Don't Forget It | Closed

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer nodded listening to her, "well I'm sure you can get the dimensions of the painting and you and Troy can work on setting up a place for it in the mean time." He told her, knowing that this needed to be completed before the show case, they had little under a week to do it. As they'd need to allow the cater and any event personnel a chance to set up as well. But they were making progress, so he'd worry about any issues that may arise at a later time. Sawyer turned back to his food, though he could feel eyes on him. Lifting his eyes he locked with Eva, he could tell she wasn't to happy with him at the moment. But he didn't bother with her, he'd hear about it later when they were alone. But it would only take one guess for him to understand that it was how he was able to communicate with Camilla so effectively. It made him feel a bit nervous to be honest. As he did value her opinion. He was terrified she would try to put a stop to his contract with Camilla.
    Peyton smiled at him, "I am." She told him. Doing her best not to give to much of her excitement, dread, and anxiety away. She wasn't good at this. She knew she needed to act like a girlfriend in front of his family, friends, and coworkers. But she wasn't sure what he wanted from her. She also knew sex was an important part of the contract. And that scared her, but she was to worried about it. As the thing that scared her the most was messing this up. It was hard to ask him questions with out crossing a line. But she knew woman and if his sisters were like most, then they wouldn't be asking where he took her. They'd be asking what he's shared with her. Her mind was thankful for the distraction. "I've around the States," she told him. "Though never left the country." She said.
    May 17th, 2020 at 10:28pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami smiled as they all finished their meal and she relaxed back just enjoying the conversations about the gallery. Now that it was mostly worked out Eva was just talking about what she had planned for the opening and asked if Cami had preference over this thing or that though she just went with whatever Eva seemed more excited about. She smiled as they all headed back to the car. Cami wondered if Sawyer would find a moment to make with her alone or if he was trying to keep it all business and professional. She didn't know which she was hoping for. Cami tried to keep her mind distracted with the things that needed to happen anyways and sooner rather than later. Cami got in the car and buckled up as they started to head back to the gallery. She was pretty quiet now lost in her thoughts looking out the window as they moved looking at the world like an artist did seeing the change in the day to day and the beauty in that.
    Mason smiled softly. He was glad she was excited to go but he could tell there were other things she wanted to talk about. He had already told her to just ask and he either would or wouldn't answer. He was going to just have to trust her to figure out her footing her. He knew boundaries needed to be crossed in order to do that and he was already planning on how to react when that happened. Mason smiled. "I have been to all of the states at one point though I didn't really leave the hotel in Alaska, to cold." He chuckled. "But there are several conferences out of the states that I need to attend this year. Would you be interested in joining or should I limit those to the one I really need you to attend?" he asked her.
    May 17th, 2020 at 10:44pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer walked the women back to the car, his mind racing and his body full. He knew that it was best to let things rest with Camilla, if she wanted to enter into the contract with him then she would. And rushing her decision wasn't good for either of them. But he wanted her to give into him so badly. Eva was the prefect distraction for him, just knowing she was around kept his mind focused on the task at hand. Even if wayward thoughts seeped in, the main point was he wasn't acting on them. As the car stopped at the gallery, he sat unmoving. Until Eva exited the car. Sighing he stepped from the vehicle. He could hear a soft chuckle slip from the front seat. Closing the door he smirked. It wasn't often he allowed a woman to put him in binds. But here he was almost demanding attention from this woman. When really all he wanted in this moment was space. It was agonizingly hard for him. And stepping the line right now would only lead to more trouble. Following the women into the build he walked with them as Eva questioned Camilla on her ideas for display. He knew it was just an excuse to get to see all the painting first hand. "Eva," Sawyer started, before motioning for her to warp things up. They had a meeting to get to shortly. "Oh no I've made him mad." She teased, "well it was great spending time with you again." She told Camilla, "I'll be in touch." She said before prancing off towards the exit. "Call or text me if you need anything." Sawyer told her, doing his best to keep his distance. "Camilla." He told her before turning and following suit. He knew it wasn't a smart idea to linger or push his own restraint.
    Peyton lifted her eyes to him as she questioned her traveling with him. "I'm all for traveling with you." She told him smiled, she nibbled on her lip as the waitress placed her water before her. "However I think it's best if we play it by ear, there maybe times it's best I don't go." She offered. She'd heard stories of her boss having to go to Spain for a meeting then jet off to South Korea. The travel wasn't a problem for her, but it wasn't always ideal having only a couple of hours in a country only to have to leave and go to another. She knew her job would be to offer comfort and a distraction. But there maybe times he'd have to travel with other associates and it wouldn't be the right time for her to go. "So skiing is out of the question then?" She teased him, going back to their earlier conversation about traveling. She'd grown up around the mountains and dealt with bad winters. So she could say she enjoyed the cold every now and then.
    May 17th, 2020 at 11:30pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami talked with Eva about displays. "Really I don't want anything that distracts from the art." she ended up saying. Cami looked back at Sawyer as he kept a lot of distance between them and called for Eva. She chuckled at Eva's remark and smiled her easy genuine smile. "I enjoyed our time as well Eva." she said and watched her leave first. She looked over at Sawyer. He spoke and she nodded softly. "Of course." she said and shivered as he said her name in farewell. Cami bit her lip as she watched him leave the shape of him burned into her mind. Damn she wanted to paint him so badly. It was tempting to just sign in exchange for him letting her paint and draw him, ideally naked. She shook her head as the doors closed behind him and let out a long breath as she turned back to the gallery. Anything that needed to be finished today she did. Cami created a design for the big reveal of her new piece and set it on her desk before calling Troy. He seemed excited to work on her display. "Do you want to meet up so you can tell me your vision?" he asked. Cami bit her lip considering it. "I would but I can't I have a lot to do. I have left a sketch on my desk for the display and the dimensions as well so it would fit the painting and not be distracting once it's open. I'll be in tomorrow around one though if you need any guidance. Or just call me." She said and he smiled. "Sure thing Cami." he said and Cami smiled. "Thanks Troy." she said before locking up the gallery and heading to her car. She got in and rolled down the windows before starting the drive home. Once she got home she set her music on. Changed into her painting cloths and then moved to the canvas. Every time she saw Sawyer he gave her something more to pull from for her painting. There was something to be said for the struggle of frustration restraint and giving into temptation. The way the colors worked across the canvas raw like emotions made her tremble. It was almost done now. She didn't realize what time it was until she heard her music stop. That was ten hours of music. She looked at the time and sighed pulling food out of her fridge and plucking it into the microwave glad that she had spent the time earlier in the week to prep for the week ahead when cooking and eating seemed secondary needs. As Cami sat eating she took the time to go over the websites that Sawyer sent her hoping they would help define some of these techniques.
    Mason nodded. "If that is what you would like." he said. He didn't mind her coming a long on every trip. She would have plenty of time to explore while he worked then they could explore together once he was done for the day. He chuckled when she picked up on his lack of desire for the cold. "No that's fine, my sisters love the snow so I am sure that will happen at some point but personally if I could I would much rather spend my day on the water in the warm sun then in a frozen wasteland... or wonderland." he chuckled. "Not to mention it's so much easier to see your body when it's warmer." he teased. "Did you have a chance to go over my list of things you should know about me and the extras I had in there?" he asked her. Mason wanted to make sure that she had a good starting point. He was sure she would have questions. He had put in the need to knows how upset he had been about his grandfather's passing but it hadn't been to detailed or any part of their relationship. Mason wished he had a cheatsheet of information on her too but he knew people didn't normally have those and he was just going to have to get to know her the old fashion way. Which would take longer but would be more meaningful and deeper.
    May 18th, 2020 at 12:04am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer closed the car door behind, the vehicle jetting off. He could feel the prying eyes of Eva, but she didn't say anything. And he wouldn't either while they were with her security detail. When the car stopped he stepped from it, before walking towards the door. Eva not far behind him, the elevator ride up was quite, but the soft ticking counting down the floors. As a ding ran signaling their destination Eva turned to him. "Stick around after the meeting, we need to talk." She told him before placing a smile on her face. He shook his head before following her to her office. He wasn't lying when he said they had a meeting. The meeting however was with a man he didn't really want to face. "Eva!" The booming voice rang out as they stepped through her office door. "Dad." She beamed at her father before rushing to hug the man. He'd requested a meeting while he was in town. And even asked for a family dinner. But Sawyer had politely declined. "Mr. Baxter." He greeted shaking his hand. They'd not been on good term for years. But they put their difference aside for the sake of business.

    "I'll see you at dinner dad." Eva said as she was leading her father out the door. "Are you sure you're not available for dinner Sawyer?" The man questioned, "your mother will be there." He told him. Sawyer's face hardened at the mention of his mother. "I'm sure my meeting can't be moved." He told him, his words showed his discomfort and his anger. The man waved him off before exiting the room. "I don't know why you can't let it go." Eva said moving back to her desk. Sawyer just shook his head not wanting to get into the conversation. "Fine, about Cami." Eva said jumping into what she'd wanted to talk about. "I don't know how to put this." She sighed. "You've got this connection that I can't get with her, and believe me I've tried. But I feel like you having me take over would be a mistake." She finally said. "And what are you implying?" He asked already angry with her father he didn't want to let it bleed into assuming she was trying to stop him from having a contract with Camilla. "Nothing, I just feel like you know when to separate business and pleasure. And even if the lines blur a bit, there's no harm. Just run every decision by me and I'll decided if it's something the company will go through with. That way the line doesn't blur completely." She offered. "And believe I could never stop the two of you. She was undressing you at the table." She chuckled. "Though if you feel like you can't be alone with her and keep it professional I will be happy to accompany you." Sawyer nodded before exiting her office. He still had things he had to do tonight and he wasn't looking forward to any of it. If truth be told he'd rather visit an artist and work out some of his anger by painting her skin.
    Peyton let out a soft laugh when he told her, letting her mind run over the things they could do in both types of weather and still be able to show him her body. She nibbled on her lip as she thought. Lifting her head she shook it, "no I read a bit of it, but honestly it made me feel a bit uncomfortable." She told him, knowing that a few things on there were for people in a relationship. And though she was trying to make it believable she was his girlfriend for over two months. She couldn't imagine he'd have ever opened up to her in that short of a time. Even though he was trying to portray a happy couple. She didn't know that much information about her ex and they'd dated most of her high school years. "I don't believe any man has ever been that forth coming with information. And reading it don't make it impactful for me to remember." She told him, knowing that this was hard for her to wrap her head around. And adding more information to it was making it ever harder. She figured that she would have time to get to know him better, and then reading over what he's offered her would make it easier. "And I think that it'd be best to wait until we've decided this was working before I really focused on it." She didn't know how to put it to make it easy for him to understand her thought process.
    May 18th, 2020 at 01:01am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    For the next week Cami worked with Troy on the displays and she meet with the appraiser once her piece was finished. When he had left her place he was bashful and she was proud of herself. That meant that color could portray the emotion she was trying to display. She had secured the painting behind the new display as soon as it was dry enough. It was getting closer to the gallery opening and she was keeping busy. Between working out to work out the pent up sexual frustration and the gallery and the art she was making for the next showing. Cami had finished her research on the contract and had been even more conflicted. She had crossed things off that she absolutely would not do and made changes to the things that she could live with giving some control up over. Some of the things she couldn't control with her artist lifestyle and he was going to have to trust her to take care of herself. But she hadn't contacted Sawyer during that entire time. She knew he was giving her space to consider the contract and let her run the gallery her way but she just couldn't seem to make the call to him.

    Cami was laughing with Troy as he told her about the finished displays and the stories behind it as they worked together in the gallery. He was a young good looking man and he was sweet and sweet on her but Cami didn't think she could see them being more than friends. Sure there was potential for more but it was not like it was with Sawyer. With Sawyer on her mind there was no hope for Troy though that didn't stop him from trying to flirt. He had told her he had to take off soon but he was lingering still as she was placing her art up in the displays. She was almost ready to relinquish it to the party preparation team who was about dying to get in there. It was only a few days until the opening after all. Cami was placing a picture still giggling. She was posed on her tiptoes trying to make the picture hang straight. "How about now?" she asked Troy for the third time to see if the art hung right. He was about to say something through his laugh but then the sound died out. "Mr. West." He greeted looking away from Cami's beautiful ass in a form fitting skirt.

    Cami felt her heart hammering in her chest wildly knowing he was behind her and she had been dodging his calls for the past week only taking Eva's calls about the gallery. Cami bit her bottom lip and slowly stepped back from the painting. She let her bottom lip go and turned slowly her cheeks tinted pink to look at Sawyer. She looked up at him then down at the floor. She could hear her own blood being pumped through her body passing by her ears that were heated. She couldn't help to automatic response nor could she help that she knew the look he was giving her right now was not one of business even if he had convinced himself to come out for business. Somewhere along the way that had changed unless he had some to try any talk to her about her dodging his calls. She could only guess but either way it was in dangerous territory now.
    Mason nodded in understanding. "It's alright Peyton it makes sense." he said. He chuckled a little. "I think you're right it's a lot of information and I don't talk that much. I would much rather listen to you talk." he said and smiled. "But I wanted to be prepared." he shrugged. "Do you have questions you wanted to ask then?" he asked her. Their food was placed down and the waitress left having gotten the point by now. Mason smiled and picked up his fork watching Peyton hoping that he had picked something she would like again. He wanted to get to know her but he didn't think he was any better at asking questions as he was at talking about himself. He would talk about work easy enough but talk about himself? Yeah that took more effort. Though he knew himself really well, in a way that most men didn't he still was a man and long answers weren't really his thing. He didn't give back stories just answered the question. He took a bite of his food enjoying the buzzing flavors. It was good and he was glad this placed lived up to the hype.
    May 18th, 2020 at 01:36am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer glared at the man before him, the level of incompetence from him just made him want to choke the life out of him. Instead of acting on his want he stood moving around his desk. "Do it again." He snapped before storming out of his office. Then heading towards the elevator. "Sir your meeting with Mr.." She his secretary started as he entered the elevator. "Cancel it." He growled. It wasn't often he canceled meeting and he could tell on her face that she was surprised. He took calming breaths as he stood inside, his eyes closing. He knew his anger stemmed from his sexual frustration. And it didn't help that the object of his want was ignoring him. He'd called her while sitting in Eva's office, only for Eva to turn right around and call her and she answer. He'd never felt rejection before and he didn't like it. Though Eva told him it could be because he was a distraction. So he did his best to hope that was the case. So that's what he was telling himself, as he drove. He wasn't looking forward to facing rejection face on, but it was the least she could do. Was tell him she wasn't interested in the contract to his face. Pulling up outside he drummed his fingers along the steering wheel, working up his nerve to head in. His eyes moving over to the dash console as a call came through. Eva's name flashed on the screen, no doubt his secretary called her. Silencing the ringing he knew it was best to just get it over with. Stepping from the car he tried to calm himself, to gain some control. Entering the building he could hear laughter, and it pulled him towards it. Camilla's sweet voice ringing out as his eyes landed on Troy. Then his eyes traveling to where he was staring. He clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. "Troy." He greeted the man his voice was cold, his attention however was on the women before him. Watching as she bowed her head. The way she was acting made him feel some control coming back. Though he heard Troy clear his throat, "we'll I'm going to go." He said the sound of his feet padding off. Then silence.

    Sawyer stood there his eyes locked on her, he wasn't sure for how long. But it gave him time to calm down and gain control over himself. "Camilla." He greeted her, his voice coming out softer than it had all day. Wanting to know if she'd come to her decision or if she needed more time. But whatever it was they needed to draw boundaries. And her not answering his call wasn't optional. "How have you been?"
    Peyton smiled at him, "well I don't idly talk it's a waste of my time." She told him, knowing that they were both same in that aspect. She turned to her food, trying the side dish as she let the main course of pork to cool down. "Well it's been bugging me why the contract, why not try an actually relationship?" She asked him wanting to know her true role. "Because it seems like a big hassle on your part having to deal with getting me up to speed." She shrugged, knowing that if she opened the door he could turn it back on her and ask her why she was doing this as well. But she knew at some point they'd have to address that he was her first. But she didn't really want to make a decision based on what she saw. She wanted to know the real reason why he wanted her. Because she could come up with a hundred different scenarios on how to keep his family off his back. But wanting to pay a woman for her companionship just didn't seem like his style. But if it was his kink that would be different.
    May 18th, 2020 at 03:00am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami looked up as he said her name. She looked at him seeing the tension in his shoulders. Even if his voice was calm she could tell he had been tense for a while and she wondered if it had something to do with her. "I've been keeping really busy." she bit her lip and looked down a moment before looking back at him. "How have you been?" she asked him. Cami felt bad now that she hadn't answered his calls but here he was and she wasn't going to apologise. She had needed the time. He seemed to have come for answers though and she was willing to give them to him but wasn't sure what to say. She couldn't make a yes no answer for him. She pulled her hands behind her back clasping her hands. She looked down again at her shoes. She had decided heels today because there wasn't much she needed to do here and it felt like a professional thing to wear. Now though standing in front of Sawyer she felt silly to have though heels would make her professional because she felt anything but professional as he looked at her. Cami bit her lip. "Would you like to look around?" she asked him hoping showing her what she had finished with the gallery would help with some of the tension. She also hoped he might help her put up the last few pieces.
    Mason nodded understanding her question. He was kind of curious why she hadn't asked sooner. "I don't like messy things. I don't have time to date. Yes getting you up to speed is an undertaking but once you are up to speed the maintenance won't increase like dating does and there isn't an expectation that this will all lead to marriage." He said and looked at her tilting his head. "I could ask you the same question but I am more interested in why you agreed to a contract with me?" he asked her. Mason knew she was beautiful and he was sure she had her choice of whomever she wanted. He wanted to know what qualities she was appealed to. If it was something natural he would be able to relax and be reassured that this would be an easy relationship.
    May 18th, 2020 at 04:23am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer shook his head at her offer to look around, "I could be better." He told her, knowing that there wasn't any use at beating around the bush. "I've been having to deal with Eva a lot more lately." He teased. "Which brings me to why I'm here." He informed her knowing that he was impatient. "I feel like there was a bit of miscommunication. And that you may believe that ignoring me was any way acceptable." He told her doing his best to try and remain business like. "If you needed space then request it. I'm a very reasonable man." He sighed, knowing that it best for both of them if they set limitations or communicated. "We can't work together if you can't communicate with me." He leaned back against the frame behind him. "I do understand why, but if you don't want to work with me because of it there needs to be a conversation." He told her, knowing that this may be the last conversation they had. And if so then he expected her to inform him that it would be so.
    Peyton let out a soft chuckle. "That's understanding, not everyone is crazy about marriage. And even so why worry about it at such a young age." She agreed that it was a bit tedious. Of course she'd thought about marriage and kids, but she'd seen first hand what happened when people rush into a marriage at a young age. And she didn't want that for her. Even if this was an unconventional relationship, it was still something that allowed human interaction. "I keep asking myself that question." She told him truthfully. "And I can't really sum it up, your different and I haven't quite figured out why, and I like a challenge." She chuckled, "I know that's not really an answer, but the offer was put out there so why wouldn't I even consider it." She rationalized. The money was a perk. But if she thought about this like it was a job then she'd feel dirty. So she tended to look at it like it was an opportunity. One that brought her money, and gave her time to do the things she need to. Plus the perk of a sexy man. "You think you're not worth the consideration?" She teased him, knowing that if he had half what he was offering she'd still be listening.
    May 18th, 2020 at 05:43am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami frowned knowing his condition was partially her fault. She bit her lip. When he spoke of Eva she knew that he had Eva call her several times. It made more sense now. She looked up as he got right to the point of why he was here. He tired to remain professional but the tone and the way his eyes shot at her had her looking down again her breathing picking up and her ears burning hot again. She knew that she was in trouble and he had every right to be upset. He was chastising her with his words but she had a feeling he wanted to do much worse than that. She shouldn't have ignored him but she hadn't know what to say. She had needed the space but hadn't wanted it. He was not as direct speaking of the contract but she knew what he was saying. Cami shook her head. "It's more complicated than that. It's not- It's not that I didn't want to speak with you I just... didn't know how. I knew that I needed to be professional but I was having a hard time drawing my own lines. I don't know-" she bit her lip and ran a hand through her hair looking at a far corner of the gallery. She didn't know how she could explain this to him so he understood. "Please." she whispered softly. "I'm sorry." she finally said. "I don't want it to be just professional." she looked up at him her words soft and her eyes nervous. "And yet I am afraid that if you aren't there professionally I'll get lost in Eva's translations." She admitted. "And that's why I'm so confused and... I'm scared." she felt her heart hammer quickly and she wrapped her arms around herself and turned her back towards him closing her eyes. She didn't know if she could say this with him watching her but she had missed her chance to do it over the phone so now she had to. "I'm afraid I don't know what I want to get myself into with you and that I won't be able to..." she pulled her hair to one side playing with the ends. "Give you what you want. That I'm not capable of it and I have no idea if I can because I have no idea what it's like." She was trembling and the last of her words tumbled out in a hurry like she couldn't get them out fast enough. Being so honest with him was just as vulnerable as if she was naked in front of him.
    "I just don't want the pressure. Maybe one day the right girl will just open the right door and change my entire life but until then." he shrugged. "People expect things and being in a position like mine many of the girls that I would date would try to find any way to make it more perminate. Like I said pressure." Mason listened to her explain why him best she could and he chuckled as she asked why not him basically. Yeah he was a catch even in a relationship like this. "No no I think I am a hell of a steal but that's my own opinion. I just wanted to know what it was that interested you is all. I want your trust and it will help me to know what made you choose me. If it's a challenge and the mystery of me then I guess I am just going to have to keep impressing you." he smirked. "What are you looking for during this trial to fully convince you?" he asked wanting insight in her mind. He wasn't going to be showing her any red flags so if she was looking for a reason to run she wouldn't find one. He just didn't have time or want something complicated and this was simple between them. Or it would be when they where all caught up and in tune.
    May 18th, 2020 at 06:14am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer rubbed his face, he'd tried to contact her several times in order to discuss thing with her. "I've got to say, had you answered my call I would have been able to inform you that Eva doesn't want to work with you." He frowned. "Okay that came out wrong, she doesn't want me to relinquish my position with you. She fees like we have an easier time communicating then she and you." He explained. "Though we didn't want to push you into anything as my offering of the contract wasn't professional and blurred so many lines." He knew that it was hard for her. And he felt his anger deplete, he still wanted more than anything to punish her. To remind her to always answer her phone. But hearing her words of doubt and concerns he furrowed his brow. He felt a bit relived but he still needed to convinces her to sign. "There are multiple clauses in the contract that give you an out. This isn't for everyone, but if you try it's not something you like, I can either not do it again or you have the option to leave." He sighed knowing he'd told her this already, but he couldn't stress it enough. "It's not hard to try new food, so why should it be hard to try new sexual things?" He asked her.
    Peyton let out a soft laugh, "you could say the same about me." She told him, "if this goes well then extending a contract would be the next step." She teased him, knowing that it was less of a headache for him, than a relationship would ever be. Peyton smiled when he said her was a hell of a catch. "I don't know, really." She told him, "I feel like getting to know you better would help. But as far as what you can do to convinces me, I can't really say." She told him, knowing that this was harder for him as she was so new at this. "What do you normally do to convinces a girl to sign a contract long term?" She asked him softly.
    May 18th, 2020 at 07:00am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami turned back around looking at him as he told her she could have both. She shook her head knowing people mixed professional and business all the time, how was this different? Eva was always a fall back if she needed and once she had a better standing she wouldn't need them as much. "I know it does I've gone over and over it." she bit her lip and looked down. "When you try new food you don't buy an entire plate of it, you try someone elses or get a sampler..." she chuckled nervously. "That's it." she looked up at him blushing softly. "Could we... would a trail be optional? I know it's not signing but I have already signed the NDA and if there is a release form you needed maybe then I wouldn't be so hesitant. If it was just for like a time or two then I could know if I was even remotely capable." she bit her lip looking up at him. She hated that he was so far away. She wanted him closer to her. Yet she knew if he was thinking would evaporate and she would be only focused on him. Cami dropped her hands from her arms and placed them behind her again. She was feeling better about this possibility and she really hoped that he would agree to something like this even if he needed to talk to his legal team first.
    Mason shook his head. "A signature here or there that doesn't obligate us to the full term. You realize there is a two week breakup clause if you wanted out. It simply there so that we can convince my family of the break up and accomplish any important events before hand up it would break off all sexual contact immediately. So there is no risk. I've worked this contract over so that it's safe for both of us. It only goes as far as we both want it to." He grinned as she started to tell him more. No one ever knew right of the bat but it was there somewhere what she was looking for. "I don't sign long term contracts with other women. My first was going to be with Lexi but that didn't fit well and you walked in and I just knew." he shrugged. "I use to sign short term contracts for an event or a few events just for company and no strings or complications but nothing really special or frequent. And convincing them to sign short term contracts was just about how much they wanted and what they had to do. That was all. Most the contracts were made up of confidentiality." Mason shrugged. "It's not like I have had a ton of other women like this Peyton and no one like you so yeah this is different for me too." He said softly watching for her reaction.
    May 18th, 2020 at 07:24am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer's brow shot up at the mention of a trail, he'd never thought of that. "You would be willing to try?" He mulled it over. He his eyes raked over her body, wanting nothing more than to just take her here in front of all her art. "This would be something new to me, so we'll have to discuss guidelines, things you will and won't do. But if it's what you want then maybe we could try." He told her the word felt unfamiliar in his mouth. Never trying at anything he only ever did. "A timeline for when this ends." He started throwing thins out there. "But if you're want we can discuss these things over dinner." He suggested. Wondering if she'd let him start tonight.
    Peyton nodded, "I've read the contract numerous times." She told him, taking a drink of her water. She felt like most of her discomfort was being out in public, having to keep up show all the time. And maintain happiness. She was also cautious of people around them. "First?" She asked him, feeling herself relax a bit. This was just as new for him as it was her. "No wonder you even offered me a contract." She laughed a bit. "The saying birds of a feather flock together, doesn't always apply." She teased him. Her smile starting to hurt her face, she knew he'd not meant to offend her. But it was still funny that he thought she was an escort. "You're my first too." She told him, knowing there was no way in getting out of telling him now.
    May 18th, 2020 at 07:54am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami looked up at his silence to see the shock on his face and bit her lip as he asked if she was willing. She nodded softly. "Yes Sir." she said softly. She nodded softly as he talked about the specifics and then he said maybe and she smiled softly. She really hoped so because she didn't think she could jump into this without a trial. "Just a day or so. A weekend." she wanted him to be aware how short this would be. When he suggested dinner she blushed. "Maybe not a restaurant though." she really wanted to iron it out and wanted the freedom to speak about things that would make her unsuitable for public display. "How about you come over and I will cook dinner?" she asked him thinking she had been planning on making meals for the week again anyways so she had tons of things she could whip up in a hurry. Cami stepped closer to him starting to feel like this could really work. She had studied the contract enough to know what she was willing to try and what she was really truely hesitant on. Cami was amazed how freeing it felt that he took all her honesty and didn't tell her that she was dumb for feeling that way but found something she needed and was willing to work with her on it. That wasn't to say she would always know what she needed but at least it was a start. Cami trusted Sawyer more than she had anyone before for knowing him as little as she did.
    Mason sat listening to her trying to understand what she meant but when she told him that he was her first his eyes widened and he sat very still for a while. "Holy fuck" He ran a hand through his hair. At least she had told him know. "Peyton I am so sorry." he shook his head. "I am an ass. I just thought you were good at hiding it." he rubbed his neck. "Why the hell would you even consider this?" he asked her all thoughts of anything else they had been talking about gone. All he could think was how much of a stupid jackass he had been to assume she was an escort because Lexi was. It was the most ridiculous thing to base this all on. He had no excuse great enough. The only reason it happened was because of his impatience. "I would understand if you wanted to back out of this. You're not held accountable for keeping anything up. You don't need to give any notice in the trial period anyways to leave so." he shook his head again amazed at how stupid he was. It all made sense. What he thought was one thing had been her lack of experience. "Next time you should lead with that. I mean... damn I just mean I wish I would have known from the start I would have been more through and not so ohh you must think I am a perve." he groaned softly and sank back into his chair.
    May 18th, 2020 at 08:27am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Thinking over his options. Was she wanting to start before or after her showing. "A weekend?" He questioned baffled. "You want me to teach you this over a weekend?" He chuckled, shaking his head. His thoughts bleeding over into the possibilities of training her. The things he could show her in the period of two days. Sawyer smirked shaking his head, "no this topic should remain private." He assured her. "No, I have a place in mind." He told her knowing that if she was going to do this, the she had to know what she was getting into. "Come." He told her, knowing that they still had to lock up. But he was a bit impatient in getting what he wanted. Heading to the door he waited until she was ready before he opened the door for her. Before leading her to his car, opening the door for her.

    "This agreement when did you want it to start?" He asked her, wanting to know if this was going to be a sooner than later type of deal. He didn't know if he'd be able to wait. The drive to his place was a bit of a lengthy one, but he didn't heed the road signs as he zipped his car onto the freeway and opened it up. The air in the car was making him want to pull over and show her want he was capable of right now. He'd had so much pent up energy and a bit of anger to spare. "I'm assuming that you have a list of things you're against doing, tell me." He told her, letting his business self slip away.
    Peyton smiled up at him, "it's fine I get it. You're not the first man that's wanted me." She told him truthful. "Why do you think I'm curious of the trail phase. It gives me an idea of weather this is something I can do. And it why I've fought you on my independents." She shrugged, liking the way he got flustered. "I really don't mind it." She shrugged. Watching as he sat back in his seat. "Honestly you are a bit intense, but I enjoy it." She smiled, "it nice to not be fucked around. With this I know what I'm getting into and what's expected of me." She told him. "I don't really date either so this is new but it's worth considering." She smiled at him, grabbing her water she took a drink. "Lexi told me I was stupid in not riding the horse sooner, as you're a big payday. But that's not what I in this for. The money is an added bonus. But if I fail at doing what I really want then at least I know I have a back up plan." She shrugged. And he'd even said so, he was a catch.
    May 18th, 2020 at 09:18am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami bit her lip looking at him. "It's just a taste of what it could be like. I will do my best to follow all the rules and you would give me an idea of what this could be like between us." she said knowing that didn't answer his question at all but was he even really asking it or still mulling it over? Cami nodded as he told her he had a place in mind. She looked up as he told her to come and she moved towards him following him with little hesitation. She wanted to be closer to him anyways and she had no idea where he wanted to go. When they were going to leave she had to lock up and grab her things before she was ready and locking up the door after the alarm was set. When she turned seeing the impressive car she bit her lip. "Wow." she kept forgetting how rich he was and it still shocked her that he wanted her.

    Cami sat in the car looking down at the ground but when he asked her eyes shot up and looked at him. She swallowed and then looked down again. "Whenever you think is best." she said though prefering to know rather than to wait. "I'm free every weekend." she said because she basically made her own schedule now. She would ask troy to finish hanging the pictures and then ask Eva to let the party people in and do one more walk trough. There was nothing she specifically had to do. Cami sat back relaxing as the drive kept going. As they got onto the freeway and he started to speed up she giggled excitedly. Her heart hammered in her chest as they drove and it wasn't just the speed they were going but the man sitting next to her. She looked up at the tone in his voice to see his face smooth and she looked back outside. His tone made her jump but yet it awakened something inside of her as well. "Umm annal... of any kind and fisting of any kind." she bit her lip trying to think. "Umm no canning and I don't want to try paddling to start with. I don't think we should do any of the other things not listed in the contract." she said and she tried to think. "No genital clamps and let's not try nipple clamps this time. Umm no tape bounds and I would like to be more specific on which furniture you can't tie me to." she bit her lip pressing her thighs together. "No butt plugs. Umm I feel like I am missing something but everything else I am not totally against trying just nervous." she panted softly shaking again with her nerves.
    Mason nodded softly and relaxed. She had enough control she felt safe enough to try this with him and strangely it didn't change his desire for her to stay with him. "Okay, will you share with me and at least tell me you're not a virgin as well because I think I would feel worse." he said not wanting to be the one to pop her cherry, not like this. She deserved better than that. Mason shook his head. "You won't fail. What is it you really want to do with your finance degree?" he asked her. Mason knew he was going to make sure she was well taken care of so she wouldn't have to do this again if she didn't want to. He didn't know how long she would want to stay in his service but he was hoping to at least extend the contract once. Any longer than a year and his family would start asking when he was going to propose though. Mason had so many questions and so much to absorb he didn't know where to start really. He wanted to make sure the bottom line that Peyton was taken care of and got the best. That was his job in this contract.
    May 18th, 2020 at 05:21pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Sawyer nodded as she spoke, his thoughts filled with ways he could train her. "And during this trail are you wanting me to just show you the role a submissive plays without intercourse. Or are you wanting me to fuck you?" He asked her. He wasn't sure what he was wanting to do, as without a contract he would have to refrain from letting himself get to carried away. Also he'd have to learn her pain tolerance. Sawyer wasn't to big on punishment, but that didn't mean he wouldn't do it. He however used other methods in order for him to get his point across. But he also never had a submissive that wasn't already trained. Except for when he was first getting into this himself. Then he was angry and doing things that weren't quite enjoyable for the woman he was with. It turned him off of the punishment aspect. But it wasn't until recently that he'd started to want to even put someone over his knee. And the woman next to him was to blame for it. Her lack of communication was madding. "I don't own canes." He told her, having not bought any before. "And you sure you won't budge on nipple clamps?" He smirked knowing that some women nipples were extremely sensitive, and with her not wanting to try right now made him think she was one of them.
    Letting out a soft laugh she shook her head, "no I'm not a virgin." She smiled, "I would have slapped you when you offered." She told him, knowing that would have been a huge insult to her. Though she'd felt a bit insulted, she understood why he would think she was in the business. Most sugar babies didn't live with other people. "Financial Analyst." She told him, "though I don't expect to just get that job I figured I'd work my way up in the field first." She knew it was best to start out as an entry level to get a feel for the company. She smiled before looking down at their empty plates. "Were you planning on staying with me all afternoon?" She questioned him, hoping she wasn't keeping him from something important.
    May 19th, 2020 at 12:49am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami shivered as he asked if she wanted him to fuck her. She pressed her legs tighter together and crossed her legs as she shifted. "I have been a while without sex and the past week not having a single orgasm has me a little on edge so..." she looked down. "I would like intercourse if you're offering it." she looked over her cheek reddened. She relaxed as he said he didn't have canes. Sawyer asked again about the nipple clamps and she shook her head lightly. "I don't feel ready to start with those." She couldn't believe they were talking like this. She couldn't believe she was considering this. "Do... Do you have intercourse with other women when you are in a contract?" she asked him. It was in there that she wasn't allowed to but nothing said he couldn't and she just wanted to be sure she wasn't going to be one of his women. Cami was looking out the window again at the cars passing by. Cami realized this could only be a weekend but still it was more than she had ever considered before and it took a lot of trust to get in his car with the possibility that he could tie her up and fuck her however he wanted and she had no idea where they were going. And yet Cami wasn't afraid of him or what he could do. No she was more afraid of the emotional damage he could inflict on her than anything. She couldn't explain why she trusted him with everything else.
    Mason nodded and relaxed relieved. He was thinking about what kind of jobs she might be applying for currently and then looked up as she mentioned being with her longer. He looked at his plate and sighed. "No I do have to return to work, you just surprised me with big news is all. I would like to talk more but later." he stood dropping several bills onto the table and offered her his arm. "As always Peyton it is never boring with you around." he said and smiled as he lead her to his car. Mason got in after her and they started back to her apartment. "I hope that whatever reservations you have about this with me will be resolved quickly. I hope this weekend will go a long way towards that." he said and kissed her hand softly. They pulled up to her apartment and he got out with her. "I will call you later to make sure we discuss anything that might come up and any more surprises you might have for me." he chuckled.
    May 19th, 2020 at 01:29am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    He felt his control slipping, so she had been a good little girl. Keeping all her orgasms for him. Biting the inside of his cheek he did his best to calm himself down. They'd never be able to get through dinner if he kept thinking about it. He needed to pull his mind away for the sexual portion of the contract. "No I only have sex with woman I have a contract with. And I only offer one contract at a time." He told her. Pulling into the underground parking lot. He pulled into his spot, before exiting the car. Moving around the car he opened the door for her. Offering his hand as she got out. He paused she stood between him and the car. He could fuck her right here and no body would ever know. "Beside the things we've discussed is there any things else stopping you from signing?" He wanted to get it out in the open now. As if they started something and he scared her off. He wanted it to be for all the kinky fuckery. Not due to his behavior or wants in a submissive. As he knew there were things people were and weren't willing to do. But the ideal submissive would give him complete control over everything in her life. Of course that would never happen as he wasn't one to want complete control. He just wanted to control the things he could.

    Leading her to the elevator he wasn't surprised to see Kent holding it for him. "Thank you." He told the man before leading Camilla onto the elevator. The door closing letting them ride to the top floor, peacefully as they could with all the sexual tension. The doors slid open with a soft ding. And Sawyer lead Camilla off. Walking her straight into his house. "Hungry?" He asked, knowing he wasn't feeling the least bit hungry, for food anyways.
    Peyton smiled as he told her she'd surprised him. If she'd have had it her way she wouldn't have told him this soon. But he'd been fair and honest with her. So the least she could do was show him the respect he deserved and tell him the truth. But now that he knew she felt there was less pressure on her. She fell silent as they drove back to her place, just content to be in his presences. It wasn't that far of a drive either, feeling his eyes on her she turned offering him a smile. Her ears pinking as he kissed her hand. This man was not playing fair, and her poor heart was having a hard time. "Only time will tell." She told him, before exiting the car. She stopped at the entrance of the building. "I look forward to it." She told him, not knowing if there was something else she was neglecting to tell him. "Enjoy the rest of your day." She told him, before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. She didn't know if he'd like that, but she wanted to take more initiative in this relationship. If he didn't like it he could tell her and she wouldn't do it again.
    May 19th, 2020 at 04:20am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Cami got out of the car taking his offered hand knowing exactly what it was about to do to her body. She looked up at him as he paused her breath coming out in soft pants as he looked at her with so much desire. She shivered and looked down at his next question trying to think of everything. "I live an artist life and sometime getting a solid eight isn't reasonable and I forget to eat and I exercise when I have time. That's my life, I put everything into my art." she cupped one hand behind her back clasping her other arm. "I don't remember everything else right now." she admitted. They walked past Kent and wondered how much he knew. They stood in the elevator and she bit her lip as she looked at the reflection of the door. When the elevator opened she let out a breath as she released her lip. She walked out and looked around at his home. Cami looked around seeing pieces of art and taking the time to study them as much as she could without falling to far behind him. He asked if she was hungry and she shook her head. "Not particularly." she said knowing she should eat but she was too wound up to really focus on food. She could focus on art like this but not food. She came over to him and looked up at him studying him wondering what was next here. The way he refused to touch her was driving her crazy and she wished there was one thing she could do that would break that careful composure.
    Mason was about to say goodbye when her lips pressed to his. It was delicate and sweet. He ran his hand up her arm letting it stay that way though the primal desire inside of him wanted to claim her mouth with his. He pulled back after a little and smiled softly at her. "I'll call you Peyton." he smiled and then left her there moving back into his car. He waited until she went inside before Lewis took him back to work. He spend the rest of his half of a day thinking about Peyton and the fact she had said yes to him. It wasn't just the money. There was a particular amount of freedom she was giving up for this so it wasn't just the money. He wished he could understand what she had menat. Yeah he was a catch but there were those all over the place. He ran a hand through his hair as he half listened to the conference call in his ear. He looked at the time and yawned impatiently. It was almost time to go home thankfully.
    May 19th, 2020 at 04:43am