Backstory and Unknown Facts

  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    Originally, If Music Be the Food of Love was going to be an actual, complete story. I had everything set up; it was going to be about a woman who teaches at a school and blahblahblah...

    It's now just a collection of songfic oneshots. :shifty
    September 1st, 2007 at 11:43am
  • the optimist.

    the optimist. (100)

    United States
    I Can't See What You See, When I Look At The World was originally intended to be a one shot in the third person point of view, describing Bono and Grace's discovery of one another and how they changed each other's lives in as little words as possible, anonymously.

    Grace, from I Can't See What You See, When I Look At The World, isn't actually weak or a coward at all. Nor is she helpless. She is quite well independent, she just tends to approach things the wrong way and has a hard time fixing them, usually resulting in her getting into sticky situations.

    In It's Everything I Wish I Didn't Know - the sequel to the story above, I was going to leave Bono and Grace as married, but childless because I felt making them have a child would be too cliché. When writing down the notes and plots, I later decided to make them have a son that the story would soon pick up on and develop around.

    In Running To Stand Still, I was actually going to name and physically describe the girl featured in it, but I chose to leave her anonymous, to let the readers use their imaginations.

    Tear Yourself In Two Again is loosely based off a strange dream I had about U2's bassist.

    Alexandra from Tear Yourself In Two Again was originally only going to be in one chapter that was intended to be a rundown of how Adam met her, dated her and lost her. She was also to be anonymous. Instead, she was named and has a large role in the story.

    In all of my U2 stories, Adam Clayton never calls Bono by that name. He always calls him Paul.
    September 8th, 2007 at 04:19pm
  • Bastard Son.

    Bastard Son. (200)

    Riley from It's Not A Mistake... is loosely based off myself. I have the habit of working myself into the story through little, "meaningless" characters so I could imagine myself in all the situations I create. Riley is based off my irratic fear of failure and late best friend who led me to the point of nearly becoming like her. The effect she has on Gerard's life is the milestone in the story. She's introduced through chaotic flashbacks, and the guilt he feels over her death actually sreves him as his conscience.

    Also, throughout the entire story, I write of Gerard and Gee as two different people. That's the way Frank thinks of him. Gee is the essence of Gerard, while Gerard is simply a shell, completely ridden of emotion and love for Frank, led only by his wish to forget everything. he makes Gee turn back to vice.

    The beginning of Just Hold Your Breath... is completely based off The White Oleander, one of my favorite movies.

    Detention Boy was inspired by a piece of gum.
    September 8th, 2007 at 07:25pm
  • likely lads

    likely lads (100)

    United States
    Morals Matter - Was going to be a oneshot about Pete and Patrick from Andy's point of view. But I didn't like that idea all too much.

    Believing Ain't Seein' - I contemplated making Gerard Way into Leo Romano and Frank into random girl. The story itself was made after watching one two many gangster movies after going home from MGM studios.

    The Glass Depression - Cider was originally intended to be a girl and Nick's girlfriend. But then I decided that it would be better off with the plan I had for the two boys right after...
    September 8th, 2007 at 08:25pm
  • Mr. Fahrenheit

    Mr. Fahrenheit (100)

    United States
    In Point Me Towards Tomorrow, Estelle's mother's house is my old best friend Savannah's house, and her father's is my other old best friend Miranda's house.

    In a Green Day fanfic I found while going through old notebooks that will never ever be posted, Billie's house is Miranda's house downstairs and a guy my dad used to work for's house upstairs. Tre's house was my cousin's house downstairs and Miranda's house upstairs. Mike's house was Savannah's house.

    In Elegie, the woman from the music's house was this guy my sister used to babysit's house.

    In Sonny, Sonny and the narrator's house, farm, and property was all a gardening camp I went to for eight years.

    In a new story I'm working on, the narrator's house (which is only mentioned in the first chapter) is probably gonna end up as Savannah's house or as my cousin's house. The narrator has had five different names, two of which were only changed because I didn't feel like adding a pronounciation guide, which I might anyway. The two languages featured in it were originally going to be Russian and Italian, but I decided on French and Gaelic because they both evolved from Old French.
    September 8th, 2007 at 09:20pm
  • likely lads

    likely lads (100)

    United States
    It's Hard to Say "I Do" When I Don't - would be nonfiction if I decided to use the real characters instead of Pete and Patrick.
    September 10th, 2007 at 01:30am
  • The Master

    The Master (15)

    United Kingdom
    Salt In The Snow - I took the story name from a book I read in class years ago.

    What's In A Name? - I had to look on Wikipedia for some stuff that happened in 1984.
    The 'storm' was just the TARDIS materialising in his room.

    Murder Weather - One of my favourite 'Joe Nobody names' appears again. Charlie.

    Parallel Worlds - I used mainly Greek and Roman names for the celestial bodies. (Fortuna, Diana, Helios etc).
    I used beige as the 'evil' colour because I was bored of black.
    Maleficus Animosita is Latin for Bad Spirit.
    It's probably one of the only stories on here to have Marshall Mathers (or Eminem) as a main character.

    Easy Peasy Dolly Dimple Super Simple The title was an extension to the phrase 'Easy Peasy, Simple Pimple' that is said by Charlie Enright in Jaqueline Wilson's "The Lottie Project".

    Ghosts Never Sleep: The Diary of Alice Barrows. The original idea for this story actually came to me over four years ago. The original story was going to be about this girl in the 90's who found a diary from a girl in the Victorian times. She would have been haunted by her ghost and it would drive her mad, causing her to jump off a huge tree. The original 'ghost' was going to be a servant girl who got pregnant when she slept with the stable boy.

    With His Lips Only - The title is an alteration of the poem by Robert Graves. Link to poem

    Doomsday - It was based nearly entirely on fact, on myself, except the ending.
    I always use the name Liddy when referring to my sister, Lauren.
    It was partially inspired by the track 'Doomsday', which can be heard on the story.

    Recovery - The title was taken from a harrowing drama I had seen with David Tennant.

    Somewhere Only We Know - Was going to be a femmeslash with a human girl and a mermaid. Dunno what happened.

    Greenwood;Redfern - I got the Redfern part from Joan Redfern, a character in Doctor Who and my own name Joan Greenwood and since red and green are totally opposite on the colour wheel, I thought it would be intelligent.
    I got the idea from a psychology textbook.
    September 11th, 2007 at 12:44am
  • Tre the Cool.

    Tre the Cool. (100)

    Katie in I Know I Shouldn't is actually the same character as Katie in Billie's Secret and A Loss and a Gain.

    Nikki in Your First True Love Never Really Goes Away is actually me. The relationship between Nikki and Briar is actually the relationship between me and my now ex boyfriend, Briar.

    Everything in that story is true.
    September 11th, 2007 at 10:41am
  • Tre the Cool.

    Tre the Cool. (100)

    For A Loss and a Gain, Ellie was supposed to break up with Jamie because of her soccer scholarship, not because he went out drinking and forgot about her birthday. He wasn't even going to do that...

    But then I got the other idea, so I used it...

    Billie's Secret was actually supposed to have the plotline that I Know I Shouldn't. Except, there wouldn't have been any incest...
    September 11th, 2007 at 10:46am
  • Fueled By Dana

    Fueled By Dana (100)

    United States
    Will in The Sun Will Shine On Us For All Time has no family history in the beginning but you'll find out what happened to him. He turns evil in the last chapter.
    September 12th, 2007 at 09:26am
  • kara

    kara (100)

    United States
    For Love, I was supposed to end that story like a month ago. :file:
    I couldn't bring myself to do it.

    That HORRIBLE story of mine, When the rain falls down, was actually made at three in the morning. I was bored. Didn't expect it to go out that long. And didn't even know what I wanted for that story. It was so unplanned it's not even funny.
    September 12th, 2007 at 09:31am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Seven words to break a heart has a lot of reposted journal entries . . .

    It's also had it's name changed three times.
    September 12th, 2007 at 01:36pm
  • Mike Dirnt.

    Mike Dirnt. (100)

    United States
    In Fallen, when I was thinking of it in terms of Green Day, I actually imagined it as Billie being the big-macho-rich guy who sweeps Isis off her feet and then gets killed.

    I didn't have the heart to kill Billie (haha get it?). Sorry Tre.
    September 12th, 2007 at 09:36pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    The last line of Snapshot. was originally Because that's what life does.

    But I hated it.
    September 22nd, 2007 at 12:32pm
  • john 5.

    john 5. (100)

    United States
    In Maybe I Should Hate You For This, Frank and Gerard were romantically involved before Frank turned into a vampire. Frank was turned first. Gerard was turned by Adam. Claire is closely based on me, but was originally based on Eliza Cuts. Then all the drama happened and she turned out a little more like me.
    October 9th, 2007 at 05:42am
  • Spaztastic

    Spaztastic (640)

    United States
    In The Blackest Years, Erik is ADHD. Devon is closely based on my own brother and how he use to act a few years ago. Also, back on INO I posted a story called Chaos and Chaos At Warped Tour. Those two stories are connected to The Blackest Years through a character that will be appearing soon.

    Leslie, the main character in The World Set On Fire, was originally going to be a guy. I changed it because I wanted the character to break more boundaries for beating a guy in soccer try-outs.

    Abandoned was inspired by a Stephen King short story.
    October 9th, 2007 at 06:30am
  • oxford comma.

    oxford comma. (200)

    United States
    In Burn Me Hardcore CDs Mr. Ryan is modeled appearance and teaching method wise after my former math teacher, Mr. Sanders.
    The Clay I have in my head looks exactly like a Clay I knew last year.
    The briefly menitioned charcter, Callum's name comes from Lindsay Lohan's ex.

    The title for I Do Believe That Was a Spider came from an MSN conversation where my co-author mentioned she had just seen a spider.

    {All of the below are under "Shot Collection."}

    For Time was originally titled "Air of Smith."
    I was going to make it longer with a beginning and an end, but I couldn't do it in a way I liked, so I left it as is.
    It was also supposed to be romantic.
    The "We" Patrick keeps referring to is himself and his cousin, who has died.
    Peter flew in that day after four days of them being apart to be with Patrick after the funeral.
    What Patrick meant is that he's missed out and he's come to realize that no matter what, he will always miss out on something.

    In Kisses, what Patrick says to Peter after the last line is, "Because you're a makeout slut."
    Peter was going to punch Patrick, but realizes it's true before he does so.

    What Peter says about Patrick's hearbeat lullabying him to sleep in Words was originally the first line of "For Time."

    In Chapstick the chapstick Peter is out of is Tropical Skittles Strawberry Starfruit.
    November 2nd, 2007 at 12:33pm
  • akasagarbha

    akasagarbha (100)

    United States
    Silent Boy was inspired by my looking out the window during first period one day, and seeing it drizzle. Gerard was originally going to have a fascination with rain, along with his inability to speak, but I trashed that.

    "I Missed You." was originally going to be written to Savin' Me by Nickelback, but I decided to use Far Away because the lyrics were more fitting.
    November 14th, 2007 at 10:29am
  • Bastard Son.

    Bastard Son. (200)

    In The Scream Team Matt and Gerard have this weird relationship. They're supposed to be best friends, but the lines are always kinda blurry with them. Nothing will ever happen, but their feelings will fuel a lot of bad shit.

    In Oh! Emetophobia! one of the characters in a conscienceless manipulating prick. You won't find out who till the end.
    November 14th, 2007 at 04:26pm
  • vanete.

    vanete. (350)

    United States
    In Autobiography, The whole first chapter and part of the second (which isn't up) talks about the beginning of his birthday, which actually is sort of relevant but not really. The only relevance it really holds is the fact that he got Turned on his birthday, but I kind of drew it out far more than I probably should have.
    November 15th, 2007 at 04:20am