Lovers In The Dark

  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I’m the devil’s son straight out of hell
    And you’re an angel with a haunted heart
    If you’re smart you’d run and protect yourself
    From the demon living in the dark
    There’s nothing to be gained cause I can never change
    And you can never understand my sickness

    Olina /\ Witch
    Damien /\ Demon King

    You’re the perfect drug when it hurts like hell
    I've never needed anyone so much
    There’s no-one else I love and I curse myself
    Cause the right thing is to give you up

    I’m overcome by shame cause I can never change
    And you can never understand my sickness
    October 26th, 2021 at 06:12am
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ The Detective


    I smile to myself softly as I plucked some specialty herbs that she has been looking for so I could make my special healing medicine.  However sighed as I saw a tall shadow, knowing that someone was standing behind me as I heard them chuckling, taunting me.  I immediately knew who it was when he chuckled, making me sigh once more before standing up.

    "Hanging by the enemies' territory again are we, Olina?  You know that mommy and daddy dearest are going to be upset that you disobeyed them." Talon teased menacingly, then grabbed my arm like he was about to force me to leave. "It's a good thing that I came out here to find you and save you before those fucking demons try to harm you, princess." He smirked, pulling me close to him.

    I rolled my eyes and struggled to get my arm out of his grip.  "I don't care if mom and my step dad are mad. Besides isn't it about time we end this hatred between us and the demons?" I say truthfully as I went to grab my basket that carried the herbs I picked and some premade medicinal ointments.  I knew that my step dad was the one who sent Talon to find me and bring me back home to my step dad and my mom. My step dad, who is the leader of the coven has chosen Talon to take his place, but in order to do so, he has to marry me since he didn't have any offspring of his own before marrying my mom.

    I don't like Talon.  He's too cocky, controlling, and degrading. Besides, I've never wanted to be in this position.  I just wanted to live a simple life, make medicinal ointments and help those in need, make peace with everyone, and be independent, just like my birth father did before he was killed.

    "I know that they sent you to bring me back.  But I'm not going anywhere with you!" I told him before walking away, hoping he would leave me alone, but I knew that he wouldn't until he brought me back to our coven.  I wasn't going to let him take me back easily, so I took off running, hoping that I would get away from him.
    November 15th, 2021 at 04:23am