Wish Somebody Woulda Told Me

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Emery smiled at him when he came to great her, "hi." She said softly letting her eyes roam him, but a bit taken back when he stood a bit shell shocked over her. It made her stomach do flips. She could help but laughing at his next question. "I wouldn't say good." She told him, shaking her head a bit. "She's a bit of a slow learner." She chuckled, loving Sarah. And she knew she meant good but not even twenty-four hours later already trying to hook her up with another guy. "Lets just say I'm more than thankful for the excuse to leave." She told him, venturing in a bit more. She didn't really like the distance between them. But she also didn't want to just make herself at home.
    April 27th, 2020 at 03:36am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason chuckled and nodded, "well I'm glad I could be of assistance," he said lightly. He moved closer to her, and briefly went in to hug her. He smiled as a pleasant scent struck his nostrils. He pulled back, "so what did you come over for? just to get out of the house?" he asked.

    Mason was just curious where her head was at, due to his vague message. He did however enjoy seeing her in his place, she was truly a very attractive woman.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 03:44am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Emery smile feeling his hands on her as he pulled her in for a hug, her hands moving to his chest as it was rather quick, and she'd not been expecting it. "Well that's an added bonus." She told him truthfully, her smile faltering as she was being put on the spot. "I guess you can say I'm eager to find out where this is going." She told him, deciding not to beat around the bush.
    April 27th, 2020 at 03:50am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason smiled softly and nodded, "well come on, let go talk," he said lightly. He let her go, and headed through into his sitting room. The room was extremely tidy, and well furnished. A small framed photo of Jessie and Mason was sitting on a side table. Jessie was a beautiful blonde woman, bright green eyes staring into the camera, and her smile was wide as anything. It was a picture of happier times.

    Mason walked into the room and sat down on the couch. "I suppose, I should ask you, where do you see this going? where do you want it to go?" he asked.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 04:03am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Following him towards the couch, she took in his home. It made her feel a bit out of place seeing a picture of him and an other woman. She knew who it was and the circumstance, but it didn't make her feel any better. Trying not to focus on the photo she turned to look at him. "Those are some hard questions." She told him truthful. "What I want is a relationship. However if that's something you can't or won't give me I just ask that you don't play with me." She told him, knowing that him being a Professor he could just be looking to hit it and quit it. Or he was looking for something that was strictly sexual. Both of those weren't ideal options for her, but she might be open to a one night stand. After all she'd already crossed so many lines, what was one more before calling it quit. "I prefer when guys are honest with me." It got them further with her than pretending.
    April 27th, 2020 at 04:19am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason nodded listening to her, as she told him she just wanted him to be honest. He sighed softly, "Well, I have been finding that I'm attracted to you, both uh physically and intellectually," he said lightly. He shifted on the couch, "and perhaps what I want also is a relationship," he began.

    He looked around the room, "but if I'm honest I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet," he said softly. He looked at her, "are you okay with seeing where things lead, giving it a go, and just remaining honest with each other," he said softly. He shifted slightly on the couch, "It's just I don't want to promise that we can have a relationship, and then end up hurting you, if I freak out," he told her.

    It was obvious, Mason wanted to get to know her better, to be with her. But he was also scared that his fear of being hurt again, like he was when Jess died, would make him bail out and end up hurting her.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 04:26am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Emery listened to him before nodding, she smiled softly at him. "I'd like that," she told him. She knew it may end up her being a rebound. Someone he feels like he's moving on with, but end with them both hurt. It was part of loving someone through their pain. But she wasn't expecting the I love you and marry me any time soon. Sure she'd like it eventually but right now was her time to focus on school and making something out herself. She didn't need a man stepping in and ruining it. However she felt like she need a companion, someone that could help with the stress and also show her body attention when she wanted it. "But I feel like we need to lay some ground rules, give us a better guide to pleasing the other if you would." She told him. "And so we know what level of commitment we're giving." She knew that he'd been out the game for awhile. But she wasn't about to let him bring her into an open relationship just so he could try and get over his ex. "Like what should I call you, Mr. Carter?" She said slightly suggestive, feeling more and more taboo for trying to be intimate with her Professor.
    April 27th, 2020 at 04:42am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason smiled and nodded softly, "yes some ground rules is a good idea," he agreed. He was glad this conversation was going well, or at least seemed to. He smiled, "well, you can call me Mason, or Mr Carter, whatever feels right in the moment, I don't mind," he said softly, thinking back to hearing her moan his name on the voice message.

    He blushed slightly, "I think the first ground rule should be, no intimacy in the classroom, and I certainly need you to agree that I won't give you access to any of the tests before you sit them," he told her.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 04:47am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Emery looked over him Mason fit him well, though she noticed the blush on his check when she said Mr. Carter. She wondered if he had a kink she'd just figured out, but she decided to leave it alone. "I figured campus was off limits. And I'm not doing this to get a head in your classes, I do just fine." She told him, knowing that she'd not needed his help as of late since he'd explained the last time. She'd just yet to do the home work. "And I don't want any help from you unless it's for the things I've missed, if that offer still stands." She did very well in his class, but needed help catching up only. Mason had a way for explaining things that just made her understand the context better. He was one hell of a teacher. It was one reason why she enjoy his classes. But he also took the time to let people ask question if they didn't understand something. And she always made sure she wrote down everything. So it gave her a lot to review when it came to test time.

    "However when I said ground rules I meant, like exclusivity." She figured he'd want that, "personal space." She motion to the house, "things in the nature to make me feel like I'm welcome here, but keep me from stepping a line. Things like that." She told him, hoping that he wouldn't have to much rules that it made her want to run.
    April 27th, 2020 at 05:02am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason smiled, glad that as she explained that getting ahead had nothing to do with this. He nodded, "of course the offer still stands," he said lightly. He nodded understanding, "okay, well exclusivity sounds like its something we both want, so I'm good with that," he said. He looked around the house, "well, I hope it doesn't freak you out, but perhaps I can set up a room, for Jess' things, a place that I won't want you changing things around or things, but everywhere else I suppose it would work like normal relationships," he posited.

    He looked at her, "how about you, any ground rules?" he asked.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 05:11am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Emery looked at him, her eyes furrowed before she shook her head. "You don't have to change anything for me. I just do't want to ruin anything that has meaning to you. And don't think I haven't noticed the OCd," she smirked at him, she didn't have any problem with it, just as long as he didn't blow up on her. "I've had friend who were over the top about ever little detail. And I'm not that person so I just want you to acknowledged that I'm going to mess things up and it'll bother you but I expect you to talk to me about it." She told him, "because I can be a bit messy." She chuckled, she was a clean person picked up after herself as she went because she didn't see the point in having to return back to a mess. Though that didn't mean that her dirty clothes basket wasn't over flowing with things that needed to be wash. And her clean clothing were still in a basket from when she'd washed them. She didn't mind doing house work but she didn't seem to have enough time between school and a social life. "The only thing I ask, is don't be mad if you hear me lying about dating you, or rumors about my supposed boyfriend." She knew this relationship was going to have to say a secret until she was no longer his student. It was just to keep his job safe. "Because if someone ask if I'm dating you my answer will be no," she explained, "and I'll have to make things up to tell my friends where I'm going when we spend time together. I can't just ice them." She wished she could, but she did live with one of them.
    April 27th, 2020 at 05:26am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason smiled softly, even happier she didn't want him to hide his ex away in a corner. "I can live with that, I'll let you know if something bothers me, and like I said before if something of Jess' makes you feel awkward, I'm happy to move it," he said. He moved to stand up, and move closer to her, "Oh I completely understand lying to people about us dating, that's probably smart, just don't get mad if you hear I'm single still, or finally dating a lovely lady from out of town," he joked lightly.

    He stepped next to her, and reached down, "now did you check your phone logs?" he asked softly.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 05:33am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Nodding in agreement liking that they were finally on the same page and that things could progress forwards. She felt her butterflies in her stomach as he came closer, her mind racing with want. But she did her best to remain calm and collected. After all he'd only ever kissed her cheek. So she didn't know what to expect, if thing would progress further tonight or if they'd leave it a kiss.

    "Does it bother you that much that I accidentally called you after ten?" She questioned him, knowing his rules. But not seeing much wrong with the call if it was just an accident.
    April 27th, 2020 at 05:41am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason smiled softly, and took her hand. He pulled her to her feet, "oh no, the call didn't bother me, the message just surprised me," he said lightly. He pulled her closer, "and it made me wonder something," he added. He lent in and kissed her.

    He wanted to keep her guessing what the message she'd left may have said, for awhile longer.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 05:46am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Emery was a bit shocked when he pulled her up to him, her hands sliding up his chest as she stabled herself. She was lost in how close he was that she'd barely managed to catch him saying she'd left a voicemail. Feeling his lips on hers she couldn't help but ignore whatever they'd been talking about before hand. Though it clicked in her mind and she pulled back lightly, "what voicemail?" She asked softly, wondering what could have surprised him. And she mental cursed herself for not looking at what day she'd called him after 10. Honestly she didn't remember doing anything after 10 most nights.
    April 27th, 2020 at 05:52am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason smiled and kissed her lightly. He looked at her sheepishly, "Maybe I'll tell you one day," he teased her jokingly. His hands around her waist, "now please don't pretend you don't want to do this as much as I do," he told her. He let her go, and stepped towards his bedroom.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 06:00am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Emery felt her body ignite, but was she ready to do this. As much as the voice in the back of her head kept screaming at her. She moved after him, curious to see how this night turned out. Her doe eyes followed his every movement. She wasn't sure what all this night with entitle. She'd been a big fan of foreplay, but right now she couldn't explain the want she had for him. He opened the door, like he always did for her. Moving to the door she stopped turned to face him. She moved forward her hands sliding along his clothed abs, before letting her finger grip the fabric. She pulled him to her, her mouth pressing kisses along his jaw. "You really want this, Mr. Carter?" She breathed out softly in his ear. Her hands working on taking his shirt off.
    April 27th, 2020 at 06:12am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason's bed was made up with fresh sheets, and the lights were dimmed low. He kissed her back, as she turned and faced him, keeping him at the door. He could only manage a nod, as she asked if he really wanted this. His hands moved, to loosen the string on her jumper. He looked into her eyes, the want and desire clear in his.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 06:18am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ A Drop On the Window
    Her eyes traveled down to his hands, watching as he pulled the strings loose. She couldn't help the smirk that fitting to her face. She knew there wasn't any turning back, stepping back from him she pushed the shoulders of her jumper off. Watching him as it slid down her body, pooling at her feet. Leaving her in her lace bra and underwear, nibbling at her lip she motioned for him to come to her.
    April 27th, 2020 at 06:25am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Mason faltered for a moment, as his eyes washed over her body, her breasts beautiful encapsulated in lace, and a small layer of lace hugging tight against her groin. He took a moment to register her gesture, but he followed it moving closer to her. He wanted to grab her, he wanted to hold her.

    He followed her towards the bed, and absently slipped off his own shirt. He smiled looking at her, "wow, you are stunning," he said softly.

    @ BBBibles
    April 27th, 2020 at 06:31am