Why Do You Write This Genre/Fandom/Rating/Topic...?

  • ^AU means Alternate Universe - so where you might put characters from movies/books/band members in a situation where they are not in a band, or not in their original setting/time etc
    June 18th, 2009 at 06:45am
  • I write fan-fiction because:
    a) I love to imagine what my favorite people's lives could be like.
    b) It's hard for me to describe original characters.
    c) I find it more entertaining.

    I write slash because:
    a) I find two guys in a relationship hot.
    b) Guys are fun to write.
    c) Who doesn't want to see two guys get it on?

    I write boysex :tehe: because:
    a) It's entertaining.
    b) I really don't want to write about vaginas.
    c) Two guys making sweet sweet love is just adorable.
    d) It's super delicious!
    June 18th, 2009 at 07:14am
  • I write about The Horrors together because they're all clearly not heterosexual, even if they do say they are.
    They need to realise this.
    June 18th, 2009 at 11:16am
  • I write heterosexual stories because...

    I've written simple G-rated slash before on request. It's possible and I'm capable of writing it yet I don't find it particularly special or more emotionally deep than heterosexual pairings. That being said, I enjoy writing about the psychological and occasionally physical changes involved when guy likes girl in odd, sometimes complicated situations.

    I write [professional] hockey fan fiction because...
    a. I fell in love with the sport itself when I was a lot younger and it has played at least some role in almost all of my stories since day one.
    b. A few years ago, I was at a local game and realized something...
    A few guys on the team are nice to look at.
    c. A lot of the guys have very distinct personalities and entertaining superstitions. Stuff like that combined with a completely contrary on or off-ice reputation make for great characters.
    d. I enjoy defeating that stupid toothless idiot stereotype in my stories and putting emphasis on how well the boys can think. A lot of them are Ivy League grads! Why not express them that way?

    I write romance because...
    a. It's therapeutic. Like everyone goes through, I've been hurt emotionally by the opposite sex. It feels good to write about what can happen to people in and after the recovery process.
    June 18th, 2009 at 12:04pm
  • Jon Walker.:
    I write about The Horrors together because they're all clearly not heterosexual, even if they do say they are.
    They need to realise this.

    I don't write fan-fiction because I suck at making the characters realistic; I always end up making them the same they are on interviews and stuff.
    June 18th, 2009 at 06:56pm
  • I use to write only poems because so I could give my mom a sense of what I was thinking from time to time. But now I do it so people can understand different things. I'm an Original fiction writer and I sometimes have a lot to talk about and then I switched from OF to FF, but only for awhile. I'm an OF at heart.

    I write about dreams because all of my stories were thoughts I had for a long time and finally got courage to post them.
    June 18th, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • Horrorland's Love:
    Jon Walker.:
    I write about The Horrors together because they're all clearly not heterosexual, even if they do say they are.
    They need to realise this.
    True story.
    June 19th, 2009 at 09:10am
  • I write originals because I love creating characters from scratch and I love working on subtle ways to develop characters and work it into the story. I also love pulling together and working on plots and ideas (especially when I'm working on a sci-fi story). And I love the feeling of creating something that's 100% mine.

    I write in third person (most of the time) because I like being able to get inside many different characters' heads. I like being able to express different points of views and show how differently people can view a certain situation. And trying to make 3rd person feel personal is a challenge and I enjoy working on it.
    June 19th, 2009 at 05:50pm
  • This.Useless.Heart.:
    I don't write slash because:
    1. I don't feel it's right to change someone's basic personality. [as I've already stated.] Sexual orientation is one of the most basic personality details and most slash-fics pair 2 men that aren't even gay and are certainly not so with each other.
    I don't think sexual orientation is a basic personality trait. The stories I write, the characters would have the same personalities if they were straight. Who they sleep with is incidental. They're still themselves.

    My personality didn't change between the times I thought I was gay, straight, bi, and pan.

    I mean, I respect your decision not to write slash. I just don't see how it's a personality trait and how it changes someone's basic personality. If you write it correctly, it definitely should not do that.
    June 20th, 2009 at 08:23am
  • I write fanfiction because
    - I care about my characters.
    - I am passionate about the storylines.
    - The stories mean more to me than original fiction ever will/could.

    I write slash because
    - I find it more emotionally deep and intriguing, even the sex.
    - I enjoy writing gay sex scenes because I feel an extra layer and an extra language within it.
    - Everyone I write about has probably fucked or jerked off to everyone else I write about. (AKA, I write about Fueled By Ramen.)
    - I absolutely detest writing female characters.

    I write Ryden because
    - I can do different things with the characters while still retaining the integrity of them as a stock character.
    - Duh?

    I don't write het other than Druden/DruRyden because
    - I hate creating female characters.
    - I hate writing female characters.
    - I hate writing about vaginas.
    - I hate writing het sex scenes and I hate no writing sex scenes.

    I write self-insertion because
    - It's therapeutic.
    - I feel like it's stating a universal truth or something important without be narcissistic or self-glorifying or creepy.
    - Sometimes I need to make myself believe people love me.

    I don't write original fiction (very often; I think I have one or two on Mibba) because
    - I don't care about the characters.
    - I don't care about the story.
    - It doesn't mean anything to me.
    - I have no investment in it.
    - It doesn't feel like writing. I don't feel safe.
    June 20th, 2009 at 08:28am
  • saint druscilla.:
    I write fanfiction because:
    a.) Sometimes, I'm just too lazy to come up with my own characters.
    b.) I'm guaranteed an audience when I write fanfiction--a luxury you don't have with original fiction.
    Sadly, those are the reasons I always hear as to why fanfiction is a joke or not real literature.

    And they aren't my reasons.

    I think it actually takes a lot of work to make a fanfiction character believable.
    And there is a lot of fanfiction on here that gets overlooked despite a built-in fanbase.
    I know it takes a lot of work to write good fanfiction. I just don't take my own fanfic writing that seriously. Most of the stories that I'm serious about writing are original fiction.

    Good point. Yeah, I didn't word Point B very well, come to think of it. It isn't so much a guarantee for an audience as a greater possibility of hits than if one wrote original fiction. (Unless you've already gained popularity as a writer, which I haven't.)
    June 21st, 2009 at 04:46am
  • I wrote If These Walls Could Talk originally for two reasons.

    1. It was a way for me to speak to someone in my life, a real person, with my real thoughts. It's very theraputic.

    2. I was questioning people's attachment to slash and fanfiction. I left my characters nameless and genderless because I wanted it to be an experiment. When I wrote it, I imagined a Frerard. Yes. I wanted to put myself in that position, to understand it. I didn't make that known because I didn't want it to turn into something like that... and because I couldn't face that if I did, a lot more people would read it.
    June 23rd, 2009 at 04:05am
  • I write fan fiction because:
    -I find it easier to come up with a plot
    -I love the music they create, it makes me want to make art. (Not that I'd classify what I write as art, but still, you know what I mean.)
    -I want readers, damnation. (:tehe:)
    -It's kind of my way of meeting the members of bands I know I'll never meet, if that makes sense.
    June 23rd, 2009 at 02:16pm
  • I write Dir en grey slash fanfiction because:
    - They're my favourite band.
    - It's easy to write them as being gay, even Kyo, since they did all that fanservice stuff, wore make up... and still act gay?
    - I don't care if no one reads it, I love writing it.
    - I enjoy making my favourite member/crush get nailed by his bandmates/Miyavi.
    Not that I've written any sex yet :XD
    - It just happens. I go to write and that's what comes out.
    June 23rd, 2009 at 02:36pm
  • I write moment in time fanfiction because:

    - All of life is just a series of moments and stories should be a reflection of life.
    - A lot of my more recent stories are to help me cope. And I only need to cope with one situation at a time.
    - I like endings that don't wrap up anything and you understand them, but you don't at the same time.
    October 12th, 2009 at 06:36am
  • I write fan-fiction because my heart beats for the people I write about, and for me, writing is such an intimate thing that I need that connection. I write fan-fiction because these are people whose personalities are so fascinating, different, and at the same time relateable to me that I can't imagine not writing about them, or anyone else.
    I write Frerard because they fit together. Their personalities match, their bodies work together.

    Simply? I write about My Chemical Romance because I love them and without writing I would have no way to ever even begin to release that affection into anything positive.
    October 13th, 2009 at 02:24am
  • I write Taking Back Sunday Slash

    Because there's not enough on Mibba
    Because I love reading it
    Because it makes me giggle tehe
    October 14th, 2009 at 06:47pm
  • I write fantasy stories because sometimes realism isn't exciting enough.
    - because if I believe they're real enough times, it may just come true.
    - because who wants to read something you see everyday?
    October 14th, 2009 at 08:18pm
  • I write fanfiction because the people I write about inspire me, in every single
    way, especially in writing and creativity. Why wouldn't I want to bring the stories
    I come up with about these people out in the open?

    I don't write slash because
    a.) I'm not so wonderful at sex.
    b.) I'm terrible at writing from a man's point of view.
    c.) I'm afraid I'd offend people at how horrendous I am at it.
    October 14th, 2009 at 08:23pm
  • paranormality.:
    I write fan-fiction because my heart beats for the people I write about, and for me, writing is such an intimate thing that I need that connection. I write fan-fiction because these are people whose personalities are so fascinating, different, and at the same time relateable to me that I can't imagine not writing about them, or anyone else.
    I write Frerard because they fit together. Their personalities match, their bodies work together.

    Simply? I write about My Chemical Romance because I love them and without writing I would have no way to ever even begin to release that affection into anything positive.
    Yes This is basically what I was going to say.
    October 14th, 2009 at 11:44pm