forever together

  • Beomgyu laughed, completely in love with Mia, and now the baby she was carrying - their baby. “Have a good pee!” Beomgyu teased, fluffing up the pillows for her, before laying down.

    “Time for bed.” Alice nodded. “Ah, Kai, wait, I gotta pee!” Alice stood, going to the bathroom before returning a few minutes later, climbing into bed.
    June 10th, 2021 at 11:03pm
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    “I’m not looking forward to this part. When my cousin was pregnant with her son, she never stopped peeing.” Mia sighed as she got back into bed with Beomgyu.

    Kai chuckled, “have a good pee, baby!” He called before fluffing the pillows and making sure the bed was ready for her return.
    June 10th, 2021 at 11:11pm
  • Beomgyu smiled softly. “But that’s cute!” He teased, cuddling up to Mia happily and placing a protective hand on her tummy, wanting their baby to be protected by him, always. “I love you.” Beomgyu murmured as he settled down.

    Alice returned, laughing at Kai’s words. “You’re something else, Kai Kamal Huening.” Alice teased, climbing into bed and opening her arms for her boyfriend to cuddle.
    June 10th, 2021 at 11:17pm
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    Mia smiled. “Says you.” She giggled and cuddled against him. “I love you too.” She said as she got comfortable and closed her eyes.

    Kai chuckled. “I love you baby.” He said and gave her a gentle kiss before pulling her close to him and wrapping an arm around her flat belly. He couldn’t wait to see her with a cute baby bump.
    June 10th, 2021 at 11:26pm
  • Beomgyu woke up then next morning, his arms still firmly around Mia, protecting her and their baby. Smiling with the thought that the previous night wasn’t a dream, Beomgyu detached from Mia to make breakfast.

    Alice woke up and instantly, the nausea hit her. Climbing out of bed and allowing Kai to have more sleep, Alice went downstairs to make herself a cup of tea, seeing it was only five in the morning.
    June 11th, 2021 at 03:15pm
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    Mia woke up sometime after Beomgyu got up, so she could go puke. She went into the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat up as she threw up. When she was done, she washed her mouth out before brushing her teeth and then washing her hands, only to have to turn around and pee and then wash her hands again.

    Kai woke up a bit after Alice got up. “Alice?” He called out, as he got out of bed. He checked the bathroom but didn’t see her and was just about to start panicking before he heard the television on downstairs and saw Alice sitting on the couch as he walked downstairs.
    June 11th, 2021 at 04:26pm
  • Beomgyu woke up to empty arms, and he tried not to panic as he felt Mia missing. "Mia?" Beomgyu calls with a voice still heavy with sleep. "Mia, where are you?" He climbs out of bed, but hears the faucet running in the bathroom, his brows furrowing with worry as he peers in. "Baby?" Beomgyu murmurs. "You okay?"

    Alice curled up on the sofa as she finally settled on an early morning gameshow, her cup of tea on the coffee table. Hearing Kai's voice, Alice looked up, offering her boyfriend a small smile. "Hi, baby. Sorry if I worried you."
    June 11th, 2021 at 06:01pm
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    Mia looked over and nodded. “I’m okay, I just felt sick, so I got up to puke and then I had to pee.” She said as she washed her hands before drying them.

    Kai smiled and sat down, “it’s okay. How are you feeling?” He asked as he placed a hand on her belly, rubbing it.
    June 11th, 2021 at 10:13pm
  • Beomgyu frowned with the mention of her vomiting, but he reminded himself that morning sickness was a thing. "Come here," he murmured, enveloping Mia into his arms, his hands placed gently onto her tummy as he rubbed gentle circles into her skin. "I have to call for your appointment, but do you want to text Alice? We need to tell your parents today, otherwise we never will." Beomgyu laughed nervously, his forehead against Mia's shoulder.

    Alice smiled softly as Kai placed a hand on her tummy, and placing her hand on top of his, Alice smiled down at her boyfriend. "I don't even have a bump yet, you're so cute." Alice leaned forward to press a kiss to Kai's forehead then, before running her fingers through his ebony curls, sighing. "I don't think this baby is going to let me sleep much."
    June 11th, 2021 at 10:24pm
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    Mia nodded. “Can you bring me my phone please?” She asked. She got up and waited by the door for her boyfriend to get her phone for her, before going downstairs and sitting on the couch. Hey sis, you awake? she sent her sister.

    Kai smiled. “I’ll call and make you an appointment, did you still want to see if Beomgyu and Mia wanted to go get breakfast?” He asked as he felt Alice’s phone vibrate.
    June 11th, 2021 at 10:59pm
  • Beomgyu went to the kitchen to make some tea, knowing that a good, warm drink should be a good thing to help Mia curb her morning sickness, he just hoped it wouldn't make her sick. Watching Mia on the couch, Beomgyu smiled softly, just excited to see what their future held for them, and their beautiful unborn baby. Beomgyu hummed in thought, before grabbing the phone to call the hospital, speaking to the appointment clerk.

    Alice looked to her phone, smiling softly as she saw Mia's name on the phone. "Ah, sisterly vibes, she already text first." Alice giggled, putting her feet onto Kai's lap as she texted Mia back. Uh huh! Baby Huening doesn't want me to sleep, so hey ho... I was wondering was if you and Gyu wanted to join Kai and me for breakfast before we tell Mom and Dad?
    June 11th, 2021 at 11:08pm
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    Mia read the text from Alice before getting up and going to see Beomgyu. He was still on the phone, so she showed him the text, silently asking if he wanted to go to breakfast with Kai and Alice. When he nodded yes, she sat down to text her sister back.

    Same here, with baby Choi. Actually, yes, that sounds nice. Can you and Kai come pick us up? Beomgyu’s car is still in the shop.

    Kai chuckled. “I’ll go make your appointment, let me know what she says.” He kissed the top of her head as he walked into the hospital to call the doctor.
    June 12th, 2021 at 01:04am
  • Beomgyu gave a thumbs up as he spoke to the appointments clerk, wrapping an arm around Mia’s shoulder as she texted Alice, wanting her to be near him for as long as possible. Since even finding out she was pregnant, something had shifted within him, where he craved Mia’s company just to know she, and their unborn child; were okay.

    Alice smiled as Kai walked away and she replied to her sister quickly. Of course! Give me like, 45 minutes and we’ll be there. Tell my niece or nephew that I love them <3 Alice stood in front of Kai and gently cupped his face with her soft hands to get him to look at her, and she nodded. “I’m going to get ready.” She mouthed.
    June 12th, 2021 at 11:02am
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    Mia smiled. I will and you do the same for mine!! she sent and then looked up at Beomgyu, getting his attention, she mouthed out that she was going to shower and get ready.

    Kai smiled and gave her a thumbs up. She knew he would be up as soon as he got done making her appointment, he was just on hold.
    June 12th, 2021 at 03:58pm
  • Beomgyu nodded, blowing her a kiss as she walked off, watching every step she took with adoration before sorting out the appointment and hanging up, stripping off as he walked to the bathroom; smiling as he heard Emily sing. Slipping into the shower with her, Beomgyu wrapped his arms around Mia. “Hi, baby. And baby.”

    Alice brushed through her hair anxiously, having already dressed, the thoughts of telling her parents on her mind. Placing the hairbrush down after tying her hair up into a ponytail, Alice placed her hands on her tummy, looking at herself in the mirror.
    June 12th, 2021 at 04:14pm
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    “Hi daddy.” Mia giggled and turned around to give him a kiss. “You came just in time, you can wash my back for me.” She smiled and handed him her loofa.

    Kai came upstairs a few minutes later and wrapped his arms around Alice. “You look beautiful as usual, baby.” He said, kissing her behind the crook of her ear.
    June 12th, 2021 at 04:36pm
  • Beomgyu giggled bashfully as Mia called him Daddy, enjoying the moment. “God, I’m so excited to hear that with our baby.” Beomgyu confessed excitedly, resting his forehead on Mia’s shoulder. Taking the loofa happily, Beomgyu rubbed gently circles into Mia’s back, humming happily.

    Alice smiled softly as Kai wrapped his arms around her. “I’m just worried about growing a bump.” Alice confessed softly, smiling as Kai kissed her. “I just… want to be a good Mom.”
    June 12th, 2021 at 04:57pm
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    Mia smiled. “I can’t wait to hear him or her call me mommy for the first time.” She sighed softly. “Thank you, honey.” She said whenever he finished washing her back.

    “You’ll be an amazing mom, baby.” Kai said and turned her around so he could face her. “And you’ll be so cute with your baby bump.”
    June 12th, 2021 at 05:10pm
  • Beomgyu smiled with the thought. “Then I hope Mommy is their first word.” Beomgyu murmured, nuzzling into Mia as he gently handed her the loofa, climbing out first to grab a towel. “Come here, you.”

    Alice smiled nervously at Kai, nodding. “I guess. I just… I guess I’m nervous about everyone knowing. We’re still in school, Kai. And then our friends, parents…”
    June 12th, 2021 at 05:28pm
  • @ mikrokosmos.

    Mia smiled and climbed out of the shower and hugged him before he helped her go to their room to get dressed.

    Kai nodded. “I know baby, but I think we can do it and if they don’t like it, we will have each other and your sister and Beomgyu.”
    June 12th, 2021 at 08:56pm