Best/Worst/Stupidest Reviews You've Received

  • xUnforgivableCursex

    xUnforgivableCursex (100)

    United States
    I hate it when people just simply say, "Update!" It annoys the hell out of me. I've gotten that kind of response from other people on other sites too, but saying Update is not gonna make more chapters pop out of my ass. Scuse my language. Maybe something with a little more criticism or telling me what you like about my story would help. Naughty
    April 16th, 2011 at 02:25pm
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    For Mad as a Box of Frogs:
    fun ghoul bow tie.:
    How I didn't find this before, I don't know. The point is, I was hooked right from reading the summary. The idea just sounded so unique that backing out was, quite literally, not possible. anyways, although I should be sleeping, onward!

    First off, I just adore how you write. Your dialogue is so well-written but then you jut hit the reader with these amazing descriptions. Its mindblowing. I love Matt's character in this too; he's so vulnerable and sweet and human and it is just wonderful. -is rambling now-

    Matt Smith, the man who could talk for England if it were an Olympic sport. Matt Smith, the man who can’t stand awkward silences so fills them with words, beautiful words, ugly words, empty words.

    Matt Smith, the man who has no words. Not any more. I adored those two paragraphs. I'm a huge fan of repetition when it is done right and this is a stellar example. It was just so beautiful and made Matt's character even more wonderful. My God, I love Matt Smith. -facewall-

    One thing that I really liked as well was your strategic use of the song lyrics. I'm usually not a fan of using the lyrics directly in the text but I think that, since they were so spaced out and used as dividers, that it worked perfectly. (:

    This... this was just the sweetest thing I think I've ever read. From beginning to end, it was just so wonderful. Matt's character was so well written; I think I've fallen in love with him. xD And I'm so glad this had a happy ending, or I might have cried. I swear to God I'll stop stalking your stories soon but honestly, there was absolutely nothing wrong with this. You're amazing. (:
    April 28th, 2011 at 09:13pm
  • dr. faustus

    dr. faustus (1070)

    For Gaspard and Anette Part II
    Story Review Game

    - Title

    I really like this title. It's simple and to the point, but still has this elegance about it (probably because the character's names are so elegant). I'm not quite sure how the Part II fits in, but I'm sure I'll find out soon. :)

    - Summary

    I love the use of the Freud quote! I've never seen that done before. I'm really excited to see how it ties into the story.
    The feather divider is really sweet. I'm normally not a big fan of dividers, but this one really works.
    The bottom bit is perfect. Really. Completely and utterly perfect. I love the wording of it, and especially the last sentence. Beautiful.

    - Layout

    I adore this layout. I know I've said "I don't normally like so and so" so many times already in this review, but dang, girl! You're making me love all these things I used to hate. XD
    I don't normally like the printed backgrounds, but this one is so pretty and soft that it doesn't detract from the content of the story at all. The banner is beautiful and the colors are so soft and beautiful. The only thing I would suggest is maybe altering the photo just a tad so it's a little lighter, but still, it doesn't matter at all because everything is just so pretty.

    - Story


    I love this so much. It tells you so much about her in just that one little bit. The only thing I saw was this: My mind was limited to certain freedoms of what they called reality, but seeing my parents face for the first time in years, was real enough. I think it should be "parents' faces", unless you were going for something by using the singular, in which case, I'm sorry. XD

    You really are amazing at getting your character's feelings across. I felt so sad when I was reading about Anette's parents fighting. You made me feel what she was feeling, which is great. And on a side note, your character's names are so amazing. You always pick these names that are fitting and original without being tacky or over-the-top. I love it. :D :D :D

    Anette, Anette the wind carried my name as if it was a leaf being tossed between the dry grasses.
    This was probably my favorite part. I love that description, a leaf being tossed between the dry grasses. I've never heard anything like that before. It just fit so perfectly and it's so beautiful and asdlfkjdslkdfjd it's perfect. In Love

    “Like what?” my father interrupted asking suspiciously, picking back up his fork with a bitter look to his face. I knew it wasn’t because of the meatloaf. I grinned, as we all sat silently. The quietness scared me; I went to that place again…
    This is amazing too. I love how she retreats back into her shell just because of something her father said. It shows us how delicate she is, how fragile everything is in her world. I also love how you didn't elaborate, how you went right into the session with the doctor. Giving us just that taste of the fragility makes it beautiful. I think if you had gone into this big descriptive thing about how she was feeling, it would have detracted from the scene's seriousness. You are amazing. Seriously. Twitch

    “Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a bird?”

    Oh, gosh, I love this so much. I can't put how much I love this into a few typed words on a computer screen. This made the entire story for me. The whole conversation about the bird, I was just... wow. Blown away. It made me tear up. I love this. In Love

    “According to biology, I wasn’t supposed to love you, but like everything else in the universe, we defied science. I…I didn’t understand the meaningless word, until that very night. You pulled the trigger and shot the word of love in my heart,”
    Another thing that I love! This was incredible. I don't know if this Gaspard is a ghost or an angel or a sparkly vampire but I DON'T CARE. He could be a house-elf, it's still gorgeous and I want them to live forever together and have beautiful babies. In Love Crazy That last part, you pulled the trigger and shot the word of love in my heart, that's beautiful, right there. Truly beautiful.

    - Conclusion

    This was probably one of the best stories I've ever read, on Mibba or in print. It was beautiful and delicate and gorgeous and just, incredible. I'm sorry if this turned into more of a fangirling instead of a review, but wow... there is NOTHING wrong with your writing. Nothing. It's beautiful and intense and gorgeous and just... incredible.

    Please don't ever stop writing.
    May 3rd, 2011 at 04:17pm
  • Roseh; believe

    Roseh; believe (330)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I just went and got a load of comments on a fic on a different site that said,
    or similar to that degree.
    (Someone did actually write that, and all others followed the same gist).

    I'm not exactly sure how to take that, so I'm just going to facepalm.
    May 4th, 2011 at 11:15pm
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    For Turn Every Good Thing to Rust:
    Okay, first off, I ADORE your opening paragraphs. You don't shy away from anything and it's why readers won't shy away from reading the rest either. It's violent, but you don't go over the top whilst not leaving anything important out. It's quite a hook. I can't explain how your narration just flows, and I love your word choice in them (greedy and mushy particularly, haha).

    There's an emotion here - I imagine it was like a shell of numbness, but through the way you wrote it we can all perceive the wrongness he was feeling. Like, he's not sure where the wrongness lay (when he hit back, when he didn't stop hitting, when he didn't just leave and run away, when he reached the limit), but it's there. It's scary because it's unseen and undescribable, and that's just what the entire scene emanated.

    His frenzied speech too, damn I can really imagine him saying it. The "Can you bring the shovel" is the perfect way to end the scene, and also quite sad/chilling/stunning, I can't quite decide.

    When Carey arrives, she first reacts the way most people would, but there's something a little off with how quickly she accepted it. Maybe it's just the way she is and the things she's seen, that she's just the kind of person who grew up early, or maybe it's the bit that would make her a believable serial killer later on.

    The rest of the burying scene flies by really quick. It's a really smooth read, despite how horrific the situation really is. I love his. observation about 'dead weight.' And this whole scene, as opposed to numbness, it just filled with unspoken tenderness. You didn't need to describe it, even. It was there in the way they interacted, some kind of gentle understanding despite what they were doing. I thought that was so lovely.

    And in the next bit, I like how you mentioned that people something ask for the sake of asking, not really expecting a reply. His nervousness is so palpable.

    And aw, damn. It shouldn't make me awww, but when he said he's serve her sentence too, it only solidifies the "bond" thing I mentioned earlier. By the way I love the minimal dialogue too, because I love reading your narration. It's really such a comfort to read, despite the subject matter.

    The ending is filled with uncertainty, and I think it's a good place to leave it off/start a story with. It's full of possibility, even if we all know it's about to go downhill from here.

    Subscribing :333333
    It was really nice to know she liked my narration (and found it comforting somehow XD) 'cause I'm not a massive fan of my narration at all. And she picked up on pretty much everything I was trying to achieve, especially with Carey. In Love
    May 8th, 2011 at 07:59pm
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    Yesterday when my mum was editing my NaNo, she commented on how well I had written Pansy and humanized her while still retaining some of her snottiness. I was all like, "OMGYES Really?" It made my day :D
    May 18th, 2011 at 06:41pm
  • idiotheque.

    idiotheque. (100)

    United States
    Someone once told me that I should be famous on this site for my writing and said she would try her best to get as many people to read my stories. It was cool to see that my stories had had such an impact on someone that they actually had to go out and do something about it.
    May 18th, 2011 at 09:17pm
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    On I Can't Hang:
    The Way:
    Oh my god I clicked on this initially because of the banner (which is adorable by the way), and I didn't really know what to expect - just that it involved angels somehow.

    Your writing style is so... charismatic. I have no time to read all of it at the moment, but the first chapter hooked me from the very first sentence, and you also have a fantastic grasp of humor. It's wonderful. Subscribing so I can keep track of this to read later :3
    the mice endure:
    I just found this, the title caught my attention and the cover art, intrigued me. I can't promise regular comments, but what I've read so far has definitely made me want to read more :).

    You have a wonderful balance of humour and serious prose. I really like that.
    I literally flailed when they said that. Crazy
    May 19th, 2011 at 12:53am
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    For A Microsecond in Time.
    this beautiful thief:
    I love the first paragraph. It a perfect description of time, especially the last sentence, and it's a great way to start off the story. And I love, I love, that Ten doesn't like Eleven. I have a feeling he'd have quite a few things to say to him if they ever actually met. lmfao But yeah, I think you've got both their characters pretty well spot on, especially Eleven and his casual rudeness. The dialogue feels really natural but not at the same time, like it flows but there's still that slight stiltedness to it that you'd expect from someone interacting with their future selves in the middle of them dying.

    Also, bow ties are cool. Hand tehe It's a great way to end the story, though, because you could've gotten bogged down with how depressing Ten's regeneration was like the show did but you didn't, you ended on a light, vaguely hopeful note which is how it should be, really. The only thing I can say is I'd have liked it to have gone on a little longer, because now I'm genuinely curious about what would happen between them if they met when Ten wasn't regenerating and had more time to spare. But this was a really nice read and I love the concept behind it, of time being fluid and nonsensical. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey!
    Considering it was a drabble, this was one of the best comments I've gotten. (:
    May 26th, 2011 at 02:58am
  • Saul Hudson

    Saul Hudson (355)

    For Fix It
    Alexander Bernadotte:
    Y'know what I don't get about some Mibbians? That they don't give good comments to people who deserve it and that they don't know a great story when they see one; and this is one of them. This is one of these stories that almost everyone can relate to - especially about fixing their lives. I think that this is my favorite piece by you; it says so much. I like how you really get into this man/character's head. It's a bit vague to me, but I actually love vagueness in stories; it adds something that I can't really put my finger on, haha! But I really do like it (: The ending, however, made me so sad. I'm guessing this character was a recovering addict? :( That's so awful. It seems like he's trying to get his story out incase he dies or something; the end leaves alot open to the reader and they can basically infer what goes on long after the story ended. Okay, I'm rambling and barely making any sense over here, so I'll stop now xD
    Anyways, lovely job! <3
    I love Alex's comments, she leaves wonderful ones all the time
    May 26th, 2011 at 03:08am
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    For Grazed Knees, Heavy Hearts:
    colour me perfect.:
    Hahaha, oh my God. For one thing, I've never read a story about any one of The Jonas Brothers, and secondly, I've never read a slash. But this... this was just a jump off the diving board, haha. And honestly... I kinda loved it.

    Kevin amused me so much. He was just so meek and quiet in relation to what he was doing, and I'll be honest when I say that I think I like the real him a little more now. Your writing was fluent and I couldn't find a mistake anywhere, and your words were colourful and descriptive and entertaining at every part.

    I have a little crush on Mike. And I know you made it pretty obvious that he was gay (or at least bi) but I think that he was exactly what Kevin needed. Kevin seemed like he was in such a rutt in what he was doing and that he'd never even considered himself good enough to receive anything himself, and then Mike came and completely showed him a new light. It was strangely beautiful for such a vivid, explicit story, haha.

    I love the layout too. I'm a bit of a layout whore... I get all excited when I see a good one. The colours all flow nicely and the banner is cute and just ajlkosimn. It's amazing, and it fits with the vividness of the story. XD

    Overall, this story amused me to no end and I think that you're an absolutely amazing writer. Everything flowed perfectly and it was just wonderful to read.

    ...I think I like Kevin Jonas now. o.O
    Converting people to the ways of the JoBros, one fic at a time. File

    And I got a pretty awesome comment for this story on Livejournal, too:
    June 1st, 2011 at 11:20pm
  • the redhead's cho

    the redhead's cho (100)

    United States
    I have to say that every time that someone comments on my story Orchard of Minds and says that they felt sick...I feel a sense of accomplishment.

    And basically any of the comments for said story but these are some of the ones that just made me beam with pride!
    asking alex:
    I don't understand why this only has two other comments. This is simply tantalizing. Thisis my favorite genre to read and this made chills run down my spine. I could feel the blade on the side of my face as I read. That's what I look for in stories. The way you describe things is beautiful and flows together so well. When it talked about him grabbing her blood matted hair and him calling her princess. God, it added so much for me. This is so wonderful. I love it. Keep up the fantasticly excellent work!
    Secret Fairytale:
    I loved the writing, but after just eating, I feel very sick at the moment. >_> I think it's the last part, the popping out of eyes, that made me feel queasy and all.

    'They hadn't allowed him near sharp objects either or most of the other patients.'
    ^ I'm sorry, I know he's crazy and all, but that just made me laugh my butt off. XD This line made me think of my friend. (Who I don't trust with any sharp object. >_>)

    Well, love, do update. I'm ready to read more, though I will be sure to ask you the disturbance level of the chapter before eating and reading. XD UPDATE! <3
    Oh my god, I think I'm going to drool. This story is RIGHT UP MY ALLEY. Just the kind of stuff that I love to read. <<<<<<<3

    But, I do have much more to pick at with this one than the other story.

    Okay, first off - the layout. The crazy checkerboard-ness of the background really hurt my eyes, and distracted me from the actual story quite a bit. I think the colors are nice, however.

    I love how you started out. I loved the pain and gore and how William thinks. YOU'RE USING WILLIAM fksjafl;kasj I feel like Ara should be in there. ANYWAY. *coughs*

    The first thing that caught my eye and severely ruined the lovely flow you had goin' were these lines:
    She really did look lovely. At least in his opinion she did. He doubted that she would be able to see it that way. Funny how that kind of thing worked. He really couldn't understand it.
    They're short and choppy, and you could mesh them together to make it flow so much better. ;)

    Another thing I didn't feel was as amazing as the rest:
    Too much of her blood and spirit was scattered around the room waiting to greet her husband before it all faded into nothing but a memory to remind him of why he should never have crossed William Marsh the way that he had.
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE this part: Too much of her blood and spirit was scattered around the room waiting to greet her husband before it all faded into nothing but a memory I think you should cut it there, and put a period after memory, then make the next bit another sentence.

    I especially loved the part about his thoughts on rape. :3 I mean, they're so unique from the standard reasons for rape. I think it just gave his character so much MORE. Ugh, you're killing me with this and it's only the first chapter. D: I am so excited to go read the rest.

    I hope I didn't criticize too much...I just pointed out what I noticed. UGH I love thissss... <3
    Painter's Dream:
    I don't think the layout added to the effect. I thought it was too...bright(?) I guess I should say :/ It kinda distracted me from the actual story.

    Too much of her blood and spirit was scattered around the room waiting to greet her husband before it all faded into nothing but a memory to remind him of why he should never have crossed William Marsh the way that he had.

    Ok, that is my favorite line. Its so...I can't explain, it just makes me wonder what happened? What did he do that crossed Marsh? And I'm really curious.

    When William was about to rape the poor girl and she cried for God, I kinda expected him to say There is no God, blah blah blah and shit like that but when I continued reading, it was far from what I expected even though it basically said the same thing. (That probably made no sense. Just starting to wake up :p)And writer's who can do that make me wanna subscribe.

    Yes you have a subscriber! :D
    Update soon? <3
    Of course all the comments on that story are wonderful. They really just make my day every time I update and they review it
    June 3rd, 2011 at 09:18am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    the best review I've ever gotten (on my oneshot 'Please, Remember December):

    Wow, I'm surprised this story doesn't have any comments yet. What a shame! Well, I'm glad I'm the first one and this was a very good story. You have a way with storytelling that's wonderfully done in many ways. I don't listen to Avenged Sevenfold by any means, but this was well written and I felt I didn't need to know the band in order to get this story, which was lovely.

    The way you've written this was nice, the beginning to end the development of your characters, especially December and Matt because their relationship was really complex and confusing, but enjoyable to read. I wish there was some background on December, but I admired the mysterious aspects of her, because how Matt felt about her, me personally, I felt the same way. She was just a face and at first, not even a name.

    There were some clichés in this, but I still thought you did okay with them. Also, I'm not sure where this story took place, but having sex at 17 with a man that is 23 isn't a crime depending on which state of course, but yeah because where I live, the age of consent is 16.

    “A scarce twenty miles away, Matt Sanders was sleeping with Valary while this nameless ghost of a girl gave birth to his child.”

    Your descriptions were nice and that was my favorite line in the entire story.

    other than that the reviews I get are pretty stupid...the ones that just say 'good.' it kinda ticks me off -.-
    June 6th, 2011 at 04:10am
  • Zachary Merrick.

    Zachary Merrick. (200)

    United Kingdom
    I got some amazing ones for Oh, Nostalgia on livejournal the other day. In Love
    oh my gosh, this was incredible. your writing... it was just so fantastic. you left enough room for imagination but the basic plot was just so enthralling. i'm not so good at comments but this was just lovely.
    your time gaps were fantastic too; they really helped with the flow of the storyline.
    i can't even give you any criticism, there's nothing i'd be able to come up with. all your characters were great and, of course, i absolutely adore how they ended up back where they started. i really thought that was beautiful, how despite the fact that it took them ten years they finally gained the happiness they had always wanted.
    i'm positive you see just how much i loved this!
    I really like your writing style in this :)
    Its strange, with the dates and the way you almost dictate what is happening, it's a weird perspective for narration. Like, there is no real sense of dialogue or emotion, but you give us all these details so we understand why these things are happening.

    But aw, I love how Alex's character kept clinging on to his past with caring for Hayley's baby and going out with Paul.

    I loved how once they got back together everything was consistent with the dinner dates :)

    This was lovely.
    Beautiful, just beautiful.

    I loved reading how the relationship broke apart and how they both went their separate ways but still managed to hear about each others lives and bump into each other.

    And then how they came back together, after all that time.

    The time line was a brilliant idea to, it gives such a sense of place and of course the huge amounts of time which pass between the snippets. <3
    I'm just so happy that people understood it and liked it, and that it made sense. In Love
    June 7th, 2011 at 12:56am
  • floe239

    floe239 (100)

    United States
    All for Time Stands Still
    I'm only doing the first couple chapters, as I'm hitting up the beach tomorrow and I don't have time to review much more than that before I go to bed :)

    The layout is extremely pretty. It sort of gives you negative thoughts with th scratches, which works I think. It's lovely. Plus that image, oh god, entirely breathtaking.

    I like the beginning- I can this this as a movie after I think about it for a second and I can hear him narrating it. I can see an angryish track teacher grinning, supporting his team and trying to motivate them to work harder.

    The sudden stop and the description makes my heart beat quick. It feels tense and fast, especially with the spacing of the paragraphs. Everything plays into this sort of story for me- very intense and I love the lack of detail at points. Really lets the story paint it's own image in my mind, and I love that sort of stuff. I can see a flashback going on, or a cutaway scene as we watch an ominous camera shooting images of everything. It's awesome.

    That newspaper broke my heart, ohmygod. It's like, you almost expected it, but you didn't at the same time. You can just see the kid staring at it in like, horror before walking away. I know how much it hurts to lose a friend to any form of death; it's sort of just a heartbreaking moment where you realize "I'll never see them again. I'll never hear them again." That's all I can think. That's sort of what I feel like Max is thinking too- I'm loving this so far.

    The next bit opening with the lyrics is perfect. It's a great transition, like it's a polariod popping up of a moment in Max's life and we get to glimpse it. I love how you describe Chealsea as alternative- actually, I just adore this narrative style. It's not too much, it's not too little, and it's not too drone onandonandon. It's just... right. As I said- I can see a movie in my mind and it's great.

    I like how Max almost seems reluctant to go to her house. And I love all the cutaways to facts. I wonder if those two boys think Max was involved in the death of Kyle, yanno? You have this set up like amazingly; I half expect a twist ending where Max has like, actually killed Kyle because he has an entire alternate personality tehe It's just the way I think.

    You've got a pretty good story here, honestly. When I'm not half asleep, I'll finish this and probably leave you a nice comment about it 'cause it's sort of awesome. I feel like you're going to use this wind thing a lot, and that's got me interested like mad because it's not often someone will consistently use a concept they introduced in the beginning without overusing it or not using it enough. Sort of seems like you'll use it just the right amount, though.

    Nice work :)
    This is fantastic!

    My favourite thing about this story is that you create such interesting characters. Kyle and Max both make very intriguing narrators, and I love how you take the time to develop them over the course of the story as characters while still keeping your alternating points of view, which works very well.

    I also love how you end your chapters - you use cliffhangers and I desperately want to go on and read more, but they're not cliché or forced. They just fall in the right places and sound just right in context.

    At the end of chapter 3, you say in your author's note "I can't wait for you guys to get to know Marissa and Abby more!" and I couldn't help but smile, because I couldn't wait either. All your characters are so well-rounded and human and realistic, I just fall in love with them. I can empathise and sympathise with them, despite the fact that they're not perfect or idolised.

    I can't read on any more right now (I got up to chapter 5), but I'm definitely going to do so at some point, because I really want to find out where this goes
    I really love this story and the suspence it holds.
    I haven't quite read a story like this and I think it is extremely well written.
    You're an amazing author and I can't wait for the next chapter,I hope it's updated soon.
    June 8th, 2011 at 03:37am
  • Sheikara

    Sheikara (200)

    United States
    The stupidest feedback I've ever gotten was on my story Red. And I quote: "Wow"

    Seriously, that was all it said. There wasn't even any indication as to what kind of 'wow' it was. Was it 'wow this is good'? 'Wow this is bad'? 'Wow for the sake of wow'? Any of the other kinds of 'wow' floating out in the world? Seriously, that was just. AUGH! So frustrating
    June 17th, 2011 at 12:44am
  • disasterologist.

    disasterologist. (105)

    United States
    The sweetest, on Disenchanted.
    Danse Macabre:
    i like the way in which this was written. it's like various life updates you know? i've never read anything on mibba like it, very unique! oh god, when mikey got diagnosed with cancer i almost cried. why does everyone have to kill mikey?! haha, first the ghost of you video, now this? i also liked the secret song references in there! they were well hidden, nice job ^.^

    also, that apology is nicely placed. it's done in a way, where you don't know who's saying it, and that's a good thing. it makes you wonder, is mikey sorry for what's happening to him, for making frank worry? or is frank sorry that mikey has to suffer? is he sad that he can't do a thing to fix it? it leaves you with questions that a story should leave you with, that simple apology was quite profound.

    the doctor's "It was inevitable" made me so angry. i don't know if that was your intention, but that's how i felt, and i imagined frank felt the same way. how dare the doctor say it was inevitable. everyone's different, it's never inevitable.

    gah! it was just well written, amazing!!
    June 18th, 2011 at 01:46am
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This comment on Ten Things Everyone Should Know made me flail so much:
    oh god, don't wanna weird you out but when i accidentally stumbled upon this i might have flailed a little bit.
    merlin. merlin of my heart.
    i have a tendency of writing long comments, really long, and there's so much i could say about this. but i'm afraid i don't have the time and perhaps it'd end up on me capslocking and quoting eight of the ten sections
    i really liked it and it's been a while since i enjoyed something in mibba. and it's merlin. merlin
    i enjoyed the structure, the pace, and gwaine. oh gwaine, my love for him knows no boundaries. so hot and yet with a heart of gold. you got the voices right and really, you made me feel this sort of casual love they had going on, that yet wasn't so casual. i can't explan it, my brain is dead from the pretty of this /o\
    a great read, thank you for that.
    Also, pretty much any comment from fun ghoul makes my life. In Love She's always so lovely and really thorough too and her comments are just so nice to read when I'm having a bad day.
    June 20th, 2011 at 12:51am
  • kelly of yore

    kelly of yore (100)

    United States
    1. "I read this 3 times & read it to my Sisters. It is extrordinary. I nearly cried at the end, from the symbolism. Also, I've been told that I always had an unusual attachment to my dolls. I will subscribe so that I won't lose it."
    - It made me feel really great knowing that a story of mine actually had an effect on someone.

    2. "This was wonderful! Thank you for writing it."
    - Never been thanked for writing something before so that was pleasantly surprising.

    And, comments like this make me feel fuzzy inside:
    3. "I like how the layout seems like an extension of the stick person, in a way. It's simple, black and white, and not too intricate - just like a stick man. Very, very, cute, and I love how easy is to read. Lately, it seems people have this need to make their layouts so bright and such, but I'm glad you did not. I won't have to switch to the default and enjoy the stick person in all his glory. :) He's quiet the looker, hehe. <333

    Honestly, in the summary, the first few lines bored me. Not your detail, just that things are so gosh darn perfect. Perfect is boring. I know this story probably needed that detail, but still. My interest wasn't caught until the second part where something was found to be wrong with that perfection.

    Chapter One

    I like the title of this chapter. Tulips are really pretty sounding and a gorgeous flower. :) <33

    She favored them above all others.

    All other what? Flowers? People? Animals? I felt like pointing it out because it seems like your thought CD skipped a beat, aha. Just saying.<333 (:

    or defend themselves by saying

    defend should be defending*.

    In all honesty, and I hope this doesn't sound rude, I did not like being slammed with so much information in the very beginning. I didn't particularly care for a life structure lesson or an education in how the perfect people live their lives. I came for an escape to perfection. It may have been nessecary to your plot, but as a reader, I'm going to be honest and say it bored me a little.

    On the other hand, I really did like this idea. I liked that even though the world was supposed to be "Perfect," there were quite a few flaws in their reasoning and their balance. It leaves a nice bit of room for someone, let's say Tama, to come along and shift the weight of that balance, which I do believe she'll do.

    I like the idea of this story. You're a talented writer and this story shows a lot of potential. I didn't find too many errors, but I'd do a once over for grammar just in case. I'm really and truly glad I got to read this.<33 It's really interesting and impressive. :)"
    - Because this commenter was absolutely honest and very helpful, I was able to improve upon the actual story while feeling that I had the capability to really fix my story.

    As far as Stupidest goes, there's not a lot. I haven't had anyone bash a story yet, though I do expect it as I know I don't share the same interests with everyone. I think if/when I do get a bashing from someone, that will be the Stupidest just because they wouldn't have anything more to say than "Dude, your story sucks. Don't quit your day job."

    Worst? All of my commenters have been very gracious to me and I am grateful for comments. The only thing I wish I had more of are comments like my number 3 Best. I don't want to go through my whole life thinking I'm a decent writer when everyone knows I can't even hold a pencil against a four-year-old.

    But that's just me. tehe
    June 22nd, 2011 at 02:08am
  • Danny Hampstead

    Danny Hampstead (200)

    United States
    Both are for 1965.

    This isn't exactly the best one that I've received, but it made my day. After I read it, I just couldn't stop smiling:

    I love how Frank and Gerard help each other and try to laugh like normal kids while going through such a traumatic experience. I know that Nam is one of the most traumatizing semi-recent wars in American history, so I hope that Frank and Gerard make it home, and when they make it home I hop they don't have too many issues, like flashbacks and things. I mean, my grandpa knew this guy who came back from Nam and killed his family. So, this is serious stuff. I hope Gerard isn't too terribly effected by it.

    Frank is still cute. I can just see him in a helmet that's too big. It's fucking adorable.

    Now this one has to be one of the best comment that I have ever received. Ever. It was just nice to know that for not doing jack as far as research goes and totally bullshitting my way through the events in the story, I still managed to make them somewhat realistic:

    Your way with words and emotions for this story astound me with each and every update. I think you do well too. The other evening in my creative writing class, an army war vet shared his short story project for this semester. It was grand insight to PTSD that some soldiers deal with on their return to civilian life. My heart ached and yearned for the soldier in his story to find relief and I felt so much gratitude for his strengtt and ability to fight for what he believes in with such vigor.

    For all those words are trying to say, I think you're doing a wonderful job at portraying war and the emotions involved with your lack of expertise in such a setting. I hope that makes sense and you take it for the compliment it's supposed to be.
    June 22nd, 2011 at 06:40am