
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Orlando nodded, "Yea that could work. I'll do whatever you want me to. I want things to be easiest for you." He said and smiled, leaning over to kiss Lyla's cheek. Orlando stood in the kitchen and looked out the window after what he said. he heard Lyla follow. Orlando wasn't sure if he was relieved or scared when she followed, he felt her arms around him and his body eased up the tension inside it. His arms slowly wrapped around her. "I'm sorry, my love," He mumbled quietly.

    Orlando just held Lyla and was silent for a few minutes. Breaking the silence after his anxiousness built up. "I know that's one of the things you'd rather not know about my life. I wanted to leave you alone in case you needed to process." He said and gave her a weak smile. Orlando felt bad. Maybe they shouldn't be together. He didn't want to drag her into this dark life and have her end up getting hurt.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 04:42am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    “You don’t have to be sorry. Even if I don’t get the details, I know what you’re doing,” Lyla told him. Feeling his arms wrap around her, Lyla was able to relax. She just let the silence sink in as they stood there. Lyla didn’t want to speak first, she wanted to just be there for him. When he finally spoke, Lyla felt relieved. “As much as I’d like to pretend that you’ve never hurt anyone or anything like that, I know better. On the other hand, I know you, and I don’t think you would do something like that unless you absolutely had to,” Lyla said.

    She noticed there was something off with his smile as she looked at him. “Everything is going to be fine,” Lyla said softly as she leaned up and kissed him softly.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 04:51am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Orlando nodded, they both knew that she knew what he did. Although she probably tried to avoid thinking about it. "All my actions have a purpose." He said and just nodded again. "It's getting late, lets go to bed." Orlando grinned at Lyla as he scooped her up in his good arm. He carried Lyla up to her bedroom, gently laying her on the bed. Orlando moved to the other side of the bed and striped down to his boxers before he laid down in bed. Orlando lay in his boxers with his shoulder still wrapped tight.

    Orlando rolled onto his good side and looked over at Lyla while he smiled. "Maybe I will turn you into a bad girl one day and you can run the gang with me." He teased, reaching out and gingerly moving a strand of hair away from her face. "You can run this shit and intimidate these assholes like I do." He said and laughed
    September 2nd, 2020 at 05:00am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    “I know they do. Bed sounds really good right now,” Lyla said. She gasped quietly when Orlando picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Once she was on the bed, Lyla took her bra and shorts off, leaving her in her panties and tank top as she laid next to Orlando. She smiled, letting her head rest on the pillow as she looked over at him.

    She laughed softly when he mentioned turning her into a bad girl one day, “I don’t know about that one.” Lyla smiled as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face. “I don’t think I’d be all that intimidating,” she smiled.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 05:28am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Orlando grinned at her and chuckled. "Hey hell hath no fury like a woman scorn. I think you could be intimidating, especially if you have my muscle backing you up." He teased. Orlando knew she probably wouldn't ever be involved, like he had imagined his girlfriend would be one day. Before he had met her he always dreamed about running his gang with a strong woman by his side. Not that Lyla wasn't strong, she just wasn't gang material.

    Orlando fell asleep soon after.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 06:06am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Lyla laughed softly, “Yeah, we’ll see about that.” She yawned quietly, seeing Orlando close his eyes and fall asleep. She fell asleep soon after.

    The next morning, Lyla had just woke up to her stomach turning. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. After emptying the contents of her stomach, she brushed her teeth and left the bathroom. Once she reached the kitchen, Lyla grabbed a glass of milk and some toast. Sitting at the table, she ate as she waited for Orlando to wake up. Lyla pulled her phone out and sent her dad a message, asking if they could talk later in the day. A small smile appeared on her face when he responded yes.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 06:19am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Orlando was tired from the previous days events. Maybe it was being shot, maybe it was the stress about his work, the baby, and Lyla's father. It didn't matter what it was, he slept for a while. Orlando didn't wake until midmorning.

    When Orlando woke, he was groggy. He sat up and ran a hand down his face, groaning. He didn't want to get up, but he did. Orlando headed downstairs and into the kitchen, scavenging fro some breakfast. "Good morning." He mumbled groggily. Oraldno grabbed a bottle of water then took out a toaster strudel, placing it in the toaster. He sat across from Lyla and smiled. "whats up?" he asked, noticing the smile
    September 2nd, 2020 at 06:41am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Lyla looked towards the stairs when she heard movement. Seeing Orlando walk into the kitchen, she smiled, “Morning.” Once he sat across from her, she looked at her phone for a moment, “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just going to talk to dad later today.” Lyla drank her milk, “How did you sleep? How’s your shoulder feel?” There were a couple other errands she had to run today before she met up with her dad.

    “At least if he talks to me we’ll know for sure what he knows. He can’t keep anything a secret from me,” Lyla said as she got up and took care of her glass and plate.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 06:52am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Orlando shrugged slightly as he looked across at Lyla. "I slept well, my shoulder hurts but I have some pain meds in the car I can take." he told her with a dry smile, still groggy from waking up. When he heard the toaster pop Orlando made his way over and grabbed the strudel and placing it on a plate before he sat down again, absentmindedly drinking and eating.

    Orlando yawned and nodded. "I'm surprised he actually wants to talk to you." He admitted. "Sometimes I just want you to mess with him and pretend you'll leave me, but jokes on him I'm stuck here." He told her teasingly.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 05:38pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    “Well I’m glad you slept good,” Lyla smiled as she came back to the table. Hearing him mention the pain meds in his car, she looked at him, “I can go and grab them for you.” She offered, knowing he was still waking up.

    Lyla nodded, “I know, I didn’t expect him to agree to it, especially when I mentioned I wanted to talk to him about you.” Shaking her head, Lyla knew better than to even give her dad hope that she would leave Orlando. “He would probably pass out from excitement. I really think he would know better though,” she told him.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 06:07pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Orlando shook his head at Lyla's offer, taking another bite of his food. "No no it's fine, I'll just taken them when I leave today." He mumbled with a mouth full of food. Orlando knew he was in pain, but he didn't want anyone to see if he was in pain, Not even Lyla.

    Orlando chuckled when she said he would pass out from excitement. "I'd pay to see that." he quipped, finishing off his breakfast. he placed the plate in the sink, then sat again and sipped his water. "What do you plan on telling him that you think will get him to change his mind after two years?" he asked teasingly. Orlando glanced at his watch and sighed at the time. "I gotta go." He grumbled. Orlando stood and walked around the table, giving Lyla a kiss before he headed out the door.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 06:18pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    “Okay, if you need anything today let me know,” Lyla smiled over at him. She could tell he was in pain, but she wasn’t going to say anything. Lyla knew he would keep acting like it didn’t bother him so she knew there was no point. “I don’t know, maybe if I can get the two of us to sit down I’ll be able to get through to him,” Lyla told him honestly. She didn’t really have any kind of plan, she didn’t even think he would ever actually agree to sit down and talk to her, especially concerning Orlando.

    Seeing him check the time, Lyla nodded. She kissed back before watching him walk to the door, “Please be careful today.” Lyla knew there was only so much he could do to stay out of harms way. Once he left, Lyla went and got ready to go meet her dad.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 06:28pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Orlando nodded. He knew Lyla just wanted to take care of him. "Good luck with your dad, I'll be home later." Orlando paused and nodded with a smile. "I'll do my best." He murmured as he left.

    Orlando headed out to the warehouse, heading inside he went to his office, sitting down he grabbed the binder he had that kept track of his 'accounts' money coming and going, product coming and going, everything. He pined over each page trying to make sure he wasn't missing anything or if there were any discrepancies. After he finished that he went out into the larger room and began to talk to his guys.
    September 2nd, 2020 at 08:43pm
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Lyla went to her parents house to talk with her dad since her mom was gone. She parked her car and got out, walking into the house. “Dad?” She called out. As she walked further into the house, she heard him call from his office. Walking in, she smiled and sat down across from him.

    Dave looked at his daughter, “What is it you wanted to talk about?”

    Lyla hesitated, trying to figure out the best way to start the conversation about Orlando. “What exactly is it about Orlando that you don’t like?” She asked.

    He sighed, “Where so I start? I don’t like what he does for a living, his attitude. I could keep going, Lyla.”

    “Dad, I want to know if there is anything I can do to make things better between you two. I want you to be around your grandchild, but that can’t happen if you’re constantly attacking Orlando,” Lyla said softly, hoping it wouldn’t upset him too much.

    Dave raised an eyebrow, “That’s the choice then? If I don’t accept your delinquent boyfriend, I don’t get to see my grandchild?”

    Lyla knew the conversation wasn’t going in the right direction, “I’m trying to look out for my kid.” She pulled a copy of the ultrasound picture out of her purse and slid it across the table, “Just in case you change your mind. I’ll show myself out.” She got up from the chair and left. As she reached her car, she got in and sat there for a moment. Shaking her head, Lyla decided to go home, she didn’t feel like doing anything else today.
    September 3rd, 2020 at 01:11am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Orlando was giving his guys Directions, orders, and a pep talk all in one. He knew things had been tense since the shooting but he didn’t want that to break their stride. He also didn’t want to lose any other men or any profits.

    After talking Orlando strapped a gun to his side before heading out to do a few rounds in one segment of their territory. He liked to do the rudimentary work occasionally. Rounds were done to make sure no one was intruding, and just to have the presence there. Their rounds were sort of like police patrols.

    Orlando stopped at a Starbucks, stepping inside he glanced around. He walked up to the barista and ordered a coffee. Out of the corner of his eyes, Orlando saw a police cruiser with lights pulling up. He sprinted outside and around the back of the building.
    September 3rd, 2020 at 05:45am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Pulling into the parking lot at her apartment, Lyla turned the car off and just sat there for a moment. She was really feeling the stress from the day. Sighing quietly, she grabbed her purse and got out of the car. Going over to her mail box and grabbing her mail before she headed to her apartment. Noticing movement out of the corner of her eye, Lyla looked at a black car parked at the far end of the parking lot. In the year and a half she had been living there, she couldn’t remember ever seeing a car like that.

    Lyla walked up to her door and unlocked it before quickly walking inside and locking it back up. She went to the kitchen and started cooking dinner. Her thoughts continued to focus on the car. After about a half an hour, Lyla walked over and peaked out her window to see if the car was gone. The car hadn’t moved, thinking she was just being paranoid, Lyla decided to ignore it. She didn’t want to bring it up to Orlando and have it be nothing.
    September 3rd, 2020 at 05:57am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    Orlando hid in the ally behind the Starbucks, sneaking away from the police as he carefully made his way back to his warehouse to grab his car. He kept looking over his shoulder to make sure the police hadn’t noticed and he wasn’t being followed. When he got back to his car he grabbed his phone, calling Lyla. “Hey.” He said and took a breath. “I’m not sure if this was a coincidence or not.” He paused. “But when I was at Starbucks some cops pulled up lights flashing and sirens.” He told her. “Coulda been nothing but I ran before I could find out.” He told her

    Orlando was shaking off the feeling of paranoia, beginning to head back. “I’m gonna come home early.” He told her, his eyes darting back and forth
    September 3rd, 2020 at 06:04am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Lyla was surprised to hear her phone ring as she grabbed it and answered. She listened as he mentioned the cops and coming home early, “Okay. I got home about an hour ago. I’ll see you when you get here.” Lyla moved the curtain slightly, just in time to watch as the car left. Letting out a sigh of relief, she went to the couch and sat down. She decided she wouldn’t mention it to Orlando, thinking it must have just been a coincidence and no big deal.

    She waited on the couch until she heard someone at the door. A wave of relief hit her when Orlando walked in. Even knowing he was on his way before, Lyla couldn’t help being a little nervous.
    September 3rd, 2020 at 06:11am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ foREVerYours.
    The man in the black car was waiting outside Lyla’s door, hearing her phone call with Orlando he knew he had to make the move now. He stepped inside and quietly walked through the house, gun drawn until he found Lyla. When he saw her in the living room, the man smirked, cocking the gun back. “Scream and your brains will be covering the wall behind you.” He told her, moving closer. “Come with me.” He ordered. The man had dark brown eyes, and hair to match. It was shaved almost in a military style. He had a scar running down his jaw line. The man grabbed Lyla’s wrist and began to pull her towards the door. “Do not fight me, don’t speak.” He ordered.
    September 3rd, 2020 at 06:17am
  • foREVerYours.

    foREVerYours. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Lyla had just stood up from the couch when the man came around the corner into the living room. The first thought to cross her mind was scream, that was until she noticed the gun in his hand. She knew there was no way she would be able to fight him off as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward the door. Lyla was trying to think of any possible way to get away. She was getting more and more afraid as he pulled her out of the apartment and moved toward his car.
    September 3rd, 2020 at 06:25am