his straying eyes

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

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    "Oh, did you just pull the 'get lucky' card?" Namjoon asked with a laugh, amused. "Alright, I see where your head's at." Not that his head wasn't in the same place, but there was no way he would give Taehyung the satisfaction by bringing that up. Still, he grinned and nodded. "Let's finish eating so we can get ready, then." Humming with the thought, he focused on eating, hopeful to see Camille again.

    Cosette offered an amused look and shook her head. "Yeah, let's go," she decided with a nod as they headed to their room. Grabbing her things once they were inside, she went ahead to get ready. Chewing on her lip, she made sure to check herself in the mirror, though she looked to her sister. "Ready?"
    December 12th, 2020 at 11:10pm
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Taehyung grinned sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders lightly as he finished his meal. “Don’t lie and say it isn’t what you’re thinking of.” Taehyung teased, flashing his room keys. “C’mon, today too much of a good day to waste.” He winked, leading the way after saying thank you to the chef, thankful their stay was all inclusive.

    Camille grinned. “Look at you!” Camille spun her sister around. “We were born ready,” she winked, letting her sandy blonde hair down from its ponytail to splay over her shoulders. Grabbing a towel, Camille hummed as she slipped on her white cover up. “Let’s go.”
    December 12th, 2020 at 11:13pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Namjoon laughed and shook his head. "At least I know how to keep it all to myself," he teased lightly, grinning with amusement, though he shifted to stand up once he was done eating. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he grinned and followed Taehyung back to their room, eager to see what else the club had to offer, but more so eager to try to see Camille again.

    Cosette grinned slightly and nodded. "It'll be great," she murmured, breathing out quietly. And, she checked herself one more time in the mirror, her cheeks warming with the thought of being outside like this, but she swallowed her nerves and smiled. "Yeah, let's go." She moved to link her arm with her sister's, grabbing her own towel before heading out.
    December 12th, 2020 at 11:18pm
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Taehyung waited for Namjoon as he threw his towel over his shoulder, looking through his bag for a book to read at the poolside, the others having already gone. “Are you ready, man?” Taehyung asked, thoughts of Cosette still occupying his mind in the best way. Deciding on a book, Taehyung hummed to himself in approval, tucking it under his arm. “I’ve got something to read, so I’m set.”

    Camille saw her sister’s anxieties and smiled. “You look beautiful, Cos.” Camille promised, leading them outside and deciding on a set of chairs. Throwing her towel down, spread out on the chair for maximum comfort, Camille looked to the water, jumping in without hesitation and splashing her sister happily, laughing all the while. “It’s so warm!”
    December 12th, 2020 at 11:23pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Namjoon had gone ahead to change into a pair of swim trunks and had texted the others to let them know their plans, inviting them along. Grabbing his towel, he grinned to Taehyung and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready, let's get going," he said as he led the way, though he snorted with amusement. "Seriously, a book? I can't wait to splash water on it." He smirked playfully but headed to the pool.

    "So do you," Cosette promised Camille, smiling slightly as she followed Camille outside. She set her towel down, and set her phone on a table, though she gave a noise of surprise when Camille splashed her, quickly putting her arms up to protect herself. "Cami!" she complained with a laugh, though she made a face at her sister.
    December 12th, 2020 at 11:27pm
  • in bloom.

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    Taehyung followed Namjoon, rolling his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare splash my books, I’ll destroy your experiments.” Taehyung warned playfully. “God, you’re so annoying. I hope you drown.” Taehyung laughed, enjoying the sunshine as he entered the pool area, his gaze instantly drawn to Cosette, as if his heart was searching for her. “Hey, Joon. Look who’s here.” He said quietly, laying out his towel to lay on, his gaze drifting to Cosette once more, taking in her beauty easily.

    Camille giggled with her sister’s reaction, resting her head in her arms, folded happily at the edge of the pool, kicking her legs gently to stay afloat. “Will you be coming in at all, or are audiobooks still all the rage?” Camille asked genuinely, tucking a strand of damp hair behind her ear. “I gotta admit, the one you recommended me was great.”
    December 12th, 2020 at 11:32pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Namjoon grinned. "You underestimate me," he said easily in response, though he blinked when he heard Taehyung's words. He followed his gaze, his attention easily being caught by Camille, and he grinned slightly to himself, admiring Camille for a long time, unable to help it. "Well, looks like I'm going for a swim," he said before smirking to Taehyung, "Maybe I should cannonball for the ultimate splash, hm?"

    "I am just fine, right here, until I get the urge to swim," Cosette said with amusement, making a face at her sister as she moved to sit down on her chair. "Of course the one I recommended was great, I'm good at picking out stuff worth reading." She grinned broadly and shrugged. "I'll probably try to finish a few chapters before I come into the water."
    December 12th, 2020 at 11:38pm
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully, protecting his book with his arms, holding it to his chest as if it were though a baby. “If you get this book wet, I’ll kill you.” Taehyung threatened with a deadpan expression, although clearly joking, given away by the mischievous glint in his eyes. “Of course you’d grab all the attention away.” Taehyung teased. “Try not to get my book wet while you’re at it, lover boy.” Taehyung’s gaze drifted back to Cosette easily, and he was certain he could hear her talking about reading - of course she would be the type to read, beautiful people had beautiful minds, and she was no exception. Figuring out how he should say hello, Taehyung decided to play his cards patiently, deciding that asking her for a book recommendation would be the perfect way.

    Camille smiled softly at her sister. “Okay, your loss. By the way,” Camille grinned. “Look across the pool.” She murmured, wading in the water around her, warm and content. Ensuring that Cosette was happy, Camille tied her hair up to swim, pretending not to see Namjoon.
    December 12th, 2020 at 11:44pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "The whole point of the cannonball is to get your book wet," Namjoon said easily, smirking, though he knew there was more than that. He wanted to show Camille he was there, he wanted her attention without actually seeming like he was trying to get it. "Have fun staying here and being boring." Smirking, he shrugged and moved to go to the pool, quickly jumping in with a cannonball, though when he resurfaced, his eyes automatically searched for Camille.

    "What?" Cosette asked, blinking, though she looked around. It only took her a moment to find Taehyung, though, and her cheeks warmed with the sight of him. Quickly, she looked towards Camille, though her sister was swimming, and she chewed on her lip, trying to distract her mind from Taehyung as she leaned back to read. She found it impossible to focus, though, finding that Taehyung was occupying her mind in ways she couldn't fight.
    December 12th, 2020 at 11:54pm
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Taehyung knew, quite simply, that Cosette was far too mesmerising for him to pull his thoughts or gaze away from. Standing to his feet, Taehyung stretched slightly, making his way to Cosette. “Hey,” Taehyung greeted calmly, not showing off like Namjoon. “So that loser abandoned me to swim, and you’re the only one here with a good book... have you read it before?” Taehyung asked with a smile. “The plot twist will have you speechless.” He laughed, sitting in the free seat on the other side of Cosette, away from her sister’s things. “So I guess I’m asking... can I read with you?” He held up his own book then, studying Cosette with adoring eyes.

    Camille gasped as Namjoon’s cannonball got her soaking wet, and as he resurfaced, she snuck up behind him, dunking him back in with a laugh. “Payback!” She exclaimed, pushing her damp hair from her face as she waited for the man to come back up from the depths, trying to pull her thoughts away from how damn good Namjoon looked - Camille didn’t care if she was flirting, or too outward, because she wasn’t in school and damn it, she was eighteen and deserved to have a little fun. Biting her lip, Camille waded happily.
    December 13th, 2020 at 12:00am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cosette blinked with surprise, looking over to Taehyung when she heard his voice, though her heart swelled at the sight of him. She tried to focus on what he was saying, but chewed on her lip and smiled slightly, shaking her head. "I haven't read it before," she admitted as she watched him, though she shifted to face him a bit more, unable to help it. "But, yeah, you can read with me. I'd like that."

    Namjoon gave a noise of surprise when he was forced underwater, and he came back up, coughing, but he laughed, looking towards Camille, grinning broadly as he watched her, unable to help it. "Well, look who it is," he teased lightly, trying to reign himself in, but finding it nearly impossible to do so. "Fancy seeing you here. Were you just trying to drown me?" He smirked playfully, arching an amused brow.
    December 13th, 2020 at 12:11am
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Taehyung almost let a groan of need escape him when he saw Cosette chew on her lip, the sight so attractive that it almost physically hurt. Hearing her say she hadn’t read the book before was enough to bring Taehyung back to his senses, and he smiled. “You’re in for a treat.” Taehyung grinned, shifting so he could face Cosette a little more, get a better view of the beauty. “Thank you.” Taehyung smiled softly, but he was certain now that being this close to Cosette would make reading difficult, because she seemed to steal his heart and mind easily - not that he minded. “I gotta say, this book,” he held up his own. “Isn’t very gripping. I’m hoping it gets better. I’ve got a few more upstairs, I needed a selection, you know?”

    Camille laughed as Namjoon resurfaced, tucking a strand of wet hair behind her ear, studying him carefully. “Fancy seeing you here, you mean.” She teased, moving a little closer. “As to answer your question, you drowned me first with your cannonball, so appropriate action had to be taken.” Camille giggled - and god, he looked ethereal like this, wet and illuminated by the sunshine. “A good start to your week, huh?” Camille grinned, leaning against the side of the pool, watching Namjoon closely.
    December 13th, 2020 at 12:17am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cosette smiled slightly with the mention of it, though she nodded slightly. "I've got a bunch of books in my room, too," she said, "Though, when I'm down here, I usually just read what's on my phone. I'd rather my phone get wet than my books." She made a face. Still, she smiled to herself as she watched Taehyung, letting herself enjoy the sight of him while she could. "If you don't like that book, why not grab a different one?"

    Namjoon couldn't help but grin at how close Camille was, enjoying having her so close, and it took every bit of willpower he had to not reach out and hold her. "I sincerely apologize for the cannonball," he said easily in response, smiling as he watched her, enjoying the sight of her, her hair sticking to her face, and her eyes bright and inviting. "Yeah, it was definitely a good start to my week here. The best, even, in my opinion."
    December 13th, 2020 at 12:24am
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Taehyung grinned, nodding in agreement. “A phone can dry pretty easily in rice, too.” Taehyung pointed out with a grin. “Namjoon threatened to get my book wet so if he does, you and I can hunt him for sport on the golf course later.” Taehyung joked, mentally facepalming because oh god, what if Cosette didn’t find him funny? Hearing Cosette’s question, getting lost in the sweet sound of her voice, Taehyung smiled softly. “I really don’t wanna go back upstairs.” He laughed, cheeks turning pink at his own confession. “I just don’t want to move.” And it was true. He was comfortable, and he didn’t want to leave Cosette’s side. Biting his lip, Taehyung cleared his throat. “Are you enjoying what you’re reading, though?” he asked, reaching over to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “You had a uh, a little something there...” he smiled shyly this time. “Would you be willing to borrow me a book?”

    Camille grinned. “I sincerely accept your sincere apology.” She teased. “I hope your week is just as good as today.” Camille winked, wondering just how far she could push Namjoon without either of them breaking through unspoken boundaries, because he looked so inviting, so warm and so incredibly handsome that Camille didn’t want anyone else to have him - a crush on your teacher was normal, right? Biting her lip with the thought, Camille kicked some water at Namjoon with a grin. “No more cannonballs for you.” She teased. “I’m wet enough.”
    December 13th, 2020 at 12:31am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cosette offered an amused look with the mention of it, laughing a little. "That sounds like fun," she decided with a small grin. And, as Taehyung continued to speak, she listened intently to what he was saying, but she was mostly just... Lost in the sound of his voice. "I don't blame you." And, admittedly, she didn't want to move, either. Shifting a bit, she watched him but nodded slightly. "I am enjoying it." Almost as soon as the words left her lips, she felt her cheeks warm with Taehyung's actions, and she found herself struggling a bit to form words, watching him, and she cleared her throat, nodding. "S-Sure, I can do that."

    Namjoon grinned. "Good, I'm glad to hear it. I'll make sure to do my best not to do anything that requires further apology," he teased lightly, though his eyes drank her in, loving the sight of her, loving being this close to her, and admittedly wanting to be closer. But, he knew better, he knew he couldn't dare. Clearing his throat, he laughed. "Oh? Are you gonna stop me from doing more cannonballs? I wonder how you'd be capable of doing that." He grinned playfully, though as he registered her later words, he paused with surprise, staring at her, trying not to let his mind wander, but dammit, her words sent thoughts through his head that he really shouldn't have.
    December 13th, 2020 at 01:24am
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Taehyung grinned as Cosette laugh, the sound like music to his ears - she was the most incredible thing Taehyung had ever had the honour of experiencing in his life. Watching as she shifted, Taehyung took the moment to just study Cosette, really take in the small things he might of missed before, the flecks of colour in her eyes, the shape of her Cupid’s bow... biting his lip, Taehyung smiled. “Well, lead the way to wherever you keep your books.” Taehyung grinned. “I promise I’ll keep it safe - I’ll even let you choose one for me.” Taehyung smiled, standing to his feet and leaving the book he did have on his chair, offering his hand to Cosette to help her up, certain that the feeling of her skin against his would make Taehyung the happiest man alive.

    Camille laughed, her eyes lit up with Namjoon’s jokes. “Good, you better behave yourself.” She teased, her hair finally drying in the sun. “Hey, technically, I can ban you from doing cannonballs, so nice try, Kim.” Camille pointed out, sticking her tongue out at him with a laugh, but she paused as he did, and she smirked, knowing he caught her double meaning. Stretching out, Camille looked around for her lilo while she left Namjoon to contemplate her words.
    December 13th, 2020 at 01:40am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cosette blinked up at Taehyung, though she shifted to place her hand in his, pulling herself up carefully, though she tried not to blush at the way she felt electricity course through her when their skin made contact. Nodding slightly, she shifted, dropping her hand back to her side. "Sure, come on," she said, offering a smile up at him before she shifted, turning to lead the way to her room.

    "Oh, I never behave myself," Namjoon said easily, grinning slightly as he watched Camille, though he knew that wasn't quite true. After all, he was behaving as well as he could at the moment, despite that everything Camille was saying and doing was causing thoughts and ideas swirl in his mind and convincing him that he wasn't the only one who felt something was there. "You wouldn't really band me, would you?" He grinned, swallowing when he saw her stick her tongue out at him.
    December 13th, 2020 at 01:46am
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    Taehyung’s suspicions were correct, because the moment he felt Cosette’s hand within his own, he felt a surge of happiness rush through his entire existence, something he’d never experience before, something he was certain he’d never experience again - and yet the moment was over far too soon, because the moment Cosette let go of his hand, Taehyung felt as though the only person in the world who truly understood him had left his side. Following closely, Taehyung admired Cosette, her swimwear, her hair, her natural beauty, the way she glowed in the most ethereal way. “So, you have quite the collection of books?” Taehyung asked, walking beside her calmly.

    Camille threw her lilo into the pool, looking at Namjoon as she slid back into the water gracefully. “Hmm, nah. I’d never ban you.” Camille smiled sweetly, getting onto her lilo to relax and let her favourite bikini dry, wondering if she should make the next move or let Namjoon make one, because the chemistry between them was something that was definitely becoming more apparent, and Camille was certain that he was understanding her little hints.
    December 13th, 2020 at 01:53am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cosette smiled to herself as she led the way to her room, listening quietly, and she nodded. "I do," she confirmed quietly, "I spend most of the money I make here on books." She shrugged slightly, figuring there wasn't a point in hiding it. For a moment, she peered over at him, admiring him as discreetly as she could. But, as they arrived to her room, she tore her gaze away and moved to open the door, leading the way in only then realizing that they'd be alone, and she tried not to blush with the thought. "Um, the books are over there," she said, pointing to the bookcases she had, "You can borrow whatever you want."

    Namjoon grinned slightly as he watched her, though while she'd been getting her lilo, he couldn't help but admire her from behind, enjoying the sight of her, the way she walked, moved, the way her very presence just seemed to cause him to be completely speechless. "Good," he decided when she came back, taking her in, and he grinned to himself. "I'd hate to be banned, especially when our week is only just now getting started." And, he wanted to see what came from this week, what would happen, whether they'd get closer or not. As he watched her, he shifted closer, resting his arms on the lilo as he pushed her around on it a bit.
    December 13th, 2020 at 02:00am
  • in bloom.

    in bloom. (100)

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    United Kingdom
    Taehyung smiled softly as he listened to Cosette’s words, committing the sound of her voice to memory, because he was certain this week would be one to remember, and damn it, he didn’t want to lose a single moment. Tucking an ebony curl behind his ear, a nervous tick around the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, Taehyung followed Cosette into her room, amazed at just how her it was. The environment was inviting and the smell of her perfume lingered in the air as a sweet undertone that Taehyung could drown in happily. “Your room is so cozy,” Taehyung complimented, his hands in the pockets of his black swim trunks as he made his way over to the book shelf, taking in the wide selection. “Any personal recommendations?” Taehyung asked, now suddenly aware that he was alone with Cosette, his heart rate increasing in his chest at the thought - but he was now in no rush to grab a book, just wanting to spend time with her.

    Camille tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she relaxed on her lilo, turning on her side to face Namjoon, resting her head in her hand as her other hand went to push his hair from his face, just so she could admire the handsome man that little bit more. “Are you comfy there? I think this thing can fit two, if you’re careful.” Camille grinned, shifting her hand from his hair to draw patterns in the skin of his toned, tanned arms. “Just don’t try to drown me as revenge for earlier.” She smirked.
    December 13th, 2020 at 01:35pm