I Want U Around

  • @ mitty xx felix

    Rhea made it home 20 minutes later. It took everything in her to hold back most of her emotions during the ride, but even when she saw Jaebum at the restaurant. As soon as she got home, Rhea went into her bathroom and turned on the shower, stripped out of her clothes and got inside the shower and sank down, plling her knees to her chest. It was then her emotions started pouring out.
    Youngjae sighed softly. "I don't think she would make you choose between him and her, Ember." He said and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry Jae, I didnt think that Rhea would react that badly, but I also forgot that she was joining us for dinner. But I dont think you should give up on her " He then looked between Ji-ho and Jaebum, seeing what he was going to tell his son.
    December 7th, 2021 at 03:15am
  • @ Jay.B

    Jaebum looked at his son and tried to figure out how he was going to tell him who Rhea was. So he decided to be honest with him. "Ji-ho, son. Rhea was my girlfriend before you came into my life. She is the love of my life and I did something very bad to her and she doesn't want to see me right now or ever." He said looking over at Ember who was watching Ji-ho then he glanced at Youngjae. Jaebum leaned over "tell her, dude." He whispered to him.


    Ember watched Ji-ho as he looked at Jaebum with a confused look. Poor kid probably had no clue what his father was saying. "Do you not love me then?" Ji-ho asked as his eyes well up with tears and she doesn't think she had saw Jaebum move so fast to pull his son into a big toght hug. Ember felt so sad with how tough it must be for Jaebum and Rhea. She looked at her phone to see if Rhea text her but nothing. Ember decided she would call her later. Ember felt Youngbae grabbed her hand and rub it softly.
    December 7th, 2021 at 03:47am
  • @ mitty xx felix

    Rhea sat in the shower crying for about an hour before she decided to finally get out. She turned off the water, then pulled the shower curtain to the side so she could step out. Rhea wrapped herself in a towel and headed towards her room. She was worn out due to crying the shower and all the other emotions that she felt l, so she quickly dried herself off and changed into a pair of panties and a tank then crawled into bed. Of course she sent a quick text to Ember to apologize for yelling at her, but to also let her know that she was home safely.
    Youngjae felt his heart break when he saw Ji-ho misunderstood what Jaebum was telling him. "You guys just wanna eat my place. I'll order delivery. I think staying here will just make things awkward.," he says and looks at Ember. "You can crash at my place. I dont want you driving back home especially late at night." He offers, still caressing her hand
    December 7th, 2021 at 04:10am
  • @ Jay.B

    Jaebum stood up and picked his son up as they all gathered outside then walked towards Embers car. "Why do you insist in walking everywhere, Youngjae?" He asked causing Ember to laugh as she unlocked her car doors . He looks over at her then at Youngjae. "What is so funny now?" Ji-ho asked looking up at his father. He shrugged but chuckled along as they all got inside Embers car.


    Ember couldn't help but laugh when Jaebum mentioned him walking everywhere. "You can tell them why." She said looking over at Youngjae who glared at her. "It's not that funny though. Just liked how he described it to me." She said then remember he told he had a few times where people would just randomly get into the backseat. "It was dangerous though."
    December 8th, 2021 at 01:49am
  • @ mitty xx felix

    Youngjae sighed. "Sometines being famous sucks. I dont know if you had this happen to you, but I've had saesangs break into my car and hide in the back seat and wait until I get in it. So i just stopped driving because it has happened like 5 times." He said, bu tdd then looked at Ember. "Has Rhea called or texted you?" He asked. He felt bad about the situation earlier. Although he knew he had every right to hang out with Jaebum if he wanted to, not that she was making him choose, but he should've considered her feelings before inviting her over to dinner.

    Ji-ho looked at his dad and pointed to his ear showing that he wanted to tell him something privately. When he saw that Jaebum leaned down to ear level with him, Ji-ho whispered in his ear. "You should text Aunt Rhea and send her flowers."
    Rhea couldn't sleep, she had been twisting and turning in the bed for an hour before she decided to give up on sleep. She checked her phone to see if Ember had received her text, hoping to forgive her for yelling at her earlier. But she didnt see a text from Ember, but she saw that she had text from Jebum. She didnt know why he texted her or why that he still had her number. She was also confused on why she still had his number in her contact list. Rhea sighed and placed her phone back down onto her night stand and grabbed the remote so she could watch tv for a bit.
    December 8th, 2021 at 10:01pm
  • @ Jay.B

    Ember looked at her phone before taking off and smiled when she saw a text from her, apologizing for yelling and that she made it home. "Yeah, she apologized and she made it home." She sent her a quick text back telling her that she was still sorry for everything and she would talk to her in the morning. "She is probably asleep by now. Do you guys need to go anywhere before heading to Youngjae?" Ember looked over at Youngjae then in the back at Jaebum and Ji-ho.


    Jaebum looked at Ji-ho with wide eyes when he called Rhea his Aunt. If Jaebum has anything to do with it then Rhea will be his again but he wasn't going to push anything on her. "We will go looking for them tomorrow, okay?" Jaebum pulled his phone out and sent her a text. He knew it was a long shot that she would reply but it was just a simple text asking if she still lived where she always lived. He could ask Ember or Youngjae but this gave him hope a little that she would reply even if it was to tell him to fuck off.
    December 9th, 2021 at 12:13am
  • @ mitty xx felix

    Youngjae smiled softly, glad everything seems to be okay. "That's good. I'm glad she's home safe." He said and then looked at Jaebum and Ji-ho briefly to see if they needed to go anywhere, but he saw that his friend shook his head no. "You can take us straight to my place. Thanks for giving us a ride, Ember. I really appreciate you." He told her truthfully, but all he wanted was to tell her how much he loves her and kiss her, but couldn't make himself do it.
    Rhea felt her phone vibrate, seeing that she got a new text from Ember. She just texted her a smiley face before backing out of the message. However she still saw the unread text from Jaebum. Rhea stared at her phone for about 5 minutes before opening the text. Sighing to herself she replied to the text with just a simple yes, not sure sure what he was trying to plan.
    December 9th, 2021 at 12:49am
  • @ Jay.B

    "Yeah, I'll probably go over there after work tomorrow." Ember said as she started driving once everyone was buckled up. It took her about 10 minutes to get to Youngjae. She wasn't sure what to do when they arrived at his place. Jaebum and Ji-ho both got out of the car but Youngjae stayed in his seat. Ember turned to look at him. "I'm sorry about tonight. Maybe we can communicate a bit better." She laughed lightly not sure why it was so awkward right now.


    Jaebum leaned against the wall to Youngjae building as Ji-ho talked away. He would glance over at the car to see if he finally grew a pair but he didn't see them doing anything not even talking. He looked away for a moment to check on Ji-ho. "They like each other, don't they?" Ji-ho asked. Jaebum laughed softly that even his 3 year old son could see that they like each other. He dug his phone out of his pocket when it dinged. He grinned widedly when he saw it was from Rhea. It was a simple one word reply but it gave him hope.
    December 9th, 2021 at 02:37am
  • @ mitty xx felix

    Youngjae chuckled softly "Yeah that was my fault." He said, but then he sat there quietly, really contemplating if he should just blurt out his feelings for her. He looked back at her ready to tell her. His lips moved to speak, but what he wanted to tell her never escaped his lips. "You should spend the night...please?" He blurts out instead, but then rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I mean it's late, and you live 30 minutes away. I think it would be safer if you crash here tonight. You can stay in my room and I'll take the couch." He offers, hoping that he didn't make the situation awkward.
    "Was that Aunt Rhea?" Ji-ho asked his dad, when he saw him smile as he read the text message on his phone. Although Ji-ho didn't really understand what was going on between his dad and his mom and Rhea, but he likes see people he cares about are happy.

    Rhea saw that Jaebum had read her text that she sent back to him and watched the three dots show up on her screen, letting her know that he was typing a response back. However it had disappeared and for some reason, Rhea felt her heart sank. She then cursed under her breath that he still has an affect on her when she didn't want that. She ended up just turning off her phone, so that she wouldn't keep checking it to see if he replied or not. Rhea knew she had to work tomorrow morning and maybe the dancing would help her get rid of any thoughts about her ex. So with that, she finally went to bed.
    December 9th, 2021 at 03:06am
  • @ Jay.B

    Ember looked back at Jaebum and his son then back at Youngjae. "You sure it wouldn't be crowded?" She asked biting her lip slightly then looking at her hands. She sighed, looking back up at him. Why was this so awkward? She was probably making it awkward herself. He doesn't have feelings for her, she thought. They have been friends a long time. No way he could keep it in that long. It was all one sided. "You know, sure, i'm kind of tired so I'll stay." She said just as she yawned.


    "Yeah, buddy." Jaebum smiled as he tried to think of what to say but Ji-ho tugged on his hand and pointed. "I have to potty." His son said just as Youngjae snd Ember both climb out of the car. He looked at his friend and winked but looked away when his son ran over to Ember. "Are you staying the night too?" Ji-ho asked. "It's a pretty long drive to your place. Glad Youngjae got you to stay." Jaebum said as he watched his two friends walk into the building and they followed. "We didn't have yo wait?" He said laughing.
    December 9th, 2021 at 04:23am
  • @ mitty xx felix

    After Youngjae and Ember walked inside his place, he led her to the livingroom to relax. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna make sure my room is comfortable for you." He says, his eyes lingering on her for a moment before standing back up to head to his room. He sighed to himself as he passed Jaebum, who gave him a look, but he shook his head no, which he was sure that Jaebum knew that he meant that he hadn't told Ember his feelings for her yet.
    December 9th, 2021 at 07:49pm
  • @ Jay.B

    Ember rolled over and got a face full of sun. She groaned, sitting up, and rubbed her eyes as she looked around. Memory of last night filled her head making her smile widely. She looked at her phone and her eyes widen then she sighed in relief that she had switched days with a girl at work. She got up out of bed and realize she was wearing Youngjae shirt and pair of boxers She blushed softly as she thought back to last night when he offered his clothes. She walked to the kitchen to see Ji-ho and Youngjae sitting at the table. "Jaebum still sleeping?" Ember asked walking into the kitchen more.


    Jaebum looked through the beautiful flowers until he found her favorite yellow roses. He grinned softly as he paid for them then went to her favorite bakery and got her favorite breakfast meal with pancakes, bacon, and eggs. He really hope this would help a little bit. He was nervous and he knew why. He knew how Rhea was. He knew that if she didn't like you or if she was pissed off at you then she would tell you. He walked down the street to her place. He walked to her door and knocked. He stood there for about 10 minutes then decide to go by her studio. He knew he was being daring but he just want to see her face. He walk the short distance to her studio and walkes in. He walks to her room but stopped short when he found her in the arms of another guy.
    December 10th, 2021 at 12:29am
  • @ mitty xx felix

    Youngjae shook his head no. He was gonna tell Ember that he went out, but Ji-ho beat him to it. "Daddy went to get flowers and breakfast for Auntie Rhea, so that she wont be sad anymore. It was my idea." He smiled widely. Youngjae looked at Ember with a look, knowing that Rhea isnt going to take that too well. "That sounds nice of him." Youngjae says and then looks back at Ember. "You hungry?"
    Rhea was at her dance studio, performing her newest choreography to her students. It was definitely a more intimate type of choreography, especially since she is performing it with her friend and fellow choreographer, Eunho. She was so into the dance that she didnt know that Jaebum had shown up until the dance was over and she was in Eunho's arms almost like a scene in movie where they are about to kiss. Rhea rolled her eyes eyes slightly when she saw the look on Jaebum's face before looking back at Eunho. "You killed it as always, Eunho. You mind taking over while I take care of some business?" She asked and he nodded, making her smile before kissing cheek. She left the studio and walked down the hall knowing that Jaebum was following her. Once they got into a more private area, Rhea looked at him with an annoyed look on her face. "Why the fuck are you here Jaebum?"
    December 10th, 2021 at 01:11am
  • @ Jay.B

    Ember nodded, walking up to the table and sat next to Ji-ho. "But I should probably get ready and head home." She said as she looked at Ji-ho then over at Youngjae. She didn't want to leave but she didn't want to over stay her welcome. "Uncle Youngjae doesn't mind if you stay, do you?" Ji- ho looked between them then waited on Youngjae answer.


    Jaebum smile went away then turned angry when she yelled at him. "I'm here to apologize for last night. Ji-ho, my son suggested I bring you flowers and breakfast to make up for last night. He is a sensitive soul so he doesn't like seeing others upset." He said knowing he was rambling on but she hadn't stopped him so he kept doing it. "I'm sorry about last night. I should of made sure of everything so we didn't see each other like that. Not how I wanted my return to you to go." He was being honest and he was nervous. He just wanted to around her again. He wanted to see her smile and to hold her but he knew that would be a long time possibly never going to happen again.
    December 10th, 2021 at 02:08am
  • @ mitty xx felix

    Rhea eyes narrowed and the corner of her lips curled into a snarl. She didnt like how he was yelling at her. She pushed him back, to put more space between them. "First of all, back the fuck off." She glared at him with a warning. "You're son is a good soul and that's sweet, but if you think just because you left Yezi and came back to Seoul, doesnt mean that you get to walk back into my life and think that I'm gonna forgive you and take you back, while pretending all the shit you put me through didnt happened. Fuck no Jaebum, you're not going to do that. I spent three years of hell trying to forget you and move on. And once I finally did. You're not going to ruin everything I work hard for with your selfishness." Rhea said angrily then pointed out the door. "Get out."
    Youngjae frowned slightly when Ember mentioned that she was going to leave to head back home. He didnt want her to leave, and he was kicking himself Mentally for not having the balls to tell her yesterday. However he needed to convince her to stay longer just so he can finally tell her. Youngjae looked st Ji-ho and smiled when the little boy had stepped in. He looked back at Ember and gave her a soft smile. "Yeah, of course you can stay longer, Em. You're always welcomed to my place, even if I wasn't home. And you said that you didnt have to work today, so what's the rush?" He told her, feeling his heart jump when she smiled. Youngjae decided then that he was going to tell her his feelings for her after breakfast.
    December 12th, 2021 at 03:26pm
  • @ Jay.B

    Ember smiled as she looked over at Youngjae. She didn't really want to leave because she enjoyed being around him. "Alright, I'll stay a little bit longer." She stood up and grabbed her a bowl and some cereal when he offered her breakfast. "This is the best kind of cereal." She said as she sat down again and poured herself some. "Think Jaebum will be back soon?" She asked as she took a spoonful of her cereal then looked at Ji-ho then over at Youngjae.


    Jaebum clinched his fist in angry. "What shit did I put you through? I thought you would of understood what I was trying to do." Jaebum yelled back at her but kept his distance. She was pissed and he didn't blame her but its been three years ago. "It was 3 years ago, Rhea. I know I hurt you but can't you see where I was coming from. I understand I didn't handle like I should but you never answered my calls when I tried to call. I tried to apologize to you but you didn't want anything to do with me." He shouted. He wasn't angry at her but just pissed off at this whole situation.
    December 14th, 2021 at 01:39pm
  • @ mitty xx felix

    Rhea narrowed her eyes as he yelled at her. She was becoming frustrated. How dare he try to make her seem like a bad person. "I did understand but I hated that you got her pregnant of all people. She had been trying to destroy our relationship ever since we got together and you let that happened. You expected me to answer your calls after the way we broke up. Fuck you Jaebum, you dont get to hurt me and then expect me to come back running " She snarled towards the end but then let out an angry huff trying to control herself, knowing that if he didnt leave now that she was going to do something that she might regret. "Get the fuck out of here Jaebum." She demanded but then felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw that it was Eunho.
    "Rhea had nicely asked you to leave. So I suggest you do as she says or else I'll have to take matters in my hand." He threatened.
    "Yeah. I think he went to see Rhea again." Youngjae said then sighed. "Hopefully it goes well for him. But you know, after what happened last night, I dont think Rhea is gonna take it well." He shrugged and then looked at Ji-ho and gave the little boy a soft smile. "Your dad is a charmer though, I'm sure he'll get her to forgive him." He ruffled the boy's hair and then looked at Ember. "You finished?" He asked her, biting his bottom lip feeling slightly nervous.
    December 15th, 2021 at 12:45am
  • @ Jay.B

    Ember looked at Youngjae as he asked her if she was finished and she nodded. She watched him take her bowl over to the sink and rinse it out. She talked to Ji-ho while he was doing that. She felt like something was going to happen. Maybe it was just Jaebum coming back upset. "Do you like Rhea from what you saw?" She asked knowing that if Jaebum had anything to do with it then Rhea would be in his life a lot more. Ji-ho never answered her as Youngjae told him to go into another room.


    Jaebum laughs lightly. "What are you her bodyguard?" He said knowing he wasn't helping any but he couldn't help it. He watched this guy stand up and he wasn't really much to Jaebum. "You know what, we can talk later when this loser isn't around." He said putting his hands up and walking backwards. He wasn't scared to fight him but he knew it wouldn't help the situation so he turned around and headed for the door. He looked back and saw the guy holding Rhea and Jaebum stomach turned. He hated himself for treating her like shit but he didn't like that guy.
    December 15th, 2021 at 06:33pm
  • @ han jisung xx

    Rhea wanted to launch at Jaebum after his last comment, but Eunho held her back. She then calmed down and sighed before he let her go. "I hate him so much. I was just doing fine and finally moving on with my life without him. And now he decides to come back and ruin my life again." She said, now sadly, hating herself that she letting him get upset. She then looked at Eunho and smiled sadly. "Thanks for stepping in...I think I'm going to take a half day and go home to clear my head." Rhea sighed softly when he pulled her into a hug before letting her go. Rhea walked back to her studio to grab her belongings then headed out to her car.
    Ji-ho was about to tell Ember that he liked Rhea. Although with how things ended last night, he could tell that Rhea was nice. However he didnt get to, since Youngjae wanted to talk to Ember. So Ji-ho went to the living room.

    Youngjae looked back at Ember as he leaned against the counter. "He is such a good kid with a good soul." He said with a smile. "Anyways. How have you been? I know you have been so stressed because of work." He said as he took her hand and led her to his room so that Ji-ho wouldn't hear anything in case he or Ember say anything inappropriate, knowing that Jaebum would be mad if Ji-ho picked up some bad words. "I miss you. We haven't hung out as much, but I know its because of our schedules."
    December 15th, 2021 at 10:47pm
  • @ Jay.B

    Ember followed after him as they held hands going to his room. She blushed slightly when he grabbed her hand into his. She was nervous about what he was going to say. What if Rhea told him Ember's feelings for him? She wouldn't do that, would she? "I know, work has pretty much taken over my life. I miss you too. I've been good though. How about you?" She said as they sat on his bed. She missed their hang outs and cuddle sessions. "I really miss just staying over and watching movies with you." She said looking at him with a smile.


    Jaebum walked down the street to a little convenient store and walked inside to grab a few things for Ji-ho and him if he was going to stay with Youngjae for a bit. He looked around the store for five more minutes before walking to the counter. He looked up and saw Rhea walking into the store. He choose to not say anything to her but watch her from the corner of her eye. He walked to the counter and put his things up there. He made small talk to the lady behind the counter and you could tell she was hitting on him but he wanted nothing to do with her. He smiled at the lady and said goodbye to her before walking out but not before glancing back to see if he saw Rhea looking.
    December 16th, 2021 at 12:57am