Backstory and Unknown Facts

  • CptLollipop

    CptLollipop (100)

    United States
    My newest character in Cliches and Compunction was originally going to be hispanic, but because I wanted more cultural representation and Theo's step brother was already Mexican, I decided to have him be Indian.
    August 7th, 2013 at 02:49am
  • SlimesAndSnails

    SlimesAndSnails (100)

    United States
    In my upcoming original story, Abigail, the female protagonist, has kept a journal since she moved from her small town and started 6th grade at a new school in the city. She was teased a lot at her new school for being skinny and having crooked teeth, then she was teased for having braces. Because of the teasing, she is insecure about her body and teeth.
    August 9th, 2013 at 12:06am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Anthony from Generation Why Bother is a huge computer geek and has a computer science degree from the University of Chicago. He's pretty much the band's IT guy and is really good with networking, and he loves taking apart old computers and messing around with them.

    Until Put'emup, Put'emup took off, Chance worked at a music store since he was 15 all the way to college and even after he graduated with a degree in music. Along with guitar, he plays bass, piano, harmonica, ukelele, and even the drums, to an extent.

    All four members of the band met in the dining hall one day during Andy and Anthony's freshman year; Andy had tripped with a plate full of food and landed on Chance, who himself tripped and sent a bunch of food flying everywhere. Anthony was off to the side reveling in secondhand embarrassment. Mick was laughing his ass off and played it off totally cool when Andy tried to apologize, flustered as hell. Mick invited Andy and Anthony to eat dinner with him and Chance, and that's when they discovered their common love of music despite their different education paths. Mick's friendliness was what really set it off.

    Andy is inept as hell when it comes to romance; that's why he never writes love songs, save for a kind of anti-love song on the band's first full-length album. He's sweet 24 and never been kissed and he's perfectly fine with that; he tries to keep away from unrequited love situations. Also, when he was in college, he worked as a campus pizza boy and rode his bike all over campus to deliver pizza.
    August 28th, 2013 at 08:57pm
  • lonely girl.

    lonely girl. (250)

    In Sense of Reality, Jay and Diana are actually related - half brother and sister. Diana's father cheated on her mother after she fell pregnant, unknowingly fathering another child. He only knows of Diana being his child though.
    August 29th, 2013 at 10:41am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    In Generation Why Bother, Hoshiko translates to "star child." (At least, that's what Google told me.) He just kind of...appeared in the solar system as the stars materialized him, and as he floated through the solar systems, he became one with space, never really knowing his true species and never really caring. Also, as I just found out when I Googled "Hoshiko," he has a traditionally feminine name...but I think Hoshiko is a boy...? I don't know, it never really comes up or matters in the story. XD
    September 14th, 2013 at 03:13am
  • swell

    swell (150)

    Mason Sullivan in Alice's Coffee Shop was supposed to be a bad boy, but now he's just got the looks of a bad boy with some charm and niceness about him. He turned out to be the opposite of what I wanted him to be but I'm fine with that. I will have to get some testosterone into him though, somehow tehe
    September 27th, 2013 at 10:07am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    In Generation Why Bother, when I was first outlining it and still trying to get a grasp on the characters, Oshie was the character who changed the most from "beta" to the actual story. When I first came up with him way back in Spring 2011, he was a really laid-back guy who didn't let a lot of stuff get to him. Even in the outline, I still kind of pictured him that way. But as I started writing the story through his narration, I discovered he was a lot more interesting as a nervous kid who doesn't want to show his negative emotions. Reading over it, it's kind of eerie to see how similar he is to me in our fears of losing friends and gaining responsibility. He's still got a mellow demeanor, but his inner self and thoughts have totally changed from the character he used to be before I wrote the story; he's still a gentle giant.
    September 28th, 2013 at 03:56am
  • SlimesAndSnails

    SlimesAndSnails (100)

    United States
    In Letters, the female protagonist, Abigail, once made out with two guys at the same time while at a bonfire party. She was sober at the time, and just wanted to see if they could accomplish it.
    October 11th, 2013 at 11:47am
  • archivist

    archivist (660)

    United States
    My main character Corey in Terrafinio is left-handed and sunburns easily. (Not that it matters. I love the little details.) He's also completely unafraid of insects, but isn't too hyped about space, cats, or the ticking of clocks.
    October 12th, 2013 at 03:08am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    In the original version, or rather the original rough draft of Blooming Ties, Hina's brother was actually going to be found alive towards the end of the story, thus setting the stage for a short sequel.

    Charlie, also from Blooming Ties and from Bright Smiles, Silent Tears, is the original version of Hina and she was meant to be paired up with Mike.

    Cheyenne and Jimmy from City Skyline are actually half siblings, not friends or dating like Steve believes them to be, but only Jimmy knows it since it's supposed to be kept a secret from her, as well as Jimmy faking his own death towards the end of City Skyline so Cheyenne can be more independent. Supposedly, he moves to India so he can do a little soul searching.

    Hina, from Blooming Ties, actually dated one other guy during her time away in America.
    October 13th, 2013 at 06:40am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Oshie and Tegan from Generation Why Bother totally had scene phases that lasted all the way through their junior high years and well into their freshman year of high school. If you ask Tegan if she still listens to The Devil Wears Prada or Bring Me the Horizon, she will thoroughly deny it, but she still keeps remnants of those days on her mp3 player along with Oshie, who is still known to jam out to Never Shout Never every so often. Oshie abused headbands in his scene phase, but since his hair was longer at that point, it curled and did a stupid flippy thing - he claims his 8th grade school picture was the worst thing to ever happen to him. He had to wear braces from sixth grade to ninth grade.

    There's a website called Mumblr in the story, which is meant to be a sort of non-copywritten version of Tumblr, and both of them use it. One night, Oshie was over at Tegan's house and they were playing Mario Party 7, because Tegan had the bright idea of recording their reactions and seeing just how angry they were capable of getting at each other. One particularly frustrating minigame led Oshie to make a ridiculously rage-filled face that Tegan only discovered later that night upon watching the video and pausing it at just the right moment. She lost her shit, made a text post on Tumblr that read, "when ur dad eats hte last pottaoe skin," and tacked the photo underneath the post. On "Mumblr," it has 72,000 notes and counting. Neither of them ever asked for it.
    October 21st, 2013 at 07:19pm
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Serena Anderson from Newport Bitch actually moved to Newport after her twin brother got into a car accident so her parents moved them to stop either one of them going off the rails. And that was when Serena started going off the rails. Bad move, Anderson family.
    October 28th, 2013 at 05:03pm
  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States
    Private 87 from my nano novel Private 87 once had a fiancé, but he was taken away from her when the government issued a draft against the monsters. She hasn't seen him since they took him away, and he may not even be mentioned.
    October 28th, 2013 at 06:36pm
  • bullets are hailing.

    bullets are hailing. (250)

    United States
    In Your Eyes Caught Mine, the library that Oli studies at is based on the Toronto Reference Library.

    Also, the reason why the girl he met stopped going to the library was because she was out shopping for Christmas presents for her family and was too busy preparing for the holidays to go back. At one point, she thought of buying a small present for Oli, but decided against it because she thought he would consider her weird.
    October 30th, 2013 at 11:54pm
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Although in my stories, the made-up website Facenook is supposed to be a kind of parody of Facebook, they're not the same. Facenook has a certain amount of privacy given to celebrities who use the site. When somebody "likes" the page of a band, musician, actor, movie, ect., the admin of that page is able to chat with whoever liked the page. For example, in Generation Why Bother, each member of the band Put'emup, Put'emup has their own personal Facenook pages, but to protect their identity and privacy, Facenook has the option of making it impossible for somebody to find their personal profiles; celebs have to add somebody as a friend for somebody to see their profile. Like when Tegan and Oshie befriended the band over Facenook, anything that would have said something like, "Oshie Olayos and Mick Magellan are now friends" is hidden from his news feed and hidden from his friends' sights. Any comments that they leave on statuses or pictures, any "likes," and any interaction over Facenook is hidden from anybody who isn't the celebrity and the person that they're friends with.

    That probably could've been explained a much less confusing way. o___O


    In Generation Why Bother, Put'emup, Put'emup had only starting living together about a month before their album dropped. Before that, Andy and Anthony had lived together in a cheap apartment while Mick and Chance both lived with their parents. However, after they were struck by lightning, their priorities had changed and they realized that out of convenience, a few things would have to fall into place, and that's one reason why they pooled their cash and rented out a fairly decent place for all of them to live.
    October 31st, 2013 at 12:19pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    In Fall of Rome, Eleanor's parents almost divorced a few years prior to the story, which is one of the reasons she has trouble trusting Dylan.
    February 16th, 2014 at 03:53pm
  • archivist

    archivist (660)

    United States
    In Wake Up, a Minecraft fan-fiction, the villagers in Casper and Sky's town are not testificates, but in fact villagers from the Better NPCs mod. This is because I do not like the Squidward villager testificates.

    In Steve, there's all manner of backstory. Steve, our protagonist of sorts, lived in an era where at fifteen every girl and boy had to consent to a virtual reality to test their stamina in battle, and if they didn't beat the game, they had to come back next year to try again. Steve, at twenty, had never completed his game, and the social pressure from the people around him -- "Why aren't you working yet? You're twenty, you should have a job." -- has taken its toll on his health. He's spent most of his life as a bottom-of-the-tank alcoholic and would have eventually committed suicide if the Game had not taken him first.

    Superheroes was based off of a very old story idea I had, when I was thirteen and visiting my grandparents. It's about a little alien boy, captured by a rural research facility, whose only care is to get home unharmed and unchanged, because his home (a starship called Arteni) is breaking down and near its end. Basically he's been trying to warn the human scientists that he needs to return home, but human ears can't pick up the frequency of his communication. His name was, in the original short story, Sky. And he had a friend, a baby born with a severe physical deformity, named Nova.

    Fly With Me and Strings took place in the same 'verse. However, the protagonist of Fly With Me was nameless because he was a soldier (numbered) whilst Cavi had a name because he was a civilian.
    February 16th, 2014 at 09:54pm
  • wonderyear?

    wonderyear? (155)

    United States
    In The First Boy Declan and Josh actually fought all the time during their relationship. They both were pretty stubborn. They'd even go weeks without speaking to each other. They finally just brake up for good because neither of them wanted to end up hating the other. That way they could always be friends and always have each other.

    Also Declan's "boyfriend" from Boston before he moved to Florida, was named Chris and he was a 9th grader who only kissed Declan in the privacy of the boy's bathroom. He was pretty mean to him. When Declan starts crying during he and Josh's first fight, he's really thinking about Chris too and how he always likes people who always treat him like shit. After Josh leaves he and his mom have a heart to heart about this fact. His mom also encourages him to forgive Josh.
    February 21st, 2014 at 02:04am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    In Spin, the Ferdinand and Skarb/Endemein households don't live very far away from each other - in fact, Max and Adam live in a neighborhood just around the corner from Abby and Ethan. Sometimes Ethan sneaks over to Adam's bus stop just to have someone to talk to before going to school, even if they already ride the same bus anyways. They go to a hybrid high school/junior high, hence why they share a gym class.

    Abby is the "straight woman" of the main cast of Spin, but she has her moments of sarcasm that mostly kick in whenever she's around Ethan. (It's definitely a sibling thing.)
    March 31st, 2014 at 09:02pm
  • rust cohle

    rust cohle (310)

    United Kingdom
    In Cooperstown, it started out where Ed was gonna be this vigilante who accidentally saves Tatiana and they have to run away and hide and they were gonna bond and it was gonna be adorable, and then it was gonna be some weird Lolita-esque thing where Ed was a shameless creep, and now it's somewhere between the two, and I don't even know any more.
    April 7th, 2014 at 05:30am