Don't Forget It | Closed

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer felt his abdomen tense hearing her plead to cum, his thrust getting sloppy. "You may cum." He panted out, before feeling her release. The way he body clenched around him pulling his own release from him. "Fuck." He groaned, leaning forward. His legs feeling a bit like jello as he lazily thrust. Humming he pulled out of her, before tucking himself back into his pants. Licking over his lips he dropped down on the couch next to her. Just letting his eyes travel over her as she laid there spent. "It's a pity I can't take you again." He told her, watching as she squirmed. "Though I suggest you use this free time you have to relax and prepare for tonight." He warned her, "because after you sign you're mine." He said, his eyes locked on hers the want he held for her shining in them. Standing he straightened his tie before moving to her. Smacking her ass, before turning her lose, making sure the rope hadn't left any noticeable marks. "There are harness in the play room, maybe you'd like to try one on and see how you like it." He offered to her, "however don't keep your company waiting to long." He told her, grabbing her chin he turned her face to his. Pressing his lips to hers he kissed her hard and demanding. He wanted her to know just who she belonged to and how much she'd pleased him. "Now be a good girl and go clean up." He told her. "I'll see you tonight." His words held a promise before he exited the study. Leaving her to collect herself. Making sure he look presentable he headed down stair, his brows knitted together as he didn't see any body. "Sir." Kent's voice rang out from the kitchen as he exited to meet Sawyer as he was descending the stairs. "They just arrived and will be up shortly." He was informed, nodding his head. "She's freshening up let her know when they are ready for her." He told her man, knowing he'd more than likely send Tina up to check on her as he would dare lay his eyes on any part of her body. Entering the elevator he sighed feeling a lot better now that he didn't have to worry about scaring her off because of a punishment.
    Peyton shrugged, "you don't have to be, she wasn't that great of a mother, but I'm me because of it." She explained to him, moving closer to him she place a hand on his chest. Letting out a soft laugh she looked up at him, "really last book I read." She shook her head. "It was something about finance." She told him, "though Pride and Prejudice is the last book I read that wasn't for an assignment." She smiled, not evening going to ask him about the last book her read as he'd left her alone in bed last night to go a read a couple of chapters. "Where's you're favorite place?" She asked him, trying to keep the light atmosphere going. And this way she got to know unimportant things about him. But also enjoy her time with him.
    June 3rd, 2020 at 07:22am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami lay there panting and bound looking over at Sawyer as he sat on the couch. Damn this man drove her crazy. She giggled as she he talked about what a shame it was and she agreed but was glad he had come home for lunch. Cami was thinking about the gallery when the second part of his sentence came out. Was he going to take her back into his playroom night? It was going to be a long night as it was. She would get no sleep if that was what he wanted. Could she make him wait a day if she signed though, did she want to? No not really. She loved the look in hiss eyes. It made her insides curl with desire. Cami jumped and squeaked as he smacked her bottom. She smiled and felt him untie her. She sat up and rubbed the indents left on her wrists. They would disappear in a bit. Cami stood nodding as she remembered that she had company and she still had no idea who it was. She looked up at Sawyer as he grabbed her chin. Cami kissed him back a soft moan humming out against his lips. She was sad when he pulled away but smiled looking back down as he told her to be a god girl. She didn't know what it was about those words. She smiled more as he promised to see her tonight. She wanted to be all dressed up when he saw her next. She wanted to show him how well she could fit in to this world. "Goodbye Sir." she said softly and once the door closed she cleaned up the room wanting to leave it the way he liked it. She dressed again before carrying her shoes back to his bedroom. She slipped in and undressed. She put her things away placing her cloths from this morning on the bed. She took the rope he had used and tied it back up the ways he had found it last time and moved into the playroom. She placed the rope in its spot. Yep she liked ropes. Cami looked around finding the harnesses and touched one. She bit her lip and ran her finger over it. She would have to try it on a different time but for now she needed a shower before company. Cami moved back to the bathroom making sure to close the playroom door behind her. She showered then dressed sight as a knock sounded. Cami went down with Tina and looked from the table to the woman standing there holding out a robe. "Ms. Collins." Cami smiled and chuckled. Leave it to Sawyer to want her relaxed and pampered for her big day. Her stomach knotted remembering the pressure on tonight. She sighed and took the robe going to change into it. Once she was on the table she melted into it. Cami spent the entire day being pampered and getting ready. She was left in a robe with her makeup done and made her way up to Sawyer's room. She slipped into her panties and pulled on her heels being careful not to mess of her hair as she pulled on her dangling earrings. Cami stood there looking at her dress and bitting her lip when she heard the door open and she looked at the time. She was guessing it was
    Sawyer back from work.
    Mason could be grateful for the woman that Peyton was now because of everything she had to go through. Mason shrugged. He was glad the question made her laugh. He grinned. Jane Austin yes he had read her books. He would love to think he was like Mr. Darcy but he simply wasn't witty enough. He hummed as he thought over her question. It was hard for him to choose. He liked his apartment and he loved the river house but all for different reasons then there were the several other properties he had around the world. "Probably the sea caves in New Zealand." he smiled. "They are stunning. I would say that was one of the better family trips. I've been back only once since and that was mostly a work trip." Mason really wanted to go back to New Zealand he really did like it there. the people where awesome and the land was stunning. "Did you have any pets growing up?" he asked looking down at her hand on his chest smiling softly. It was a light touch but it felt so nice. The water was warmer now that they where farther into the cove.
    June 3rd, 2020 at 04:08pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer had just planned on heading to the gallery after work, but due to the delay Kent wasn't able to break away and bring him his tux. So instead he was coming home to get changed. Not encountering Kent he just assumed that he'd taken Camilla to the gallery. A bit relieved they'd not waited on him. Heading up the stairs to his room he pushed open the door as he started to pull his work clothing off. Having not the slightest clue what he was going to wear, heading into his closet he stopped spotting Camilla. "I thought you'd already left." He informed her truthfully. Smiling as he took in her appearances. Moving to her he gently cupped her neck before pulling her lips to his. Moving away from her headed to his closet pulling out a tux for the event, not really caring what it was. Pulling his shirt on he made quick work of changing. Knowing they had limited time to get to the Gallery before doors opened.
    Peyton smiled at the man before her as the moved through the water, just loving the way his face lit up as he talked. She knew she'd just have to take his words on it, because she'd never been there. But there must have been some good memories roaming around in his head. Nodding she smiled at him. "Yeah I had a dog and I think my dad still has our cat." She told him, knowing that after her mother left them she was able to do a lot of things she'd not been able to do. "Ruffus was a rescue and he passed after we had him for about a year so my dad got a cat, Kasey." She told him, knowing he'd shared about his sisters dog Hound. "What made you want to start your own company?" She questioned him, knowing he said his parents were well off. So she was curious of why he wanted to have a company, instead of being a working class man. Not that she could see him being someone's little errand boy.
    June 3rd, 2020 at 06:07pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami smiled snd kissed him back. "I was just about to put on my dress. The make up artist was having issues with her brushes or something." She grinned and slipped her dress on. She zipped it up and then took arranged the dress looking in the mirror and tilting her head. "Eva called. She said we are all set up so not to worry. She also said to hurry up and get there." Cami chuckled. She turned to him. "Well what do you think?" she asked. She watched him buttoning his shirt and smiled. She walked over and helped him with his tie. "You dress to impress." she smirked. and slipped the tie up to his neck. She kissed his cheek before they headed out. She smiled as they slipped into a car and where on their way. She could't have probably headed out sooner but she was nervous. She sat in her seat twisting the simple silver cuff bracelet around her wrist. She had Kent go to her place to get it earlier. She had not be able to think about going to event without it. She looked out the window feeling like she was going to faint. They had 30 minutes to opening by the time Cami walked through the doors. She smiled as she saw Eva. "Oh there you are. It's about time." Eva said and looked over Cami. "My that dress is perfect and stunning." Cami blushed. "Thank you. It is perfect." she said and wanted to do one last walk through. She moved to the shipping room looking around making sure everything was set up and ready. She would check in on the progress before she left. She knew Eva had hired someone to do it all but Cami didn't want to let it go entirely. It was much more than professionalism it was also about the personal touch. Cami had a note for each painting set up in folders. Everything was perfect. Cami moved out to the floor seeing everyone walking about and she moved over to Sawyer. "Would you like a look around before we open?" she asked him knowing it would have to be quick but she wanted him to see what she had accomplished. Once they where open her focus was going to be on everyone else.
    Mason smiled as he she talked about her pets. "Well that's good Ruffus had a home for his last year." he said and grinned. He chuckled as she asked why he started his business. All the reporters asked him that question. "I didn't want to be in anyone else's shadow. I knew what I wanted and knew what to do to get it so I did. I knew the risks but it wasn't going to detour me." he shrugged. "It's not a lot of reason but it's my reason. I wanted to make something of myself." Mason leaned back into the water and stroked backwards a little. He was comfortable with Peyton here and he was enjoying this. "Warm enough?" her asked her wanting to make sure she wasn't cold anymore.
    June 3rd, 2020 at 07:13pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer smiled as she moved over to him his eyes taking in the way the dress hugged her perfectly. "You look beautiful." He told her, before letting out a chuckle hearing how she thought he dressed to impress. The only person he'd be trying to impress was her, but he didn't think clothing would be what he needed to impress her. The things she liked were in the next room over. "Thank you." He told her his eyes trailing over her as she fixed his tie. He wanted to touch her more than anything, but if he did they wouldn't be making it to the event. And he knew this was extremely important to her so he wouldn't allow her to miss it. Following her down to the car he sighed as he sat in the car the drive feeling tiring. Placing his hand on her leg he gently rubbed trying to calm her nerves. Once they were there he exited the car before moving into the building. Smiling softly at the event planner as he moved through the building. Stopping next to Eva as she spoke to Camilla. He looked around raising a brow as Camilla walked away. "Just so you're are aware my father plans to stop by tonight, he didn't say if you're mother is coming." She warned him knowing he tended to get grumpy when the family came together. "I take it you told them about my interest in Camilla?" He raised a brow, knowing his mother would want to smoother the woman if she knew. "Kate and I may have let it slip to my father that you were showing interest in her." She knew they were talking a lot more about how Sawyer acted different around Camilla. Her father wasn't one for idle chatter, though he did take an interest in his step son's personal life. As he'd assumed he was gay because he never allowed a woman to accompany him to events or to meet his family. Sawyer scoffed, "blaming it on Kate now?" He said not believing the woman. "What she's never met any of your companions, she's happy you found someone." Eva told him before smiling at Camilla as she returned. Taking her cue to leave them. "I would love a personal tour from the artist." He teased her, before placing his hand on her lower back and allowing her to lead him around the paintings.
    "Yeah, that's what dad said, we think that someone abandoned him because of health problems." She elaborated on what happened to the dog, as it wasn't something they rescued from a shelter. They just found him in the woods starving and hurt. So taking him in was the natural thing to do. Hearing how he spoke about wanting to build a company knowing he'd mentioned not wanting to be in anyone's shadow before she figured it was a good enough reason for some. But she felt that no matter what she did there would always be someone bigger or better. And that's why she was content with just being in finance. Letting out a laugh she peered down at her hard nipples, "not entirely, but I'm content." She told him. "Actually I'd forgotten I was cold until you mentioned it." She playfully teased him. Swimming closer to him she looked around the cove. "How many people do you encounter around here?" She asked him.
    June 4th, 2020 at 02:35am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami beamed as Sawyer said yes. "Well this artist is taking a personal interest in a potential client." she teased back. She had a suspicion he had bought some of her art before but nothing was confirmed yet. Cami lead him through the outer walls. There were two to three paintings on each wall. As she showed him through each wall that lead to the center they weaved in and out of. She blushed as she looked at the center remembering the night before. She couldn't believe that it was only last night. They walked through and each wall had one to two pieces of art some bigger than others. All of them where bodies. Some of them body parts and others entire bodies obscured of course. She had a theme but it was something you had to feel instead of see. They moved back into the center and she watched him. "Well what do you think? Is it what you thought it would be when you saw these pieces in my apartment?" she asked him. She felt as beautiful as he said she was standing there next to him. "What is your favorite piece?" she asked him. she knew it was moments before the doors opened and she could hear Eva ramping up the party planner and her crew.
    Mason chuckled and followed her eyes seeing the fabric pulling against her taught nipples. He bit back a groan and looked up at her chuckling. "Maybe I can make you forget about the cold again." he smirked and pulled her to him so they swam in tandem. "People? Umm not a lot unless it's hunting season and it's not." he soothed. "Don't worry the only eyes on you are mine." That was why Mason loved this place is that it was peaceful. He was determined to make her forget the cold as his mouth moved down brushing over hers and not stopping before moving over her jaw and down her neck. He stopped to feel her pulse rap against his lips before moving his lips so gently down her should. Placing a kiss against her collarbone he looked back up at her with wild delight. "There how do you feel now?" he asked her. He loved the look in her eyes and he wanted that look more often and preferably while her legs where wrapped around his waist and his cock was buried inside of her.
    June 4th, 2020 at 03:25am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer strolled around the room with Camilla his eyes taken in the paintings as best as he could. Giving them just a quick once over. He knew that he wasn't giving the paintings justice as he moved along. However a few items caught his attention and even when he was suppose to be looking at other art his eyes pulled back to pieces wanted to get more feel for it. When they reached the center of the room he took in the entire room around him, his eyes moving to the floor where they'd been the night before smiling at the memories of her moans filling the room. "I think you are incredibly talented, and I'm kind of disappointed I had to wait until today to see certain pieces." He chuckled. "You should know what piece drew me in." He told her moved to stand behind her his hand resting on her stomach as he pulled her back into him. "My favorite reminds me of you waiting for me in my playroom." He whispered in her ear, "my innocent little girl, scared but curious." He ended before placing a kiss under her ear. "My good little girl." He said stepping away from her as he heard the doors begin opened. He smirked as he move towards the door in hopes to greet certain guest. While he walked he pulled his phone out and sent a text to his Art Agent the picture number he wanted, not caring if it was part of the silent auction or not he wanted the painting.
    Peyton smiled when he suggested he could make her forget the cold, feeling a bit surprised as he pulled her to him. Though he distracted her when he mentioned nobody around, as she thought it was the end of the playful banter. But he told her not to worry about other's eyes on her. Shaking her head that's not what she'd meant, this place was amazing she was surprised it wasn't a popular place to hang out. She'd been distracted by the beauty around her she'd been surprised when he kiss her, but she relaxed into his arms returning the kiss. Her arms sliding up his chest and around his neck, tilting her jaw towards his lips, then letting her head fall back as he kissed her down her neck and to her collar bone. Swallowing she looked at him, her want for the man coming forward. But she didn't know if she'd be able to act on it the way she wanted to in the water. "It was adequate." She told him teasingly, letting her hands run through his wet hair. Before leaning forward like she was going to kiss him. "But I'm still cold." She whispered out, adding a light shiver as she pressed her body closer to his.
    June 4th, 2020 at 04:43am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami blushed looking down as he looked at the spot and she was glad she wasn't alone in the reminiscing. Cami chuckled as he walked over to her. She looked up at him blushing. "Thank you." Cami felt him pull her back to him and she pressed her hips back looking back at him. He made her head swim. She blushed as he told her about the piece and she nodded knowing which one and she wasn't too surprised. He spoke about her and she felt her heart hammering and her breathing pick up. His lips pressed to her skin and she tilted her head for him. She hummed as he called her his good girl and her heart squeezed. Yes she loved hearing him say it. He stepped back as the door opened and she watched him go for a moment and she shook her head taking a deep breath and let it out. She squared her shoulders and moved out to greet the guests as well. She would focus on everyone else now and she could think about Sawyer and what she wanted him to do to her later. Cami might even see if she could get Eva to buy a painting tonight as well even though Kate had bought one from her not to long ago. Repeat customers where necessary in her business. Cami didn't jump right into the crowd. She watched and waited until she saw someone stop and really admire the picture then she walked up beside them and struck up a conversation. She was good at reading people when it came to art.
    "I know it seems weird there aren't more people but there is a lot of protected land and it is in a small town. I happen to work closely with the government around here to keep it as pristine as possible. It also helps keep the animals coming back for hunting season so no one fights too hard." He said in explanation. Mason let out a laugh as she whispered how she was still cold and he kissed her head. "Are you wanting to swim back to the boat and lay out in the sun?" he asked her. Really what he wanted to do was kiss her skin like the sun and caress her body like the water. He loved their easy teasing. He had never expected someone that could keep up with his wit. Peyton was all he had hoped and more. He was going to enjoy every moment once she ended the trail or agreed to continue on in the long term contract. He swam with Peyton. He held her with one hand the other helping keep him afloat. "If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?" he asked her.
    June 4th, 2020 at 05:16am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer greeted on of his favorite clients, the man's taste in art was something he could understand. They didn't have quite similar taste, but they were men and appreciated a woman's curves. And the man was very vocal of his likes and dislikes, so if you didn't understand what he saw in the painting he'd soon explain it. Sawyer enjoyed the way the man spoke and at times it was tiring but he did remind him a bit of his father. The way he got so enthused in what he was talking about. "Mr. Martini, it's a pleasure to see you again." He told the man, shaking his hand. He noticed the man's shocked expression. "Since when do you attend these things?" Tony questioned the younger male. "Since the artist is a personal 'friend' of mine." He told the man, knowing his words would add more revelation, as he wouldn't come out and tell someone that he and Camilla were together. He didn't want to ruin her night by people thinking that she'd only gotten the backing from his company because she kept him company. When the man didn't say anything he knew he was curious to meet Camilla now, but he wouldn't voice his opinion openly and make a ruckus. "Well she has exquisite taste." He said as they rounded their room lingering every so often at the art. Tony letting his opinion fly out of his mouth with no filter, and some of the things pointed out brought life to certain pieces for Sawyer. However when they moved on to the collection Sawyer made it known this was what had sold him on the art. "Impeccable." Tony gushed as he looked over the art, the only reason Sawyer was still with the man now as to try to get him to buy more art. But it didn't seem like he was entirely needed, and part of him was curious where Camilla had disappeared off to. "Well if you'll excuse me my mother has just walked in." Sawyer smiled to the man quickly taking his leave, knowing Tony wouldn't find offences in his leaving. "Mother," Sawyer greeted, he was cold towards the woman but let her hug him none the less. "Sweet heart, so stiff." She patted his bicep, giving him a genuine smile. "I hear this artist has great talent." She told him, "Eva and Kate both adore her, they talk your step father's ear off and now he's curious to see her work. And seeing you here she must be something spectacular." She chuckled lightly as she took his arm and let him lead her around the room. His mother wasn't one for art, someone could paint a bowl of fruit and she'd think it was the best thing in the world. Their taste were truly different. "Miss Collins is extremely talented." He told his mother stopping in front of one of her most impressive works. "Hmm, it seems she's most talented in drawing your attention." His mother said, letting him know she knew about his relations with Camilla. "Please mother, keep your voice down." He tried to hush her, "I'd like for her be able to enjoy her night." He explained. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm just so excited to see you with someone." She told him, her voice lower this time. "I'd love to meet her." She told him. "If not tonight soon." She offered, knowing she'd meet her tonight with out his help if she had to, Eva would make the introduction. Sighing he looked around the room locating Camilla she was speaking with Eva and her father. "Well shall we." He suggested as the made their way towards the group. "Oh Eva honey how good to see you." His mother smiled as she greeted her step daughter. "Mother this is Camilla Collins, Camilla this is my mother Carol Baxter." He introduced, he meet Eva's eyes and he shook his head. Letting her know he was back into a corner. As he'd never introduce his Sub's to his family ever. But his mother had insisted because of Eva's mouth. Not that he minded Camilla meeting his mother, he was however feel like he wanted to remove her from the situation because it was extremely awkward for him.
    Peyton was a bit disappointed as he changed the subject, "I'm enjoying the water." She told him. "Though if you want to go back we can." She said readjusting her arms around him, pulling him closer to her. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do, weather she should keep things going in the water and let it slowly lead back to the boat. Or if she should rush them back to the boat. Her feels were jumble but she knew that she was enjoying his touch and how close he was. "Hunger," she told him. Her thoughts were on all the third world countries that had starving families and how their own nation was having to give people money just so they could afford food. It was the worst way to die in her opinion. And if that could be change than she felt like other issue would be fixable as well. "What's one thing you want to happen during this trip?" She asked him curious to see what they could try and achieve by the end of this trip.
    June 4th, 2020 at 06:18am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami had approached Eva's father first trying to sweet talk him into a picture he had already had his eye on. When Eva came over she blushed and smiled shaking his hand as Eva introduced her. "It's a pleasure Sir." she said and he chuckled. "Oh please don't you go getting sweet on me now you were doing so well pitching me this exquisite piece." Cami chuckled as Eva's father teased. "Well I think you will be able to come to a sound decision on it by now. After all Eva must get her incredible taste from you." she flattered and he chuckled looking up as Sawyer and Carol cam over. Cami smiled as Sawyer introduced her. She shook her hand before placing her hands behind her. Her hands fiddled with her bracelet nervously. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard just a bit from Sawyer about you. He's very tight lipped." she teased and looked up at him figuring she could play it safe by assuming she was suppose to act like the girlfriend but she could do so without being affectionate since this was her gallery opening. Cami could see how uncomfortable he was. She wanted to help but couldn't very well excuse herself. "Your husband was considering this piece." Cami said effortlessly focusing everyone back on the reason she was here, the art. Cami let her look over the painting before she smiled softly. "Was there a particular piece that drew your attention Mrs. Baxter? I would love to talk to you more about it." she said and Carol jumped at the chance to get Camilla alone. Cami placed a tender hand on Sawyer's lower arm smiling softly at him telling him silently that she had this before she left him with his stepfather and Eva. Cami walked with Carol to the art that had drawn her attention. Cami nodded looking up at it. "You have an exceptional eye." she smiled softly and looked over at her.
    Mason shook his head. "Not just yet. I'll wait until your skin starts to bump and then I will take you back into the sun and I can rub some warmth back into you." he winked. He could feel her warm skin against his through the water and even though she was chilled she felt so nice against his body. Mason smiled as she told him and he nodded. "That is in my top three." he said but wondered how hunger had affected her to make her feel so strongly about it. He could feel the bottom of the cove by now even though Peyton being just shy of the right height missed it. "Oh good question." He hummed as he thought past the way her body against his made the fabric of his trunks strain. Other than the obvious he hadn't thought about what he wanted. "I want your trust and it would be a bonus if you didn't fight the obvious attraction between us." he said softly and shrugged. "What do you want?" he turned the question back to her because he would happy give her what she wanted. He also was interested in knowing what it was she wanted from him at all but he would settle for this weekend.
    June 4th, 2020 at 06:56am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Carol smiled as she moved away with Camilla, "sweet heart I'm not interested in the art." She told her getting blunt, it was her style. "That's my families department." She chuckled, before looking over the woman before her. "I'm more interested in you." She told her, having heard her comment about Sawyer keeping his information locked up like a vault. "My son is very picky about the company he keeps, so I want to get to know the woman behind the art." She smiled, knowing they wouldn't get much alone time together. "I'm assuming he's told you his father passed away." She said, "he's been closed of every since. And I just want to know that he's well taken care of. And to warn you don't hurt him." She told her smiling brightly though her words were hard. "It was lovely to meet you Camilla and I wish you all the luck you've got talent. Good night sweet heart." She told her before moving back to her husband. Knowing that Sawyer would hover over Camilla if she stayed to long.

    "Are you alright?" Sawyer asked Camilla coming up with two flutes, handing her the drink as she looked like she could use a bit to drink. "I'm sorry about her, she's not very friendly." He told her, "and I never meant for you two to meet." He told her truthfully, not wanting to lie to her. Even if this was a real relationship he'd never want her to meet his mother. "She didn't upset you did she?" He asked having a bit of a hard time trying to read her. Never having faced this type of problem before. His mother always made him nervous and fidgety.
    Peyton smirked knowing her skin wasn't far from bumping as she was freezing. Though it felt so good against her hot skin. The way he looked at her made her stomach twist in knots. She wanted to talk more about his top three, but her mind was else where. And she didn't want to divulge into it to much that it takes away from the current situation they found themselves in. "My trust?" She questioned him, knowing that it was harder said than done. "And what if you already have it?" She knew that with everything going on he'd made her feel important and never pushed her to do something she wasn't ready for. Of course their been times they'd pushed the boundaries but that was a joint effort. He'd never made her feel like she didn't have a choice in the matter. She nibbled on her lip as she thought about the attraction and knew that they were dancing around it. "Fun." She teased him, not really knowing how to answer him. How was she suppose tell a man to his face all she wanted was him. Gently running her fingers through his hair she smiled at him, curious to see what else he had on his mind.
    June 4th, 2020 at 07:36am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami smiled sweetly though nerves bunched in her stomach. The woman was blunt and her interest in Cami was not giving her an opportunity to change her mind about art at all. She smiled nodding knowing Sawyer kept a very select type of company his family didn't know about and she was sure that it was her different part of his contract that even put her on his mothers radar. The smile on her face fell as Carol told her about Sawyer's father passing. "We haven't had the chance yet." she said truthfully. They hadn't even known each other all that long honestly so how was a very closed off man suppose to tell her something so heartbreaking? Cami looked up at Carol. She didn't know what to say. How could she take care of him? Be gentle around him? Yes she could do that but it anyone was going to hurt someone it was going to be him hurting her. "I understand Mrs. Baxter." she said. Cami blinked as she started to say farewell. For wanting to get to know Cami, Carol sure hadn't let her say too much. "Thank you." she said and nodded a goodbye as she watched her walk away.

    Cami looked up at Sawyer and smiled appreciatively as he handed her a flute. "Thank you." she said trying to process just how she was feeling. Mostly she was just lost in the information she had gotten from his mother and the subtle threats. Cami was still trying to figure out just how she could hurt Sawyer so she could not do that. Cami hand't even answered the first question when Sawyer started to ramble on. She felt her shoulders and stomach tighten. She grew up where it was rude to interrupt someone. "So it runs in the family, the talking so much that no one else can get a word in." she sipped the drink the bubbles helping. Cami looked up at him and sighed. "I'm sorry." she closed her eyes and shook her head. "I'm fine, it was just a lot to process." she looked back up at him. "She has told me a lot more about you than you have. So it was a lot. And you know normal mom stuff, where she told me not to hurt you. Though I am still trying to figure out just what hurts you so I can not do that." she sighed and shook her head looking at the art. "I know family is hard for you but I am glad I got to meet them. Even though I know..." she was referring silently to how their relationship wasn't real. "I liked meeting them because it made me feel important in your life." She finished the flute and handed it back to him. "I should get back to my guests." she squeezed his arm before moving away. They could talk later, or not talk all he wanted but right now she was feeling like she was going to throw up or pass out because she didn't know if all of this was was actually helping her to keep her gallery. It was her one opportunity and she was spending valuable time of it on Sawyer and his family. She hoped he realized that time she spend showed how she cared because for her art had always come first.

    With the alcohol buzzing in her head she looked around. Troy came over to her in a tux and she smiled. "Hey look at you." she said and he leaned in hugging her. He whispered how beautiful she looked and she thanked him. She stepped back after a moment. He made a joke and she laughed. She shook her head explaining to him she really needed to focus on who was her next sale and he handed her some food and she took a bite thanking him before he waved her off. While she was off helping her next sale Troy turned and waved at Sawyer. He just thought it was friendly competition for a girl.
    Mason smiled as she suggested he might already have her trust. "Well if I already have it then I would like you to tell me when you're ready to end this trial period so that I can convince you into my bed." he grinned and listened to her answer. He didn't know what he had expected her to answer but he wasn't sure it was that. Still he kept the smile in place as he answered. "I'm a lot of fun so you're in the right place." he winked playfully. He liked her hands in his hair and her body against him. She had such a great body. His eyes where dark as they flicked between her lips and her eyes. He wanted to kiss her breathless and make her moan against his lips. Mason wanted so much to have her and her body against his. That sexy little bikini she was in was not helping that desire at all. He trailed fingers over her back. It was time to go in and get warmed up a little. "Come on let's get you in you're starting to shiver." he said and hoped she would stay close once they were on the boat as well. He stayed close to her as he slowly swam backwards towards the boat with her.
    June 4th, 2020 at 03:56pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer rubbed the back of his head when she told him he took after his mother in talking to much. He felt rather sheepish, but he'd wanted to make sure his mother hadn't upset her. Instead he seemed to do so. Sighing as she walked away he frowned as Troy approached her. The man offering her food and company. He glared turning trying to compose himself, jealous wasn't something he'd ever had to deal with. All the women he'd ever had a contract with were never allowed in his presences during the week. And they'd locked themselves up during the week. "Your mother sends her good bye." Eva said approached Sawyer. "How much damage did she do?" Asked the woman knowing that a submissive was completely different. And Camilla seemed to handle it well. "I'm not sure, she seemed fine but I can't think straight when that woman is around." He said knowing his mother caused his mind to go mush. "Well she seems to know her place." Eva said, Sawyer furrowed his brow as he turned to watch Camilla walk away from Troy. "She's not signed yet." He told her softly watching Troy wave at him. Scoffing he shook his head, "boy thinks he has a chance." He told Eva turning to her. "Why hasn't she signed?" Eva asked, "fine tuning." He explained as he turned to the event planner as she was passing by. "How's the evening going?" He asked her. "Besides the silent auctions all paintings have sold." She said softly not wanting to draw to much attention to the fact. "What?" Eva asked, "why wasn't I notified?" She asked looking at Sawyer. "We just receive word that a buyer bought 5 paintings and I was on my way to inform the artist." She said like it was a no brainier. "I've got it." Eva said before smiling at Sawyer, "you sure know how to pick them." She said before rushing off to find Camilla, Sawyer shaking his head as he followed after his step sister. "Camilla!" Eva called excitedly as she approached her and a possible client, "I'm so sorry," She said to the man she was talking to. "That's fine Missy I was just thanking this wonderful woman for the art I purchased." He smiled before excusing himself. "Word has it all painting have sold, beside the silent auction ones." She told her, her excitement displayed on her face. "Eva," Sawyer warned shaking his head, knowing she wanted to celebrate now.
    Peyton nibbled on her lips as he spoke about ending the trial. Did she have to end the trial, what if they weren't compatible sexually. It's happened the attraction is only skin deep. Hearing his words about getting back to the boat she nodded, letting him tug her alone as she gently kicked to help. "And what happens if I wish not to end the trial?" She asked him, curious of what he'd do. Once they reached the boat he let her climb up first, once she was at the top of the ladder she turned to face him. Grabbing the towels he'd set aside for them she wrapped one around her shoulders. Whipping the water from her face she lowered the towel enough just to peer over it. "And what if I said we didn't have to wait for the trial to end?" She knew he'd understand what she was meaning. But she was extremely shy about expressing her want for him. Biting her lip she moved the towel to her hair gently rubbing the water from it. She knew she wasn't going to dry off as fast as him. Forgetting she'd put up her hair she pulled the band from her hair letting the wet locks fall.
    June 4th, 2020 at 09:09pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami looked up as Eva called her name. She was really excited to be talking with a buyer. "Thank you." she said to the buyer before he left. Cami looked at Eva and placed a hand to her chest. "What?" she asked smiling as it started to absorb. Every piece? She looked around. That was a little over 60 pictures. She laughed quietly and looked at Sawyer as his tone rung out to Eva in warning. She shook her head and pulled Eva into a hug before pulling away sheepishly and looking at Sawyer. She would hug him too but she wasn't sure it was acceptable right now. "This is amazing." she sighed out her eyes sparkling with amazement. As long as the silent auction items sold she was going to more than pay back the investment in her. She was finally able to relax. She looked back at Eva. "Do you think it's time to reveal the surprise painting?" she asked. They would be able to start the auctions afterwards. She was so excited about everything she felt like she was dreaming and her head was spinning. Today was all about highs and lows. She had ben feeling so anxious and then freaked about Sawyers mom and what she was doing in this kind of a non-relationship and now to find out all her paintings were selling. Cami couldn't believe how quickly her life was changing. She had made a lot of money tonight and though she got a percentage because of the investment she still was going to be set long enough to last her well into the completion of her next set.
    Mason hummed and they got to the boat. He let her go up first while he thought about what if she didn't want to end it early. He came up and started rubbing his body down. "Well if you didn't want to end it then we will just have an amazing weekend anyways, no pressure." he shrugged. That was all he could think that would happen. It wasn't like he was going to punish her for not feeling ready. Mason looked at her peering from the towel and slowly smiled as she pulled out her hair tie to dry her hair. "Well if that's what you want then I would be happy to oblige. I simply don't like to initiate without your consent or desire during the trail phase because I don't want to pressure you but if you're wanting to add that element to the trial it's understandable. I would think it would be quite enjoyable actually." his heated gaze contradicted his steady words. Really what his eyes where saying what was in his head was, 'When and where princess? Say the word and I'll fuck you til your legs are jello and you feel me for days.' Mason was trying to restrain himself after all she said what if. It was all theoretical until she said otherwise.
    June 4th, 2020 at 10:32pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer watched as she rejoiced in the news, hugging Eva as she couldn't contain her excitement. Gently placing his hand on her back he smiled as he watched Eva get excited all over again. "Yes prefect timing we can announce all paintings have sold and that the silent auctions will close soon." She said knowing this would lead into the great reveal. "That way the reveal will be hyped greater." She said, before leaving them to go find the event planner to make it happen. "Congratulations." He told her smiling down at her. "A celebration is in order." He told her knowing this night had meant so much to her. "Once things are finished here, why don't we go for dinner, and then we can settle other matter once back at my place." He offered. Knowing he'd have a short window of time to make arrangements for them to eat, as most places will be closing or closed by the time they were done here. And in all honesty he just wanted to take her back to his playroom and find every place than may her moan. Then take her on every piece of furniture in the room. Maybe even ending with them in the tub again. He wasn't sure the last one would happen as once he was finished with her in the playroom she'd be to tired to even stand.
    Peyton felt his gaze shot through her body and his words add to the want to find out. But her mind was reeling, where or when would it happen. Was it something he'd work up to or would her take her here and now on the back deck. There was some many places they could end up at. And all of them would be fine with her, but for the first time ever she controlled what happened. "So surprise me." She told him, knowing that she was giving him the go ahead to move forward with what ever he wanted, when ever. She knew this was suppose to be about both their pleasure and she knew that if she was left in control she'd lose her nerve and not follow through with it. If he took charge she'd undoubting let things progress. As this was part of what she signed up for, and she should know what she'd be getting herself into. As he told her he wanted a sexual relationship and she signed on the line. So leaving it in his hands was the only thing she could think to do.
    June 4th, 2020 at 11:25pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami grinned as he talked about celebrating. The feel of his hand on her back reminded her just how much he did to her or could do to her. She was sure his definition of celebrating was fucking her on every surface of his house. She nodded softly. "I would like that." she said to dinner. "You want me to come back again tonight?" she asked. If she stayed tonight she was basically going to be there all weekend. She would need to start her new paintings come Monday though. Cami saw Eva talking with the planner and she moved with Sawyer towards the hidden painting. She smiled at Sawyer before heading up to the painting standing by the strings that kept the curtain in place. Eva made her announcement and Cami said a quick thank you. "I really do hope to see all of you again at the next showing and just to give you a taste of what is next for me I have made this piece for you all." she waited a moment while the murmurs circulated before she opened the curtain and watched the reaction the the art behind the curtain. It was different yes and this didn't mean she wouldn't keep doing what she had done here but she wanted to take a closer look at emotions with colors. She smiled seeing the anticipation. She was so excited for her next exhibit. She stepped back and moved back to Sawyer's side. They had maybe an hour left if that in total and that was giving her time to check on the packaging crew and some of her special pieces that required a little more of a personal touch. She looked up at Sawyer. "You know I don't know what to do now until the doors close. Everyone that loved the pictures has bought one." she could stay and talk about her technique but she didn't think very many of them cared about that.
    Mason smiled as she gave him the go ahead. He leaned in and kissed her sweetly. "Then I will make it happen." he said. He would wait for the right time of course. Anticipation was a good thing. "Now are you feeling peckish?" he asked and wrapped the towel over his shoulders. He went back to the kitchen cutting up some fruits and cheese with crackers and dips making another round of drinks before he took it all up to the warmth of the deck. He sat down with Peyton stretching out as he plopped some salami in his mouth followed by a grape. He no longer could see himself and his life from an outside prospective. He didn't know what was odd for people anymore. What was it someone like Peyton would be amazed at what was a part of his normal life. He smiled over at Peyton glad she had given him the control of the beginning of their sexual encounter. He was hoping that afterwards she wouldn't need the trail anymore but he wasn't going to rush her. He kept reminding himself because all he wanted was to have her as his already.
    June 5th, 2020 at 12:03am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer felt a smile pull at his lips as she agreed to dinner, "I expressed at lunch I wanted to finalize the contract." He told her, as well as the unspoken promises of taking her in to his playroom. "However it is you're choice to come." He chose his words carefully knowing they could easily be overheard and he didn't want his desires broadcast publicly. He lead her towards the hidden painting, taking a spot that gave him a clear view of it. He'd already spoke to the appraiser knowing the price listed for the painting. So he was curious to see what she'd conjured up this time. His eyes landed on the painting when the curtain was drawn. The vibrant colors danced across the canvas. Something sensual played behind the art, but he was distracted by the beauty next to him. "Well it was a bit unexpected to sell all every painting, but that doesn't mean you can't mingle, unless you'd keep me company." He smirked at her, not really wanting to share her with anyone. But this was her night and he wasn't going to keep her from it, even if his mind kept playing about to the night before. Taking her on the floor and then the desk, which he might be able to sneak her off to and do it again. "Or maybe you have pressing matters in the office?" He smirked at her.
    Smiling sweetly at him as he moved into the kitchen she chuckled following after him. "A little." She said moving to grab herself some water. Remember that he'd made a comment about her drinking plenty of it. She gently kiss his shoulder blade before leaving him alone and head back out into the sun. She ran her towel through her hair again before placing her towel around her waist. When he emerged with food and drinks she followed him to the deck. Taking a seat next to him she grabbed her water taking a drink of it. Then turned to look at him as she munched on some crackers. "What is next for you?" She asked him, "you've created something of yourself, but now what?" She was curious if he had any plans for his life. Knowing that he was admittingly avoiding a real relationship, so what could he possible be doing all this for. He was setting himself up that was for sure. But do to what if not to procreate. Even if in the near future he had no plans of it, it would still nice to know what he was hoping to achieve.
    June 5th, 2020 at 03:55am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami smiled. "I'd be happy to be your company." she said as they walked slowly. She grinned as she looked up at him taking in how he was looking at her. When he asked about business in the office she tilted her head her eyebrows drawing together. "Umm I..." her eyes widened and she looked up at him catching that mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh." she said softly and then blushed. She started to weigh if she could risk it. Would they really know. If they were quick they could come back out and she could say her farewells to everyone. "I guess I would like to take a look at the spreadsheet. Do you think you could give me an idea of the investment cut?" she asked her eyes starting to sparkle with mischief now. She walked to her office and over to the desk. When Sawyer walked in she looked up at him her eyes wide. Her heart was beating so hard in her chest she felt like it was going to come fright out of her. She couldn't believe she had said yes to this suggestion. Her chest lifted and fell with the heavy pants of her desire and nerves. She watched him lock the door and move to her. She bit her lip her hands griping the edge of the desk.
    Mason looked over at her already bathing in the sun's rays again. He smiled at her question. He hummed. "Well I have business goals of course. A company doesn't grow and prosper without them. But personally? I haven't really thought of it yet. I guess what I want is to finally enjoy the fruits of my labor. I guess I just have to remember to take the break to do it." he said and shrugged. "I don't like to make too many plans. I do enough of that at work." he admitted. "Eventually yeah I want a family, you know a dog and a good girl. Maybe one day I can throw in a kid." he chuckled teasingly. He hadn't thought about kids. Didn't know how they would even fit into his life. There was so much he would have to change about his life right now for it involve other people. He ran a hand through his hair. He didn't know what else to say about it. He was a very mindful individual and focused on staying in the moment as often as he could.
    June 5th, 2020 at 04:45am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer had only been teasing her when he suggested the quick fuck in her office. But he wasn't about to pass up the chance to make her cum for him again. "I'd be more than happy to lay it out for you." He told her his tone more that suggestive, the lust laced in with it told her he wasn't about to play. He watched her enter the office and he slipped in behind her closing and locking the door. Moving to her he placed his hands on the outsides of her thighs sliding his hands up, pulling the skirt of her dress up. "I've been wanting to fuck you since we were back at my place." He told her. Placing a kiss to her lips, he made sure her dress was out of the way before her placed her ass on the desk, sliding himself between her legs. "We're out side the play room," he reminded her as he kissed his way along her neck. Using his hands he pulled off his jacket setting it aside, before working on pulling open his pants. It seemed like today was filled with quick fucks and he wasn't disappointed. "You sure you want this?" He asked her freeing himself and pulling her lower half closer to him. Rubbing himself along her clothed slit, feeling the wetness that was pooling on the material. His hand grabbing the fabric and pulling the down her legs, smirking at her he placed them in his pocket. When he didn't get any rebuttal from her he thrust his member into her. His arm wrapping around her pulling her body closer to him as he started to fuck her on the edge of the desk. His forehead resting on her bare shoulder as he lost himself in her.
    Peyton smiled at him, feeling like he was hiding something from her. Not that it was any of her business. But if it was her in his shoes wanting to enjoy the fruits of his labor, it would be with some woman who was paid to fake a relationship. She personally would want something real. Something that she'd always remember. But she felt that was were men and women differ. Women wanted to spend time with their love ones, while men wanted to enjoy the body of a young tot. Not that it's really any of her business. But she'd rather waste her time and money on someone she loved. Of course not always do relationships work so she did see why having someone around even if they were paid for could be appealing. "Yet you keep tell me that what ever I want to do you'll make it happen." She laughed lightly, "I'm just content to see where things go, I've always planned my life as well." She shook her head, "so it seems like we both are just wanting to enjoy the moment." She sighed lightly closing her eyes. Feeling the sun drying up the damp bikini she was wearing. And the light cool breeze hitting her skin causing her body to respond to the little bit of cold the only way it knew how. Small bumps kissing her skin and tightening and protrusion of her nipples. "So if you decided to take time off from work for a week, where would you want to go?" She asked him. Before peering up at him, knowing that she was talking a bit too much. But she was trying to enjoy her time and ignore the way her body reacted to his look.
    June 5th, 2020 at 05:20am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer had only been teasing her when he suggested the quick fuck in her office. But he wasn't about to pass up the chance to make her cum for him again. "I'd be more than happy to lay it out for you." He told her his tone more that suggestive, the lust laced in with it told her he wasn't about to play. He watched her enter the office and he slipped in behind her closing and locking the door. Moving to her he placed his hands on the outsides of her thighs sliding his hands up, pulling the skirt of her dress up. "I've been wanting to fuck you since we were back at my place." He told her. Placing a kiss to her lips, he made sure her dress was out of the way before her placed her ass on the desk, sliding himself between her legs. "We're out side the play room," he reminded her as he kissed his way along her neck. Using his hands he pulled off his jacket setting it aside, before working on pulling open his pants. It seemed like today was filled with quick fucks and he wasn't disappointed. "You sure you want this?" He asked her freeing himself and pulling her lower half closer to him. Rubbing himself along her clothed slit, feeling the wetness that was pooling on the material. His hand grabbing the fabric and pulling the down her legs, smirking at her he placed them in his pocket. When he didn't get any rebuttal from her he thrust his member into her. His arm wrapping around her pulling her body closer to him as he started to fuck her on the edge of the desk. His forehead resting on her bare shoulder as he lost himself in her.
    Peyton smiled at him, feeling like he was hiding something from her. Not that it was any of her business. But if it was her in his shoes wanting to enjoy the fruits of his labor, it would be with some woman who was paid to fake a relationship. She personally would want something real. Something that she'd always remember. But she felt that was were men and women differ. Women wanted to spend time with their love ones, while men wanted to enjoy the body of a young tot. Not that it's really any of her business. But she'd rather waste her time and money on someone she loved. Of course not always do relationships work so she did see why having someone around even if they were paid for could be appealing. "Yet you keep tell me that what ever I want to do you'll make it happen." She laughed lightly, "I'm just content to see where things go, I've always planned my life as well." She shook her head, "so it seems like we both are just wanting to enjoy the moment." She sighed lightly closing her eyes. Feeling the sun drying up the damp bikini she was wearing. And the light cool breeze hitting her skin causing her body to respond to the little bit of cold the only way it knew how. Small bumps kissing her skin and tightening and protrusion of her nipples. "So if you decided to take time off from work for a week, where would you want to go?" She asked him. Before peering up at him, knowing that she was talking a bit too much. But she was trying to enjoy her time and ignore the way her body reacted to his look.
    June 5th, 2020 at 05:20am