
  • spiritual advisor.:
    Personally, I don't think there are aliens.
    There's have to be some pretty hard evidence, like footage from the moon or wherever, before I belived there are aliens.
    But the universe is such a vast and infinite place, you really think we are the only planet in the entire Universe that can sustain life?
    October 6th, 2009 at 11:18pm
  • I definitely think there's other intelligent life in Universe.
    Like many of you've already said; Universe is too large not to contain any other form of life.

    We have this project in school where we're going to speculate about wheter there's/ever have been life on Mars or not.
    I like to use my imagination and think that there might...And after seeing a certain sci/fi movie, The Man Who Fell To Earth, I find myself looking at extraordinarily beautiful people and wonder if they really are human.
    October 7th, 2009 at 02:11pm
  • Hi5ulation:
    I definitely think there's other intelligent life in Universe.
    Like many of you've already said; Universe is too large not to contain any other form of life.

    We have this project in school where we're going to speculate about wheter there's/ever have been life on Mars or not.
    I like to use my imagination and think that there might...And after seeing a certain sci/fi movie, The Man Who Fell To Earth, I find myself looking at extraordinarily beautiful people and wonder if they really are human.
    I believe that the universe is the size it is so that we can exist on earth.
    October 8th, 2009 at 04:31am
  • I think we humanize aliens too much. I don't think another intelligent life-form would have the same ferocious curiosity we have. It's obvious that inter-galatic travel is expensive -not just money-wise, although it takes up a lot of resources, it also takes up a lot of time that could be invested in another kinds of development. If aliens do exist, it's very probable that they're not like us and that they understand that getting in contact with another species thousands of light years away would have very few obvious advantages.
    October 10th, 2009 at 09:55am
  • Elliott Preston:
    I definitely think there's other intelligent life in Universe.
    Like many of you've already said; Universe is too large not to contain any other form of life.

    We have this project in school where we're going to speculate about wheter there's/ever have been life on Mars or not.
    I like to use my imagination and think that there might...And after seeing a certain sci/fi movie, The Man Who Fell To Earth, I find myself looking at extraordinarily beautiful people and wonder if they really are human.
    I believe that the universe is the size it is so that we can exist on earth.
    The universe doesn't really have a size? It's infinite right? So that means only we, a few 6 Billion People are able to survive in this vast and endless universe?
    October 10th, 2009 at 10:14am
  • Sardonic Grin:
    The universe doesn't really have a size? It's infinite right? So that means only we, a few 6 Billion People are able to survive in this vast and endless universe?
    Yes. That's what I believe.
    October 10th, 2009 at 11:56am
  • I believe in them.
    Everyone has already said this, but I agree: We can't be the only ones out there.

    But c'mon. Some of us refuse to believe they exist, maybe they don't think we exist.

    I've seen things in the sky(flashing lights, round objects, etc), and had no explanation except possible UFOs.

    I think that if there are aliens, or other creatures of some sort, they're highly advanced in science and engineering.
    Humanity is too stupid to create things such as UFOs and whatnot.

    I also think that on their planets, which are obviously in other universes, they don't have flying vehicles and all that mumbojumbo. They probably live very normal lives, and hell, maybe they look similar to humans.

    On a bit of a side note - If they do exist, they don't live in our universe. Other universes obviously exist(they're the stars we see at night[stars are just suns] - just mentioning that for people who didn't know or don't pay attention in science class), and why would they all be empty?

    Along with the universe & alien concept, the stars are bright at night, which means that they must have different time zones.
    So, if I'm awake, aliens are sleeping. :D

    Just my opinion on extra terrestrials.
    October 31st, 2009 at 08:04pm
  • I believe in them because if were living on this planet something else would be on another planet that we haven't discovered yet
    November 1st, 2009 at 10:03am
  • flawed perfection;;:
    Other universes obviously exist(they're the stars we see at night[stars are just suns] - just mentioning that for people who didn't know or don't pay attention in science class), and why would they all be empty?
    There is one universe; it comprises everything that physically exists. What you are referring to is galaxies. You do have a point though about the fact that it's likely that they are not all empty.
    November 1st, 2009 at 01:09pm
  • Alexface.:
    There is one universe; it comprises everything that physically exists. What you are referring to is galaxies. You do have a point though about the fact that it's likely that they are not all empty.
    They might be empty because the Universe had to eb the size it is so we could live on Earth. [And when I say we I mean the plants and animals too...]
    November 2nd, 2009 at 01:52am
  • Sardonic Grin:
    But the universe is such a vast and infinite place, you really think we are the only planet in the entire Universe that can sustain life?
    I think this too. I mean, what are the chances of there being only one place that can sustain life? It seems highly unlikely, and there are allegedly millions of galaxies we are yet to explore.
    November 18th, 2009 at 11:15pm
  • I believe there are advanced lifeforms on other planets. There has to be if you think about it. The universe is infinately large, and we are only one, microscopic speck of dust in it. It wouldn't make sense to be the only planet in the entire universe to hold life like ours. There may not be any life else where in the Milky Way, but on other galexies. I also believe that these lifeforms have been visiting Earth. there are too many coincidences for this to not be true. Going back to ancient civilizations, there are pictures of rockets, and aircrafts on mesopotamian art, and the heiroglyfics show many aircraft like we have today and even before that, there are caveperson drawings of large "UFOs" and alien-like people.

    This is just my own opinion, however, and you can take it or leave it at will..
    January 8th, 2010 at 12:13pm
  • I bet if America met aliens, most of the people with the stick up their ass would start finding holes to poke at and hey...we got ourselves an America vs. Aliens war..
    January 10th, 2010 at 10:38am
  • I believe in aliens. They might not be here now, or could be, but I believe in them.

    Anything is possible, right? I think that if other lifeforms are living out there in other galaxies, then they don't want to be discovered, if we ever could travel to other galaxies. I think, as humans, if we discover something, we have the urge to take it over and make it ours to show off how powerful we are.

    I would, in my opinion, leave whatever lifeforms out there alone. I don't want anyone taking over them or even disturbing them. You don't see them, whereever they are, coming to Earth and taking over us, do you? If they haven't done anything to us, then we shouldn't do anything to them.

    That is my view on this.
    January 11th, 2010 at 12:23am
  • We've only been able to explore our own universe so far... the Voyager missons that were launched in the 70's have just recently left the Sun's orbit. We've hardly explored anything yet.

    Does life exist on other planets? Of course! What are the odds that they don't, considering we do? of the countless stars in the universe could you honest say it's impossible for a planet to orbit the same distance from it's star as we do?
    January 13th, 2010 at 09:16am
  • 1. We don't know, but there's two different things going on here. Life may exist, but the more pertinent question is 'does intelligent life exist elsewhere?' intelligent being the key word there.

    2. The probability of life...high. The probability of intelligent life? No idea, but probably not as likely.

    3. Yes, I could honestly say that if you couple it with exactly the right chemical elements and life conditions as our solar system.
    January 14th, 2010 at 08:36am
  • I beleive that there must be something out there, not necessarily little green men, but something.
    January 26th, 2010 at 05:45pm
  • I didnt believe in aliens or... was scared to believe (and still am to an extent)
    this site is pretty interesting -
    March 26th, 2010 at 07:11pm
  • Aliens are cool. Are they there? Maybe. Who are we to say if there is something beyond us?
    April 16th, 2010 at 11:31pm
  • They freak me out.
    I'm pretty sure they do exist though,
    they're probably just not visible
    to the human eye.
    Maybe underneath the surface
    of other planets?
    April 19th, 2010 at 12:30am