Don't Forget It | Closed

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    His eyes trailed her body, not missing the small signs of her arousal. She craved a release and he desperately wanted to give it to her. She'd been driving him crazy all night. The way she spoke, how blunt she was, the way her body reacted to his words, and that damn lip biting she was doing now. He was slipping, willing to give into temptation. But he was thankful of the words that flew out her mouth. Distracting him from wanting to fuck her right here in his car. "The building managers number is on the desk." He told her knowing she'd know what desk he was talking about. "If he fails to met your requirements or says he can't do it before the show case, call me and I'll deal with him." He told her, knowing that no man wanted to get a call from Sawyer about failure to do their job. Watching her shift, noticing the small movement she made. Gently placing his hand on her exposed thigh, he smirked. He knew she was struggling for attention, any kind. Leaning closer to her he whispered. "Make sure you read the contract and pay close attention to the part about pleasuring yourself." He told her, wanting to see if she'd give into the temptation or if she'd abide by the rules and be a good little girl. The car came to a stop and he pulled back, exiting the car. He waved off Kent. As he moved to open the car door for Camilla himself. Offering her his hand as he smirked at her.
    Peyton sighed as she flipped through things on her new phone, we'll talk about boundaries later. She sent before going back over the phone. She didn't want him to think that she was unwilling to except gift. It was her apartment that was off limits. She'd made a rule for Lexi to follow about not bring John's into the apartment. And though Lexi stressed she didn't mind Mason coming over, Peyton felt bad about not allowing the same rules to apply for both. But in all honesty she didn't think she'd ever have a problem like this.

    Her eyes flew up to the door as Lexi walked in. "Hey." She greeted the girl letting her know she was done being a bitch. "Oh thank god," Lexi sighed out, "I felt like a complete ass." She told her. "And I forgot he's super strict about privacy." She told her, before her eyes landed on the laptop on the table. "He sent you a laptop," she barely got out before before Peyton held up the iPhone. "Holy fuck, I'ma need that in purple." She jokingly laughed. Peyton felt a bit better now that the two of them had managed to smooth things over.
    May 15th, 2020 at 09:22pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami blushed remembering the way his body lounged against the desk. She smiled softly as he said she could call him if the building manager didn't managed to get done what she needed. "Thank you." she said. When Sawyer placed his hand on her thigh she felt the heat spread up from the warmth starting to pool between her legs at his attention up to cloud her mind. Electricity shot through her at the skin to skin contact. Her eyes were dark with lust as she looked up at him her breath hitching as she breathed deeply to try and calm her racing heart. She could feel his breath against her skin. Every part of her stood on edge with his nearness. She was about to speak when the car stopped and he pulled back. She let out a breath as he moved around the car. She ran a hand through her hair then grabbed her purse and the envelope. She looked up at Sawyer as he opened the door and she smiled softly taking his offered hand as she stood out of the car. She stepped back after a moment being so close to him and let her eyes and her hand drop. She slowly walked towards her door looking up at him as they got closer and she pulled out her keys. Cami knew she shouldn't invite him up but oh she really wanted to. Cami stopped just before the door and smiled softly. "Thank you again Sawyer." she said looking him over. She wanted him but did she want him enough to do what he was asking of her?
    Mason smirked at her cool chastising. He shook his head and went through his day. Once he finished his last email he stood signing off and gathered his briefcase placing files in it to go over to another meeting later in the week. He headed home. When he walked into the silence he sighed and set his things down before pulling off his jacket coat. He set it across the back of a chair on the way to his kitchen. He pulled out the food that his maid had left for him. He set the pan on the stove. He moved to his room as the oil was heating and changed into his relaxed pants and shirt. He placed his food in the pan and leaned back thinking about Peyton. He would call her after dinner. He looked at the time hoping she was also eating or already did. He didn't like that he was worried about her. It wasn't something he had really needed to do with others before but Peyton was different he just hadn't placed his finger on how different yet.
    May 15th, 2020 at 10:49pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer wasn't a bit surprised when she dropped his hand. But when she dipped her head, it pulled at every fiber of his being . Walking her to her door he fought to keep himself in check. Feeling her eyes on him he turned to peer down at her. She'd accused him of not being fair, not allowing her to see his want for her. "It was my pleasure." He told her, leaning down and capturing her lips. Grabbing her waist he pulled her flush to him, letting her feel him. Taking advantage of her surprise he claimed her mouth. He wanted her to feel his desire for her, and get a taste of what he was capable of. She knew his preference and how he wanted her to give it to him. But he didn't want to push her into to much at one time. He wanted her more than he could say, but he knew she could feel his desire, and his throb. Pulling back he gave her a look, one that only his subs ever got. "Goodnight, Camilla." He told her, his words held promise. All she had to do was give in and sign.
    "So he's taking you to lunch tomorrow, as a freebie." Lexi asked as they sat around pizza. She shook her head. "This man is asking a lot." She warned her friend. "Well think of it this way, he gave me a phone and laptop in exchanged." She played it dumb. The man would have given her these things regardless. But she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. "He did tell me that I can end the trail phase whenever I want." She added, "but I don't think going to lunch and getting to know him should count as an event, to me fucking would count more as one." She told her friend honestly. "I just feel like there is so much that he wants from me, it's not a normal sugar baby contract." She couldn't really get into details with her friend. But she did want her to know that she knew what she was doing. Or she hoped that she did. "I guess what I'm saying is it's more like being a mistress." She told her, knowing that they were going to have a relationship but it wasn't going to ever lead to being a wife. "I guess I follow," Lexi said frowning. "Just be careful, there's a lot of weirdos out there. And he might not seem like one but with all the hoops you've got to jump through. It'd be easy for him to hurt you." She told her. "Wrong." Said Peyton, "if he does anything that jeopardizes my safety then it voids the NDA, and I will be allowed to testify against him in court. But it does state that their has to be solid proof." She said.
    May 15th, 2020 at 11:18pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami let out a surprised sound as his lips pressed to hers. He was pulling her to him his mouth demanding more as she kissed him back. A soft moan left her lips. She could feel him against her and it stirred her belly. She didn't touch him with her hands like she normally would have. She kept her hands in light fists around her keys and her purse. She kissed him back with desire and need but as he demanded she gave whatever his mouth asked for. She was trembling when he pulled back her breath coming out in ragged pants. Her lips where already swollen from his kiss. She looked up with wide eyes. She felt suddenly cold as he had stepped back. She could fall over with the feelings he was leaving her with. The look on his face was primal and possessive. Suddenly she had no doubt just how much he wanted her and her alone in this moment. He told her goodnight and she bit her lip looking down. The way her name rolled off his tongue made her want to hear it again. "Goodnight Sir." she said softly and turned quickly to unlock the door. She walked in and told herself not to look back. If he was watching let him and if he wasn't she knew it was simply so he didn't walk in after her and break all his rules. When Cami got into her apartment she closed and locked it closing her eyes as she leaned back against the door. She looked down at the envelope in her hands and cursed lightly. If she was going to even consider this she better not take action on what her body was scream for her to do. Cami let out a deep breath and pulled off her heels. She set them in the corner and set her things and the envelope on the counter. She needed a shower.
    Mason finished dinner and moved to his living room. He put on some light music before picking up his phone and calling Peyton. He listened to the rings hoping he could make up whatever mistake he had made. He was sure that it would be a simple fix but the trust was what he was worried about. He wanted to trust her and making her feel uncomfortable at all was not going to help with that. Mason smiled hearing her bright voice come on the phone even if it was laced with other emotions. She was still like the sun and he could bask in her attention. "Peyton. Is this a good time for you to talk or would you like to call me back later?" he asked her. He was determined that she would be comfortable. Once he had won her trust then he could stop being to careful and more relaxed himself but until then he was on his best behavior. He had been told not to do that, that he was paying for this relationship and though his accountant knew just how much he didn't care he wanted her trust because he wanted this to last for a while. He had done his research on Peyton during his lunch break and had his security team do a work up as well. Nothing had really surprised him other than she was really good at keeping her relationships privet because he saw no mark of any other men or their mark on her life in the reports. Her last job was curious to him. Had she taken a break from escorting to try it out there and wasn't interested in it but then she had been on several interviews as well. Maybe she was just looking for the right fit. If it interested her that much he could see what does he could help open for her after their arrangement ended. He would speak to her about it. He put it on the list to speak to her about.
    May 15th, 2020 at 11:54pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer had Kent drop him off before sending the man home. It was rare for the man to have the night off. But he found himself at one of many of the gyms he's company own. The empty building had music blasting through the speakers as he pushed himself further along. The midnight run usually always cleared his head. But tonight it was different, as images of Camilla biting on her lips drove him faster. Her body pressed against his, her scent, everything made him want to go back to her place as just show her what a good time she could have with him. He'd been tempted to follow her up stairs and just fuck her vanilla on the floor. But he couldn't bring himself to go. Knowing he wanted so much more than just vanilla. And even if she did give it to him, there would be hell to pay with his legal team. Never would he allow a woman to disarm him, the contract had to be in place before he ever laid down with her. She needed to be one hundred percent under his control. The biggest issue he found with Camilla was she didn't know anything about this type of relationship. And though he could tell her to trust him and let him show her. It was easier said than done. They couldn't do anything until she signed the contract. He couldn't take a chance in hurting her with out it. Not all women had the same limits as others.
    Peyton rolled her eyes as her friend told her she had to leave. Sighing she leaned back on the couch, letting whatever on tv play. Her eyes trailing over the screen but her mind was miles away. Hearing her phone ring she reached over and picked it up. "Hello?" She asked not really looking at caller id. Hearing Mason's voice she sat up, scrambling from the remote before muting the tv. "No nows good." She shot out quickly. Feeling a blush pull at her checks at how breathlessly and desperate she sounded. She'd not expected him to call her seeing as they were going to lunch tomorrow together. "To what do I owe the plea.. Honor?" She questioned, her heart hammering in her chest. Swallowing the lump in her throat she settled back down on the couch. Her embarrassment seeping across her skin. And in this moment she was thankful that he wasn't able to see her.
    May 16th, 2020 at 12:33am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    The next morning Cami woke with the sun pouring through her windows. She stretched out and yawned. she had stayed up to late looking athte contract. This morning she checked her email and saw that Sawyer had send her the links to the websites he had mentioned the night before. She would take a look later tonight at it. For now she needed to start to take her art over to the gallery. Cami rose and dressed. She would have left the jacket but she reminded herself she was a gallery owner now. Cami carefully loaded as many paintings into her car as she could. She knew that Eva said to use the carriers but she didn't want to wait for them. She did schedule them for another day and would use them to bring over her centerpieces for sure. Once Cami got to the gallery she unlocked the door and turned off the alarm. Her key and all the information for the Gallery had been in an envelope in the other envelope last night. She moved through the gallery bringing in pieces and placing them down carefully. Once she had everything laid out she started moving around the gallery placing pieces around. Some time during the day she had figured out how to pump music through the speakers. She didn't put it on to loud but she was jamming that was for sure her hips moving to the quick rhythm.
    Mason grinned hearing her surprise. He chuckled hearing her push different words around. "Well I did receive a very interesting picture this afternoon and I am still expecting my lecture." he smiled as he relaxed back. "So I am taking it that sending managers to personally set up your new technology is a no go. Anything else?" he smiled as he listened to the sound of her on the other end. He could envision the blush that spread across her face and chest. "You know I am all about your boundaries." he half teased her but it was also serious. This was the reason for the trial phase is so that they would be better at the contract once it was official.
    May 16th, 2020 at 01:17am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer entered the room, his tired eyes dragging around before landing on the woman he was searching for. He'd spent most night running trying to get his mind of his wants. With little to no luck. Heading home he found himself at his computer making sure that he had everything ready for the next few days. And once it was done he sent Camilla the email he'd promised. He'd wanted to wait until she asked for it. But decided it would be best to keep her focused on what he like and wanted verses the hardcore parts of it, as it could very easily scare her away. One of the sites he provided even linked her to a submissive trainer. And nice woman who he'd done business with before. She'd helped him connect with a few of his subs. "I hate you." The woman before spat, playfully. "You look like you barely slept, but still fucking fine as hell." She scoffed. "Good morning Eva." He told her, shaking his head at her comments. "Let me guess a beautiful artist is the cause?" She asked raising her brow. "Damn she signed fast." She teased. "Not quite." He told her dropping down into one of the chair across from her. "In fact she's requested time to go over the contract." He told her, watching as confusion filled her face. "And what does that mean?" Her question held more to it. "That's why I'm here." He told her truthfully. "Previously I requested to handle all the matters up until the signing of the contract." He started, feeling himself wavering under his own embarrassment. "I feel like it's best for the time being that I don't." He told her, not believing the words leaving his mouth. And he could tell by her face she wasn't fooled and knew what was going on with him. "Fine, I'll help, but only a little." She chuckled. "I'll take what I can get but right now I feel it's best I'm not alone with her if it can be avoided." He told her.

    The car ride was a quite one, though every few seconds he'd hear a snickering coming from the woman next to him. Paying her no mind he knew she was just trying to get under his skin. Eva was a bit childish at times. And though valued their friendship he didn't like dealing with her all the time. And this was going to bite him in the ass. Of course Sawyer was only thinking about Camilla. He didn't want her to feel like she was being forced into anything. And if Eva was going to control the business aspect from now on. It was best she got her time in with Camilla as well. The car came to a stop and Sawyer stepped out. He moved to the door before opening it from Eva. The music hit him, it wasn't something he'd listen to, but everyone had their own tastes. The two of them past through the building, eyes sweeping across the room as they went, noticing bits and pieces of art here and there. "Now I see why you like her so much." Eva teased, causing his eyes to snapped to Camilla. His eyes zeroing in on her hips as they swayed.
    Furrowing her brow she'd not even paid attention to the messages Lexi sent him. But he'd received a picture. Grabbing her old phone she quickly went through the messages looking to see what picture she sent. "I wouldn't say lecture." She told her, trying her best to multitask. She looked for the picture in the messages between herself and Mason. Though there wasn't one. So instead she pulled open her gallery looking to see what her friend could have sent. Stumbling on the picture of her in the horrible bathing suit. Then it hit her, what he meant about the bottoms. Swallowing the lump in her throat she tried her best to focus on something else. "But you're right I'd appreciate that never happening again. I don't want anyone in my home." She explained to him, she knew if he asked why she'd tell him, but right now they were discussing boundaries. "And once the trial ends it'd be best if you spent limited time here as well." She told him, hoping that he'd be okay with that. She didn't want to ruin this. But if he wanted to put her in another apartment she'd settle for it. And she'd even let him set the rules for that. But while she was living with Lexi she didn't feel right asking her to do something if she wasn't going to follow through with it as well.
    May 16th, 2020 at 02:06am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami turned around to grab another canvas and jumped gasping. She placed her hand against her chest and laughed as she relaxed. "Hi!" she said over the music and then pulled out her phone turning it down so it was just background noise. She smiled as she looked over Sawyer but then her eyes moved over to Eva. "Sorry I thought I was alone and I pretty much moved all the art in though the main pieces will be coming in the the carriers tomorrow." She said. "I am going to talk to the building manager tomorrow as well to start the display builds." she smiled. She liked telling them her process. "So I'm sure you're not just here for a chat so what can I do for you?" she asked and pushed her hands over the thighs of her pants nervously. She hadn't been expecting to see both of them and she was surprised to see Sawyer at all because of last night and his determination for her to sign the contract. Cami's eyes fluttered back to Sawyer taking in his appearance. Was the slight strain in his perfectly chiseled face because of her? She wondered if he could notice the same thing in her. It was just after lunch and she suddenly realized she hadn't eaten. "Mind if we walk and talk? I want to go get my yogurt from the fridge." She had a bagel for breakfast and it was gone. She had a banana for lunch too but wasn't sure she could eat it with a straight face in front of Sawyer.
    Mason grinned. "Regardless I don't want your concerns to go a day without being addressed. I would have prefered to talk about it earlier but I had a few business calls that couldn't be postponed. "Fair enough. Your home is your own space. I will limit my time spent there. That just means you will have to come to mine. Which I wanted anyways but I will have you added to the security list." he grinned. "So if you hated that little suit you didn't buy it did you." he said. "What did you get?" he asked curiously. "I am not sure I want to wait an entire weekend to find out. I hope you also have a cover so the staff don't get an eyeful on the way to the boat." Mason smiled and relaxed. He left her picture in his phone knowing that it was a good start to the couple pictures they would need to take on both of their phones in order to convince his sisters. "How was your day anyways Peyton?" he wanted to hear her talk more. He wanted to connect with her and her reservations only made the feelings stronger.
    May 16th, 2020 at 02:48am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer noticed the looks she threw his way, knowing it was very much a good idea for him to bring Eva. Though he wasn't sure what to say about their visit, Eva had wanted to chaperone a visit to see if she was even needed or if Sawyer was being paranoid. "Well that's what we're here for." Eva said dragging his attention to his friend. "We wanted to take you out for lunch." She lied and he could see right through it. Sawyer never went to lunch with out a proper arrangement, and Eva knew it. "Beside Sawyer's been hogging you all to himself so I figured we could do a bit of a celebratory lunch." She thew out there. Shaking his head he knew shew as laying it on thick but he didn't know what her angle was. Moving away from the women as they talked he started to look over the art she had laying around. He knew that he would get to see them in the days to come. But he wasn't sure if she'd really want him around helping. As normally the artist wasn't the one doing the heavy lifting it was the company. And per being boss he was the one on top to guide thing. Make sure things went well.
    Peyton relaxed on her couch feeling a bit better about talking to him. She wasn't worried about people judging her. And he wasn't in front of her clouding her mind. "Okay, that a bit of relief. However I don't have a vehicle." She felt it was best to tell him the truth, knowing that everything she needed was with in walking distance. So it was easy for her. Peyton felt her blush creep back onto her face. "I did not buy them, I honestly didn't know what your message meant as Lexi deleted whatever she sent you. I didn't know she'd taken a picture until you mentioned it." She said, knowing it was still in her picture roll. "Though I did buy full suits so unless you have a problem with me walking around in my bathing suits, then I will get a cover up or two." She told him, knowing if she had to stop by a shop in the next few days she would. She'd already planned to get some shorts, so it wasn't to much trouble. "It was tiring." She chuckled. "Lexi can shop so I'm very wore out." She sighed, "the good thing is I'll sleep better tonight." She added. "Did you have a good day?" She asked him, curious if her picture cause him a bit of trouble. As she'd scold Lexi some more for it.
    May 16th, 2020 at 03:56am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami smiled as Eva said she wanted to have a celebratory lunch. "That would be great." She smiled and chuckled as Eva said that Sawyer was hogging her. She blushed hard her eyes flicking to him then away looking down. "I'm going to go lock up." she said and excused herself. She moved to the back. On her way she turned off the music before she locked up the back and moved to the front. She set the alarm before they all moved out and locked the front doors. She smiled as they moved into the car Luckily it seems they brought a little bit bigger of a car so she wouldn't be squished up against one or the other of them. "Eva how is your wife enjoying her art? Is she still giving you grief about me?" Cami was friendly as always a genuine smile on her face. They chatted for a while about Eva's wife and laughed easily together. "Sawyer and I were talking about auctions and I have been trying to decide which paintings to put up for auction. At the same time I would like to keep the simplicity of simple art buying I know my main exhibit deserves the opportunity to outshine itself. What do you think Eva?" she asked hoping to finally have more information to make a final decision. It would change where she was thinking about setting up the silent auction and how it would all work together. If she wasn't going for the main pieces she would need to select from the many other pieces.
    Mason frowned as she told him that she didn't have a car. "I'm putting Lewis on your permanent service just like Lila. Call him when you need a ride. He responds to texts as well. I'll send you his contact information." he said. Mason would feel better about having Lewis there with her anyways. He wasn't just a driver but he wasn't going to tell her that. When she talked about her suits he smiled. "I would like you to have the option for a cover. There is no rush to get one though just while you are out." he was glad she was willing to grab more cloths. It meant she was using her allowance. When she said it was tiring he knew she hadn't called Lila and he rubbed his neck wondering what he would have to do to get her to understand it was important to at least have Lila on standby. He let it go for now. He could bring it up later. "Your sleep is important. My day was fine. Fairly busy but I did enjoy begging able to text you through the day so thank you for that. It's nice to have a distraction from work once in a while." He chuckled. "Luckily I have also gotten very good at dismissing a meeting without needing to draw much attention to myself. Always wear a jacket in the office." he smirked as he teased her. "Do you have request for dinner this weekend the cook at the river is asking what to prepare." he smiled at the simplicity of their conversation.
    May 16th, 2020 at 04:19am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    After exiting the gallery, Sawyer made his way to Eva's black out [url=]Suburban[/url]. Opening the door for the women before climbing in himself. He would have sat in the front seat in order to avoid crowding. However Kent and Tristan were preoccupying it. Letting his eyes remain focused forward. He didn't want to let himself get to caught up in staring. After all Eva was present and he felt the need to keep things professional. Though it didn't stop him from glancing sideways when his name way mentioned. He looked at Eva as she smiled. "Well I'm glad that he's been doing something." She smiled at him brightly as she teased. "But auctioning is the way to go with all art. I can't stress it enough. But then again it's also my job to make sure we get our investment back. So auctioning off the most expensive ones typically tends to make the money. And it makes it less stressful of trying to sell off the rest." She told her. "Because until we do get our investment back it mean any art you sell for now on we get a profit of. And that's where it bites you in the ass." She told her, knowing the legal team already explained this to her. But most artist didn't want to part with their art unless it was for the right price. "But my opinion is to auction every piece, and that's were me and Sawyer disagree. But we've got to be realistic not every piece is going to sell the night of the event. And if it does then you're a rare gem indeed." She told her. Sawyer rolled his eyes. "I told her she should auction off the most expensive paintings." He put out his opinion. "Of course you would, art speaks to people differently. And with her being a new name the chances of her selling all pieces isn't realistic." Eva said. "No offense." She added.
    Peyton nodded knowing that she'd more than likely never use Lewis unless Mason needed her for something. After all she was happy just walking around. "Okay." She told him, knowing that having the option for one was after all a smart idea. "Well I'm glad that I offer a bit of a distraction for you, I felt like I was bugging you at work." She told him, glad that he seen it as a pleasant distraction. Her eyes widened though when he told her he didn't draw attention to himself, knowing that he'd very much enjoyed the picture that was sent to him. She breathed in trying to calm her embarrassment. And she didn't know if they'd be able to make it through the trail with out having sex. He was after all wanting to take her out for a weekend. And if a picture of her in her bathing suit made him hard, she could only imagine what would happen when he seen her in one in person. "I don't, but I would prefer nothing greasy." She told him, though she didn't care about most food. "I'm sure if you pick I won't have any problems." She told him, she'd enjoyed her fish.
    May 16th, 2020 at 05:18am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami nodded and smiled. "I know Eva but I have confidence in my art. I'm not going to auction them all off like that." she smiled over at Sawyer because she knew he understood. "I am almost done with another piece as well." She looked back at Eva. "And quite frankly Eva even if I get half or a quarter of what my art is appraised at the first round then I will have enough to live on and create new art for several months. That is something I would like to talk to you about Eva. When I create new pieces I need to get them appraised before putting them in the gallery right?" she asked. They were all so focused on what this first gallery opening was going to be like they hadn't talked about the others and Cami was in this for the long hall. As long as the market wanted her she would be selling art and once she had a client base it would be easy. Cami was very excited for this entire experience. Cami wholeheartedly believed that all she needed was this one opportunity and she would prove herself to everyone that had doubted her or believed in her. Cami was thankful for Sawyer knowing none of this would have happened if he hadn't seen something in her art that first day they meet. Cami looked over at him with gentle eyes but there was a heat there seeping out of the edges. She couldn't help the desire in there not with that kiss from last night still in her mind. Today she was thankful she had worn pants though so any accidental brushing wouldn't sent her into compulsions of desire again. There was just something to be said for skin to skin contact.
    Mason chuckled. "You are not a bother Peyton. If you ever need me while I am at work you can feel free to call or even stop by. You're more likely to be a distraction to my staff though." he chuckled. "We'll talk about coming out at the company and couple pictures and everything later. "Noted I will let her know. Peyton I had a couple more events I was thinking about taking you to. I have a work function next Friday but there is an art gallery opening middle of next week, or we could go see the opera. Do you have any preferences?" he asked her. Mason was enjoying her. He was sure this weekend would be an exercise in restraint but that was all to show her he could be trusted as well. If he refused to act on his desires as she laid out naked before him then maybe her trust in his ability to control himself and respect her would improve. Not that he wouldn't compliment and as some point find a way to touch her. He was thinking helping her with sun lotion would be an adequate excuse.
    May 16th, 2020 at 05:39am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer listened to her defend her work, it wasn't that Eva was putting her work down. But they could appraise work all day every day and it be high class, but the wrong buyer sees it as trash then the entire art community would see it that way. Eva's job was to worry about the little things that others didn't. It was what made their partnership run so perfectly. He didn't have to stress about money for once. Smiling he caught Camilla eyes several times. His mind wondering where hers was really at. It seemed like she had some underlining meaning behind her new piece. It made him curious to see it. "Well it depends." Said Eva. "If you're talking about selling them at the up coming event then yes. But if it's something that you're wanting to post after then no. It will be appraise if there is another event." She told her, offering her a soft smile. "What Eva means is we don't have a habit of making promises to artist. If this event doesn't do what we want, then there won't be another one with our investment." Sawyer cut in. Knowing that Eva could be pretty cut throat and dry when it came to details. And it was one of the reason why the legal team was so important. However having so much stuff crammed down one's throat in a short amount of time wasn't always the easiest to retain. The car pulled up to the curb before coming to a stop. Sawyer stepping from the vehicle before offering his hand to the ladies.
    Peyton felt a blush on her face, "well I don't think I should make it a habit to visit you while working. After all it's not a place for play." She told him, knowing that her reputation was on the line. And though she was pretending to be his girlfriend, it didn't mean she couldn't get perceived as a gold digger. "I'm not picky," she chuckled not really knowing what to pick. She didn't know much about either of the things. But if this was going to work she'd have to step out of her comfort and into his. "I'll be more than happy with either. I've never been to either, so it'll be a new experiences either way." She told him, "and beside I wouldn't know what to wear to an opera." She let her mind think over the women on tv. How they dolled themselves up, wearing gloves and fur. She just didn't see herself that way. An art gallery was more of her style, as she'd feel better relaxed and not so up tight. "Though lunch tomorrow was is causal wear or should I pull out a dress?" She questioned him. She knew he'd liked silky things and she love the way it felt on her body. But she wasn't sure if she had another dress quite like it. If she didn't Lexi might.
    May 16th, 2020 at 06:13am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami nodded in understanding. The pressure was on. "Okay. I understand. It makes sense." she smiled at them. She was just grateful for the chance and for the support. Yes it was business but that was the part she wasn't good at. The art part she was good at, the people part she was good at and she just had to keep telling herself that his was an opportunity she never would have had before, now she did. They arrived to the restaurant and she watched Sawyer help Eva out then looked at her holding his hand out to her. she looked at it a bit hesitant. She knew what this was going to do to her and the question was if she could keep business and pleasure separate. She swallowed and placed her hand in his the contact making her head cloud and her body react. She bit her bottom lip as she looked up at Sawyer pausing close to him for just a moment to long before letting his hand go and stepping away her heart racing. She looked up at the restaurant trying to refocus her chaotic body. Once she was more steady she moved over to Eva as they headed inside. She could feel Sawyer's presence behind them and she did her very bed not to remember the way his hard body felt against her body.
    "A special occasion, or a planned visit then." Mason said smiling. "You're right it's not but it is a good place to meet up if we were going to lunch one day." he chuckled. Mason listened to her talk and finally reveal her preference. "An art gallery would be a good first experience for a trial run then. It's elegant but no one is really watching you after the first couple minutes." He grinned looking at doing more research into the artist. Mason tilted his head as she asked about lunch tomorrow. "You can dress up for me if you like. I'll just be in my work suit so you can be casual as well if you like." he said knowing that didn't answer her question but it really didn't matter to him what she wore. He looked at the time. "Peyton you should get ready for bed." he said and smiled. "I have to go and do the same. I will see you tomorrow. I'll pick you up so don't worry. There is this place near your house I want to take you too." he said. "Goodnight Peyton." he smiled softly at the sound of her name on his lips.
    May 16th, 2020 at 06:53am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer didn't miss the way she lingered near him. And if she'd just sign she wouldn't have to pull away. But he knew it was her choice and he couldn't force her into it. He just hoped that whatever today held it wasn't something she was going to regret. He knew that Eva was a bit of a wild card. And most people didn't like the way she did business. But she got things done. But he didn't want Eva to turn Camilla against the company either. Knowing that being cut throat with Artist tend to make them weary of who they worked with. But that wasn't Sawyer ideal approach. He'd been very open with Camilla hoping to persuade her into doing what he seen was best. Instead of forcing her. But ever artist was certain of their work, but more times than not it had been a flop. It was why he was there to help people realize this was the art that they needed. He wanted to speak privately with Camilla and explain Eva's out look wasn't personal it was professional. And though she did have a strong opinion it was Camilla's decision in the end. If she believe her work could buy back their investment plus some then he'd be more than happy to watch Eva eat her words. But he didn't see all the art being sold in one night either. It never happened with new artist even with his backing. "This way please." He heard a cheery voice direct them towards a table. He raised a brown when he noticed the circular booth. Waiting until the ladies sat he placed himself on the outside looking towards the door. "So this new piece you mentioned is it something you were planning on showing at this event?" Eva questioned, wondering if more art would be added. Sawyer peered over his menu at the woman being questioned as he too was curious of her answer.
    Peyton felt much more relaxed as she got off the phone with Mason. It made sleeping though the night easier. And she'd even opted out of going on a run in the morning. Instead she spent her entire morning trying to pick out what she wanted to wear. He'd mentioned taking her to a restaurant close to her home. She couldn't think of any place that was overly elegant. So she settled for a casual, but she did keep in mind him wanting her to dress up for him. So her choice was fairly easy. And as she sat around waiting on her hair to dry she decided to give Lila a call. The least she could do was see what all she had to offer her. And as she was going over things and speaking to the woman about all the benefit she had to offer her. She felt a bit cautious about the woman handling all the money she earned. So instead of allowing the woman access to her bank account she agreed to set up a new one. And she could pull or transfer money as she see fit. She nodded even thought woman couldn't see her. Hearing a knock on the door she bit back a groan. Knowing that Mason was here and she wasn't even ready yet. Moving to open the door she smiled at him letting him enter. "Alright thank you for your help, and I'll call back with more information. But I've got to go." She told Lila. "Have a good day." She said before hang up. Smiling at Mason. "I'm sorry, just give me a minute and I'll be ready." She told him, before heading into her bathroom, quickly running a brush through her hair. Knowing there was no use and trying to do anything with it, so instead she sprayed some hair spray. Before heading to meet him.
    May 16th, 2020 at 08:06am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami knew that from the start Eva had needed convincing about her art but the art spoke for itself and Cami was just extra bonus because she was interesting, kind and smart. She knew things about people could sense what pieces they would connect with better after a few moments conversation and Cami was planning on being at the gallery and circulating making sure the right people saw the right art. She was confidant in her ability. She had spent just as much time honing that skill as she had in making art. They all sat at the round booth and Cami looked at Sawyer noticing his hsidency and she wanted to sit next to him and make sure he was okay but she stayed there in the middle. She looked at the menu trying to decide on what to eat when Eva asked about her new piece. She blushed as she thought of it. "Well it's got a different feel that the art I have right now. It's not completely different of course but it is more focused on a single feeling." she looked at Sawyer then quickly down hoping neither of them noticed that but she was sure they had. "But if it's a piece that could make the show then yes I'm willing to show it at the opening." she said. Cami smiled softly. It could be like an unveiling. She grinned. "What do you think of an unveiling? It would only be unveiled for auction. The only ones to see it of course would be myself and the appraisers. Do you think that could spark interest?" she asked. She didn't want them to think her completely without thought for how to bring in more business and spark more desire for her art. She knew that it was always a risk on a new artist and she wanted to help them feel secure in their investment. "It could be even a sneak peak at the art to come." she shook her head not sure of her idea but she looked at Sawyer now because she was branching out hoped that it wasn't a completely stupid idea. She knew she was planning for the future while they where just planning on this one event but if there was only ever planning on the one event there wouldn't be another that was how Cami saw it.
    Mason knocked on Peyton's door and smiled when she opened it. His eyes traveled down to the revealing of her breasts and then back to her face. He listened to her on the phone glad to hear her on a business call. That meant she probably had called Lila. She apologized and he shook his head. "Take your time." he had two sisters he knew the deal. You showed up at the right time and you waited that was how it went and even if you show up late you'll probably still be waiting. When she came back he grinned. "Hello beautiful let's go." he said and escorted her down and to the car. He got in after her and sat back as they drove through the streets. "How is your day going? Productive?" he asked her smiling. They spent a little bit of time in the car before pulling up in front of the restaurant. He got out and opened Peyton's door offering her his arm. He smiled as he walked with her into the restaurant and they were seated out in the cafe under the canopy. Mason smiled as he looked up. "They are all about farm to fresh. I don't know if you've been here before." he looked at her. "But I couldn't pass up the scenery." he grinned.
    May 16th, 2020 at 05:20pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer felt Eva's eyes on him, her face showed her clear disapproval. He'd heard from Kate that they both enjoyed spending time with Camilla. But it seemed that his presences made things tense. Though her eyes lit up at the idea of surprised art. "I like that idea." Eva gushed, before turning to face Camilla. "First thing tomorrow we'll meet with the appraiser." She told the woman seated to the left of her. "Eva what part of herself and the appraiser only, did you not understand?" Sawyer questioned the woman feeling rather tired that he had to spoon feed his friend. Eva rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "I meant me and you moron," she shot back at him. "Or did you forget the painting Travis was sending over?" She scoffed before waving him off, not wanting to get into an argument with him. "What I meant was after our meeting with the appraiser I'll see if he has the time to stop by and view the art." She told Camilla. "It may be a short notice, I know you said you'd planned on being at the Gallery anyways." Sawyer sat back feeling bit sheepish for having forgotten he had a meeting. But in all honesty he'd figured Eva would wiggle in away for her to see the art before anyone else. He was happy when the waiter arrived taking their order. He'd not really paid much attention to anything in the menu and just picked something that sound the least bit appealing. As he didn't figure he'd be eating much.
    Peyton smiled at his comment, before following him down to his car. Her body relaxed into the seat as they drove. Shaking her head she let out a soft laugh. "Productive, no." She told him, "I didn't even go on my morning run." She added, knowing that today had been a rather lazy day for her. But after yesterday she felt rather relaxed now. However she didn't know how to word it that she'd been completely wrapped up in getting ready for this date. She nibbled on her lip as they pulled up to the restaurant. She was more than surprised with the locations, never having seen the place before. It wasn't that busy with she liked, but it was breath taking. "I've never even heard of this place, but it's amazing." She told him, turning to look at him. Then peering down at her menu, quickly setting it aside as everything on there looked amazing and she'd rather leave the choice up to him. "Have you been here often?" She questioned him, wondering just how he knew they were farm fresh. He didn't seem like someone who spent to much time vetting places he was about to eat at. But then again she didn't know him very well. And if she had his money she'd never eat somewhere that she'd not vetted. As she didn't like eating out to much. But that fell into her pickiness with the food she ate.
    May 17th, 2020 at 05:51am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami's eyes widened. That would happen fast. "Yeah but I won't be in until mid afternoon. I am making sure the main pieces get on the carrier alright then I guess I also need to finish the new piece." she blushed and bit her lip. She knew she would have to head home after this and spend all night on it to make sure it was ready for tomorrow. It would still be wet for appraisal so she hoped that wouldn't be an issue. Cami had the perfect spot in mind. "I'll also come up with a design for the display for the building manager. I'll leave my plans with him tonight. I'll get the rest to him later but if he could do this one tonight it will set up an easy and safe place to cover the piece." she looked at Eva. "that shouldn't be a problem right? I could do it myself but I don't really have a lot of time to get it all worked out." she said gnawing her bottom lip with concern as she tried to think of everything that needed to be done. Cami looked up as the waitress came over with their food and she sighed her stomach aching with desire for food. She started in on her food and her eyes closed as she let out a sigh of delight. Cami's eyes opened looking happy again. She was easy to please with simple things. And though the timeline concerned Cami she was also loving this process. She wouldn't give it up for anything. That was also why she had a hard time delegating because she did enjoy the process so much.
    Mason smiled as they sat at the table and he looked back at her. "I do my research when visiting somewhere new or have someone else do it for me if I don't have time but even if this doesn't count as an event I still like to impress you." he smiled and watched her set the menu down guessing he was picking for her again today. He looked up as the waitress came over batting her big brown eyes at him. Mason looked from the menu to the woman and made their selections before handing back the menus. He didn't drink during work hours even on lunch. "Did you want something to drink other than water Peyton?" he asked her the waitress reluctantly turning her attention to Peyton. Mason wasn't unaware of the way that the waitress was acting but he didn't like childish games. Ignoring someone didn't make them go away and it was foolish to think it would. Mason sat back in his chair looking at the beautiful and tempting woman in front of him. This weekend was going to be a struggle of his own. He could see her now in nothing but bathing suit bottoms or less. she did say she bought a lot of one pieces so maybe she planned on being naked on his boat. He wasn't about to tell her otherwise and once they got past the trial phase he was going to be taking another trip out the the boat just so she would be naked for him again all weekend.
    May 17th, 2020 at 06:27am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer want to kick Eva, but he knew it would be pointless. "Don't stress." He told Camilla, smiling softly, his eyes locked on her biten lip. "I'll speak with the appraiser tomorrow and we can schedule an appropriate time and date." He told her, before shooting Eva a pointed look. "As far as Troy goes he's awaiting your call." He told her speaking about the building manager. "Also word of advice Eva listens to about half of what someone says so unless it's simple to the point she didn't hear it." He looked at his friend who was glaring at him. "So if you have an idea don't run it by her first just do it and if she doesn't like it she'll change it." He informed her. Knowing that artist seen things differently then most people did and Eva may love art but she didn't always see the bigger picture. And dealing with the artist wasn't her strong suit. "We don't want to add any extra stress." He told her.
    Peyton smiled at him, "the effort is noticed." Tucking her head she nibbled on her lip. He was something else, sex on legs wasn't enough. No he had to be the whole package. And it made her curious as to why he didn't want a relationship. He was so attentive and made her feel wanted. What woman wouldn't want a man who put her first. Of course she wasn't like most women. She understood his want and need to work. She didn't get the want for a sexual companion. Part of her wanted to ask, but she knew it was a forbidden rule. Lifting her head when the waitress arrived she smiled hearing his tone. He wasn't being rude but it was a bit of monotone, showing his disinterested. Though the way her name rolled of his tongue it sent chills down her spine. "Water is just fine." She told him smiling. She didn't drink a bunch of sugary drinks. Watching as the woman left she peered back at him. "Are you ready for this weekend?" She questioned him, she wanted to fill the silence. But she didn't know what to talk about. She wanted to ask all these questions but didn't want to cross a line. She was supposed to be an escape for him, not a bother.
    May 17th, 2020 at 09:35am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami sighed softly as Sawyer told her not to stress letting her bottom lip go. He looked at her bottom lip and her body started to shake with the memory of his kiss. She looked down trying to focus on his words. She nodded as he told her everything she needed to hear. He was so good at calming her down. She would miss him helping her with the business side. Her cheeks heated as her thoughts drifted to the contract. She was pretty sure she was going to give into him and that scared the hell out of her. When Sawyer gave her advice about Eva she was calm enough to look up at him. She smiled and chuckled softly. Cami nodded softly. "Thank you Mr. West." she said trying to trigger her mind back onto business and not on his body on hers. Cami looked back at her food. It was his affect on her she didn't want to eat but she knew she needed too so she took more bites. The contract had been specific about meals as well so she knew eating now would please Sawyer. It made her worry that she wanted to please him. "I think I need three days for the piece but it will still be really wet so maybe four." The paint would still be soft by then but at least it wouldn't be running. Cami knew she would spend most of the night painting anyways but at least knowing she would have more time would let her take a look at those links he had sent her. She would spend a little time on a display before heading home knowing she could leave it for Troy and give him a day or so to complete it. She was sure he would be careful not to bring sawdust into the gallery so she wouldn't worry about the other pieces there yet. She also should start thinking about the main exhibit displays. She was thinking in her own head of the list of things to do and was very grateful Eva was handling the PR and party plans this time around. If there was another time she might need to hire an assistant. Cami forced herself to relax. Who knew a simple lunch could turn into a business meeting and she looked at Eva grinning guessing it was her specialty.
    Mason grinned as Peyton spoke. "Yes I am very excited for this weekend. It's been to long since I was out there." he said. "I get to be on my boat and have you there." he said smirking but leaving out the part where she would be naked. He sipped his water. "Are you looking forward to it?" he asked her hoping she was. He could tell she had questions but didn't know how far he wanted to go with questions she thought might be too much to ask. It was a fine line. Mason hadn't meet a woman like Peyton before. All the women he met cared that he worked to much and usually weren't into the outdoor things he was. He also didn't meet people he didn't have to work with or at least work with someone in their family. Dating was complicated in his world and he just didn't want complicated. He didn't want to have to figure out how to tell everyone that it just wasn't going to work out after they went through all the hoops of dating in his world. It would be easier for him to date someone not in his world but how would he meet them and they still wouldn't understand how much he works. Peyton didn't have to understand but he felt like she did, that she knew it was a big deal for him to take lunch outside of his office and she wasn't about to waste his time. "Have you gotten to traveled at all Peyton?" he asked her.
    May 17th, 2020 at 04:17pm