Best/Worst/Stupidest Reviews You've Received

  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Sara, don't stop writing because of something some stranger said.
    If you express yourself through poetry please do.
    They don't know you and probably wouldn't even know poetry if it hit them in the face.
    Its YOUR work, so along as it helps you don't worry about what everyone else says
    I agree.
    Stupid people criticize poetry by calling it 'lame emo cutting' poetry.
    It's people who don't understand poetry.
    You should keep writing.
    February 24th, 2007 at 09:28pm
  • the optimist.

    the optimist. (100)

    United States
    A Melancholy Autumn:
    I don't get reviews.

    Feedback, really, is just a few 'That was amazing' or 'That's so beautiful.' Never really anything constructive. I don't like straight to the point comments about how great it is. GIMME SOME CRIT. PEOPLE.
    No one really tells me what's good about it.
    I get things like:
    "OMG that was soooo amazing."

    "I dunno whether or not I like it."

    But no one goes into why and I really don't know how to improve. I don't get many comments or reviews and when I do, that's what they are, listed above.
    It's like, tell me what made you like it or what made you not like it.
    Tell me what bugs you about it or what you think I can do to improve.

    OOH, and the dumbest review was when I was still big into writing slash. I wrote one about Mike's birthday and someone pulled two lines from two completely different places in the story, slapped them together and said they didn't make sense. O_o Well of course they didn't, they weren't even next to each other to begin with!
    February 25th, 2007 at 12:26am
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    I just got this review from someone [I won't write a name] and I can honestly say this is the best review I've ever gotten.

    "I honestly wouldn't go as far to say that it was perfect, 'cause I can't really define that term. I've never read a perfect book or a perfect story. So I can't tell.
    But I do know that this oneshot shows your talent for description and the psychical state of the character. Although it was short I could perfectly imagine what Billie feels like. And I congratulate you for that, 'cause many people can't write in a way to make readers truly sympathize with the character and understand him. Some write a whole story without accomplishing that, and you managed to impress me with a single page of text. This oneshot was more than text, it was a pure emotion written by someone who understands."

    That's for Limelight. It's A Beautiful Thing.
    February 25th, 2007 at 01:25am
  • the optimist.

    the optimist. (100)

    United States
    I take part of my previous statement back...I just got a completely wonderful review and now I finally know how I am doing!

    Best review:
    "So, here goes a review. I know it's quite early for that, but I wanted you to know how I feel about this story.
    You have an amazing writing style. You describe the character's thoughts so good that I feel like I'm floating amidst their thoughts. You put so much effort into it, that it makes the story almost incredible.
    I love it how you're writing this story kind of like a fantasy. I don't know how to explain it properly. It just feels surreal, but real. Weird.
    I can't write more, 'casue I still don't know where's this story going. But you can expect more comments from me."

    ^ That right there blew me away.
    February 25th, 2007 at 02:16am
  • kara

    kara (100)

    United States
    I don't get reviews... one person said my story was awesome and another said that my story was the story they would go to, to make them happy. That's good... I guess.
    February 25th, 2007 at 04:06am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    My friend haushinka leaves the weirdest/best reviews ever and they don't even have to do with the story.

    I was in a cardboard box once. They told me they wouldn't flip me on my head. ...
    They lied.

    Ooo ... you got double squeed.

    Ew. Billie's evil. This is disturbing.
    In a good way, of course.

    *melts onto computer desk*
    Stop being an ass, Mike!

    *runs in circles*
    That's good running in circles ...
    ... meaning I like it.

    *makes Lukas plushie waddle over and give you bouquet of tulips*
    It was worth the wait.

    It left me all shuddery . . . *goes to look at pictures of happy Mike-mike*

    I don't know about everyone else, but it sure made me laugh.
    [One minute later]
    Scratch that, I DO know about everyone else. They laughed too.
    Lukas plushie : *giggles*

    Mike is mean. Stop being so mean Mike. You know Billie's a sexy beast.


    *rolls around on the floor* Will you figure things out already stupid men!!!!!

    When I finished reading I giggled until I couldn't breathe so I had to stop giggling.

    I LOVE MIKE. ......... I'm sorry ... I just felt the urge to say that.

    I had to go to the bathroom ... to get a kleenex ... b/c I was laughing so hard ...

    *mumbles* damnsixgradersruiningmyfun... MOVING ON *thumbs up* I'm running out of things to say...but you know I love it anyways. ooo rhyming

    *laughs maniacally for no apparent reason*

    People who critique badly should be...should be...eaten...yeah...eaten...

    I know I already reviewed (I think) but WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I'm on a sugar rush WHEEEEEEEEEEE I think it was the strawberry juice.

    Hooray for smut!

    *sticks out tongue* That's about the third time you've tricked me today w/ these stories of yours.

    And I connected a lot to this story, including the angst. Fucking Billie Joe. And Mike being clueless. I just... get way too involved I think. You're such a believable writer. I love you.



    February 25th, 2007 at 05:22am
  • SimmoScandal

    SimmoScandal (100)

    United Kingdom
    No one really gives me reviews either.
    I've never had nagative comments though. Or none that I can remember.
    But I think I don't get reviews because I'm not the greatest writer ever, so a lot of people don't read them.
    And the comments that I do get are only about 3 words long, which kind of annoys me sometimes, because I would like people to let me know in more detail.
    But then again, I can't really complain, because I do the same on most stories I read. But it would be nice once in a while to get some constructive critisism or whatever...
    March 2nd, 2007 at 11:19pm
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    Honestly, the person who gives the BEST reviews is Helena. I don't know how she does it, but she's reviewed almost all of my oneshots...And it's they're so great.:)
    March 2nd, 2007 at 11:23pm
  • Synyster Lisa

    Synyster Lisa (400)

    United States
    My story Tell Me Will It All Be Okay? got a lot of good reviews. (I put the link so if you feel like reading it if you got a couple hours to spare)

    I made people's some reviews I got

    "OH MY GOD
    That was so sad, it made me want to cry.
    Let it is was so happy, it made me want to smile though my tears. That was an amazing story, I think that story will stick with me forever, all though life. It was truly wonderful, thank you for such a wonderful story."

    "OHMYFUCKINGGOD! i cant believe how amazing your story is i cried when Lisa died. that is the most incredible story i have ever read in my life and it will probably be the most amazing story i will ever read. i just wanna say congrats for being such a talented writer

    thanx and i congradulate you on your talent"

    "Dear Author,
    I am writing a letter of complaint.
    Your story was absolutely brilliant.
    But i cried lottles.
    Especially the bit with the little boy at the funeral. "
    March 8th, 2007 at 03:45pm
  • sweat-tears-guilt

    sweat-tears-guilt (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hmm, i've had a few comments, but they're mostly from my best friend, which is proabably completely biased. 0_o

    Anyway, I would LOVE to hear any comments, good or bad and I usually try to comment constructively on other people's stories. But, you know... its sort of disheartening to not have anybody read/comment. Meh, at least i haven't had any completely stupid comments. yet.
    March 9th, 2007 at 09:51am
  • K---

    K--- (100)

    I've had a lot of good comments, one of my favs is on one of my oneshots Why Do We Lie? (I put links in case anyone is bored)

    wow .. wow. wow. i read your others, but this one was. wow.
    the other male character, the lover, not the narrator, started off seeming so weak, then seems to get stronger. the narrator was speaking of the kind of power he had over him. and. yea. wow. brilliant, brilliant.

    btw the bold and then the text below made it seem like paragraphs where you explained the bold, like an essay ... it made a really cool effect. awesome.

    that one made me feel really good about something i wasn't sure about and it was detailed too so i knew what i was doing was okay.

    These are from another oneshot Caring that came too late

    Zoe you have an amazing way with words!

    that was SO amazing Zoe
    no one writes one-shots like you
    i think you deserve an award!
    thats so sad
    i wish i was there to help

    they may not be very descriptive but still made me feel good about my writing.
    March 9th, 2007 at 11:31am
  • hrvatka; candy.

    hrvatka; candy. (100)

    United States
    Well Sara (Silverfuck.) and Helena (Something:_beautiful) always give me great reviews. They're the best. Here are my favorite from them.
    This one-shot affected me in many ways. I find it interesting to read others' interpretations of lyrics. And yours was just wow! I love the idea with the two letters to show how much the soldier's hurting and how many feelings he's bottled up inside. You've described him with simpathy, still he feels very real. I felt as if I was in his head and heart, feeling the same pain he felt.Amazing.
    And the death scene in the end, I don't know what to say about it.
    "A confused looked spread across his face and he fell to his home in hell. His wide, pale, blue eyes frozen in time."
    This almost made me cry. I've reread the last paragraph a couple of times and each time it left me speechless and thinking. The last two sentences are the ones that strike me the most. They say more than the whole one-shot.
    And now the thing I mind. I don't think the layout is appropriate for this story, but since it's a collection I guess you couldn't have chosen a martial one.
    All in all you've done an amazing job. I hadn't even noticed the two minor mistakes till I'd reread the one-shot. You've entrapped both the soldier's and my mind. Great job!
    ^For my one-shot, "Mama".
    I promised you a review on your last chapter, so I'm keeping my promise. First off, the whole story is really, really, really good. I love the basic concept of it and the fact it's nothing like the stories I usually stumble across, so for that Tas, thank you. XD

    This chapter was one of my favorites. Not only that I loved the feeling of this tension between Jordan and Bianca in their brief dialogue and the disappointment in Jordan's voice at the indetermined time of their next meeting. You really can say a lot in only a few words.

    The Shawn and Bianca scene - I despise that man. I loathe him with every fiber of my being, actually. That's a great thing, because if you got me and Jandri up there feeling such strong emotions for a made-up character you must be doing something right. Shawn's calculated words and cold approach on their relationship are things you really managed to depict in this chapter, especially with this line:

    He stopped. "Look. Stop being such a little pussy all the time and grow up. I'm trying to teach you your womanly duties. Be a good 'future wife' and take what I give you. No questions asked."

    And Bianca's weakness to deal with him brings out compassion in me, along with frustration about her not being able to say 'no.'

    All in all, you have an awesome story going on here and I like your style in writing, you're not being too caught up in your characters' emotions to forget about the actual, what I call, 'mechanical' part of the plot and narration and yet you made sure we had an insight on their wishes, frustrations and fears along with other emotions. Characters' minds - thoughts and motivation are what makes the plot and you didn't fail to notice that.

    I hope my rant won't turn out to be too long, but I decided to let it all out.

    Hope to read more soon,

    ^For my story "Polaroids".

    I effing love their reviews...

    Hmm... Worst?

    Probably stuff like "OMG. More soon?" or "I love this story." Lame stuff like that. Nothing ever mean or anything like that.
    March 9th, 2007 at 01:07pm
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    Probably the worst review I ever got was - "write write i loves this". Like, what?
    March 13th, 2007 at 12:48am
  • kara

    kara (100)

    United States
    Worst review I got was Cry
    It was meant in a good way, but that got me absolutly nowhere.
    March 13th, 2007 at 12:56am
  • Synyster Lisa

    Synyster Lisa (400)

    United States
    for my one shot Cancer's Last Words I got some nice ones..

    Oh. My. Fucking. God.

    Four words; That. Was. Fucking. Beautiful.

    It made me fucking sob!
    oh my god, I actually cried. that was amazing. you have a gift. *sniffle*
    March 13th, 2007 at 09:44pm
  • Synyster Lisa

    Synyster Lisa (400)

    United States
    my other ahem...HOT one shot Romance Without Regret I wrote it for my friend for her b-day...

    *raises eyebrows* uhm wow, that was kinda hot.


    wow that was like, the ultimate sex scene



    I need....I need.....oh God I wish Mikey&&Steph were married in my story already....
    March 13th, 2007 at 09:49pm
  • Synyster Lisa

    Synyster Lisa (400)

    United States
    Worst review I got was Cry
    It was meant in a good way, but that got me absolutly nowhere.
    I got that review a couple times......and people bugging me on why I killed so-and-so, and why so-and-so committed suicide.....and why I killed Gerard in one of them....hehe
    March 13th, 2007 at 09:50pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    You reminded me of another good review I got.

    This is absolutely amazing. The ending was perfect, and very sad, might I add. Great job, Dru. I love how you can kill off people without actually saying that they're dead, that they committed suicide. Genius.
    March 14th, 2007 at 01:24am
  • nichole

    nichole (150)

    United States
    People keep asking me who I'm going to kill off in my fic. THOSE are the worst reviews, because they're not reviews and make the story pointless if I divulge that.
    March 14th, 2007 at 01:46am
  • Fake your own death

    Fake your own death (200)

    United States
    I think the funnest reviews were for Dear God, I Think I Killed the Sweetest flower. I had it posted on a couple of forums, and towards the end, I was taking so long to update. At one forum these kids were planning to come to my house and kill me if I didn't update. Same thing happened at the end when people said they hated me XD I love when I do that.
    March 14th, 2007 at 06:35pm