Backstory and Unknown Facts

  • Off Limits is an add on to Walls.
    March 31st, 2008 at 01:24am
  • In I'm Sorry, Joey., Billie Joe has nervous breakdowns on a regular basis.
    April 3rd, 2008 at 05:37am
  • In Clinical, I never decided who the father was.
    April 3rd, 2008 at 07:07am
  • In Do Not Turn Out Like Me, it's based on Snitches and Talkers Get Stiches and Walkers.

    And in the story Spill My Heart, it's actually a series of SI oneshots, and was just going to be a oneshot.

    History of Former Lovers is based off my creepy-ass theories.
    April 3rd, 2008 at 07:12am
  • Tomorrow The Sun Rises Higher Is pretty much me.
    April 3rd, 2008 at 07:30am
  • I give most of my female leads the confidence I wish I had.
    That's why my stories don't usually have the whole typical emo kid thing going on.
    April 3rd, 2008 at 07:36am
  • The Blood on the Kitchen Floor started in first person, but I accidentally moved to second person in the third paragraph, so I changed it.
    April 4th, 2008 at 11:05pm
  • Back when Dear God, I Think I Killed the Sweetest Flower was a fan-fiction it was supposed to be a really cliche story. In chapter two it was supposed to make it quite evident that Frank and Gerard [Now, Justin and Jared respectively] hated each other. But as the story progressed, it would show they liked each other. No one was supposed to die. Then somewhere during the second chapter I realized I lost control of what I was writing, and it turned into what it is now- it had the largest body count of my stories until Nanashi came around.

    Nanashi was inspired, literally, by this summary from someone elses story: Gerard Way gets put in a boarding school.. I didn't even bother to read the story, I immediatly wrote the first chapter and never looked back.

    The Meaning Of Love is a spin off to Robin and Reno's story in Cherry Soda Boy. It is supposed to be the poem that Robin was writing during physics when Reno showed up, after their breakup.
    April 5th, 2008 at 02:03am
  • The song lyrics in the layout for Brown Eyes are from the song "Brown Eyes" by Kirby Heyborne.

    In Call Me When the Fireworks Display, the line:
    "Listen, this is pretty much a formality, since my gaydar is basically foolproof, but you are gay, right?"
    is borrowed from the Newsies fanfiction Exact Change.
    April 12th, 2008 at 04:08am
  • In Half Wit, my Green Day story, Emelie got her hair in dreads at the age of 14, after long complaining that she couldn't find a good hairstyle that really fitted her round face and personality, it was then that her mother suggested to put a part of her hair in dreads (in a somewhat lighter colour than her natural hair colour) but leave some of it still loose so that could lay over her shoulders when the dreads are pinned up.
    April 12th, 2008 at 04:09pm
  • In Bleeding, Just For The Attention I originally had Elise's brother and the band's bassist have the same name, Shane. Not entirely sure why.
    And even though her brother's name is now Steve, I still get them mixed up.

    I decided the power would go out during chapter 5 so that I could use the line
    “I used echolocation. Like a bat!” After I learned about echolocation in a science class.
    April 13th, 2008 at 02:34pm
  • So This Is It, This Is The Silence originally started off as third person but then changed to first.

    Also, William purges in the middle of the night when he thinks she's asleep. I never actually put that in there but he does.
    April 13th, 2008 at 02:43pm
  • This was the original banner for To the Bones.
    I think you can see why I redid it.
    April 14th, 2008 at 08:16am
  • I had a completely different chapter for the second part of To the Bones.


    Ryan was standing in front of the mirror on Brendon’s door pinching the skin on his stomach he considered to be fat. His boyfriend was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, ignoring it. “My mom still wants you to come to church with us. She thinks it’ll be good for you.”

    “I let you talk me into Thanksgiving dinner. There’s no way I’m going to church, too. I’m going back to campus Sunday morning.” The boy turned and crossed his arms. “You used to call me beautiful.”

    Brendon sat up quickly, looking straight into his boyfriend’s eyes. “And?”

    “You stopped.” He didn’t seem upset by this, more interested. Doubtless he was hoping Brendon would say he was fat so he would be validated in his fasting and purging.

    Brendon signed and turned, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “Come here.” He held out his hands and Ryan took them, unsmiling. “If I hug you too tightly, your ribs will crack.”

    “So I’m not beautiful.”

    There was another sigh and Brendon stood, lightly kissing Ryan on the cheek. “You’re always beautiful to me. I just wish you didn’t care so much about what you eat.”

    There were footsteps in the hallway and the boys dropped hands, turning as the door opened. Brendon’s sister, Kara, stood in the doorway. “Mom says to wash up for supper.”

    “Learn to knock!” Brendon yelled as the door shut.

    Ryan winced, bring his hands up to cover his ears. “Ow.” he said pointedly, glaring slightly at his boyfriend.

    Brendon gave a small smile and kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t cause a scene at dinner, okay?”

    “I don’t cause scenes.” the older boy said dryly. “You do.”

    Dinner was . . . shockingly normal. To the eye. Brendon, however, knew the amount Ryan was eating was far from normal and that his boyfriend would be pinching his ‘fat’ long into the night. He was naïve enough to assume it would stay in Ryan’s stomach.

    Brendon’s mother wasn’t. Catherine Urie pulled her son aside in the kitchen to ask him about Ryan’s lack of figure. “Brendon, that boy is too skinny.” she said in a low voice, grabbing her youngest child’s arm.

    “He’s always been skinny, Mom.” the boy said. It wasn’t a lie really. Ryan had always been skinny. He just hadn’t always resembled a skeleton.

    “Not like that, he hasn’t.” the woman said, shaking her finger. “You were worried, remember.”

    Brendon sighed, not liking where the conversation was going, trying to pull away from his mother. “He’s stressed. He’s just worrying about college.”

    “Talk to him.” the woman said quickly as her son turned to leave.

    Brendon was already out the door when he turned back. “I already did.”

    Ryan only spent about ten minutes scrutinizing his reflection in Brendon’s mirror. “Your mom’s weird.” he said, pinching at the skin on his arms.

    “’Cause she kept putting food on your plate?” Brendon was staring at the ceiling, trying to flick his eyes to his boyfriend’s reflection. “Moms do that.”

    “Spencer’s mom doesn’t.”

    “Only ‘cause you don’t go over there anymore.” He started biting at a hangnail on his thumb, wondering if Ryan knew the amount of calories he was consuming from it. “How much do you weigh, Ryan?” He tried not make the question casual, not anxious or worried.

    “Ninety-one, I think. Probably ninety-five after all I eight. You don’t have a scale in your bathroom.” Ryan sighed, letting go of the skin on his stomach and smoothing down his shirt. He turned around and walked toward the bed, crawling over the pull-out and slipping under the sheets with Brendon. “Do you believe in God?”

    Brendon turned, slightly startled. “N-No. Why?”

    “Well, you go to Church.”

    “I have to. You came over for Thanksgiving dinner and you don’t believe in food.” The boy winced immediately at his words, expecting an immediate blowup or breakdown. Instead, a soft smile danced on Ryan’s lips and, with a small shock, Brendon realized Ryan’s lips and eyes still looked the same, even if his shoulder blades were sticking out.

    “So, that’s my religion?” Small giggle. Everything about Ryan was small.

    “Anorexia isn’t a religion.” Brendon muttered under his breath. If Ryan heard, he didn’t show it. “I love you.” he said, a little too-loud, blushing when stared at him with wide eyes.

    “I know.” He snuggled against the older boy. “I love you, too.”

    Brendon’s arms came around Ryan, around the blanket they were under. He couldn’t feel the bones. For the first time since they’d started dating, he couldn’t feel Ryan’s bones. “Are we going to sleep now?” he asked.

    The older boy nodded tiredly.

    “The light’s not out.”

    Ryan didn’t answer.
    April 16th, 2008 at 07:58pm
  • April 18th, 2008 at 10:40am
  • I've changed the Saint Jude's banner this many times.
    April 24th, 2008 at 12:43pm
  • Alaric Craine originally was going to finish a chapter earlier than it eventually did. Throughout the writing of the story, the person I'd chosen to eventually be revealed as the killer changed five times.
    April 27th, 2008 at 01:34am
  • In Toxic, Gerard actually has a girlfriend. His relationship with Bert is very unofficial. Bert doesn't mind- he's just glad that Gerard wants him in any way. Since they got together, they've smoked a total of 3912 cigarettes between them. :file:
    And the hotel room where they sleep together? It looks exactly the same as a travelodge room I stayed in once.
    April 27th, 2008 at 02:53am
  • In Guitar Chords and Ripped Up Jeans, the medication that Laynie takes is actually the same one that I take. It's called Sertraline.
    April 27th, 2008 at 04:20am
  • From my upcoming story Missing Mortality which is a sequel to A Slayer's Curse, A Vampire's Afterlife, no one is really going to know that Lynette's first child, a daugher, was stillborn and that Nicholas, Lynette's husband, rapped his truck around a light post because he was so devastated.

    Everyone who paid attention while reading my story will know that Nicholas was Catholic, even though he didn't practice much but after he was turned into a vampire he started to go to Church regularly.

    Then from my upcoming story Hell's Fall which is the sequel to Hell's Angel no one will know that the man who kidnaps Faith was originally going to be Zarek but then I noticed that Gabriel killed him. Then I was going to have him come back from the dead but thought that'd ruin my story.

    In Shattered Hearts, Broken Dreams when Trenton crashed in chapter 20/21, he said he was drunk when he crash but he was lying. In truth, which no one will know unless I decided to put it in the Q&A, that he wasn't drunk he was crying because his fight with Jordan and her constant rejection of his proposal.

    Kinda boring but true.
    April 27th, 2008 at 05:56am