Writer's Block

  • When I have writers' block, I don't update for 4 months. And like lyrical_mess, I get my ideas mostly in shower! And sometimes, what's been happening in my life.
    October 20th, 2007 at 09:00pm
  • druscilla; flatlined:
    Pathetic Loser:
    All you are something better than Writers Block
    I didn't even get that...
    Hmm.. maybe she's trying to say that you guys are way better to have writers' block. :?: Not sure about it.
    October 20th, 2007 at 09:02pm
  • I've found that if you write something, anything, then ideas and words begin to flow again. Even if you just write down things that happened to you today, then it will lead to something else.
    October 22nd, 2007 at 01:56am
  • lyrical_mess:
    I get all my good ideas in the shower...:shifty.
    Me too, it's actually annoying! I'll be shampooing my hair, and then an idea comes, and I'll start writing it in my head and saying stuff out loud. And after about 30 minutes, the water has run cold, my hair has lost all natural oils, and my mother thinks I am either having shower sex or I have fallen down the drain. (There's more of a chance of me falling down the drain than there is of me EVER having shower sex!)
    But most of the stuff you read from me on here was thought up while in the shower. =]
    October 22nd, 2007 at 02:00am
  • Let's see, how do I kill writer's block?

    ~Thinking in the shower
    ~Driving around
    ~Watching TV
    ~Listening to music
    ~IM convos with my best friends
    ~Opening the story on Word and re-readig parts, or staring at it, trying to force myself to start typing. And usually when I start typing, I get back on track.

    Mmmhmm, that's about it. Usually when I'm in the shower though, I get ideas for new stories too.
    October 22nd, 2007 at 07:08pm
  • I'd drive around, if it was even legal.

    And chocolate sometimes helps me.... it inspires slashy thoughts about chocolate fondue, anyway.
    October 27th, 2007 at 12:40am
  • Long car drives, or when I take my horse for a ride around the dam. There's something about the wind hitting you at high speeds as you gallop that makes me tick.

    I also like sitting on our front gate, looking across the road to the other houses and sweeping plains. Everything's just so... open.
    October 28th, 2007 at 05:24am
  • + Car rides.
    + Showers.
    + When I'm lying in bed at night, thinking.
    + Daydreaming in lessons. :tehe:
    + Reading a book.
    + Flicking through a poem book I own.

    These are all ways I cure writers block. It's just searching for inspiration really.
    October 28th, 2007 at 05:43am
  • The shower, definitely. I plan on taking lotsa showers during NaNo to keep my plots up. =]
    Television - I love the crime network, the history channel, natgeo, discovery...sometimes I love documentaries more than my regular programming. It can really clue you in on subjects you never even thought about before. Fantastic inspiration.
    I used to get some ideas when I walked home from school. [But now my house is too far out to walk, sadly.]
    Watching the way people act and imagining what might be going on with them can construct plots and characters in your mind that get your writing back in action again.
    Sometimes you just need the right thing for your mind to suddenly pounce on an idea and begin spewing out words again.
    [/my two cents]
    October 28th, 2007 at 05:53am
  • It took me playing Kingdom Hearts all the way through six time before finally coming up with one of my stories. . . .


    well, thank you Sora. x)
    October 31st, 2007 at 02:58am
  • I get writer's block quite a bit, actually, but that's mainly because I'm usually very tired when I write, and I'm half asleep. But the way that I help myself get over it for that update is:

    *Read other stories for inspiration. Not plagiarize, but... ya know, get inspired to write something.

    *Listen to music. If I can't think of someone specific to listen to, I'll go to MySpace and browse various genres to see what kinds of people are there. Usually I find some good stuff, but mainly for my original story I've been listening to a lot of Bright Eyes, Desaparecidos, and "Mad World."

    *Call my best friend, who's helped me throughout a lot of stuff. She usually needs to read what I've got so far before she can come up with ideas, but she's read most of my stuff. She comes up with really good ideas.

    *And if I was at the legal age, I'd probably go drive around. I've only ever driven anything once in my whole life, and I ended up with the front right wheel in a ditch by someone's mailbox. We were in the Boondocks, though, so that's good.

    *I once read a book about writing, and the author said not to stop your pen/fingers, because if you do, you'll just end up getting worse. So I usually have to move around before I think of something.

    *I take my own life experiences and put it into a story.
    October 31st, 2007 at 10:01am
  • Whenever I'm trying to sleep. And, if I'm so hopeless that I can't sleep.. I'll try to think of what should happen in my story or.. let my imagination work. Sometimes, when I'm not doing anything, my imagination is so wild. :tehe:

    I read others' story. I read books.
    October 31st, 2007 at 06:38pm
  • omgsh mikey:
    I get writer's block quite a bit, actually, but that's mainly because I'm usually very tired when I write, and I'm half asleep. But the way that I help myself get over it for that update is:

    *Read other stories for inspiration. Not plagiarize, but... ya know, get inspired to write something.

    *Listen to music. If I can't think of someone specific to listen to, I'll go to MySpace and browse various genres to see what kinds of people are there. Usually I find some good stuff, but mainly for my original story I've been listening to a lot of Bright Eyes, Desaparecidos, and "Mad World."

    *Call my best friend, who's helped me throughout a lot of stuff. She usually needs to read what I've got so far before she can come up with ideas, but she's read most of my stuff. She comes up with really good ideas.

    *And if I was at the legal age, I'd probably go drive around. I've only ever driven anything once in my whole life, and I ended up with the front right wheel in a ditch by someone's mailbox. We were in the Boondocks, though, so that's good.

    *I once read a book about writing, and the author said not to stop your pen/fingers, because if you do, you'll just end up getting worse. So I usually have to move around before I think of something.

    *I take my own life experiences and put it into a story.
    Also, if you try writing down your dreams right when you wake up, you could find something perfect.
    November 3rd, 2007 at 11:09am
  • When I have Writer's Block, I just endulge myself into calm and relaxing activities. Or I just spend sometime alone and think.

    Drawing helps too. If you feel like you can't express yourself through writing, then you can turn to drawing. Also, when I have Writer's Block, I read books and stories on Mibba, GSB, Sullen-Riot, INO, and other writing sites.

    Sometimes I also just make comics and I even go to places for inspiration, like the cemetary is one of them. And the beach. I surround myself with nature to help me concentrate and find inspiration to draw and write.
    November 3rd, 2007 at 01:02pm
  • I get writer's block many many times, unfortunately...the idea just goes...but sometimes I just wait for it to come back again, or I just think. I'll listen to music and my mind will wander about things....

    Oh my God, I have a story idea...hang on...
    November 5th, 2007 at 05:00am
  • I don't know if this has been mentioned before but there is this amazing book called writers block - its literally a block and on each page there are mini exercises to do that helps you to overcome your writers block
    my writer's craft teacher used it all the time - if you ever see it buy it - I use it all the time and it always works!
    November 16th, 2007 at 02:28am
  • I have a question.
    Would hating every word you put down be a sign of writer's block?
    'Cause that's what happening right now.
    I hate everything I've written.
    I just hope it's writer's block...
    December 7th, 2007 at 03:19am
  • scandalous.:
    I have a question.
    Would hating every word you put down be a sign of writer's block?
    'Cause that's what happening right now.
    I hate everything I've written.
    I just hope it's writer's block...
    Happens to me with every single part, almost. Yeah, I think so. I usually re-write a part like three or four times because I find myself writing stuff I hate when I've got writers block.
    December 7th, 2007 at 05:53am
  • I get my ideas when I sleep but the when I wake up I can't remember them or I will remember them but it's way too screwed up. It sucks.
    December 8th, 2007 at 05:06pm
  • I find that listening to Classical music helps...well, me anyway. I always have baths to think of something. Making yourself the character mentally makes it easier to start writing.
    December 8th, 2007 at 05:14pm