Wish Somebody Woulda Told Me

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Emery furrowed her brow when said that it was just him being a weirdo. She rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "I'm assuming so weirdo." She teased him. Feeling like there was something else she was missing. Why would he ask such a question with such stipulations. It was going to bug her, had she accidentally called him. Was that what he was going on about. Her mind started running over the past few days since she got his number. There were multiple times she'd been talking about how much a dick he was. It was just her trying to blow of steam at the large amount of shit she had to do. With out know when she could have called him made her mind race. And she started to worry what he knew that he wasn't letting on.
    April 26th, 2020 at 10:13pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason chuckled softly, and climbed out of the car, he once again, got her door for her. "So how do you take your coffee?" he asked curious, but also needing it to make the order. He walked with inside the coffee shop. He'd picked on, decently far from campus, so it was unlikely anyone would recognise them. It was also one of the fancier chains as well.

    @ BBBibles
    April 26th, 2020 at 10:19pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Stepping from the car she looked at him, "I though that you were done asking questions?" She teased him before walking into the shop. The smell of coffee strong enough to wake her up. Though it'd take more than that to keep her awake, "it varies actually." She told him honestly. "I like a caramel macchiato. But normally I drink it black." She told him, truthfully. The black was to keep her awake the caramel was usually for dates or for days she didn't really need coffee just wanted it. Then there was times she just wanted a Mocha something or other. But she wouldn't confuse the poor boy right now.
    April 26th, 2020 at 10:28pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason looked at her and smiled, "well I suppose that was a question,' he said. He stepped forward and order their coffee's getting her a caramel macchiato. He walked with her to a table, "so I ordered you a caramel macchiato," he said softly. "So tell me, what does that decision tell you about me?" he asked curious about what she was thinking. He looked out the window, not wanting to stare at her.

    @ BBBibles
    April 26th, 2020 at 10:34pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    "Your attentive, you listen and though you judge you do so quietly." She chuckled, knowing there was so much more she could say. But she didn't want to weird him out by analyzing him. Because she'd upset people doing so before, it was something she'd been good at since she was a child. Just listening to people and she got the right answer.
    April 26th, 2020 at 10:47pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason grinned lightly and nodded, "well consider me flattered," he said softly. He smiled, "you are certainly a smart woman," he said lightly. He took her hand in his lightly, "how is your back feeling?" he asked lightly.

    @ BBBibles
    April 26th, 2020 at 10:50pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    A soft smile pulled at her lips as he took her hands. "I try my best to listen and learn." She knew that it wasn't easy. But she'd been doing it for years. "Honestly this morning my back was a bit stiff, but now I feel fine. Just a bit tired." She smile gently squeezing his hand. "How about you, I feel like I slept on top of you." She said softly her cheeks pinking up at the mention of it.
    April 26th, 2020 at 11:49pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason smiled softly and nodded, "yeah I'm a little stiff, but nothing a warm shower won't sort out," he said lightly. He blushed slightly seeing her cheeks pinken. He politely thanked the barista as their coffee were brought over to them.

    Mason wanted to see where this ended up going, and to honest he knew he would feel slightly hurt if Emery didn't want to take it further, but he totally understood how she might find it strange, with him being older than her, and her professor.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 12:06am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Nibbling on her lip she thanked the woman quietly. Before picking her drink up with her free hand. She did her best to ignore him talking about taking a shower. "I feel a bit bad for keep you out all night." She told, hating that he was feeling discomfort from their time spent together. "But then I slept great so its kinda like suck it up." She chuckled at him. "Maybe next time bring more than a blanket." She shrugged, hoping he didn't get weirded out she wanted to do this again.
    April 27th, 2020 at 12:17am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason smiled and chuckled softly, glad to hear she seemed to be happy. He sat back, "well I will next time, this time was kind of a whim of the moment type deal," he said lightly. He sipped his coffee, "if you need to take you mind of things again or whatever, call me," he said softly.

    He checked his watch quickly, "come on, we better get going, so I can drop you home before I have to head to work, or things might get awkward," he said softly as he picked up his coffee, which he had made sure was ordered to go, just incase.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 12:23am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Quickly standing up when he said he needed to get to work. "We can't have that." She told him walking towards his car. She wasn't happy that their time was coming to an end. But it seemed that he was open to doing this again, but did that just mean hanging out. Or were they going to see it as dating. It was a very thin line in some cases. But she had a feeling that he wasn't just telling her all these thing as a friend. So in her mind this time had been spent with a possible boyfriend versus a friend. Though she wanted validation to make sure they were indeed on the same page.
    April 27th, 2020 at 12:38am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason was glad that she didn't protest. He climbed into the car and made his way to her apartment building. He pulled into a park.

    Mason thought to himself briefly, and finally decided, to do something he'd wanted to do most of the night. He smiled lightly, and lent over the center console, he kissed her cheek lightly before pulling back blushing. "Now you can tell your friends that you let a man kiss you," he said softly.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 12:50am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    The drive to her place was rather quick, and she fidgeted in her seat. But the moment the car was park she wasn't sure what to do, did they just say good bye. But her thoughts were cut off when she felt his lips on her cheek. Turning to peer at him she offered him a sweet smile. It wasn't the kiss she was hoping for but she would gladly accept it. After all he was trying this after losing the woman he thought he'd spend forever with. So right now she'd take things slowly. Letting out a laugh when he told to tell her friends a man kissed her. "I think its best to let them stir." She smirked at him. "Thank you again for last night and this morning, I'll see you." She told him before opening her door. "Have a good day at work." She said stepping out. She wanted to make this quick if she didn't he'd have to make her leave and she didn't want that.
    April 27th, 2020 at 01:02am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason blushed slightly, "thank you, for trusting me," he said lightly. He sighed gently, and made his way to his own place. After a warm shower, Mason prepared to head into work. He was tired, but he'd make it work.

    Mason slipped his phone into his pocket, and then climbed out of his car, at the campus. He slowly and carefully made his way across campus to his office. Once there, he attempted to settle in to work on marking some more assignments.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 01:10am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Upon opening the door her friend pounce, "where the hell have you been?" Sarah asked moving from her room to the living room. "Hunter call Tre and said you ghosted him." She quickly threw out, "I've been calling you I was so worried."

    Emery chuckled letting her friend pull her into a hug. "First off I'm fine." She told her pulling away and going and plugging her phone in. "And another thing Hunter is a fucking dog." She told her friend. "I told him I'd go out to meet him but that was it, there wasn't going to be any kind of set involved, I have the to prove it. So we're out i was having an okay time, until he touched me." Sarah let out a groan.

    "You're never going to fine a guy that checks all your boxes or what ever." She told her. Knowing that Emery used to have fun going on random dates but now she turned her nose up if a guy got to touchy feely. "I tried to leave and he grabbed me, I had to lock myself in the bathroom so that sycophant didn't rape me." She told her friend trying to get her point across. "Some guy saw us having issues and he pointed it out to the bouncer when they asked him to step away from the bathroom door he attacked them. Cops had to be called." She dead panned. "Okay next time Tre and I'll double date."

    Letting out a laugh she shook her head. "There won't be a next time. I think I may have found mister right." She smiled fake swooning. Placing herself down on the couch she launched into the her night. "He so gorgeous, sweet and caring. After what happened with Hunter he offered to walk me home. I was on edge so we stay and talked for a while he drank nothing but water, stay sober the entire time before he asked if I wanted to go for a drive. I thought it might be code for car sex so I said yes." Shaking her head she couldn't help but chuckle. "He told me out for some food, then we went to make-up point and just laid on a blanket all night. And not once did his ass try to cop a feel. He even kissed me on the cheek this morning when he dropped me off." She could help the blush on her face.

    "OH my God he's gay. The check." Sarah shook her head in disbelief. "He did it because he didn't want to pressure me into anything after last night. He wants us to start off fresh and new and not because some drunken ass whole tried to rape me and he played off my vulnerability." She shook her head. "But I'm going to take a shower and you better tell Tre his friend is wak." She said getting up and moving towards the bathroom. "So whats this guys name?" Sarah asked. "Huh uh you don't get to know." She said before heading into the shower. Letting her wash away the night before events and relax.

    Stepping from the shower she wrapped a towel around her body before walking out of the bathroom. Freezing in her tracks she notices Tre and some other guy sitting on the couch. "Yo Emery." Tre greeted. Rolling her eyes she moved to her phone taking it and the charger and heading to her room. "Hey I am sorry." He told her before nodding to her arm. "He do that?" Looking at the bruise from Hunters hand she nodded, closing the door. She wasnt ready to de with them right now. Plugging back in her phone she powered it on. Hoping she'd not missed a call or message from Mr. Carter. It wasn't till then that she realized she didn't know his first name.
    April 27th, 2020 at 01:42am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason continued to slowly work on the assignments. Today was a pretty easy day for him, he didn't have a class to teach, he just had office hours. He usually found that because he was so open for questions when he finished his classes early, that he very rarely had students come to his office seeking advice.

    Mason looked up as he heard a knock at the door, it was Susan, another of the lecturers. She stepped into his office, "Hey Mason, how are you doing?" she asked. Mason shrugged and gave his usual response, which didn't seem to satisfy today.

    "It's just you look pretty horrible, and it seems that you were late the class the other day," Susan continued. "I'm just worried about you, we all are, Jessie wouldn't want you to be this upset, especially not now, it's been over a year," she said lightly.

    Mason sighed, he knew Susan just wanted to help, she wasn't being nosy or mean, but he didn't really want to talk about this with her. She had no idea what he had to deal with. He looked up, "yeah sorry, the other day was the anniversary of her diagnosis, it is still a rough one, I'll try to make sure not to be late again," he said. He smiled gently at her, "thanks for the concern, but I really should get back to marking, my class wanted these back by tomorrow," he said.

    Mason relaxed, as Susan took the message and nodded, giving her sympathies, and saying goodbye. At this point, Mason didn't really want to talk to anyone, except perhaps Emery. He moved to his door, closing it, before flicking open his phone. He thought about calling, but didn't want to seem clingy, instead he opted to listen to her message again.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 02:04am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Emery pulled on her outfit for the day before moving back into the living room. She wasn't sure if she'd get to she Mr. Carter today. After all he might be exhausted, and head home right after work just to relax before heading to bed. She didn't like the uncertainty, but she knew it was new. They would have to set boundaries and learn to maneuver a relationship behind closed doors. But right now it was still in the phase of who should call who first, or should I text or not. And she wasn't one that put up with it for long. It was always her that was the one that caved and texted first or called.

    Moving through the apartment she listened to Sarah talk about Robbie was single. It was a subtle hint for her to want to try and talk to the guy they wanted to hook her up with. Shaking her head as she started digging through the fridge. It was a bit early for lunch but she was starving as she'd skipped breakfast. Finding an apple she decided that would work for the time. Maybe she could con Sarah into buying dinner to make up to her for the disaster date she went on. She did her best to ignore them as they talked about their plans for going out and doing some clubbing. Slipping back into her room she closed the door behind her. And her heart nearly skipped a beat when her phone sounded.

    After rushing to it she froze looking at the name that displayed on the screen. She'd forgotten to block his calling and texting her. Last night she'd been so much into the man she was with that the outside world faded. Grabbing her phone she silenced the ringing, before opening the device up. Going into her contacts she looked at Hunters name before blocking him. She just hoped he got the hint to leave her alone. Though that brought back something Mr. Carter said about checking his recent call outs. Moving to his name she pulled it up looking at call history, she frowned when she noticed three calls. She only ever remember calling him twice, was that what he'd meant she'd accidentally called him. Not thinking to much about it she noticed the time, was he mad she called him after ten. Shrugging it off she'd have to make it up to him for breaking his rules. Though she wasn't sure what she could possible do, but she'd think up something.
    April 27th, 2020 at 02:36am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason sighed gently, the voicemail, was so naughty. It was so wrong for him to listen to it, but he liked hearing that she wanted him in that way. He packed up his stuff, and headed down to his car. He was thinking about Emery, and came to a decision.

    Mason was sitting frozen in his car, a messaged keyed into his phone to Emery. He just hadn't decided to send it, just yet. Taking a deep breath, and swallowing deep, he hit the send button. Typed into the phone was a message that included his home address, and the simple comment, "I'll leave the front door unlocked".

    Mason had decided he wanted to see her again, and wondered how she would take the message.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 02:52am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Hearing her phone chime, Emery looked at the phone. Just hoping it wasn't Hunter texting her off someone else's phone. A bright smile appear on her face when she received a text from the one person she'd been hoping for. Reading over the message she froze, he wanted her to come to his house. His home. Putting the phone down she rushed to the door and called Sarah into her room. After quickly explaining what was going on her friend knew that she was freaking out. What do you wear. And after trying on a few out fit most of them being overly sexy, she didn't want to put it on just yet for him. Right now should be about making it through dinner and wine, not going straight to the dessert. And after she finally got it through Sarah's head she wasn't planning on putting out unless things went well tonight. She finally started pulling out things that cover more than just her ass. Not know what he had in mind she decided to just were a jumper. It was simple, cute, had pockets, and of course her favor part the bottom was shorts.

    "Thank you." She told her friend grabbing her wallet and phone. Before rushing out to her car. Taking her keys from her wallet she started her car, and quickly followed the GPS on her phone. Hoping it landed her at the right address. Though a sigh left her lips when she pulled up behind his car. Grabbing her phone she stepped from the car before locking it and heading up the drive to the door. She felt a bit odd walking right in, but he did tell her door was opened. "Hello?" She called out closing the door behind her not venturing to far into the place.
    April 27th, 2020 at 03:20am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    After sending the message Mason made his way home. He was intrigued to see what happened, whether she would show up. He headed inside, and began absently tidying up a little bit. After that he opted to have another shower, and spruce up more, than usual, just in case. He put on some more cologne, and tidied his hair.

    Mason sat down to read through the last assignments from before the break, when he heard a car pull up. Moments later, Emery called from inside his place. "Hey Emery," he called out, as he walked through to greet her. He stopped and smiled seeing her, "wow,' he found himself saying softly.

    He smiled lightly, "so how did the conversation with the friends go?" he asked.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 03:27am