The Cursed Prince and His Witch

  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    Harsh sounding cough's escape from Rey as she opens the door to the attic where her grandmother kept things she's collecting. Or as Rey says, hoarding. It's the same thought, that the last thing that Rey said to her grandmother was a joke about how she kept so many old things and couldn't seem to throw anything away. "Oh, Grandma." Rey murmured as she stepped into the attic and looked around the place. It was filthy, cobwebs, and dust everywhere.

    A tired sigh escaped from Rey as she decided to start with the things to the right of the room. A couple of nicnak's were laid on a table. A beautiful crystal necklace, the crystal was this beautiful light purple color and the neck part was a soft feeling leathery rope material. Dusting it off, Rey slipped the necklace on and felt a strange feeling of warmth flow through her. Kind of like a warm hug, it felt comforting. Then, she looked back on the table and used the rag she brought up and started to dust off little things that she found before moving them towards the door where she set a box to carry things downstairs to sort through later.
    After a couple of moments, Rey found a couple of cute figurines from old TV shows, a creepy-looking hourglass that was inside of a skull's mouth, and a beautiful old leather book. "Grandmother, you have some odd tastes." The young girl murmured quietly to herself as she picked up the box that held the old objects and carried them out of the attic.

    Moving towards the living room, Rey placed the first box she brought out on the coffee table. She turned to go back towards the attic to do some more cleaning, but, it felt like something was pulling her. A small hum escaped from Rey's lips as she paused in her movements and slowly turned towards the box. "I guess a small break won't hurt." She mumbled to herself. Even though she just started to clean the attic. Grabbing the old leather-bound book, Rey moved towards the old couch and sat. Pulling her legs up and crossed them, Rey relaxed as she opened the old book. Doing so, caused a small chill to shiver down her spine.

    "Woah." Rey murmured quietly as she gazed down at the old book's wording. "What language is this?" She murmured, tracing one of the sections with her fingers lightly. "Dorma Vera La Vima? I wonder what that means." Rey murmured to herself, not noticing that it caused the plant on the kitchen counter to bloom while causing the banana's on the counter next to it to rot.
    November 9th, 2020 at 12:37pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    As he walked into the coffee shop, Atreyu looked around slowly, his hand slowly rubbing the blade of his dagger that was hidden in his jacket pocket. Although it had been many many years that he had been hunted down, there were still times that the man felt the need for extra caution. Today was one of those days. Atreyu had woken in a cold chill that morning and it had set him off edge. And despite the fact that his dragon form had been taken away from him, the man trusted his instincts wholeheartedly. Something felt wrong. But what was it?

    Atreyu had searched his own apartment and found nothing out of the order. Even as he moved through the building and around the streets where he lived, it was all so normal. The same people with the same problems surrounded him. And, in reality, it seemed nothing but a normal day. Even as he moved through the line, no one around him gave him a strange look or a side eye. They all minded their business, except a few nosy people who allowed their gazes to wander aimlessly. And soon enough, the man was providing the same order and receiving the same coffee.

    Perhaps he was thinking too small. Maybe it was not the people or the places that he was going to. Perhaps... perhaps it was the universe. It was off, trying to give him some kind of warning, or even some kind of sign? As he took his coffee, he headed out of the building and slowly moved down the street to go sit in the park. It was one of the few places he could enjoy nature without driving to some kind of protected forest... In his world the forests did not need to be protected.

    A sigh left the man as he pulled out a notebook from his pocket. It was worn out and well over a few decades old. Atreyu could not even remember the last time that he had looked into it. That was back to a time where he was trying to get back home. Something that he would pick up and stop as time went on. It was too hard to search endlessly, the breaks were needed. And, sometimes, Atreyu had to accept the fact that he needed a generation to die before he could move on. Perhaps it was time. Perhaps the universe was saying that he needed to pick up his mission again.

    Atreyu took a long sip of his drink. Time to find a witch.
    November 10th, 2020 at 11:36pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    After flipping through the book for a couple more minutes, Rey glanced up at the wall clock and frowned. "Shit." She murmured quietly and shoved the book that she had been glancing through into her black messenger bag. Then, she stood up and dusted off her grey skinny jeans before heading towards the front door. Picking up the box of little things she gathered, Rey cast a quick glance around the place before leaving.

    Jogging down the four steps that led down to the sidewalk, Ray pulled her phone out of her messager bag little zipper and checked the time. "I'm going to be in so much trouble," Rey mumbled as she quickened her pace down the street. It was times like these, that she wished she had a car. Yet, just graduating high school and not having the motivation to work during school had squished that dream for Rey pretty fast when she checked the prices for used cars.

    After walking three blocks, Rey turned left and headed down the entryway of the neighborhood park. A small smile gracing her lips as she passed by a couple of elderly couples walking together and watched as some people jogged by as well. Juggling the box in her arm, Rey switched it to the other one and then continued her way. Although, as she neared a bench where a handsome stranger sat, the necklace that Rey put on started to warm on her skin. A small hiss escaped from Rey as she tried to not seem suspicious by checking the guy out. Instead, she placed her focus on her necklace as she grabbed it with her free hand and looked down at it. Nothing was out of the ordinary about it, except it was just warm. Releasing the little crystal, Rey looked up again as she made her way to the other side.

    It took Rey a couple more minutes, but she eventually made it to the herbal remedy shop that she worked part-time. The top of the shop saying 'Earls Natural remedies'. Fishing out the keys from her bag, Rey unlocked the store and walked inside. Flipping on the open sign as she made her way to the back to turn off the alarm for the shop. As the last thing that she really needed today was to have the cops come by and ask if there was a problem. Her boss would not be happy in the least bit if they did. He hated having to do unnecessary paperwork, especially when it didn't have anything to do with the precious store that he'd owned for generations.

    Setting the box with the little trinkets in the back room, Rey went about turning the lights on the store before leaving for the storefront area. A small smile then slowly graced Rey's lips as she moved to the space behind the register and sat down on the little stool that they had back there. Her arms rested on the counter as she waited for people to start slowly trickling in to explore the shop.
    November 11th, 2020 at 05:03am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    There were some notes in his notebook that would assist Atreyu in finding a witch that was now currently alive. Although he needed to find a witch from the line that had cursed him in the first place, finding literally any witch would be the best way to start. A witch could find the witch he needed. With no powers of magic, Atreyu had to rely on others... Now what was the best way to find a witch?

    Atreyu flipped through his notebook with a little hum. There were a lot of notes on how to find a witch and what to do once one was found. Some of it was outdated now, as the world continued to change around him. But there was some information that continued to remain. For example, there were certain careers that witches found themselves in most often. And perhaps he should start off by looking around in some of those areas to see if he could identify a witch.

    With that in mind, the man put the notebook away and pulled out his phone, now looking up some local places that would attract witches.
    Towards the end of the day, Atreyu found himself walking into a little shop called 'Earls Natural Remedies'. So far he had no luck finding any witches. Which was to be expected. They weren't necessarily all over the place. Real magic users were rare and hard to find in this world. The man would not be surprised if it took him a few weeks to find someone that was authentic. Though, he still need to narrow down the search and this was one of the places he needed to check out.

    Atreyu glanced around the shop, looking to see who was in there.
    November 14th, 2020 at 05:21pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    Humming quietly to herself, Rey sat on the ground. A box full of packets next to her. She reached in one at a time, grabbing little packets of dry herbs and then searching for where they go. Mudroot dried moon berries and dried rootbeer. To be honest, Rey had no idea what any of these things do as she actually just started to work here only a couple of weeks ago and Mr.Kino had been slowly teaching her.

    The bell of the door went off, but Rey didn't hear it. She was too focused on restocking the supplies in the back. A small hum escaping from her as she listened to a random song inside of her head. Her focus on her task, organizing, and cleaning the shelf. Barely anyone shopped in the back so it was often the dirtiest place in the store. Then, the necklace that Rey was wearing started to feel warm upon her skin once more. The burn bringing her out of her thoughts and a small hiss escaped from her lips. "Ah, ow." She murmured quietly.

    Reaching down, Rey glanced down at her necklace and then up as the sound of footsteps met her ears. A small blush appearing upon her cheeks as she saw the hot guy from the park, "Uh um." She mumbled quietly and then dropped her necklace as she scrambled to standup on her feet once more. Plastering a small fake smile upon her lips. "Welcome to Earl's Natural Remedies. Can I help you find anything?" She asked, brushing the dust off of her hands as she stood in front of the guy. Doing her best to not seem embarrassed that he had just heard her humming in the back.
    November 15th, 2020 at 03:35am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Once his eyes were on the woman that was working the shop, Atreyu immediately started to have a good feeling about her. Being magic himself, he could typically tell when another person had magic or, at least, had something magical on them. It was one of the few abilities the man was able to keep through the curse. At least it was helpful but still, he wished that the curse never happened in the first place... No need to dwell on such things though, Atreyu had to move forward with how to get it removed.

    "Yes, I do have a few questions, if you don't mind." The man said to her as he pulled out his old notebook and started to flip through the pages. He needed to find the section he had written about how to determine if someone was a witch. After all, Atreyu didn't want to just blurt it out and end up being wrong. A confused, upset human was not something that the man wanted to deal with. "I was sent here to pick up a couple of remedies but they didn't tell me exactly what to pick up. Just what it was for...."

    Once he got to the page that he needed, Atreyu cleared his throat. "Ah yes, here it is. Now, I needed to pick up something for facial acne, a different remedy for headaches and lastly, one for scaring birds away from one's yard." Atreyu looked back up at the woman, waiting for her to say something. First, he needed to find out if she was knowledgeable at all. No point in getting help from a witch who knew nothing.
    November 18th, 2020 at 12:48am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    Watching the man in front of her nervously, unease suddenly befell Rey as she watched him pull out a notebook that looked like it belonged in the museum. It was so old and made of leather, she'd never seen anything like it. Then again, the dude could have made the thing at home or some weird shit. You could find out how to make anything on the internet these days. Hell, the cub scouts and girl scouts often made things for people. His niece, nephew, or kid could have made it for him years ago.

    Then, when the man started to list off remedy's that he needed Rey snapped out of her small daze. Her eyes blinking rapidly for a second as she listened to him. "Three different remedies got it. Do they want premade remedies or something freshly made?" Rey asked, mentally wondering why he couldn't have just gone to Target to get something for headaches, face wash, and a scarecrow. Then again, people believe in natural remedy's and honestly, Rey did as well.

    "Just so that you know, homemade remedies can be very expensive," Rey said as she slowly sidestepped the large guy who had requested her help. "The things, for the migraines are going to be grated dried apple, magnesium and either lavender oil or peppermint. Depending on what you or the person prefers. Personally, I prefer lavender because it also aids in relaxing the body." Rey explained, rambling a little bit. Moving towards the shelves that had medical remedies on it, Rey started to gaze over them. Ready to pick out a premade mass-produced type if the man requested. "For ache of the face, or any kind really. You'd want something with cucumber, zinc, apple cider and water mixture, honey, and tea tree. It's a little more complicated because the skin's a living organism. So it needs more ingredients in it." Rey explained to the man.

    Slowly, Rey turned towards the man as she continued to speak. "As for something to scare off the birds, I don't really know anything that can help remedy wisely," Rey said, her lips moving into a slight frown as she looked up at the man. "Baking soda can help deter birds because they don't like the feel of it on their feet. I also heard that aluminum foil helps because it's reflective and birds don't like it." The whole time that Rey spoke to this stranger, the necklace was warm against her chest. Then, gave a small light flash before going back to just being warm against her when she turned towards the stranger..
    November 18th, 2020 at 03:11pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Atreyu was watching the woman closely as she started to move around the store, collecting the things that were needed for his requests. "Freshly made would be better." The man told her, thinking that if he was able to see her in action, that it would just confirm if she was what he was looking for. In the least, it was clear that this random woman knew what she was talking about. That meant it was likely that she was a witch but any old human could become an expert in something. Witches weren't necessarily always experts. They just had powers that others didn't. Powers that he needed. "It sounds like you have been working here for some time, knowing all of that off the top of your head."

    Before the woman could even respond, he saw the necklace around her neck suddenly flash. Now that was magic. Atreyu closed up his book and put it in his pocket. This woman either was a witch or knew someone who was. There was no doubt about it with a magical item like that. His eyes squint closer at the item for a moment, trying to deduce how powerful it was. Yeah, that was definitely not something that witches would just give away, or sell for some average price. Now that was something special.

    Taking a moment, the dragon relaxed his face before continuing on. "Where did you get that necklace from? It is certainly quite special." His eyes lifted up to meet hers, trying to see if there was any kind of understanding in her eyes from what he was trying to say. Which was that Atreyu knew that necklace was really special, that it was actually magic.
    November 19th, 2020 at 11:56pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    Listening to the man speak, threw Rey through a loop. She wasn't used to people recognizing her talent to memorize all of the different remedies that were in the store's books. Or the fact that her grandmother had been teaching her these things since before she was even able to walk. Sitting her down on her lap and just reading her different remedies and explaining what each and every herb did. What vitamins could heal or cause havoc? She was an amazing teacher and such a kind person.

    "Hm?" Rey mumbled quietly, snapping out of her thoughts. "Where did I get my necklace?" She repeated, wanting to make sure that she had heard the man correctly. Looking down, Rey gently wrapped her fingers around the gem and allowed a small smile to grace her lips. "My grandmother passed it down to me," Rey said as she looked up at the man. "She's also the one who introduced me to natural remedies and taught me everything I know." She said quietly and then looked back towards the ingredients that were on the shelf.

    "I'll get to work on your things," Rey said, wanting to get out of the conversation. It was nice talking about her grandmother, but it was a little too soon for Rey. "They should be done in about ten minutes," Rey said as she started to grab a couple of jars and brought them to the counter so that she could assemble the items together that the stranger requested.
    November 20th, 2020 at 05:21am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    "Ah, of course it is a family heirloom. Well you will certainly want to keep that safe." It was all coming together. Of course a magical item like that would be past down throughout the family. It just made it more likely that this woman in front of him was a witch. After all, magic like that was transferred down from generation to generation. Of course, she might just be a lucky woman who's ancestors were able to get ahold of such a necklace but... well that seemed less likely. Society here didn't seem to fully understand that magic was indeed a real things. Those that thought that were outcast. Atreyu didn't understand how they didn't know.

    "She must have been an amazing teacher." Atreyu responded with as warm as a smile that he could muster. He felt almost positive that this was a witch in front of him. But so quickly, the woman wanted to work on the items that he asked for...which he supposed made sense, after all, it was her job. Though what the man really wanted to do was talk more. Even so, he allowed her to go and make her way to the counter to work on his remedies.

    Deciding to leave her alone for now, Atreyu found a spot in the building where he could lean into the wall and keep an eye on her. He glanced up every so often to see how she was preparing the remedies. As he watched her, he only grew more positive that this woman was who he thought she was. Now, how to bring up that he was a dragon in need of her help? He glanced out of the window, thinking about how to approach the subject.
    November 23rd, 2020 at 01:04am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    Sitting down on the little stool that was behind the counter, Rey set down the ingredients for the two remedies that she was able to make. Then, she got out the small old school mortar and pestle to grind things up to a decent consistency before adding them to the appropriate bottles and adding the oils. Her bright blue eyes were focused down on the task at hand, forgetting that the man she was helping was in the shop.

    After a couple of moments, Rey started to quietly hum to herself before starting to quietly sing. The lyrics really didn't mean anything to Rey as they mostly sounded like gibberish, but. It was something that her grandmother always sang and then taught to Rey. She said that the song was a story about how the earth was becoming a peaceful place once the evil was vanquished from the world. About how unity was able to take hold and heal wounds. It was a beautiful song and the jumbled words sounded beautiful as well. Rey loved listening to her grandmother speak in the old tongue as she'd say. Always telling Rey that one day, she'd learn it as well. Sadly, time was not on their side and things happaned.

    Completing the remedies, Rey wiped her hands on a dry towel that was under the counter and raised her gaze to look for the man. Once she spotted him, Rey did her best to offer him a small smile. "They're done," Rey told the man, it was quiet in the store today so it was easy to talk to someone. Even if they were across the store. "Your total's going to be fifty dollars and eighty-nine cents."
    November 23rd, 2020 at 01:57am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Atreyu could feel his ears tingle as the woman sang her song. There was no doubting that this was a witch. And he wondered if she was testing him now? Perhaps she had figured out what he was trying to do. That all of his words were just leading to what he really wanted. That song seemed to signify to him that it might be the case. After all, why else would she sing it?

    When she told him that it was completed, Atreyu walked up to the counter and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out $60 and handed it over to the woman. "You can keep the rest." Atreyu said as he took the bag of items and held onto it. However, the man did not leave the shop or even the counter like a regular patron. Instead, the dragon took in a deep breath and lifted his eyes up to meet hers. He truly hoped that he was not making some grave mistake by being so bold.

    The man glanced around the store one last time to ensure that they were the only two in there. At which point, Atreyu leaned forward and spoke quietly. He knew that witches weren't always welcomed and he didn't exactly want to out here if there was no need to. "Any chance that a witch like yourself is willing to take a job from a stranger like me?" His eyes shifted up to meet her own, waiting for a response. If she said no, he would ask her if there was someone else that he could go to.
    November 28th, 2020 at 05:59am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    The whole time that Rey watched the man approaching her, she could feel the necklace around her neck getting warm. Almost like it was warning her of the man for some reason. Or, maybe it was attracting her towards him? Ah, that would be totally amazing if it was telling her that this guy was her soulmate or something romantic like that. Later tonight Rey'll definitely need to remember to write in her notebook for fanfic ideas.

    "Oh, thank you," Rey said quietly as she took the money from the man as she entered the amount into the register. Then set the extra cash as a donation for the shop. Rey wasn't sure if she could have kept the few extra bucks, but donating just felt better. Raising her gaze towards the man as she put the cash back into the register, an odd feeling started to swallow up Rey. Her lips twitching a little bit as the man spoke. If this man was trying to flirt, he wasn't doing a good job, then again. She wasn't really much for romance, no one really cared to get to know her anyway. "I'm not a witch, I don't practice Wicca. I'm an atheist." Rey retaliated as she closed the register.

    Crossing her arms, Rey leaned against the counter as she faced the man in front of her. Kinda weirded out by him, but also kinda amused. She's never talked this much to a hot guy before. Nor had a customer talked so much to her. "I'm a retail worker in a herbal remedies shop Sir if you need something here. I can help make it for you if it's in my abilities." Rey said and did her best to offer a polite smile. Then, she sat up straight. Not wanting to seem like she was coming on to the man or anything weird like that.
    November 30th, 2020 at 11:41pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    As the woman told him that she wasn't a witch, Atreyu couldn't help but narrow his eyes at her, analyzing the woman closely. None of this was making sense now. She had a necklace that he knew had magic and the way she worked on the remedies... Well, perhaps she was just a very skilled human. It still didn't feel right to him though. Maybe she was just unaware? Which would be extremely unfortunate. If this woman had no idea about her abilities and no way to learn, then she was be almost completely useless to him.

    Atreyu stepped back away from the counter, thinking that it might be best to just leave for now. He could keep this location in the back of his mind as he kept searching. Maybe come back again and try to insist that he was sure about her line of magic. Or see if this was some kind of test. After all, the woman could just be lying to him? Maybe she didn't want to help him or was afraid of letting others know? It was hard to say at that point. If only he had his own abilities back...

    Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the fact that the necklace came from her grandmother came to his mind. Just because this young woman did not know, did not mean that her grandmother did not? She knew the importance of passing down the necklace, clearly. And Atreyu would be much better off talking to someone more experienced. So he turned back to her. "Then your grandmother must be." Atreyu told her before pointing to the necklace. "That necklace is magic. You said your grandmother gave it to you right? She must know then."
    December 4th, 2020 at 04:33pm
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    This man was really confusing Rey, she had no idea what he was talking about. Mostly. From what Rey knew and could recollect, she wasn't a witch. Maybe a little gifted at making natural remedies, but nothing to really get suspicious of. At least, that Rey thought so. "I don't..." Rey started to say and then stopped herself. Her lips pursing together as she watched the man with a wary look. She'd seen him turn to leave and then come back. Like he was very adamant about something that Rey had no clue about.

    Gulping quietly, Rey slowly brought her arms to her stomach and slowly crossed them. "I wouldn't really know, honestly," Rey said quietly. Her heart speeding up a little bit as the man questioned her about her grandmother. The only person that actually seemed to care about her at times. The one person who she'd go to when something was wrong. "She passed away a couple of weeks ago, so if it was. Is, then I would have no way of knowing or finding out." Rey said quietly as she watched the older man. Her lips pursing together slightly as she started to wonder if she should call the cops or something. Clearly, this man was starting to seem suspicious. Maybe a psychotic break of some sort?

    Magic though, the necklace was warm against her when the stranger was near and cool when he wasn't. Was it trying to tell her something? Like, was this man a witch as well or something? "Are you a witch, er warlock then since you think I am?" She asked, arching a brow and then slowly frowning at the idea. No, that was stupid of her to think or ask. If he was, then he'd not need her to make him some natural remedies. He could have done some sort of voodoo thing and make things by himself. Right? Unless he just sucked at it?

    "Who even are you?" Rey asked, her head tilting to the side ever so slightly as she looked the man up and down. He was big, muscular, definitely someone who she'd not want to mess with. Yet, as she looked at the man, took him in. She could feel her heartbeat raise and her necklace heat up. Something wasn't right about him. A sudden sense of panic started to fill Rey as she talked with the man.
    December 4th, 2020 at 05:40pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    Atreyu's shoulders dropped when the young woman revealed that her grandmother had died. How disappointing. He was beginning to get the impression that this woman wasn't lying to him about knowing. She just truly had no clue that she was a witch. And now, someone who possibly was a greatly experienced witch was dead. So what was the possibility of the girl in front of him being useful... Not a lot, in truth. At least, she wouldn't be unless there was a way for her to learn and Atreyu doubted she had that with the passing of her grandmother. "I am sorry for your loss. Though... I do think that she was. Maybe you should find out."

    He let out a sigh, gripping onto his bag harder for a moment. It seemed that this might be a dead end but he was thinking of checking up on her from time to time. After all, Atreyu had been here for centuries. Waiting for a few more years for her to learn wouldn't be the worse thing. Especially if the young woman was actually willing to help him. Plus, maybe a locator spell for finding her own kind would take even less time to learn?

    "No, I am not a warlock." Atreyu said quickly as he rubbed the back of his neck. The man shifted on his feet before shaking his head when she asked who he was. It was dangerous to tell her if she truly knew nothing. Atreyu didn't want to find himself in trouble. "I am just a man looking for help, that is all." He told her before turning around. "I will leave you be now. Thank you for your assistance."

    As he opened up the door, Atreyu glanced back at her. "I hope to see you again soon. Stay safe, young witch." He hoped that she had some sort of protection. The world was not always kind to magic users. Plus he wanted to warn her that she would see him again before he left. And with that, Atreyu headed out the door.
    December 7th, 2020 at 02:28am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    The rest of the day seemed to go in a blur, what that mad from this morning said kept running through Rey's mind. Witch, he thought I was a witch. He was looking for one. They weren't real though. Rey wrinkled her nose as she thought, moving around the shop and doing her end of the daily duties. The only thing that sucked about working at a not very popular shop was that she often worked twelve-hour shifts alone and they often included barely any customers. After that stranger left, Rey had only met maybe five other people. It was probably safe to assume that the shop would close in a couple more months if it stayed slow for much longer. It was more popular when Rey's grandmother ran the place.

    Turning the key in the door, Rey made sure that the place was locked up before she put the key back into her pocket. A small shiver ran down her spine as a cold chill blew through the area, causing Rey to fold her arms around herself as she tried to keep warm on the walk back to her grandmother's place. It was a little after nine and she wanted to look through her things a little bit more before she headed back to her parent's home for the night. She had the next few days off and if she was able to stay away from this ghost town, then she'd take it. Rey preferred the city over this quiet town. More people, and more to do. The only reason she even came to this place still was because of her grandmother and because it had the only place that'd hire her.

    As Rey walked, she kept a vigilant aura around herself. Walking through the part that took her to her grandmother's house at night always freaked her out. She never knew if she'd bump into a homeless person, someone walking home as well, or a murderer. Each one kinda scared Rey, especially now that she knew she'd be all alone once she reached her grandmother's house.

    About halfway through the park, Rey could feel her necklace starting to feel warm. The same way it did when that stranger came into the shop earlier. Stopping in her tracks, Rey looked around herself, trying to see if that stranger was following her. Except instead, she spotted a pair of white eyes looking back at her from the trees to her right.
    December 7th, 2020 at 03:28am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ FallenHope95

    His day had not been a complete failure. At least Atreyu could say that. Though he definitely could not say that it was a success either. While he was still quite sure that the young woman from the shop was indeed a witch, she was one who did not know it. And her grandmother was dead, unable to teach her anything. Unable to assist him.... If only he had decided to start up his search two months ago. Then he could have met the woman before she died.

    But, in the least, the man had found a witch. And there was a chance that he could use her. It would just take some time to get to that point. Atreyu knew little about witch training but if she decided to believe him, or at least curious about his words than maybe she would discover the truth. Maybe then she could learn and he could use her to get back home. It was a plan that would take some time as well as some luck but it was better than nothing. In the meantime, Atreyu needed to continue checking up on some shops. He could go back to check on her later. See where she was. He didn't want to show up so often that it freaked her out.

    -Two weeks later-

    Atreyu had been searching over the next two weeks for another witch. For one that actually knew what she was and had the knowledge to help him. Though as the search normally went, he kept coming up with dead ends. No other typically places to find witches in the town came up with anything. So he hard started to search the neighboring towns as well. Making sure he visited the common places more than once, at different times at different days to find someone new. But no long. This was normal though. It usually took a long while to find someone with that gift.

    Though Atreyu decided it was time to catch up with his newbie witch. Just to see where she was at, to find out if the young woman would be an option at all. If she discovered the truth and beginning to play around with spells, the she could be his long term goal. Atreyu hid across the street from the shop until he was positive that no other customers were in it. It didn't take long. So when he was confident, Atreyu made his way inside. "Hello."
    December 7th, 2020 at 04:17am
  • FallenHope95

    FallenHope95 (100)

    United States
    @ Sweet.Persephone
    Something was definitely going on. Ever since that stranger came and asked if she was a witch Rey's been seeing things, feeling things. It could be as little as thinking she saw someone in the room and turning to find no one was there. It was starting to creep her out, especially as she started to dream about odd things. Crows cawing in a forest, mist, monsters that she'd only seen in horribly made movies. Those white eyes from a few weeks ago still haunt Rey's mind as well.

    That old book that Rey managed to find that day, held so many interesting things in it. Rey couldn't read most of the book, but she did manage to decipher a few phrases. That turned out to be small-time spells, which was freaky to Rey at first but is now becoming really cool. They were only simple things, like getting something from across the room to come towards her, or to cause the sink to turn on for her, but she was learning. And hopefully, she'll be able to find one that'd help keep these scary feelings away from her.

    It was yet another slow day at the shop and Rey was alone. She had only seen two customers who each just wanted to know what the place was about before leaving. It's been an hour, and Rey was about to go insane with how bored she was. So, sneaking the book she had found at her grandmother's house out, Rey started to glance over it. Barely able to glance over a page before a deep voice caught Rey's attention and her necklace started to warm up.

    Raising her gaze, Rey saw that one man who called her a witch coming into the shop. "Oh, hi," Rey mumbled quietly, a little surprised to see the man so soon. Rey closed the book she was reading and kept it near as she looked at the man. "What brings you in today, sir?"
    December 7th, 2020 at 05:19am