Before the Sun Sets

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella grinned and nodded again. Even the little glowing lights above head was perfect. When they went to order drinks she got a blackberry lemonade then looked to Leo. He ordered just what he said he would and she relaxed with a smile. Bella looked up as he started to talk. She smiled thinking about it. She giggled. "That would have been perfect." she chuckled. "It was my favorite place to go as a kid." she admitted. Bella found what she wanted and set her menu down. She sat back with a sigh and looked up at the sky. It was beautiful. The stars where out and the moon was half full giving just enough light to light the sky. Bella looked back at Leo. "I wanted to go to the dance with you. I almost asked you but then I second guessed myself and ended up going with Andre as friends." She smiled remembering Andre had been way to into her but she only found out after the dance.
    October 15th, 2020 at 03:50am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Leo was reading through the menu. He liked to change things up. He had eaten the same things over and over and over as a kid, now he wanted to change what he ate all the time and make up for the years of pizza rolls and balongne sandwiches. Leo smiled as she agreed with him. “I remember going there me, mom, Dad, and Ricky when we were younger. It seemed like it would be a five star restaurant.” He laughed. When she said she wanted to go to the dance with him he blushed. “I never took you for being to shy to let something be known.” He teased. “I do remember because I was a tad bit jealous.” He said and rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn’t sure how much he wanted to get into their old feelings, so he was relieved when the waitress returned with their drinks and it was time to order. “I’ll take the spaghetti carbonara.” He said and smiled. When she left, Leo glanced back at Olivia. “Liv.” He said and blushed. “I can’t believe how this happened.”
    October 15th, 2020 at 04:08am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella smiled knowing his mother was a sore subject and he missed her even still because she missed her own mother too. She missed her so much that it was easier to have blonde hair than face her real reflection. "I wan't... except with you." she said and shrugged. She couldn't say it even know because it mattered what he thought, because he mattered to her. She smiled and then looked up as the waitress came over. "Chicken Parmesan with Alfredo sauce please." she grinned. Bella looked back at Leo as he spoke. She tilted her head seeing him blush. "That what is happening Leo?" she asked him. There where a lot of unbelievable things for them so she wanted to know which in particular he was talking about. She knew Tony would be glad to hear Leo was going a meal without drinking though she had a feeling he would do it later.
    October 15th, 2020 at 04:18am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Leo knew not to think on the last that much. That thinking was what brought of his demons, and he didn’t know how to chase them away while sober, so he didn’t need them coming out right now. He licked his lips as he looked over at Olivia and smiled. “I got the boisterous girl to be shy and you got the shy boy to be a little wild.” He said and laughed. “Good choice. Chicken parm is good.” He said and handed his menu to the waitress. Leo shrugged. “All of this. That we, two small town kids, are making it big in the arts. Against the odds. That we were basically in love with each other as kids.” He was talking fast and didn’t even realize he had used the word ‘love.’ “And drifted apart and somehow. Ten years later. We come back together. It’s like fate. Our hobbies as kids that were turning into careers is what brought us back together. And now we’re going on a road trip together. It’s just. Crazy.” He said and took a breath to try and calm himself down.
    October 15th, 2020 at 04:42am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella chuckled. "How did I make you wild?" she asked him curiously. She only remembered him as shy. Sure he would g with her on her crazy adventures but that was as crazy as she remembered. Unless he was counting the nights he let her sneak into his house and stay the night. She grinned and nodded. "It's the only way to go though I wouldn't be apposed to trading bites." she said. He told her exactly what was unbelievable. She nodded. "Yeah it's the stuff you read about in books." she smiled. "Although I'm not sure how the ending will go yet but I'm hoping we both heal a little. We use to be able to help each other." she said remembering so many times he was there for her and the biggest was after her mother died and how he held her all night. If fate was in control it had a twisted sense of humor. She wished she had meet up with Leo a little earlier but now the timing was all off.
    October 15th, 2020 at 05:09am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Leo shrugged. “You just, you saw the most extroverted side of me. Got me doing things I never would have. You helped me reach out to the first teacher to talk to about my writing and without that I probably would be who I am today.” He told her honestly. “Of course if you want to try some of mine you’re more than welcome to.” He said smiling. Leo tapped his fingers on the table as he looked around. His eyes moved back to her as she spoke. He couldn’t say anything, he knew everything she said was correct. He smiled thinking about the good memories. But the good memories always brought the bad and he didn’t want those to come back right now. He wanted to keep the good and make new good memories, maybe those would drown out the bad memories. Leo closed his eyes tight as he tried to forget. His eyes opened when the waitress dropped their food off. “Looks delicious.” He said through lined eyes, glad to have something they would take his mind off the memories. Leo began to eat.
    October 15th, 2020 at 05:20am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella smiled. "Did I now?" she asked him. "Well then I am very glad you talked to your teacher. The world wouldn't have been the same without you making a mark in it." she said. Bella grinned. "Oh you bet you will be sharing." she teased. He looked lost in his thoughts and she hoped it wasn't something that would consume his thoughts. It was always dangerous to talk about the past with them. But it was also dangerous to talk about the present. They could dwell in the pain of the past or fight about how they turned out. It was hard to find something safer and easy to talk about. And that was what killed her. It went that way until the waitress brought over their food. "Mmm. Thank you." she said and cut a piece of her food off and groaned as she took a bite. She smiled and then cut another piece offering it to Leo. "If they can do good chicken parm then you know it's a good Italian place." she said and smiled.
    October 15th, 2020 at 06:11am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Leo knew she could read him, she always had been able to. It was the same for him reading her. He couldn’t change that, but he could do his best to hide the pain he was in and act happy. He was good at the acting after years of doing it. He ate quietly for a moment before looking up at Olivia and nodding. “Very true.@ he murmured. Leo took the piece she cut for him with his fork and ate it. “Very good.” He agreed. Leo slid his plate across slightly and offered her a bite of his carbonara. “Your turn.”’he said with a smile. After Olivia had taken he bite he pulled his plate back and continued eating. He was quieter now that his thoughts couldn’t be pulled from the evil depths that they usually couldn’t recover from. He looked up at Olivia again and smiled. “This dinner date is much better than the first.” He teased. “We can leave anytime we get back. Or stay for a little longer.” He said with a shrug. “I’ll probably sleep early. I have a lot of work to do while we drive tomorrow.”
    October 15th, 2020 at 06:24am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella grinned and leaned over taking a bite from his plate. She hummed around her fork. They kept eating and now and again Bella would try to broach a subject but Leo spoke the shortest way to get her to silence again. She smiled as he teased her and nodded. "Yeah I'm not thinking about throwing your drink in your face this time." she smiled. She shook her head as he offered to stay here. "No it's pretty here but it's not a place I would want to get morning pictures of." she said. He spoke about going to bed early and her mind told her he was going to drink himself to sleep. She looked down her eyes sad and nodded. "Right." she said and wished that wasn't her first thought. She would even wish he was going to bed early to be away from her than what she believed he would do. "Well I'll work on some editing so I wont be a disturbance." she said and finished her food with a grin. That was probably the most food she had eaten in one sitting in weeks if not longer.
    October 15th, 2020 at 06:52am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Leo knew Olivia wanted to talk, he could tell she was trying. He was being as polite as he could be. He answers and spoke, but his mind couldn’t stop. He wanted to just hit his head against the wall and scream, just to stop his mind from running. “I’m glad. I probably woulda been upset if you threw a drink in my face. That was one of my good suits and it probably would have ruined it.” He said and smiled, his eyes softening ever so slightly. He watched her carefully. He knew she didn’t believe him. She wasn’t wrong though. But he just wished she didn’t believe that of him. He reached across the table and took her hand, running his thumb across the back of her hand. “You’ll have to show me the finished product in the morning then.” He told her. Leo finished his meal and waved the waiter over, handing over a card to pay for the meal. When his card was given back he looked at Olivia and smiled. “Ready to go?”
    October 15th, 2020 at 07:01am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella grinned. "I never took you for a material kinda guy Leo." she said back thinking his suit would have been the last thing he should be upset about but that was just her. She looked up as he grabbed her hand and smiled softly though it didn't reach her eyes. "Yeah for sure. And you'll have to bounce more ideas around with me. I liked doing that earlier." she said and smirked. "If your voices wont be too offered I am replacing them for a while that is." she said quietly just for him. She sat back as he payed and then nodded as he asked if she was ready. She couldn't very well say no but she wished they could just get coffee and sit here sharing a desert for a few more hours with easy conversation but that wasn't going to happen. She stood and followed him like a defeated puppy back to the RV. She walked in and pulled her hair to the side. "Well goodnight Leo." she said and looked up at him. When he turned from her she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his waist burying her face in his back. She held on tight for just a moment. "It's going to be okay Leo. It always works out." she said then pulled away and turned towards her room in a hurry.
    October 15th, 2020 at 07:16am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Leo laughed and rolled his eyes. He wasn’t very material, but he didn’t like replacing things before they had been used to their full extent. He had money but liked to save money so he could pay for Ricky’s education. When she whispered to him he smiled and nodded. “I think I need a break from them anyway.” He said and laughed. “You more or less are the voices in my head that I bounce ideas off of if I’m gonna be honest.” He admitted shyly. He looped his arm with Olivia’s as they walked back to the RV. He did his best not to show any relief for being back. He didn’t want her to know, even though he was sure she did. “Goodnight.” he murmured. He had wanted to say something before she left. As soon as Olivia touched him, Leo wrapped his arms around her. He held her tight to his chest, like he used to as a kid. “No, Liv, wait.” He said and reached out to grab her hand before she got into her room. Leo pulled Olivia back into his chest and held her close to him. He didn’t want to let go. He just hoped she would run away again. “Olivia. You’re such a beautiful, strong soul.” He told her end sighed. “Don’t forget that you need people to help be strong for you too.”
    October 15th, 2020 at 07:32am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella felt him pull her back to him and she clung to his chest feeling tears tightening her throat though she blinked them away. She listened to him. She didn't know how he could feel this way about her still. She had thought after how angry he had been in high school they could never have these moments back. She nodded as he said she needed people. She hugged him tighter and hid her face more. "No one has ever been able to be there for me like you." she told him. "I miss you." she said shaking. She didn't want him to go drink. She wanted him to stay here with her. She wanted them to remind each other of the good and to work through the bad together. She was older now. She had worked through a lot and yet she still needed Leo. He always knew how to catch her when she was running. Sure she knew how to get around that but she didn't want to anymore. She regretted it from high school and wondered what would have happened if she had let him in back then.
    October 15th, 2020 at 07:53am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Leo held to Olivia tight. He felt like if he let go in this moment then she would be gone forever, and he couldn’t lose her again. He felt safe and comforted when he had Olivia in his arms. He smiled softly at her words, pressing a kiss to her head. “I feel the same way.” He admitted and squeezed her tight. “I can’t lose you again,‘Olivia. I lost you once and I’ll be damned if I do it again. He felt everything coming back, all the love and happiness and emotions from when they were kids. Everything was coming back and it was almost overwhelming. “Let’s.. let’s lay down together. Your room?” He said quietly, resting his head atop hers. He just wanted to relax and hold Olivia until they fell asleep. Just like he did when she would visit him as kids. He felt so vulnerable in this moment right now that he knew if she let go and let him go off alone he would be drunk in ten minutes. He didn’t want that rug he now. He wanted the safety feeling of being with her.
    October 15th, 2020 at 08:13am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Olivia nodded silently after a moment. She stepped back and grabbed his hand. She pulled him into her room and looked over him swallowing and looking at the ground. "I need to take off my makeup." she said just needing a moment. She moved into the bathroom and cleaned up switching to sweatpants and a loose shirt her hair pulled back in a braid. She came in and moved over to Leo again pressing her head to his chest. She looked up at him then pulled back and into her bed. She switched off the lights and felt the RV start to move. She looked up at Leo and bit her lip. "Stay." she pleaded because she didn't want his mind wondering away.
    October 15th, 2020 at 08:23am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Also followed Olivia into her room, he undid his button up and took it off, tossing it into the hall. He had a wife beater tee on beneath it. He also took off his slacks. He hoped he wouldn’t be too undressed for Olivia. He stood and waited as she changed. When she came out he couldn’t help but smile. “You could dress like that every day for the rest of the trip and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful thing about the entire trip.” He said. Leo was either completely vulnerable, like he was right now. Or completely closed off. It felt good to be vulnerable for once. When she laid down, Leo laid besides her. His arms Aeros ping around Olivia and pulling her close to his chest. He rested his head against hers. “As long as you want me, I’ll stay right here.” He reassured. Leo took a breath and closed his eyes, one arm wrapped around Olivia holding her, the other gently rubbing her arm. He breathed slowly and quietly, enjoying the closeness of the moment. “I’m here.”
    October 15th, 2020 at 08:28am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella blushed as he complimented her. She looked down tugging her braid. "Leo..." she said softly. When Leo got into the bed and pulled her in she relaxed into him. She listened to his words and she wanted so badly to tell him she always had and always would need him but this was already so much more than her heart could take. Her chest ached at his whispered words. She nodded and held on this arm as his body pressed into her back and his hand rubbed her arm soothingly. She closed her eyes not knowing if she would be able to fall asleep or if she would sleep for days in the comfort of his arms. She bit her lip knowing this was not what she should be doing but she just wanted a night not to worry and to enjoy the innocent love she use to know.
    October 15th, 2020 at 08:46am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Leo wasn’t sure what to think or feel. All he knew was in this moment he felt like he was 12 or 13 again. Like he was a kid with feelings for a friend and they had snuck away to be together again. He closed his eyes and held Olivia close, continuing to rub her arm and trying to soothe the tensions he could feel between them. At least this time the tensions weren’t angry or bitter/ they were just worried and awkward, much easier to deal with. He was good with words in his books, but he had never been good with words to talk about feelings or cheering someone up. So he knew just to stay here and relax. Hope he could help her fall asleep and maybe they could spend the night together once more. Leo could feel himself getting drowsy, but he tried to stay somewhat awake so that if she asked him to leave he could.
    October 15th, 2020 at 05:52pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Bella reached over grabbing his hand still rubbing her arms and pulled it around her as she wiggled so she pressed harder against his back. She closed her eyes and finally felt still. She might have been older but she was smaller than the last time he held her. It was like the years had eaten away at her. She was asleep before she realized it. She rolled over so her face was close to Leo's her mouth slightly open as she slept. She held to Leo not letting go as if she did he would disappear again. She felt the same way he did like he had slipped through her fingers all those years again. Olivia didn't care how much Leo was in her life as long as he was. She needed him. He was the only one that saw her, that cared. Everyone else just thought they did but when she needed them they weren't there.
    October 15th, 2020 at 06:21pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Leo felt Olivia relax and the tension leave here body, which gave him permission to do that same. He listened carefully to her breathing and waited until he was sure she was asleep to fall asleep himself. Once he had, he drifted off into a deep sleep quickly. He don’t move much throughout the night. Occasionally stirring and pulling her closer. When he woke up the next morning, Leo opened his eyes and was surprised at being in bed with Olivia. He bit his lip and then smiled. This was a good thing. Things could be going back to how they used to be. The closeness, the trust, the everything. Maybe they could redo it and fix the ending this time. He carefully pulled Olivia onto his chest and held her tight as he closed his eyes. He would wait until she woke up to move, loving how innocent and sweet Olivia looked as she slept. He didn’t want to disturb that.
    October 15th, 2020 at 07:04pm