Just Bent

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Xanthe Davis \ Min YoongiImageJust give me a reason, just a little bit's enough
    Just a second we're not broken just bent, and we can learn to love againImageIt's in the stars, it's been written in the scars on our hearts
    We're not broken just bent, and we can learn to love again
    ImageAlylah King \ Jung HoseokImage
    February 13th, 2022 at 03:12am
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    Xanthe coward into corner of the living using her arms to try to block the punches and objects being thrown by her boyfriend, but she knew it wasn't going to do much but she didnt know what else to do. Xanthe kept recieving his blows a while longer until he stopped. He spat on her and kicked her one last time before leaving the apartment. Xanthe waited about 20 minutes after he left to finally get up, but she was weak and in so much pain. It was times like this where she wishes she could use her abilities to heal herself, but her healing powers dont work on herself. Sighing to herself, Xanthe was able to gain back enough of her strength to clean up the mess from the items her boyfriend threw at her, knowing that if she didnt, Xanthe would get punished again.
    Hoseok sighed as he placed another heavy box down onto the floor of the room he was now going to be staying in. He had been looking for a new place to live in after his last landlord kicked him out of the apartment to give it to a more "reliable" tenant, but Hoseok knew better than that. However he was grateful that Yoongi offered him a room at his place. What made it even better than his last place is that he and Yoongi are good friends, but they are both "freaks", which means that he would be seen as an equal to Yoongi and not inferior. Hoseok looked around the room, taking it all in before he continued to bring his boxes in. "Home, sweet home."
    February 13th, 2022 at 05:13am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jay.B
    Yoongi locked up the gym as he stepped out, his bag hanging loosely off his shoulder. Today had been a long and tiring day. He'd planned on taking the time off with Alylah to help Hoseok move in. But his boss had some new trainer bring him in for a new training routine. It was pointless, it was basically helping him predict his up coming opponent. Though he wasn't to worried about the fight. They'd sparred before and Yoongi was aware of his weakness. Moving down the street he really wished that he'd woken Alylah up so that she could give him a lift. But she'd been working a lot lately so he left her alone. And it was a rather long walk back home. He just hoped that by the time he got there Hoseok was settled and Alylah hadn't tried to kill him yet.

    Lost in his thoughts he didn't notice noisy banter growing behind him. Or he was blocking it out as it didn't pertain to him. "Hey fucker." A voice rang out, before he felt a weight around he neck. The guy had him in a head lock before he could even process what was happening. Laughter rang in his ears as another voice rang out. "Seems like he's no challenge after all." The man sneered. "And my coach was so worried." The laughter continued. It wasn't till then that he realized the man who had him in a head lock was actually his next opponent. And they'd had been talking to him, wishing to get a rise out of him. Yoongi struggled for a bit before he managed to break free of the head lock. His eyes lifted to meet the man who's arm he now had in a bar. "You stu." His words were cut short when a blow landed to his cheek. No of the other guys decided to jump in. Blood trickled in his mouth and he could feel his fear rising. The pain wasn't what scared him, it was the not knowing when to stop. His ability allowed him to free himself from pain, but it didn't mean that his body wouldn't reflect it. And after a few blows he's body started to feel it. The slowing as he muscle contracted and tightened. He was a sitting duck and they were out for blood. But because his couldn't use his ability out side of the ring, he had no choice but take the beating. The last thing he remembered was getting slammed into a wall, his body sagging to the ground. "Fucking freak needs to learn his place." Was the last thing he heard before he lost conscious.
    Alylah yawned before dragging herself out of her bed, blinking the sleep out of her eyes as she moved through her room. The noise coming from down the hall was annoying her. She'd been enjoying her time off by sleeping in. But forgetting that Yoongi had agreed to let Hoseok move in with them, she kind of put herself in a bad position to enjoy sleep. Normally she'd not care about Yoongi doing things with out asking her. But this time he really irritated her, allowing the one guy that hates her to live with them. It just made bad matters worse. The only good thing that would come out of this would be getting to annoy the crap out of him. But she knew that Yoongi would interfere with her plans. Leaving her room she moved through the apartment. Her eyes searching for the one person that was to blame for all the noise. Stopping in the door jam she leaned against the frame before looking around the spare bedroom. Her eyes landing on the culprit. "Do you enjoy making a shit ton of noise?" She questioned the man before her. Her eyes lingering a little to long on the clothing he'd chose to wear today. Liking very much how they fit his frame. Gently tugging at her shirt she'd almost all forgotten about her anger.
    February 13th, 2022 at 06:40am
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    Once Xanthe had finished cleaning up the mess from the fight with her boyfriend, Ji-sang, she decided to get out of the apartment for a bit. She knew that he wouldn't be home anytime soon. In fact, Ji-sang probably wouldn't be back until the next morning, like he always does after he gets angry at her and hurts her. Xanthe knew that he was probably out at some bar looking to hook up with another girl so that he could use that to make her feel horrible about herself when he comes back home.

    Walking down the strip, Xanthe pulled her coat closer to her body, while shoving her hands into its pockets. It was a little more chilly than she expected it to be outside, but she kept walking until she was ready to go back home. Xanthe had her wireless earbuds in her ears, with RnB music playing through them, but had her eyes glued down to the sidewalk she was walking, still aware of her surroundings so she wouldn't bump into anyone. Soon she left the brightly lit area, walking towards the part of the same street that was barely lit, but enough for her to see where she was. Though this area really wasn't the safest for a woman like her to be walking there alone at night. It also didn't help that Xanthe started to get a dark and creepy vibe, so she sped up her walking pace so she could get out of the area. She kept look side to side to make sure that no one was following her, but she wasn't paying attention to what was in front of her because she ended up tripping over something.

    Xanthe stumbled over slightly, but caught herself before she actually fell. "What the heck did I trip over on?" She mumbled to herself as she straightened herself some before looking down. It was then she saw a man's body laying there lifeless. She almost screamed seeing it, but prevented herself, not wanting to catch any attention to herself. Xanthe took a look at the lifeless body and could see some cuts and bloody wounds on his body . She immediately 911 to get an ambulance, but they wouldn't arrive to the scene until 15 minutes later. However, some of the wounds were still bleeding and this man could die before the ambulance could get here. Xanthe knew she couldn't wait that long, so she dropped down to his level and placed her hands over to his still bleeding wounds so she could heal them enough to stop him from bleeding out. She knew this was dangerous for her, because she was an unregistered "freak" and if anyone saw her, it could end badly for her, but she couldn't leave this man to die.
    Hoseok had placed the last box in the room before unpacking it so he could start organizing the contents in those box into the room to his liking. He had worked non-stop, for a few hours because he didn't want to prolong the unpacking process to a few days. Though he did take a small break to change his shirt to a black tank, that showed off his muscles that were covered with tattooes, before going back to unpacking. He was in the zone, so deep that he almost didn't notice that Alylah was leaning against the doorway to his room, until she spoke. Hoseok sighed, wanting to ignore her but knew that she wouldn't leave her alone if he did.

    Hoseok faced her, folding his tattooed arms across his chest, tilting his head to side slightly. "I didn't know you were here..." He trailed off, his eyes moving over to her attire, but rolled his eyes seeing that she was trying to get under his skin. He turned his back towards her again and went back to unpacking his belongings. "If you're not here to help me like Yoongi said you would, then I suggest you go about your day, while I continue to get my stuff moved in." He said, with a tone in the hopes that she wouldn't start her usual banters with him.
    February 13th, 2022 at 07:44am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jay.B
    Yoongi wasn't sure how long he laid there or how bad his injuries were. As consciousness faded in and out. He just knew that he wasn't able to move much due to weakness. But feeling his body being jolted his eyes creaked open barely. Unbearable pain shot through his body, it was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. A soft whimper leaving his lips. How could this pain be so bad, surely he was dying. Though it didn't make any sense to him. The main places he'd been hit weren't where he was feeling the pain. It was like someone had kicked him square in the back. And his scalp was on fire, like someone had been pulling his hair out at the roots. But he didn't remember anyone kicking him or pulling his hair. Though the mixture of pain he was feeling, plus the damaged actually done to his body, it was long before he was passing back out again.
    Alylah could feel the irritation wafting off of Hoseok. And that quickly changed her mood, bring her back from the brink of insanity. She couldn't believe the thoughts that had started to rear their ugly head. Like actually finding him attractive. But she quickly beat it down, when she was reminding of just how big of a dick he really could be. Shaking her head she shifted her weight. "What?" She all but snapped at him. "I'm going to kill him," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. She couldn't believe that first he allows this man into her home. And now he's telling him she'd help him move in. Knowing that they very much so didn't get along. And it wasn't like she didn't try. Hoseok just had it out for her and she wasn't sure why. But it made her blood boil every time he opened his mouth. She'd tried to be nice to him for Yoongi sake. But how could you be nice to someone who was dead set on hating you. "As if I'm helping." She quickly spat out, before turning away from him and quickly retreating to her room. Her goal was to dress properly and then track her 'friend' down.
    February 13th, 2022 at 08:10am
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    Xanthe looked down at the man below her when she heard slight noise escape from his lips. She saw his lips move slightly and his face scrunch in pain, but his eyes didn't open. She leaned her head down to his chest to listen to his heart beat then placed her fingers in against the side of his neck to check for a pulse. It was there, but it was faint. "Hold on for a little longer. The ambulance is coming for you." She said softly as he moved her hands back to his wounds, trying keep him alive. She continued to check his pulse as time went by, but soon the sirens from the ambulance was heard and she sighed in relief. "Stay with me, the ambulance is almost here. I can hear them." She said to him, then stopped using her powers when the ambulance pulled up, letting the EMTs take care of him.
    Hoseok sighed, feeling a little bad for Alylah for being a jerk to her, but he didn't like how she uses her ability to manipulate people. Then again, she wasn't doing that right at the moment. So he could have been a little nicer to her. However, instead of going to find her to apologize, Hoseok went back to unpacking which took him about another 2 and a half hours before he decided to call it quits. He checked his phone to look at the time and saw it was kind of getting late and he hasn't heard from Yoongi at all. It wasn't like Yoongi to stay out this late unless he had a fight, but Hoseok knew that Yoongi's fight wasn't until this weekend. So, he tried calling his cell phone to check up on his friend.
    February 13th, 2022 at 09:11am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jay.B
    A ringing in his ear pulled his focus, though the pain was tormenting him. Unfamiliar sound alerted him that he was moving, and the pain slowly faded to the background. But it was all too much for his mind to take in. The ride was full of noise and voices he couldn't quite place it. As he slipped in and out of conscious
    After spending some time in her room Alylah had decided on getting dressed. She knew they were running low on food, as neither her nor Yoongi was much for shopping. They both conned the other into shopping. But it was usually her that broke, and today was not exception. Yoongi was off training so that left her to take care of the place. Stepping out of her room adoring a pair of pants and a hoodie. She moved to the kitchen checking the cupboard. After making mental notes she turned and headed down the hall way. Her eyes connecting with the figure behind the door frame. Wrapping her knuckle against the wooden surface she tried to muster a smile. "I'm headed to the store, was there anything you'd like?" She questioned him.
    February 13th, 2022 at 10:26pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    Xanthe watched the ambulance leave with the man that she healed, hoping that he will be okay. She had thought about following the ambulance so she could check up on him, but she didnt drive and she didnt know what hospital they were taking him too. Sighing to herself, Xanthe decided to go back home, no longer feeling like staying out.
    Hoseok couldn't reach Yoongi, so he put his phone down before turning around to face his other roommate. He shrugged at her question. He had gotten a lot done and figured he could use a break. "I'll just go with you. I never a break anyways." He stated simply before grabbing his wallet.
    February 13th, 2022 at 10:46pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jay.B
    Yoongi felt the pain subsided, it was like he'd been pumped full of drugs. Though he knew better. Freaks weren't ever given drugs. The best the got was stitches and a band-aid. This would be no different. Whatever damage was done was patched up with butterfly bandages, if it would hold, if not the doctors would throw in a stitch or two and call it a day. He'd been through this before. So whatever they did it was nothing he'd just head home and Alylah would fix him up right. Hearing the sirens shut off he knew he'd arrived to the hospital. But he couldn't move to much, in his weaken state. It maybe a night in there bed. Unless he could get enough strength built up to call Alylah and refuse service. The bull was already so high because of the ride.
    Alylah's eyes widened, before she raised one brow. "Okay." She said slowly. Her a d Hoseok didn't get along well. But she knew it wasn't on her end. He was the asshole in all of this. And sure on some days she'd give him a dose of his own medicine. But most of the time she was really genuinely nice to him. The way she send it freaks stick together. Of course that didn't mean all. She'd met her fair share that was just as bad as regs. But she did her best not to use her ability on freaks. Her job however made it hard to keep the promise she'd made to herself. But some promise were ment to be broken.
    February 16th, 2022 at 12:46pm
  • Jay.B

    Jay.B (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles

    Xanthe finally made it back home after the incident, with that man still in her mind. She had hoped that he got to the hospital okay and that the doctors were able to care of him although she had healed most of him. Xanthe didnt want to be home, she wanted to make sure the guy was okay, but didnt want to be a creep. However, she knew that Ji-sang wouldn't be home until later the next day, so she would be safe until then. So, Xanthe decided to just go to bed as she was not in the mood to do anything else.
    Hoseok had a little smirk on his lips when he saw Alylah's reaction to when he said that he wanted to ride with her. Sure, he was an asshole to her at times, but he wasn't an asshole for no reason. He didnt like how she used her abilities to screw people over, especially more so when she tried it on him. However, he didnt feel like being an asshole her today and just wanted to just be cordial with her for the time being. "Lead the way, unless you want me to drive." Hoseok said as he walked out of his room, closing the door behind him.
    February 23rd, 2022 at 03:00am