What's Your Opinion on Slash?

  • Mindfreak.:
    I've gotten horribly addicted.
    I can't read anything but Frerard anymore, and the random Original Fiction that has to be written REALLY well.

    I've gotten to the point where I don't post my original fiction, no one reads it and it makes me feel like a shitty author. I only write Frerard, Frikey and Waycest now, since I actually get feedback on those.

    I know, I know, I'm terrible.

    And to make it worse-ish, I'll never read Girl/Guy stories.

    You read my guy/girl one... now I feel proud!!

    I promise you, one day I will do a Frerard I am as proud of as 'The truth that hurts' I just need a good idea :)
    October 7th, 2007 at 04:16am
  • Harmony77uk:
    I've gotten horribly addicted.
    I can't read anything but Frerard anymore, and the random Original Fiction that has to be written REALLY well.

    I've gotten to the point where I don't post my original fiction, no one reads it and it makes me feel like a shitty author. I only write Frerard, Frikey and Waycest now, since I actually get feedback on those.

    I know, I know, I'm terrible.

    And to make it worse-ish, I'll never read Girl/Guy stories.

    You read my guy/girl one... now I feel proud!!

    I promise you, one day I will do a Frerard I am as proud of as 'The truth that hurts' I just need a good idea :)
    Thats different.
    You're one of my friends on mibba.
    If I saw a random story and went into it and it was guy/girl.
    I'd click out of it.

    October 7th, 2007 at 04:54am
  • Mindfreak.:
    I've gotten horribly addicted.
    I can't read anything but Frerard anymore, and the random Original Fiction that has to be written REALLY well.

    I've gotten to the point where I don't post my original fiction, no one reads it and it makes me feel like a shitty author. I only write Frerard, Frikey and Waycest now, since I actually get feedback on those.

    I know, I know, I'm terrible.

    And to make it worse-ish, I'll never read Girl/Guy stories.

    You read my guy/girl one... now I feel proud!!

    I promise you, one day I will do a Frerard I am as proud of as 'The truth that hurts' I just need a good idea :)
    Thats different.
    You're one of my friends on mibba.
    If I saw a random story and went into it and it was guy/girl.
    I'd click out of it.

    Way to shatter that good 'I have made it' feeling... lol... cheers!
    October 7th, 2007 at 05:07am
  • It's Slightly Annoying That Most Of The Stories On Here Are To Do With That.
    October 7th, 2007 at 05:23am
  • TechnoPanda:
    It's Slightly Annoying That Most Of The Stories On Here Are To Do With That.
    i agree.

    i think they're horribly horribly cliched now. Too much of a trend, and now everyone wants to write them (Excluding me)

    It also annoys me that those stories get the bulk of the readers, while us who write more original non-gay stories get ignored.

    I've said all I want to. Go on and trashtalk me. I've heard it all from simple "you're stupid" to getting death threats...
    October 8th, 2007 at 06:59am
  • ^
    I think most of them are cliched.
    But... in the "real world" most stories are heterosexual.
    Just saying...
    October 8th, 2007 at 07:08am
  • Het is JUST as cliche.
    Honestly, I don't read by the fandom.
    Slash, het, whatever.
    I read it if the author is good. Not because she writes slash or het or original or Fall Out Boy or My Chemical Romance or Spongebob Squarepants.
    The reason I don't read het is because most of the time the female characters are unbelievable. That's just my take on it, really.
    October 8th, 2007 at 07:53am
  • snow job.:
    Het is JUST as cliche.
    Honestly, I don't read by the fandom.
    Quite true.
    Girl in a band meets musician and fucks him.
    The end.
    October 8th, 2007 at 08:03am
  • druscilla; sain:
    snow job.:
    Het is JUST as cliche.
    Honestly, I don't read by the fandom.
    Quite true.
    Girl in a band meets musician and fucks him.
    The end.
    The only het stories I read are from Nikki (Adora Angel). Because the other i have seen have never been particularly interesting. Nikki's stories at least hold originality to them. Even though Rapture has to do with meeting the band, it takes place way before the band got big and works through it. Also, in het stories, the author tends to glorify whoever they are with. Like if one is with Gerard way, he is always the sweetest and most understanding guy ever.
    October 8th, 2007 at 08:15am
  • The only hets I'm writing right now are also slash.
    Because, basically, I just like slash better.
    I did start a Pete/Liz one once though.
    As a present.
    October 8th, 2007 at 08:19am
  • druscilla; sain:
    I love slash.
    Frerard = gag me.
    Waycest = do a damn good job and don't fuck up this wonderful pairing.
    Frikey = simple.
    Bobard = never read, never will.

    But I don't read/write My Chem anymore.
    ^ I write it just don't post it.
    Ferard has been SO overdone.
    October 8th, 2007 at 08:30am
  • It's kind of a shame that certain fandoms have such bad reps though, I have to say that. Cause it tends to stop people from really finding good stories to read. Like, I do feel like my Frerard Nanashi is a good story and my Het story Disturbia; and I am sure there are great het stories out there in storyland.
    October 8th, 2007 at 08:34am
  • I love Waycest, but I think it's so hard to do it properly. The only way I've ever been able to really write it was with minimal speaking.
    It's near impossible to have them get together in a story, unless you're an amazing writer or can think of some clever circumstances.
    Plus, there are so many cliches.

    Still, I love to read. It's worth it, when someone does it well.

    As to the others, well, I only really read Waycest, so I wouldn't know.

    I read a Bobard or whatever it is, once. It was really well written. It's actually one of the best stories I've ever read, but I can't find where it is or if I even saved it. >/

    But nah
    I love the conflict of Waycest too much
    October 8th, 2007 at 01:23pm
  • pistolparadox:
    I love Waycest, but I think it's so hard to do it properly. The only way I've ever been able to really write it was with minimal speaking.
    It's near impossible to have them get together in a story, unless you're an amazing writer or can think of some clever circumstances.
    Plus, there are so many cliches.

    Still, I love to read. It's worth it, when someone does it well.

    As to the others, well, I only really read Waycest, so I wouldn't know.

    I read a Bobard or whatever it is, once. It was really well written. It's actually one of the best stories I've ever read, but I can't find where it is or if I even saved it. >/

    But nah
    I love the conflict of Waycest too much
    I LOVE Waycest. :tehe:
    October 8th, 2007 at 07:12pm
  • snow job.:
    Het is JUST as cliche.
    Honestly, I don't read by the fandom.
    Slash, het, whatever.
    I read it if the author is good. Not because she writes slash or het or original or Fall Out Boy or My Chemical Romance or Spongebob Squarepants.
    The reason I don't read het is because most of the time the female characters are unbelievable. That's just my take on it, really.
    Yeah. The female characters are unrealistic and most of the time, intolerable. And there's that underlying thought that you KNOW those characters are self-inserts for the authors to make their dreams materialize through paper (i.e. fucking their fave bandmates in stories).
    October 8th, 2007 at 07:14pm
  • The Way:
    I love Waycest, but I think it's so hard to do it properly. The only way I've ever been able to really write it was with minimal speaking.
    It's near impossible to have them get together in a story, unless you're an amazing writer or can think of some clever circumstances.
    Plus, there are so many cliches.

    Still, I love to read. It's worth it, when someone does it well.

    As to the others, well, I only really read Waycest, so I wouldn't know.

    I read a Bobard or whatever it is, once. It was really well written. It's actually one of the best stories I've ever read, but I can't find where it is or if I even saved it. >/

    But nah
    I love the conflict of Waycest too much
    I LOVE Waycest. :tehe:
    I don't read it unless I know it is by an author that's good.
    Because I think Waycest is one of the most emotionally fraught and beautiful pairings and I would hate to see it destroyed.
    October 8th, 2007 at 11:15pm
  • ^ Dru your "Wrong is Relative" is like :cheese: Amazing Waycest, it blows me away every time I read it.


    Li'z "Support Group Cofee..." is the single most original Ferard I have ever read, its undoubtedly the BEST Ferard I've read aswell...


    And Het disturbs me a little...
    October 9th, 2007 at 09:20pm
  • shalisa who?:
    Li'z "Support Group Cofee..." is the single most original Ferard I have ever read, its undoubtedly the BEST Ferard I've read aswell...
    It's the only one I read.
    October 9th, 2007 at 10:36pm
  • snow job.:
    Het is JUST as cliche.
    Honestly, I don't read by the fandom.
    Slash, het, whatever.
    I read it if the author is good. Not because she writes slash or het or original or Fall Out Boy or My Chemical Romance or Spongebob Squarepants.
    The reason I don't read het is because most of the time the female characters are unbelievable. That's just my take on it, really.
    I admit that out of the list of mibba fics I read, most are Frerards,
    because that's also what I write, and also, most of the stories that
    I consider 'the best' on this site, tend to be Frerard or My Chemical
    Romance pairings... but honestly? The important thing is the plot
    and the story line and the characters. Characaterization goes so
    far beyond which band members are in the story that in a truely well-
    written story, fandom shoudn't matter that much.
    October 10th, 2007 at 04:34am
  • I love slash, okay? I read a bit of het but it bores me now. It's all about the sex in most of those. Truthfully I hardly read het anymore.

    But what I love in a good slash is the emotion and the nature of the relationship between -insert pairing- .

    There are a lot of badly written Frerards on Mibba for sure, everyone is pretty much writing it. With or without any talent, they still continue with it. It erritates me when I see a story with a high rating and loads of comments and when I read I found it's one of those two dimension character stories filled with badly written sex scenes and meaningless 'Frank and Gerard met, loved each other, became a couple and had sex' plots. And most of those are written by 13-14 year old girls who (I think are way too young to be familiar with this genre of writing).
    But Sarah (Bastard Son.) had done a fantastic job with It's Not A Mistake If You Repeat It which happened to be my first Frerard. And I was lucky that it was, because it's the reason that got me into slash in the first place.

    Waycest isn't my thing but I think I'll give it a shot in the near future, when I have the capticty to read another story. (My brain is burnt out from so much reviewing, that I even review everything that I lay my eyes on without realizing it).

    Fueled By Ramen pairings don't come to me as prominent within the slash writing community here but it sure is getting it's share of the attention.

    I also noticed that the stories with most comments are slash. Sad as it is, most people ignore original slash and head to band based slash. Even though the story may come out as crappy it still gets most of attention. Good ones can be ignored as well, as mostly 13 year olds are the ones who are commenting with two word statements.

    It's sad.
    -shakes head-

    And I do write slash, and I don't focus on the sex that much. Even though it's a male pairing it have the same ups and downs and insecurites as a het relationship between a guy and girl should. Love is the same no matter what gender is involved it in.
    October 10th, 2007 at 05:24pm