Best/Worst/Stupidest Reviews You've Received

  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Bastard Son.:
    First off - congrats on the amazing OC. I read that journal. I loved what I saw here.

    Reid, well... I definitely enjoyed the way you managed to incorporate his genius into his thoughts and express it just right. The narration was amazing. Not too complex or confusing, but very descriptive (just enough) and dynamic. The sense of humor wasn't too obvious, but was there, though more in an ironic way, which is great.

    “Fuck.” he said one last time, collapsing against Reid as he finished. A few minutes later he pulled out, removing the condom and throwing it in the trash can beside Reid’s bed. They exchanged a few kisses before falling asleep, facing each other though not touching.

    Don't know why, but I found this somehow important to the characterisation of both the OC and Reid. Not to mention that I was totally able to see it.

    Reid pressed a finger to his lips before answering the call. “Hello?” he asked, stifling a yawn. “Yeah, I’ll be there.” He clicked the phone shut. “I have to go to work. Get dressed and I’ll take you home.” Shocked at his own brazenness, he grabbed the back of Jimmy’s neck and pressed their lips together. “If I gave you my number,” he asked, “would you use it?”

    “Frequently.” Jimmy answered, giggling slightly.

    And this was the perfect way to finish the chapter and characterize both Jimmy and Reid.

    I think I'll subscribe. You tend to amaze me each and every time.
    I totally pulled the Frankie smile rereading that.
    May 26th, 2007 at 05:21pm
  • Mike Dirnt.

    Mike Dirnt. (100)

    United States
    Evil Genius:
    oh my gosh. i honestly dont know why more people dont read this. this is absolutely brilliant. i have never read anything more original, thrilling and involving. its from such an original point of view, your style is flawless and i could go on reading this all day. *SUBSCRIBES*
    please read my story!
    That just made me feel so warm and happy. Because the story, Fallen, is my baby. I love it to death and I spent hours planning out the story and writing and rewriting every chapter and I can't wait for the end result. And the fact that I have a new reader, a new subscriber, and a great review for it just make me feel...ok, I was dancing to Kiss and Control after I read it. *embarassed*

    But after shamelessly whoring out my story, getting no response, giving up and just writing for no audience, I get this one great review from someone I know to be a good writer and it's the best feeling.
    May 27th, 2007 at 03:34pm
  • Billie's Willie

    Billie's Willie (100)

    United States

    "These are so great. I'm glad you're writing stories about the Armstrong's being a happy family, I'm fed up of reading stories about Adie and Billie getting divorced. This makes a really nice change."
    That made me smile for like an hour.

    "Awww...That one made me cry..."
    I like making people emotional, I guess.

    From the same person:
    "It's brilliant, you really do capture what children are like!!! " and "Pretty amazing as usual, I really like how realistic your one shots are"
    That was what I wanted to do from the start.
    May 29th, 2007 at 09:56am
  • The Way

    The Way (1400)

    Fish Camp:
    Sometimes I wonder if you're god.

    Love it so far.
    Mr. Green
    May 29th, 2007 at 08:34pm
  • Sorryll

    Sorryll (100)

    United Kingdom
    I always try to give good long reviews cos that fuzzy feeling you get receiving one is great, right?

    I havent had many here, but on other sites the best review i ever got was

    "That was just so very beautiful. To finally find love with the one person you have loved forever, amazing. You outdid yourself with this one.'

    the worst AND stupidest was

    "I like this. Its intriguing. However, you do have a feel spelling mistakes"
    only a feel, eh? lol

    Sorry if i wasnt supposed to put them from other sites but i have very few here yet!
    May 30th, 2007 at 12:23am
  • Heartstrings.

    Heartstrings. (100)

    *falls to the floor in tears* you ended it!! You ended it!!! You ended an amazing story which was such a rollercoaster, and was so well written and showed a growth of characters and feeling and... there had better be a sequel!! Please
    I can't believe it's gone... I'm going to have to re - read this... it's so damn good!!
    Sardonic Grin:
    Ima gonna comment here to! ^_^ It's amazing, seriously one of the best Waycest I have read. I love the original approach you are taking; makes it so different from any another story- not just waycest- out there. Alot of the times the mother is the one who understands, and the father flies off the handle, I loved how you switched it around. Also, the characterzation was flawless. Beautiful. I can't say enough about this story.
    your 12? no way. your writing shows immense maturity!
    your use of similies [like a plague] was intriguing. and "sinful ways” set an eerie-ness about the scene.

    your plot line was original and well planned. the background and text colour is a bit of a problem, its difficult to read, maybe sticking to the default layour would be better.
    repition of the "the one folder" was really good aswell.

    It was Mikey. that part was really mysterious.

    i honestly cant say anything bad to say, just try to fix the colours and format and it will be perfect :)
    The first one was for the ending of my first ever fan-fic, Cutthroat Tragedies. I felt like crying when eading it because it made me so happy there is someone who liked it.

    The second and third one was for my ongoing slash story, That's A Lie. It made me want to write more so I posted 3 chapters in one day. Getting reviews like these make my whole hour and a half slaving in front of the computer worth it. Also, not many people realise I'm 12 so they expect some shakesperare qoutes or whatever. It gets pretty irritating at times.

    May 30th, 2007 at 10:36am
  • astroz0mbie

    astroz0mbie (160)

    United States
    wow it is amazing ... when i read it a got trapped inside of your words and secretly never wanted it to end. It was fabulous.
    That oneshot is amazing Jess... you are too talented for your own good
    I have to say, you're only 14 and you write with such amazing grace. Everything flows. It was like heaven to read. Your description brought everything to life. There is so much potential in it. I am amazed. It was a joy to read every single sentence.

    Those publishers can't wait till your 18!

    The Way:
    Oh. My. Gee.

    That was utterly, utterly gorgeous. I know I keep saying I love all your stuff, but this... this COMPLETELY blew me away. At the beginning paragraph, my eyes widened at the beautiful use of words, of imagery... almost made me want to wish that I wrote it. The description was so lovely and off-the-charts, I would have read it even if the plot sucked.

    But it didn't. I absolutely love how you described the withering marriage. I'd quote my favorite sentences, but I friggin' loved every single one. I can't say anything more, or I'll be redundant.

    I think you've completely topped yourself with this. You're not reaching your peak; you're already there. I'm just wary of how amazing you'll be when you get older. This can easily wipe the floor with many chaptered fics here. Seriously.

    I am your no. 1 fan. Teehee. I'm gonna copy-paste your fics to notepad now, so I can read them all offline and comment later.

    Gosh, I'm still in a daze...
    all for For Reasons Unknown
    May 31st, 2007 at 05:32pm
  • Josipa

    Josipa (3960)

    A Melancholy Autumn:
    wow it is amazing ... when i read it a got trapped inside of your words and secretly never wanted it to end. It was fabulous.
    That oneshot is amazing Jess... you are too talented for your own good
    I have to say, you're only 14 and you write with such amazing grace. Everything flows. It was like heaven to read. Your description brought everything to life. There is so much potential in it. I am amazed. It was a joy to read every single sentence.

    Those publishers can't wait till your 18!

    The Way:
    Oh. My. Gee.

    That was utterly, utterly gorgeous. I know I keep saying I love all your stuff, but this... this COMPLETELY blew me away. At the beginning paragraph, my eyes widened at the beautiful use of words, of imagery... almost made me want to wish that I wrote it. The description was so lovely and off-the-charts, I would have read it even if the plot sucked.

    But it didn't. I absolutely love how you described the withering marriage. I'd quote my favorite sentences, but I friggin' loved every single one. I can't say anything more, or I'll be redundant.

    I think you've completely topped yourself with this. You're not reaching your peak; you're already there. I'm just wary of how amazing you'll be when you get older. This can easily wipe the floor with many chaptered fics here. Seriously.

    I am your no. 1 fan. Teehee. I'm gonna copy-paste your fics to notepad now, so I can read them all offline and comment later.

    Gosh, I'm still in a daze...
    all for For Reasons Unknown
    You are recognizable, Jess. You are :D
    June 1st, 2007 at 09:53am
  • astroz0mbie

    astroz0mbie (160)

    United States
    I'm seriously going to burst into tears here..
    June 1st, 2007 at 10:01am
  • Fish Camp

    Fish Camp (150)

    United States
    All for Sick and Sain:
    Sensual Violation:
    This is amazing.

    I initially read it because I saw Druscilla had recommended it on one of the threads.

    I love how you write what's going on in their heads, I just love their thoughts.

    I can't even comment properly because I'm in awe.
    The Way:
    Songs the world could sing out loud. Songs to inspire. To save. To conquer. To live by.

    Wonderful, truthful line.

    The scene was played up really well, and it didn't feel too cliche or rushed at all. The last part, with Ryan admitting his love but still being unsure... it's like what this entire story is about.

    It makes me happy to see this getting more reviews! :D I really can't wait for more, but I guess I'd have to.

    This story is friggin' awesome, and I wanna know what happens real bad now. Update when you can!Mr. Green
    druscilla; gone:
    But it didn’t matter, because Gerard was asleep.

    I don't know why that line is the most powerful to me, but it is. I really have no clue, but I love it. I keep rereading it trying to figure it out, but I can't.

    The rest of the chapter is, of course, just as beautiful as the rest of the story.
    Pimp Of The Hobos;;:
    Oh. My. God. This is absolutely fucking amazing!
    I seriously am now in love with this story.
    The narration is wonderful, the way it switches point of view and really shows how the characters are thinking. It really is the way people think and it's fantastic.
    My God...
    Seriously. This story is soo not getting the credit it deserves, like Druscilla said.
    I'm so glad she recommended it because I'm awestruck. This is fantabulously super and I am definitely subscribing.
    True brilliance.

    Clap :D
    June 1st, 2007 at 07:09pm
  • astroz0mbie

    astroz0mbie (160)

    United States
    Fish Camp:
    I completely give up writing.

    Why should I when you're here? Your like--yeah, you're fucking amazing.
    This was so insanely beautiful. Everything about it was just perfect. I didn't want it to end either.
    Empress Of Moldolvia:
    I envy you. You are such a great writer and I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. I'm at a loss for was so....beautifully's
    I keep editing this post...haha.
    June 1st, 2007 at 09:16pm
  • Pikachu

    Pikachu (150)

    United States
    hmmm....I never get actually reviews or anything. I only have one story, but still it doesn't make me want to post anymore if all I get is "OmG that was cool"

    I kinda like it when the person commenting refers to a part of the story. It proves they actually read it.

    June 1st, 2007 at 11:09pm
  • Mike Dirnt.

    Mike Dirnt. (100)

    United States
    Bastard Son.:
    A little boy in a postcard town near the mountains found a dollar and bought a chocolate bar with it. A hobo near the chocolate shop found an abandoned shirt on a park bench. A young lady in the park just accepted her boyfriend’s proposal for marriage and the couple gazed at each other with adoration. A stalker gazing at the couple had just been arrested and the police couldn’t be happier.

    However, four men in the mountains above could have been much, much happier. Why? Because these four men were hanging from a cliff and were quite unhappy about the situation.

    I loved this intro.

    “SOMEBODY!” shrieked Frank (it was a very manly shriek) “ANYBODY! CAN YOU HEAR US? WE’RE IN DANGER! CALL 911! HELP US!”

    “MMMMPPPPPPHHHHH!” said Bob as loud as he could, because he couldn’t open his mouth. “MMM! MMPH MPH MMMPH!”

    :lmfao You rock.

    Mikey was not listening. He was staring intensely at a little squirrel that had its paws mysteriously covered in cream cheese. The squirrel was staring mischievously back. As Mikey poised himself to run after the stupid rodent, Frank grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back.

    “Don’t even think about it,” he growled.

    “But my bagel…”

    :lmfao This made me laugh so hard, my eyes watered.

    The first ending made me all too sad. He jumped too. And then what? NO CONCERT?! Cry I'm awful.

    I love, love, love the humor here. It's sorta subtle and a bit sarcastic and just right. I had fun reading this.
    This review made my week. I just came back from a mostly-lousy vacation and I had food poisoning all of yesterday. Then, I read this review and I started grinning like a star. Thankee Bastard Son.
    June 5th, 2007 at 07:15pm
  • Bastard Son.

    Bastard Son. (200)

    June 5th, 2007 at 07:58pm
  • Mike Dirnt.

    Mike Dirnt. (100)

    United States
    Bastard Son.:
    I really liked it. Could I, I would quote the entire thing. You got the melancholy just right, actually, that's a wrong word. Regret? Just simple yearning, longing? I don't know. But I do know the feeling and you conveyed it amazingly. I am not a fan of this kind of narration, but I didn't seem to mind it here. And I know what song you were trying to interpret and you did a marvellous job.

    You made my day pwn.
    June 5th, 2007 at 09:37pm
  • Bastard Son.

    Bastard Son. (200)

    Aw, thank you. You've made mine as well, to speak frankly. All for It's Not A Mistake...
    That last chapter was just...fucking amazing, man. I love the way you did Gerard singing Helena, how every emotion and memory was brought into it. Like, he starts out weak, the song starts out soft and weak, but with the memories and his thoughts of Riley and his own grandmother, it makes the song stronger and it gets strong in places where he's thinking about something strong, and it gets weaker when he's thinking about the things that make him weak and...I'm not making a whole lot of sense right now. But I can't really put it into words. I can see, as a writer, why that chapter would be important to you. Putting the music to words. Its not an easy feat, but it sure is worth it.

    And you pulled it off perfectly.
    Can I just quote Carly? Cause she seems to have said everything so well...

    This update was amazing. I love how you created this feeling of claustrophobia and then got into Gee's head. The fragments of memories weaving together was so effective, with the lyrics as well....
    And Frankie's just too damn cute...

    Ahh....I loved it, I really did. Not so long on the word length but that is a compliment and a feat in itself, because you have set it up so the words you did use, especially with the memories, were really great and carried a lot of meaning because of what had been told previously...

    “Friends don’t kiss like that.”
    “We’re not just friends, Riley, we’re everything.”

    Oh my, that line really got me.
    The talk of Elena and saying 'good night' really got to me aswell, i'm not an emotional wreck it's just the naivety and innocence that those few lines held, they were too realistic to bare.

    The whole chapter was just so raw and pure, beautifully tragic. It brought so much more life to those lyrics and the way you integrated the lyrics with the past was so seamless, really well thought out.

    I really loved that update, i could completely empathise with Gee's character, although it wasn't particularly 'happy' it felt right and made me happy in a bittersweet way,

    June 5th, 2007 at 10:14pm
  • astroz0mbie

    astroz0mbie (160)

    United States
    Virtual Insanity:
    I can honestly see myself in Borders or Barnes and Noble someday looking through the shelves and seeing a book by you.
    Just read a lack of color. It was beautiful... but yeah, eerie. In a good way. My favorite bit about your writing is the word choice you have in some places, for example wide asleep, and gentley intense. I love things like that. And as I said before, the description is really what pushes your writing. The way you describe things is amazing, not too many people can handle that much description and not get completely lost in what they're trying to say.
    The Way:
    Um... I think I wanna kill myself now. Why? Because I've run out of adjectives to describe your writing with 'A Lack Of Color.' Is there anything I can say that won't make me seem repetitive/a stalker? I don't think so.

    I will say this only...

    You describe with such beautiful words I desperately wanted to be sucked into that world, even if it's a dingy bar. Yes. I'm freakish, you know?
    Empress Of Moldolvia:

    I say we all just stop writing. She's too damn good, we can't compete. You're writing is so beautiful, you should be published. Keep up the good work kiddo, you're going places...
    In Love
    June 6th, 2007 at 01:35am
  • kara

    kara (100)

    United States
    Ahh, you guys have no idea how much I appreciate the comments. While I was gone, I was working on a rough draft. It's not looking good and I have no idea how I'd work it out. The sequal is still up in there air, but if anything, you guys will be contacted.
    *bows to your greatness*
    ^^^ That made me blush.
    June 6th, 2007 at 02:57am
  • Josipa

    Josipa (3960)

    "Y'know. You could make some serious money if you were a story writer or script writer for the show. Just so y'know. Coz you're good at writing these types of plots."

    Wow THANK YOU, Die, so much! You can't even imagine how this big heart of mine beats at the moment :D
    June 8th, 2007 at 10:11am
  • Technophile

    Technophile (100)

    United States

    Your wording at the beginning is perfect. The entire...concept was wonderfully written.
    I just stared at my computer screen for a good while just smiling like a loon and repeatedly going "Oh. My. God." in my head.
    June 9th, 2007 at 09:31am