the bond pulling her omega to him regardless of what she actually thought.

    Her fingers started massaging gentle designs into his torso, the motion enough to continue calming her. "I'm sorry. Daddy never... took to another omega after Mom. So I don't.. know everything I probably should," Sophia mumbled against his neck. She wasn't trying to hide it from Henry, anything he asked, she would readily offer to him. "But I want to learn. Anything that will make you happy."
    April 9th, 2020 at 09:34pm
  • Henry wrapped his arms around Sophia, allowing his fingers to gently graze against her sides. Such soft, smooth skin. The moment she had rushed into his arms, her scent had overwhelmed him and as much as he wanted to pin her underneath of him and take her, he wouldn't. He could feel her breath against his neck, sending trails of goosebumps down his arms, and her slender fingers tracing little patterns into his chest. She was hurting and he needed to comfort her now. It was his responsibility as her alpha.

    Henry couldn't blame her father for never taking another omega. He knew the heartache of losing one, and he had never believed he would find another he would want to claim. Running his fingers up through her hair, Henry shook his head and placed soft small butterfly kisses against the side of her head. The admission of her wanting to make him happy twisted his stomach into knots. He hadn't expected her to so quickly bond to him, if ever, but it appeared Sophia only wanted to be a good omega for him. He felt guilty, knowing every time he looked at her, he could only think of Rose. It was selfish of him to claim her, and he wondered if he'd ever be able to truly love her.

    "I will teach you, omega. I promise." He tightened his grip on her, holding her firmly against his chest and never wanting to let go. It meant a lot to hear her admit she just wanted to please him. "Don't apologize, you will learn." He brought his hand to her chin, forcing her to lift her head up and look at him. Henry stared into her glossy eyes for a moment, before he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers.

    @ castle.
    April 9th, 2020 at 09:54pm
  • Sophia had been on edge since she left the restaurant Geralt had asked her to meet at. She thought she had done a well enough job, forcing her pheromones into the air to calm Geralt as they sat and ate dinner in a semi-private room. Sophia was terrified of failing, in part because Henry was her alpha and she simply didn't want to disappoint him but also because of the threat that he had left her with. Come back empty and see just how scary I can be. Shrinking in on herself in the backseat of Henry's towncar, Sophia chewed on her bottom lip. She wanted to disappear at the moment, wanted to be wrapped up in her nest because she was beginning to realize that if Henry was pleased with her, then he would be kind and loving. As long as she did what she was supposed to, she wouldn't have an issue.

    It wasn't until the car turned into the little driveway in front of the hotel that Sophia allowed herself to relax. Normally she would have waited for someone to step up and to open the door but she was all too eager to see Henry. To report back to him what she had found out and to just feel his arms around her. Sitting opposite of Geralt, Sophia had been so uncomfortable. It wasn't what she was used to do - sitting in on important conversations that could mean the difference between life and death for someone. Not to mention the fact that her father had told her all about the Russian assassin known as Geralt. He was cold and heartless, did not care who you were. If you were in his way, you were done.

    Lifting the skirt of her dress so she could hurry along, Sophia rushed into the hotel. She didn't so much as glance toward the front door, eager to get up to her room where she was sure Henry was waiting for her. Sophia stepped out of the elevator onto her floor and frowned at the sound of voices coming from her room - it was more than one. Pushing open the door, Sophia's face fell into a frown when she spotted another man speaking with Henry. Not only was he in her room but something felt familiar about him. It took several moments before Sophia realized she recognized him from the restaurant she had just been at.

    "Alpha?" Sophia spoke up, sounding confused as she looked up to him. "I.. I'm back?"
    April 10th, 2020 at 02:04am
  • Henry had never trusted Sophia, so he had one of his own men infiltrate the meeting, to keep an eye on both the assassin and his omega. And he was glad he had. "The Russian offered Sophia the chance to help him kill you. To avenge both of their fathers." So that's what this was about, Geralt was upset about his father. It had been months since his death. Cursing under his breath, Henry couldn't ask any further questions or learn how Sophia had answered, but he was sure he would find out soon enough.

    His eyes darted over to the door when he heard Sophia's footsteps, and his hands balled into fists. Would she have accepted? "That's enough, Marcus. Go." He sent his man away, who barely glanced at Sophia as he left her bedroom. Turning to face Sophia, Henry opened his arms for his omega, though his gaze narrowed as if he wasn't sure how to greet her. "You're back." Henry smiled, trying to keep his composure for the moment.

    "So, how did it go? What did you find out for me?" Henry was still trying to figure out what he should think, if there was any chance of Sophia gaining his trust. That had been the whole point of using her as bait. To find out if he could really trust her. "Tell me everything, omega," his voice dipped as his hands ran up her arms, squeezing her shoulders tightly.

    @ castle.
    April 10th, 2020 at 02:37am
  • Sophia frowned, her gaze following after Marcus as the man left her room. She crossed her arms, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling that she got as she stepped further into the room. Sophia shook her head, deciding that she was probably just nervous because of her meeting with Geralt. "Alpha," she greeted him in a low voice. She moved forward, her arms sliding around his waist as she buried her face into Henry's neck. "Didn't like that," she admitted in a low voice.

    Dragging in a deep breath as she pulled herself away from Henry, Sophia squared her shoulders as she looked up from his chest. "Geralt wants revenge for his father. He claims that I can.. help him get to you. That if I contact him with time that we are leaving the hotel, or that you are leaving the hotel, as long as I can tell him where and when you'll be there, that he'll take care of you," Sophia's voice didn't waver despite how terrified the thought left her. She had been terrified of Henry in the beginning, sure, but at least he was her alpha. Losing him would leave her with absolutely nothing.

    "He seemed eager because he thought that I am his best bet to get to you. You claimed me so... so that must mean I am important to you," Sophia explained, giving Geralt's reason for even trying to reach out to her. "I told him," she paused, running her tongue over her bottom lip. "That we would be going to Central Park for a walk around on Tuesday morning since it's usually not too busy then."
    April 10th, 2020 at 02:57am
  • This was far too convenient for Sophia. He had murdered her father and every man she held dear enough to call family, and Geralt shared in that pain with her. Why would she not want to assist him? How could he possibly trust her now? Every move he made, she could potentially pass along to the assassin, and Henry much didn't like his odds in that situation. "I see ..." Henry frowned, his brow pulling together when she brought up how he had claimed her. That was right, she was his omega, but that meant nothing if he couldn't trust her.

    "That must've been very stressful for you..." Henry frowned, his hand resting on the small of her back. "C'mon, undress and let's get you in a warm bath. You can relax and we can worry about all of this later?" It hurt Henry to think he had to leave Sophia, the only omega he had ever felt any sort of pull too since Rose. But she could be plotting against him and Henry's empire was much more important, and he couldn't possibly risk his life over an omega. He just couldn't do it.

    He held open the door to her bathroom, leading her in before he started the hot water for her bath. "I want you to just relax, and I'll even call up a glass of wine for you. You did such a good job, my omega. Found out everything I needed to know..." He dried his hands off as he moved back to the door, stopping on briefly next to Sophia to place a kiss on the side of her head. He hesitated for a few seconds, taking in a deep breath as he believed it would be his last time getting to enjoy her scent.

    @ castle.
    April 10th, 2020 at 04:02am