in your orbit

  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    You keep me in your orbit
    Well, I know I'm a hard one to please
    Give it too much importance
    My love will have you fall to your knees
    I tell 'em this too often
    Know better than to bark up my tree
    Just for me to fall and leave

    Emery Lovell x Dean Winchester
    Sam Winchester x Nicole 'Coley' Miller
    May 20th, 2020 at 07:09pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean gently placed a hand on Emery's back as she sat on the edge of the bed they shared, the pregnancy test she'd taken a minute prior in her hands. Shifting to sit beside the woman he loved, Dean studied her for a long moment. He hadn't realised just how much he'd wanted to be a father until they'd brought the pregnancy test. It had been so long since Sam had left them, it seemed like it was the right time to move on, because he had grieved far too long. "How're you feeling, Em?" Dean asked quietly, wanting to stop her mind from racing like he just knew it was. Wrapping his arms around her, Dean tugged her onto his lap, burying his face into her hair as he hummed a simple tune. Waiting always made the time pass slower, but these two minutes felt like an eternity and it was almost torture. "God, it's taking forever." Dean joked, peering down to Emery with a lovesick smile, because he could imagine them as parents, and the thought made him happier than he could ever describe. He would be better than John Winchester could ever be.

    Nicole shut the front door behind her gently as she returned from her date with Jacob, a man that she'd found herself developing feelings for quicker than she'd wanted, but still, didn't everyone have a path in life? Frowning with the thought, Nicole didn't bother to call out to Emery or Dean, afraid that they would still be sleeping. The couple had kindly allowed Nicole to stay with them after Sam was taken to Hell, and she was certain she wouldn't of settled into a normal life as quickly as she did without their help. Shrugging off her jacket, Nicole hung it up on the rack before heading to her room, trying to stop her thoughts from drifting to the love she'd lost - Sam. Pulling her dark hair from her ponytail, Nicole sat on the edge of her bed, sighing as she looked at the photo she kept on the bedside table of herself and Sam, missing him terribly.
    May 20th, 2020 at 07:38pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Emery leaned into Dean's touch, letting herself relax even with the weight of the pregnancy test in her hands, always finding comfort in him. She'd known him almost her whole life - she and Nicole would end up dropped off at Bobby's by their own separate set of parents just as Sam and Dean would. Like the Winchesters, she grew up in a hunting family. Hunting was in her blood, in her soul, it was her life - Hell, her mother had given birth to her on a hunt. Because of this, it had been difficult to fall into the "apple pie life" but they had all promised Sam they would. And while she hadn't expected their apple pie life to turn out like this, it was definitely something she was happy about, even if the rest of it was a struggle. "I'm okay," she murmured quietly, "Just… Nervous." So nervous that it had been three days since they bought the pregnancy test before she finally worked up the courage to take it. Breathing out, she relaxed in his hold when he pulled her onto his lap, leaning back against him, and she chewed on her lip when the timer went off. Peering over her shoulder at him, she offered a nervous smile. "Ready?" she asked quietly before taking a breath and flipping the test so they could see the result and her breath caught in her throat when she saw the positive result. "Dean," she whispered, reaching behind her to grab his shoulder, shaking him a little, an excitement building in her that she'd never known before. "Dean, we're having a baby!"

    Sam stared at the house from a secluded spot; he'd seen Nicole get out of somebody's vehicle and go inside. He didn't really feel… Pain from it - he knew he should have because this was the woman he'd loved, the woman he'd wanted to spend his life with. But ever since coming back from Hell, he knew something was wrong with him, something was missing. He'd found where the trio were staying and he'd been tempted to go tell them he was back that first night, but they were finally out of the life, safe - and while he didn't feel anything, he couldn't bring himself to ruin that. It was better this way. From there, he'd met up with Samuel, his grandfather who'd come back to life, and some of their extended family from Sam's mother's side, and Samuel had been teaching him new things, new ways of fighting and killing creatures that Sam hadn't even known existed. Even Samuel had noticed something was wrong with him, though, and Sam brushed it off each time it came up. The only reason Sam was here now, near Dean, Emery, and Nicole's house, was because he'd been attacked by a group of Djinn recently - Djinn who looked human and whose toxins were stronger than ever. They'd been trying to avenge their brother, a Djinn Sam and Dean had killed a long time ago. Sam knew this meant that they would come for Dean next - and he should worry about Dean, about Nicole getting hurt in the crossfire, but really, all Sam could think about was that this was a chance to trap the Djinn. Dean could be bait.
    May 20th, 2020 at 11:28pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean offered Emery a soft smile as he pulled her against him, resting his chin upon her shoulder so he could get a good view of the test result - silently praying for two pink lines. Focusing on Emery's breathing, trying to sync his own anxious breaths with hers, Dean's eyes widened as he saw the positive result, pulling away from shock, laughing as Emery grabbed his shoulder. "Emery, holy shit." Dean laughed. "Emery! Holy shit! We're having a baby!" Dean stood up then, pumping his fist into the air before lifting Emery by the back of her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist as he spun around, the giddiness of the situation taking over him in the most addicting way. Realising what he was doing, Dean laughed breathlessly, peering up at Emery with nothing but love. "Are you okay? Is our baby okay?" And Dean's eyes filled with tears as the words left his lips. Our baby. Baby. They were having a baby. Gently setting Emery onto the edge of their bed, Dean crouched down in front of the woman he loved, gently placing his large hands onto her still flat stomach. It was surreal, because within months, they'd be cradling a beautiful baby they'd made with the love between them. "This is amazing, Em." Dean murmured, his forehead resting against Emery's shoulder. "This is fucking amazing. We're going to be parents." Dean pressed a kiss to her cheek then. "I'm gonna need to buy so many baby books, fuck."
    May 21st, 2020 at 08:06pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Emery laughed happily, feeling her eyes fill with happy tears, still in a slight shock. “I can’t believe it,” she whispered with a laugh, grinning as she watched Dean, reaching to rest her hands over his, giving his hands a squeeze as she nodded. “I’m okay. We’re okay.” She chewed on her lip, still in disbelief, but she nodded slightly. “Okay. When you go do that, I’ll go see if Nicole is home and tell her the good news.”
    October 27th, 2020 at 10:30pm
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Dean smiled softly as he nodded, still elated with the news he was going to be a father. A better father than his own. Hell, he didn’t need his father’s example, he had Bobby Singer to lead the way. “God, Em, this baby is going to be so loved.” Dean smiled, almost as though he was drunk.
    March 28th, 2021 at 11:52pm