A Court of Flight and Valor

  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    Bridris smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek as she rested her head against his and squeezed his hand. "Alright, that sounds fair to me." She smiled as he sat up again, shifting a bit to rest her head against his shoulder so she could watch him write out the message. "I've been trying to read some from the mythology book Hanvosi gave me, but I mostly just look at the pictures, since some of the words are hard. But I've been practicing writing my name, and yours, and Ailuin's and Aubrius', but theirs are similar and I mess up a lot. And my handwriting isn't as nice as yours." She admitted sheepishly.
    Ailuin shook his head, leaning down to press a loving kiss to her lips. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Aubrius. I love you, that will never change. And I know that you're not one to change your mind about things, but I appreciate your offer." He smiled, squeezing her hands as she said she wanted leftovers. "We do have plenty. Want me to help you to the table, or am I supposed to let you do it on your own and then lie to Hanvosi in the morning?" He teased, taking a little step back to let her up if she wanted.
    July 4th, 2020 at 05:39am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    Ramyth started to write as Bridris spoke, addressing the note to Roedanya and telling her everything they wanted to thank her for, smiling as she told him the ways in which she’d been practicing her reading and writing. “Well, I promised to read that to you. We’ve been slacking on your lessons recently though. Maybe we should find something that you could read to me too, and I could help you when you stumble?” He suggested as he finished the note and signed his name. “My handwriting isn’t great either, honestly. It’s better than Aub’s, but good handwriting is all about practice.” He kissed her cheek as he passed the paper to her. “If it sounds good to you, it’s ready for you to sign. And I can read it to you if you want.”
    Aubrius gladly returned his kiss, grateful that the conversation hadn’t turned into anything like earlier and had come to a pretty painless conclusion, though she wrinkled her nose as he once more mentioned that she never changed her mind. “Stop saying that—I change my mind plenty. I’d decided I was never going to fuck you again at one point and that I’d never see you again and have to find a different court at another. I also decided I’d never go to Roedanya or be the kind of person that cuddles, and now look at me.” She frowned a bit as she realized the commonality between all of her examples and looked up at him. “You don’t get to touch or kiss me when I’m trying to make decisions anymore.” She was half-joking... but on the other hand, she was half-serious too. She grinned a bit at his question though, shaking her head. “Lie, please,” she requested, pushing herself to her feet. Her wings didn’t feel great after everything that had been done, but it didn’t affect her ability to walk. “You made me so proud when you lied earlier, even if you just did it so you wouldn’t get yelled at,” she added with a grin, leaning in to give him another kiss.
    July 4th, 2020 at 08:51am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    Bridris tried her best to follow along with what he was writing, but she only could really tell where he'd written both of their names in the letter, nodding a little when he offered to read it to her. "Yes please.. I like your handwriting, though. Especially when you write my name." She murmured, carefully signing her name at the bottom of the note next to his, her handwriting a bit shaky, but definitely an improvement on what it had been a week or two ago.
    Ailuin chuckled as she argued that she changed her mind all the time, shaking his head. "Most of those are pretty inconsequential compared to changing your mind about having children, Aub.. But if you don't want me around when you make decisions I won't be, I promise." He smiled, kissing her cheek as she asked for him to lie, returning her kiss before moving to sit at the dining table with her. "I didn't want either of us to get yelled at, because then you'd only get more worked up and would be more likely to not do what Hanvosi has asked of you, and then he wouldn't let you go to the ceremony tomorrow."
    July 4th, 2020 at 07:07pm
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    Ramyth smiled as Bridris claimed to like his handwriting, passing the pen to her once she had the note set against her leg to sign her name. "I'll have to write your name more often then," he responded. "Your writing's looking good too. It'll be better than mine before long. And the note says: Dear Roedanya, This is a joint letter of thanks from Ramyth and Bridris. We wanted to thank you for bringing the other into our lives, for bringing us together, and for giving us to chance to stay at each other's sides. We're both extremely grateful to you for giving us this gift of love." As he read to her, he moved his finger along the page, in the habit of showing her where he word he read was as he read it. "Does that sound alright to you?"
    Aubrius frowned a bit at Ailuin's argument, not because she was upset at him so much as the fact that he so casually thought she was incapable of changing her mind about anything important. No fight. No attempt. More than that, she couldn't help but be reminded of her parents and how they'd been so stuck in their beliefs that they'd disowned her. And if there was anything Aubrius wanted to be, it was nothing like her parents. She was still thinking about it as they made their way to the dining table and sat together, zoning out a bit as she tried to think of some way to show that she wasn't like her parents and wouldn't get stuck. Something other than children. Gods, she didn't want to consider that. But even after several minutes of thinking, there was only one significant thing that stood out. "I'll be queen. If you still want me to. I'm not wearing a crown though, or dresses, I'm not going to plan parties and pretend to like people, and no one's sticking me with boring, useless shit to do because they hope it'll keep me busy and out of their hair. If I'm going to do this, then I'm at least going to work on something interesting or important. And I'm not being followed everywhere by guards, especially anyone I could beat in a fight. I also want to continue my training and take the exam once my wings are healed and strong enough. and I want to fire Parront." It had started out like a few warnings, but as the list continued, it became more as if Aubrius were trying to give Ailuin reasons to tell her no and shut it all down.
    July 4th, 2020 at 11:19pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    Bridris smiled as Ramyth said he'd write her name more often, blushing when he said her handwriting would be better than his soon before beginning to read the letter, giving his arm a squeeze and pressing a kiss to his cheek after he finished reading. "It's perfect, Ram. Thank you for writing it. Can we tie it to the tree together?" She suggested as she passed the paper and pen back to him, pressing a kiss to his lips just because she could.
    Ailuin hadn't been surprised by Aubrius' silence after their discussion of something so serious, but he was shocked that when she broke her silence it was to say that that she'd agree to be queen, albeit with conditions. "Of course I want you to be queen, Aub.. I want you to be your version of Queen, not what everyone expects of you, because I know you'd be absolutely miserable planning parties and kissing babies.. But I don't want you to agree to something like this just because you're trying to prove a point. If you want to, if you really, really want to be queen, then I'd be more than happy to crown you tomorrow. But if you're just offering to try to prove a point or win an argument, then I don't think it's a good idea."
    July 4th, 2020 at 11:46pm
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    Ramyth was glad to hear that Bridris approved of the note he'd written for them, though he would've happily made another if she hadn't liked it, smiling as she kissed him and suggested they tie it to the tree together, having been about to suggest that Bridris do it since he'd written it. "That sounds like a great idea." He gave her a kiss, and after helping her up, got to his feet as well. "Why don't you pick where, then we'll do it together?" he suggested as he took her hand and squeezed it gently.
    Aubrius' emotions couldn't seem to figure whether to be relieved or disappointed or sheepish at Ailuin's response and ended up choosing a mixture of the three--plus more. "I'm not trying to win an argument or prove a point. Well, maybe a little bit proving a point. Mostly, it bothers me that you think completely inflexible and that you might be right, and if that's true, then I'm like my parents, which is exactly what I refuse to be. And there's only two things I can think of that I'm currently being stubborn about, and one's kids and I'm nowhere near ready to tackle that, so this is the other thing. And I don't want it, I've never once considered being in this kind of position and it's probably the entire kingdom's literal worst nightmare, but you wouldn't ask me to do anything that'd make me want to kill myself, and maybe I'm mostly pushing back against it because I've never considered it before you brought it up, because I've convinced myself it'll be miserable, and because I can't be trapped in here all the time and have everything dictated to me and constantly be watched. Not to mention I've got to be really unqualified. And it'd be different if I just thought something and it didn't affect anyone and was completely private, but my parents also never listened, and I need to be better about that too, at least with you, since we're mates now. And if you say something will be fine and say why pretty reasonably, then I shouldn't just dismiss it because it isn't what I want to hear. So that's why I said yes."
    July 5th, 2020 at 12:15am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    Bridris smiled and returned his kiss, smoothing out her dress and then his tunic as they stood. She nodded as she smiled up at him when he suggested that she pick a spot to put the note, squeezing his hand before beginning to lead him around the tree to find a good spot. She didn't want to leave it in a spot with a lot of others, but found a spot near the back of the tree away from the crowd with low enough hanging branches where they could both reach. "How about here? This seems like a nice spot.. And you can see the castle from here." She pointed out, hoping he thought it was a nice spot too.
    "Aub, you're nothing like your parents." Ailuin frowned, reaching over to squeeze her hands, forgetting the food he'd been piling on his plate. He'd only met them briefly when they'd come to the castle to beg him to force Aubrius not to be treated by Hanvosi, but from the few hours he spoke to them he knew that Aub was nothing like them. "You not wanting to be queen or having children is different than not wanting your child to get the help they need to fly again. They're selfish, and couldn't see past their own beliefs to realize how wonderful an opportunity it was for you. And yes, I think you'd be an amazing queen, and that you'd do so much good for the kingdom, and you shouldn't underestimate yourself just because you're scared or nervous or afraid of what everyone will say about you, or whatever your reasons for not wanting the title are, but if it's not something you want to do, please don't feel like you have to just for me, Aub. There are smaller things that we can compromise on, like me having my wings over you at night, or you eating more vegetables, or you sleeping in every once and a while."
    July 5th, 2020 at 03:40am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    Ramyth walked around with Bridris patiently, quiet as he let her look around and pick the spot she wanted to hang their note from, smiling as she finally pointed to a branch and where not many had been hung at yet and where it could be seen from the castle, apparently. "Perfect," he said, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "After we go back to the castle, we'll have to see if we can spot it from there." He walked over to the spot she'd picked out with her, and offered her one of the ribbons that had to be tied to the branch.
    Aubrius hadn't even really started to put food on her plate, except for a piece of venison, giving up the pretense that she was focused on dinner as Ailuin attempted to reassure her and took her hands. "You don't know that. You met them long enough to clear up an argument," she said, frowning at their joined hands. "You're so convinced that I'm so set in what I think and that I can't change that you aren't even willing to try and talk to me and try to get me to see differently. You're just accepting that there's nothing to do about it. That's exactly how my parents are, and it's the reason I haven't seen them in almost a hundred years. And we're both going to hate me if I'm like them. Take it from someone who knows." She looked up at him with a small smile as he mentioned compromising on letting him cover her with his wings, though her nose wrinkled a bit as he then went to eating more vegetables. "Those are the inconsequential things though, remember? The kind of stuff I've been coming around to anyway. And honestly, Ail... I don't think I'll ever want to be queen. If there were some alternate universe where I was on my own and someone just gave me the option, I'd choose something else. Dealing with the council all the time isn't something I'd want, although I have a feeling I'll be seeing far more of them anyway. Like I said earlier, it isn't even necessarily that I'm worried that I'll hate it or be miserable, it's just... not what I'd pick, and I'm honestly not sure why, given my personality and skill-set, you think I'd be good at it. But I would. To prove to myself that I can be different than my parents, that I can change, or if you just asked because you really, honestly think it's a good idea and can work or wanted the help or whatever. I figure if there's something I just absolutely hate, we can talk about it, like we're talking now. And if you really just want/need me to say the words "I want to be queen", then I'll think about sleeping in and tell you my vegetable consumption is fine and punch a baby because I don't think my parents would do that."
    July 5th, 2020 at 04:28am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    Bridris smiled up at him as he kissed her cheek, squeezing his hand. "We will.. Your eyesight is better than mine, so I'm sure you'll be able to see it better than I could." She murmured with another smile as they moved over to the branch, looking at him sheepishly as he handed her one of the ribbons. She wasn't exactly sure if there was a proper way to tie the note to the tree or not, but followed Ramyth's lead and instructions as they tied the note to the tree, smiling brightly as they stepped back to look at the note once they'd finished. "It looks nice.. Thank you for writing the note, and saying all the nice things we wanted to say to her." She murmured, leaning into his arms happily.
    "I'm not trying to convince you right now because I don't want to rile you up when you're supposed to be resting, and I know that if I really try to argue and convince you, then you won't rest and Hanvosi will say that you can't go to the ceremony tomorrow with me, and then I'll have to go house hunting all by myself, and I don't want that." Ailuin explained, squeezing her hands. "If you really want to try being queen, then maybe you can have some responsibilities that queens normally have, try it out and see if it's something that you want. If you like it then I'll crown you, if you don't then you can keep being my mate. Sound fair?"
    July 5th, 2020 at 05:53am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    Once the note had been tied to the branch, Ramyth stepped back with Bridris to look at the slip of paper dangling amongst the flowers, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and smiling as she leaned into him. "You're welcome," he murmured, kissing the top of her head. "Thank you for making the note with me and picking such a good place for it. It feels really special, doing this with you," he said, squeezing her softly.
    "I just... thought you thought it was useless and decided to give up," Aubrius admitted softly, though there was a little smile for his explanation as to why he didn't want to try and get into anything at the moment. "I don't want to miss out on either of those things either," she assured him, squeezing his hands and nodding as he suggested what basically amounted to a trial run for being queen. "I think that sounds good. We can see how it goes, if I'm awful, I feel like I'm actually trying and don't have to punch a baby, and you won't have to worry I'm just throwing myself into something to make you happy or prove a point or any of that, and if it doesn't work out, then it's not permanent." She kissed him and smiled teasingly when she sat back. "You'll have to borrow a kid for a few days if you ever want to talk about children again and do a trial run for that too," she joked.
    July 5th, 2020 at 06:16am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    Bridris wrapped her arms around his waist as she leaned her head against his shoulder, smiling as they stood among the blossoms. "Have you ever written a note before?" She asked curiously as she shifted a bit to look up at him, reaching up with one hand to brush her fingers over his cheek as she gazed up at him. "I'm so incredibly lucky to have you, Ramyth.. I don't know what I'd do without you." she murmured, standing up on her toes to press a gentle kiss to his lips, resting her head against his chest as she looked back at the note they'd tied to the tree. "The sun setting is pretty with all of the blossoms here too.. We should go dance while there's still light, then we can walk back to the castle and read, or just rest before the ceremony tomorrow. I'm sure your family will try to find us tomorrow if they can." She suggested with a little smile.
    "I might have given up on getting you to eat vegetables, but I'll never give up on you entirely." Ailuin assured her with a little smile, squeezing her hands as he brought them to his lips, his smile widening as she agreed to his idea of a trial run before kissing her back, chuckling a little when she suggested he borrow a child to try to convince her to have kids with him. "I don't need to borrow a child when you already mother Bridris. But that conversation is for another day. Come on, let's eat something and then get some rest. The ceremony is long and boring, and we'll have to be on our best behavior, and we'll want to have enough energy after to go look at houses. I have to stay up until at least after sunset while I wait for someone to let me know which couple Roedanya has decided to bless, just so I have an idea of who will be standing up there with us."
    July 5th, 2020 at 06:38am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    Ramyth smiled down at Bridris, covering her hand with his as she brushed her fingers across his cheek and happily returning her kiss. "I've offered a couple of prayers and thanks, usually on behalf of my family, but I'm not consistent like some fae. And I'm lucky to have you too. So lucky. Waking up and getting to see you every day is going to be the greatest joy in my life," he told her softly, kissing her again and following her gaze back to the tree branches as she commented on how pretty they were. "If you think it's pretty now, wait until the sun actually starts to set and the flowers start to glow. Sunset on the second day of the festival is when Roedanya picks her blessed couple. The flowers on her tree will glow and a crown of flowers will appear on the heads of the couple, who'll get a dance with everyone watching. I think reading and resting after we dance sounds perfect though. And yes, I'll almost definitely see my family again tomorrow. I always stand in line with them during the ceremony anyway though. Typically, you group with your family. I don't know if you'll see them though. Since you aren't a fae, you can't take place in the ceremony, and there won't be anyone present who doesn't participate. It would probably be better if you stayed at the castle, or at least out of sight, until it's finished."
    Aubrius smiled softly at Ailuin, feeling lucky to have him, someone who could and was willing to put up with her insanity, as her mate. "I hope that's true." She started to frown in confusion when he mentioned mothering Bridris, but then he moved topics entirely, and feeling much better with this conclusion to their conversation than his attempt to push it all aside, she started adding more food to her plate, and soon it was every bit as full as it had been at lunch. "I'm always on my best behavior at the ceremony. Mostly because by the time it happens, I've been drunk for two days, and I'm too hung-over to cause trouble." As she waited for Ailuin to finish filling his plate, she was reminded of something. "Speaking of the ceremony, are you really, really sure about me not participating? It isn't as if I am queen, and technically speaking, I'm still a subject of this court, even if I am your mate."
    July 5th, 2020 at 07:06am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    "Do you think sometimes you'll get to stay with me at Aubrius' house? I know you said that because you're a guard you have to live at the castle, but.. But I only have so much time with you, and I want to at least get to wake up with you sometimes like we did earlier... And I know that you're not allowed and I'll get over it, I promise... But I figured I'd at least ask.." Bridris murmured, talking herself out of the question as she asked it, tucking her head in against his chest as she held onto him. She smiled a bit as he spoke about how pretty the sunset would be, and about how Roedanya chooses the blessed couple, but frowned as he said that she wouldn't be able to go to the ceremony because she wasn't fae, nodding a little in understanding as she gave his hands a squeeze. "No, I'll just stay at the castle, I don't want to get in anyone's way or draw any attention to myself for not participating.. You'll have to make an excuse for your family as to why I'm not there, but that should be doable.. Maybe just say I had to go back to my village? I hate lying to them, though, especially when they were so excited to meet me." She hated not being a fae, hated feeling like she'd have to lie and hide for the rest of her life, and hated that Ram would have to hide and lie and suffer with her.
    "It's true, Aub. I promise." Ailuin smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek before filling his plate with food. Not as much as Aub, but enough to fill him up. He looked up when she asked if he was sure about her not participating in the ceremony, giving a little shrug as he took a bite of his venison. "Well.. If you really want to, you can. But I want you to know and understand that you're my equal, that even if you do the ceremony you're not beneath me or lesser, and that you don't owe me anything just because I'm king." He explained, reaching over to squeeze her hand, taking a few moments to consider some things before looking at her. "I.. I could always pledge myself to you, too. Show everyone that we're equals, that I love you and always will."
    July 5th, 2020 at 07:42am
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    Bridris surprised him as she started asking about their living situation, and he remembered the answer he'd given her when she'd initially asked him to move in. Then, he'd come to the realization that he wanted to marry her and though he hadn't said anything, had a plan to ask Ailuin about it since the council wouldn't deny the request if they were married. But given what she'd said today and not knowing how long it would be until she was ready... "I'll definitely come stay with you when I have time off and I'm not needed at the castle. Maybe I'll sneak out sometimes too, if I have to. I'm going to ask Ailuin about it though, rather than the council. Technically, it isn't his decision, but he might know some way to get them to agree to let me move in with you even if we aren't married," he assured her, squeezing her gently. As she frowned, he felt a bit bad for asking her to stay behind for the ceremony, sure she'd wanted to at least witness it, and then there was the fact that it meant lying to his family. "I'm sorry, Bri. But the ceremony involves offering a drop of magic to Ailuin, and if you were there, you'd be expected to do the same, and everyone would find out you weren't fae when you couldn't. I'll figure out something to tell my family, and when we explain the situation to them in a few days, I'm sure they'll understand why we lied."
    Dinner still tasted great, even left out on the table, and as Ailuin finished filling up his plate and started eating, Aubrius did too, listening as he offered his opinion of what to do about the ceremony. They'd talked about it before, but hadn't really come to any solid decision other than that she'd definitely be standing with him. "I know you don't think that way, Ailuin. Even if you get a big head sometimes, Mr. 'I can't take being ignored for a couple weeks'." She gave him a teasing smile as she took another bite of venison, looking at him with surprise as he suggested pledging to her at the ceremony as well. "You don't have to do that, Ailuin," she said softly, squeezing his hand back. "This ceremony is about the court and replenishing your magic and declaring loyalty. I know we're also kind of using it to show that we really are mates, but it's still about you, not me, and I'm fine with that." She leaned in and kissed his cheek, then gave him a teasing smile. "Besides, do you really think it's a good idea for me to have even a drop of your magic? Especially right after the ceremony, when it's strongest?"
    July 5th, 2020 at 08:18am
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    Bridris shook her head when he mentioned sneaking out and asking Ailuin about convincing the council to let him live with her even though they weren't married, offering him the tiniest of smiles in an attempt to reassure him, although it wasn't very convincing. "No, it's fine, Ram.. I don't want you to get into trouble, and you shouldn't bother King Ailuin with something unimportant like that. Besides, the council doesn't even know that I exist, and they'll probably be furious with everyone who hid me, so I doubt Ailuin would be able to convince them of anything... It's alright, though. I don't mind being alone, and I'm sure Aub will come keep me company sometimes." She tried to reassure him, squeezing him a bit as she shook her head when he apologized for her not being able to go to the ceremony and then having to lie to his family. "It's fine, Ramyth. Really. I... I don't really belong here, anyway, so I shouldn't expect to be allowed to wander around the city or go to festivals or anything like that... I'll get used to staying in my room, or in Aubrius' house. And... And maybe we shouldn't tell your parents about me. I.. I know they're nice, and your dad already knows and didn't say anything, but they'll probably not like me once they know I'm human, and I don't want them to have to pretend to like me when they don't.. Besides, even if they don't hate me because we lied, they'll hate me for not being able to marry you and wasting your time.." she focused her attention on the fabric of his tunic, not daring to look him in the eyes.
    "Hey, it wasn't fair that you ignored me and you know it. Besides, we hadn't realized we were mates then, and it's not actually like either of us could control ourselves around each other." He chuckled as he ate, although his gaze softened and he smiled at her when she squeezed his hand and said that he didn't need to pledge to her. "I know I don't have to do it. I want to, though. If you'd let me." He squeezed her hand, raising it to his lips to kiss her fingers. "You're my mate, you're part of me whether the court likes that or not. And what better way to show everyone exactly who I'm loyal to?" He chuckled, squeezing her hand when she asked if it was a good idea for her to have any of his magic. "I'd give it all to you if you asked for it, Aub. Who knows, maybe it would help you heal faster, or make you less stubborn."
    July 5th, 2020 at 06:32pm
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    As Bridris first tried to argue against his plan so they could live together, then went into hiding and his family hating her, he took her hands and squeezed, his grip tightening a bit as time went on, though realizing he might start hurting her, he made himself loosen his grip as he turned to face her, frowning down at her. "Bri..." She wasn't even looking at him. He forced himself to let go of one of her hands and gently tipped her head back. "Bri, that's... that's--I love you." He leaned in and kissed her and when he pulled back, attempted to collect his thoughts on everything. "I want to move in with you. More than anything in the world. Whether we're married or not. And Ailuin... if he found out I didn't ask him for help, I'd probably be in trouble. He seemed relieved when I talked to him about you staying here permanently. And don't worry about the council. Things will work out with them." He brushed his thumb over her cheek. "And remember the only reason you're hiding right now is because of your kidnapping. Not because you're human. I'm not ashamed of who and what you are, and the council won't be mad a human's here--they'll be mad they weren't informed of everything. Once we come clean, everything will be fine. And no one in my family is going to hate you, whether you're fae or human or willing to marry me or not. They love you because of your personality and because I love you, not for any other reason. And you aren't wasting my time. You could never do that. Every moment I spend with you is the best use of my time I could possibly think of. I know things are a little rocky right now, but they'll work out soon, I promise." He kissed her again, wanting her to know that he meant it and that they'd be fine.
    "It seemed like a good idea at the time," Aubrius shrugged after a couple of bites, giving Ailuin a faint smile as he kissed her fingers and explained that he wanted to pledge to her at the ceremony and why. "Okay. If you're sure you want to, I won't argue. We'll pledge to each other, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can go to hell." She chuckled and shook her head as he mentioned giving her all of his magic if she asked. "I don't want it. You keep it all." she grinned as she kissed his cheek though. "Besides, it's fun when you get all worked up and use it on me accidentally." Despite the conversation they were keeping up, she'd already finished half the food on her plate. "And it might make me heal faster--I'm not really sure--but you're unfortunately stuck with my current level of stubbornness." She kissed his cheek again.
    July 5th, 2020 at 07:18pm
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    As Bridris first tried to argue against his plan so they could live together, then went into hiding and his family hating her, he took her hands and squeezed, his grip tightening a bit as time went on, though realizing he might start hurting her, he made himself loosen his grip as he turned to face her, frowning down at her. "Bri..." She wasn't even looking at him. He forced himself to let go of one of her hands and gently tipped her head back. "Bri, that's... that's--I love you." He leaned in and kissed her and when he pulled back, attempted to collect his thoughts on everything. "I want to move in with you. More than anything in the world. Whether we're married or not. And Ailuin... if he found out I didn't ask him for help, I'd probably be in trouble. He seemed relieved when I talked to him about you staying here permanently. And don't worry about the council. Things will work out with them." He brushed his thumb over her cheek. "And remember the only reason you're hiding right now is because of your kidnapping. Not because you're human. I'm not ashamed of who and what you are, and the council won't be mad a human's here--they'll be mad they weren't informed of everything. Once we come clean, everything will be fine. And no one in my family is going to hate you, whether you're fae or human or willing to marry me or not. They love you because of your personality and because I love you, not for any other reason. And you aren't wasting my time. You could never do that. Every moment I spend with you is the best use of my time I could possibly think of. I know things are a little rocky right now, but they'll work out soon, I promise." He kissed her again, wanting her to know that he meant it and that they'd be fine.
    "It seemed like a good idea at the time," Aubrius shrugged after a couple of bites, giving Ailuin a faint smile as he kissed her fingers and explained that he wanted to pledge to her at the ceremony and why. "Okay. If you're sure you want to, I won't argue. We'll pledge to each other, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can go to hell." She chuckled and shook her head as he mentioned giving her all of his magic if she asked. "I don't want it. You keep it all." she grinned as she kissed his cheek though. "Besides, it's fun when you get all worked up and use it on me accidentally." Despite the conversation they were keeping up, she'd already finished half the food on her plate. "And it might make me heal faster--I'm not really sure--but you're unfortunately stuck with my current level of stubbornness." She kissed his cheek again.
    July 5th, 2020 at 07:18pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    Bridris felt awful for how upset she'd made Ramyth, looking up at him as he tilted her head up and returned his kiss, her fingers moving to grip his tunic tightly. "I love you too, Ram.. That's.. that's why I don't want to move in with you, or get married, or see your family. Because I love you and know that you deserve so much more than me." She murmured, a few stray tears leaking down her cheeks as he brushed his thumb over them. "You deserve someone you can spend your whole life with, someone who can love you forever and give you children and marry you and do all the things I can't.." she hung her head, tucking it in against his chest so she wouldn't have to look at him but so she could hear his heartbeat. "I'm glad that Roedanya brought us together, but part of it feels like some sort of sick joke, because she has to know that I'm human, and that we can't spend forever together like everyone else gets.. I-It isn't fair." She whispered, her voice cracking at the last part as she hid her face in his chest to hide her tears, holding onto him tightly.
    "It was a bad idea. Please don't do it again." Ailuin smiled at her, squeezing her hand when she agreed to his idea, chuckling a little. "Yes, they can all go to hell." He echoed, leaning across the table to kiss her gently. He laughed a bit as she said she liked it when he used her magic on her, shaking his head a little as he continued to eat his meal. "I don't mean to use it, and you work me up on purpose, just like earlier." He pointed out as he nudged her foot under the table.
    July 5th, 2020 at 07:49pm
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ katahdin

    Ramyth's heart tightened painfully as Bridris spoke, and as she pressed herself against him and cried, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. "Bridris..." He hugged her tight. "No, it isn't fair, and I'm going to be an absolute wreck when you die, and I wish to every god there is that I could have more time with you, but I don't want to miss out on a single moment just because your years are limited. If anything, it makes me want to make the time we have together count even more." There were a few tears in his eyes as he pressed his nose into her hair. "I don't want you to try and protect me for later. I want us both to be happy for as long as we possibly can. Please don't push me away, Bri. Please. Let's just be happy."
    "I don't think I could. Especially since we live together now," Aubrius smiled, happily returning his kiss before they both started to eat again, though she paused to grin at his accusation as he nudged her foot. "Of course I do. I'm always worked up, and it's no fun if I'm the only one." She nudged his foot back, briefly considering teasing him a little again but decided to play nice instead.
    July 5th, 2020 at 10:48pm
  • katahdin

    katahdin (100)

    United States
    @ sun spirit

    Bridris clung to him as he hugged her close, letting out a weak little sob as he spoke. "But it hurts.. Being happy hurts so much because I know it'll end, and that you'll be hurt and have to live with all that pain after I'm gone.. I-It isn't fair, Ramyth. I-I want to be with you forever, I don't want to die.." she wept softly as he tucked his nose into her hair, her arms wrapping around him tightly. She felt a bit better as they held each other, but it was still hard. "I love you, Ramyth. With all of my heart."
    "I'm sure you could find a way." Ailuin teased, smiling at her as she returned his kiss, chuckling when she said that she was always worked up. "No fun for you. It's very torturous for me." He chuckled, finishing his meal and sitting back in his chair as he looked at her, smiling a little as he watched her.
    July 5th, 2020 at 11:37pm