Don't Forget It | Closed

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Camilla Collins - Sawyer West

    I'm in awe of you.
    I want you.


    And the thought of anyone else having
    you is like a knife twisting in my soul.

    Peyton Reed - Mason Young
    May 4th, 2020 at 11:22am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami held a pencil between her teeth as she worked with another pencil on her drawing. Her process always started with a sketch of some kind then transformed into something abstract and captivating. She had pieces on display around her. She looked up for a moment to see a tall and very attractive man looking at one of her more recent peices. She smirked and turned her attention back to her shoes imagining how the color would cover and fill and disguise as she was drawing. Cami couldn't help bu think of the art she could make with the body of the man looking at her art. She shook her head trying to focus back on what her hands where doing. Cami had been in the city now for almost two months and she was making chump change on her pictures. She had an interview at a local gallery later this week to show them her portfolio. She was hoping they would agree to showcase some of her more erotic pieces. She wanted to display her pieces somewhere were men wouldn't stop and ogle and then try to hit on her because she used women's bodies in her art. The body of a woman was poetic and exotic and captivating. They inspired her art, the movement and language that was so fluid in the body of a woman. That was why she made the art she did. Cami tried making other pieces, abstract pieces that were better suited to the mass public and they where good but they didn't speak to the innermost sanctuary of people like she wanted her art to. Cami tucked her pencil behind her ear and pulled the other pencil from her mouth as she looked back over at the man ready to try to convince him into taking the piece home with him. She stopped din her tracks as he turned and his eyes pinned her to her spot. She swallowed her body feeling like it was shaking. She didn't know what it was about him that had her reacting like this but she forced an easy smile onto her lips and took a step forward coming up next to him and looking at her own art. Looking at her art was easier than looking at that smoldering glance he was giving her. "I thought of using wax for this piece at first but I thought that it would create a fake feeling to it. There is nothing fake about the set of that mouth." she smiled slowly. Cami hadn't intended for that to come out like that but there it was sensual and revealing. Now she didn't know how to work him into a sale. She had never been very good at working people into a sell to begin with. She believed that the art would always speak for itself and captivate those that it needed to.
    Mason sat on the bed in a little apartment as Lexi walked around trying to find the paperwork for her services in her tight little number. She was a pretty girl but she was going to cost him a bigger penny than he was hoping for and he was starting to think she wouldn't be simulating at an event. Civil and convincing yes but he required a little more than a pretty face. She seemed like she wouldn't be the kind of girl that could convince his sisters that he was actually dating. It wasn't that Mason wasn't interested in women it was just they were to complicated and took to much time. He didn't have time for attachments. He was the CEO of a multimillion dollar company. He watched as she finally found the paperwork and sashayed back over to him. He pulled out a pen as she sat back on the bed her knee brushing expertly against his as she did. He looked over at her as she placed the paperwork down. "Now let's begin with these questions of yours Ms. Young." she grinned as her words caressed his name. He ran a hand through his hair. She went straight to his loins yes but there was something missing. She was the type to lay out by the pool all day not go for a hike and then a swim to cool off. Mason looked over at the door. "Simply stated Ms..." She placed a hand on his arm. "Please call me Lexi." she said and Mason looked at her hand then with a nod continued. "Simply put Lexi I am looking for someone not only convincing to my family but also someone that is interested int he kind of extracurricular activities that I am." he said and Lexi grinned about the speak when the door opened. Mason looks dup as a ball of light walked through the doors before stopping as she spotted him. He stood ready to leave. He had stressed the importance of confidentiality to Lexi before their meeting and this terminated their future proceedings.
    May 4th, 2020 at 08:56pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    The bright light bleed into the building, illuminating the painting scattered across the walls. His intention had been to look around for a birthday present for his sister. It was months away but she was picky so he figured if he could find something no one else had it would satisfy her taste. At first glance the art was just like the rest of the things he'd seen, but stopping at a piece. He let his eyes linger over it. They simple jester peering back at him was spectacular. The blend of the colors was pleasant and wasn't to vibrant. It pulled at him, and though he was suppose to be shopping for his sister, he found himself entranced. The tapping for feet met his ears, before her heard a soft feminine voice. Raising a brow at the words from the artiest, he couldn't agree or disagree, as pieces spoke differently to others. Turning his gaze to the woman next to him, arching a brow at her. His eyes sweeping over her. His eyes soon moving back to her face, "It's enticing." He told her, letting his eyes travel to her mouth. Before darting back up to her eyes. The calm demeanor he displayed often put people on edge. "You can feel the frustration and want pouring from it." He told her, knowing that it was why it spoke to him. He'd never found simple gesture as a turn on, but biting of the lip was the exception. "I'm intrigued," he told her turning his full attention to her, "what was the intention behind this?" He questioned her, as he'd looked back at the painting. The work on display seemed tamed, where as this one display the sexual desire and frustration. So it made him curious if this was just a night she was sexually deprived and wanting, or was this what her true calling was.
    Peyton groaned out as she stormed out of yet another possible lead. It had been over a week now and she still could't find a job. Every place had either told her they weren't hiring or they'd filled the position. It was a tiring search. And part of her wondered if she'd not been black listed. As most companies didn't want to deal with a possible law suit. And after her last job she new that she'd have a to be a lot more aggressive with the type of people she worked with. She never wanted to have to go through that again. The entire way home she fumed trying to get her anger under control. But that had been the last opportunity for finding work that would put her degree to use. "Lex." She called as she entered the apartment, she'd assumed her friend would be lounging about as she hadn't told her about any possible jobs she'd be going on. Rolling her eyes she pulled off her cardigan, deciding she was going to put it back up. Opening Lexi bedroom door she froze seeing her in the room with a man. Her eyes widen, before quickly shooting Lexi an apologetic look. Turning she made her way back into the living room. Groaning as she was just fucking everything up today. Rubbing the bone above her right eye she could feel the stress building up, and tell tell signs of a headache coming on. As she draped the cardigan over the chair, Lexi's door opened as out strode the man. Peyton did her best to ignore him, however she couldn't stop her eyes from sweeping across his frame. He was gorgeous, Lexi had always said the men she bedded was something special. As the door closed behind him all she could way whine out her apology. "I'm so sorry, I though you were gone."
    May 5th, 2020 at 12:32am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami smiled as she looked back at him when he said it was enticing. She loved that he felt that way about her piece. That was her goal with her art. She nodded softly as he told her what it made her feel and she was glad that her art was speaking. She light up as he said he was intrigued and her eyes sparkled. "The intention is to present a simple piece of the human body. To display the wonder of it, the complexity and the call for a deep desire that there are no words for." she blushed and looked back at the painting. "It's the kind of piece that leads into more brazen subjects. It's a great conversation starter or it can be the beginning of a fascinating and complex collection." she looked up at him again glad that she was able to bring them back to the point with was he should buy the painting. She had displayed so much of herself when explaining this piece to him but if it made the piece sell what harm could it bring. The man was being cordial and was showing real interest in the piece with was something she could admire. Cami was lucky to have rented a little space that would showcase her paintings for the day and it was working better than the boardwalk where people would ask her to draw silly drawings of them with was not something she did. She grinned looking up at the stunning man. "Camilla Collins." she held her hand out to him. "But everyone calls me Cami."
    Lexi came out and pulled her hair over one shoulder. "Peyton please. I thought you would be in your job interview a little longer and it was more of a surprise visit. Well, it wasn't but I had forgotten about him showing up." Lexi grinned. "Never mind him tell me how the interview went." she said and pulled her stressed friend into the couch grabbing the left over wine in her glass and handing it to Peyton. She would have to go hunting for another client but that could happen later. She would just take a shorter job for the month until she found something better to suit her.

    Mason walked out of the room and stopped only long enough to pull on his jacket and glance over the sunshine that rubbed her temple. He borrowed his brow then left. Thoughts swam through his head of what dark places he could take her to and watch her brighten the room. He could tell she wasn't the long about type waiting to be taken care of. She was the kind of women his sisters would expect to see him with. As he left the building he looked back at it in curiosity at the thought of the woman that he had only had moments to absorb. The thoughts would fade he was sure. Mason got in his car and drove back to his home. He still had a while before the next event he could at least sleep on the thoughts. He wasn't going to let a little sunshine take the control he was so good at holding onto.
    May 5th, 2020 at 04:59am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "Sawyer," he spoke taking her hand in his grasp. Gently squeezing it before releasing her, his eyes shifting back to the painting. He knew that if they kept at it he'd more than likely buy the picture. Then he turned to view the rest of the art displayed, "so tell me why does it feel like the ambiance feels different between this picture and those." He was curious about what her true passion was. As it felt like there was certain items he'd consider art and then there was others that seemed more like drawings. Her talents weren't perse wasted, but the art wasn't up to parr with a wow or selling factor. Letting his eyes shift back to the creator of the beautiful works of art, he felt a certain draw. Wanting to figure out just who this young artiest was.
    Peyton sighed as she dropped down on the couch, "they canceled my interview." She told her. "They waited until I got sat down to inform me the job had been filled." She rolled her eyes. "But as I left there was ten other applicants waiting." She scoffed. Hating this so much. She felt like her world was crumbling. And all the years of hard work going down the drain. Standing she shook he head, "I just want to get some sleep and forget this." She told her, before trailing off to her room. She knew it was early. But if she'd told Lexi she was going to bed then the girl would leave her alone. Even if it wasn't the case. She felt horrible enough as it was, that she didn't get the job but adding her mishap with her friend and her client. Was a bit to much for her as she just wanted to sleep the day away, even it had her up before the sun.
    May 5th, 2020 at 09:02am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami felt electricity run through her at his touch. It was firm yet he wasn't rough with her. She bit her lip as she watched him look at the painting then at her other pieces. Cami smiled as he noticed the difference between her art work. She looked down. "There are some items you can't display in a public place like this where children come to wonder about. I am hoping to be showing at a gallery here soon but that is still a work in progress." she said then looked up at him. "Besides some of my more passive pieces sell better in places like this." she said and shrugged. "But once in a while someone like yourself sees the appeal to a piece like this one. I really appreciate your interest it validates what I am doing with pieces like this one." she said. She wasn't sure he was going to buy it but she was going to back off to give him some time to think about it. "If you have any more questions for me I'll just be behind the easel." she pointed out took the second pencil she had in her hair out and started back to the drawing she was working on.
    Lexi frowned. "Bastards." she mumbled. As Peyton said she was heading to bed Lexi leaned back and drank from he wine bottle. "Goodnight sweetie." she called waving as she sat back putting her feet up on the coffee table.

    The next morning Mason found himself driving back to the apartment. He knew Lexi wouldn't be there. She had given him her schedule ahead of time that meant that the possibility of him coming up to the apartment and catching little Ms. Sunshine alone where greater. Or the apartment could be empty. Either way he would know what to do when he left here. Mason had a packet in his coat just in case she was there. Mason took the stairs taking his time as he considered what he was doing. He knew nothing about this girl. He had no references for her no test results. He simply knew she worked with Lexi. Lexi wasn't a bad recommendation really. He knew he was trying to justify his decision. He was being rash and he knew it. Usually he would have a security team look her up and create a file but that took too much time. Mason leaned against the doorway and knocked waiting for the door to open or enough time to pass that he felt ridiculous standing there anymore. He hoped she opened the door. He wanted another look at her.
    May 5th, 2020 at 04:31pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    His eyes trailed her body as she walked away, he was very intrigued not by the painting but the artist. He wanted to continue to question her, see more. However he was a patient man, and knew that he would be seeing more of her. Hopefully all of her. Turning on his heel he quickly exited the gallery. Pulling out his phone the moment he was outside. The number he dialed answered on the first ring. "Camilla Collins." He said his voice held a soft tone to it. Knowing the woman behind the other line would under stand what he was insinuating. "Business or Pleasure?" Her questioned wasn't no asked often as when he vetted someone they were always Business, however today being his day off being the exception. "Both." He told her before hanging up. Knowing he'd have a file in his hands by the end of the day. The next number he called was programmed into his phone as the number 2. Her voice was to cheer for his liking but she did aim to please him. "Item number 17, art gallery on Pension and Brown. $5000." He quickly snapped down into the line before disconnecting it. Now he was off to try and find his sister a birthday present. If he had to have one custom made, it would make it easier as they had months to do so.
    Peyton stepped from the shower, yesterday events still playing in her mind as she dried herself off. Slipping into her robe. She started to tame her wet hair, hearing a knock at the door. Frowning she wasn't expecting anyone and Lexi was supposed to be at the gym, before she went to work. Though her mind did think over her roommate forgetting something. Moving to the door she scrunched her hair in her towel hoping to absorb some of the water. Pulling the door open, the teasing words on her tongue quickly vanished as her eyes laid on the man before her. "Hello." She softly said to him, forgetting she wasn't dressed and that her hair was dripping all over her. She stood kind of awkwardly, with the door wide opened. Having expected her friend to rush past her in a furry to find what ever she'd left. She wasn't even sure what to say to the man as she didn't know his name, or why he was here. She just knew he was gorgeous and could feel the butterflies in her stomach, and as bit of jealous of her friend.
    May 5th, 2020 at 07:58pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami had celebrated the day that an unknown investor had sent his employee to purchase her painting. She watched it walk out happy it was going to a well valued home. She bit her lip wondering if that tall dark and handsome man had anything to do with it. She had spent the next week preparing more pieces focusing more on the pieces that stirred her soul. She went to the gallery that was looking to showcase her and she rocked the interview. She spent the rest of the time until the showing creating as many pieces as she could. The day of the showing she showed up in her run down little car at the back of the gallery to see other artist moving art pieces in. She frowned wondering if they where storing art. She headed inside and went to talk with the gallery owner. Cami walked up to him in the middle of a set being put up. "Mr. Ricks!" she called out moving over to him. He looked down at her. "Cami." he smiled. "Isn't this wonderful seeing all these artist coming together? And please you know you can call me Brad." he asked her. Cami frowned. "I thought we had talked about a solo showing." she said and he chuckled. "Now Cami you are talented but fresh still. We needed some bigger names to get you on the map. Don't worry we will get you up to a solo some day." he said and Cami ran a hand through her hair grinding her teeth. She took a deep breath. A gallery showing at Northlight Stars Gallery was better than where she had been. She would have bigger clients and the possibility for real investors. "Okay can you show me to my spot then?" she asked. Brad pointed off to the corner. "Over there dear it's all clearly marked." he said and she headed off in the direction he pointed. She went to the spot seeing her name on a few spaces and she balled her fists, her nails digging into her palms. She looked around noticing just how much confidence Mr. Ricks had in her. She swallowed the lump in her throat. She would take this opportunity and make the best of it. Cami worked through the day setting up her paintings before heading home to dress up for the gallery showing. She headed back to the showing and made sure everything was in place before the opening. When the gallery opened she didn't hover over her pieces. Cami walked around with a glass of champagne she had taken maybe two sips of. She looked at the surrounding art keeping an eye on her paintings and showing up to answer questions for potential buyers as they arrived. As the night went on she was starting to calm down. She was outselling most of the people at the gallery. Cami stood in front of her top dollar piece that had just sold in admiration and took another sip of her drink not even halfway gone.
    Mason grinned watching a drop of water fall down her chest and between her breast disappearing into her robe. "Hello. Are you going to invite me in?" he asked her as he stood from his lean against the wall so he towered over at her. He reached a hand out and lifted the edge of her damp hair before letting it fall again. She smelled like earth and something edible. He liked it. He stepped forward so she stepped back and he closed the door behind them. He looked around the apartment. It was a rush to see her so exposed and in shock at his appearance. "Who where you expecting?" he asked her curiously as he looked back at her. He smiled and stepped back to her holding his hand out for her to take. "Mason Young." he introduced himself because it appeared like she wasn't going to. He raked his eyes over her. She was delicious and it took a lot of his control not to take her to that couch and unravel the tie separating his eyes from the full view of her body. He liked how easy it was to be around her. There wasn't any analyzing it was organic and he wanted more of her. He just had to find how to work her into a contract now.
    May 6th, 2020 at 12:48am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Turning page after page, he sighed before closing the folder and tossing it in the seat next to him. Having remembered everything written on the few pages, he was rather disappointing the little information his crew was able together. They had expressed that it was because she new to the city, and getting more information on her would take time. He shook it off knowing that the real information he wanted was personal and pulling them from their work wasn't something he did often. When in fact he wasn't above asking, even the most difficult questions. When his car came to a stop he opened the door, the car idling briefly as he exited the vehicle. He didn't plan on staying very long, if he could help it. In fact there was only one reason he was here. Stepping into the door he was quickly greeted by the Vice President of his investment company, her tall lanky body wrapped in a very expensive couture dress. Offering her a quick nod she extends her arm to him, before she starts adamantly talking about the art work she'd been keen on. Her gesturing to a few people that's art his sister may enjoy as she knew he was still searching for the perfect. "I'll have to defer to your expertise then." He told her, her shrill laugh getting the attention of half the event. "Well darling I'll just have to wow you both, but don't be surprise when your pocket book is lighter." She smiled then waved him off as she strutted off to go look at the art, he'd have to sign off on whatever she picked.

    His eyes shifted around the room offering a nod to a few of the art critics he knew, before he started his trek back to where he was originally planning on going. "Mr. West." He heard a breathe laugh before Brad Ricks appeared in his view, offering him a glass of champagne. Kindly excepting the glass he nodded as he toasted the glass. "Good to see you." Was all he had to say as he continued to walk around. "I'm surprised to see that you've taken interest in these artiest." The man quickly said because Sawyer not often appeared dateless to events. It was almost like a rule if he was solo he was looking to invest if he was with a date, it was just that a date. Normally he didn't personal look into investing as hounds like Mr. Ricks annoyed him. "Well I notice talent that most men don't, excuse me." He said to the man, before enter the art work of the beautiful Camilla Collins. His brow raising as he looked around at every piece, a sold sign having been placed below them. "My congratulations, it's not often a young artiest sells every piece." He told her as he came to a stop beside her. "Miss Collins, good to see you again." He smiled gently at her, as she looked up at him.
    Peyton felt a bit exposed in front of him, but she didn't think it was her clothing but just the way his eyes moved along her body. She stepped back surprised he'd wanted to even come in after his abrupt departure. Shaking her thoughts from her head when he questioned if she was expecting any no. "No one," she told him softly, not knowing why she felt the need to even answer. "Peyton," she told him feeling a bit odd. She wasn't sure how to act around one of her friends clients, it was the main reason why they weren't allowed in the apartment without notice. Though she was giving Mr. Young the benefit of the doubt as he didn't know the rules. "Is Lexi expecting you Mr. Young?" She questioned him, not feeling right with getting to familiar with this man, as he was off limits. And really her personal life was in shambles right now, so adding to the mess of her life wasn't high on list to do. Moving towards the living room, she rounded a chair before turning and facing him, feeling a bit better now that their was distance between them.
    May 6th, 2020 at 02:23am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami turned hearing Sawyer and she smiled. "Thank you. I'm just excited to see that the pieces are starting to get notice." she looked back at him. He was dressed up in a suit that fit him like a glove and he looked so good in it that it made her stomach drop with desire. He wasn't just anyone, the suit told her that. "It's good to see you again as well and please it's Cami after all I am on first name basis with you." she grinned. "Although I am getting the impression I should know you, with how everyone is starting to look at me with envious eyes and looking at you like vultures. Have you omitted telling me your last name for a reason?" she asked him directly, her eyes direct but there was a blush that seemed to be continuously there in his presence revealing her vulnerability to his charms. "I'm starting to think you have an interest in my art. Twice is not often a coincidence." She sipped her drink enjoying how he stood there with her. Confidence oozed off him in spades and it was infections and alluring. Cami felt like she was drunk on his presence. It was the same sensation she had gotten before when they had been staring at one of her other pieces. "I should tell you that the last piece you where interested in has been sold but if my art is appealing I would be happy to show you more. I had a few more pieces I was going to showcase tonight but," she looked down trying to control an eye roll. "due to some unexpected spacing conflicts I had to cut back on my display." She said professionally but anyone that knew anything about the new artist struggle it meant she was promised things and then there was a lack on the delivery.
    Mason shook her hand then let it drop. Peyton asked about Lexi and he shook his head. "I am not here for Lexi. Our contract was not a match." he said. He watched her put space between them and smiled as she seemed to relax. He put her on edge and he had been wanting to keep her there purely for selfish reasons. He stepped back looking out the window a moment before looking back at her his eyes pinning her to her spot. "I am here for you Peyton. I want to write up a contract with you. I have some upcoming events that I think you will be a good fit for." he removed the envelope from his jacket and moved over to her handing it to her. "I have detailed my terms and incentives in the packet enclosed inside, along with some disclosure paperwork and a few minor details for my law firm on confidentiality and such. I will leave these with you to consider. If it doesn't interest you simply shred the papers but if you are interested I do hope to hear from you. We can set up an interview at a more neutral location to avoid any conflicts for you." he said meaning conflicts with Lexi though he didn't think here would be a problem with Lexi. She was a woman that understood chemistry and she had felt his lack of it with her. Mason straightedges his sleeve on his suit and moved around the chair towards her. "I do hope you consider my proposition." he grinned slowly his eyes dropping to her mouth. He wished to sample a taste of her but he knew the rules. There would be no contact before a contract.
    May 6th, 2020 at 03:40am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer offered her a smirk when she noticed the way the room seemed to give him his space and attention. "You're not wrong." He informed her about how he'd kept his name out of their earlier conversations. And again about how this wasn't just a coincidence. No nothing he did was coincidence, it was always planned out down to every last detail. However when adding new and unknown elements to his day it was riveting as well as unsettling. "I'm very much interested in your art," he told her knowing that he was more interested in her. "It's such a same more wasn't on display." His thoughts were not on the art. "Though I'd love to see more." He never took his eyes off her, wanting to know what was going through her beautiful head. "You will not believe how much of your money I just spent." Her words cut through the air as she wrapped her arms around his. "Mrs. Baxter, I believe you've been drinking." He told her, feeling her cuddling up to him. She knew he hated it, though it was just what she'd done since they were children. "Camilla, I'd like you to met Eva Baxter, my business partner." He told her, knowing that their names were usually mixed together in the industry. And it was give her a bit of an incite onto just how he was. "Oh yes, she the sweet heart that my wife was raving about, I believe she bought one of your pieces." Eva said offering her hand to Camilla.
    Her brows furrowed when he told her his and Lexi's contract didn't match, what hell was that suppose to mean. Though her brow shot up when he said he was there for her, and she felt herself reach for the envelope without thinking. Her hands tucking it against her body, knowing that she didn't believe she'd be able to even look at it with him before her. "I'm," she paused. Not sure if she should be faltered or pissed. She wondering if that was all that she was ever going to be good for. A woman that men can use and throw aside. Her old boss seemed to think that he body was his to touch any time his wished. And now a man she'd never really met was wanting god knows what from her. And the sad thing was she was contemplating it. Her mind was really going over what could lie in the delicate wrapping in her hands. "I will look over it." She told him, lifting her gaze to his when he approached. Her mind still filled with so many questions and concern. But the most important one was why, why the hell was she even considering it.
    May 6th, 2020 at 04:27am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami smiled as he was interested. She was starting to think that this was going to be a very important connection and she was sure going to ask someone who had been in town longer who the hell this man was. Cami bit her lip feeling her mind fuzzing as he talked more. He was talking about her art right? "Well let me get your contact information and I can get in contact with you to set up a private showing." she said her mouth speaking business but the dark parts of her minds hoping for a different kind of private showing. Cami looked up at the woman who clung to Sawyer suddenly and tilted her head only slightly as she took in the sight, a sting spreading in her belly. Had she missed a sign that he wasn't available? When he explained that that was his business partner she had to focus on the name. She had heard it in some of the art circles connected to a... Her eyes widened as she looked at Sawyer realizing just who she had been imaging naked in her bed. "Mrs. Baxter a pleasure." she said and shook the woman's hand. She grinned as she looked back at her art. "Yes I remember your wife. This piece." Cami went over to one of the pieces behind her so that the wife of her buyer could see it as well. "I believe she called it sensually innocent." she smiled very much put back at ease as she talked about art. Cami grinned softly as she talked about how the art had made her buyer feel. It was always her greatest joy when her art spoke to her buyer in much the same way as it had her when she was creating it.
    Mason smiled. "If you have questions I have left my contact information among the papers I would be happy to clarify. If you are considering I would hope to see a contract of yours in return so I can make sure to accommodate your needs." he said and then buttoned his suit jacket again. "It was a pleasure Peyton." he turned to let himself out. "I truly hope to hear from you." he said and then closed the door behind him as he left. She was intoxicating and he wanted her for some unexplainable reason. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he walked down he stairs. Mason walked out and got into his car looking up at her window wondering just was she was doing and thinking right now. Would she go over the contract immediately or would she finish getting dressed and drying her hair. He wished he could have stayed and watched her read it over. He hoped she would call and he could set up a meeting for them them go over the dinner details.
    May 6th, 2020 at 05:09am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    A soft smirk played at his lips as she wanted his contact information. If he wanted her to have it she would have already. Though he'd hoped she would show him her work tonight. However his plans were dashed. Sawyer was cursing Eva in his mind right now, and if he wasn't the business man he was, she'd have been pushed aside. This was his time to spend with Camilla, and not her's. She had her time with the artists. But he knew what she was doing as he never showed much interest in the artist before. It was always about the art. "Yes, this it the amazing piece." She smiled before turning back to Sawyer shooting him a teasing smirk. "She told me it reminded her of a younger me." She chuckled, causing Sawyer to roll his eyes. He wasn't one to show his annoyance easily, but being as she was one of his oldest friends she knew how to push her buttons. And part of Sawyer wanted to play back, so he did just that. Pulling out his phone he quickly texted Kate, letting her know her wife was flirting with the artist. It was simple, but cruel as Kate hated it when Eva flirted with younger women. It was a few moments of him listening to the two women before him before he heard Kate. "Honey." Her voice was soft and laced with a sweet aspect. But he could tell by the way Eva tensed she knew she was in trouble. "It was lovely talking to you Cami." Eva said, before turning and moving to her wife. She threw a glare my way before she wrapped herself around her wife. The two of them quietly whispering to themselves as the left. Shaking his head he couldn't help the smile on his face as he knew he'd been in for it the next morning. Lifting his gaze to the art around him, he was a bit disappointed he'd not been here to see the sales. And watch the way her face lit up when she watched her dream come true. "Well Miss Collins, Camilla." He caught himself, "it has been a pleasure." He told her, knowing that he'd spent far to much time with her and was starting to get a lot of attention for it.
    The door clicked behind him, and she felt the breath she'd been hold escape her. Her eyes shifting down wards to the envelope, her hands were shaking. She wasn't sure if it was nerves, fright, or she was cold due to lack of clothing. She didn't know what she'd gotten herself into. The man that had just left had her feeling things she not felt in a long time. Lust being the strongest one. She thought she'd never want a man again after her boss trying to force himself on her. Moving to the couch she tucked her feet under her before she opened the envelope, turning it over she drop the contents into her awaiting hand. She set aside the package, before turning the papers to look at him. Sitting on top was a note, and words precisely scribbled onto it. This shouldn't be anything new for you, all terms and agreements have been laid out anything that you feel needs to be added or removed, we'll discuss. This is a binding contract. However the NDA is NOT optional. It must be signed before any further discussion can proceed. Furrowing her brow she frowned, who did this man think she was. Shaking her head she flipped the page at the top was his contact information as promised. And below was the words that made everything finally click. Sugar Baby Contract

    Setting packet aside she stood up and paced. Her eyes landing on the contract every few seconds before she'd shake her head and pace more. She wasn't sure how long she'd been doing it but her hair was long dry. The sound of the door opened, pulled her attention to her friend entering. "Oh my God Lexi." She sighed out feeling herself still shaking. "I was offered a sugar baby contract." She told her, feeling her wide eyes on her friend. She watched as her friend closed the door shock displayed across her face. "And a NDA on top of that." She fretted not knowing what to say to her friend, feeling like she need help to decided weather or not she should do this. But not being able to find a job this could just be a temporary thing to get her by. And Mr. Young wasn't bad on the eyes, after all she was attracted to him so it wouldn't be to bad having sex with him. But the no feelings part would be her down fall. "What do I do?" She gaped at her friend, she wanted help to navigate the contract. But she also didn't know if that would violate the NDA. She was so lost.
    May 6th, 2020 at 06:43am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami smiled as she watched the interaction with Mrs. Baxter and Sawyer. When Eva's wife came over and called for her Cami smiled sweetly. "It was delightful to talk with you as well Mrs. Baxter." she said and smiled at her buyer waving them off before she turned back to Sawyer her butterflies jumping back into her stomach though she had felt his presence the entire time she was talking to Eva. Cami looked up as Sawyer started to say his fair wells. She smiled as he called her by her first name at least. "It was a pleasure to see you again Sawyer. Should I try to leave a message with your company for you to see my art or will you find me?" she asked him a small smile tugging at her lips knowing he could find her if he wanted and she was sure he would but she did want to make sure that he understood she was still open to showing him her art and at the same time knew he was someone important. Cami was almost sad that he was leaving. They had so little time together. She already had a piece of art in mind that she wanted to show him. It was one of the bigger and more revealing pieces. It was driving her crazy she didn't know his last name yet. She couldn't recall it but she knew his company name and his business partner and she would ind out soon enough. Then she could work to keep things more professional. She could snicker at the thought of being professional with Sawyer as her belly flipped and her heart fluttered as he looked at her.
    Lexi walked in to see a panicked Peyton. The word that came out of her mouth next where a surprise. Lexi closed the door. "Oh..." she blinked trying to think how she would have gotten a contract then thought of Mason the day before. "Oooh." she walked over to Peyton as she stared at the envelope and placed a hand on her shoulder. "On page three you will see a spot to list your safety call and another NDA for your safety call. It's a precaution for most that they don't take but you can and I will sign it then you can talk to me about everything." she said and rubbed her arm. "Honey why don't you go get dressed first and comb out your hair. I'll get the wine and make you something to eat." she said knowing Peyton had probably been fretting about it all day. Lexi insisted Peyton go dress before she moved into the kitchen. Once she was all done she set the food wine and the envelope on the coffee table. She pulled off her heels and poured her own glass sipping it waiting for Peyton but she wasn't going to let her hide for to long. It was interesting that Mason had assumed what Peyton was and had felt that kind of connection to her. Maybe he hadn't assumed anything and was just hoping she would do it anyways. There was a clause in the contract about term length and she knew it would give Peyton comfort to know it could be shortened or extended and there was of course the trial basis of three events.
    May 6th, 2020 at 04:22pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "I'll be around." He told her, knowing he'd been very vague. He was still trying to process his own thoughts. It had been a while since he'd had a submissive, and this quizzical little bee made him want to silence her mouth. He like compliance and control. And with her he felt out of control, and wanted to take it back. Though the only way he knew how was to break her. He didn't like training new submissive it was tiring not being able to go all out, and the lack of satisfaction that came with him not being able to do what he wanted. Strolling around the gallery, he made sure to stop and every artist. Waving them off when they tried to speak to him, watching as they quickly complied and let him look. Few pieces drew his attention, though he found himself pausing at one, it disturbed in him ways he couldn't describe. Though his mind was far from the painting but back to Miss Collins. Thinking of her delectable lips, wanting very much to reenact the picture. After clearing his thoughts the best he could, he stopped by the painter who Eva had bought a painting from, he wasn't surprise to find she'd purchased it under her name. Knowing that if he purchased any art it would so favoritism and there was very little times he'd ever done so. Looking at the art he raised a brow at the high prices the young woman was asking for her pieces. And it made him wonder what the hell Eva saw in the art, though he knew his sister would love it. As he finished his round, he started to slow down. Prolonging his visit. As things were winding down for the night. Some artist were already packing things away, wrapping up the purchased art for clients. And packing away what had not sold. And as he stopped at the beautiful young artiest he wasn't surprised to see her wrapping up the last piece of art. Knowing the venue to care of the exchange of art and money. He walked into her booth, his eyes trailing over her lips. His imagination had capture them perfectly. "Is the offer to see you art open for tonight?" He questioned her. He pulled his phone out, texting his driver he was about ready to leave.
    Peyton felt a deep blush pull at her face as she looked down at what she was wearing. He'd laid eyes on her like this. Trying to shake the thoughts from her head, she nodded. Before trailing off to her room. Quickly pulling on a shirt and a pair of shorts, then throwing her hair up into a bun. She'd worry about how she looked later, when her mind wasn't going crazy over the contract. Exiting her room she smiled at her friend, knowing her so well. "Thank you so much, Lex." She told her not knowing what she'd do without her some times. And as she sat down she couldn't help but feel a bit of guilt. "You're not mad or upset about this are you?" She questioned wanting to make sure her even considering this wasn't jeopardizing their friendship. She grabbed her wine glass and taking a rather big sip. Before setting it down, her eyes lingered over the food. She didn't know if she could stomach it. But she took a bite none the less, just to get something on her stomach. Grabbing the envelope she quickly pull the items out flipping through the pages. She quickly read over the NDA of a safety call. "So I can speak to you about terms of the agreement, however any sexual or business related maters I over hear are prohibited." She looked up at her. "So basically all I can do is ask for advice?" She questioned.
    May 6th, 2020 at 08:16pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami had let Sawyer walk off with a smile and a simple nod. She enjoyed the atmosphere for a while thinking of what her own showing would be like one day. Cami looked back at her paintings and started to package them up for the gallery so her buyers would get her art quickly. She added a personal note in each piece as a thank you and her contact information if they where looking for anything other pieces. Cami was finishing applying the tap to her last piece when she heard Sawyer. She looked up at him. He had a habit of sneaking up on her making her stomach flip and her heart to speed up every time. She bit her lip as she processed his question and then she set her painting down carefully before moving over towards him. She hadn't expected to do so tonight but her apartment was fairly clean other than the paints left about but that was normal for an artist and he would be there to see her paintings not her workspace. "Yes if you would like. I have a few pieces in mind I wanted to show you. If you would like to come over in half an hour I can have them on display and ready for you." she wanted a change to clean up her studio a little as well. She was a clean person but she had a dish or two int he sink and an unmade bed, her jacket slung over a chair back and shoes laying in corners like any normal person might. It was late but he was a busy man, she could tell and having any time with him would give her a possible investor. It was worth the late night.
    Lexi smiled as Peyton came back. "I'm here for you." she said. When Peyton asked if she was mad she shook her head. "If it's the client I think it is I think you would be a much better fit for him than I would have been." she said glad that Peyton took a bite of the food. The last thing she needed was to get drunk right now. "Yes so basically I am the person you can talk to about nonspecific things really and I am the only other one that can read the document you have in your hands. If you feel uncomfortable or need to be picked up at any point I would be the person you call to come get you." she said and took the NDA as it was handed to her and signed it. "Okay let me see it. I'll go step by step with you through it and you can decide if this is something you want. Peyton I know your most worried about the sex." she said before they started. "There is no pressure. It's not like he's going to expect you to have sex with him right off the bat it's suppose to be more organic. You're not a prostitute you can say no but it your not planning on having sex at all with him in the next few weeks I wouldn't accept the deal. The main reason he is hiring you is to be a distraction to those around him. It takes the pressure off of him and it's your job to make it look legit. He will follow suit because he wants it to look as real as you present it to those he brings you around. And as for the emotions well those will pass when your contract ends and if you want there will be others." she squeezed her hand. "Ready to go through the contract?" she asked her.
    May 6th, 2020 at 10:39pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer felt his anger rising a bit when she suggested he met her at her place. "I have a car out front waiting." He told her, firmly not wanting to argue about the specifics. He just wanted her to follow him. As she could assume his time was money, and he was wasting it on her. Not for her art but for her. Though she'd assume it was due to his interest in her art. No that was what just opened the door. And if he ever got to the point of asking her to be his submissive, then it would be worth his time. Even if she did turn him down, he'd have at least been able to smolder that flame. And then business per usually would pick up, and he'd do his best to distances himself as to not blur the lines again. Though he'd been partner less for a while now and he was starting to feel the draw for a new submissive. "Shall we?" He questioned her, motioning for her to walk. He didn't leave any room for discussion. Wanting her two think this was a once in a life time opportunity.
    Peyton watched as she sighed the paper, she listened to her words. Shaking her head, it had not felt like he wanted to wait. His entire presence scream he wanted to fuck her. It's what made her want to get as far away from him as possible. "So you're saying not to have sex the first night?" She questioned, wanting to know when she should consider having sex with him. She wasn't even sure she wanted to. It was so much pressure knowing that she was going to be fucked by someone she didn't know anything about, and then have to stand next to him and pretend to be the perfect girl friend. "So when should I worry about it?" She knew if her friend said go with what felt right she'd be fucked. "Of fuck." She said feeling her brain feel up with more worry, about if she caught feelings for him. "How do you do this?" She asked her feeling her mind about to explode. She grabbed her glass and downed the rest of it. She could feel the heat from the drink or was that her embarrassment. Sighing she looked at Lexi, "do you think I could even pull this off?" She asked, knowing that it was a very straight forward contract. And she knew how to maneuver through a contract as she'd worked over hundreds of them before. But never did they have anything remotely close to this written on the pages.

    After spending most of the night with Lexi discussing the contract and the woman's vote of confidences. She'd went to bed thinking things over, surprisingly sleeping better than she had in the past week or so. But now she stood with her phone in hand pacing back and forth again. Her eyes flickering back to the signed NDA's then back to her phone. She'd already texted Mason, Signed NDA. But after about five minutes of no responses. She wondered if she'd taken to long to answer. Or maybe she'd not been forward enough with her text. So she'd found herself typing out her next response. Lexi will be out of the apartment all day, if you'd like to stop by. She knew it was vague but it'll explained that she was ready to speak contract with him. Lexi had mention that at any time a parent was coming over she should be dress ready to go out, unless other wise stated. So here she was brushing down her satin dress, hoping he'd not be to much longer in his response. She knew she was getting a head of herself by dressing. But it gave her something to do while she worked up her courage to text him. Opening her phone she looked down at it feeling a bit dejected. It had been over an hours since she'd sent the last message. And she'd still not heard back from him.
    May 6th, 2020 at 11:35pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami couldn't help but think about her car out back. She could come get it tomorrow by bus. This was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. "Oh okay." she said and grabbed her purse. He asked if they should go and she moved through the open door having to pass close to him on the way. She looked up at him as she did her expression handing what she was feeling at how close she was to him. Cami swallowed as she moved onto the street the night air refreshing. She took a deep breath feeling herself steady a bit. She looked around assuming the man with the door open to an expensive looking car was his. She looked up to make sure seeing his nod before she slipped into the car. They arrived at her apartment not much later and Cami felt like she was floating the atmosphere in the car steamy and electric. She pressed her legs together her hands laid one in the other on her lap her pinky stroked the back of her hand nervously. Once her door was opened she slipped out of the car and then searched in her purse for her keys. She could feel when Sawyer came to stand next to her. She pulled them out and looked up at him and bit her lip before looking away at her apartment building. "This way." she said leading him to the tall brick building. It was older but still in the art district. Cami led him through the lobby and to the stairs. They walked up the three flights before they got on her floor. She lead him to her apartment and opened the door stepping in. She set her keys and purse on the table in the entryway. Her studio apartment was laid out so her art was in front where a living room normally would be across from he kitchen and behind the half wall of windows was her bedroom. Cami turned. "Come in, let me just pull out the pieces." She said and headed towards her art section where canvases where proper up against the wall one side blank the other painted on and the works in process in the middle on easels. Cami stopped by the wall pulling off one heel and dropping it then the other before she entered onto the sheets laid under the art area. Cami was sorting through the art and started to pull some out setting them aside. Once she had a couple she brought them over to the banister where she could display them to him. She set up the first peice then a second. She stepped back looking at them. "These are part of a series." she said. She had more in mind to show him but these two spoke the loudest to her and made her think of how he looked at her. Cami swallowed and bit her lip then looked up at Sawyer.
    Mason was pleased to receive Peyton's text. He made a few texts of his own to different people while he sat in his meeting. When he received another text from his driver then he texted Peyton Get in the car waiting out front. Lewis will be driving you. Bring the paperwork. I will see you in twenty. He texted and then focused back on his meeting his mind wondering to her in that robe the water running down between her breasts. He had to focus on something else before he burst. He would keep this meeting professional and business like. That was why he wasn't returning to her apartment but bringing her to a studio of his where they could be on even footing and he was sure she would be more dressed this time. If all went well he would take her out to dinner as a practice run and as a reward to them both before he would drop her back off at home unless she wanted to visit his apartment. It was only the first visit though and he knew it usually took three visits before things got more serious. Until then he was going to have to control his urges and do his best not to scare her off. After tonight he would have her investigated throughly and have background on her if all went well that was. Once the meeting finished he went down to his car in the parking garage and drove off. Once he arrived to the studio office he walked up to the door that Lewis opened for him. "She is waiting in the conference room sir water and fruit have been supplied." he said and Mason nodded. "Thank you Lewis." he said and then headed up the stairs walking into he studio and seeing her int he glass box that was the conference room int he empty studio office. Desks and chairs sat deserted waiting or him to fill the rooms with workers. For now this would suit his needs just fine. He walked into the conference room and let the door closed before he spoke. "Good afternoon Peyton." he crossed over to the table and unbuttoned his jacket sitting down. "You're NDA's please." he said waiting for her to slide the paper over.
    May 7th, 2020 at 12:48am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    The car was void of talking, as soft classical music pour from the speakers. Something he tolerated as well as enjoyed at times. Though he left the music choice solely to Kent. And he'd not brought the right car for idle chatter either. He trusted Kent very much but there was only so much he wished to discuss in front of the man. Even if he was the head of his security team. He could feel tension in the car as she fidgeted beside him. As the car slowly to a stop he took a moment to steal a glance at her, his eyes sweeping across her features. Then traveling her body as she steps from the car. He didn't get to enjoy much as he slid himself from the car as well. He nodded to Kent not knowing how long he'd be staying. Stepping away from the car he stopped beside Camilla, his brow shot up as she dug around for her keys. Nodding when she started to lead the way. Part of him wanted to bring up his interest. But he was unsure if she felt the same connection he did or if she was just trying to sell her art.

    The apartment location was a bit of an issue for him, but he knew some people had to do what they could in order to support themselves. But she kept the place surprisingly clean for someone who's works were so chaotic. Though he tried to keep his eyes focused on why he was here, and not let images of him fucking her on the wall of windows. When she pulled out her art he quickly adverted his eyes from her to it. Letting his eyes roam over the clearly naked woman's backside. The color palette was soft and subtle, but the image was powerful. He was just having a hard time putting what he got from it in words. They say art spoke to people differently and he was no different. Moving closer to the first paint he completely blocked out the second one. He'd get to it in a moment. "This is amazing." He told her, letting his eyes take in the craftsmanship. The more you looked the more that shown itself. He pulled his eyes from it to look at the next piece, it wasn't as impressive as the first one but still the talent that it took to make these was spectacular. Turning to face her, his brow furrowed. "Why were these not in tonight's show case?" He asked, his voice tight, almost like he was angry. But he was very curious as to what her answer was. Because these pieces seem to sell themselves to him. And this was where the money was at, unless that was what she was waiting for. Getting her name out there so they'd be worth so much more, a price that could match the talent. His eyes held her to her spot as he waited for her answer.
    Peyton felt the phone in her hands vibrate, turning her attention to the message she tried to comprehended his word. He wanted her to get into a car with a random stranger. Sighing she knew this would be apart of her life if she choose to go through with this. Grabbing her wallet and the paper work she exited the apartment. It didn't take to long for her find the car that was sent to pick her up. The name name Lewis smiling as he opened the door for her. "Miss Reed." He said, knowing exactly who she was. Stepping into the car, the ride was quite and she felt her nerves creeping up on her. But she tired to remain calm. As Lexi told her this was not any different than dating. However this way they were up front with what they wanted, and yes it was sexual, but so was every other relationship you could have. "Thank you Lewis." She told him as he opened the door for her. "Your welcome miss." He told her before motioning for her to walk towards the building he was escorting her to. When he opened the door she was a bit surprised by the fact the place was empty in the middle of the day. She wanted to question the things going on around her but she wasn't here for that. Instead she enter a large glass conference room. She knew if she had to wait to long she'd be pacing. So instead she pulled out the contract. Knowing that keeping herself busy would keep her nerves at bay. She patted down the front of her dress hearing the door open, "Hello." She greeted before offering him a polite smiled, grabbing the documents both her and Lexi signed. Moving over to him she place the papers down before him. Before taking the seat to his right.
    May 7th, 2020 at 07:23am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami watched him and smiled knowing the first would be the one to capture his attention. The second wasn't the one that spoke to him but she still had to show him this one for some reason. "Thank you." she said watching him in fascination as he studied the piece. He spent less time on the second painting before turning to her. She grinned at his question and looked at the art. "These pieces are special. They do not deserve to share a tiny space with other art. They deserve to be highlighted and set up so that the impact of them can truly resinate with the viewer. There are six pieces in total." she said and looked back up at him. "Tonight was not the night for these pieces for they stand alone and need no explanation." she blushed and looked down. "That is such an artist reply." she looked back at him. "Would you like to see more?" she asked her eyes softer than they had been earlier that night. She was more exposed showing him these pieces than she had with any other piece. The more he looked into her art the more he would find out about her. Cami felt as naked as her paintings with the way he looked at her. She could only imagine the feel of his fingers tracing over her skin, of his mouth competing hers to form to his lips. These were the images that made her feel naked as he looked at her and these were the feelings she used for her art that spoke.
    Mason looked over the papers only slightly surprised there was two. After all it was Lexi on the second paper and it made sense. He placed them to the side and turned to her with a smile. "Thank you for doing me. You look lovely. Let's begin with he contract." He puled out his briefcase putting her papers in there as he pulled some out of his own. "Do you have any questions to start?" he asked her. He couldn't help how his eyes looked her over pleased to see her dressed so proper. She had done a thorough read through the contract and was already adhering to it with brought him great hope and he was excited for this prospect. He pulled out a pen and turned towards her his head inclining as he waited for her to begin. He brought his eyes up to her face but his thoughts getting trapped on her lips as his eyes wondered over the delicate curve before he forced his eyes back to hers. He wouldn't touch her until he had this contract signed then he could whoo her into his bed. YEs it was part of her job but that didn't mean he needed to be crass.
    May 7th, 2020 at 07:48am