Before the Sun Sets

  • @ Jinx...
    Leo’s eyes were carefully watching Olivia. As if this would be some sort of prank. “It’s white sounding. Helps popularity. People are still very subconsciously racist.” He pointed out. “Not that you’d understand racism, sexism is probably what affects you more.” He said, not denying that women also had a hard time in the field of arts. “Plus I didn’t need anyone knowing it was me.” Leo carefully watched as Olivia spoke to him again, he clenched a fist under the desk. Leo smirked to himself, this was his ammo. This was what he could use. “Well, reading the book is part of your contract.” He said with a wink. Leo obviously knew how he had portrayed Olivia in his book and he wanted to savor the moment as she read it and saw who she had become. His mind wandered. Should he tell her it was a memoir? Or should he let her put the puzzle pieces together? “My job is to find a place, yes, but your job is to help me find it and then sell it to the director. Plus he thinks I’ll be a better help to the movie if I’m even more emotionally involved.” Leo paused and rolled his eyes at the thought. “So he thinks this trip will do that.” When Olivia turned around he couldn’t help but stare. She was as fine, if not more fine, than the women he had been meeting up with in NYC. He licked his lips as he thought about her. Quickly suppressing the emotions when Scott came in, Leo grabbed the coffee and nodded out a thanks. “Scott, double check everything is ready for the trip.” He said. “Because we have a casting session for the next two days, maybe three. Trying to find our male lead.” He told her. “You’re welcome to come, maybe that will help your vision.” He said and Leo leaned back, placing his feet up on the desk, and drinking his iced macchiato.
    September 27th, 2020 at 06:59am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella looked over at him and raised a brow. She hated that it was like that but he was right of course. "Okay but Brad is just as much a white name as Richard and it sounds better." she said. She rolled her eyes as he said he didn't want them to know it was him. "You're the big boss now." she said and could have said more but didn't. If he wanted to hide after all he had been through then it was his prerogative. She could see him stiffen to her words and felt bad but this was her job and he had to get it through his head that she was in control of that. "Okay yes but it doesn't say when I have to read your book and it also gives me artistic freedom." she shot back raising an eyebrow. The wink was a dick move. This was why she read contracts. "Don't try to boss me into doing things your way Leo it wont work and you'll regret the quality of work you get." she said then looked at him. "Let me do what I am good at." she said softening. "You can trust in my photography." she said knowing he didn't trust her with anything else. Hadn't since middle school. Bella tilted her head with a chuckle at the fact that this trip would be emotionally involving but maybe not the way the director could imagine. She turned looking at Leo as he invited her to come to the casting. "Sure I'd like to get some shots of the actors anyways." she said. "I'll have Scott give me the details. She finished the last signature. "And Leo..." she set his pen down taking her tea and hugging the folder to her chest. "It's good to see you." she said her eyes soft before she turned. She could say so much more but there would be time for all the pain and all the anger and the left over feelings later. She left his office and spent some time with Scott ironing out the details. He asked her what was up with Leo's earlier actions and she soothed his worry without telling him anything. "We know each other. That's all. Pen names you know are tricky." she grinned. "I'm just glad I don't have to call him Richard all trip." she laughed. Once everything was all set and she had the details for tomorrow's casting she left taking one last glance at the building. Fate had one twisted sense of humor.
    September 27th, 2020 at 07:52am
  • @ Jinx...
    Leo couldn’t help but laugh, a real genuine one, at her suggestion. “Brad is basically Chad and that is not the connotation I want for my book.” He said with another light laugh. He saw how Olivia’s tone and emotions changed, unsure of what it meant. Though as hostilities rose up again he was back on the defense. He had felt like he was always on defense with Olivia ever since she had gone on that family trip. “Fine.” Was all he could muster. She was right. And he hated it. This was an artistic trio and it wasn’t for him. It was for her. Leo watched her carefully, he was so on edge around her. When she spoke his And he felt goosebumps rise on his arms. “It’s nice to see you too, Liv.” He replied coolly. Leo watched as she left before he got on the phone with the director. He explained the circumstances but also how he didn’t want Olivia to know quite yet what the movie was about, so he requested the actors do a scene that didn’t involve her. A scene from the “future” so she couldn’t quite connect the dots yet. The director couldn’t help but laugh at Leo and the circumstances but agreed. As a director he loves drama and this would bring plenty.

    Leo headed home later that day, he had wanted to go to dinner with the photographer but that plan was dashed. He drank himself to sleep, a habit he had picked up from his father. The next day he dressed in a suit, navy blue with a red striped tie. It looked designed, looked expensive. But it wasn’t. He and the director, as well as a few other casting workers, sat at a table as they talked waiting for Olivia and the actors to arrive.
    September 27th, 2020 at 08:08am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella dressed up for the day but not too much. She let herself have a little artistic twist but scaled back what she wanted to do. Who would take her serious if she was too eccentric after all? She got to the studio right on time and walked in seeing Leo dressed up. Yep that suit hugged all the right places but she knew it wasn't the suit but the man in it that made the entire image look good. She carried her camera bag and a few other bags of equipment she might need. She asked one of the crew members where she could set up and they showered her a spot. She got out her camera her heels clicking against the floor as she moved around taking random shots. She zoomed in on Leo and smiled as she took a picture. She caught the moment he saw her in the crowd and was staring down at her camera as she walked over towards him. She put her camera over her shoulder. "I'm set. Just let me know who I can get for a few pictures. I shouldn't need more than 10 minutes with each actor then once we have our set I would like a few chemistry shots." she said and looked at the man next to Leo. "Bella Fleur." she held out her hand to him.
    September 27th, 2020 at 08:44am
  • @ Jinx...
    Leo handed the director the script for what scene they would have the actors show today, the scene where he found out his father died. He was looking over the word again as Olivia made her way in. He held a pen in his hand and tapped it on the table. He looked up and over and saw Olivia, doing his best to keep his face neutral. He didn’t know what to do. He had all these feelings coming back from ten years ago. Of course the anger and resentment was there, but so was the innocent love he had. When Olivia approached he and the director, Leo looked up and smiled coolly. “Good morning, Olivia.” He said. The director looked between the two before shaking her hand. “Ms. Fleur.” He said and smiled. “So we’re gonna have each actor run through some lines, maybe ask some questions, then we’ll send them to you.” He told her. After Olivia went back Leo and the director called the first actor. Leo frowned slightly, the guy was as white as snow. He had specifically told the director that one thing he refused to change was his ethnicity in the movie. “Nope nope nope.” Leo said and waved the man off. “I don’t need to hear anything.” The director looked at Leo and they argued for a minute before the director relented. When the second actor was called in he relaxed a bit, at least this man looked Hispanic. “Alright. So just go through the scene. You just found out your father died.” He said and waved for his assistant to read the first line to start off the scene.
    September 27th, 2020 at 04:25pm
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella gave Leo a pointed look. "Blake is another great name." she said and smiled softly at the director. "Thank you." she said to the director and Bella sat in a chair snapping some more pictures as she waited for the first actor. She raised a brow as Leo dismissed the white boy. What exactly was this book about that ethnicity mean that much to not consider. He had his reasons and she wouldn't be the one to argue. She was here simply for the feel of the people. It was hard to place people in a strange place and create chemistry. She listened to the scene watching the actor. She bit her lip as she listened to the lines. This was not going to be the feel good movie of the year it was going to be raw. She waited until the actor was sent over to her. She smiled and shook the man's hand. "Bella Fleur." she grinned as they moved outside so she could get some poses without disrupting the acting inside. She was going to be able to tell a lot from these photos. She always was better at that then understanding the subtleties people tried to express and usually made it all the more confusing.
    September 27th, 2020 at 05:30pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Leo listened carefully to the actors as they went through the scene, and watched as the left with Olivia. He could see her through the glass window on the side of the room. He wanted to see how they interacted with her as well as with his script. But that was mostly for himself, and his selfish reasons now when continuing on with her as part of his movie. They went through about 8 men before calling it a day, they had ten more to do tomorrow if Leo and the director didn’t decide on someone today. Leo told the last actor to tell Olivia he was last when they finished. He waited for her to come inside and out pack her things up. The director and Leo both went over to talk to her while she packed up. The director looked at Olivia, “Anyone catch your eye?” He asked her, knowing Leo wanted her input but was too stubborn to say it himself. The director Pat Leo on the back and laughed. “You’re gonna be helping with a lot of the movie, so we figure getting your input on some main actors is important. I actually want to offer you a little extension on the contract. I want you to stay while we film and do all the promo work for us.” The director offered. Leo looked at the director and raised an eyebrow. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked between the two. “Well I’m getting dinner tonight, so if either of you want to join. Meet me at 6:30 at the Five.” He offered. Leo wanted to see how Olivia would react to his proposal.
    September 27th, 2020 at 07:56pm
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella finished with the last actor and thanked him. She was almost done packing when the director and Leo stood before her. She looked up then stood and flipped through a few pictures. She moved so they could see the picture that she liked. "This one has a great essence." she said showing them the picture of his innocent love look. She smiled at it. "There is a softness behind his edge. That's hard to find. It's usually one or the other." she said and smiled between the director and Leo. She put her camera away after that. She grinned as she stood shouldering her camera bag. "I'm happy to help." she said and then smiled intrigued as he mentioned extending her contract. "I would love to do that." she said and beamed. "I would love to meet with your creative team before we ship out. I don't want too many details about the movie. I'm keeping my perspective unlimited but some basic feelings would be helpful from those that know the plot, besides the author. I'll get his opinion plenty while we're gone." She smirked at Leo knowing he wasn't going to disagree with that. They never had a problem with opinions. She looked at Leo as he extended the dinner offer to her. She tilted her head looking him over trying to decide what it was he was thinking. She gave a nod. "Yeah sure." she knew it was going to be just the two of them here soon anyways. If the director was there he might be able to help her get some wide ideas of his vision. She could be professional after all, even civil, almost sweet if she wanted to and this would be a good opportunity to show him so.
    September 27th, 2020 at 10:02pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Leo and the director looked over at the actor that Olivia had pointed out. Leo agreed with her, so far that man had been his favorite. The way he just had raw emotion, the almost devoid piece that Leo had when he found his father dead. It was just right. He watched the exchange between Olivia and director, wondering if she truly wanted to work on this movie, his movie, or if it was some kind of psychological trick she was playing with him. Well, two could play at this game. The director nodded. “Yea, we are all having a meeting tomorrow before casting, if you are able to stop by early you can join then. If not we can figure something out before you go.” The director explained. Leo rolled his eyes at her smirk. “I’ll be there, but I’ll keep quiet.” Leo purred. Leo smirked when she agreed to dinner, he looked to the director. “Joining us tony?” He asked. Tony, the director, looked and thought for a moment. “I don’t think I can, wife is already harping on me for working late on this movie.” He said with a laugh. “She won’t be mad when this thing hits number one and she’s going on a Fijian vacation though.” Leo laughed and Pat the director on the back. “You fucking know it buddy. We’re gonna be rich.” Leo said and couldn’t help the prideful smirk that laid on his face. Leo pulled out his phone. “I gotta take this, see you later, Olivia. See you tomorrow Tony.” He said before walking off and answering the phone. “What’s up Ricky?” He answered.
    September 27th, 2020 at 11:44pm
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella smiled. "I'll be there." she said to Tony. She pursed her lips lips as Leo said he would be there. Of course he would be. She was just going to have to get use to him on a professional level. She shook her head as they talked about money like it was going to solve everything. It was nice but nothing beat enjoying what you did. She could live in a van and photograph. She had one summer during college in fact and had never been happier. Bella narrowed her eyes as he called her Olivia again. "Brandon is another great name." she said back. She turned to Tony and smiled. "I'll walk out with you." she grinned. "I guess he told you we know each other from a long time ago." she said because there was just no other explanation for their quarreling. "I wont let it degrade the work." she assured him. "So tell me more about your vision since I wont get dinner with you to hear about it." she said and grabbed her other bag.

    Olivia was in her apartment looking in the mirror. Why was she dressing up for this dinner? It wasn't like she was trying to impress Leo. She slipped a spare camera in her hand clutch and pulled on her jacket. She grabbed the umbrella and moved out grabbing a cab. It wasn't long before she was walking down the street and to the restaurant. New York was big but she was surprised she hadn't run into him. Maybe it was because she was in a different part of town and they didn't run in the same groups. She walked into the restaurant her stomach tight. She half expected him to not be here or show up. That would be the mind trick he would play. She let the host take her umbrella and she shrugged out of her coat. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She wondered if he put the reservation under his name. When the host asked what party she was with she hesitated. "Leo Valdez?" she bit her lip as she waited.
    September 28th, 2020 at 01:12am
  • @ Jinx...
    Leo frowned. He wasn’t sure why she kept doing that. He was calling her her name. Just because she went by something different didn’t mean she wasn’t Olivia. He didn’t go by Richard, it was just the name on the book. He was still Leo, he was still himself.

    Tony nodded and waited for Olivia to finish before walking down to the parking lot with her. The man knew not to put the suspense of the plot to her, so he had to play it down. “Leo just told me he knew you from before and hadn’t heard from you in a while.” He told her with a shrug. “Good to hear.” He said and grinned. “So I want it to be raw. Raw in the sense that you just feel gutted as you watch it. So it draws in the viewers and so that it makes the ending, the happier ending, is so much more of a relief. Like a literal weight off not only the character, but also the viewers shoulders.” He explained, using hand motions as he spoke.

    Leo had arrived early to the restaurant, he needed a drink or two in him if this was just going to be he and olivia. He dressed nice. He loved the Five and had a reputation with the waitresses and hosts, he liked to joke with them and he tipped well. Leo also liked to put off the image of him being more successful than he was. So he always dressed well when he was out in public. The hostess didn’t even have to look up the reservation when Olivia spok. “Oh leo.@ she said and smiled. “He’s got his usual table, follow me.” She said and led Olivia to the table. “He didn’t tell me he was having dinner with such a beautiful woman.” She commented. Leo sat at his table, he had taken a shot of whisky and was sipping on a beer when he saw Olivia sun the hostess. “Thank you Aubrey.” He said and smiled at both women. “I can take her from here.” He said and pulled out Olivia’s chair. “Oh and dear, can I get another drink?” He asked. Aubrey nodded and smiled. “I’ll let your waitress know Leo. Have a nice dinner.” She said before walking off.
    September 28th, 2020 at 01:28am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Olivia was surprised when the hostess spoke up. She raised a brow. So he was a regular. And friendly here. "I'm sure he didn't expect me to actually show." she told the woman. She noticed the haze in his eyes having gotten a lot of experience in figuring out if someone had been drinking. Her face turned smooth a soft smile on her face. It was a mask. It was a beautiful illusion meant to sooth and not aggravate those that looked upon it while keeping her emotionally distant. Olivia sat reluctantly and was more at ease as Leo sat back in front of her. "You seem to have been here a while. Did I get the time wrong?" she asked. She couldn't tell if he was drunk yet or if this was just his new personality. She didn't know anything about Leo the man but she still remembered everything about Leo the boy. She had figured out a lot about how things went wrong between them over the years and had become angry over it. Truly angry. He had promised her faithfulness and fell away at the first sign of trouble. She sat with a straight back her eyes calculating. She didn't know how he could stand the sent of alcohol. It made her sick. She would drink but it was rare and she promised herself never to do it out of emotion. Whatever emotion there was before drinking would only be amplified with alcohol.
    September 28th, 2020 at 01:57am
  • @ Jinx...
    Leo finished his beer quickly as he was brought another one, smiling at the waitress. He loved the women who served him here. He thought of them as a second family after Ricky. Hell some of them even sent him Christmas cards. “No, I just wanted to get here early to shoot the shit with some of the waitresses. They’re good friends of mine.” He explained and shrugged. Leo kept his eyes on Olivia. He watched her eyes, that was how he had always been able to read her was by watching her eyes. Leo leaned back into his chair and took a breath. “What made you want to get dinner with me?” He asked straightforwardly. He didn’t want to bullshit around anymore. He just wanted answers. Answers for the last ten years. He wanted reparations. Beneath the surface he was boiling with pain and anger from what had transpired. A waitress came over and put her arm around Leo, smiling at him. “How’s my favorite customer?” She asked with a grin. Leo looked up and laughed. “Ahh Tiffany, nice to see you. Thanks for the drink.” He told her. “This is Olivia Fleur, my date. She’s a photographer.” He said and pointed with the tip of his bottle. “She’s been in National Geographic and she’s helping with my new project.” He told her with a wink. He hadn’t said anything about writing a screenplay to anyone yet. Tiffany smiled at Olivia. “Nice to meet you. Trust me if he’s as nice to you as he is to us, I say he’s a keeper.” She told Olivia. “Do you guys need more time with the menu? Or are you ready to order?”
    September 28th, 2020 at 02:09am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella raised a brow. Mr. Popular here was not only friendly but flirty too. She wondered if he realized that was how it looked. Bella wasn't unaware of how the waitresses looked at her and otherwise ignored her. So when she heard Leo ask his question she stopped a nearby waitress. "A water please." She said and cleared her throat. "We'll be spending a lot of time together very shortly. Why should we wait. Besides if we can get ride of some of this hostility between us now our working relationship will be better but I had honestly hoped that Tony would join us so I could pick his brain on the project." she said honestly. She left out that she wanted to because he had been her friend and she wanted to get to know him again. With the hostility he was showing she doubted she would get to have him back as a friend. Bella's eyebrow raised as the girl wrapped herself around Leo. If he was really on a date this would have been the end of it for any sane woman. No one wanted to compete for man with every girl around him because he couldn't keep from being overly "friendly". She looked away from the couple only to look up at her name and snarled. "Please... its Bella." she said. "I've also been featured in several magazines myself both for my skill and my modeling gigs." she said. "No I think I'm ready." she said. She was surprised with herself as she noticed she was doing what girls did when they where claiming territory. Leo wasn't hers but he was right for tonight he was her date and that meant his little posey needed to respect his space tonight. She ordered something small and light not particularly hungry but she didn't want to come off odd by not ordering something to eat. Once Tiffany was gone Bella crossed her legs under the table. "Why did you invite me?" she asked his question back at him.
    September 28th, 2020 at 02:44am
  • @ Jinx...
    Leo didn’t even notice how his relationships with the waitresses came off. He didn’t think much of it. He hadn’t been in many relationships in the years they were separated. He couldn’t date anyone at their old high school, he was too much of a weirdo. He also focused on surviving most of the time. He had short relationships and hook ups, but that was the extent of his love life. The waitress raised an eyebrow as Olivia told her what else she had done, nodding and smiling. “Wonderful.” She said and looked between the two. “Alright hit well I will get your order placed in. Congrats Ms. Fleur. A very accomplished woman.” She said before she left. Leo ordered a steak and potato dish, it was one of his usuals. He was a heavy eater when he drank and this would help. Leo glanced over at Olivia, noticing her face, a small smirk spread across his face. “I’ve seen that before.” He told her and sipped his drink, again pointing with it. “That’s your jealous face.” He said and chuckled. “What are you jealous of?” He asked as he moved to lean on the table, looking across. “Because.” He said and motioned to her body. “You’re attractive. And eating alone gets tiring.” He said with a fake pouty face.
    September 28th, 2020 at 02:55am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella looked at Leo as he accused her of being jealous and the look on her face could peel paint. "You don't call someone your date with another woman in your lap." she said her eyes on fire. She could feel the full weight of all she had been carrying around pushing against her like tidal waves. "And you don't flaunt your... relationships to others in that manor." she scolded him. He leaned forward and she suddenly found his dress up act ridiculous. It didn't matter how you dressed it a drunk was never attractive or powerful, only pitiful. When he answered her question her eyes widened and her face lost color as her eyes went cold. She didn't say anything for several long moments. Her stomach ate at her insides. She finally narrowed her eyes. "She stood and leaned over the table so she was really close to him her hair falling to curtain them. "If you treat me like this again I will file sexual harassment. Have I made myself clear?" she asked him. She pulled back after a moment to let it sink in. "You're a drunk Leo. You didn't go anywhere." A waitress came with her water and she laughed, no humor in her voice. She was cold like she had never been. "Give it to him. He needs to sober up." she said and walked out. She was shaking as she got her jacket and her umbrella. She walked outside her heart thundering in her chest and echoing in her ears. It was a painful and fearful pang that her heart hammered inside of her. She had dealt with sexual harassment before but this one had Leo's face but that was not the boy she remembered. He grew into someone she couldn't recognize. He was lucky she hadn't tossed that bear in his face. She had wanted to. Considered it but she was better than that. She opened the umbrella so the light mist wouldn't touch her skin and wake her from her anger just yet.
    September 28th, 2020 at 03:17am
  • @ Jinx...
    Leo rolled his eyes. “She wasn’t in my lap, Liv.” He said, not even catching himself when he called her his old nickname. “She’s my friend. She’s excited to see me I haven’t been here in a while. I’m sorry if it came off that way.” He said and leaned back. Leo watched Olivia and saw the change in her. He was concerned but refused to show it. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes for a moment trying to focus. His eyes shot open when she moved across the table and spoke to him. He was angry about her saying he was harassing her, but he was pissed when she called him a drunk. “I’m not a fucking drunk.” He snarled and leaned forward again as his gaze icily stared at her. He looked up as the waitress returned. “I’m fucking fine.” He said and waved the waitress off. She was surprised. Leo was never angry and it was a side of him they never saw. Leo pulled out his wallet and paid for the meal before he grabbed his jacket and hurried outside to follow Olivia. Once outside he spotted her and walked up alongside her. “You’re really going to just make a scene and leave.” He said coldly. Leo scoffed, this was exactly what happened to them in high school. She had made a scene and become popular, hurting him. Then she left. Same as now. “History repeats itself I see.” He taunted. Leo could feel the booze sinking into him, but he refused to back down for the moment. He hadn’t been angry in who knows how long. It was the one emotion he didn’t express. He just bottled it up and kept it stashed away in a little container on a shelf. He heard the blood rushing in his ears and closed his eyes as he tried to focus again.
    September 28th, 2020 at 03:26am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella heard Leo as he fell into step next to her and she stopped and looked at him. "If you're not a drunk why are you yelling at me? Drunks don't like it when you point it out. I've seen enough of them to know." her voice snarled. She shook her head. "You always saw yourself as the victim didn't you, so if anything hurt your poor little feelings it was my fault. Didn't matter to you if I did it or not. So yeah your right. History repeats itself and you've become your father." she said. "You better back off from me now Leo. I wont do this with you when it's not likely you'll even remember it in the morning." she said. She looked angry and yet sad. It looked like one word or one touch could break her. She wanted to sob because the boy that told her they could trust each other with each other's secrets was gone. She didn't think he would ever come back. She ran her hand through her hair and pulled it to the side. She wanted to just go home now. She hated him and what he became. He was his father and her father and all the other drunks.
    September 28th, 2020 at 03:41am
  • @ Jinx...
    Leo frowned and just wanted to scream. He wasn’t a damn drunk! “I’m not a drunk.” He repeated. “Just because I drink, doesn’t mean I’m a drunk.” He countered. “You’d be pissed too if you were accused of something.” He countered as he continued to walk alongside her. Leo’s eyes grew wide and he could feel his blood boiling when he heard her next comment. He moved and stood in front of Olivia, stopping her from walking. “Do not ever fucking say that to me.” He said devoid of emotion. He couldn’t even hear himself speak because the blood rushing in his ear and his heart pounding drowned out his voice. “I am nothing like him and you should be ashamed of yourself.” Leo couldn’t believe she would go that low. He wouldn’t bring up her mother or her drunk father. How could she bring up his?” “I’ll see you in the morning.” He snarled and shook his head. Leo wanted to find someone else to do the work, but it was too close to the deadline and he was stuck. Leo walked off in the other direction, pulling out his phone to call an Uber. He wasn’t a drunk, he didn’t drink and drive like all the drunks he knew. He would never. Leo watched Olivia as she continued to leave before his car pulled up. He slid inside and leaned back into the seat, fighting back hot tears as he was driven home.
    September 28th, 2020 at 03:53am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    She shook her head not wanting to talk anymore but when he stopped her from walking away her eyes widened and fear sparked in her eyes. She panted a breath taking a wider stance. It was obvious she didn't trust him not to lash out. When he just walked away telling her to feel shame she shook her head. "No Leo you are the one that has shame. And I feel sorry for you." she said then hailed a cab. She got in and sat in the back looking like a panicked mess so much the cabby looked back at her. "Are you alright Mis? he asked and she let out a relieved chuckle. "I just really want to go home." she said her voice breaking and he nodded. "Yes Ma'am where too?" he asked and she told him the address. When she got home she undressed and took a long hot bath before eating a yogurt and a handful of grapes before she brushed her teeth and crawled into bed. She hadn't felt that helpless since she left her father at 18. She cried herself to sleep thinking of a long haired sweet little boy who thought the world of her.
    September 28th, 2020 at 04:17am