never look back.

  • dezz

    dezz (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Geralt assumed the talk with Viktor would take a while. They were both strong headed men, stark negotiators and Geralt was sure that neither of them would leave the conversation completely happy. But he planned on leaving the call with the most. It had been hilarious, hearing Viktor answer and sound completely shocked and confused when Geralt asked about Sophia, if he had noticed his little bird missing yet. The old bastard hadn't even noticed and she had been gone from under his nose for hours. At first, Viktor assumed Geralt had staged some sort of kidnapping and for the time being, Geralt let him believe that. It was easier that way. He didn't want Viktor knowing that he was privy to his upcoming attack on one of his warehouses that weekend and he also didn't want him to find out that his daughter had gone traitor. Just yet, anyway.

    Setting a ransom that he knew Viktor would refuse to pay, Geralt ended the call and headed out to the floor of his restaurant, over to the bar for a stiff drink. It wasn't easy for him to accept that his soulmate had wandered into his life. For the majority of his own, Geralt thought he'd be all by himself well into his old age, that he'd die alone. He wasn't a spry young man anymore and what were the chances his soulmate would be much younger than him? The white wolf was content with being alone, with just running his empire and amassing his wealth that he never really thought about what might happen if his soulmate did show up one day... He preferred not having anyone to worry about.

    After his drink, he decided to finally head back upstairs. The girl had been left alone for a few hours now and he was sure that she was probably about to go crazy, worrying herself to death. Walking through the hall towards his room, he ran his fingers through his tangled white hair and pulled it up into a loose ponytail. Pushing the doors open to his room, he looked around, not seeing her at first. "Sophia?" The doors closed behind him and Geralt moved further into the room, catching Sophia just as she was leaving the bathroom. "There you are..."

    Geralt's eyes narrowed as he looked her over, her eyes were red and puffy and she held herself oddly... She seemed stiff, her arms tucked in tightly against her sides. Geralt rubbed his arm, thinking about the deep cuts and purple scars that littered her skin and how he knew exactly where each and every one of them were. He could count them... It chilled him to the bone. He decided the phone call with her father wasn't important, so there was no reason in telling her about it. Whether her father showed up with the money or not, she wasn't going with him. It had just been a little call to gauge whether or not this was all just some elaborate joke being played on him. "Are you okay?" Geralt stepped closer towards her, just sensing that something was off. He could just feel there was something wrong with her, apart from just being afraid that she had just gone traitor against her own father. Geralt towered over Sophia, nothing he could do could help him come off less intimidating and the closer he stepped towards her, the more it seemed like he was just boxing her in again.

    @ castle.
    May 15th, 2020 at 04:09am